1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // MCMCfcds.h is the header file for MCMCfcds.cc. It contains declarations
3 // for a number of functions that produce draws from full conditional
4 // distributions.
5 //
6 // Andrew D. Martin
7 // Dept. of Political Science
8 // Washington University in St. Louis
9 // admartin@wustl.edu
10 //
11 // Kevin M. Quinn
12 // Dept. of Government
13 // Harvard University
14 // kevin_quinn@harvard.edu
15 //
16 // This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL
17 // PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.  See the package LICENSE
18 // file for more information.
19 //
20 // KQ 6/10/2004
21 // DBP 7/01/2007 [ported to scythe 1.0.x (partial)]
22 //
23 // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
24 // Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
25 //    and Jong Hee Park
26 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 #ifndef MCMCFCDS_H
31 #define MCMCFCDS_H
33 #include "matrix.h"
34 #include "rng.h"
35 #include "stat.h"
36 #include "smath.h"
37 #include "ide.h"
38 #include "la.h"
39 #include "distributions.h"
41 #include <iostream>
43 using namespace std;
44 using namespace scythe;
46 // linear regression with Gaussian errors beta draw
47 // (multivariate Normal prior)
48 // regression model is y = X * beta + epsilon,  epsilon ~ N(0,sigma2)
49 // XpX is X'X
50 // XpY is X'y
51 // b0 is the prior mean of beta
52 // B0 is the prior precision (the inverse variance) of beta
53 template <typename RNGTYPE>
54 Matrix<double>
NormNormregress_beta_draw(const Matrix<> & XpX,const Matrix<> & XpY,const Matrix<> & b0,const Matrix<> & B0,double sigma2,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)55 NormNormregress_beta_draw (const Matrix<>& XpX, const Matrix<>& XpY,
56          const Matrix<>& b0, const Matrix<>& B0, double sigma2,
57          rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
58 {
59   // this function gets the cross-product matrix X'X and the matrix X'Y
60   // to minimize the amount of computation within the function
61   const unsigned int k = XpX.cols ();
62   const double sig2_inv = 1.0 / sigma2;
63   const Matrix<> sig_beta = invpd (B0 + XpX * sig2_inv);
64   const Matrix<> C = cholesky (sig_beta);
65   const Matrix<> betahat = sig_beta * gaxpy(B0, b0, XpY*sig2_inv);
67   return( gaxpy(C, stream.rnorm(k,1, 0, 1), betahat) );
68 }
70 // linear regression with Gaussian errors sigma2 draw
71 // (inverse-Gamma  prior)
72 // regression model is y = X * beta + epsilon,  epsilon ~ N(0,sigma2)
73 // c0/2 is the prior shape parameter for sigma2
74 // d0/2 is the prior scale parameter for sigma2
75 template <typename RNGTYPE>
76 double
NormIGregress_sigma2_draw(const Matrix<> & X,const Matrix<> & Y,const Matrix<> & beta,double c0,double d0,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)77 NormIGregress_sigma2_draw (const Matrix <> &X, const Matrix <> &Y,
78          const Matrix <> &beta, double c0, double d0,
79          rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
80 {
82   const Matrix <> e = gaxpy(X, (-1*beta), Y);
83   const Matrix <> SSE = crossprod (e);
84   const double c_post = (c0 + X.rows ()) * 0.5;
85   const double d_post = (d0 + SSE[0]) * 0.5;
87   return  stream.rigamma (c_post, d_post);
88 }
90 // Bayesian quantile (including median) regression beta draw
91 // (multivariate Normal prior)
92 //
93 // b0 is the prior mean of beta(tau)
94 // B0 is the prior precision (the inverse variance) of beta(tau)
95 template <typename RNGTYPE>
96 Matrix<double>
