1 /*
2 	Copyright 2006-2019 The QElectroTech Team
3 	This file is part of QElectroTech.
5 	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
8 	(at your option) any later version.
10 	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 	GNU General Public License for more details.
15 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
18 #include "exportdialog.h"
19 #include <QSvgGenerator>
20 #include <cmath>
21 #include <QtXml>
22 #include <utility>
23 #include "qeticons.h"
24 #include "qetmessagebox.h"
25 #include "exportpropertieswidget.h"
26 #include "createdxf.h"
27 #include "conductorsegment.h"
28 #include "qetgraphicsitem/conductor.h"
29 #include "qetgraphicsitem/diagramtextitem.h"
30 #include "qetgraphicsitem/conductortextitem.h"
31 #include "qetgraphicsitem/independenttextitem.h"
32 #include "qetgraphicsitem/diagramimageitem.h"
33 #include "qetgraphicsitem/qetshapeitem.h"
34 #include "diagramfoliolist.h"
35 #include "elementpicturefactory.h"
36 #include "element.h"
37 #include "dynamicelementtextitem.h"
39 #include <QGraphicsSimpleTextItem>
41 /**
42 	Constructeur
43 	@param project Le projet a exporter
44 	@param parent Le Widget parent de ce dialogue
45 */
ExportDialog(QETProject * project,QWidget * parent)46 ExportDialog::ExportDialog(QETProject *project, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) {
47 	if (!project) return;
49 	// recupere le projet a exporter
50 	project_ = project;
52 	// recupere les parametres d'export definis dans la configuration de l'application
53 	ExportProperties default_export_properties = ExportProperties::defaultExportProperties();
55 	// on utilise le repertoire du projet a exporter si possible
56 	if (!project_ -> filePath().isEmpty()) {
57 		default_export_properties.destination_directory = project_ -> currentDir();
58 	}
60 	// la taille minimale du dialogue est fixee
61 	setMinimumSize(800, 590);
62 	resize(minimumSize());
63 	setWindowTitle(tr("Exporter les folios du projet", "window title"));
65 	// options d'export, dans le widget epw
66 	epw = new ExportPropertiesWidget(default_export_properties);
68 	// le dialogue comporte deux boutons
69 	buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(this);
70 	buttons -> setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
71 	buttons -> setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Save);
72 	QPushButton *export_button = buttons -> button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
73 	export_button -> setText(tr("Exporter"));
75 	// disposition des elements
77 	QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
78 	hLayout -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Choisissez les folios que vous désirez exporter ainsi que leurs dimensions :")));
79 	selectAll   = new QPushButton();
80 	deSelectAll = new QPushButton();
81 	selectAll   -> setText(tr("Tout cocher"));
82 	deSelectAll -> setText(tr("Tout décocher"));
83 	hLayout -> addWidget(selectAll);
84 	hLayout -> addWidget(deSelectAll);
85 	connect(selectAll,   SIGNAL(clicked()),            this, SLOT(slot_selectAllClicked()));
86 	connect(deSelectAll, SIGNAL(clicked()),            this, SLOT(slot_deSelectAllClicked()));
89 	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
90 	layout -> addLayout(hLayout);
91 	layout -> addWidget(initDiagramsListPart(), 1);
92 	layout -> addWidget(epw);
93 	layout -> addWidget(buttons);
95 	// connexions signaux/slots
96 	connect(epw,     SIGNAL(formatChanged()),       this, SLOT(slot_changeFilesExtension()));
97 	connect(epw,     SIGNAL(exportedAreaChanged()), this, SLOT(slot_changeUseBorder()));
98 	connect(buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()),            this, SLOT(slot_export()));
99 	connect(buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()),            this, SLOT(reject()));
101 	// ajustement des extensions des fichiers
102 	slot_changeFilesExtension(true);
103 }
105 /**
106 	Destructeur - ne fait rien
107 */
~ExportDialog()108 ExportDialog::~ExportDialog() {
109 }
111 /**
112 	@return le nombre de schemas coches (donc a exporter)
113 */
diagramsToExportCount() const114 int ExportDialog::diagramsToExportCount() const {
115 	int checked_diagrams_count = 0;
116 	foreach(ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line, diagram_lines_.values()) {
117 		if (diagram_line -> must_export -> isChecked()) ++ checked_diagrams_count;
118 	}
119 	return(checked_diagrams_count);
120 }
122 /**
123 	Met en place la liste des schemas
124 	@return Le widget representant la liste des schemas
125 */
initDiagramsListPart()126 QWidget *ExportDialog::initDiagramsListPart() {
127 	preview_mapper_   = new QSignalMapper(this);
128 	width_mapper_     = new QSignalMapper(this);
129 	height_mapper_    = new QSignalMapper(this);
130 	ratio_mapper_     = new QSignalMapper(this);
131 	reset_mapper_     = new QSignalMapper(this);
132 	clipboard_mapper_ = new QSignalMapper(this);
134 	connect(preview_mapper_,   SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(slot_previewDiagram(int)));
135 	connect(width_mapper_,     SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(slot_correctHeight(int)));
136 	connect(height_mapper_,    SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(slot_correctWidth(int)));
137 	connect(ratio_mapper_,     SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(slot_keepRatioChanged(int)));
138 	connect(reset_mapper_,     SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(slot_resetSize(int)));
139 	connect(clipboard_mapper_, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(slot_exportToClipBoard(int)));
141 	diagrams_list_layout_ = new QGridLayout();
143 	int line_count = 0;
