1#textdomain wesnoth-dw
3# Give one of your leveled fighters the holy water. Those units won't
4# be as useful after one more scenario unless they have special weapons.
7    name= _ "Talking to Tyegëa"
8    map_data="{campaigns/Dead_Water/maps/Talking_To_Tyegea.map}"
10    id=08_Talking_to_Tyegea
11    next_scenario=09_The_Mage
13    [story]
14        [part]
15            {DW_BIGMAP}
16            story= _ "It had been more of an adventure than the Kai Krellis had planned, but they were finally at their destination. The small island where Tyegëa and her students lived was before them."
17        [/part]
18    [/story]
20    {DW_TRACK {JOURNEY_08_NEW} }
23    turns=unlimited
24    victory_when_enemies_defeated=no
26    # wmllint: validate-off
27    [side]
28        {SIDE_1}
29        income=-2
30        gold=20
31    [/side]
32    # wmllint: validate-on
34    [side]
35        side=2
36        controller=ai
37        user_team_name= _ "Tyegëa and Priestesses"
38        team_name=good guys
40        id=Tyegea
41        name= _ "Tyegëa"
42        canrecruit=yes
43        type=Mermaid Diviner
44        [ai]
45            ai_algorithm=idle_ai
46        [/ai]
47    [/side]
51    [event]
52        name=prestart
54        [music]
55            name=elf-land.ogg
56        [/music]
57        [music]
58            name=elvish-theme.ogg
59            append=yes
60        [/music]
64        [objectives]
65            side=1
66            [objective]
67                description= _ "Choose a unit to take the holy water"
68                condition=win
69            [/objective]
70        [/objectives]
72        [unit]
73            type=Mermaid Priestess
74            side=2
75            x=4
76            y=4
77            generate_name=yes
78        [/unit]
79        [unit]
80            type=Mermaid Priestess
81            side=2
82            x=13
83            y=4
84            generate_name=yes
85        [/unit]
86        [unit]
87            type=Mermaid Priestess
88            side=2
89            x=12
90            y=8
91            generate_name=yes
92        [/unit]
93        [unit]
94            type=Mermaid Priestess
95            side=2
96            x=9
97            y=11
98            generate_name=yes
99        [/unit]
100    [/event]
102    # wmllint: local spelling Imirna
103    [event]
104        name=start
105        [message]
106            speaker=Cylanna
107            message= _ "Krellis...choose your words carefully. Tyegëa is a bit unpredictable."
108        [/message]
109        [message]
110            speaker=Tyegea
111            message= _ "Welcome, merfolk! It has been a long time since outsiders have visited. And Cylanna! It is pleasant to see you."
112        [/message]
113        [message]
114            speaker=Cylanna
115            message= _ "The honor is ours. I present Kai Krellis of Jotha."
116        [/message]
117        [message]
118            speaker=Tyegea
119            message= _ "Indeed! So this is the one. Does he know?"
120        [/message]
121        [message]
122            speaker=Kai Krellis
123            message= _ "Know what?"
124        [/message]
125        [message]
126            speaker=Cylanna
127            message= _ "Now is not the time. We have a desperate errand, Tyegëa. Jotha has been attacked and taken."
128        [/message]
129        [message]
130            speaker=Kai Krellis
131            message= _ "We were forced to flee for our lives from legions of undead. If you help us, we can remove these spirits from our home."
132        [/message]
133        [message]
134            speaker=Tyegea
135            message= _ "And what makes you think I want to leave my comfortable home and risk death by attacking armies of undead?"
136        [/message]
137        [message]
138            speaker=Kai Krellis
139            message= _ "I had hoped..."
140        [/message]
141        [message]
142            speaker=Tyegea
143            message= _ "I am sure it was Cylanna’s idea that you come here. She has a reason. Don’t you Cylanna? Tell him what it is."
144        [/message]
145        [message]
146            speaker=Cylanna
147            message= _ "(Sigh.) I had hoped to avoid this, but it seems I cannot."
148        [/message]
149        [message]
150            speaker=Tyegea
151            message= _ "I never agreed that secrecy was necessary, but I respected Maudin’s wishes in the matter. Now Indress and Maudin are dead, and I am not. Tell the boy the truth."
152        [/message]
153        [message]
154            speaker=Kai Krellis
155            message= _ "You knew my grandparents?"
156        [/message]
157        [message]
158            speaker=Cylanna
159            message= _ "Actually, Tyegëa is your grandmother."