ALaplaceNormregress_beta_draw(double tau,const Matrix<> & X,const Matrix<> & Y,const Matrix<> & weights,const Matrix<> & b0,const Matrix<> & B0,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)97 ALaplaceNormregress_beta_draw (double tau, const Matrix<>& X, const Matrix<>& Y, const Matrix<>& weights,
98          const Matrix<>& b0, const Matrix<>& B0,
99          rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
100 {
102 	const unsigned int k = X.cols();
103 	const unsigned int n_obs = X.rows();
104 	Matrix<> U(Y);
105 if (tau!=0.5){
106 	U -= (1.0-2.0*tau)*weights;
107 }
108 	Matrix<> XtwX(k,k,false);
109 	Matrix<> XtwU(k,1,false);
110 	double temp_x = 0.0;
111 	double temp_u = 0.0;
113 //Calculate XtwU where w denotes a diagonal matrix with the augmented data (weights) on the diagonal
114   for (unsigned int i=0; i<k; ++i){
115     for (unsigned int m=0; m<n_obs; ++m){
116        temp_u += X(m,i)*U(m)/weights(m);
117     }
118     XtwU(i) = temp_u;
119     temp_u = 0.0;
120   }
122 //Calculate XtwX
123   for (unsigned int i=0; i<k; ++i){
124     for (unsigned int j=0; j<(i+1); ++j){
125       for (unsigned int m=0; m<n_obs; ++m){
126 	temp_x += X(m,i)*X(m,j)/weights(m);
127       }
128       XtwX(i,j) = temp_x;
129       XtwX(j,i) = temp_x;
130       temp_x = 0.0;
131     }
132   }
134 	const Matrix<> var_matrix_beta = invpd(B0+0.5*XtwX);
135  	const Matrix<> C = cholesky(var_matrix_beta);
136 	const Matrix<> betahat = var_matrix_beta*gaxpy(B0,b0,0.5*XtwU);
138 	return( gaxpy(C, stream.rnorm(k,1, 0, 1), betahat) );
139 }
141 // This function draws from the full conditional distribution of the latent random variables (weights) under quantile regression (including median regression) and returns a column vector of those weights.
143 template <typename RNGTYPE>
144 Matrix<double>
ALaplaceIGaussregress_weights_draw(const Matrix<> & abse,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)145 ALaplaceIGaussregress_weights_draw (const Matrix <> &abse,
146          rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
148 {
149         const Matrix<double> nu_params = pow(abse,-1.0);
150 	Matrix<> w(abse);
151         const unsigned int n_obs = abse.rows();
153 	// The inverse Gaussian distribution
155 	for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_obs; ++i){
156             double chisq = stream.rchisq(1);
157             double nu = nu_params(i);
158 	    double smallroot = nu*(nu*chisq+1.0-std::sqrt(nu*nu*chisq*chisq+2.0*nu*chisq));
159 	    unsigned int q = stream.rbern(nu/(nu+smallroot));
160 	    if (q == 1){
161 		w(i) = smallroot;
162             }
163 	    else{
164 		w(i) = nu*nu/smallroot;
165 	    }
166 	  }
167 	return(pow(w,-1.0));
168 }
170 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
172 // Functions for the quantile regression stochastic search variable selection
174 struct COV_TRIAL{
175 Matrix<> Cnew;
176 bool newtrial;
177 double logdetminhalf;
178 };
180 // updating the indicator variable corresponding to whether a
181 // covariate is included in the model, given that it was
182 // previously absent
183 template <typename RNGTYPE>
QR_SSVS_covariate_trials_draw_absent(const Matrix<> & C,const Matrix<> & X_gamma,const Matrix<> & U,const Matrix<> & newXcol,unsigned int row_index,const Matrix<> & weights,double pi0,double newlambda,double logolddetminhalf,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)185 QR_SSVS_covariate_trials_draw_absent(const Matrix<>& C, const Matrix<>& X_gamma, const Matrix<>& U,
