xref: /linux/include/linux/fortify-string.h (revision 74df2245)
1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
5 #include <linux/bitfield.h>
6 #include <linux/bug.h>
7 #include <linux/const.h>
8 #include <linux/limits.h>
10 #define __FORTIFY_INLINE extern __always_inline __gnu_inline __overloadable
11 #define __RENAME(x) __asm__(#x)
13 #define FORTIFY_REASON_DIR(r)		FIELD_GET(BIT(0), r)
15 #define FORTIFY_REASON(func, write)	(FIELD_PREP(BIT(0), write) | \
16 					 FIELD_PREP(GENMASK(7, 1), func))
18 /* Overridden by KUnit tests. */
19 #ifndef fortify_panic
20 # define fortify_panic(func, write, avail, size, retfail)	\
21 	 __fortify_panic(FORTIFY_REASON(func, write), avail, size)
22 #endif
23 #ifndef fortify_warn_once
24 # define fortify_warn_once(x...)	WARN_ONCE(x)
25 #endif
27 #define FORTIFY_READ		 0
28 #define FORTIFY_WRITE		 1
30 #define EACH_FORTIFY_FUNC(macro)	\
31 	macro(strncpy),			\
32 	macro(strnlen),			\
33 	macro(strlen),			\
34 	macro(strscpy),			\
35 	macro(strlcat),			\
36 	macro(strcat),			\
37 	macro(strncat),			\
38 	macro(memset),			\
39 	macro(memcpy),			\
40 	macro(memmove),			\
41 	macro(memscan),			\
42 	macro(memcmp),			\
43 	macro(memchr),			\
44 	macro(memchr_inv),		\
45 	macro(kmemdup),			\
46 	macro(strcpy),			\
47 	macro(UNKNOWN),
49 #define MAKE_FORTIFY_FUNC(func)	FORTIFY_FUNC_##func
51 enum fortify_func {
53 };
55 void __fortify_report(const u8 reason, const size_t avail, const size_t size);
56 void __fortify_panic(const u8 reason, const size_t avail, const size_t size) __cold __noreturn;
57 void __read_overflow(void) __compiletime_error("detected read beyond size of object (1st parameter)");
58 void __read_overflow2(void) __compiletime_error("detected read beyond size of object (2nd parameter)");
59 void __read_overflow2_field(size_t avail, size_t wanted) __compiletime_warning("detected read beyond size of field (2nd parameter); maybe use struct_group()?");
60 void __write_overflow(void) __compiletime_error("detected write beyond size of object (1st parameter)");
61 void __write_overflow_field(size_t avail, size_t wanted) __compiletime_warning("detected write beyond size of field (1st parameter); maybe use struct_group()?");
63 #define __compiletime_strlen(p)					\
64 ({								\
65 	char *__p = (char *)(p);				\
66 	size_t __ret = SIZE_MAX;				\
67 	const size_t __p_size = __member_size(p);		\
68 	if (__p_size != SIZE_MAX &&				\
69 	    __builtin_constant_p(*__p)) {			\
70 		size_t __p_len = __p_size - 1;			\
71 		if (__builtin_constant_p(__p[__p_len]) &&	\
72 		    __p[__p_len] == '\0')			\
73 			__ret = __builtin_strlen(__p);		\
74 	}							\
75 	__ret;							\
76 })
79 extern void *__underlying_memchr(const void *p, int c, __kernel_size_t size) __RENAME(memchr);
80 extern int __underlying_memcmp(const void *p, const void *q, __kernel_size_t size) __RENAME(memcmp);
81 extern void *__underlying_memcpy(void *p, const void *q, __kernel_size_t size) __RENAME(memcpy);
82 extern void *__underlying_memmove(void *p, const void *q, __kernel_size_t size) __RENAME(memmove);
83 extern void *__underlying_memset(void *p, int c, __kernel_size_t size) __RENAME(memset);
84 extern char *__underlying_strcat(char *p, const char *q) __RENAME(strcat);
85 extern char *__underlying_strcpy(char *p, const char *q) __RENAME(strcpy);
86 extern __kernel_size_t __underlying_strlen(const char *p) __RENAME(strlen);
87 extern char *__underlying_strncat(char *p, const char *q, __kernel_size_t count) __RENAME(strncat);
88 extern char *__underlying_strncpy(char *p, const char *q, __kernel_size_t size) __RENAME(strncpy);
89 #else
91 #if defined(__SANITIZE_MEMORY__)
92 /*
93  * For KMSAN builds all memcpy/memset/memmove calls should be replaced by the
94  * corresponding __msan_XXX functions.
