1 #ifndef _GalaxySetupWnd_h_
2 #define _GalaxySetupWnd_h_
4 #include <GG/GGFwd.h>
5 #include <GG/ListBox.h>
7 #include "../universe/Universe.h"
8 #include "ClientUI.h"
9 #include "CUIWnd.h"
11 class EmpireColorSelector;
12 class SpeciesSelector;
13 struct GalaxySetupData;
14 class CUIEdit;
16 /** Displays game rules options */
17 class GameRulesPanel : public GG::Control {
18 public:
19     /** \name Structors*/ //!@{
20     GameRulesPanel(GG::X w = GG::X1, GG::Y h = GG::Y1);
21     //!@}
22     void CompleteConstruction() override;
24     /** \name Accessors*/ //!@{
25     std::map<std::string, std::string> GetRulesAsStrings() const;
26     //!@}
28     mutable boost::signals2::signal<void ()> SettingsChangedSignal;
30     /** \name Mutators*/ //!@{
31     void SizeMove(const GG::Pt& ul, const GG::Pt& lr) override;
32     void Render() override;
33     void Disable(bool b = true) override;
34     //!@}
36 private:
37     void DoLayout();
38     void SettingChanged();
40     GG::ListBox*        CreatePage(const std::string& name);
41     void                CreateSectionHeader(GG::ListBox* page, int indentation_level,
42                                             const std::string& name, const std::string& tooltip = "");
43     GG::StateButton*    BoolRuleWidget(GG::ListBox* page, int indentation_level,
44                                        const std::string& rule_name);
45     GG::Spin<int>*      IntRuleWidget(GG::ListBox* page, int indentation_level,
46                                       const std::string& rule_name);
47     GG::Spin<double>*   DoubleRuleWidget(GG::ListBox* page, int indentation_level,
48                                          const std::string& rule_name);
49     GG::DropDownList*   StringRuleWidget(GG::ListBox* page, int indentation_level,
50                                          const std::string& rule_name);
52     void BoolRuleChanged(const GG::StateButton* button, const std::string& rule_name);
53     void IntRuleChanged(const GG::Spin<int>* spin, const std::string& rule_name);
54     void DoubleRuleChanged(const GG::Spin<double>* spin, const std::string& rule_name);
55     void StringRuleChanged(const GG::DropDownList* drop, const std::string& rule_name);
57     std::map<std::string, std::string>  m_rules;
58     std::shared_ptr<GG::TabWnd>         m_tabs;
59 };
61 /** Encapsulates the galaxy setup options so that they may be reused in the
62   * GalaxySetupWnd and the MultiPlayerLobbyWnd. */
63 class GalaxySetupPanel : public GG::Control {
64 public:
65     static const GG::X DefaultWidth();
67     /** \name Structors*/ //!@{
68     GalaxySetupPanel(GG::X w = GG::X(FontBasedUpscale(305)), GG::Y h = GG::Y(330));
69     //!@}
71     void CompleteConstruction() override;
73     /** \name Accessors*/ //!@{
74     const std::string&              GetSeed() const;                //!< Returns string version of seed. This value is converted to a number or (if that fails) hashed to get the actual seed value.
75     int                             Systems() const;                //!< Returns the number of star systems to use in generating the galaxy
76     Shape                           GetShape() const;               //!< Returns the shape of the galaxy
77     GalaxySetupOption               GetAge() const;                 //!< Returns the age of the galaxy
78     GalaxySetupOption               GetStarlaneFrequency() const;   //!< Returns the frequency of starlanes in the galaxy
79     GalaxySetupOption               GetPlanetDensity() const;       //!< Returns the density of planets within systems
80     GalaxySetupOption               GetSpecialsFrequency() const;   //!< Returns the rarity of planetary and system specials
81     GalaxySetupOption               GetMonsterFrequency() const;    //!< Returns the frequency of space monsters
82     GalaxySetupOption               GetNativeFrequency() const;     //!< Returns the frequency of natives
83     Aggression                      GetAIAggression() const;        //!< Returns the  maximum AI aggression level
85     /** Returns the current preview image texture. */
86     std::shared_ptr<GG::Texture> PreviewImage() const;
88     /** the settings changed signal object for this GalaxySetupPanel */
89     mutable boost::signals2::signal<void ()>  SettingsChangedSignal;
91     /** the image changed signal object for this GalaxySetupPanel */
92     mutable boost::signals2::signal<void (std::shared_ptr<GG::Texture>)> ImageChangedSignal;
93     //!@}
95     /** \name Mutators*/ //!@{
96     void SizeMove(const GG::Pt& ul, const GG::Pt& lr) override;
Render()97     void Render() override {}
98     void Disable(bool b = true) override;
99     void SetFromSetupData(const GalaxySetupData& setup_data); ///< sets the controls from a GalaxySetupData
100     void GetSetupData(GalaxySetupData& setup_data) const;     ///< fills values in \a setup_data from the panel's current state
101     void SetSeed(const std::string& seed, bool inhibit_single = false);
102     //!@}
104 private:
105     void DoLayout();
106     void RandomClicked();
107     void SettingChanged();
108     void ShapeChanged(GG::ListBox::iterator it);
110     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_seed_label;