186 				     const Matrix<>& newXcol, unsigned int row_index, const Matrix<>& weights, double pi0, double newlambda, double logolddetminhalf, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
187   const unsigned int n_obs = U.rows();
188   const unsigned int k = C.rows();
190   //Calculate new row required to update the Cholesky decomposition
191   Matrix<> XUXnewtXnew(k+1,1,false);
192   double temp_xux1 = 0.0;
193   double temp_xux2 = 0.0;
194   double temp_xux3 = 0.0;
196   //Calculate XUXnewtXnew
197   for (unsigned int i=0; i<k-1; ++i){
198     for (unsigned int m=0; m<n_obs; ++m){
199       temp_xux1 += X_gamma(m,i)*newXcol(m)/weights(m);
200     }
201     XUXnewtXnew(i) = 0.5*temp_xux1;
202     temp_xux1 = 0.0;
203   }
204   for (unsigned int m=0; m<n_obs; ++m){
205     temp_xux2 += U(m)*newXcol(m)/weights(m);
206     temp_xux3 += newXcol(m)*newXcol(m)/weights(m);
207   }
208   XUXnewtXnew(k-1) = 0.5*temp_xux2;
209   XUXnewtXnew(k) = 0.5*temp_xux3+newlambda;
211   //Obtain the Cholesky Decomposition of the new matrix formed by adding newXcol onto the right hand side
213   Matrix<> z(k,1,false);
214   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
215     double sum = 0;
216     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
217       sum += C(i,j) * z(j);
218     }
219     z(i) = (XUXnewtXnew(i) - sum) / C(i, i);
220   }
221   double rho = std::sqrt(XUXnewtXnew(k)-crossprod(z)(0));
223   Matrix<> Cnew(k+1, k+1, true, 0.0);
224   Cnew(0,0,k-1,k-1) = C;
225   Cnew(k,0,k,k-1) = z;
226   Cnew(k,k) = rho;
228   // Permuting the Cholesky decomposition so that it corresponds to what would be obtained if the X matrix included the covariate
230   Matrix<> temp(Cnew);
231   if (row_index != 0){
232     temp(0,0,row_index-1,k) = Cnew(0,0,row_index-1,k);
233   }
234   temp(row_index,_) = Cnew(k,_);
235   temp(row_index+1,0,k,k) = Cnew(row_index,0,k-1,k);
237   // Givens rotations
239   Matrix<> Q(2,2,false);
240   for (unsigned int i=k; i>row_index; --i)
241     {
242       double two_norm = std::sqrt(temp(row_index,i)*temp(row_index,i)
243 				  +temp(row_index,i-1)*temp(row_index,i-1));
244       Q(0,0) = temp(row_index,i-1)/two_norm;
245       Q(1,0) = temp(row_index,i)/two_norm;
246       Q(1,1) = Q(0,0);
247       Q(0,1) = -1.0*Q(1,0);
248       if (i!=k){
249 	temp(i+1,i-1,k,i) = temp(i+1,i-1,k,i) * Q;
250       }
251       double temp2 = temp(i,i-1);
252       temp(i,i-1) = Q(0,0)*temp2;
253       temp(i,i) = Q(0,1)*temp2;
254       if (temp(i,i) < 0){
255 	temp(i,i,k,i) = -1.0*temp(i,i,k,i);
256       }
257       temp(row_index,i-1) = two_norm;
258       temp(row_index,i) = 0.0;
259     }
260   Cnew=temp;
262   //Work out -0.5*log(det(Cnew'Cnew))
263   double lognewdetminhalf = 0.0;
264   for (unsigned int i=0; i<k; ++i){
265     lognewdetminhalf -= std::log(Cnew(i,i));
266   }
270   double log_g0 = logolddetminhalf-0.5*C(k-1,k-1)*C(k-1,k-1);
271   double log_g1 = 0.5*std::log(newlambda)+lognewdetminhalf-0.5*Cnew(k,k)*Cnew(k,k);
273   double log_ratio = log_g0+std::log(1.0-pi0)-log_g1-std::log(pi0);
274   double success_prob = 1.0/(1.0+std::exp(log_ratio));
275   bool new_covariate_trial = stream.rbern(success_prob);
276   COV_TRIAL result;
277   result.newtrial = new_covariate_trial;
278   if (new_covariate_trial == false){
279     result.Cnew = C;
280     result.logdetminhalf = logolddetminhalf;
281   }
282   else {
283     result.Cnew = Cnew;
284     result.logdetminhalf = lognewdetminhalf;
285   }
286   return result;
287 }
289 // updating the indicator variable corresponding to whether a
290 // covariate is included in the model, given that it was
291 // previously present in the model