95  */
96 #include <linux/kmsan_string.h>
97 #define __underlying_memcpy	__msan_memcpy
98 #define __underlying_memmove	__msan_memmove
99 #define __underlying_memset	__msan_memset
100 #else
101 #define __underlying_memcpy	__builtin_memcpy
102 #define __underlying_memmove	__builtin_memmove
103 #define __underlying_memset	__builtin_memset
104 #endif
106 #define __underlying_memchr	__builtin_memchr
107 #define __underlying_memcmp	__builtin_memcmp
108 #define __underlying_strcat	__builtin_strcat
109 #define __underlying_strcpy	__builtin_strcpy
110 #define __underlying_strlen	__builtin_strlen
111 #define __underlying_strncat	__builtin_strncat
112 #define __underlying_strncpy	__builtin_strncpy
113 #endif
115 /**
116  * unsafe_memcpy - memcpy implementation with no FORTIFY bounds checking
117  *
118  * @dst: Destination memory address to write to
119  * @src: Source memory address to read from
120  * @bytes: How many bytes to write to @dst from @src
121  * @justification: Free-form text or comment describing why the use is needed
122  *
123  * This should be used for corner cases where the compiler cannot do the
124  * right thing, or during transitions between APIs, etc. It should be used
125  * very rarely, and includes a place for justification detailing where bounds
126  * checking has happened, and why existing solutions cannot be employed.
127  */
128 #define unsafe_memcpy(dst, src, bytes, justification)		\
129 	__underlying_memcpy(dst, src, bytes)
131 /*
132  * Clang's use of __builtin_*object_size() within inlines needs hinting via
133  * __pass_*object_size(). The preference is to only ever use type 1 (member
134  * size, rather than struct size), but there remain some stragglers using
135  * type 0 that will be converted in the future.
136  */
137 #if __has_builtin(__builtin_dynamic_object_size)
138 #define POS			__pass_dynamic_object_size(1)
139 #define POS0			__pass_dynamic_object_size(0)
140 #else
141 #define POS			__pass_object_size(1)
142 #define POS0			__pass_object_size(0)
143 #endif
145 #define __compiletime_lessthan(bounds, length)	(	\
146 	__builtin_constant_p((bounds) < (length)) &&	\
147 	(bounds) < (length)				\
148 )
150 /**
151  * strncpy - Copy a string to memory with non-guaranteed NUL padding
152  *
153  * @p: pointer to destination of copy
154  * @q: pointer to NUL-terminated source string to copy
155  * @size: bytes to write at @p
156  *
157  * If strlen(@q) >= @size, the copy of @q will stop after @size bytes,
158  * and @p will NOT be NUL-terminated
159  *
160  * If strlen(@q) < @size, following the copy of @q, trailing NUL bytes
161  * will be written to @p until @size total bytes have been written.
162  *
163  * Do not use this function. While FORTIFY_SOURCE tries to avoid
164  * over-reads of @q, it cannot defend against writing unterminated
165  * results to @p. Using strncpy() remains ambiguous and fragile.
166  * Instead, please choose an alternative, so that the expectation
167  * of @p's contents is unambiguous:
168  *
169  * +--------------------+--------------------+------------+
170  * | **p** needs to be: | padded to **size** | not padded |
171  * +====================+====================+============+
172  * |     NUL-terminated | strscpy_pad()      | strscpy()  |
173  * +--------------------+--------------------+------------+
174  * | not NUL-terminated | strtomem_pad()     | strtomem() |
175  * +--------------------+--------------------+------------+
176  *
177  * Note strscpy*()'s differing return values for detecting truncation,
178  * and strtomem*()'s expectation that the destination is marked with
179  * __nonstring when it is a character array.
