1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 /***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  ***************************************************************************/
15 #include "scconfig.h"
16 #include "pdfexportdialog.h"
19 #include <QByteArray>
20 #include <QCheckBox>
21 #include <QFileDialog>
22 #include <QGridLayout>
23 #include <QGroupBox>
24 #include <QHBoxLayout>
25 #include <QLineEdit>
26 #include <QListWidget>
27 #include <QMessageBox>
28 #include <QPushButton>
29 #include <QRadioButton>
30 #include <QSpacerItem>
31 #include <QToolButton>
32 #include <QToolTip>
33 #include <QVBoxLayout>
35 #include "commonstrings.h"
36 #include "iconmanager.h"
37 #include "pdfoptions.h"
38 #include "prefsfile.h"
39 #include "prefsmanager.h"
40 #include "scpaths.h"
41 #include "scribusdoc.h"
42 #include "scribusview.h"
43 #include "ui/customfdialog.h"
44 #include "ui/scmessagebox.h"
45 #include "ui/scrspinbox.h"
46 #include "units.h"
47 #include "util.h"
PDFExportDialog(QWidget * parent,const QString & docFileName,const QMap<QString,int> & DocFonts,ScribusView * currView,PDFOptions & pdfOptions,const ProfilesL & PDFXProfiles,const SCFonts & AllFonts,const ProfilesL & printerProfiles)50 PDFExportDialog::PDFExportDialog( QWidget* parent, const QString & docFileName,
51 								  const QMap<QString, int > & DocFonts,
52 								  ScribusView *currView, PDFOptions & pdfOptions,
53 								  const ProfilesL & PDFXProfiles, const SCFonts &AllFonts,
54 								  const ProfilesL & printerProfiles)
55 	: QDialog( parent ),
56 	m_doc(currView->m_doc),
57 	m_opts(pdfOptions),
58 	m_unitRatio(currView->m_doc->unitRatio()),
59 	m_printerProfiles(printerProfiles)
60 {
61 	setModal(true);
62 	setWindowTitle( tr( "Save as PDF" ) );
63 	setWindowIcon(IconManager::instance().loadIcon("AppIcon.png"));
64 	PDFExportLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
65 	PDFExportLayout->setSpacing(6);
66 	PDFExportLayout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
67 	Name = new QGroupBox( this );
68 	Name->setTitle( tr( "O&utput to File:" ) );
69 	NameLayout = new QGridLayout( Name );
70 	NameLayout->setSpacing(6);
71 	NameLayout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
72 	NameLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
73 	fileNameLineEdit = new QLineEdit( Name );
74 	fileNameLineEdit->setMinimumSize( QSize( 268, 22 ) );
75 	if (!m_opts.fileName.isEmpty())
76 		fileNameLineEdit->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_opts.fileName) );
77 	else
78 	{
79 		QFileInfo fi(docFileName);
80 		QString completeBaseName = fi.completeBaseName();
81 		if (completeBaseName.endsWith(".sla", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
82 			if (completeBaseName.length() > 4) completeBaseName.chop(4);
83 		if (completeBaseName.endsWith(".gz", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
84 			if (completeBaseName.length() > 3) completeBaseName.chop(3);
85 		if (fi.exists())
86 		{
87 			QString fileName(fi.path() + "/" + completeBaseName + ".pdf");
88 			fileNameLineEdit->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName) );
89 		}
90 		else
91 		{
92 			PrefsContext* dirs = PrefsManager::instance().prefsFile->getContext("dirs");
93 			QString pdfdir = dirs->get("pdf", fi.path());
94 			if (pdfdir.right(1) != "/")
95 				pdfdir += "/";
96 			QString fileName(pdfdir + completeBaseName + ".pdf");
97 			fileNameLineEdit->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName) );
98 		}
99 	}
100 	NameLayout->addWidget( fileNameLineEdit, 0, 0 );
101 	changeButton = new QPushButton( Name );
102 	changeButton->setText( tr( "Cha&nge..." ) );
103 	changeButton->setMinimumSize( QSize( 88, 24 ) );
104 	NameLayout->addWidget( changeButton, 0, 1 );
105 	multiFile = new QCheckBox( tr( "Output one file for eac&h page" ), Name );
106 	multiFile->setChecked(m_opts.doMultiFile);
107 	NameLayout->addWidget( multiFile, 1, 0 );
108 	openAfterExportCheckBox = new QCheckBox( tr( "Open PDF after Export" ), Name );
109 	openAfterExportCheckBox->setChecked(m_opts.openAfterExport);
110 	NameLayout->addWidget( openAfterExportCheckBox, 2, 0 );
111 	PDFExportLayout->addWidget( Name );
