1 /*
2     Copyright (c) 2008-2009 NetAllied Systems GmbH
4 	This file is part of COLLADAMax.
6     Portions of the code are:
7     Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Feeling Software Inc.
8     Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sony Computer Entertainment America
10     Based on the 3dsMax COLLADASW Tools:
11     Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Autodesk Media Entertainment
13     Licensed under the MIT Open Source License,
14     for details please see LICENSE file or the website
15     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
16 */
22 #include "COLLADAMaxPrerequisites.h"
24 #include "COLLADASWStreamWriter.h"
25 #include "COLLADASWLibraryAnimations.h"
27 #include "COLLADAMaxDocumentExporter.h"
28 #include "COLLADAMaxConversionFunctor.h"
30 #include "COLLADAMaxAnimationClipExporter.h"
32 class Control;
34 namespace COLLADAMax
35 {
39     /** A class that holds all information needed to export an animation.*/
41     class Animation
42 	    {
44     public:
45         /** Types of animation*/
46         enum Type
47         {
48             FLOAT,				    //!< Animated float
49             FLOAT3,					//!< Animated float3
50             FLOAT4,					//!< Animated float4
51 			FLOAT4x4,				//!< Animated float4x4
53             POSITION_X,				//!< Animated x translation
54             POSITION_Y,				//!< Animated y translation
55             POSITION_Z,				//!< Animated z translation
57             ROTATION_X,				//!< Animated x rotation
58             ROTATION_Y,				//!< Animated y rotation
59             ROTATION_Z,				//!< Animated z rotation
61             SCALE_ROT_AXIS,         //!< The pivot rotation for scale/skew
62             SCALE_ROT_AXIS_R,       //!< The reverse pivot rotation for scale/skew
64             // Collapsed types
65             SCALE = FLOAT3,			//!< Animated scale in three dimensions
66             TRANSLATION = FLOAT3	//!< Animated translation in three dimensions
67         };
69 		enum InputTypeFlags
70 		{
71 			NONE           = 0x0000,
72 			INPUT          = 0x0001,
73 			OUTPUT         = 0x0002,
74 			IN_TANGENT     = 0x0004,
75 			OUT_TANGENT    = 0x0008,
76 			INTERPOLATION  = 0x0010
77  		};
79         /** Function pointer for conversion functions, to convert doubles.*/
80     //    typedef float ( *ConversionFunction ) ( const float & );
84     private:
85         /** The max controller.*/
86         Control * mController;
88 		/** The max node, used for sampled transformations (matrices).*/
89 		INode * mINode;
91 		/** The id of the element to animate.*/
92         String mId;
94         /** The sid of the element to animate.*/
95         String mSid;
97         /** A pointer to an array of parameters to animate.*/
98         const String * mParameters;
100 		/** Matrix index of the the value to animate. If it is set, the parameters in @a mParameters are ignored.*/
101 		int mMatrixIndex;
103         /** Type of animation.*/
104         int mType;
106 		/** Flags that indicates which inputs need to be exported in the sampler*/
107 		int mInputTypeFlags;
109         /** Pointer to conversion function, to convert all animated values.*/
110         ConversionFunctor* mConversionFunctor;
112     public:
114         /**
115         @param controller the controller used for the animation
116         @param id The id of the element to animate
117         @param sid The sid of the element to animate
118         @param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
119 		exists until the animation has been exported.
120         @param type Type of animation
121         @param conversionFunctor Pointer to conversion function, to convert all animated values*/
122         Animation ( Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, const String * parameter, int type, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0 );
124 		/**
125 		@param controller the controller used for the animation
126 		@param id The id of the element to animate
127 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate
128 		@param matrixIndex Matrix index of the array to animate
129 		@param type Type of animation
130 		@param conversionFunctor Pointer to conversion function, to convert all animated values*/
131 		Animation ( Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, int matrixIndex, int type, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0 );
134 		/**Use this constructor to creat an animation for sampled transformation matrices of a max node
135 		@param nIode the max node which transformation should be animated (sampled)
136 		@param id The id of the element to animate
137 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate
138 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
139 		exists until the animation has been exported.
