1-- Copyright (C) 2003 Graydon Hoare <graydon@pobox.com>
3-- This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
4-- greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
6-- This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
10-- this is the standard set of lua hooks for monotone;
11-- user-provided files can override it or add to it.
13-- Since Lua 5.2, unpack and loadstrings are deprecated and are either moved
14-- to table.unpack() or replaced by load(). If lua was compiled without
15-- LUA_COMPAT_UNPACK and/or LUA_COMPAT_LOADSTRING, these two are not
16-- available and we add a similar compatibility layer, ourselves.
17unpack = unpack or table.unpack
18loadstring = loadstring or load
20function temp_file(namehint, filemodehint)
21   local tdir
22   tdir = os.getenv("TMPDIR")
23   if tdir == nil then tdir = os.getenv("TMP") end
24   if tdir == nil then tdir = os.getenv("TEMP") end
25   if tdir == nil then tdir = "/tmp" end
26   local filename
27   if namehint == nil then
28      filename = string.format("%s/mtn.XXXXXX", tdir)
29   else
30      filename = string.format("%s/mtn.%s.XXXXXX", tdir, namehint)
31   end
32   local filemode
33   if filemodehint == nil then
34      filemode = "r+"
35   else
36      filemode = filemodehint
37   end
38   local name = mkstemp(filename)
39   local file = io.open(name, filemode)
40   return file, name
43function execute(path, ...)
44   local pid
45   local ret = -1
46   pid = spawn(path, ...)
47   if (pid ~= -1) then ret, pid = wait(pid) end
48   return ret
51function execute_redirected(stdin, stdout, stderr, path, ...)
52   local pid
53   local ret = -1
54   io.flush();
55   pid = spawn_redirected(stdin, stdout, stderr, path, ...)
56   if (pid ~= -1) then ret, pid = wait(pid) end
57   return ret
60-- Wrapper around execute to let user confirm in the case where a subprocess
61-- returns immediately
62-- This is needed to work around some brokenness with some merge tools
63-- (e.g. on OS X)
64function execute_confirm(path, ...)
65   ret = execute(path, ...)
67   if (ret ~= 0)
68   then
69      print(gettext("Press enter"))
70   else
71      print(gettext("Press enter when the subprocess has completed"))
72   end
73   io.read()
74   return ret
77-- attributes are persistent metadata about files (such as execute
78-- bit, ACLs, various special flags) which we want to have set and
79-- re-set any time the files are modified. the attributes themselves
80-- are stored in the roster associated with the revision. each (f,k,v)
81-- attribute triple turns into a call to attr_functions[k](f,v) in lua.
83if (attr_init_functions == nil) then
84   attr_init_functions = {}
87attr_init_functions["mtn:execute"] =
88   function(filename)
89      if (is_executable(filename)) then
90        return "true"
91      else
92        return nil
93      end
94   end
96attr_init_functions["mtn:manual_merge"] =
97   function(filename)
98      if (binary_file(filename)) then
99        return "true" -- binary files must be merged manually
100      else
101        return nil
102      end
103   end
105if (attr_functions == nil) then
106   attr_functions = {}
109attr_functions["mtn:execute"] =
110   function(filename, value)
111      if (value == "true") then
112         set_executable(filename)
113      else
114         clear_executable(filename)
115      end
116   end
118function dir_matches(name, dir)
119   -- helper for ignore_file, matching files within dir, or dir itself.
120   -- eg for dir of 'CVS', matches CVS/, CVS/*, */CVS/ and */CVS/*
121   if (string.find(name, "^" .. dir .. "/")) then return true end
122   if (string.find(name, "^" .. dir .. "$")) then return true end
123   if (string.find(name, "/" .. dir .. "/")) then return true end
124   if (string.find(name, "/" .. dir .. "$")) then return true end
125   return false
128function portable_readline(f)
129    line = f:read()
130    if line ~= nil then
131        line = string.gsub(line, "\r$","") -- strip possible \r left from windows editing
132    end
133    return line
136function ignore_file(name)
137   -- project specific
138   if (ignored_files == nil) then
139      ignored_files = {}
140      local ignfile = io.open(".mtn-ignore", "r")
141      if (ignfile ~= nil) then
142         local line = portable_readline(ignfile)
143         while (line ~= nil) do
144            if line ~= "" then
145                table.insert(ignored_files, line)
146            end
147            line = portable_readline(ignfile)
148         end
149         io.close(ignfile)
150      end
151   end
153   local warn_reported_file = false
154   for i, line in pairs(ignored_files)
155   do
156      if (line ~= nil) then
157         local pcallstatus, result = pcall(function()
158        return regex.search(line, name)
159     end)
160         if pcallstatus == true then
161            -- no error from the regex.search call
162            if result == true then return true end
163         else
164            -- regex.search had a problem, warn the user their
165            -- .mtn-ignore file syntax is wrong
166        if not warn_reported_file then
167           io.stderr:write("mtn: warning: while matching file '"
168                       .. name .. "':\n")
169           warn_reported_file = true
170        end
171        local prefix = ".mtn-ignore:" .. i .. ": warning: "
172            io.stderr:write(prefix
173                            .. string.gsub(result, "\n", "\n" .. prefix)
174                               .. "\n\t- skipping this regex for "
175                               .. "all remaining files.\n")
176            ignored_files[i] = nil
177         end
178      end
179   end
181   local file_pats = {
182      -- c/c++
183      "%.a$", "%.so$", "%.o$", "%.la$", "%.lo$", "^core$",
184      "/core$", "/core%.%d+$",
185      -- java
186      "%.class$",
187      -- python
188      "%.pyc$", "%.pyo$",
189      -- gettext
190      "%.g?mo$",
191      -- intltool
192      "%.intltool%-merge%-cache$",
193      -- TeX
194      "%.aux$",
195      -- backup files
196      "%.bak$", "%.orig$", "%.rej$", "%~$",
197      -- vim creates .foo.swp files
198      "%.[^/]*%.swp$",
199      -- emacs creates #foo# files
200      "%#[^/]*%#$",
201      -- other VCSes (where metadata is stored in named files):
202      "%.scc$",
203      -- desktop/directory configuration metadata
204      "^%.DS_Store$", "/%.DS_Store$", "^desktop%.ini$", "/desktop%.ini$"
205   }
207   local dir_pats = {
208      -- autotools detritus:
209      "autom4te%.cache", "%.deps", "%.libs",
210      -- Cons/SCons detritus:
211      "%.consign", "%.sconsign",
212      -- other VCSes (where metadata is stored in named dirs):
213      "CVS", "%.svn", "SCCS", "_darcs", "%.cdv", "%.git", "%.bzr", "%.hg"
214   }
216   for _, pat in ipairs(file_pats) do
217      if string.find(name, pat) then return true end
218   end
219   for _, pat in ipairs(dir_pats) do
220      if dir_matches(name, pat) then return true end
221   end
223   return false;
226-- return true means "binary", false means "text",
227-- nil means "unknown, try to guess"
228function binary_file(name)
229   -- some known binaries, return true
230   local bin_pats = {
231      "%.gif$", "%.jpe?g$", "%.png$", "%.bz2$", "%.gz$", "%.zip$",
232      "%.class$", "%.jar$", "%.war$", "%.ear$"
233   }
235   -- some known text, return false
236   local txt_pats = {
237      "%.cc?$", "%.cxx$", "%.hh?$", "%.hxx$", "%.cpp$", "%.hpp$",
238      "%.lua$", "%.texi$", "%.sql$", "%.java$"
239   }
241   local lowname=string.lower(name)
242   for _, pat in ipairs(bin_pats) do
243      if string.find(lowname, pat) then return true end
244   end
245   for _, pat in ipairs(txt_pats) do
246      if string.find(lowname, pat) then return false end
247   end
249   -- unknown - read file and use the guess-binary
250   -- monotone built-in function
251   return guess_binary_file_contents(name)
254-- given a file name, return a regular expression which will match
255-- lines that name top-level constructs in that file, or "", to disable
256-- matching.
