1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
8 #include <QTimer>
9 #include "deferredtask.h"
DeferredTask(QObject * parent)11 DeferredTask::DeferredTask(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent)
12 {
13 	init();
14 }
~DeferredTask()16 DeferredTask::~DeferredTask()
17 {
18 	cleanup();
19 }
init()21 void DeferredTask::init()
22 {
23 	m_status = Status_NotStarted,
24 	m_lastError.clear();
25 	// Build the timer we'll use to access the event loop
26 	m_timer = new QTimer(this);
27 	Q_CHECK_PTR(m_timer);
28 	// and hook up to it.
29 	connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(next()) );
30 }
cleanup()32 void DeferredTask::cleanup()
33 {
34 	// We're being destroyed while the search is running.
35 	if (m_status == Status_Running)
36 	{
37 		m_status = Status_Failed;
38 		// Report a failure. This error generally indicates a program bug,
39 		// non-translatable because it should never be user visible.
40 		m_lastError = "DeferredTask unexpectedly deleted";
41 		emit aborted(false);
42 	}
43 	// Our timer, if we have one, is automatically destroyed when
44 	// we are so don't worry about it.
45 }
isFinished() const47 bool DeferredTask::isFinished() const
48 {
49 	return m_status == Status_Finished;
50 }
lastError() const52 const QString& DeferredTask::lastError() const
53 {
54 	Q_ASSERT(m_status == Status_Cancelled || m_status == Status_Failed || m_status == Status_Finished);
55 	Q_ASSERT(!m_lastError.isNull());
56 	return m_lastError;
57 }
start()59 void DeferredTask::start()
60 {
61 	m_status = Status_Running;
62 	// Start the timer to do our search in the event loop's idle time
63 	m_timer->setSingleShot(false);
64 	m_timer->start(0);
65 }
cancel()67 void DeferredTask::cancel()
68 {
69 	Q_ASSERT(m_status == Status_Running);
70 	m_status = Status_Cancelled;
71 	m_timer->stop();
72 	// Cancelled by request
73 	m_lastError = tr("Cancelled by user");
74 	emit aborted(true);
75 }
done()77 void DeferredTask::done()
78 {
79 	Q_ASSERT(m_status == Status_Running);
80 	m_status = Status_Finished;
81 	m_timer->stop();
82 	emit finished();
83 }
runUntilFinished()85 void DeferredTask::runUntilFinished()
86 {
87 	Q_ASSERT(m_status == Status_Running);
88 	while (m_status == Status_Running)
89 		next();
90 }