140 		@param type Type of animation
141 		@param conversionFunctor Pointer to conversion function, to convert all animated values*/
142 		Animation ( INode * iNode, const String & id, const String & sid, const String * parameter, int type, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0 );
145 		/** Destructor*/
146 		virtual ~Animation();
148         /** Returns the controller.*/
getController()149         Control * getController() const
150         {
151             return mController;
152         }
154 		/** Returns the max node.*/
getNode()155 		INode * getNode() const
156 		{
157 			return mINode;
158 		}
160 		/** Returns the id of the element to animate.*/
getId()161         const String & getId() const
162         {
163             return mId;
164         }
166         /** Returns the sid of the element to animate.*/
getSid()167         const String & getSid() const
168         {
169             return mSid;
170         }
172         /** Returns the pointer to an array of parameters to animate.*/
getParameter()173         const String * getParameter() const
174         {
175             return mParameters;
176         }
178 		/** Returns the matrix index to animate ore -1 if no matrix is animted.*/
getMatrixIndex()179 		int getMatrixIndex() const
180 		{
181 			return mMatrixIndex;
182 		}
186 		/** Returns the type of the animation.*/
getType()187         int getType() const
188         {
189             return mType;
190         }
192         /** Returns the pointer to conversion function, to convert all animated values.*/
getConversionFunctor()193         const ConversionFunctor* const & getConversionFunctor() const
194         {
195             return mConversionFunctor;
196         }
198         /** Returns the dimension of the animation, i.e. how many values are animated. */
199         int getDimension() const;
201 		/** Sets the input type flags @a newFlags. Previously set flags remain set.*/
setInputTypeFlags(int newFlags)202 		void setInputTypeFlags(int newFlags) { mInputTypeFlags |= newFlags; }
204 		/** Returns true if the input type flag @a flag is set, false otherwise*/
inputFlagSet(InputTypeFlags flag)205 		bool inputFlagSet(InputTypeFlags flag)const { return (mInputTypeFlags & flag) == flag; }
207 		/** Returns true if at least one input type flag is set.*/
hasAnyInputFlagsSet()208 		bool hasAnyInputFlagsSet()const { return mInputTypeFlags != NONE; }
210 		Animation(const Animation& other);
211 		const Animation& operator=(const Animation& other);
213     };
216     /** Class to exports all animations of a max document.*/
218     class AnimationExporter : public COLLADASW::LibraryAnimations
219     {
221     private:
222         /** List of animations*/
223         typedef std::vector<Animation> AnimationList;
225 		typedef std::map<String, AnimationList> AnimationMap;
227         /** Function pointer to a function that fills the float buffer @a keyValues with the @a keyIndex'th output value
228         of @a animation. */
229         typedef void ( AnimationExporter::*OutputValueFunctionPtr ) ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
231         /** Function pointer to a function that fills the float buffer @a keyValues with the @a keyIndex'th output value
232         of @a animation. */
233         typedef void ( AnimationExporter::*TangentValueFunctionPtr ) ( float * tangentValuesX, float * tangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
235         /** Function pointer to a function that returns the interpolation type as a string of @a i'th
236         key of @a keyInterface. */
237         typedef const String & ( *InterpolationTypeFunctionPtr ) ( IKeyControl * keyInterface, int i );
239 		/** List of floats used to temporarily store key values.*/
240 		typedef std::vector<float> KeyValueList;
242     private:
243 		/** Value used for inlength if none is specified.*/
244 		static const float DEFAULT_INLENGHT;
246 		/** Value used for outlength if none is specified.*/
247 		static const float DEFAULT_OUTLENGHT;
249 		/** Value used for inlength for animated floats if none is specified.*/
250 		static const float DEFAULT_INLENGHT_FLOAT;
252 		/** Value used for outlength for animated floats if none is specified.*/
253 		static const float DEFAULT_OUTLENGHT_FLOAT;
255 		/** Value used for inlength for animated points if none is specified.*/
258 		/** Value used for outlength for animated points if none is specified.*/
261         /** The documentexporter this exporter belongs to.*/
262         DocumentExporter * mDocumentExporter;
264         /** List of all animations to export*/
265         AnimationList mAnimationList;
267 		AnimationMap mAnimationMap;
269 		AnimationClipExporter mClipExporter;
271         /** Factor to multiply the key time with to get the real time.*/
272         static const float mTimeFactor;
274 		/** List of floats used to temporarily store key values that need to be calculated and are not stored
275 		directly in the max api.*/
276 		KeyValueList mKeyValueList;
278 		/** Stores the euler angles of the last rotation key, if a rotation that requires patching of the euler
279 		angles is being exported*/
280 		float mPreviousEulerAngles[3];
282     public:
283         /** Constructor
284         @param streamWriter The stream the animation should be written to
285         @param documentExporter The documentexporter this exporter belongs to
286         */
287         AnimationExporter ( COLLADASW::StreamWriter * streamWriter, DocumentExporter * documentExporter );
289         /** Destructor*/
~AnimationExporter()290         ~AnimationExporter()
291         {}
294         /** Start export of all the animations.*/
295         void doExport();
297         /** Add @a animation to the list of animations that should be exported.*/
addAnimation(const Animation & animation)298         void addAnimation ( const Animation & animation )
299         {
300             mAnimationList.push_back ( animation );
301         }
addNamedAnimation(const Animation & animation,const String & name)303 		void addNamedAnimation(const Animation& animation, const String& name) {
304 			AnimationList& list = mAnimationMap[name];
305 			list.push_back(animation);
306 		}
309 		/** Adds an animation that animates a float.