180  *
181  */
182 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_strncpy, 1, 2, 3)
strncpy(char * const POS p,const char * q,__kernel_size_t size)183 char *strncpy(char * const POS p, const char *q, __kernel_size_t size)
184 {
185 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
187 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
188 		__write_overflow();
189 	if (p_size < size)
190 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strncpy, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, size, p);
191 	return __underlying_strncpy(p, q, size);
192 }
194 extern __kernel_size_t __real_strnlen(const char *, __kernel_size_t) __RENAME(strnlen);
195 /**
196  * strnlen - Return bounded count of characters in a NUL-terminated string
197  *
198  * @p: pointer to NUL-terminated string to count.
199  * @maxlen: maximum number of characters to count.
200  *
201  * Returns number of characters in @p (NOT including the final NUL), or
202  * @maxlen, if no NUL has been found up to there.
203  *
204  */
strnlen(const char * const POS p,__kernel_size_t maxlen)205 __FORTIFY_INLINE __kernel_size_t strnlen(const char * const POS p, __kernel_size_t maxlen)
206 {
207 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
208 	const size_t p_len = __compiletime_strlen(p);
209 	size_t ret;
211 	/* We can take compile-time actions when maxlen is const. */
212 	if (__builtin_constant_p(maxlen) && p_len != SIZE_MAX) {
213 		/* If p is const, we can use its compile-time-known len. */
214 		if (maxlen >= p_size)
215 			return p_len;
216 	}
218 	/* Do not check characters beyond the end of p. */
219 	ret = __real_strnlen(p, maxlen < p_size ? maxlen : p_size);
220 	if (p_size <= ret && maxlen != ret)
221 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strnlen, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, ret + 1, ret);
222 	return ret;
223 }
225 /*
226  * Defined after fortified strnlen to reuse it. However, it must still be
227  * possible for strlen() to be used on compile-time strings for use in
228  * static initializers (i.e. as a constant expression).
229  */
230 /**
231  * strlen - Return count of characters in a NUL-terminated string
232  *
233  * @p: pointer to NUL-terminated string to count.
234  *
235  * Do not use this function unless the string length is known at
236  * compile-time. When @p is unterminated, this function may crash
237  * or return unexpected counts that could lead to memory content
238  * exposures. Prefer strnlen().
239  *
240  * Returns number of characters in @p (NOT including the final NUL).
241  *
242  */
243 #define strlen(p)							\
244 	__builtin_choose_expr(__is_constexpr(__builtin_strlen(p)),	\
245 		__builtin_strlen(p), __fortify_strlen(p))
246 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_strlen, 1)
__fortify_strlen(const char * const POS p)247 __kernel_size_t __fortify_strlen(const char * const POS p)
248 {
249 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
250 	__kernel_size_t ret;
252 	/* Give up if we don't know how large p is. */
253 	if (p_size == SIZE_MAX)
254 		return __underlying_strlen(p);
255 	ret = strnlen(p, p_size);
256 	if (p_size <= ret)
257 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strlen, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, ret + 1, ret);
258 	return ret;
259 }
261 /* Defined after fortified strnlen() to reuse it. */
262 extern ssize_t __real_strscpy(char *, const char *, size_t) __RENAME(sized_strscpy);
sized_strscpy(char * const POS p,const char * const POS q,size_t size)263 __FORTIFY_INLINE ssize_t sized_strscpy(char * const POS p, const char * const POS q, size_t size)
264 {
265 	/* Use string size rather than possible enclosing struct size. */
266 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
267 	const size_t q_size = __member_size(q);
268 	size_t len;
270 	/* If we cannot get size of p and q default to call strscpy. */
271 	if (p_size == SIZE_MAX && q_size == SIZE_MAX)
272 		return __real_strscpy(p, q, size);
274 	/*
275 	 * If size can be known at compile time and is greater than
276 	 * p_size, generate a compile time write overflow error.
277 	 */
278 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
279 		__write_overflow();
281 	/* Short-circuit for compile-time known-safe lengths. */
282 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, SIZE_MAX)) {
283 		len = __compiletime_strlen(q);
285 		if (len < SIZE_MAX && __compiletime_lessthan(len, size)) {
286 			__underlying_memcpy(p, q, len + 1);
287 			return len;
288 		}
289 	}
291 	/*
292 	 * This call protects from read overflow, because len will default to q
293 	 * length if it smaller than size.