144 	diagrams_list_layout_ -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Titre du folio")),        line_count, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
145 	diagrams_list_layout_ -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Nom de fichier")),   line_count, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
146 	diagrams_list_layout_ -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Dimensions")),       line_count, 3, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
148 	// remplit la liste
149 	foreach (Diagram *diagram, project_ -> diagrams()) {
150 		++ line_count;
151 		ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line = new ExportDiagramLine(diagram, diagramSize(diagram));
152 		diagram_lines_.insert(line_count, diagram_line);
153 		diagrams_list_layout_ -> addWidget(diagram_line -> must_export,    line_count, 0);
154 		diagrams_list_layout_ -> addWidget(diagram_line -> title_label,    line_count, 1);
155 		diagrams_list_layout_ -> addWidget(diagram_line -> file_name,      line_count, 2);
156 		diagrams_list_layout_ -> addLayout(diagram_line -> sizeLayout(),   line_count, 3);
158 		// si on decoche tous les schemas, on desactive le bouton "Exporter"
159 		connect(diagram_line -> must_export, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slot_checkDiagramsCount()));
161 		// mappings et signaux pour la gestion des dimensions du schema
162 		width_mapper_  -> setMapping(diagram_line -> width,      line_count);
163 		height_mapper_ -> setMapping(diagram_line -> height,     line_count);
164 		ratio_mapper_  -> setMapping(diagram_line -> keep_ratio, line_count);
165 		reset_mapper_  -> setMapping(diagram_line -> reset_size, line_count);
166 		connect(diagram_line -> width,      SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), width_mapper_,  SLOT(map()));
167 		connect(diagram_line -> height,     SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), height_mapper_, SLOT(map()));
168 		connect(diagram_line -> keep_ratio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),     ratio_mapper_,  SLOT(map()));
169 		connect(diagram_line -> reset_size, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),     reset_mapper_,  SLOT(map()));
171 		// mappings et signaux pour l'apercu du schema
172 		preview_mapper_ -> setMapping(diagram_line -> preview, line_count);
173 		connect(diagram_line -> preview, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), preview_mapper_, SLOT(map()));
175 		// mappings et signaux pour l'export du schema vers le presse-papier
176 		clipboard_mapper_ -> setMapping(diagram_line -> clipboard, line_count);
177 		connect(diagram_line -> clipboard, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), clipboard_mapper_, SLOT(map()));
178 	}
180 	QWidget *widget_diagrams_list = new QWidget();
181 	widget_diagrams_list -> setLayout(diagrams_list_layout_);
183 	QScrollArea *scroll_diagrams_list = new QScrollArea();
184 	scroll_diagrams_list -> setWidget(widget_diagrams_list);
186 	return(scroll_diagrams_list);
187 }
slot_selectAllClicked()189 void ExportDialog::slot_selectAllClicked() {
190 	foreach (ExportDiagramLine *diagramLine, diagram_lines_) {
191 		diagramLine -> must_export -> setChecked(true);
192 	}
193 }
slot_deSelectAllClicked()195 void ExportDialog::slot_deSelectAllClicked() {
196 	foreach (ExportDiagramLine *diagramLine, diagram_lines_) {
197 		diagramLine -> must_export -> setChecked(false);
198 	}
199 }
203 /**
204 	@param diagram Un schema
205 	@return le rapport largeur / hauteur du schema
206 */
diagramRatio(Diagram * diagram)207 qreal ExportDialog::diagramRatio(Diagram *diagram) {
208 	QSize diagram_size = diagramSize(diagram);
209 	qreal diagram_ratio = (qreal)diagram_size.width() / (qreal)diagram_size.height();
210 	return(diagram_ratio);
211 }
213 /**
214 	@param diagram Un schema
215 	@return les dimensions du schema, en tenant compte du type d'export : cadre
216 	ou elements
217 */
diagramSize(Diagram * diagram)218 QSize ExportDialog::diagramSize(Diagram *diagram) {
219 	// sauvegarde le parametre useBorder du schema
220 	bool state_useBorder = diagram -> useBorder();
222 	// applique le useBorder adequat et calcule le ratio
223 	diagram -> setUseBorder(epw -> exportProperties().exported_area == QET::BorderArea);
224 	QSize diagram_size = diagram -> imageSize();
226 	// restaure le parametre useBorder du schema
227 	diagram -> setUseBorder(state_useBorder);
229 	return(diagram_size);
230 }
232 /**
233 	Cette methode ajuste la largeur d'un des schemas a exporter en fonction de
234 	sa hauteur si et seulement si l'option "Conserver les proportions" est
235 	activee pour ce schema.
236 	@param diagram_id numero du schema concerne
237 */
slot_correctWidth(int diagram_id)238 void ExportDialog::slot_correctWidth(int diagram_id) {
239 	// recupere l'ExportDiagramLine concernee
240 	ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine *current_diagram = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
241 	if (!current_diagram) return;
243 	// ne fait rien si l'option "Conserver les proportions" n'est pas activee
244 	if (!(current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> isChecked())) return;
246 	// recupere les proportions du schema
247 	qreal diagram_ratio = diagramRatio(current_diagram -> diagram);
249 	// ajuste la largeur
250 	current_diagram -> width -> blockSignals(true);
251 	current_diagram -> width -> setValue(qRound(current_diagram -> height -> value() * diagram_ratio));
252 	current_diagram -> width -> blockSignals(false);
253 }
255 /**
256 	Cette methode ajuste la hauteur d'un des schemas a exporter en fonction de
257 	sa largeur si et seulement si l'option "Conserver les proportions" est
258 	activee pour ce schema.
