2  [npc]
3    display_name=_( "Samoan the Healer" )
4    level=7
5    name="Samoan the Healer"
6    position="277,274"
7    subtype="Nature"
8    type="healer"
9  [/npc]
10  [npc]
11    display_name=_( "Uxuril the Healer" )
12    level=8
13    name="Uxuril the Healer"
14    position="248,193"
15    subtype="Nature"
16    type="healer"
17  [/npc]
18  [npc]
19    display_name=_( "Farona the Healer" )
20    level=8
21    name="Farona the Healer"
22    position="277,128"
23    subtype="Nature"
24    type="healer"
25  [/npc]
26  [npc]
27    display_name=_( "Yxaliz the Healer" )
28    level=7
29    name="Yxaliz the Healer"
30    position="295,148"
31    subtype="Nature"
32    type="healer"
33  [/npc]
34  [npc]
35    display_name=_( "Seremor the Healer" )
36    level=9
37    name="Seremor the Healer"
38    position="327,235"
39    subtype="Nature"
40    type="healer"
41  [/npc]
42  [conversation]
43    answer.0=_( "Be welcome in our humble $monastery wanderer." )
44    answer.1=_( "I'm afraid I can't help you with that." )
45    answer.1.1=_( "May you find that which you seek." )
46    answer.2=_( "Within these bare walls, we offer our devotion to the gods. We also act as a $safe haven for those abroad. You too may $rest within our halls for as long as you like." )
47    answer.3=_( "Currently we have no guests staying with us. Ever since the $haunting began in our $cellars, we've had no visitors." )
48    answer.4=_( "A couple of months ago, one of our order did not return from the $cellars when he went looking for candles. None of us dare venture $down there ever since." )
49    answer.5=_( "We hear strange noises coming from below... they sound like frogs croaking. If you wish to investigate, please use the stairs next to the main worship hall." )
50    answer.6=_( "Hmm... no, I can't say I've ever heard that name before. We're just peaceful $monks here." )
51    keyphrase.0="_INTRO_"
52    keyphrase.1="_UNKNOWN_"
53    keyphrase.2=_( "monks,monastery" )
54    keyphrase.3=_( "safe,rest" )
55    keyphrase.4=_( "haunting" )
56    keyphrase.5=_( "cellars,down" )
57    keyphrase.6=_( "Mycotharsius" )
58    name="general"
59  [/conversation]