113 	Options = new TabPDFOptions( this, pdfOptions, AllFonts, PDFXProfiles, DocFonts, currView->m_doc );
114 	PDFExportLayout->addWidget( Options );
115 	Layout7 = new QHBoxLayout;
116 	Layout7->setSpacing(6);
117 	Layout7->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
118 	QSpacerItem* spacer_2 = new QSpacerItem( 2, 2, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
119 	Layout7->addItem( spacer_2 );
120 	okButton = new QPushButton( tr( "&Save" ), this );
121 	okButton->setAutoDefault( true );
122 	okButton->setDefault( true );
123 	Layout7->addWidget( okButton );
124 	cancelButton = new QPushButton( CommonStrings::tr_Cancel, this );
125 	Layout7->addWidget( cancelButton );
126 	PDFExportLayout->addLayout( Layout7 );
127 	if ((m_opts.Version == PDFVersion::PDF_X3) && (Options->InfoString->text().isEmpty()))
128 		okButton->setEnabled(false);
129 	resize(sizeHint());
130 //	setMaximumSize( sizeHint() );
131 //tooltips
132 	multiFile->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr( "This enables exporting one individually named PDF file for each page in the document. Page numbers are added automatically. This is most useful for imposing PDF for commercial printing.") + "</qt>" );
133 	openAfterExportCheckBox->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr( "Open the exported PDF with the PDF viewer as set in External Tools preferences, when not exporting to a multi-file export destination") + "</qt>" );
134 	okButton->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr( "The save button will be disabled if you are trying to export PDF/X and the info string is missing from the PDF/X tab") + "</qt>" );
135 	// signals and slots connections
136 	connect( changeButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ChangeFile() ) );
137 	connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( DoExport() ) );
138 	connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
139 	connect( fileNameLineEdit, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( fileNameChanged() ) );
140 	connect( Options, SIGNAL(noInfo()), this, SLOT(disableSave()));
141 	connect( Options, SIGNAL(hasInfo()), this, SLOT(enableSave()));
142 }
enableSave()144 void PDFExportDialog::enableSave()
145 {
146 	okButton->setEnabled(true);
147 }
disableSave()149 void PDFExportDialog::disableSave()
150 {
151 	okButton->setEnabled(false);
152 }
DoExport()154 void PDFExportDialog::DoExport()
155 {
156 	// Check the page ranges
157 	bool hasInvalidPageRange = false;
158 	QString pageString(this->getPagesString());
159 	std::vector<int> pageNumbers;
161 	parsePagesString(pageString, &pageNumbers, m_doc->DocPages.count());
162 	for (size_t i = 0; i < pageNumbers.size(); ++i)
163 	{
164 		int pageNumber = pageNumbers[i];
165 		if (pageNumber < 1 || pageNumber > m_doc->DocPages.count())
166 		{
167 			hasInvalidPageRange = true;
168 			break;
169 		}
170 	}
172 	if ((pageNumbers.empty()) || hasInvalidPageRange)
173 	{
174 		ScMessageBox::warning(this, CommonStrings::trWarning, tr("The range of pages to export is invalid.\nPlease check it and try again."));
175 		return;
176 	}
178 	// Checking if the path exists
179 	bool createPath = false;
180 	QString fn = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(fileNameLineEdit->text());
181 	QFileInfo fi(fn);
182 	QString dirPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fi.absolutePath());
183 	if (!QFile::exists(fi.absolutePath()))
184 	{
185 		if (ScMessageBox::question(this, tr( "Save as PDF" ),
186 									tr("%1 does not exists and will be created, continue?").arg(dirPath),
187 									QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel,
188 									QMessageBox::NoButton,	// GUI default
189 									QMessageBox::Ok)	// batch default
190 				  == QMessageBox::Cancel)
191 		{
192 			return;
193 		}
194 		createPath = true;
195 	}
197 	// NOTE: Qt4 contains QDir::mkpath()
198 	QDir d(fn);
199 	if (createPath)
200 	{
201 		if (!d.mkpath(fi.absolutePath()))
202 		{
203 			ScMessageBox::warning(this,
204 								 CommonStrings::trWarning,
205 								 tr("Cannot create directory: \n%1").arg(dirPath));
206 			return;
207 		}
208 	}
210 	bool doIt = false;
211 	if (multiFile->isChecked())
212 		doIt = true;