259 	@param diagram_id numero du schema concerne
260 */
slot_correctHeight(int diagram_id)261 void ExportDialog::slot_correctHeight(int diagram_id) {
262 	// recupere l'ExportDiagramLine concernee
263 	ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine *current_diagram = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
264 	if (!current_diagram) return;
266 	// ne fait rien si l'option "Conserver les proportions" n'est pas activee
267 	if (!(current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> isChecked())) return;
269 	// recupere les proportions du schema
270 	qreal diagram_ratio = diagramRatio(current_diagram -> diagram);
272 	// ajuste la hauteur
273 	current_diagram -> height -> blockSignals(true);
274 	current_diagram -> height -> setValue(qRound(current_diagram -> width -> value() / diagram_ratio));
275 	current_diagram -> height -> blockSignals(false);
276 }
278 /**
279 	Prend en compte le fait qu'il faut desormais conserver ou non les
280 	proportions d'un des schemas
281 	@param diagram_id numero du schema concerne
282 */
slot_keepRatioChanged(int diagram_id)283 void ExportDialog::slot_keepRatioChanged(int diagram_id) {
284 	// recupere l'ExportDiagramLine concernee
285 	ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine *current_diagram = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
286 	if (!current_diagram) return;
288 	// gere l'icone du bouton "Conserver les proportions"
289 	if (current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> isChecked()) {
290 		current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> setIcon(QET::Icons::ObjectLocked);
291 	} else {
292 		current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> setIcon(QET::Icons::ObjectUnlocked);
293 	}
295 	// ne fait rien si l'option "Conserver les proportions" n'est pas activee
296 	if (!(current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> isChecked())) return;
298 	// au contraire, si elle est activee, ajuste la hauteur en fonction de la largeur
299 	slot_correctHeight(diagram_id);
300 }
302 /**
303 	Reinitialise les dimensions d'un des schemas
304 	@param diagram_id numero du schema concerne
305 */
slot_resetSize(int diagram_id)306 void ExportDialog::slot_resetSize(int diagram_id) {
307 	// recupere l'ExportDiagramLine concernee
308 	ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine *current_diagram = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
309 	if (!current_diagram) return;
311 	// recupere la taille du schema
312 	QSize diagram_size = diagramSize(current_diagram -> diagram);
314 	// reinitialise les champs largeur et hauteur
315 	current_diagram -> width  -> blockSignals(true);
316 	current_diagram -> height -> blockSignals(true);
317 	current_diagram -> width  -> setValue(diagram_size.width());
318 	current_diagram -> height -> setValue(diagram_size.height());
319 	current_diagram -> width  -> blockSignals(false);
320 	current_diagram -> height -> blockSignals(false);
321 }
323 /**
324 	Genere l'image a exporter
325 	@param diagram Schema a exporter en SVG
326 	@param width  Largeur de l'export
327 	@param height Hauteur de l'export
328 	@param keep_aspect_ratio True pour conserver le ratio, false sinon
329 	@return l'image a exporter
330 */
generateImage(Diagram * diagram,int width,int height,bool keep_aspect_ratio)331 QImage ExportDialog::generateImage(Diagram *diagram, int width, int height, bool keep_aspect_ratio) {
332 	saveReloadDiagramParameters(diagram, true);
334 	QImage image(width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
335 	diagram -> toPaintDevice(
336 		image,
337 		width,
338 		height,
339 		keep_aspect_ratio ? Qt::KeepAspectRatio : Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio
340 	);
342 	saveReloadDiagramParameters(diagram, false);
344 	return(image);
345 }
347 /**
348 	Sauve ou restaure les parametres du schema
349 	@param diagram Schema dont on sauve ou restaure les parametres
350 	@param save true pour memoriser les parametres du schema et appliquer ceux
351 	definis par le formulaire, false pour restaurer les parametres
352 */
saveReloadDiagramParameters(Diagram * diagram,bool save)353 void ExportDialog::saveReloadDiagramParameters(Diagram *diagram, bool save) {
354 	static ExportProperties state_exportProperties;
356 	if (save) {
357 		// memorise les parametres relatifs au schema tout en appliquant les nouveaux
358 		state_exportProperties = diagram -> applyProperties(epw -> exportProperties());
359 	} else {
360 		// restaure les parametres relatifs au schema
361 		diagram -> applyProperties(state_exportProperties);
362 	}
363 }
365 /**
366 	Exporte le schema en SVG
367 	@param diagram Schema a exporter en SVG
368 	@param width  Largeur de l'export SVG
369 	@param height Hauteur de l'export SVG
370 	@param keep_aspect_ratio True pour conserver le ratio, false sinon
371 	@param io_device Peripherique de sortie pour le code SVG (souvent : un fichier)
372 */
generateSvg(Diagram * diagram,int width,int height,bool keep_aspect_ratio,QIODevice & io_device)373 void ExportDialog::generateSvg(Diagram *diagram, int width, int height, bool keep_aspect_ratio, QIODevice &io_device) {
374 	saveReloadDiagramParameters(diagram, true);
376 	// genere une QPicture a partir du schema
377 	QPicture picture;
378 	diagram -> toPaintDevice(
379 		picture,
380 		width,
381 		height,
382 		keep_aspect_ratio ? Qt::KeepAspectRatio : Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio
383 	);
385 	// "joue" la QPicture sur un QSvgGenerator
386 	QSvgGenerator svg_engine;
387 	svg_engine.setSize(QSize(width, height));
388 	svg_engine.setOutputDevice(&io_device);
389 	QPainter svg_painter(&svg_engine);
390 	picture.play(&svg_painter);
392 	saveReloadDiagramParameters(diagram, false);
393 }
395 /**
396 	Exporte le schema en DXF
397 	@param diagram Schema a exporter en DXF
398 	@param width  Largeur de l'export DXF
399 	@param height Hauteur de l'export DXF
400 	@param keep_aspect_ratio True pour conserver le ratio, false sinon
401 	@param io_device Peripherique de sortie pour le code DXF (souvent : un fichier)
402 */
generateDxf(Diagram * diagram,int width,int height,bool keep_aspect_ratio,QString & file_path)403 void ExportDialog::generateDxf(Diagram *diagram, int width, int height, bool keep_aspect_ratio, QString &file_path) {
404     saveReloadDiagramParameters(diagram, true);
406 	width  -= 2*Diagram::margin;
407 	height -= 2*Diagram::margin;
409 	Createdxf::xScale = Createdxf::sheetWidth  / double(width);
410 	Createdxf::yScale = Createdxf::sheetHeight / double(height);
412 	Createdxf::dxfBegin(file_path);
414 	//Add project elements (lines, rectangles, circles, texts) to dxf file
415     if (epw -> exportProperties().draw_border) {
416     Createdxf::drawRectangle(file_path, 0, 0, double(width)*Createdxf::xScale, double(height)*Createdxf::yScale, 0);
417     }
418     diagram -> border_and_titleblock.drawDxf(width, height, keep_aspect_ratio, file_path, 0);
420 	// Build the lists of elements.