293 template <typename RNGTYPE>
QR_SSVS_covariate_trials_draw_present(const Matrix<> & C,unsigned int row_index,unsigned int n_obs,double pi0,double oldlambda,double logolddetminhalf,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)295 QR_SSVS_covariate_trials_draw_present(const Matrix<>& C, unsigned int row_index, unsigned int n_obs, double pi0, double oldlambda, double logolddetminhalf, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
296   unsigned int k = C.rows();
298   // Permuting the Cholesky decomposition so that it corresponds to what would be obtained if the X matrix had the covariate in the final column
300   Matrix<> temp(C);
301   if (row_index != 0){
302     temp(0,0,row_index-1,k-1) = C(0,0,row_index-1,k-1);
303   }
304   temp(k-1,_) = C(row_index,_);
305   temp(row_index,0,k-2,k-1) = C(row_index+1,0,k-1,k-1);
307   // Givens rotations
309   Matrix<> Q(2,2,false);
310   for (unsigned int i=row_index; i<k-1; ++i)
311     {
312       double two_norm = std::sqrt(temp(i,i)*temp(i,i)
313 				  +temp(i,i+1)*temp(i,i+1));
314       Q(0,0) = temp(i,i)/two_norm;
315       Q(1,0) = temp(i,i+1)/two_norm;
316       Q(1,1) = Q(0,0);
317       Q(0,1) = -1.0*Q(1,0);
318       if (i!=k-2){
319 	temp(i+1,i,k-2,i+1) = temp(i+1,i,k-2,i+1) * Q;
320       }
321       double temp2 = temp(k-1,i);
322       temp(k-1,i) = Q(0,0)*temp2;
323       temp(k-1,i+1) = Q(0,1)*temp2;
324       temp(i,i) = two_norm;
325       temp(i,i+1) = 0.0;
326     }
327   if (temp(k-1,k-1) < 0){
328     temp(k-1,k-1) = -1.0*temp(k-1,k-1);
329   }
331   Matrix<> Cnew = temp(0,0,k-2,k-2);
333   // Work out -1/2*log(det(Cnew'Cnew))
334   double lognewdetminhalf = 0.0;
335   for (unsigned int i=0; i<k-2; ++i){
336     lognewdetminhalf -= std::log(Cnew(i,i));
337   }
340   double log_g0 = lognewdetminhalf-0.5*Cnew(k-2,k-2)*Cnew(k-2,k-2);
341   double log_g1 = 0.5*std::log(oldlambda)+logolddetminhalf-0.5*C(k-1,k-1)*C(k-1,k-1);
344   double log_ratio = log_g0+std::log(1.0-pi0)-log_g1-std::log(pi0);
345   double success_prob = 1.0/(1.0+std::exp(log_ratio));
346   bool new_covariate_trial = stream.rbern(success_prob);
347   COV_TRIAL result;
348   result.newtrial = new_covariate_trial;
349   if (new_covariate_trial == false){
350     result.Cnew = Cnew;
351     result.logdetminhalf = lognewdetminhalf;
352   }
353   else {
354     result.Cnew = C;
355     result.logdetminhalf = logolddetminhalf;
356   }
357   return result;
358 }
360 // update betas using Cholesky decomposition
361 template <typename RNGTYPE>
362 Matrix<>
QR_SSVS_beta_draw(const Matrix<> & C,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)363 QR_SSVS_beta_draw(const Matrix<>& C, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
364   unsigned int k = C.rows();
365   Matrix<> standnorm = stream.rnorm(k-1,1,0,1);
366   Matrix<> z(k-1,1,false);
367   z = t(C(k-1,0,k-1,k-2));
368   Matrix<> Q = z+standnorm*std::sqrt(2.0);
369   Matrix<> result(k-1,1,false);
370   for (int i = k-2; i >= 0; --i) {
371     double sum = 0;
372     for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < k-1; ++j) {
373       sum += C(j,i) * result(j);
374     }
375     result(i) = (Q(i) - sum) / C(i, i);
376   }
377   return result;
378 }
380 //hyperparameter pi0 updating
382 template <typename RNGTYPE>
383 double
QR_SSVS_pi0_draw(unsigned int n_uncert_cov,unsigned int tot_n_uncert_cov,double pi0a0,double pi0b0,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)384 QR_SSVS_pi0_draw(unsigned int n_uncert_cov, unsigned int tot_n_uncert_cov,
385 double pi0a0, double pi0b0, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