294 	 */
295 	len = strnlen(q, size);
296 	/*
297 	 * If len equals size, we will copy only size bytes which leads to
298 	 * -E2BIG being returned.
299 	 * Otherwise we will copy len + 1 because of the final '\O'.
300 	 */
301 	len = len == size ? size : len + 1;
303 	/*
304 	 * Generate a runtime write overflow error if len is greater than
305 	 * p_size.
306 	 */
307 	if (p_size < len)
308 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strscpy, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, len, -E2BIG);
310 	/*
311 	 * We can now safely call vanilla strscpy because we are protected from:
312 	 * 1. Read overflow thanks to call to strnlen().
313 	 * 2. Write overflow thanks to above ifs.
314 	 */
315 	return __real_strscpy(p, q, len);
316 }
318 /* Defined after fortified strlen() to reuse it. */
319 extern size_t __real_strlcat(char *p, const char *q, size_t avail) __RENAME(strlcat);
320 /**
321  * strlcat - Append a string to an existing string
322  *
323  * @p: pointer to %NUL-terminated string to append to
324  * @q: pointer to %NUL-terminated string to append from
325  * @avail: Maximum bytes available in @p
326  *
327  * Appends %NUL-terminated string @q after the %NUL-terminated
328  * string at @p, but will not write beyond @avail bytes total,
329  * potentially truncating the copy from @q. @p will stay
330  * %NUL-terminated only if a %NUL already existed within
331  * the @avail bytes of @p. If so, the resulting number of
332  * bytes copied from @q will be at most "@avail - strlen(@p) - 1".
333  *
334  * Do not use this function. While FORTIFY_SOURCE tries to avoid
335  * read and write overflows, this is only possible when the sizes
336  * of @p and @q are known to the compiler. Prefer building the
337  * string with formatting, via scnprintf(), seq_buf, or similar.
338  *
339  * Returns total bytes that _would_ have been contained by @p
340  * regardless of truncation, similar to snprintf(). If return
341  * value is >= @avail, the string has been truncated.
342  *
343  */
strlcat(char * const POS p,const char * const POS q,size_t avail)345 size_t strlcat(char * const POS p, const char * const POS q, size_t avail)
346 {
347 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
348 	const size_t q_size = __member_size(q);
349 	size_t p_len, copy_len;
350 	size_t actual, wanted;
352 	/* Give up immediately if both buffer sizes are unknown. */
353 	if (p_size == SIZE_MAX && q_size == SIZE_MAX)
354 		return __real_strlcat(p, q, avail);
356 	p_len = strnlen(p, avail);
357 	copy_len = strlen(q);
358 	wanted = actual = p_len + copy_len;
360 	/* Cannot append any more: report truncation. */
361 	if (avail <= p_len)
362 		return wanted;
364 	/* Give up if string is already overflowed. */
365 	if (p_size <= p_len)
366 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strlcat, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, p_len + 1, wanted);
368 	if (actual >= avail) {
369 		copy_len = avail - p_len - 1;
370 		actual = p_len + copy_len;
371 	}
373 	/* Give up if copy will overflow. */
374 	if (p_size <= actual)
375 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strlcat, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, actual + 1, wanted);
376 	__underlying_memcpy(p + p_len, q, copy_len);
377 	p[actual] = '\0';
379 	return wanted;
380 }
382 /* Defined after fortified strlcat() to reuse it. */
383 /**
384  * strcat - Append a string to an existing string
385  *
386  * @p: pointer to NUL-terminated string to append to
387  * @q: pointer to NUL-terminated source string to append from
388  *
389  * Do not use this function. While FORTIFY_SOURCE tries to avoid
390  * read and write overflows, this is only possible when the
391  * destination buffer size is known to the compiler. Prefer
392  * building the string with formatting, via scnprintf() or similar.
393  * At the very least, use strncat().
394  *
395  * Returns @p.
