1#textdomain wesnoth-l
3    id=07_The_Hunters
4    name= _ "The Hunters"
5    next_scenario=08_Glory
6    map_data="{campaigns/Liberty/maps/07_The_Hunters.map}"
7    {TURNS 36 31 26}
10    {INTRO_AND_SCENARIO_MUSIC breaking_the_chains.ogg vengeful.ogg}
11    {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC battle.ogg}
12    {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC siege_of_laurelmor.ogg}
13    {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC wanderer.ogg}
14    {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC knalgan_theme.ogg}
16    [story]
17        [part]
18            story= _ "Baldras and his men quickly left the Grey Woods, not entirely convinced of their safety even after eradicating the lich."
19        [/part]
20        [part]
21            story= _ "As they marched, many men and women from the small hamlets peppering the area around Carcyn and the Grey Woods approached the group, asking to join them. The ascent of the Queen had cast an uneasy pall over the citizens of Wesnoth, and some of them were willing to resist it."
22        [/part]
23        [part]
24            story= _ "Knowing they too would be labeled criminals, he reluctantly accepted their help.
25<b>Note:</b> Baldras is now able to recruit Outlaws."
26        [/part]
27        [part]
28            story= _ "Camped at the edge of the forest, they quietly observed substantial troop movements coming from the direction of Aldril, a nearby city, and marching to the northwest. Unsure what to make of it, they debated their next course of action..."
29        [/part]
30    [/story]
34    [side]
35        side=1
36        type=Highwayman
37        id=Baldras
38        canrecruit=yes
39        controller=human
40        recruit=Thug,Footpad,Poacher,Outlaw
41        {GOLD 200 150 100}
42        team_name=good_guys
43        user_team_name=_"Rebels"
44    [/side]
46    [side]
47        side=2
48        type=Royal Guard
49        id=Archarel
50        name= _ "Archarel"
51        canrecruit=yes
52        recruit=Swordsman,Red Mage,Horseman,Bowman,Cavalryman
53        {GOLD 200 250 300}
54        controller=ai
55        [ai]
56            recruitment_pattern=mixed fighter,fighter,fighter,archer,scout
57            village_value=0
58        [/ai]
59        team_name=bad_guys
60        user_team_name=_"Asheviere"
61        {FLAG_VARIANT loyalist}
62        defeat_condition=no_units_left
63    [/side]
65    [side]
66        side=3
67        type=Iron Mauler
68        id=Linneus
69        name= _ "Linneus"
70        facing=sw
71        canrecruit=yes
72        recruit=Heavy Infantryman,Mage,Spearman
73        gold=100
74        controller=ai
75        team_name=bad_guys
76        user_team_name=_"Asheviere"
77        {FLAG_VARIANT loyalist}
78        defeat_condition=no_units_left
79    [/side]
81    [event]
82        name=prestart
84        {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rock1.png 12 22}
86        [objectives]
87            side=1
88            [objective]
89                description= _ "Kill all enemy forces"
90                condition=win
91            [/objective]
92            [objective]
93                description= _ "Death of Baldras"
94                condition=lose
95            [/objective]
96            [objective]
97                description= _ "Death of Harper"
98                condition=lose
99            [/objective]
101            {TURNS_RUN_OUT}
103            [gold_carryover]
104                bonus=yes
105                carryover_percentage=40
106            [/gold_carryover]
107        [/objectives]
109        #Hide both leaders initially
110        [store_unit]
111            variable=stored_Archarel
112            kill=yes
113            [filter]
114                id=Archarel
115            [/filter]
116        [/store_unit]
117        [store_unit]
118            variable=stored_Linneus
119            kill=yes
120            [filter]
121                id=Linneus
122            [/filter]
123        [/store_unit]
124        #set up units
125        [recall]
126            id=Harper
127        [/recall]
128        {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 1 Outlaw 30 17 Jingo ( _ "Jingo")}
129        {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 1 Outlaw 32 17 Majel ( _ "Majel")}
130    [/event]
132    #
133    # Starting conversation and actions
134    #
135    [event]
136        name=start
138        [allow_recruit]
139            side=1
140            type=Outlaw
141        [/allow_recruit]
143        [message]
144            speaker=Baldras
145            message= _ "The words of Lord Maddock have weighed heavy on me these past few days. It has dawned on me that we can never win. We will never defeat the entire army of Wesnoth. Idiocy! If the noble lord of Elensefar is unwilling to resist the Queen, how should I ever expect to?"
146        [/message]
147        [message]
148            speaker=Harper
149            message= _ "What’s worse is that she appears to have taken notice. We have counted five platoons of heavy infantry marching towards the garrison in just the last two hours."
150        [/message]
151        [message]
152            speaker=Baldras
153            message= _ "The garrison. The towers of Halstead are more than a garrison, nephew, they are a fortress. They used to protect this area from the enemies of Wesnoth; I never imagined they would house its enemies."
154        [/message]
156        {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 1 Dragoon 11 1 (Pitcher) ( _ "Pitcher")}
158        {MOVE_UNIT id=Pitcher 20 14}
160        [message]
161            speaker=Pitcher
162            message={WHISPER _"whisper^<i>Baldras!</i>"}
163        [/message]
164        [message]
165            speaker=Harper
166            message= _ "Uncle, he wears the crest of the Elense. We should answer."
167        [/message]
168        [message]
169            speaker=Baldras
170            message= _ "Rider, hush before we are discovered! Come to us, but quietly!"