257function get_encloser_pattern(name)
258   -- texinfo has special sectioning commands
259   if (string.find(name, "%.texi$")) then
260      -- sectioning commands in texinfo: @node, @chapter, @top,
261      -- @((sub)?sub)?section, @unnumbered(((sub)?sub)?sec)?,
262      -- @appendix(((sub)?sub)?sec)?, @(|major|chap|sub(sub)?)heading
263      return ("^@("
264              .. "node|chapter|top"
265              .. "|((sub)?sub)?section"
266              .. "|(unnumbered|appendix)(((sub)?sub)?sec)?"
267              .. "|(major|chap|sub(sub)?)?heading"
268              .. ")")
269   end
270   -- LaTeX has special sectioning commands.  This rule is applied to ordinary
271   -- .tex files too, since there's no reliable way to distinguish those from
272   -- latex files anyway, and there's no good pattern we could use for
273   -- arbitrary plain TeX anyway.
274   if (string.find(name, "%.tex$")
275       or string.find(name, "%.ltx$")
276       or string.find(name, "%.latex$")) then
277      return ("\\\\("
278              .. "part|chapter|paragraph|subparagraph"
279              .. "|((sub)?sub)?section"
280              .. ")")
281   end
282   -- There's no good way to find section headings in raw text, and trying
283   -- just gives distracting output, so don't even try.
284   if (string.find(name, "%.txt$")
285       or string.upper(name) == "README") then
286      return ""
287   end
288   -- This default is correct surprisingly often -- in pretty much any text
289   -- written with code-like indentation.
290   return "^[[:alnum:]$_]"
293function edit_comment(user_log_message)
294   local exe = nil
296   -- top priority is VISUAL, then EDITOR, then a series of hardcoded
297   -- defaults, if available.
299   local visual = os.getenv("VISUAL")
300   local editor = os.getenv("EDITOR")
301   if (visual ~= nil) then exe = visual
302   elseif (editor ~= nil) then exe = editor
303   elseif (program_exists_in_path("editor")) then exe = "editor"
304   elseif (program_exists_in_path("vi")) then exe = "vi"
305   elseif (string.sub(get_ostype(), 1, 6) ~= "CYGWIN" and
306       program_exists_in_path("notepad.exe")) then exe = "notepad"
307   else
308      io.write(gettext("Could not find editor to enter commit message\n"
309               .. "Try setting the environment variable EDITOR\n"))
310      return nil
311   end
313   local tmp, tname = temp_file()
314   if (tmp == nil) then return nil end
315   tmp:write(user_log_message)
316   if user_log_message == "" or string.sub(user_log_message, -1) ~= "\n" then
317      tmp:write("\n")
318   end
319   io.close(tmp)
321   -- By historical convention, VISUAL and EDITOR can contain arguments
322   -- (and, in fact, arbitrarily complicated shell constructs).  Since Lua
323   -- has no word-splitting functionality, we invoke the shell to deal with
324   -- anything more complicated than a single word with no metacharacters.
325   -- This, unfortunately, means we have to quote the file argument.
327   if (not string.find(exe, "[^%w_.+-]")) then
328      -- safe to call spawn directly
329      if (execute(exe, tname) ~= 0) then
330         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running editor '%s' "..
331                                        "to enter log message\n"),
332                                exe))
333         os.remove(tname)
334         return nil
335      end
336   else
337      -- must use shell
338      local shell = os.getenv("SHELL")
339      if (shell == nil) then shell = "sh" end
340      if (not program_exists_in_path(shell)) then
341         io.write(string.format(gettext("Editor command '%s' needs a shell, "..
342                                        "but '%s' is not to be found"),
343                                exe, shell))
344         os.remove(tname)
345         return nil
346      end
348      -- Single-quoted strings in both Bourne shell and csh can contain
349      -- anything but a single quote.
350      local safe_tname = " '" .. string.gsub(tname, "'", "'\\''") .. "'"
352      if (execute(shell, "-c", editor .. safe_tname) ~= 0) then
353         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running editor '%s' "..
354                                        "to enter log message\n"),
355                                exe))
356         os.remove(tname)
357         return nil
358      end
359   end
361   tmp = io.open(tname, "r")
362   if (tmp == nil) then os.remove(tname); return nil end
363   local res = tmp:read("*a")
364   io.close(tmp)
365   os.remove(tname)
366   return res
370function get_local_key_name(key_identity)
371   return key_identity.given_name
375function persist_phrase_ok()
376   return true
380function use_inodeprints()
381   return false
384function get_date_format_spec(wanted)
385   -- Return the strftime(3) specification to be used to print dates
386   -- in human-readable format after conversion to the local timezone.
387   -- The default uses the preferred date and time representation for
388   -- the current locale, e.g. the output looks like this: "09/08/2009
389   -- 06:49:26 PM" for en_US and "date_time_long", or "08.09.2009"
390   -- for de_DE and "date_short"
391   --
392   -- A sampling of other possible formats you might want:
393   --   default for your locale: "%c" (may include a confusing timezone label)
394   --   12 hour format: "%d %b %Y, %I:%M:%S %p"
395   --   like ctime(3):  "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
396   --   email style:    "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"
397   --   ISO 8601:       "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" or "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
398   --
399   --   ISO 8601, no timezone conversion: ""
400   --.