386     double pi0a1 = pi0a0 + n_uncert_cov;
387     double pi0b1 = pi0b0 + tot_n_uncert_cov - n_uncert_cov;
388 	return(stream.rbeta(pi0a1,pi0b1));
389 }
391 //update latent lambdas
393 template<typename RNGTYPE>
394 Matrix<double>
QR_SSVS_lambda_draw(const Matrix<> & beta_red,const Matrix<> & gamma,unsigned int tot_n_cov,unsigned int n_cert_cov,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)395 QR_SSVS_lambda_draw(const Matrix<>& beta_red, const Matrix<>& gamma, unsigned int tot_n_cov, unsigned int n_cert_cov, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
396     {
397 unsigned int n_uncert_cov = tot_n_cov - n_cert_cov;
398 Matrix<> newlambda(n_uncert_cov,1,false);
400 for (unsigned int i=n_cert_cov; i<tot_n_cov; ++i){
402   unsigned int j = i-n_cert_cov;
404   if (gamma(i) == true){
406     unsigned int col_index = n_cert_cov;
407     //obtain column index of betas
408     for (unsigned int m=n_cert_cov; m<i; ++m){
409       if (gamma(m) == true){
410 	++col_index;
411       }
412     }
414     newlambda(j) = stream.rexp(0.5*(1.0+beta_red(col_index)*beta_red(col_index)));
415   }
417 else {
418 newlambda(j) = stream.rexp(0.5);
419 }
421 }
422     return newlambda;
423     }
426 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
428 // update latent data for standard item response models
429 // only works for 1 dimensional case
430 template <typename RNGTYPE>
irt_Z_update1(Matrix<> & Z,const Matrix<int> & X,const Matrix<> & theta,const Matrix<> & eta,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)431 void irt_Z_update1 (Matrix<>& Z, const Matrix<int>& X,
432         const Matrix<>& theta, const Matrix<>& eta, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
433 {
434   // define constants
435   const unsigned int J = theta.rows();
436   const unsigned int K = eta.rows();
438   // perform update from truncated Normal / standard Normals
439   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < J; ++i) {
440     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < K; ++j){
441       const double Z_mean = -eta(j,0) + theta(i) * eta(j,1);
442       if (X(i,j) == 1) {
443         Z(i,j) = stream.rtbnorm_combo(Z_mean, 1.0, 0);
444       } else if (X(i,j) == 0) {
445         Z(i,j) = stream.rtanorm_combo(Z_mean, 1.0, 0);
446       } else {
447         Z(i,j) = stream.rnorm(Z_mean, 1.0);
448       }
449     }
450   }
451 }
453 // update item (case, roll call)  parameters for item response model
454 // note: works only for one-dimensional case
455 template <typename RNGTYPE>
irt_eta_update1(Matrix<> & eta,const Matrix<> & Z,const Matrix<> & theta,const Matrix<> & AB0,const Matrix<> & AB0ab0,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)456 void irt_eta_update1 (Matrix<>& eta, const Matrix<>& Z,
457      const Matrix<>& theta, const Matrix<>& AB0, const Matrix<>& AB0ab0,
458      rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
459 {
461   // define constants
462   const unsigned int J = theta.rows();
463   const unsigned int K = Z.cols();
465   // perform update
466   //const Matrix<double> Ttheta_star = t(cbind(-1.0*ones<double>(J,1),theta)); // only needed for option 2
467   const Matrix<> tpt(2,2);
468   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < J; ++i) {
469     const double theta_i = theta(i);
470     tpt(0,1) -= theta_i;
471     tpt(1,1) += std::pow(theta_i, 2.0);
472   }
473   tpt(1,0) = tpt(0,1);
474   tpt(0,0) = J;
475   const Matrix<> eta_post_var = invpd(tpt + AB0);
476   const Matrix<> eta_post_C = cholesky(eta_post_var);