421 	QList<Element *> list_elements;
422 	QList<Conductor *> list_conductors;
423 	QList<DiagramTextItem *> list_texts;
424 	QList<DiagramImageItem *> list_images;
425 	QList<QLineF *> list_lines;
426 	QList<QRectF *> list_rectangles;
427 	//QList<QRectF *> list_ellipses;
428 	QList <QetShapeItem *> list_shapes;
430 	DiagramFolioList *ptr = dynamic_cast<DiagramFolioList *>(diagram);
431 	if (ptr) {
432 		list_lines = ptr -> lines();
433 		list_rectangles = ptr -> rectangles();
434 		QSettings settings;
436 		// fill the rows with text.
437 		QString authorTranslatable = tr("Auteur");
438 		QString titleTranslatable = tr("Titre");
439 		QString folioTranslatable = tr("Folio");
440 		QString dateTranslatable = tr("Date");
442 		qreal x0 = list_rectangles[0] -> topLeft().x();
443 		qreal y0 = list_rectangles[0] -> topLeft().y();
444 		qreal rowHeight = (list_rectangles[0] -> height())/30;
445 		QRectF row_RectF(x0, y0, list_rectangles[0] -> width(), rowHeight);
447 		fillRow(file_path, row_RectF, authorTranslatable, titleTranslatable, folioTranslatable, dateTranslatable);
448 		QList<Diagram *> diagram_list = ptr -> project() -> diagrams();
450 		int startDiagram = (ptr -> getId()) *29;
452 		for (int i = startDiagram; i < startDiagram+29 && i < diagram_list.size(); ++i) {
453 			y0 += rowHeight;
454 			QRectF row_rect(x0, y0, list_rectangles[0] -> width(), rowHeight);
455 			if (settings.value("genericpanel/folio", true).toBool()){
456 			fillRow(file_path, row_rect, diagram_list[i] -> border_and_titleblock.author(),
457 					diagram_list[i] -> title(),
458 					diagram_list[i] -> border_and_titleblock.finalfolio(),
459 					diagram_list[i] -> border_and_titleblock.date().toString("dd/MM/yy"));
461 		}else{
462 				fillRow(file_path, row_rect, diagram_list[i] -> border_and_titleblock.author(),
463 					diagram_list[i] -> title(),
464 					QString::number(diagram_list[i] ->folioIndex()+1),
465 					diagram_list[i] -> border_and_titleblock.date().toString("dd/MM/yy"));
467 		}
468 }
470 	} else {
471 		// Determine les elements a "XMLiser"
472 		foreach(QGraphicsItem *qgi, diagram -> items()) {
473 			if (Element *elmt = qgraphicsitem_cast<Element *>(qgi)) {
474 				list_elements << elmt;
475 			} else if (Conductor *f = qgraphicsitem_cast<Conductor *>(qgi)) {
476 				list_conductors << f;
477 			} else if (IndependentTextItem *iti = qgraphicsitem_cast<IndependentTextItem *>(qgi)) {
478 				list_texts << iti;
479 			} else if (DiagramImageItem *dii = qgraphicsitem_cast<DiagramImageItem *>(qgi)) {
480 				list_images << dii;
481 			} else if (QetShapeItem *dii = qgraphicsitem_cast<QetShapeItem *>(qgi)) {
482 				list_shapes << dii;
483 			} else if (DynamicElementTextItem *deti = qgraphicsitem_cast<DynamicElementTextItem *>(qgi)) {
484 				list_texts << deti;
485 			}
486 		}
487 	}
489 	foreach (QetShapeItem *qsi, list_shapes) qsi->toDXF(file_path, qsi->pen());
491 	//Draw elements
492 	foreach(Element *elmt, list_elements)
493 	{
494 		double rotation_angle = elmt -> orientation() * 90;
496 		qreal elem_pos_x = elmt -> pos().x();
497 		qreal elem_pos_y = elmt -> pos().y();// - (diagram -> margin / 2);
499 		qreal hotspot_x = (elem_pos_x) * Createdxf::xScale;
500 		qreal hotspot_y = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y) * Createdxf::yScale;
502 		ElementPictureFactory::primitives primitives = ElementPictureFactory::instance()->getPrimitives(elmt->location());
504 		for(QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *text : primitives.m_texts)
505 		{
506 			qreal fontSize = text->font().pointSizeF();
507 			if (fontSize < 0)
508 				fontSize = text->font().pixelSize();
510 			fontSize *= Createdxf::yScale;
511 			qreal x = elem_pos_x + text->pos().x();
512 			qreal y = elem_pos_y + text->pos().y();
513 			x *= Createdxf::xScale;
514 			y = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (y * Createdxf::yScale);// - fontSize;
515 			QPointF transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x, y, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
516 			x = transformed_point.x();
517 			y = transformed_point.y();
518 			QStringList lines = text->text().split('\n');
519 			y += (fontSize/2) * (lines.count()-1);
520 			for (QString line : lines)
521 			{
522 				qreal angle = 360 - (text->rotation() + rotation_angle);
523 				if (line.size() > 0 && line != "_" ) {
524 					Createdxf::drawText(file_path, line, x, y, fontSize, angle, 0);
525 				}
526 				angle += 1080;
527 				// coordinates for next line
528 				if (int(angle) % 360 == 0) // no rotation
529 					y -= fontSize*1.06;
530 				else if (int(angle - 180) % 360 == 0) // 180 degrees rotation
531 					y += fontSize*1.06;
532 				else if (int(angle - 270) % 360 == 0) // 270 degrees rotation
533 					x -= fontSize*1.06;
534 				else // ((angle - 90) % 360 == 0)  90 degrees rotation
535 					x += fontSize*1.06;
536 			}
537 		}
539 		for (QLineF line : primitives.m_lines)
540 		{
541 			qreal x1 = (elem_pos_x + line.p1().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
542 			qreal y1 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + line.p1().y()) * Createdxf::yScale;
543 			QPointF transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x1, y1, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
544 			x1 = transformed_point.x();
545 			y1 = transformed_point.y();
546 			qreal x2 = (elem_pos_x + line.p2().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
547 			qreal y2 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + line.p2().y()) * Createdxf::yScale;
548 			transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x2, y2, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
549 			x2 = transformed_point.x();
550 			y2 = transformed_point.y();