310 		@param controller The controller that contains the animation.
311 		@param id The id of the element to animate.
312 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate.
313 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
314 		exists until the animation has been exported.
315 		@param conversionFunctor Conversion functor used to convert the output values
316 		@return Returns true if the float is animated, false otherwise.
317 		*/
318 		bool addAnimatedFloat ( Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0);
321 		/** Adds an animation that animates a float.
322 		@param controller The controller that contains the animation.
323 		@param id The id of the element to animate.
324 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate.
325 		@param matrixIndex Matrix index of the array to animate
326 		@param conversionFunctor Conversion functor used to convert the output values
327 		@return Returns true if the float is animated, false otherwise.
328 		*/
329 		bool addAnimatedFloat ( Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, int  matrixIndex, bool forceFullCheck = true, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0);
332         /** Adds an animation that animates a Point3.
333         @param controller The controller that contains the animation
334         @param id The id of the element to animate
335         @param sid The sid of the element to animate
336 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
337 		exists until the animation has been exported.
338 		@return Returns true if the Point3 is animated, false otherwise.
339         */
340 		bool addAnimatedPoint3(Control * controller, const String& layerName, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0);
343 		/** Adds an animation that animates a Point4, i.e. a parameter that has 4 values, e.g. color
344 		@param controller The controller that contains the animation
345 		@param id The id of the element to animate
346 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate
347 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
348 		exists until the animation has been exported.
349 		@return Returns true if the Point3 is animated, false otherwise.
350 		*/
351 		bool addAnimatedPoint4(Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0);
354 		/** Adds an animation that animates an angle.
355         @param controller The controller that contains the animation
356         @param id The id of the element to animate
357         @param sid The sid of the element to animate
358 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
359 		exists until the animation has been exported.
360         @param animatedAngle The type of the angle that should be animated
361 		@param forceFullCheck If true, a full check will be performed f the animations is not constant.
362 		@return Returns true if the angle is animated, false otherwise.
363         */
364         bool addAnimatedAngle ( Control * controller, const String& layerName, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], int animatedAngle, bool forceFullCheck = true );
367 		/** Adds an animation that animates an axis angle rotation
368 		@param controller The controller that contains the animation
369 		@param id The id of the element to animate
370 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate
371 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
372 		exists until the animation has been exported.
373 		@param type The type of the animation
374 		@param forceFullCheck If true, a full check will be performed f the animations is not constant.
375 		@return Returns true if the Point3 is animated, false otherwise.
376 		*/
377 		bool addAnimatedAxisAngle(Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], int type, bool forceFullCheck = true);
379 		bool addAnimatedFloat4x4 ( INode * node, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true );
382 		/** Adds an animation that animates a Point3.
383         @param controller The controller that contains the animation
384         @param id The id of the element to animate
385         @param sid The sid of the element to animate
386 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
387 		exists until the animation has been exported.
388         */
389         bool addAnimation4 ( Control * controller, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true );
391 		/** Adds an animation that animates a parameter within a IParamBlock.
392 		@param parameterBlock The IParamBlock that contains the parameter
393 		@param parameterId The id of the parameter in the IParamBlock
394 		@param id The id of the element to animate
395 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate
396 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
397 		exists until the animation has been exported.