478   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
479     const Matrix<> TZ(2, 1);
480     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < J; ++j) {
481       TZ[0] -= Z(j,k);
482       TZ[1] += Z(j,k) * theta[j];
483     }
484     const Matrix<> eta_post_mean = eta_post_var * (TZ + AB0ab0);
485     const Matrix<> new_eta = gaxpy(eta_post_C, stream.rnorm(2, 1, 0, 1),
486                                    eta_post_mean);
487      eta(k,0) = new_eta(0);
488      eta(k,1) = new_eta(1);
489   }
490 }
492 // update ability parameters (ideal points) for one dimensional
493 // item response model
494 // note: works only for one-dimensional case
495 template <typename RNGTYPE>
irt_theta_update1(Matrix<> & theta,const Matrix<> & Z,const Matrix<> & eta,double t0,double T0,const Matrix<> & theta_eq,const Matrix<> & theta_ineq,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)496 void irt_theta_update1 (Matrix<>& theta, const Matrix<>& Z,
497     const Matrix<>& eta, double t0, double T0, const Matrix<>& theta_eq,
498     const Matrix<>& theta_ineq, rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
499 {
501   const unsigned int J = Z.rows();
502   const unsigned int K = Z.cols();
504   // perform update from multivariate Normal
505   const double T0t0 = T0*t0;
506   const Matrix<> alpha = eta(_, 0);
507   const Matrix<> beta =  eta(_, 1);
508   //const Matrix<double> tbeta = t(beta);  // only neede for option 2
509   //const Matrix<double> talpha = t(alpha); // only needed for option 2
511   // calculate the posterior variance outside the justice specific loop
512   double theta_post_var = T0;
513   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < K; ++i){
514     theta_post_var += std::pow(beta(i), 2.0);
515   }
516   theta_post_var = 1.0 / theta_post_var;
517   const double theta_post_sd = std::sqrt(theta_post_var);
519   // sample for each justice
520   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < J; ++j) {
521     // no equality constraints
522     if (theta_eq(j) == -999) {
523       double betaTZjalpha = 0;
524       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < K; ++k){
525         betaTZjalpha += beta(k) * (Z(j,k) + alpha(k));
526       }
527       const double theta_post_mean = theta_post_var*(T0t0 + betaTZjalpha);
528       if (theta_ineq(j) == 0) { // no inequality constraint
529 	theta(j) = theta_post_mean + stream.rnorm(0.0, theta_post_sd);
530       } else if (theta_ineq(j) > 0) { // theta[j] > 0
531 	theta(j) = stream.rtbnorm_combo(theta_post_mean, theta_post_var, 0);
532       } else { // theta[j] < 0
533 	theta(j) = stream.rtanorm_combo(theta_post_mean, theta_post_var, 0);
534       }
535     } else { // equality constraints
536       theta(j) = theta_eq(j);
537     }
538   }
539 }
547 // update latent Ystar values in paired comparisons model
548 template <typename RNGTYPE>
paircompare_Ystar_update(Matrix<> & Ystar,const Matrix<unsigned int> & MD,const Matrix<> & theta,const Matrix<> & alpha,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)549 void paircompare_Ystar_update (Matrix<>& Ystar,
550 			       const Matrix<unsigned int>& MD,
551 			       const Matrix<>& theta, const Matrix<>& alpha,
552 			       rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
554   const unsigned int N = MD.rows();
555   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
556     const double alpha_i = alpha(MD(i,0));
557     const double theta_1 = theta(MD(i,1));
558     const double theta_2 = theta(MD(i,2));
559     const double mean = alpha_i * (theta_1 - theta_2);