396  *
397  */
398 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_strcat, 1, 2)
strcat(char * const POS p,const char * q)399 char *strcat(char * const POS p, const char *q)
400 {
401 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
402 	const size_t wanted = strlcat(p, q, p_size);
404 	if (p_size <= wanted)
405 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strcat, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, wanted + 1, p);
406 	return p;
407 }
409 /**
410  * strncat - Append a string to an existing string
411  *
412  * @p: pointer to NUL-terminated string to append to
413  * @q: pointer to source string to append from
414  * @count: Maximum bytes to read from @q
415  *
416  * Appends at most @count bytes from @q (stopping at the first
417  * NUL byte) after the NUL-terminated string at @p. @p will be
418  * NUL-terminated.
419  *
420  * Do not use this function. While FORTIFY_SOURCE tries to avoid
421  * read and write overflows, this is only possible when the sizes
422  * of @p and @q are known to the compiler. Prefer building the
423  * string with formatting, via scnprintf() or similar.
424  *
425  * Returns @p.
426  *
427  */
428 /* Defined after fortified strlen() and strnlen() to reuse them. */
429 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_strncat, 1, 2, 3)
strncat(char * const POS p,const char * const POS q,__kernel_size_t count)430 char *strncat(char * const POS p, const char * const POS q, __kernel_size_t count)
431 {
432 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
433 	const size_t q_size = __member_size(q);
434 	size_t p_len, copy_len, total;
436 	if (p_size == SIZE_MAX && q_size == SIZE_MAX)
437 		return __underlying_strncat(p, q, count);
438 	p_len = strlen(p);
439 	copy_len = strnlen(q, count);
440 	total = p_len + copy_len + 1;
441 	if (p_size < total)
442 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strncat, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, total, p);
443 	__underlying_memcpy(p + p_len, q, copy_len);
444 	p[p_len + copy_len] = '\0';
445 	return p;
446 }
fortify_memset_chk(__kernel_size_t size,const size_t p_size,const size_t p_size_field)448 __FORTIFY_INLINE bool fortify_memset_chk(__kernel_size_t size,
449 					 const size_t p_size,
450 					 const size_t p_size_field)
451 {
452 	if (__builtin_constant_p(size)) {
453 		/*
454 		 * Length argument is a constant expression, so we
455 		 * can perform compile-time bounds checking where
456 		 * buffer sizes are also known at compile time.
457 		 */
459 		/* Error when size is larger than enclosing struct. */
460 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size_field, p_size) &&
461 		    __compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
462 			__write_overflow();
464 		/* Warn when write size is larger than dest field. */
465 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size_field, size))
466 			__write_overflow_field(p_size_field, size);
467 	}
468 	/*
469 	 * At this point, length argument may not be a constant expression,
470 	 * so run-time bounds checking can be done where buffer sizes are
471 	 * known. (This is not an "else" because the above checks may only
472 	 * be compile-time warnings, and we want to still warn for run-time
473 	 * overflows.)
474 	 */
476 	/*
477 	 * Always stop accesses beyond the struct that contains the
478 	 * field, when the buffer's remaining size is known.
479 	 * (The SIZE_MAX test is to optimize away checks where the buffer
480 	 * lengths are unknown.)
481 	 */
482 	if (p_size != SIZE_MAX && p_size < size)
483 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_memset, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, size, true);
484 	return false;
485 }
487 #define __fortify_memset_chk(p, c, size, p_size, p_size_field) ({	\
488 	size_t __fortify_size = (size_t)(size);				\
489 	fortify_memset_chk(__fortify_size, p_size, p_size_field),	\
490 	__underlying_memset(p, c, __fortify_size);			\
491 })
493 /*
494  * __struct_size() vs __member_size() must be captured here to avoid
495  * evaluating argument side-effects further into the macro layers.
496  */
497 #ifndef CONFIG_KMSAN
498 #define memset(p, c, s) __fortify_memset_chk(p, c, s,			\
499 		__struct_size(p), __member_size(p))
500 #endif
502 /*
503  * To make sure the compiler can enforce protection against buffer overflows,
504  * memcpy(), memmove(), and memset() must not be used beyond individual
505  * struct members. If you need to copy across multiple members, please use
506  * struct_group() to create a named mirror of an anonymous struct union.