398 		@param conversionFunctor Conversion Functor used to convert the animated values
399 		@param forceFullCheck Specifies, if a full check should be performed.
400 		@return Returns true, if the controller is animated, false if not.
401 		*/
402 		bool addAnimatedParameter(IParamBlock * parameterBlock, int parameterId, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0  );
404 		/** Adds an animation that animates a parameter within a IParamBlock2.
405 		@param parameterBlock2 The IParamBlock2 that contains the parameter
406 		@param parameterId The id of the parameter in the IParamBlock2
407 		@param id The id of the element to animate
408 		@param sid The sid of the element to animate
409 		@param parameter A pointer to an array of parameters to animate. The programmer must ensure, that this array
410 		exists until the animation has been exported.
411 		@param conversionFunctor Conversion Functor used to convert the animated values
412 		@param forceFullCheck Specifies, if a full check should be performed.
413 		@return Returns true, if the controller is animated, false if not.
414 		*/
415 		bool addAnimatedParameter(IParamBlock2 * parameterBlock, int parameterId, const String & id, const String & sid, const String parameters[], bool forceFullCheck = true, ConversionFunctor* conversionFunctor = 0  );
418         /** Returns true, if the controller is animated an should be exported.
419 		This method does not perform a full check, i.e. it only checks if the controller says it is animated, but does
420 		not check, if the key values are constant. Use isAnimated(const Animation& animation, bool forceFullCheck) to
421 		perform a full check.
422 		@param control The controller that should be checked.
423 		@return Returns true, if the controller is animated, false if not.
424 		*/
425         static bool isAnimated ( Control * controller );
427 		/** Returns true, if the controller is animated an should be exported.
428 		If @a forceFullCheck is true, this method perform a full check, i.e. it checks if the key values are
429 		not constant. This method might be time consuming for laregh animations that are constsnt. If @a forceFullCheck
430 		id false, this method behaves exacly as isAnimated ( Control * controller ).
431 		@param control The controller that should be checked.
432 		@param forceFullCheck Specifies, if a full check should be performed.
433 		@return Returns true, if the controller is animated, false if not.
434 		*/
435 		bool isAnimated (  const Animation& animation, bool forceFullCheck = false );
437 		/** Returns true, if the parameter of @a paramBlock with index @a parameterId is animated an should be exported.*/
438 		static bool isAnimated ( IParamBlock * paramBlock, int parameterId );
440 		/** Returns true, if the parameter of @a paramBlock with index @a parameterId is animated an should be exported.*/
441 		static bool isAnimated ( IParamBlock2 * paramBlock, int parameterId );
443         /** Generates an id from all the strings contained in @a animation.*/
444         static String getBaseId ( const Animation & animation );
446         /** Generates the correct target string for use in the @a \<channel\> element.*/
447         static String getTarget ( const Animation & animation );
449 		/** Checks, if the transformations of node @a iNode must be sampled, i.e. it has no stnadart controller*/
450 		static bool forceSampleMatrices(INode* iNode);
455     private:
456         /** Disable copy constructor.*/
457         AnimationExporter ( const AnimationExporter & animationExporter );
459         /** Disable assignment operator.*/
460         AnimationExporter & operator= ( const AnimationExporter & animationExporter );
463         /** Get the time of the key prior to key number @a i of @a controller.*/
464         TimeValue getPreviousTime ( const int & i, Control * controller ) const;
466         /** Get the time of the key next to key number @a i of @a controller.*/
467         TimeValue getNextTime ( const int & i, const int & keyCount, Control * controller ) const;
470 		/** Function searches @a controller and all subanims for presence of a Constraint.
471 		 This is bit of a cheap fix, a slightly better option may be to include
472 		 parent offset calculation in rotation/position sampling (like Matrix sampling).
473 		 */
474 		static bool findConstraint(Animatable* controller);
476 		/** Checks if an animation is really animated, by comparing the key values with the first key value.
477 		@param animation The animation that should be checked.
478 		@return Returns true, if animated, false if not.*/
479 		bool checkIfIsAnimated ( const Animation& animation );
481 		/** Checks if an animation is really animated, by comparing the key values with the first key value.
482 		@param animation The animation being exported.
483 		@param keyInterface The key control interface used to retrieve the key values.