401   if (wanted == "date_long" or wanted == "date_short") then
402       return "%x"
403   end
404   if (wanted == "time_long" or wanted == "time_short") then
405       return "%X"
406   end
407   return "%x %X"
410-- trust evaluation hooks
412function intersection(a,b)
413   local s={}
414   local t={}
415   for k,v in pairs(a) do s[v.name] = 1 end
416   for k,v in pairs(b) do if s[v] ~= nil then table.insert(t,v) end end
417   return t
420function get_revision_cert_trust(signers, id, name, val)
421   return true
424-- This is only used by migration from old manifest-style ancestry
425function get_manifest_cert_trust(signers, id, name, val)
426   return true
429-- http://snippets.luacode.org/?p=snippets/String_to_Hex_String_68
430function hex_dump(str,spacer)
431   return (string.gsub(str,"(.)",
432      function (c)
433         return string.format("%02x%s",string.byte(c), spacer or "")
434      end)
435   )
438function accept_testresult_change_hex(old_results, new_results)
439   local reqfile = io.open("_MTN/wanted-testresults", "r")
440   if (reqfile == nil) then return true end
441   local line = reqfile:read()
442   local required = {}
443   while (line ~= nil)
444   do
445      required[line] = true
446      line = reqfile:read()
447   end
448   io.close(reqfile)
449   for test, res in pairs(required)
450   do
451      if old_results[test] == true and new_results[test] ~= true
452      then
453         return false
454      end
455   end
456   return true
459function accept_testresult_change(old_results, new_results)
460   -- Hex encode each of the key hashes to match those in 'wanted-testresults'
461   local old_results_hex = {}
462   for k, v in pairs(old_results) do
463	old_results_hex[hex_dump(k)] = v
464   end
466   local new_results_hex = {}
467   for k, v in pairs(new_results) do
468      new_results_hex[hex_dump(k)] = v
469   end
471   return accept_testresult_change_hex(old_results_hex, new_results_hex)
474-- merger support
476-- Fields in the mergers structure:
477-- cmd       : a function that performs the merge operation using the chosen
478--             program, best try.
479-- available : a function that checks that the needed program is installed and
480--             in $PATH
481-- wanted    : a function that checks if the user doesn't want to use this
482--             method, and returns false if so.  This should normally return
483--             true, but in some cases, especially when the merger is really
484--             an editor, the user might have a preference in EDITOR and we
485--             need to respect that.
486--             NOTE: wanted is only used when the user has NOT defined the
487--             `merger' variable or the MTN_MERGE environment variable.
488mergers = {}
490-- This merger is designed to fail if there are any conflicts without trying to resolve them
491mergers.fail = {
492   cmd = function (tbl) return false end,
493   available = function () return true end,
494   wanted = function () return true end
497mergers.meld = {
498   cmd = function (tbl)
499      io.write(string.format(
500        "\nWARNING: 'meld' was chosen to perform an external 3-way merge.\n"..
501        "You must merge all changes to the *CENTER* file.\n\n"
502      ))
503      local path = "meld"
504      local ret = execute(path, tbl.lfile, tbl.afile, tbl.rfile)
505      if (ret ~= 0) then
506         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), path))
507         return false
508      end
509      return tbl.afile
510   end ,
511   available = function () return program_exists_in_path("meld") end,
512   wanted = function () return true end
515mergers.diffuse = {
516   cmd = function (tbl)
517      io.write(string.format(
518        "\nWARNING: 'diffuse' was chosen to perform an external 3-way merge.\n"..
519        "You must merge all changes to the *CENTER* file.\n\n"
520      ))
521      local path = "diffuse"
522      local ret = execute(path, tbl.lfile, tbl.afile, tbl.rfile)
523      if (ret ~= 0) then
524         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), path))
525         return false
526      end
527      return tbl.afile
528   end ,
529   available = function () return program_exists_in_path("diffuse") end,
530   wanted = function () return true end
533mergers.tortoise = {
534   cmd = function (tbl)
535      local path = "tortoisemerge"
536      local ret = execute(path,
537                          string.format("/base:%s", tbl.afile),
538                          string.format("/theirs:%s", tbl.lfile),
539                          string.format("/mine:%s", tbl.rfile),
540                          string.format("/merged:%s", tbl.outfile))
541      if (ret ~= 0) then
542         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), path))
543         return false
544      end
545      return tbl.outfile
546   end ,
547   available = function() return program_exists_in_path ("tortoisemerge") end,
548   wanted = function () return true end
551mergers.vim = {
552   cmd = function (tbl)
553      function execute_diff3(mine, yours, out)
554     local diff3_args = {
555        "diff3",
556        "--merge",
557        "--easy-only",
558     }
559     table.insert(diff3_args, string.gsub(mine, "\\", "/") .. "")
560     table.insert(diff3_args, string.gsub(tbl.afile, "\\", "/") .. "")
561     table.insert(diff3_args, string.gsub(yours, "\\", "/") .. "")
563     return execute_redirected("", string.gsub(out, "\\", "/"), "", unpack(diff3_args))
564      end
566      io.write (string.format("\nWARNING: 'vim' was chosen to perform "..
567                  "an external 3-way merge.\n"..
568                  "You must merge all changes to the "..
569                  "*LEFT* file.\n"))
571      local vim
572      if os.getenv ("DISPLAY") ~= nil and program_exists_in_path ("gvim") then
573     vim = "gvim"
574      else
575     vim = "vim"
576      end
578      local lfile_merged = tbl.lfile .. ".merged"
579      local rfile_merged = tbl.rfile .. ".merged"
581      -- first merge lfile using diff3
582      local ret = execute_diff3(tbl.lfile, tbl.rfile, lfile_merged)
583      if ret == 2 then
584         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running diff3 for merger '%s'\n"), vim))
585         os.remove(lfile_merged)
586     return false
587      end
589      -- now merge rfile using diff3
590      ret = execute_diff3(tbl.rfile, tbl.lfile, rfile_merged)
591      if ret == 2 then
592         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running diff3 for merger '%s'\n"), vim))
593         os.remove(lfile_merged)
594         os.remove(rfile_merged)
595     return false
596      end
598      os.rename(lfile_merged, tbl.lfile)
599      os.rename(rfile_merged, tbl.rfile)
601      local ret = execute(vim, "-f", "-d", "-c", string.format("silent file %s", tbl.outfile),
602                          tbl.lfile, tbl.rfile)
603      if (ret ~= 0) then
604         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), vim))
605         return false
606      end
607      return tbl.outfile
608   end ,
609   available =
610      function ()
611     return program_exists_in_path("diff3") and
612            (program_exists_in_path("vim") or
613        program_exists_in_path("gvim"))
614      end ,
615   wanted =
616      function ()
617     local editor = os.getenv("EDITOR")
618     if editor and
619        not (string.find(editor, "vim") or
620         string.find(editor, "gvim")) then
621        return false
622     end
623     return true
624      end
627mergers.rcsmerge = {
628   cmd = function (tbl)
629      -- XXX: This is tough - should we check if conflict markers stay or not?