507  * (e.g. see struct sk_buff.) Read overflow checking is currently only
508  * done when a write overflow is also present, or when building with W=1.
509  *
510  * Mitigation coverage matrix
511  *					Bounds checking at:
512  *					+-------+-------+-------+-------+
513  *					| Compile time  |   Run time    |
514  * memcpy() argument sizes:		| write | read  | write | read  |
515  *        dest     source   length      +-------+-------+-------+-------+
516  * memcpy(known,   known,   constant)	|   y   |   y   |  n/a  |  n/a  |
517  * memcpy(known,   unknown, constant)	|   y   |   n   |  n/a  |   V   |
518  * memcpy(known,   known,   dynamic)	|   n   |   n   |   B   |   B   |
519  * memcpy(known,   unknown, dynamic)	|   n   |   n   |   B   |   V   |
520  * memcpy(unknown, known,   constant)	|   n   |   y   |   V   |  n/a  |
521  * memcpy(unknown, unknown, constant)	|   n   |   n   |   V   |   V   |
522  * memcpy(unknown, known,   dynamic)	|   n   |   n   |   V   |   B   |
523  * memcpy(unknown, unknown, dynamic)	|   n   |   n   |   V   |   V   |
524  *					+-------+-------+-------+-------+
525  *
526  * y = perform deterministic compile-time bounds checking
527  * n = cannot perform deterministic compile-time bounds checking
528  * n/a = no run-time bounds checking needed since compile-time deterministic
529  * B = can perform run-time bounds checking (currently unimplemented)
530  * V = vulnerable to run-time overflow (will need refactoring to solve)
531  *
532  */
fortify_memcpy_chk(__kernel_size_t size,const size_t p_size,const size_t q_size,const size_t p_size_field,const size_t q_size_field,const u8 func)533 __FORTIFY_INLINE bool fortify_memcpy_chk(__kernel_size_t size,
534 					 const size_t p_size,
535 					 const size_t q_size,
536 					 const size_t p_size_field,
537 					 const size_t q_size_field,
538 					 const u8 func)
539 {
540 	if (__builtin_constant_p(size)) {
541 		/*
542 		 * Length argument is a constant expression, so we
543 		 * can perform compile-time bounds checking where
544 		 * buffer sizes are also known at compile time.
545 		 */
547 		/* Error when size is larger than enclosing struct. */
548 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size_field, p_size) &&
549 		    __compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
550 			__write_overflow();
551 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(q_size_field, q_size) &&
552 		    __compiletime_lessthan(q_size, size))
553 			__read_overflow2();
555 		/* Warn when write size argument larger than dest field. */
556 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size_field, size))
557 			__write_overflow_field(p_size_field, size);
558 		/*
559 		 * Warn for source field over-read when building with W=1
560 		 * or when an over-write happened, so both can be fixed at
561 		 * the same time.
562 		 */
564 		     __compiletime_lessthan(p_size_field, size)) &&
565 		    __compiletime_lessthan(q_size_field, size))
566 			__read_overflow2_field(q_size_field, size);
567 	}
568 	/*
569 	 * At this point, length argument may not be a constant expression,
570 	 * so run-time bounds checking can be done where buffer sizes are
571 	 * known. (This is not an "else" because the above checks may only
572 	 * be compile-time warnings, and we want to still warn for run-time
573 	 * overflows.)
574 	 */
576 	/*
577 	 * Always stop accesses beyond the struct that contains the
578 	 * field, when the buffer's remaining size is known.
579 	 * (The SIZE_MAX test is to optimize away checks where the buffer
580 	 * lengths are unknown.)
581 	 */
582 	if (p_size != SIZE_MAX && p_size < size)
583 		fortify_panic(func, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, size, true);
584 	else if (q_size != SIZE_MAX && q_size < size)
585 		fortify_panic(func, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, size, true);
587 	/*
588 	 * Warn when writing beyond destination field size.
589 	 *
590 	 * We must ignore p_size_field == 0 for existing 0-element
591 	 * fake flexible arrays, until they are all converted to
592 	 * proper flexible arrays.