484 		@param outputValueFunction Function pointer to a function used to retrieve the output values.
485 		@return Returns true, if animated, false if not.*/
486 		bool checkIfIsAnimated ( const Animation & animation, IKeyControl* keyInterface, OutputValueFunctionPtr outputValueFunction );
488 		/** Checks if a sampled float value animation is really animated, by comparing the key values with the first key value.
489 		@param animation The animation to export.
490 		@param keyInterface The key control interface used to retrieve the key values.
491 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
492 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
493 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
494 		@return Returns true, if animated, false if not.
495 		*/
496 		bool checkIfSampledFloatIsAnimated ( const Animation & animation, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
498 		/** Checks if a sampled Point3 animation is really animated, by comparing the key values with the first key value.
499 		@param animation The animation to export.
500 		@param keyInterface The key control interface used to retrieve the key values.
501 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
502 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
503 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
504 		@return Returns true, if animated, false if not.
505 		*/
506 		bool checkIfSampledPoint3IsAnimated ( const Animation & animation, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
508 		/** Checks if a sampled rotation animation is really animated, by comparing the key values with the first key value.
509 		@param animation The animation to export.
510 		@param keyInterface The key control interface used to retrieve the key values.
511 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
512 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
513 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
514 		@return Returns true, if animated, false if not.
515 		*/
516 		bool checkIfSampledRotationIsAnimated ( const Animation & animation, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
518 		/** Checks if a sampled transformation animation is really animated, by comparing the key values with the first key value.
519 		@param animation The animation to export.
520 		@param keyInterface The key control interface used to retrieve the key values.
521 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
522 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
523 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
524 		@return Returns true, if animated, false if not.
525 		*/
526 		bool checkIfSampledTransformationIsAnimated( const Animation & animation, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
528         /** Exports all the source elements for @a animation.*/
529         void exportSources ( Animation & animation );
531         /** Exports the input source element.
532         @param baseId The base id of the animation
533         @param controller The controller being exported
534         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface*/
536         template <class KeyClassName>
537         void exportInputSource ( const String & baseId, Control * controller, IKeyControl* keyInterface );
540         /** Exports the output source element.
541         @param animation The animation being exported
542         @param baseId The base id of the animation
543         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
544         @param outputValueFunction Function pointer to a function used to retrieve the output values*/
545         void exportOutputSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, OutputValueFunctionPtr outputValueFunction );
547         /** Retrieves the @a keyIndex'th value of type float from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it
548         in the float buffer @a keyValues.*/
549         template <class KeyType>
550         void getFloatValue ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
552         /** Retrieves the @a keyIndex'th position value of a position animation that animates one value
553         from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it  in the float buffer @a keyValues. The buffer
554         @a keyValues must have at least length 1.*/
555 		template<class KeyType>
556         void getPointXSingleValue ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
558         /** Retrieves the three @a keyIndex'th position values of a position animation that animates all
559         three values from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it in the float buffer @a keyValues.
560         The buffer @a keyValues must have at least length 3.*/
561 		template<int dimension, class KeyType>
562         void getPointXValue ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
564         /** Retrieves the @a keyIndex'th rotation value of a rotation animation that animates one value
565         from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it  in the float buffer @a keyValues. The buffer
566         @a keyValues must have at least length 1.*/
567 		template<class KeyType>
568         void getRotationSingleValue ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
570         /** Retrieves the three @a keyIndex'th rotation values of a rotation animation that animates all
571         three values from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it in the float buffer @a keyValues.
572         The buffer @a keyValues must have at least length 3.*/
573 		template<class KeyType>
574         void getRotationValue ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
577 		/** Retrieves the @a keyIndex'th rotation value of a rotation Bezier animation that animates one value
578 		from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it  in the float buffer @a keyValues. The buffer
579 		@a keyValues must have at least length 1. The value of the key is stored in @a mKeyValueList, for further
580 		use by the tangent functions.*/
581 		void getRotationSingleValuePatchEuler ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
583 		/** Retrieves the three @a keyIndex'th rotation values of a rotation Bezier animation that animates one value
584 		from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores it  in the float buffer @a keyValues. The buffer
585 		@a keyValues must have at least length 3. The value of the keys is stored in @a mKeyValueList, for further
586 		use by the tangent functions.*/
587 		void getRotationValuePatchEuler ( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
591 		template<class KeyType, bool reversed>
592 		void getScaleRotationAxisValue( float * keyValues, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const Animation & animation );
595         /** Exports a tangent  source element. It can be used for both in and out tangents.