630      -- If so, we should certainly give the user some way to still force
631      -- the merge to proceed since they can appear in the files (and I saw
632      -- that). --pasky
633      local merge = os.getenv("MTN_RCSMERGE")
634      if execute(merge, tbl.lfile, tbl.afile, tbl.rfile) == 0 then
635         copy_text_file(tbl.lfile, tbl.outfile);
636         return tbl.outfile
637      end
638      local ret = execute("vim", "-f", "-c", string.format("file %s", tbl.outfile
640                          tbl.lfile)
641      if (ret ~= 0) then
642         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), "vim"))
643         return false
644      end
645      return tbl.outfile
646   end,
647   available =
648      function ()
649     local merge = os.getenv("MTN_RCSMERGE")
650     return merge and
651        program_exists_in_path(merge) and program_exists_in_path("vim")
652      end ,
653   wanted = function () return os.getenv("MTN_RCSMERGE") ~= nil end
656--  GNU diffutils based merging
657mergers.diffutils = {
658    --  merge procedure execution
659    cmd = function (tbl)
660        --  parse options
661        local option = {}
662        option.partial = false
663        option.diff3opts = ""
664        option.sdiffopts = ""
665        local options = os.getenv("MTN_MERGE_DIFFUTILS")
666        if options ~= nil then
667            for spec in string.gmatch(options, "%s*(%w[^,]*)%s*,?") do
668                local name, value = string.match(spec, "^(%w+)=([^,]*)")
669                if name == nil then
670                    name = spec
671                    value = true
672                end
673                if type(option[name]) == "nil" then
674                    io.write("mtn: " .. string.format(gettext("invalid \"diffutils\" merger option \"%s\""), name) .. "\n")
675                    return false
676                end
677                option[name] = value
678            end
679        end
681        --  determine the diff3(1) command
682        local diff3 = {
683            "diff3",
684            "--merge",
685            "--label", string.format("%s [left]",     tbl.left_path ),
686            "--label", string.format("%s [ancestor]", tbl.anc_path  ),
687            "--label", string.format("%s [right]",    tbl.right_path),
688        }
689        if option.diff3opts ~= "" then
690            for opt in string.gmatch(option.diff3opts, "%s*([^%s]+)%s*") do
691                table.insert(diff3, opt)
692            end
693        end
694        table.insert(diff3, string.gsub(tbl.lfile, "\\", "/") .. "")
695        table.insert(diff3, string.gsub(tbl.afile, "\\", "/") .. "")
696        table.insert(diff3, string.gsub(tbl.rfile, "\\", "/") .. "")
698        --  dispatch according to major operation mode
699        if option.partial then
700            --  partial batch/non-modal 3-way merge "resolution":
701            --  simply merge content with help of conflict markers
702            io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("3-way merge via GNU diffutils, resolving conflicts via conflict markers") .. "\n")
703            local ret = execute_redirected("", string.gsub(tbl.outfile, "\\", "/"), "", unpack(diff3))
704            if ret == 2 then
705                io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("error running GNU diffutils 3-way difference/merge tool \"diff3\"") .. "\n")
706                return false
707            end
708            return tbl.outfile
709        else
710            --  real interactive/modal 3/2-way merge resolution:
711            --  display 3-way merge conflict and perform 2-way merge resolution
712            io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("3-way merge via GNU diffutils, resolving conflicts via interactive prompt") .. "\n")
714            --  display 3-way merge conflict (batch)
715            io.write("\n")
716            io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("---- CONFLICT SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------") .. "\n")
717            local ret = execute(unpack(diff3))
718            if ret == 2 then
719                io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("error running GNU diffutils 3-way difference/merge tool \"diff3\"") .. "\n")
720                return false
721            end
723            --  perform 2-way merge resolution (interactive)
724            io.write("\n")
725            io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("---- CONFLICT RESOLUTION ---------------------------------------------") .. "\n")
726            local sdiff = {
727                "sdiff",
728                "--diff-program=diff",
729                "--suppress-common-lines",
730                "--minimal",
731                "--output=" .. string.gsub(tbl.outfile, "\\", "/")
732            }
733            if option.sdiffopts ~= "" then
734                for opt in string.gmatch(option.sdiffopts, "%s*([^%s]+)%s*") do
735                    table.insert(sdiff, opt)
736                end
737            end
738            table.insert(sdiff, string.gsub(tbl.lfile, "\\", "/") .. "")
739            table.insert(sdiff, string.gsub(tbl.rfile, "\\", "/") .. "")
740            local ret = execute(unpack(sdiff))
741            if ret == 2 then
742                io.write("mtn: " .. gettext("error running GNU diffutils 2-way merging tool \"sdiff\"") .. "\n")
743                return false
744            end
745            return tbl.outfile
746        end
747    end,
749    --  merge procedure availability check
750    available = function ()
751        --  make sure the GNU diffutils tools are available
752        return program_exists_in_path("diff3") and
753               program_exists_in_path("sdiff") and
754               program_exists_in_path("diff");
755    end,
757    --  merge procedure request check
758    wanted = function ()
759        --  assume it is requested (if it is available at all)
760        return true
761    end
764mergers.emacs = {
765   cmd = function (tbl)
766      local emacs
767      if program_exists_in_path("xemacs") then
768         emacs = "xemacs"
769      else
770         emacs = "emacs"
771      end
772      local elisp = "(ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" nil \"%s\")"
773      -- Converting backslashes is necessary on Win32 MinGW; emacs
774      -- lisp string syntax says '\' is an escape.