593 	 *
594 	 * The implementation of __builtin_*object_size() behaves
595 	 * like sizeof() when not directly referencing a flexible
596 	 * array member, which means there will be many bounds checks
597 	 * that will appear at run-time, without a way for them to be
598 	 * detected at compile-time (as can be done when the destination
599 	 * is specifically the flexible array member).
600 	 * https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=101832
601 	 */
602 	if (p_size_field != 0 && p_size_field != SIZE_MAX &&
603 	    p_size != p_size_field && p_size_field < size)
604 		return true;
606 	return false;
607 }
609 #define __fortify_memcpy_chk(p, q, size, p_size, q_size,		\
610 			     p_size_field, q_size_field, op) ({		\
611 	const size_t __fortify_size = (size_t)(size);			\
612 	const size_t __p_size = (p_size);				\
613 	const size_t __q_size = (q_size);				\
614 	const size_t __p_size_field = (p_size_field);			\
615 	const size_t __q_size_field = (q_size_field);			\
616 	fortify_warn_once(fortify_memcpy_chk(__fortify_size, __p_size,	\
617 				     __q_size, __p_size_field,		\
618 				     __q_size_field, FORTIFY_FUNC_ ##op), \
619 		  #op ": detected field-spanning write (size %zu) of single %s (size %zu)\n", \
620 		  __fortify_size,					\
621 		  "field \"" #p "\" at " FILE_LINE,			\
622 		  __p_size_field);					\
623 	__underlying_##op(p, q, __fortify_size);			\
624 })
626 /*
627  * Notes about compile-time buffer size detection:
628  *
629  * With these types...
630  *
631  *	struct middle {
632  *		u16 a;
633  *		u8 middle_buf[16];
634  *		int b;
635  *	};
636  *	struct end {
637  *		u16 a;
638  *		u8 end_buf[16];
639  *	};
640  *	struct flex {
641  *		int a;
642  *		u8 flex_buf[];
643  *	};
644  *
645  *	void func(TYPE *ptr) { ... }
646  *
647  * Cases where destination size cannot be currently detected:
648  * - the size of ptr's object (seemingly by design, gcc & clang fail):
649  *	__builtin_object_size(ptr, 1) == SIZE_MAX
650  * - the size of flexible arrays in ptr's obj (by design, dynamic size):
651  *	__builtin_object_size(ptr->flex_buf, 1) == SIZE_MAX
652  * - the size of ANY array at the end of ptr's obj (gcc and clang bug):
653  *	__builtin_object_size(ptr->end_buf, 1) == SIZE_MAX
654  *	https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=101836
655  *
656  * Cases where destination size is currently detected:
657  * - the size of non-array members within ptr's object:
658  *	__builtin_object_size(ptr->a, 1) == 2
659  * - the size of non-flexible-array in the middle of ptr's obj:
660  *	__builtin_object_size(ptr->middle_buf, 1) == 16
661  *
662  */
664 /*
665  * __struct_size() vs __member_size() must be captured here to avoid
666  * evaluating argument side-effects further into the macro layers.
