2Defines the preferences dialog.
4@author: Eitan Isaacson
5@organization: Mozilla Foundation
6@copyright: Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Mozilla Foundation
7@license: BSD
9All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
10available under the terms of the BSD which accompanies this distribution, and
11is available at U{http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php}
14import gi
16from gi.repository import Gtk as gtk
17from gi.repository import Gdk as gdk
18from gi.repository import Atk as atk
19from gi.repository.Gio import Settings as GSettings
21from .i18n import _
22from . import node
23from .tools import parseColorString
25class AccerciserPreferencesDialog(gtk.Dialog):
26  '''
27  Class that creates a preferences dialog.
28  '''
29  def __init__(self, plugins_view=None, hotkeys_view=None):
30    '''
31    Initialize a preferences dialog.
33    @param plugins_view: Treeview of plugins.
34    @type plugins_view: L{PluginManager._View}
35    @param hotkeys_view: Treeview of global hotkeys.
36    @type hotkeys_view: L{HotkeyTreeView}
37    '''
38    gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title=_('accerciser Preferences'))
39    self.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)
40    self.connect('response', self._onResponse)
41    self.set_default_size(500, 250)
42    notebook = gtk.Notebook()
43    vbox = self.get_children()[0]
44    vbox.pack_start(notebook, True, True, 2)
45    for view, section in [(plugins_view, _('Plugins')),
46                          (hotkeys_view, _('Global Hotkeys'))]:
47      if view is not None:
48        sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
49        sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.ShadowType.IN)
50        sw.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
51        sw.set_size_request(500, 150)
52        sw.add(view)
53        notebook.append_page(sw, gtk.Label.new(section))
55    notebook.append_page(_HighlighterView(), gtk.Label.new(_('Highlighting')))
57  def _onResponse(self, dialog, response_id):
58    '''
59    Callback for dialog responses, always destroy it.
61    @param dialog: This dialog.
62    @type dialog: L{AccerciserPreferencesDialog}
63    @param response_id: Response ID recieved.
64    @type response_id: integer
65    '''
66    dialog.destroy()
68class _HighlighterView(gtk.Alignment):
69  '''
70  A container widget with the settings for the highlighter.
71  '''
72  def __init__(self):
73    gtk.Alignment.__init__(self)
74    self.set_padding(12, 12, 18, 12)
75    self.gsettings = GSettings.new('org.a11y.Accerciser')
76    self._buildUI()
78  def _buildUI(self):
79    '''
80    Programatically build the UI.
81    '''
82    table = gtk.Table.new(3, 2, True)
83    table.set_col_spacings(6)
84    self.add(table)
85    labels = [None, None, None]
86    controls = [None, None, None]
87    labels[0] = gtk.Label.new(_('Highlight duration:'))
88    controls[0] = gtk.SpinButton()
89    controls[0].set_range(0.01, 5)
90    controls[0].set_digits(2)
91    controls[0].set_value(self.gsettings.get_double('highlight-duration'))
92    controls[0].set_increments(0.01, 0.1)
93    controls[0].connect('value-changed', self._onDurationChanged)
94    labels[1] = gtk.Label.new(_('Border color:'))
95    controls[1] = self._ColorButton(node.BORDER_COLOR, node.BORDER_ALPHA)
96    controls[1].connect('color-set', self._onColorSet, 'highlight-border')
97    controls[1].set_tooltip_text(_('The border color of the highlight box'))
98    labels[2] = gtk.Label.new(_('Fill color:'))
99    controls[2] = self._ColorButton(node.FILL_COLOR, node.FILL_ALPHA)
100    controls[2].connect('color-set', self._onColorSet, 'highlight-fill')
101    controls[2].set_tooltip_text(_('The fill color of the highlight box'))
103    for label, control, row in zip(labels, controls, range(3)):
104      label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
105      table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.AttachOptions.FILL)
106      table.attach(control, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.AttachOptions.FILL)
108    for label, control in zip([x.get_accessible() for x in labels],
109                              [x.get_accessible() for x in controls]):
110      label.add_relationship(atk.RelationType.LABEL_FOR, control)
111      control.add_relationship(atk.RelationType.LABELLED_BY, label)
113  def _onDurationChanged(self, spin_button):
114    '''
115    Callback for the duration spin button. Update key and the global variable
116    in the L{node} module.
118    @param spin_button: The spin button that emitted the value-changed signal.
119    @type spin_button: gtk.SpinButton
120    '''
121    node.HL_DURATION = int(spin_button.get_value()*1000)
122    self.gsettings.set_double('highlight-duration',
123                            spin_button.get_value())
126  def _onColorSet(self, color_button, key):
127    '''
128    Callback for a color button. Update gsettings and the global variables
129    in the L{node} module.
131    @param color_button: The color button that emitted the color-set signal.
132    @type color_button: l{_HighlighterView._ColorButton}
133    @param key: the key name suffix for this color setting.
134    @type key: string
135    '''
136    if 'fill' in key:
137      node.FILL_COLOR = color_button.get_rgb_string()
138      node.FILL_ALPHA = color_button.get_alpha_float()
139    else:
140      node.BORDER_COLOR = color_button.get_rgb_string()
141      node.BORDER_ALPHA = color_button.get_alpha_float()
143    self.gsettings.set_string(key, color_button.get_rgba_string())
145  class _ColorButton(gtk.ColorButton):
146    '''
147    ColorButton derivative with useful methods for us.
148    '''
149    def __init__(self, color, alpha):
150      color = gdk.color_parse(color)
151      gtk.ColorButton.__init__(self)
152      self.set_use_alpha(True)
153      self.set_alpha(int(alpha*0xffff))
154      self.set_color(color)
156    def get_rgba_string(self):
157      '''
158      Get the current color and alpha in string format.
160      @return: String in the format of #rrggbbaa.
161      @rtype: string.
162      '''
163      color = self.get_color()
164      color_val = 0
165      color_val |= color.red >> 8 << 24
166      color_val |= color.green >> 8 << 16
167      color_val |= color.blue >> 8 << 8
168      color_val |= self.get_alpha() >> 8
169      return \
170          '#' + hex(color_val).replace('0x', '').replace('L', '').rjust(8, '0')
172    def get_rgb_string(self):
173      '''
174      Get the current color in string format.
176      @return: String in the format of #rrggbb.
177      @rtype: string.
178      '''
179      color = self.get_color()
180      color_val = 0
181      color_val |= color.red >> 8 << 16
182      color_val |= color.green >> 8 << 8
183      color_val |= color.blue >> 8
184      return \
185          '#' + hex(color_val).replace('0x', '').replace('L', '').rjust(6, '0')
187    def get_alpha_float(self):
188      '''
189      Get the current alpha as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
190      '''
191      return self.get_alpha()/float(0xffff)