3 * Test the person object.
4 *
5 * PHP version 5
6 *
7 * @category Kolab
8 * @package  Kolab_Server
9 * @author   Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel@pardus.de>
10 * @license  http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1
11 * @link     http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_Server
12 */
15 * Require our basic test case definition
16 */
17require_once __DIR__ . '/Scenario.php';
20 * Test the person object.
21 *
22 * Copyright 2009-2016 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
23 *
24 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
25 * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21.
26 *
27 * @category Kolab
28 * @package  Kolab_Server
29 * @author   Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel@pardus.de>
30 * @license  http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1
31 * @link     http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_Server
32 */
33class Horde_Kolab_Server_Integration_PersonTest extends Horde_Kolab_Server_Integration_Scenario
36    public $cn = 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest';
38    /**
39     * Objects used within this test
40     *
41     * @var array
42     */
43    private $objects = array(
44        /* Default dummy person */
45        array(
46            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
47            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
48            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
49            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
50        ),
51        /* Invalid person (no sn) */
52        array(
53            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
54            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
55            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
56        ),
57        /* Person with problematic characters */
58        array(
59            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
60            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_!"$%&()=?',
61            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_!"$%&()=?',
62            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_!"$%&()=?',
63        ),
64        /* Person with difficult encoding */
65        array(
66            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
67            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_ügöräߧ',
68            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_ügöräߧ',
69            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_ügöräߧ',
70        ),
71        /* Person with forward slash */
72        array(
73            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
74            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_/',
75            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_/',
76            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_/',
77        ),
78        /* Person with double cn */
79        array(
80            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
81            'Cn'           => array('Kolab_Server_PersonTest_cn1',
82                                                                              'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_cn2'),
83            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_cncn',
84            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_cncn',
85        ),
86        /* Person with name suffix*/
87        array(
88            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
89            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
90            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
91            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123',
92        ),
93        /* Person for telephone number handling*/
94        array(
95            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
96            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123456',
97            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123456',
98            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123456',
99        ),
100        /* Person with a creation date*/
101        array(
102            'type' => 'Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person',
103            'Cn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123456',
104            'Sn'           => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123456',
105            'Userpassword' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_123456',
106            'Creationdate' => '191008030000Z',
107        ),
108    );
110    /**
111     * Set up testing.
112     *
113     * @return NULL
114     */
115    protected function setUp()
116    {
117        parent::setUp();
119        $this->initializeEnvironments();
120        $this->servers = $this->getKolabServers();
121    }
123    /**
124     * Test ID generation for a person.
125     *
126     * @return NULL
127     */
128    public function testGenerateId()
129    {
130        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
131            $a = new Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person($server, null, $this->objects[0]);
132            $this->assertContains('Cn' . '=' . $this->objects[0]['Cn'],
133                                  $a->get(Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person::ATTRIBUTE_UID));
134        }
135    }
137    /**
138     * Test adding an invalid person.
139     *
140     * @expectedException Horde_Kolab_Server_Exception
141     *
142     * @return NULL
143     */
144    public function testAddInvalidPerson()
145    {
146        $this->addToServers($this->objects[1]);
147    }
149    /**
150     * Test adding a person.
151     *
152     * @return NULL
153     */
154    public function testAddPerson()
155    {
156        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
157            $adds = array(0, 2, 3, 4);
158            foreach ($adds as $add) {
159                $result = $server->add($this->objects[$add]);
160                $this->assertNoError($result);
161                $cn_result = $server->uidForCn($this->objects[$add]['Cn']);
162                $this->assertNoError($cn_result);
163                $dn_parts = Horde_Ldap_Util::explodeDN($cn_result, array('casefold' => 'lower'));
164                $dnpart = Horde_Ldap_Util::unescapeDNValue($dn_parts[0]);
165                /**
166                 * @todo: I currently do not really understand why the forward slash
167                 * is not correctly converted back but I lack the time to analyse it
168                 * in detail. The server entry looks okay.
169                 */
170                $dnpart = str_replace('\/', '/', $dnpart);
171                $this->assertContains('Cn' . '=' . $this->objects[$add]['Cn'],
172                                      $dnpart[0]);
173                $result = $server->delete($cn_result);
174                $this->assertNoError($result);
175                $cn_result = $server->uidForCn($this->objects[$add]['Cn']);
176                $this->assertNoError($cn_result);
177                $this->assertFalse($server->uidForCn($this->objects[$add]['Cn']));
178            }
179        }
180    }
182    /**
183     * Test modifying the surname of a person.
184     *
185     * @return NULL
186     */
187    public function testModifyPersonSn()
188    {
189        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
190            $person = $this->assertAdd($server, $this->objects[2],
191                                       array('Cn' => $this->objects[2]['Cn']));
192            $this->assertSimpleSequence($person, $server,
193                                        'Sn',
194                                        array('modified', 'modified_again'), true);
195        }
196    }
198    /**
199     * Test modifying the cn of a person. This should have an effect on the UID
200     * of the object and needs to rename the object.
201     *
202     * @return NULL
203     */
204    public function testModifyPersonCn()
205    {
206        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
207            $person = $server->add($this->objects[2]);
208            $this->assertNoError($person);
210            $person = $server->fetch($person->getUid());
212            $this->assertEquals($this->objects[2]['Cn'],
213                                $person->get('Cn'));
215            $result = $person->save(array('Cn' => 'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_äö'));
216            $cn_result = $server->uidForCn('Kolab_Server_PersonTest_äö');
217            $person = $server->fetch($cn_result);
218            $this->assertEquals($person->get('Cn'),
219                                'Kolab_Server_PersonTest_äö');
220            $result = $server->delete($cn_result);
221            $this->assertNoError($result);
222            $cn_result = $server->uidForCn('Kolab_Server_PersonTest_äö');
223            $this->assertNoError($cn_result);
224            $this->assertFalse($cn_result);
225        }
226    }
228    /**
229     * Test adding a person with two common names.
230     *
231     * @return NULL
232     */
233    public function testAddDoubleCnPerson()
234    {
235        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
236            $person = $this->assertAdd($server, $this->objects[5],
237                                       array());
239            $cn_result = $server->uidForCn($this->objects[5]['Cn'][0]);
240            $this->assertNoError($cn_result);
241            $dn_parts = Horde_Ldap_Util::explodeDN($cn_result, array('casefold' => 'lower'));
242            $dnpart = Horde_Ldap_Util::unescapeDNValue($dn_parts[0]);
243            $this->assertContains('Cn' . '=' . $this->objects[5]['Cn'][0],
244                                  $dnpart[0]);
245        }
246    }
248    /**
249     * Test handling a phone number.
250     *
251     * @return NULL
252     */
253    public function testHandlingAPhoneNumaber()
254    {
255        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
256            $person = $this->assertAdd($server, $this->objects[7],
257                                       array(Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person::ATTRIBUTE_TELNO => ''));
258            $this->assertSimpleSequence($person, $server,
259                                        Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person::ATTRIBUTE_TELNO,
260                                        array('123456789', '+1234567890', array('1', '2'), null, '0'), true);
261        }
262    }
264    /**
265     * Test retrrieving a date.
266     *
267     * @return NULL
268     */
269    public function testGetDate()
270    {
271        foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
272            $person = $this->assertAdd($server, $this->objects[8],
273                                       array(Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person::ATTRIBUTE_TELNO => ''));
274            $cdate = $person->get(Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person::ATTRDATE_CREATIONDATE);
275            $this->assertEquals('Horde_Date', get_class($cdate));
276            $this->assertEquals('1910-08-03 01:00:00', (string) $cdate);
277        }
278    }