551 			Createdxf::drawLine(file_path, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
552 		}
554 		for (QRectF rect : primitives.m_rectangles)
555 		{
556 			qreal x1 = (elem_pos_x + rect.bottomLeft().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
557 			qreal y1 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + rect.bottomLeft().y()) * Createdxf::yScale;
558 			qreal w = rect.width() * Createdxf::xScale;
559 			qreal h = rect.height() * Createdxf::yScale;
560 			// opposite corner
561 			qreal x2 = x1 + w;
562 			qreal y2 = y1 + h;
563 			QPointF transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x1, y1, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
564 			x1 = transformed_point.x();
565 			y1 = transformed_point.y();
566 			transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x2, y2, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
567 			x2 = transformed_point.x();
568 			y2 = transformed_point.y();
569 			qreal bottom_left_x = (x1 < x2) ? x1 : x2;
570 			qreal bottom_left_y = (y1 < y2) ? y1 : y2;
571 			w = (x1 < x2) ? x2-x1 : x1-x2;
572 			h = (y1 < y2) ? y2-y1 : y1-y2;
573 			Createdxf::drawRectangle(file_path, bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y, w, h, 0);
574 		}
576 		for (QRectF circle_rect : primitives.m_circles)
577 		{
578 			qreal x1 = (elem_pos_x + circle_rect.center().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
579 			qreal y1 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + circle_rect.center().y()) * Createdxf::yScale;
580 			qreal r = circle_rect.width() * Createdxf::xScale / 2;
581 			QPointF transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x1, y1, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
582 			x1 = transformed_point.x();
583 			y1 = transformed_point.y();
584 			Createdxf::drawCircle(file_path, r, x1, y1, 0);
585 		}
587 		for (QVector<QPointF> polygon : primitives.m_polygons)
588 		{
589 			if (polygon.size() == 0)
590 				continue;
591 			qreal x1 = (elem_pos_x + polygon.at(0).x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
592 			qreal y1 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + polygon.at(0).y()) * Createdxf::yScale;
593 			QPointF transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x1, y1, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
594 			x1 = transformed_point.x();
595 			y1 = transformed_point.y();
596 			for (int i = 1; i < polygon.size(); ++i ) {
597 				qreal x2 = (elem_pos_x + polygon.at(i).x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
598 				qreal y2 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + polygon.at(i).y()) * Createdxf::yScale;
599 				QPointF transformed_point = rotation_transformed(x2, y2, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle);
600 				x2 = transformed_point.x();
601 				y2 = transformed_point.y();
602 				Createdxf::drawLine(file_path, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
603 				x1 = x2;
604 				y1 = y2;
605 			}
606 		}
608 		// Draw arcs and ellipses
609 		for (QVector<qreal> arc : primitives.m_arcs)
610 		{
611 			if (arc.size() == 0)
612 				continue;
613 			qreal x = (elem_pos_x + arc.at(0)) * Createdxf::xScale;
614 			qreal y = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (elem_pos_y + arc.at(1)) * Createdxf::yScale;
615 			qreal w = arc.at(2) * Createdxf::xScale;
616 			qreal h = arc.at(3) * Createdxf::yScale;
617 			qreal startAngle = arc.at(4);
618 			qreal spanAngle = arc .at(5);
619 			Createdxf::drawArcEllipse(file_path, x, y, w, h, startAngle, spanAngle, hotspot_x, hotspot_y, rotation_angle, 0);
620 		}
621 	}
623 	//Draw conductors
624 	foreach(Conductor *cond, list_conductors) {
625 		foreach(ConductorSegment *segment, cond -> segmentsList()) {
626 			qreal x1 = (segment -> firstPoint().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
627 			qreal y1 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (segment -> firstPoint().y() * Createdxf::yScale);
628 			qreal x2 = (segment -> secondPoint().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
629 			qreal y2 = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (segment -> secondPoint().y() * Createdxf::yScale);
630 			Createdxf::drawLine(file_path, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0);
631 		}
632 		//Draw conductor text item
633 		ConductorTextItem *textItem = cond -> textItem();
634 		if (textItem) {
635 			qreal fontSize = textItem -> font().pointSizeF();
636 			if (fontSize < 0)
637 				fontSize = textItem -> font().pixelSize();
638 			fontSize *= Createdxf::yScale;
639 			qreal x = (textItem -> pos().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
640 			qreal y = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (textItem -> pos().y() * Createdxf::yScale) - fontSize;
641 			QStringList lines = textItem->toPlainText().split('\n');
642 			foreach (QString line, lines) {
643 				qreal angle = 360 - (textItem -> rotation());
644 				if (line.size() > 0 && line != "_" )
645 					Createdxf::drawText(file_path, line, x, y, fontSize, angle, 0 );
647 				angle += 1080;
648 				// coordinates for next line
649 				if (int(angle) % 360 == 0) // no rotation
650 					y -= fontSize*1.06;
651 				else if (int(angle - 180) % 360 == 0) // 180 degrees rotation
652 					y += fontSize*1.06;
653 				else if (int(angle - 270) % 360 == 0) // 270 degrees rotation
654 					x -= fontSize*1.06;
655 				else // ((angle - 90) % 360 == 0)  90 degrees rotation
656 					x += fontSize*1.06;
657 			}
659 		}
660 	}
662 	//Draw text items
663 	foreach(DiagramTextItem *dti, list_texts) {
664 		qreal fontSize = dti -> font().pointSizeF();
665 		if (fontSize < 0)
666 			fontSize = dti -> font().pixelSize();
667 		fontSize *= Createdxf::yScale;