775      local ret = execute(emacs, "--eval",
776                          string.format(elisp,
777                          string.gsub (tbl.lfile, "\\", "/"),
778                          string.gsub (tbl.rfile, "\\", "/"),
779                          string.gsub (tbl.afile, "\\", "/"),
780                          string.gsub (tbl.outfile, "\\", "/")))
781      if (ret ~= 0) then
782         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), emacs))
783         return false
784      end
785      return tbl.outfile
786   end,
787   available =
788      function ()
789     return program_exists_in_path("xemacs") or
790        program_exists_in_path("emacs")
791      end ,
792   wanted =
793      function ()
794     local editor = os.getenv("EDITOR")
795     if editor and
796        not (string.find(editor, "emacs") or
797         string.find(editor, "gnu")) then
798        return false
799     end
800     return true
801      end
804mergers.xxdiff = {
805   cmd = function (tbl)
806      local path = "xxdiff"
807      local ret = execute(path,
808                        "--title1", tbl.left_path,
809                        "--title2", tbl.right_path,
810                        "--title3", tbl.merged_path,
811                        tbl.lfile, tbl.afile, tbl.rfile,
812                        "--merge",
813                        "--merged-filename", tbl.outfile,
814                        "--exit-with-merge-status")
815      if (ret ~= 0) then
816         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), path))
817         return false
818      end
819      return tbl.outfile
820   end,
821   available = function () return program_exists_in_path("xxdiff") end,
822   wanted = function () return true end
825mergers.kdiff3 = {
826   cmd = function (tbl)
827      local path = "kdiff3"
828      local ret = execute(path,
829                          "--L1", tbl.anc_path,
830                          "--L2", tbl.left_path,
831                          "--L3", tbl.right_path,
832                          tbl.afile, tbl.lfile, tbl.rfile,
833                          "--merge",
834                          "--o", tbl.outfile)
835      if (ret ~= 0) then
836         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), path))
837         return false
838      end
839      return tbl.outfile
840   end,
841   available = function () return program_exists_in_path("kdiff3") end,
842   wanted = function () return true end
845mergers.opendiff = {
846   cmd = function (tbl)
847      local path = "opendiff"
848      -- As opendiff immediately returns, let user confirm manually
849      local ret = execute_confirm(path,
850                                  tbl.lfile,tbl.rfile,
851                                  "-ancestor",tbl.afile,
852                                  "-merge",tbl.outfile)
853      if (ret ~= 0) then
854         io.write(string.format(gettext("Error running merger '%s'\n"), path))
855         return false
856      end
857      return tbl.outfile
858   end,
859   available = function () return program_exists_in_path("opendiff") end,
860   wanted = function () return true end
863function write_to_temporary_file(data, namehint, filemodehint)
864   tmp, filename = temp_file(namehint, filemodehint)
865   if (tmp == nil) then
866      return nil
867   end;
868   tmp:write(data)
869   io.close(tmp)
870   return filename
873function copy_text_file(srcname, destname)
874   src = io.open(srcname, "r")
875   if (src == nil) then return nil end
876   dest = io.open(destname, "w")
877   if (dest == nil) then return nil end
879   while true do
880      local line = src:read()
881      if line == nil then break end
882      dest:write(line, "\n")
883   end
885   io.close(dest)
886   io.close(src)
889function read_contents_of_file(filename, mode)
890   tmp = io.open(filename, mode)
891   if (tmp == nil) then
892      return nil
893   end
894   local data = tmp:read("*a")
895   io.close(tmp)
896   return data
899function program_exists_in_path(program)
900   return existsonpath(program) == 0
903function get_preferred_merge3_command (tbl)
904   local default_order = {"diffuse", "kdiff3", "xxdiff", "opendiff",
905                          "tortoise", "emacs", "vim", "meld", "diffutils"}
906   local function existmerger(name)
907      local m = mergers[name]
908      if type(m) == "table" and m.available(tbl) then
909         return m.cmd
910      end
911      return nil
912   end
913   local function trymerger(name)
914      local m = mergers[name]
915      if type(m) == "table" and m.available(tbl) and m.wanted(tbl) then
916         return m.cmd
917      end
918      return nil
919   end
920   -- Check if there's a merger given by the user.
921   local mkey = os.getenv("MTN_MERGE")
922   if not mkey then mkey = merger end
923   if not mkey and os.getenv("MTN_RCSMERGE") then mkey = "rcsmerge" end
924   -- If there was a user-given merger, see if it exists.  If it does, return
925   -- the cmd function.  If not, return nil.
926   local c
927   if mkey then c = existmerger(mkey) end
928   if c then return c,mkey end
929   if mkey then return nil,mkey end
930   -- If there wasn't any user-given merger, take the first that's available
931   -- and wanted.
932   for _,mkey in ipairs(default_order) do
933      c = trymerger(mkey) ; if c then return c,mkey end
934   end
937function merge3 (anc_path, left_path, right_path, merged_path, ancestor, left, right)
938   local ret = nil
939   local tbl = {}
941   tbl.anc_path = anc_path
942   tbl.left_path = left_path
943   tbl.right_path = right_path
945   tbl.merged_path = merged_path
946   tbl.afile = nil
947   tbl.lfile = nil
948   tbl.rfile = nil
949   tbl.outfile = nil
950   tbl.meld_exists = false
951   tbl.lfile = write_to_temporary_file (left, "left", "r+b")
952   tbl.afile = write_to_temporary_file (ancestor, "ancestor", "r+b")
953   tbl.rfile = write_to_temporary_file (right, "right", "r+b")
954   tbl.outfile = write_to_temporary_file ("", "merged", "r+b")
956   if tbl.lfile ~= nil and tbl.rfile ~= nil and tbl.afile ~= nil and tbl.outfile ~= nil
957   then
958      local cmd,mkey = get_preferred_merge3_command (tbl)
959      if cmd ~=nil
960      then
961         io.write ("mtn: " .. string.format(gettext("executing external 3-way merge via \"%s\" merger\n"), mkey))
962         ret = cmd (tbl)
963         if not ret then
964            ret = nil
965         else
966            ret = read_contents_of_file (ret, "rb")
967            if string.len (ret) == 0
968            then
969               ret = nil
970            end
971         end
972      else
973     if mkey then
974        io.write (string.format("The possible commands for the "..mkey.." merger aren't available.\n"..
975                "You may want to check that $MTN_MERGE or the lua variable `merger' is set\n"..
976                "to something available.  If you want to use vim or emacs, you can also\n"..
977        "set $EDITOR to something appropriate.\n"))
978     else
979        io.write (string.format("No external 3-way merge command found.\n"..
980                "You may want to check that $EDITOR is set to an editor that supports 3-way\n"..
981                "merge, set this explicitly in your get_preferred_merge3_command hook,\n"..