111     std::shared_ptr<CUIEdit>            m_seed_edit;            //!< The seed used in the generation of the galaxy;
112     std::string                         m_seed;
113     std::shared_ptr<GG::Button>         m_random;               //!< Random seed button;
114     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_stars_label;
115     std::shared_ptr<GG::Spin<int>>      m_stars_spin;           //!< The number of stars to include in the galaxy;
116     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_galaxy_shapes_label;
117     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_galaxy_shapes_list;   //!< The possible shapes for the galaxy;
118     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_galaxy_ages_label;
119     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_galaxy_ages_list;     //!< The possible ages for the galaxy;
120     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_starlane_freq_label;
121     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_starlane_freq_list;   //!< The frequency of starlanes in the galaxy;
122     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_planet_density_label;
123     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_planet_density_list;  //!< The density of planets in each system;
124     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_specials_freq_label;
125     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_specials_freq_list;   //!< The frequency of specials in systems and on planets;
126     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_monster_freq_label;
127     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_monster_freq_list;    //!< The frequency of monsters;
128     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_native_freq_label;
129     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_native_freq_list;     //!< The frequency of natives;
130     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>          m_ai_aggression_label;
131     std::shared_ptr<GG::DropDownList>   m_ai_aggression_list;   //!< The max aggression choices for AI opponents;
133     /** Textures for galaxy previews. */
134     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GG::Texture>> m_textures;
135 };
137 //! This class is the Galaxy Setup window.  It is a modal window
138 //! that allows the user to choose a galaxy style, size, etc.
139 class GalaxySetupWnd : public CUIWnd {
140 public:
141     /** \name Structors*/ //!@{
142     GalaxySetupWnd();
143     void CompleteConstruction() override;
144     //!@}
146     /** \name Accessors*/ //!@{
147     /** returns true iff the dialog is finished running and it was closed with the "OK" button */
EndedWithOk()148     bool                    EndedWithOk() const {return m_done && m_ended_with_ok;}
150     /** returns the panel containing all the user-chosen options. */
151     const std::string&      EmpireName() const;
152     GG::Clr                 EmpireColor() const;
153     const std::string&      StartingSpeciesName() const;
154     int                     NumberAIs() const;
155     std::map<std::string, std::string>
156                             GetRulesAsStrings() const;
157     //!@}
159     /** \name Mutators*/ //!@{
160     void Render() override;
161     void KeyPress(GG::Key key, std::uint32_t key_code_point, GG::Flags<GG::ModKey> mod_keys) override;
162     void SizeMove(const GG::Pt& ul, const GG::Pt& lr) override;
163     //!@}
165 protected:
166     GG::Rect CalculatePosition() const override;
168 private:
169     void DoLayout();
170     void PreviewImageChanged(std::shared_ptr<GG::Texture> new_image);
171     void EmpireNameChanged(const std::string& name);
172     void PlayerNameChanged(const std::string& name);
173     void OkClicked();
174     void CancelClicked();
176     bool m_ended_with_ok = false;    //!< indicates whether or not we ended the dialog with OK or not
178     std::shared_ptr<GalaxySetupPanel>       m_galaxy_setup_panel;    //!< The GalaxySetupPanel that does most of the work of the dialog
179     std::shared_ptr<GameRulesPanel>         m_game_rules_panel;
180     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>              m_player_name_label;
181     std::shared_ptr<GG::Edit>               m_player_name_edit;
182     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>              m_empire_name_label;
183     std::shared_ptr<GG::Edit>               m_empire_name_edit;
184     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>              m_empire_color_label;
185     std::shared_ptr<EmpireColorSelector>    m_empire_color_selector;
186     std::shared_ptr<SpeciesSelector>        m_starting_secies_selector;
187     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>              m_starting_species_label;
188     std::shared_ptr<GG::Label>              m_number_ais_label;
189     std::shared_ptr<GG::Spin<int>>          m_number_ais_spin;
190     std::shared_ptr<GG::StaticGraphic>      m_preview_image;         //!< The galaxy shape preview image;
191     std::shared_ptr<GG::Button>             m_ok;                    //!< OK button;
192     std::shared_ptr<GG::Button>             m_cancel;                //!< Cancel button;
194     GG::Pt                  m_preview_ul;
195 };
197 #endif // _GalaxySetupWnd_h_