668 		qreal x = (dti->scenePos().x()) * Createdxf::xScale;
669 		qreal y = Createdxf::sheetHeight - (dti->scenePos().y() * Createdxf::yScale) - fontSize*1.05;
670 		QStringList lines = dti -> toPlainText().split('\n');
671 		foreach (QString line, lines) {
672 			qreal angle = 360 - (dti -> rotation());
673 			if (line.size() > 0 && line != "_" )
674 				Createdxf::drawText(file_path, line, x, y, fontSize, angle, 0);
676 			angle += 1080;
677 			// coordinates for next line
678 			if (int(angle) % 360 == 0) // no rotation
679 				y -= fontSize*1.06;
680 			else if (int(angle - 180) % 360 == 0) // 180 degrees rotation
681 				y += fontSize*1.06;
682 			else if (int(angle - 270) % 360 == 0) // 270 degrees rotation
683 				x -= fontSize*1.06;
684 			else // ((angle - 90) % 360 == 0)  90 degrees rotation
685 				x += fontSize*1.06;
686 		}
687 	}
688 	Createdxf::dxfEnd(file_path);
690     saveReloadDiagramParameters(diagram, false);
691 }
fillRow(const QString & file_path,const QRectF & row_rect,QString author,const QString & title,QString folio,QString date)693 void ExportDialog::fillRow(const QString& file_path, const QRectF &row_rect, QString author, const QString& title,
694 							   QString folio, QString date)
695 {
696 	qreal x = row_rect.bottomLeft().x();
697 	qreal y = row_rect.bottomLeft().y();
699 	x *= Createdxf::xScale;
700 	y = Createdxf::sheetHeight - y * Createdxf::yScale;
701 	qreal height = row_rect.height() * Createdxf::yScale *0.7;
702 	y += height*0.2;
704 	Createdxf::drawTextAligned(file_path, std::move(folio),
705 							   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[0]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, y, height, 0, 0, 5, 0,
706 							   x + 0.95*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[0]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, 0);
708 	x += DiagramFolioList::colWidths[0]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale;
709 	QString heading = tr("Titre");
710 	if (title == heading)
711 		Createdxf::drawTextAligned(file_path, title,
712 								   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[1]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, y, height, 0, 0, 5, 0,
713 								   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[1]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, 0);
714 	else
715 		Createdxf::drawTextAligned(file_path, title,
716 								   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[1]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, y, height, 0, 0, 5, 0,
717 								   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[1]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, 0, true);
719 	x += DiagramFolioList::colWidths[1]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale;
720 	Createdxf::drawTextAligned(file_path, std::move(author),
721 							   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[2]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, y, height, 0, 0, 5, 0,
722 							   x + 3.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[2]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, 0);
724 	x += DiagramFolioList::colWidths[2]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale;
725 	Createdxf::drawTextAligned(file_path, std::move(date),
726 							   x + 0.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[3]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, y, height, 0, 0, 5, 0,
727 							   x + 5.02*DiagramFolioList::colWidths[3]*row_rect.width()*Createdxf::xScale, 0);
728 }
rotation_transformed(qreal px,qreal py,qreal origin_x,qreal origin_y,qreal angle)730 QPointF ExportDialog::rotation_transformed(qreal px, qreal py , qreal origin_x, qreal origin_y, qreal angle) {
732 	angle *= -3.14159265 / 180;
734 	float s = sin(angle);
735 	float c = cos(angle);
737 	// Vector to rotate:
738 	qreal Vx = px - origin_x;
739 	qreal Vy = py - origin_y;
741 	// rotate vector
742 	float xnew = Vx * c - Vy * s;
743 	float ynew = Vx * s + Vy * c;
745 	return QPointF(xnew + origin_x, ynew + origin_y);
746 }
750 /**
751 	Slot effectuant les exports apres la validation du dialogue.
752 */
slot_export()753 void ExportDialog::slot_export() {
754 	// recupere la liste des schemas a exporter
755 	QList<ExportDiagramLine *> diagrams_to_export;
756 	foreach(ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line, diagram_lines_.values()) {
757 		if (diagram_line -> must_export -> isChecked()) {
758 			diagrams_to_export << diagram_line;
759 		}
760 	}
762 	// verification #1 : chaque schema coche doit avoir un nom de fichier distinct
763 	QSet<QString> filenames;
764 	foreach(ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line, diagrams_to_export) {
765 		QString diagram_file = diagram_line -> file_name -> text();
766 		if (!diagram_file.isEmpty()) {
767 			filenames << diagram_file;
768 		}
769 	}
770 	if (filenames.count() != diagrams_to_export.count()) {
771 		QET::QetMessageBox::warning(
772 			this,
773 			tr("Noms des fichiers cibles", "message box title"),
774 			tr(
775 				"Vous devez entrer un nom de fichier non vide et unique pour chaque "
776 				"folio à exporter.",
777 				"message box content"
778 			)
779 		);
780 		return;
781 	}
783 	// verification #2 : un chemin vers un dossier doit avoir ete specifie
785 	QDir target_dir_path(epw -> exportProperties().destination_directory);
786 	if (!target_dir_path.exists()) {
787 		QET::QetMessageBox::warning(
788 			this,
789 			tr("Dossier non spécifié", "message box title"),
790 			tr("Vous devez spécifier le chemin du dossier dans lequel seront enregistrés les fichiers images.", "message box content"),
791 			QMessageBox::Ok
792 		);
793 		return;
794 	}
796 	// exporte chaque schema a exporter