982                "or add a 3-way merge program to your path.\n"))
983     end
984      end
985   end
987   os.remove (tbl.lfile)
988   os.remove (tbl.rfile)
989   os.remove (tbl.afile)
990   os.remove (tbl.outfile)
992   return ret
995-- expansion of values used in selector completion
997function expand_selector(str)
999   -- something which looks like a generic cert pattern
1000   if string.find(str, "^[^=]*=.*$")
1001   then
1002      return ("c:" .. str)
1003   end
1005   -- something which looks like an email address
1006   if string.find(str, "[%w%-_]+@[%w%-_]+")
1007   then
1008      return ("a:" .. str)
1009   end
1011   -- something which looks like a branch name
1012   if string.find(str, "[%w%-]+%.[%w%-]+")
1013   then
1014      return ("b:" .. str)
1015   end
1017   -- a sequence of nothing but hex digits
1018   if string.find(str, "^%x+$")
1019   then
1020      return ("i:" .. str)
1021   end
1023   -- tries to expand as a date
1024   local dtstr = expand_date(str)
1025   if  dtstr ~= nil
1026   then
1027      return ("d:" .. dtstr)
1028   end
1030   return nil
1033-- expansion of a date expression
1034function expand_date(str)
1035   -- simple date patterns
1036   if string.find(str, "^19%d%d%-%d%d")
1037      or string.find(str, "^20%d%d%-%d%d")
1038   then
1039      return (str)
1040   end
1042   -- "now"
1043   if str == "now"
1044   then
1045      local t = os.time(os.date('!*t'))
1046      return os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t)
1047   end
1049   -- today don't uses the time         # for xgettext's sake, an extra quote
1050   if str == "today"
1051   then
1052      local t = os.time(os.date('!*t'))
1053      return os.date("!%Y-%m-%d", t)
1054   end
1056   -- "yesterday", the source of all hangovers
1057   if str == "yesterday"
1058   then
1059      local t = os.time(os.date('!*t'))
1060      return os.date("!%Y-%m-%d", t - 86400)
1061   end
1063   -- "CVS style" relative dates such as "3 weeks ago"
1064   local trans = {
1065      minute = 60;
1066      hour = 3600;
1067      day = 86400;
1068      week = 604800;
1069      month = 2678400;
1070      year = 31536000
1071   }
1072   local pos, len, n, type = string.find(str, "(%d+) ([minutehordaywk]+)s? ago")
1073   if trans[type] ~= nil
1074   then
1075      local t = os.time(os.date('!*t'))
1076      if trans[type] <= 3600
1077      then
1078        return os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t - (n * trans[type]))
1079      else
1080        return os.date("!%Y-%m-%d", t - (n * trans[type]))
1081      end
1082   end
1084   return nil
1088external_diff_default_args = "-u"
1090-- default external diff, works for gnu diff
1091function external_diff(file_path, data_old, data_new, is_binary, diff_args, rev_old, rev_new)
1092   local old_file = write_to_temporary_file(data_old, nil, "r+b");
1093   local new_file = write_to_temporary_file(data_new, nil, "r+b");
1095   if diff_args == nil then diff_args = external_diff_default_args end
1096   execute("diff", diff_args, "--label", file_path .. "\told", old_file, "--label", file_path .. "\tnew", new_file);
1098   os.remove (old_file);
1099   os.remove (new_file);
1102-- netsync permissions hooks (and helper)
1104function globish_match(glob, str)
1105      local pcallstatus, result = pcall(function() if (globish.match(glob, str)) then return true else return false end end)
1106      if pcallstatus == true then
1107          -- no error
1108          return result
1109      else
1110          -- globish.match had a problem
1111          return nil
1112      end
1115function _get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident, permfilename, state)
1116   if not exists(permfilename) or isdir(permfilename) then
1117      return false
1118   end
1119   local permfile = io.open(permfilename, "r")
1120   if (permfile == nil) then return false end
1121   local dat = permfile:read("*a")
1122   io.close(permfile)
1123   local res = parse_basic_io(dat)
1124   if res == nil then
1125      io.stderr:write("file "..permfilename.." cannot be parsed\n")
1126      return false,"continue"
1127   end
1128   state["matches"] = state["matches"] or false
1129   state["cont"] = state["cont"] or false
1130   for i, item in pairs(res)
1131   do
1132      -- legal names: pattern, allow, deny, continue
1133      if item.name == "pattern" then
1134         if state["matches"] and not state["cont"] then return false end
1135         state["matches"] = false
1136         state["cont"] = false
1137         for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
1138            if globish_match(val, branch) then state["matches"] = true end
1139         end
1140      elseif item.name == "allow" then if state["matches"] then
1141         for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
1142            if val == "*" then return true end
1143            if val == "" and ident == nil then return true end
1144            if ident ~= nil and val == ident.id then return true end
1145            if ident ~= nil and globish_match(val, ident.name) then return true end
1146         end
1147      end elseif item.name == "deny" then if state["matches"] then
1148         for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
1149            if val == "*" then return false end
1150            if val == "" and ident == nil then return false end
1151            if ident ~= nil and val == ident.id then return false end
1152            if ident ~= nil and globish_match(val, ident.name) then return false end
1153         end
1154      end elseif item.name == "continue" then if state["matches"] then
1155         state["cont"] = true
1156         for j, val in pairs(item.values) do
1157            if val == "false" or val == "no" then
1158              state["cont"] = false
1159            end
1160         end
1161      end elseif item.name ~= "comment" then
1162         io.stderr:write("unknown symbol in read-permissions: " .. item.name .. "\n")
1163         return false
1164      end
1165   end
1166   return false
1169function get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident)
1170   local permfilename = get_confdir() .. "/read-permissions"
1171   local permdirname = permfilename .. ".d"
1172   local state = {}
1173   if _get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident, permfilename, state) then
1174      return true
1175   end
1176   if isdir(permdirname) then
1177      local files = read_directory(permdirname)
1178      table.sort(files)
1179      for _,f in ipairs(files) do
1180        pf = permdirname.."/"..f
1181        if _get_netsync_read_permitted(branch, ident, pf, state) then
1182          return true
1183        end
1184      end
1185   end
1186   return false
1189function _get_netsync_write_permitted(ident, permfilename)
1190   if not exists(permfilename) or isdir(permfilename) then return false end
1191   local permfile = io.open(permfilename, "r")
1192   if (permfile == nil) then
1193      return false
1194   end
1195   local matches = false
1196   local line = permfile:read()
1197   while (not matches and line ~= nil) do
1198      local _, _, ln = string.find(line, "%s*([^%s]*)%s*")
1199      if ln == "*" then matches = true end
1200      if ln == ident.id then matches = true end
1201      if globish_match(ln, ident.name) then matches = true end
1202      line = permfile:read()
1203   end
1204   io.close(permfile)
1205   return matches
1208function get_netsync_write_permitted(ident)
1209   local permfilename = get_confdir() .. "/write-permissions"
1210   local permdirname = permfilename .. ".d"
1211   if _get_netsync_write_permitted(ident, permfilename) then return true end
1212   if isdir(permdirname) then
1213      local files = read_directory(permdirname)
1214      table.sort(files)
1215      for _,f in ipairs(files) do
1216        pf = permdirname.."/"..f
1217        if _get_netsync_write_permitted(ident, pf) then return true end
1218      end
1219   end
1220   return false
1223-- This is a simple function which assumes you're going to be spawning
1224-- a copy of mtn, so reuses a common bit at the end for converting
1225-- local args into remote args. You might need to massage the logic a
1226-- bit if this doesn't fit your assumptions.