213 	else
214 		doIt = overwrite(this, fn);
215 	if (!doIt) return;
217 	int pageIndex = (Options->Pages->currentRow() >= 0) ? Options->Pages->currentRow() : 0;
218 	m_presEffects = Options->EffVal;
219 	m_presEffects[pageIndex].pageViewDuration = Options->PageTime->value();
220 	m_presEffects[pageIndex].pageEffectDuration = Options->EffectTime->value();
221 	m_presEffects[pageIndex].effectType = Options->EffectType->currentIndex();
222 	m_presEffects[pageIndex].Dm = Options->EDirection->currentIndex();
223 	m_presEffects[pageIndex].M = Options->EDirection_2->currentIndex();
224 	m_presEffects[pageIndex].Di = Options->EDirection_2_2->currentIndex();
225 	m_opts.LPISettings[Options->SelLPIcolor].Frequency = Options->LPIfreq->value();
226 	m_opts.LPISettings[Options->SelLPIcolor].Angle = Options->LPIangle->value();
227 	m_opts.LPISettings[Options->SelLPIcolor].SpotFunc = Options->LPIfunc->currentIndex();
228 	accept();
229 }
ChangeFile()231 void PDFExportDialog::ChangeFile()
232 {
233 	PrefsContext* dirs = PrefsManager::instance().prefsFile->getContext("dirs");
234 	QString wdir  = dirs->get("pdf", ScPaths::userDocumentDir());
236 	QString wfile = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(fileNameLineEdit->text());
237 	if (!wfile.isEmpty())
238 	{
239 		QFileInfo fInfo(wfile);
240 		QString absPath = fInfo.absolutePath(); // Yes, we mean the file directory here
241 		if (QDir(absPath).exists())
242 			wdir = wfile;
243 	}
245 	QString d = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save As"), wdir, tr("PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*)"), nullptr, QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite);
246 	if (d.length() > 0)
247 	{
248 		QString fn(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(d));
249 		dirs->set("pdf", fn.left(fn.lastIndexOf("/")));
250 		fileNameLineEdit->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(d));
251 	}
252 }
fileNameChanged()254 void PDFExportDialog::fileNameChanged()
255 {
256 	QString fileName = checkFileExtension(fileNameLineEdit->text(),"pdf");
257 	fileNameLineEdit->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName) );
258 }
updateDocOptions()260 void PDFExportDialog::updateDocOptions()
261 {
262 	m_opts.fileName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(fileNameLineEdit->text());
263 	m_opts.doMultiFile = multiFile->isChecked();
264 	m_opts.openAfterExport = openAfterExportCheckBox->isChecked();
265 	m_opts.Thumbnails = Options->CheckBox1->isChecked();
266 	m_opts.Compress = Options->Compression->isChecked();
267 	m_opts.CompressMethod = (PDFOptions::PDFCompression) Options->CMethod->currentIndex();
268 	m_opts.Quality = Options->CQuality->currentIndex();
269 	m_opts.Resolution = Options->Resolution->value();
270 	m_opts.FontEmbedding = Options->fontEmbeddingMode();
271 	m_opts.EmbedList = Options->fontsToEmbed();
272 	m_opts.SubsetList = Options->fontsToSubset();
273 	m_opts.OutlineList = Options->fontsToOutline();
274 	m_opts.RecalcPic = Options->DSColor->isChecked();
275 	m_opts.PicRes = Options->ValC->value();
276 	m_opts.embedPDF = Options->EmbedPDF->isChecked();
277 	m_opts.Bookmarks = Options->CheckBM->isChecked();
278 	m_opts.Binding = Options->ComboBind->currentIndex();
279 	m_opts.MirrorH = Options->MirrorH->isChecked();
280 	m_opts.MirrorV = Options->MirrorV->isChecked();
281 	m_opts.doClip = Options->ClipMarg->isChecked();
282 	m_opts.RotateDeg = Options->RotateDeg->currentIndex() * 90;
283 	m_opts.pageRangeSelection = Options->AllPages->isChecked() ? 0 : 1;
284 	m_opts.pageRangeString = Options->PageNr->text();
285 	m_opts.PresentMode = Options->CheckBox10->isChecked();
286 	if (m_opts.PresentMode)
287 	{
288 		for (int pg = 0; pg < m_doc->Pages->count(); ++pg)
289 		{
290 			m_doc->Pages->at(pg)->PresentVals = m_presEffects[pg];
291 		}
292 	}
293 	m_opts.Articles = Options->Article->isChecked();
294 	m_opts.Encrypt = Options->Encry->isChecked();
295 	m_opts.UseLPI = Options->UseLPI->isChecked();
296 	m_opts.useLayers = Options->useLayers->isChecked();
297 	m_opts.UseSpotColors = !Options->useSpot->isChecked();
298 	m_opts.displayBookmarks = Options->useBookmarks->isChecked();