797 	foreach(ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line, diagrams_to_export) {
798 		exportDiagram(diagram_line);
799 	}
801 	// fermeture du dialogue
802 	accept();
803 }
805 /**
806 	Exporte un schema
807 	@param diagram_line La ligne decrivant le schema a exporter et la maniere
808 	de l'exporter
809 */
exportDiagram(ExportDiagramLine * diagram_line)810 void ExportDialog::exportDiagram(ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line) {
811 	ExportProperties export_properties(epw -> exportProperties());
813 	// recupere le format a utiliser (acronyme et extension)
814 	QString format_acronym = export_properties.format;
815 	QString format_extension = "." + format_acronym.toLower();
817 	// determine le nom de fichier a utiliser
818 	QString diagram_path = diagram_line -> file_name -> text();
820 	// determine le chemin du fichier
821 	QDir target_dir_path(export_properties.destination_directory);
822 	diagram_path = target_dir_path.absoluteFilePath(diagram_path);
824 	// recupere des informations sur le fichier specifie
825 	QFileInfo file_infos(diagram_path);
827 	// verifie qu'il est possible d'ecrire dans le fichier en question
828 	if (file_infos.exists() && !file_infos.isWritable()) {
829 		QET::QetMessageBox::critical(
830 			this,
831 			tr("Impossible d'écrire dans ce fichier", "message box title"),
832 			QString(
833 				tr(
834 					"Il semblerait que vous n'ayez pas les permissions "
835 					"nécessaires pour écrire dans le fichier %1.",
836 					"message box content"
837 				)
838 			).arg(diagram_path),
839 			QMessageBox::Ok
840 		);
841 		return;
842 	}
844 	// ouvre le fichier
845 	QFile target_file(diagram_path);
847 	// enregistre l'image dans le fichier
848 	if (format_acronym == "SVG") {
849 		generateSvg(
850 			diagram_line -> diagram,
851 			diagram_line -> width  -> value(),
852 			diagram_line -> height -> value(),
853 			diagram_line -> keep_ratio -> isChecked(),
854 			target_file
855 		);
856 	} else if (format_acronym == "DXF") {
857 		generateDxf(
858 			diagram_line -> diagram,
859 			diagram_line -> width  -> value(),
860 			diagram_line -> height -> value(),
861 			diagram_line -> keep_ratio -> isChecked(),
862 			diagram_path
863 		);
864 	} else {
865 		QImage image = generateImage(
866 			diagram_line -> diagram,
867 			diagram_line -> width  -> value(),
868 			diagram_line -> height -> value(),
869 			diagram_line -> keep_ratio -> isChecked()
870 		);
871 		image.save(&target_file, format_acronym.toUtf8().data());
872 	}
873 	target_file.close();
874 }
876 /**
877 	Slot appele lorsque l'utilisateur change la zone du schema qui doit etre
878 	exportee. Il faut alors ajuster les dimensions des schemas.
879 */
slot_changeUseBorder()880 void ExportDialog::slot_changeUseBorder() {
881 	// parcourt les schemas a exporter
882 	foreach(int diagram_id, diagram_lines_.keys()) {
883 		ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
885 		// corrige les dimensions des schemas dont il faut preserver le ratio
886 		if (diagram_line -> keep_ratio -> isChecked()) {
887 			slot_correctHeight(diagram_id);
888 		}
889 	}
890 }
892 /**
893 	Ce slot est appele quand un schema a ete coche ou decoche.
894 	Il active ou desactive le bouton "Exporter" en fonction du nombre de
895 	schemas coches, et il garde au plus un schema coche si on exporte vers
896 	le presse-papier.
897 */
slot_checkDiagramsCount()898 void ExportDialog::slot_checkDiagramsCount() {
899 	QPushButton *export_button = buttons -> button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
900 	export_button -> setEnabled(diagramsToExportCount());
901 }
903 /**
904 	Modifie les extensions des fichiers en fonction du format selectionne
905 	@param force_extension true pour ajouter l'extension si elle n'est pas
906 	presente, false pour se contenter de la modifier si elle est incorrecte.
907 */
slot_changeFilesExtension(bool force_extension)908 void ExportDialog::slot_changeFilesExtension(bool force_extension) {
909 	// recupere le format a utiliser (acronyme et extension)
910 	QString format_acronym = epw -> exportProperties().format;
911 	QString format_extension = "." + format_acronym.toLower();
913 	// parcourt les schemas a exporter
914 	foreach(ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line, diagram_lines_.values()) {
915 		QString diagram_filename = diagram_line -> file_name -> text();
917 		// cas 1 : l'extension est presente et correcte : on ne fait rien
918 		if (diagram_filename.endsWith(format_extension, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
919 			continue;
920 		}
922 		QFileInfo diagram_filename_info(diagram_filename);
923 		// cas 2 : l'extension est absente
924 		if (diagram_filename_info.suffix().isEmpty()) {
925 			if (force_extension) {
926 				diagram_filename = diagram_filename_info.completeBaseName() + format_extension;
927 			}
928 		} else {
929 			// cas 3 : l'extension est presente mais erronee
930 			diagram_filename = diagram_filename_info.completeBaseName() + format_extension;
931 		}
933 		diagram_line -> file_name -> setText(diagram_filename);
934 	}
935 }
937 /**
938 	Cette methode fait apparaitre un dialogue permettant de previsualiser un
939 	des schemas a exporter
940 	@param diagram_id numero du schema a previsualiser
941 */
slot_previewDiagram(int diagram_id)942 void ExportDialog::slot_previewDiagram(int diagram_id) {
943 	// recupere l'ExportDiagramLine concernee
944 	ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine *current_diagram = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
945 	if (!current_diagram) return;
947 	// initialise un dialogue
948 	QDialog preview_dialog;
949 	preview_dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Aperçu"));