1228function get_netsync_connect_command(uri, args)
1230        local argv = nil
1232        if uri["scheme"] == "ssh"
1233                and uri["host"]
1234                and uri["path"] then
1236                argv = { "ssh" }
1237                if uri["user"] then
1238                        table.insert(argv, "-l")
1239                        table.insert(argv, uri["user"])
1240                end
1241                if uri["port"] then
1242                        table.insert(argv, "-p")
1243                        table.insert(argv, uri["port"])
1244                end
1246                -- ssh://host/~/dir/file.mtn or
1247                -- ssh://host/~user/dir/file.mtn should be home-relative
1248                if string.find(uri["path"], "^/~") then
1249                        uri["path"] = string.sub(uri["path"], 2)
1250                end
1252                table.insert(argv, uri["host"])
1253        end
1255        if uri["scheme"] == "file" and uri["path"] then
1256                argv = { }
1257        end
1259        if uri["scheme"] == "ssh+ux"
1260                and uri["host"]
1261                and uri["path"] then
1263                argv = { "ssh" }
1264                if uri["user"] then
1265                        table.insert(argv, "-l")
1266                        table.insert(argv, uri["user"])
1267                end
1268                if uri["port"] then
1269                        table.insert(argv, "-p")
1270                        table.insert(argv, uri["port"])
1271                end
1273                -- ssh://host/~/dir/file.mtn or
1274                -- ssh://host/~user/dir/file.mtn should be home-relative
1275                if string.find(uri["path"], "^/~") then
1276                        uri["path"] = string.sub(uri["path"], 2)
1277                end
1279                table.insert(argv, uri["host"])
1280                table.insert(argv, get_remote_unix_socket_command(uri["host"]))
1281                table.insert(argv, "-")
1282                table.insert(argv, "UNIX-CONNECT:" .. uri["path"])
1283        else
1284            if argv then
1285                    -- start remote monotone process
1287                    table.insert(argv, get_mtn_command(uri["host"]))
1289                    if args["debug"] then
1290                            table.insert(argv, "--verbose")
1291                    else
1292                            table.insert(argv, "--quiet")
1293                    end
1295                    table.insert(argv, "--db")
1296                    table.insert(argv, uri["path"])
1297                    table.insert(argv, "serve")
1298                    table.insert(argv, "--stdio")
1299                    table.insert(argv, "--no-transport-auth")
1301            -- else scheme does not require starting a new remote
1302            -- process (ie mtn:)
1303            end
1304        end
1305        return argv
1308function use_transport_auth(uri)
1309        if uri["scheme"] == "ssh"
1310        or uri["scheme"] == "ssh+ux"
1311        or uri["scheme"] == "file" then
1312                return false
1313        else
1314                return true
1315        end
1318function get_mtn_command(host)
1319        return "mtn"
1322function get_remote_unix_socket_command(host)
1323    return "socat"
1326function get_default_command_options(command)
1327    local default_args = {}
1328    return default_args
1331function get_default_database_alias()
1332    return ":default.mtn"
1335function get_default_database_locations()
1336    local paths = {}
1337    table.insert(paths, get_confdir() .. "/databases")
1338    return paths
1341function get_default_database_glob()
1342    return "*.{mtn,db}"
1345hook_wrapper_dump                = {}
1346hook_wrapper_dump.depth          = 0
1347hook_wrapper_dump._string        = function(s) return string.format("%q", s) end
1348hook_wrapper_dump._number        = function(n) return tostring(n) end
1349hook_wrapper_dump._boolean       = function(b) if (b) then return "true" end return "false" end
1350hook_wrapper_dump._userdata      = function(u) return "nil --[[userdata]]" end
1351-- if we really need to return / serialize functions we could do it
1352-- like cbreak@irc.freenode.net did here: http://lua-users.org/wiki/TablePersistence
1353hook_wrapper_dump._function      = function(f) return "nil --[[function]]" end
1354hook_wrapper_dump._nil           = function(n) return "nil" end
1355hook_wrapper_dump._thread        = function(t) return "nil --[[thread]]" end
1356hook_wrapper_dump._lightuserdata = function(l) return "nil --[[lightuserdata]]" end
1358hook_wrapper_dump._table = function(t)
1359    local buf = ''
1360    if (hook_wrapper_dump.depth > 0) then
1361        buf = buf .. '{\n'
1362    end
1363    hook_wrapper_dump.depth = hook_wrapper_dump.depth + 1;
1364    for k,v in pairs(t) do
1365        buf = buf..string.format('%s[%s] = %s;\n',
1366              string.rep("\t", hook_wrapper_dump.depth - 1),
1367              hook_wrapper_dump["_" .. type(k)](k),
1368              hook_wrapper_dump["_" .. type(v)](v))
1369    end
1370    hook_wrapper_dump.depth = hook_wrapper_dump.depth - 1;
1371    if (hook_wrapper_dump.depth > 0) then
1372        buf = buf .. string.rep("\t", hook_wrapper_dump.depth - 1) .. '}'
1373    end
1374    return buf
1377function hook_wrapper(func_name, ...)