160        [/message]
161        [message]
162            speaker=Kai Krellis
163            message= _ "What? How is that possible?"
164        [/message]
165        [message]
166            speaker=Cylanna
167            message= _ "When your grandfather married Indress, he did not know that Tyegëa had already born him a son. When she delivered your father to Jotha, your grandmother Indress agreed to keep it secret and raise the infant as her own."
168        [/message]
169        [message]
170            speaker=Tyegea
171            message= _ "That was quite a scandal, too, but I was not cut out to be a mother."
172        [/message]
173        [message]
174            speaker=Kai Krellis
175            message= _ "I am astonished. I suppose I should be honored to have such a distinguished ancestor. Now I understand why Cylanna knew you would help us."
176        [/message]
177        [message]
178            speaker=Tyegea
179            message= _ "That remains to be seen. I find it disturbing that a Kai — and my descendant — would run here begging for help. Before I agree to save you, you have to prove that my blood flows in your veins. Prove that your are, despite appearances, courageous, and worthy of my help."
180        [/message]
181        [message]
182            speaker=Kai Krellis
183            message= _ "Well, I defeated the Drakes on your island."
184        [/message]
185        [message]
186            speaker=Tyegea
187            message= _ "Bah! Drakes only look dangerous. Soldiers carrying spears make short work of them. No, I have something else in mind. You will complete a task for the good of the merfolk. Listen."
188        [/message]
189        [message]
190            speaker=Tyegea
191            message= _ "About 200 years ago, a powerful mermaid named Imirna fell in love with a human wizard named Agnovon. Agnovon cared not for love, but he smiled falsely at Imirna, and she trusted him. When he asked her to help him enchant a sword so that it was wreathed continuously in magic flame, she devoted all her skill to fashioning the weapon. Later, Agnovon used that very sword to defeat Imirna’s own people and steal their wealth. In her grief, Imirna poisoned herself."
192        [/message]
193        [message]
194            speaker=Tyegea
195            message= _ "I have long desired to see the sword returned to the merfolk to whom it should belong. If you retrieve it, you would prove yourself to be worthy of whatever help I were to provide. I do not know precisely where to find the sword, but I know one who does. South of the Swamp of Desolation, near a ruined castle, lives a mage named Caladon. He has lusted after the sword for years, so he will know where to find the lich who keeps it."
196        [/message]
197        [message]
198            speaker=Kai Krellis
199            message= _ "A lich has it? We were fleeing liches in the first place."
200        [/message]
201        [message]
202            speaker=Tyegea
203            message= _ "There is only one of them. If you cannot defeat even one lich, you must be expecting me to get rid of all of your undead myself!"
204        [/message]
205        [message]
206            speaker=Kai Krellis
207            message= _ "My apologies. You are right, of course. We will undertake this task."
208        [/message]
209        [message]
210            speaker=Tyegea
211            message= _ "I will not send you away completely empty-handed, though. I can spare some holy water for one of your soldiers."
212        [/message]
214        [item]
215            x=15
216            y=8
217            image=items/holy-water.png
218        [/item]
220        [message]
221            speaker=narrator
222            message= _ "The holy water will make melee attacks do <i>arcane</i> damage for the rest of the campaign. Choose a unit to take it. You may recruit or recall a unit if you want."
223            image=wesnoth-icon.png
224        [/message]
226        [event]
227            name=moveto
229            [filter]
230                x=15
231                y=8
232            [/filter]
233            [object]
234                id=holywater1
235                name= _ "Holy Water"
236                image=items/holy-water.png
237                silent=yes
238                [filter]
239                    x=15
240                    y=8
241                [/filter]
242                [then]
243                    [unit_overlay]
244                        x=15
245                        y=8
246                        image=overlays/arcane-icon.png
247                    [/unit_overlay]
248                    [remove_item]
249                        x,y=15,8
250                    [/remove_item]
251                    [message]
252                        speaker=Tyegea
253                        message= _ "Now, go. Come back with the flaming sword, and my priestesses and I will help you take back Jotha."
254                    [/message]
255                    [endlevel]
256                        result=victory
257                        linger_mode=no
258                        carryover_report=no
259                        {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100}
260                    [/endlevel]
261                [/then]
262                [effect]
263                    apply_to=attack
264                    range=melee
265                    set_type=arcane
266                [/effect]
267            [/object]
268        [/event]
269    [/event]