596         @param sourceIdSuffix The id suffix that should be used for the  source element
597         @param animation The animation being exported
598         @param baseId The base id of the animation
599         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
600         @param tangentValueFunction Function pointer to a function used to retrieve the tangent values*/
601         void exportTangentSource ( const String & sourceIdSuffix, const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TangentValueFunctionPtr tangentValueFunction );
604         /** Exports the in tangent  source element.
605         @param animation The animation being exported
606         @param baseId The base id of the animation
607         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
608         @param tangentValueFunction Function pointer to a function used to retrieve the in tangent values*/
609         void exportInTangentSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TangentValueFunctionPtr tangentValueFunction );
611         /** Retrieves an in tangent value pair of an animated float value.
612         @param keyValuesX float array to store the x value
613         @param keyValuesY float array to store the y value
614         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
615         @param keyIndex The index of the key
616         @param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
617         @param animation The animation to export*/
618         void getFloatInTangentValue ( float * keyValuesX, float * keyValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
622 		/** Retrieves the @a keyIndex'th position in tangent value pair of a position animation that animates one value
623 		from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores them in the float buffers @a inTangentValuesX and @a inTangentValuesY.
624 		The buffers @a keyValues must have at least length 1.
625 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
626 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
627 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
628 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
629 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
630 		@param animation The animation to export
631 		*/
632 		template <class KeyType>
633 		void getPointXSingleInTangentValue ( float * inTangentValuesX, float * inTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
636 		/** Retrieves three in tangent values of an animated position or Point3.
637 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
638 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
639 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
640 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
641 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
642 		@param animation The animation to export*/
643 		template <int dimension, class KeyType>
644 		void getPointXInTangentValue ( float * inTangentValuesX, float * inTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
647 		/** Retrieves an in tangent value pair of an Bezier animated rotation. It uses @a mKeyValueList to retrieve the
648 		values of the key. It therefore requires, that @a mKeyValueList has been filled in advance.
649 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
650 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
651 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
652 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
653 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
654 		@param animation The animation to export*/
655 		void getRotationSingleInTangentPatchEuler ( float * inTangentValuesX, float * inTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
658 		/** Retrieves three in tangent value pairs of an Bezier animated rotation. It uses @a mKeyValueList to retrieve the
659 		values of the key. It therefore requires, that @a mKeyValueList has been filled in advance.
660 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
661 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
662 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
663 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
664 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
665 		@param animation The animation to export*/
666 		void getRotationInTangentPatchEuler ( float * inTangentValuesX, float * inTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
669         /** Exports the out tangent  source element.
670         @param animation The animation being exported
671         @param baseId The base id of the animation
672         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
673         @param tangentValueFunction Function pointer to a function used to retrieve the out tangent values*/
674         void exportOutTangentSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TangentValueFunctionPtr tangentValueFunction );
677 		/** Retrieves an out tangent value pair of an animated float value.
678 		@param outTangentValuesX float array to store the x value
679 		@param outTangentValuesY float array to store the y value
680 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
681 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
682 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
683 		@param animation The animation to export*/
684         void getFloatOutTangentValue ( float * outTangentValuesX, float * outTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
687 		/** Retrieves the @a keyIndex'th position out tangent value pair of a position animation that animates one value
688 		from @a keyInterface of @a animation and stores them in the float buffers @a inTangentValuesX and @a inTangentValuesY.
689 		The buffers @a keyValues must have at least length 1.
690 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
691 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
692 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
693 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
694 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
695 		@param animation The animation to export
696 		*/
697 		template <class KeyType>
698 		void getPointXSingleOutTangentValue ( float * outTangentValuesX, float * outTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
701 		/** Retrieves three out tangent value pair of an animated position or Point3.
702 		The buffers @a outTangentValuesX and  @a outTangentValuesY must have at least length 3.
703 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
704 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
705 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
706 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
707 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
708 		@param animation The animation to export*/
709 		template <int dimension, class KeyType>
710 		void getPointXOutTangentValue ( float * outTangentValuesX, float * outTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
713 		/** Retrieves an in tangent value pair of an Bezier animated rotation. It uses @a mKeyValueList to retrieve the
714 		values of the key. It therefore requires, that @a mKeyValueList has been filled in advance.