299 	m_opts.displayFullscreen = Options->useFullScreen->isChecked();
300 	m_opts.displayLayers = Options->useLayers2->isChecked();
301 	m_opts.displayThumbs = Options->useThumbnails->isChecked();
302 	m_opts.hideMenuBar = Options->hideMenuBar->isChecked();
303 	m_opts.hideToolBar = Options->hideToolBar->isChecked();
304 	m_opts.fitWindow = Options->fitWindow->isChecked();
305 	m_opts.useDocBleeds = Options->docBleeds->isChecked();
306 	if (!Options->docBleeds->isChecked())
307 	{
308 		m_opts.bleeds.setTop(Options->BleedTop->value() / m_unitRatio);
309 		m_opts.bleeds.setLeft(Options->BleedLeft->value() / m_unitRatio);
310 		m_opts.bleeds.setRight(Options->BleedRight->value() / m_unitRatio);
311 		m_opts.bleeds.setBottom(Options->BleedBottom->value()/ m_unitRatio);
312 	}
313 	m_opts.markLength = Options->markLength->value() / m_unitRatio;
314 	m_opts.markOffset = Options->markOffset->value() / m_unitRatio;
315 	m_opts.cropMarks = Options->cropMarks->isChecked();
316 	m_opts.bleedMarks = Options->bleedMarks->isChecked();
317 	m_opts.registrationMarks = Options->registrationMarks->isChecked();
318 	m_opts.colorMarks = Options->colorMarks->isChecked();
319 	m_opts.docInfoMarks = Options->docInfoMarks->isChecked();
320 	int pgl = PDFOptions::SinglePage;
321 	if (Options->singlePage->isChecked())
322 		pgl = PDFOptions::SinglePage;
323 	else if (Options->continuousPages->isChecked())
324 		pgl = PDFOptions::OneColumn;
325 	else if (Options->facingPagesLeft->isChecked())
326 		pgl = PDFOptions::TwoColumnLeft;
327 	else if (Options->facingPagesRight->isChecked())
328 		pgl = PDFOptions::TwoColumnRight;
329 	m_opts.PageLayout = pgl;
330 	if (Options->actionCombo->currentIndex() != 0)
331 		m_opts.openAction = Options->actionCombo->currentText();
332 	else
333 		m_opts.openAction = "";
334 	if (Options->Encry->isChecked())
335 	{
336 		int Perm = -64;
337 		if (Options->PDFVersionCombo->version() == PDFVersion::PDF_14)
338 			Perm &= ~0x00240000;
339 		if (Options->PrintSec->isChecked())
340 			Perm += 4;
341 		if (Options->ModifySec->isChecked())
342 			Perm += 8;
343 		if (Options->CopySec->isChecked())
344 			Perm += 16;
345 		if (Options->AddSec->isChecked())
346 			Perm += 32;
347 		m_opts.Permissions = Perm;
348 		m_opts.PassOwner = Options->PassOwner->text();
349 		m_opts.PassUser = Options->PassUser->text();
350 	}
351 	m_opts.Version = Options->PDFVersionCombo->version();
352 	if (Options->OutCombo->currentIndex() == 0)
353 	{
354 		m_opts.UseRGB = true;
355 		m_opts.isGrayscale = false;
356 		m_opts.UseProfiles = false;
357 		m_opts.UseProfiles2 = false;
358 	}
359 	else
360 	{
361 		if (Options->OutCombo->currentIndex() == 2)
362 		{
363 			m_opts.isGrayscale = true;
364 			m_opts.UseRGB = false;
365 			m_opts.UseProfiles = false;
366 			m_opts.UseProfiles2 = false;
367 		}
368 		else
369 		{
370 			m_opts.isGrayscale = false;
371 			m_opts.UseRGB = false;
372 			if (m_doc->HasCMS)
373 			{
374 				m_opts.UseProfiles = Options->EmbedProfs->isChecked();
375 				m_opts.UseProfiles2 = Options->EmbedProfs2->isChecked();
376 				if (m_opts.Version != PDFVersion::PDF_X1a)
377 				{
378 					m_opts.Intent = Options->IntendS->currentIndex();
379 					m_opts.Intent2 = Options->IntendI->currentIndex();
380 					m_opts.EmbeddedI = Options->NoEmbedded->isChecked();
381 					m_opts.SolidProf = Options->SolidPr->currentText();
382 					m_opts.ImageProf = Options->ImageP->currentText();
383 				}
384 				m_opts.PrintProf = Options->PrintProfC->currentText();
385 				if ((m_opts.Version == PDFVersion::PDF_X3) || (m_opts.Version == PDFVersion::PDF_X1a) || (m_opts.Version == PDFVersion::PDF_X4))
386 				{
387 					m_opts.Info = Options->InfoString->text();
388 					m_opts.Encrypt = false;
389 					m_opts.MirrorH = false;
390 					m_opts.MirrorV = false;
391 					//#8306 : PDF/X-3 export ignores rotation setting
392 					//m_opts.RotateDeg = 0;
393 					m_opts.PresentMode = false;
394 				}
395 			}
396 			else
397 			{
398 				m_opts.UseProfiles = false;
399 				m_opts.UseProfiles2 = false;
400 			}
401 		}
402 	}
403 }
getPagesString()405 QString PDFExportDialog::getPagesString()
406 {
407 	if (Options->AllPages->isChecked())
408 		return "*";
409 	return Options->PageNr->text();
410 }