950 	preview_dialog.setWindowState(preview_dialog.windowState() | Qt::WindowMaximized);
952 	QGraphicsScene *preview_scene = new QGraphicsScene();
953 	preview_scene -> setBackgroundBrush(Qt::lightGray);
954 	QGraphicsView *preview_view = new QGraphicsView(preview_scene);
955 	preview_view -> setDragMode(QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag);
956 	QDialogButtonBox *buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
957 	connect(buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), &preview_dialog, SLOT(accept()));
959 	QVBoxLayout *vboxlayout1 = new QVBoxLayout();
960 	vboxlayout1 -> addWidget(preview_view);
961 	vboxlayout1 -> addWidget(buttons);
962 	preview_dialog.setLayout(vboxlayout1);
964 	// genere le nouvel apercu
965 	QImage preview_image = generateImage(
966 		current_diagram -> diagram,
967 		current_diagram -> width  -> value(),
968 		current_diagram -> height -> value(),
969 		current_diagram -> keep_ratio -> isChecked()
970 	);
972 	// nettoie l'apercu
973 	foreach (QGraphicsItem *qgi, preview_scene -> items()) {
974 		preview_scene -> removeItem(qgi);
975 		delete qgi;
976 	}
978 	// ajoute le nouvel apercu
979 	QGraphicsPixmapItem *qgpi = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap::fromImage(preview_image));
980 	preview_scene -> addItem(qgpi);
981 	preview_scene -> setSceneRect(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, preview_image.width(), preview_image.height()));
983 	// montre l'apercu
984 	preview_dialog.exec();
985 }
987 /**
988 	Cette methode exporte un schema vers le presse-papier
989 	@param diagram_id numero du schema a previsualiser
990 */
slot_exportToClipBoard(int diagram_id)991 void ExportDialog::slot_exportToClipBoard(int diagram_id) {
992 	// recupere l'ExportDiagramLine concernee
993 	ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine *diagram_line = diagram_lines_[diagram_id];
994 	if (!diagram_line) return;
996 	// recupere le format a utiliser (acronyme et extension)
997 	QString format_acronym = epw -> exportProperties().format;
999 	QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
1001 	// enregistre l'image dans le fichier
1002 	if (format_acronym == "SVG") {
1003 		QByteArray ba;
1004 		QBuffer buffer(&ba);
1005 		buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
1006 		generateSvg(
1007 			diagram_line -> diagram,
1008 			diagram_line -> width  -> value(),
1009 			diagram_line -> height -> value(),
1010 			diagram_line -> keep_ratio -> isChecked(),
1011 			buffer
1012 		);
1013 		buffer.close();
1014 		clipboard -> setText(ba);
1015 	} else {
1016 		QImage image = generateImage(
1017 			diagram_line -> diagram,
1018 			diagram_line -> width  -> value(),
1019 			diagram_line -> height -> value(),
1020 			diagram_line -> keep_ratio -> isChecked()
1021 		);
1022 		clipboard -> setImage(image);
1023 	}
1024 }
1026 /**
1027 	Constructeur
1028 	@param dia Schema concerne,
1029 	@param diagram_size taille du schema tenant compte des parametres d'export
1030 */
ExportDiagramLine(Diagram * dia,QSize diagram_size)1031 ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine::ExportDiagramLine(Diagram *dia, QSize diagram_size) {
1032 	diagram = dia;
1033 	must_export = new QCheckBox();
1034 	must_export -> setChecked(true);
1036 	// titre et nom de fichier du schema
1037 	QString diagram_title = diagram -> title();
1038 	QString diagram_index = QString::number(diagram -> folioIndex()+1);
1039 	//QString diagram_folio_label = diagram -> border_and_titleblock.finalfolio();
1040 	if (diagram_title.isEmpty()) diagram_title = QObject::tr("Folio sans titre");
1041 	QString diagram_filename = diagram -> title();
1042 	if (diagram_filename.isEmpty()) diagram_filename = QObject::tr("schema");
1043 	diagram_filename = QET::stringToFileName(diagram_index + "_" + diagram_filename);
1045 	title_label = new QLabel(diagram_title);
1047 	file_name = new QLineEdit();
1048 	file_name -> setText(diagram_filename);
1049 	file_name -> setMinimumWidth(280);
1051 	width = new QSpinBox();
1052 	width -> setRange(1, 10000);
1053 	width -> setSuffix(tr("px"));
1054 	width -> setValue(diagram_size.width());
1056 	height = new QSpinBox();
1057 	height -> setRange(1, 10000);
1058 	height -> setSuffix(tr("px"));
1059 	height -> setValue(diagram_size.height());
1061 	x_label = new QLabel("*");
1063 	keep_ratio = new QPushButton();
1064 	keep_ratio -> setCheckable(true);
1065 	keep_ratio -> setChecked(true);
1066 	keep_ratio -> setIcon(QET::Icons::ObjectLocked);
1067 	keep_ratio -> setToolTip(QObject::tr("Conserver les proportions"));
1069 	reset_size = new QPushButton();
1070 	reset_size -> setIcon(QET::Icons::Start);
1071 	reset_size -> setToolTip(QObject::tr("Réinitialiser les dimensions"));
1073 	preview = new QPushButton();
1074 	preview -> setIcon(QET::Icons::ZoomOriginal);
1075 	preview -> setToolTip(QObject::tr("Aperçu"));
1077 	clipboard = new QPushButton();
1078 	clipboard -> setIcon(QET::Icons::IC_CopyFile);
1079 	clipboard -> setToolTip(QObject::tr("Exporter vers le presse-papier"));
1080 }
1082 /**
1083 	Destructeur
1084 */
~ExportDiagramLine()1085 ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine::~ExportDiagramLine() {
1086 }
1088 /**
1089 	@return un layout contenant les widgets necessaires a la gestion de la
1090 	taille d'un schema avant son export.
1091 */
sizeLayout()1092 QBoxLayout *ExportDialog::ExportDiagramLine::sizeLayout() {
1093 	QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout();
1094 	layout -> addWidget(width);
1095 	layout -> addWidget(x_label);
1096 	layout -> addWidget(height);
1097 	layout -> addWidget(keep_ratio);
1098 	layout -> addWidget(reset_size);
1099 	layout -> addWidget(preview);
1100 	layout -> addWidget(clipboard);
1101 	return(layout);
1102 }