715 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
716 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
717 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
718 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
719 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
720 		@param animation The animation to export*/
721 		void getRotationSingleOutTangentPatchEuler ( float * outTangentValuesX, float * outTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
724 		/** Retrieves three in tangent value pairs of an Bezier animated rotation. It uses @a mKeyValueList to retrieve the
725 		values of the key. It therefore requires, that @a mKeyValueList has been filled in advance.
726 		@param inTangentValuesX float array to store the x values
727 		@param inTangentValuesY float array to store the y values
728 		@param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
729 		@param keyIndex The index of the key
730 		@param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
731 		@param animation The animation to export*/
732 		void getRotationOutTangentPatchEuler ( float * outTangentValuesX, float * outTangentValuesY, IKeyControl * keyInterface, const int & keyIndex, const int & keyCount, const Animation & animation );
734 		/** Determines the out interpolation type depending on @a flags*/
735 		static InterpolationType getInterpolationOutType ( const DWORD & flags );
737 		/** Determines the in interpolation type depending on @a flags*/
738 		static InterpolationType getInterpolationInType ( const DWORD & flags );
740         /** Exports the interpolation source.
741         @param baseId The base id of the animation
742         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
743         @param interpolationTypeFunction Function pointer to a function used to retrieve the interpolation type
744         @param keyCount The number of keys in the animation
745         */
746         void exportInterpolationSource ( const String & baseId, IKeyControl * keyInterface, InterpolationTypeFunctionPtr interpolationTypeFunction, int keyCount );
748 		/** Exports the input values (time values) of a sampled animation.
749 		@param baseId The base id of the animation
750 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
751 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
752 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
753 		*/
754 		void exportSamplingInputSource ( const String & baseId, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
756 		/** Exports the output values of a sampled float value animation.
757 		@param animation The animation to export.
758 		@param baseId The base id of the animation.
759 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
760 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
761 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
762 		*/
763 		void exportSamplingFloatOutputSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
765 		/** Exports the output values of a sampled Point3 animation.
766 		@param animation The animation to export.
767 		@param baseId The base id of the animation.
768 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
769 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
770 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
771 		*/
772 		void exportSamplingPoint3OutputSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
774 		/** Exports the output values of a sampled rotation animation.
775 		@param animation The animation to export.
776 		@param baseId The base id of the animation.
777 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
778 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
779 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
780 		*/
781 		void exportSamplingRotationOutputSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
783 		/** Exports the output values of a sampled transformation animation.
784 		@param animation The animation to export.
785 		@param baseId The base id of the animation.
786 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
787 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
788 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
789 		*/
790 		void exportSamplingTransformationOutputSource ( const Animation & animation, const String & baseId, IKeyControl* keyInterface, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
792 		/** Exports the interpolation type of a sampled animation.
793 		@param baseId The base id of the animation.
794 		@param startTime The time the animation should start.
795 		@param endTime The time the animation should end.
796 		@param ticksPerFrame The ticks per frame used by the animation
797 		*/
798 		void exportSamplingInterpolationSource ( const String & baseId, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue endTime, int ticksPerFrame );
800         /** Returns @a interpolationTypeName for all values of @a keyInterface and keyIndex.*/
801         template <const String & interpolationTypeName>
802         static const String & getUniformInterpolation ( IKeyControl * keyInterface, int keyIndex );
804         /** Returns the type of the interpolation.
805         @param keyInterface The IKeyControl interface
806         @param keyIndex The number of the key*/
807 		template <class KeyType>
808         static const String & getBezierInterpolation ( IKeyControl * keyInterface, int keyIndex );
810         /** Exports the sampler element.*/
811         void exportSampler ( const Animation & animation );
813         /** Exports the channel element.*/
814         void exportChannel ( const Animation & animation );
817 		/** Approaches the angle @a val to angle @a pval, by adding or subtracting multiples of 2*PI
818 		to minimize the absolute value of the distance between them.*/
819 		void angleApproach(float pval, float& val);
821 		/** Find the Euler angel representation that is equivalent to the three Euler angles in @a val with
822 		the smallest distance to @a pval.*/
823 		void patchEuler(float* pval, float* val);
826     };
827 }