1 /**************************************************************************************************
2 *                                                                                                 *
3 * This file is part of HPIPM.                                                                     *
4 *                                                                                                 *
5 * HPIPM -- High-Performance Interior Point Method.                                                *
6 * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Gianluca Frison.                                                     *
7 * Developed at IMTEK (University of Freiburg) under the supervision of Moritz Diehl.              *
8 * All rights reserved.                                                                            *
9 *                                                                                                 *
10 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                            *
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                            *
12 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                               *
13 * (at your option) any later version                                                              *.
14 *                                                                                                 *
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                 *
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                  *
17 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                   *
18 * GNU General Public License for more details.                                                    *
19 *                                                                                                 *
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                               *
21 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                          *
22 *                                                                                                 *
23 * The authors designate this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception              *
24 * as provided by the authors in the LICENSE file that accompained this code.                      *
25 *                                                                                                 *
26 * Author: Gianluca Frison, gianluca.frison (at) imtek.uni-freiburg.de                             *
27 *                                                                                                 *
28 **************************************************************************************************/
32 #include <blasfeo_target.h>
33 #include <blasfeo_common.h>
35 #ifdef __cplusplus
36 extern "C" {
37 #endif
39 struct d_ocp_nlp_sol
40 	{
41 	struct blasfeo_dvec *ux;
42 	struct blasfeo_dvec *pi;
43 	struct blasfeo_dvec *lam;
44 	struct blasfeo_dvec *t;
45 	int memsize; // memory size in bytes
46 	};
50 //
51 int d_memsize_ocp_nlp_sol(int N, int *nx, int *nu, int *nb, int *ng, int *ns);
52 //
53 void d_create_ocp_nlp_sol(int N, int *nx, int *nu, int *nb, int *ng, int *ns, struct d_ocp_nlp_sol *qp_sol, void *memory);
54 //
55 void d_cvt_ocp_nlp_sol_to_colmaj(struct d_ocp_nlp *qp, struct d_ocp_nlp_sol *qp_sol, double **u, double **x, double **ls, double **us, double **pi, double **lam_lb, double **lam_ub, double **lam_lg, double **lam_ug, double **lam_ls, double **lam_us);
56 //
57 void d_cvt_ocp_nlp_sol_to_rowmaj(struct d_ocp_nlp *qp, struct d_ocp_nlp_sol *qp_sol, double **u, double **x, double **ls, double **us, double **pi, double **lam_lb, double **lam_ub, double **lam_lg, double **lam_ug, double **lam_ls, double **lam_us);
58 //
59 void d_cvt_ocp_nlp_sol_to_libstr(struct d_ocp_nlp *qp, struct d_ocp_nlp_sol *qp_sol, struct blasfeo_dvec *u, struct blasfeo_dvec *ls, struct blasfeo_dvec *us, struct blasfeo_dvec *x, struct blasfeo_dvec *pi, struct blasfeo_dvec *lam_lb, struct blasfeo_dvec *lam_ub, struct blasfeo_dvec *lam_lg, struct blasfeo_dvec *lam_ug, struct blasfeo_dvec *lam_ls, struct blasfeo_dvec *lam_us);
61 #ifdef __cplusplus
62 } /* extern "C" */
63 #endif