1378    -- we have to ensure that nil arguments are restored properly for the
1379    -- function call, see http://lua-users.org/wiki/StoringNilsInTables
1380    local args = { n=select('#', ...), ... }
1381    for i=1,args.n do
1382        local val = assert(loadstring("return " .. args[i]),
1383                         "argument "..args[i].." could not be evaluated")()
1384        assert(val ~= nil or args[i] == "nil",
1385               "argument "..args[i].." was evaluated to nil")
1386        args[i] = val
1387    end
1388    local res = { _G[func_name](unpack(args, 1, args.n)) }
1389    return hook_wrapper_dump._table(res)
1393   -- Hook functions are tables containing any of the following 6 items
1394   -- with associated functions:
1395   --
1396   --   startup			Corresponds to note_mtn_startup()
1397   --   start			Corresponds to note_netsync_start()
1398   --   revision_received	Corresponds to note_netsync_revision_received()
1399   --   revision_sent		Corresponds to note_netsync_revision_sent()
1400   --   cert_received		Corresponds to note_netsync_cert_received()
1401   --   cert_sent		Corresponds to note_netsync_cert_sent()
1402   --   pubkey_received		Corresponds to note_netsync_pubkey_received()
1403   --   pubkey_sent		Corresponds to note_netsync_pubkey_sent()
1404   --   end			Corresponds to note_netsync_end()
1405   --
1406   -- Those functions take exactly the same arguments as the corresponding
1407   -- global functions, but return a different kind of value, a tuple
1408   -- composed of a return code and a value to be returned back to monotone.
1409   -- The codes are strings:
1410   -- "continue" and "stop"
1411   -- When the code "continue" is returned and there's another notifier, the
1412   -- second value is ignored and the next notifier is called.  Otherwise,
1413   -- the second value is returned immediately.
1414   local hook_functions = {}
1415   local supported_items = {
1416      "startup",
1417      "start", "revision_received", "revision_sent", "cert_received", "cert_sent",
1418      "pubkey_received", "pubkey_sent", "end"
1419   }
1421   function _hook_functions_helper(f,...)
1422      local s = "continue"
1423      local v = nil
1424      for _,n in pairs(hook_functions) do
1425         if n[f] then
1426            s,v = n[f](...)
1427         end
1428         if s ~= "continue" then
1429            break
1430         end
1431      end
1432      return v
1433   end
1434   function note_mtn_startup(...)
1435      return _hook_functions_helper("startup",...)
1436   end
1437   function note_netsync_start(...)
1438      return _hook_functions_helper("start",...)
1439   end
1440   function note_netsync_revision_received(...)
1441      return _hook_functions_helper("revision_received",...)
1442   end
1443   function note_netsync_revision_sent(...)
1444      return _hook_functions_helper("revision_sent",...)
1445   end
1446   function note_netsync_cert_received(...)
1447      return _hook_functions_helper("cert_received",...)
1448   end
1449   function note_netsync_cert_sent(...)
1450      return _hook_functions_helper("cert_sent",...)
1451   end
1452   function note_netsync_pubkey_received(...)
1453      return _hook_functions_helper("pubkey_received",...)
1454   end
1455   function note_netsync_pubkey_sent(...)
1456      return _hook_functions_helper("pubkey_sent",...)
1457   end
1458   function note_netsync_end(...)
1459      return _hook_functions_helper("end",...)
1460   end
1462   function add_hook_functions(functions, precedence)
1463      if type(functions) ~= "table" or type(precedence) ~= "number" then
1464         return false, "Invalid type"
1465      end
1466      if hook_functions[precedence] then
1467         return false, "Precedence already taken"
1468      end
1470      local unknown_items = ""
1471      local warning = nil
1472      local is_member =
1473         function (s,t)
1474            for k,v in pairs(t) do if s == v then return true end end
1475            return false
1476         end
1478      for n,f in pairs(functions) do
1479         if type(n) == "string" then
1480            if not is_member(n, supported_items) then
1481               if unknown_items ~= "" then
1482                  unknown_items = unknown_items .. ","
1483               end
1484               unknown_items = unknown_items .. n
1485            end
1486            if type(f) ~= "function" then
1487               return false, "Value for functions item "..n.." isn't a function"
1488            end
1489         else
1490            warning = "Non-string item keys found in functions table"
1491         end
1492      end
1494      if warning == nil and unknown_items ~= "" then
1495         warning = "Unknown item(s) " .. unknown_items .. " in functions table"
1496      end
1498      hook_functions[precedence] = functions
1499      return true, warning
1500   end
1501   function push_hook_functions(functions)
1502      local n = #hook_functions + 1
1503      return add_hook_functions(functions, n)
1504   end
1506   -- Kept for backward compatibility
1507   function add_netsync_notifier(notifier, precedence)
1508      return add_hook_functions(notifier, precedence)
1509   end
1510   function push_netsync_notifier(notifier)
1511      return push_hook_functions(notifier)
1512   end
1515-- to ensure only mapped authors are allowed through
1516-- return "" from unmapped_git_author
1517-- and validate_git_author will fail
1519function unmapped_git_author(author)
1520   -- replace "foo@bar" with "foo <foo@bar>"
1521   name = author:match("^([^<>]+)@[^<>]+$")
1522   if name then
1523      return name .. " <" .. author .. ">"
1524   end
1526   -- replace "<foo@bar>" with "foo <foo@bar>"
1527   name = author:match("^<([^<>]+)@[^<>]+>$")
1528   if name then
1529      return name .. " " .. author
1530   end
1532   -- replace "foo" with "foo <foo>"
1533   name = author:match("^[^<>@]+$")
1534   if name then
1535      return name .. " <" .. name .. ">"
1536   end
1538   return author -- unchanged
1541function validate_git_author(author)
1542   -- ensure author matches the "Name <email>" format git expects
1543   if author:match("^[^<]+ <[^>]*>$") then
1544      return true
1545   end
1547   return false
1550function get_man_page_formatter_command()
1551   local term_width = guess_terminal_width() - 2
1552   -- The string returned is run in a process created with 'popen'
1553   -- (see cmd.cc manpage).
1554   --
1555   -- On Unix (and POSIX compliant systems), 'popen' runs 'sh' with
1556   -- the inherited path.
1557   --
1558   -- On MinGW, 'popen' runs 'cmd.exe' with the inherited path. MinGW
1559   -- does not (currently) provide nroff or equivalent. So we assume
1560   -- sh, nroff, locale and less are also installed, from Cygwin or
1561   -- some other toolset.
1562   --
1563   -- GROFF_ENCODING is an environment variable that, when set, tells
1564   -- groff (called by nroff where applicable) to use preconv to convert
1565   -- the input from the given encoding to something groff understands.
1566   -- For example, groff doesn NOT understand raw UTF-8 as input, but
1567   -- it does understand unicode, which preconv will happily provide.
1568   -- This doesn't help people that don't use groff, unfortunately.
1569   -- Patches are welcome!
1570   if string.sub(get_ostype(), 1, 7) == "Windows" then
1571      return string.format("sh -c 'GROFF_ENCODING=`locale charmap` nroff -man -rLL=%dn' | less -R", term_width)
1572   else
1573      return string.format("GROFF_ENCODING=`locale charmap` nroff -man -rLL=%dn | less -R", term_width)
1574   end