171        [/message]
173        {MOVE_UNIT id=Pitcher 28 18}
175        [message]
176            speaker=Pitcher
177            message= _ "Master Baldras, I bring news from the north. During the past week, several patrols have again ventured across the Great River into Annuvin. A woman named Relana opposed them with a small militia. She was victorious."
178        [/message]
179        [message]
180            speaker=Majel
181            message= _ "This is surely good news!"
182        [/message]
183        [message]
184            speaker=Pitcher
185            message= _ "I am afraid it is not. The Queen is sending a branch of her main field army directly from Weldyn. As soon as they arrive, they will burn every village to the ground. No one will live."
186        [/message]
187        [message]
188            speaker=Baldras
189            message= _ "The troop movements all make sense now. We must stop this army from reaching the garrison. We cannot swallow them whole, but we can gnaw away at them. They mustn’t take one step without us being there to harass and delay them. When they reach Halstead they must be exhausted or dying."
190        [/message]
191        [message]
192            speaker=Harper
193            message= _ "You just said we can’t beat their entire army!"
194        [/message]
195        [message]
196            speaker=Baldras
197            message= _ "Do you propose surrender? It’s this or nothing. All we can do is see it through to the end."
198        [/message]
199        [message]
200            speaker=Pitcher
201            message= _ "May you prevail in peace and war. I must depart before I am seen so far from my Lord’s borders."
202        [/message]
204        {MOVE_UNIT id=Pitcher 20 14}
206        [kill]
207            id=Pitcher
208        [/kill]
210        [message]
211            speaker=Jingo
212            message= _ "Another platoon approaches..."
213        [/message]
216    [move_unit_fake]
217        type={TYPE}
218        side=3
219        x=36,{TO_X}
220        y=23,{TO_Y}
221    [/move_unit_fake]
222    {GENERIC_UNIT 3 {TYPE} {TO_X} {TO_Y}}
223    [+unit]
224        facing=sw
225    [/unit]
228#ifdef EASY
229        {TROOPER "Heavy Infantryman" 34 23}
231        {TROOPER "Shock Trooper"     34 23}
234        {TROOPER "Heavy Infantryman" 35 23}
235        {TROOPER "Heavy Infantryman" 35 24}
237#ifdef EASY
238        {TROOPER "Heavy Infantryman" 34 22}
240        {TROOPER "Shock Trooper"     34 22}
243        {TROOPER "Heavy Infantryman" 36 24}
245#ifdef HARD
246        {TROOPER "Shock Trooper"     36 23}
248        {TROOPER "Heavy Infantryman" 36 23}
251        [move_unit_fake]
252            type=$stored_Linneus.type
253            side=$stored_Linneus.side
254            x=36,32
255            y=23,22
256        [/move_unit_fake]
257        [unstore_unit]
258            variable=stored_Linneus
259        [/unstore_unit]
260        {CLEAR_VARIABLE stored_Linneus}
262        [message]
263            speaker=Baldras
264            message= _ "When we are done, no one will fear the open roads and night sky more than the army of the usurper. Strike fast, strike silently... and leave no one alive."
265        [/message]
266    [/event]
268    #
269    # Special Event - when you attack the bad guys for the first time they react
270    #
271    [event]
272        name=attack
273        [filter_second]
274            side=3
275        [/filter_second]
276        [message]
277            speaker=Linneus
278            message= _ "It’s an ambush! Hold your ground!"
279        [/message]
280    [/event]
282    #
283    # Special Event - after 4 turns, the outpost detachment returns to fight you
284    #
285    [event]
286        name=turn 4
287        [message]
288            speaker=narrator
289            message= _ "The next morning, the local night patrol returned to the nearby outpost. They were surprised to see their fellow soldiers engaged in combat with the band of thugs of which they had heard so much."
290            image="wesnoth-icon.png"
291        [/message]
292        [unstore_unit]
293            variable=stored_Archarel
294        [/unstore_unit]
295        [message]
296            speaker=Archarel
297            message= _ "Troops, to arms! These peasant scum think they are above the law. We will show them the law!"
298        [/message]
299        {CLEAR_VARIABLE stored_Archarel}
300    [/event]
302    #
303    # Special Event - don't step on the fire
304    #
305    [event]
306        name=moveto
307        [allow_undo]
308        [/allow_undo]
309        [filter]
310            x,y=31,18
311        [/filter]
312        [message]
313            speaker=unit
314            message= _ "Ow! Fire hot! No step in fire!"
315        [/message]
316    [/event]
318    #
319    # Victory
320    #
321    [event]
322        name=enemies defeated
324        [message]
325            speaker=Baldras
326            message= _ "What a bloody mess. We must attack Halstead next. If we wait, they will become invincible. If we can burn it to the ground before that happens, our people may have a chance. Rest well tonight, because tomorrow’s battle will decide the fate of our homes, our families, and our freedom."
327        [/message]
329        [if]
330            [variable]
331                name=Helicrom_status
332                numerical_equals=3
333            [/variable]
334            [then]
335                [message]
336                    speaker=Baldras
337                    message= _ "Send word to Helicrom that we are ready. It is time for him to repay his debt."
338                [/message]
339            [/then]
340        [/if]
342        {CLEAR_VARIABLE stored_Archarel}
344        [endlevel]
345            result=victory
346            bonus=yes
347            {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 40}
348        [/endlevel]
349    [/event]
351    #
352    # Loss conditions - turns run out
353    #
354    [event]
355        name=time over
356        [message]
357            speaker=Baldras
358            message= _ "We have spent too much time here. Surely the entire Wesnoth army marches on our position. We are done for!"
359        [/message]
360        [endlevel]
361            result=defeat
362        [/endlevel]
363    [/event]
370#undef TROOPER