667  */
668 #define memcpy(p, q, s)  __fortify_memcpy_chk(p, q, s,			\
669 		__struct_size(p), __struct_size(q),			\
670 		__member_size(p), __member_size(q),			\
671 		memcpy)
672 #define memmove(p, q, s)  __fortify_memcpy_chk(p, q, s,			\
673 		__struct_size(p), __struct_size(q),			\
674 		__member_size(p), __member_size(q),			\
675 		memmove)
677 extern void *__real_memscan(void *, int, __kernel_size_t) __RENAME(memscan);
memscan(void * const POS0 p,int c,__kernel_size_t size)678 __FORTIFY_INLINE void *memscan(void * const POS0 p, int c, __kernel_size_t size)
679 {
680 	const size_t p_size = __struct_size(p);
682 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
683 		__read_overflow();
684 	if (p_size < size)
685 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_memscan, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, size, NULL);
686 	return __real_memscan(p, c, size);
687 }
689 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_memcmp, 1, 2, 3)
memcmp(const void * const POS0 p,const void * const POS0 q,__kernel_size_t size)690 int memcmp(const void * const POS0 p, const void * const POS0 q, __kernel_size_t size)
691 {
692 	const size_t p_size = __struct_size(p);
693 	const size_t q_size = __struct_size(q);
695 	if (__builtin_constant_p(size)) {
696 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
697 			__read_overflow();
698 		if (__compiletime_lessthan(q_size, size))
699 			__read_overflow2();
700 	}
701 	if (p_size < size)
702 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_memcmp, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, size, INT_MIN);
703 	else if (q_size < size)
704 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_memcmp, FORTIFY_READ, q_size, size, INT_MIN);
705 	return __underlying_memcmp(p, q, size);
706 }
708 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_memchr, 1, 2, 3)
memchr(const void * const POS0 p,int c,__kernel_size_t size)709 void *memchr(const void * const POS0 p, int c, __kernel_size_t size)
710 {
711 	const size_t p_size = __struct_size(p);
713 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
714 		__read_overflow();
715 	if (p_size < size)
716 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_memchr, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, size, NULL);
717 	return __underlying_memchr(p, c, size);
718 }
720 void *__real_memchr_inv(const void *s, int c, size_t n) __RENAME(memchr_inv);
memchr_inv(const void * const POS0 p,int c,size_t size)721 __FORTIFY_INLINE void *memchr_inv(const void * const POS0 p, int c, size_t size)
722 {
723 	const size_t p_size = __struct_size(p);
725 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
726 		__read_overflow();
727 	if (p_size < size)
728 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_memchr_inv, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, size, NULL);
729 	return __real_memchr_inv(p, c, size);
730 }
732 extern void *__real_kmemdup(const void *src, size_t len, gfp_t gfp) __RENAME(kmemdup)
733 								    __realloc_size(2);
kmemdup(const void * const POS0 p,size_t size,gfp_t gfp)734 __FORTIFY_INLINE void *kmemdup(const void * const POS0 p, size_t size, gfp_t gfp)
735 {
736 	const size_t p_size = __struct_size(p);
738 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
739 		__read_overflow();
740 	if (p_size < size)
741 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_kmemdup, FORTIFY_READ, p_size, size,
742 			      __real_kmemdup(p, 0, gfp));
743 	return __real_kmemdup(p, size, gfp);
744 }
746 /**
747  * strcpy - Copy a string into another string buffer
748  *
749  * @p: pointer to destination of copy
750  * @q: pointer to NUL-terminated source string to copy
751  *
752  * Do not use this function. While FORTIFY_SOURCE tries to avoid
753  * overflows, this is only possible when the sizes of @q and @p are
754  * known to the compiler. Prefer strscpy(), though note its different
755  * return values for detecting truncation.
756  *
757  * Returns @p.
758  *
759  */
760 /* Defined after fortified strlen to reuse it. */
761 __FORTIFY_INLINE __diagnose_as(__builtin_strcpy, 1, 2)
strcpy(char * const POS p,const char * const POS q)762 char *strcpy(char * const POS p, const char * const POS q)
763 {
764 	const size_t p_size = __member_size(p);
765 	const size_t q_size = __member_size(q);
766 	size_t size;
768 	/* If neither buffer size is known, immediately give up. */
769 	if (__builtin_constant_p(p_size) &&
770 	    __builtin_constant_p(q_size) &&
771 	    p_size == SIZE_MAX && q_size == SIZE_MAX)
772 		return __underlying_strcpy(p, q);
773 	size = strlen(q) + 1;
774 	/* Compile-time check for const size overflow. */
775 	if (__compiletime_lessthan(p_size, size))
776 		__write_overflow();
777 	/* Run-time check for dynamic size overflow. */
778 	if (p_size < size)
779 		fortify_panic(FORTIFY_FUNC_strcpy, FORTIFY_WRITE, p_size, size, p);
780 	__underlying_memcpy(p, q, size);
781 	return p;
782 }
784 /* Don't use these outside the FORITFY_SOURCE implementation */
785 #undef __underlying_memchr
786 #undef __underlying_memcmp
787 #undef __underlying_strcat
788 #undef __underlying_strcpy
789 #undef __underlying_strlen
790 #undef __underlying_strncat
791 #undef __underlying_strncpy
793 #undef POS
794 #undef POS0
796 #endif /* _LINUX_FORTIFY_STRING_H_ */