2    "access": "write",
3    "avail": "1.6.0",
4    "brief": [
5        "This command creates or replaces a DHCPv4 option in a shared network in the configuration database."
6    ],
7    "cmd-comment": [
8        "The provided lists must contain exactly one name of the shared network and one option specification. Specifying an empty list, a value of ``null``, or a server tag will result in an error."
9    ],
10    "cmd-syntax": [
11        "{",
12        "    \"command\": \"remote-option4-network-set\",",
13        "    \"arguments\": {",
14        "        \"shared-networks\": [",
15        "            {",
16        "                \"name\": <shared network name>",
17        "            }",
18        "        ],",
19        "        \"options\": [",
20        "            {",
21        "                <shared network option specification>",
22        "            }",
23        "        ],",
24        "        \"remote\": {",
25        "            <specification of the database to connect to>",
26        "        }",
27        "    }",
28        "}"
29    ],
30    "hook": "cb_cmds",
31    "name": "remote-option4-network-set",
32    "resp-syntax": [
33        "{",
34        "    \"result\": 0,",
35        "    \"text\": \"DHCPv4 option successfully set.\",",
36        "    \"arguments\": {",
37        "        \"options\": [",
38        "            {",
39        "                \"code\": <option code>,",
40        "                \"space\": <option space>",
41        "            }",
42        "        ]",
43        "    }",
44        "}"
45    ],
46    "support": [
47        "kea-dhcp4"
48    ]