1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<inkscape-extension xmlns="http://www.inkscape.org/namespace/inkscape/extension">
3    <name>Measure Path</name>
4    <id>org.inkscape.visualise.measure_length</id>
5            <param name="type" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Measurement Type:">
6                <option value="length">Length</option>
7                <option context="measure extension" value="area">Area</option>
8                <option context="measure extension" value="cofm">Center of Mass</option>
9            </param>
10            <param name="method" type="notebook">
11                <page name="presets" gui-text="Text Presets">
12                    <param name="presetFormat" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Position:">
13                        <option value="default">Default</option>
14                        <option value="TaP_start">Text on Path, Start</option>
15                        <option value="TaP_middle">Text on Path, Middle</option>
16                        <option value="TaP_end">Text on Path, End</option>
17                        <option value="FT_start">Fixed Text, Start of Path</option>
18                        <option value="FT_bbox">Fixed Text, Center of BBox</option>
19                        <option value="FT_mass">Fixed Text, Center of Mass</option>
20                    </param>
21                </page>
22                <page name="textonpath" gui-text="Text on Path">
23                    <param name="startOffset" type="string" gui-hidden="true">custom</param>
24                    <param name="startOffsetCustom" type="int" appearance="full" min="0" max="100" gui-text="Offset (%)">50</param>
25                    <param name="anchor" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Text anchor:">
26                        <option value="start">Left (Start)</option>
27                        <option value="middle">Center (Middle)</option>
28                        <option value="end">Right (End)</option>
29                    </param>
30                </page>
31                <page name="fixedtext" gui-text="Fixed Text">
32                    <param name="position" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Position:">
33                        <option value="start">Start of Path</option>
34                        <option value="center">Center of BBox</option>
35                        <option value="mass">Center of Mass</option>
36                    </param>
37                    <param name="angle" type="float" min="-360" max="360" gui-text="Angle (°):">0</param>
38                </page>
39                <page name="_help" gui-text="Help">
40                  <label xml:space="preserve">This effect measures the length, area, or center-of-mass of the selected paths. Length and area are added as a text object with the selected units. Center-of-mass is shown as a cross symbol.
42  * Text display format can be either Text-On-Path, or stand-alone text at a specified angle.
43  * The number of significant digits can be controlled by the Precision field.
44  * The Offset field controls the distance from the text to the path.
45  * The Scale factor can be used to make measurements in scaled drawings. For example, if 1 cm in the drawing equals 2.5 m in the real world, Scale must be set to 250.
46  * When calculating area, the result should be precise for polygons and Bezier curves. If a circle is used, the area may be too high by as much as 0.03%.</label>
47                </page>
48            </param>
49            <param name="fontsize" type="int" min="1" max="1000" gui-text="Font size (px):">12</param>
50            <param name="offset" type="float" min="-10000" max="10000" gui-text="Offset (px):">-6</param>
51            <param name="precision" type="int" min="0" max="25" gui-text="Precision:">2</param>
52            <param name="scale" type="float" min="1e-8" max="1e10" precision="3" gui-text="Scale Factor (Real:Drawing Length):">1</param>
53            <param name="unit" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Length Unit:">
54                <option translatable="no" value="px">px</option>
55                <option translatable="no" value="pt">pt</option>
56                <option translatable="no" value="in">in</option>
57                <option translatable="no" value="ft">ft</option>
58                <option translatable="no" value="yd">yd</option>
59                <option translatable="no" value="mm">mm</option>
60                <option translatable="no" value="cm">cm</option>
61                <option translatable="no" value="m">m</option>
62                <option translatable="no" value="km">km</option>
63            </param>
64    <effect>
65        <object-type>path</object-type>
66        <effects-menu>
67            <submenu name="Visualize Path"/>
68        </effects-menu>
69    </effect>
70    <script>
71        <command location="inx" interpreter="python">measure.py</command>
72    </script>