560     const bool above = MD(i,1) == MD(i,3); // cand 1 chosen
561     const bool below = MD(i,2) == MD(i,3); // cand 2 chosen
562     if (above){
563       Ystar(i) = stream.rtbnorm_combo(mean, 1.0, 0.0);
564     }
565     else if (below){
566       Ystar(i) = stream.rtanorm_combo(mean, 1.0, 0.0);
567     }
568     else{
569       Ystar(i) = stream.rnorm(mean, 1.0);
570     }
571   }
572 }
578 // update theta values in paired comparisons model
579 template <typename RNGTYPE>
paircompare_theta_update(Matrix<> & theta,const Matrix<> & Ystar,const Matrix<unsigned int> & MD,const Matrix<> & alpha,const Matrix<unsigned int> & theta_n,const Matrix<> & theta_eq,const Matrix<> & theta_ineq,const vector<vector<double * >> & theta_Ystar_ptr,const vector<vector<double * >> & theta_alpha_ptr,const vector<vector<double * >> & theta_theta_ptr,const vector<vector<double>> & theta_sign,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)580 void paircompare_theta_update (Matrix<>& theta, const Matrix<>& Ystar,
581 			       const Matrix<unsigned int>& MD,
582 			       const Matrix<>& alpha,
583 			       const Matrix<unsigned int>& theta_n,
584 			       const Matrix<>& theta_eq,
585 			       const Matrix<>& theta_ineq,
586 			       const vector< vector < double* > >& theta_Ystar_ptr,
587 			       const vector< vector < double* > >& theta_alpha_ptr,
588 			       const vector< vector < double* > >& theta_theta_ptr,
589 			       const vector< vector < double > >& theta_sign,
590 			       rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
592   const unsigned int J = theta.rows();
593   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < J; ++j){
594     double xx = 0.0;
595     double xz = 0.0;
596     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theta_n[j]; ++i){
597       const double x_ji = theta_sign[j][i] *  *theta_alpha_ptr[j][i];
598       const double z_ji = *theta_Ystar_ptr[j][i] + theta_sign[j][i] *
599 	*theta_alpha_ptr[j][i] * *theta_theta_ptr[j][i];
600 	 /*
601 	 The reason for the above plus sign: -(-theta_sign[j][i])=+theta_sign[j][i].
602 	 The other theta's sign in a comparison is the opposite to the theta in scrutiny.
603 	 */
604       xx += x_ji * x_ji;
605       xz += x_ji * z_ji;
606     }
607 	// prior for theta is N(0,1), therefore the posterior mean and variance are as follow
609 	const double v = 1.0/(xx + 1.0);
610     const double m = v * (xz);
611     // no equality constraints
612     if (theta_eq(j) == -999) {
613       if (theta_ineq(j) == 0) { // no inequality constraint
614 	theta(j) =  stream.rnorm(m, std::sqrt(v));
615       } else if (theta_ineq(j) > 0) { // theta[j] > 0
616 	theta(j) = stream.rtbnorm_combo(m, v, 0);
617       } else { // theta[j] < 0
618 	theta(j) = stream.rtanorm_combo(m, v, 0);
619       }
620     } else { // equality constraints
621       theta(j) = theta_eq(j);
622     }
623   }
625 }
635 // update alpha values in paired comparisons model
636 template <typename RNGTYPE>
paircompare_alpha_update(Matrix<> & alpha,const Matrix<> & Ystar,const Matrix<unsigned int> & MD,const Matrix<> & theta,const double & A0,const double & A0a0,const Matrix<unsigned int> & alpha_n,const vector<vector<double * >> & alpha_Ystar_ptr,const vector<vector<double * >> & alpha_theta1_ptr,const vector<vector<double * >> & alpha_theta2_ptr,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)637 void paircompare_alpha_update (Matrix<>& alpha,
638 			       const Matrix<>& Ystar,
639 			       const Matrix<unsigned int>& MD,
640 			       const Matrix<>& theta,
641 			       const double& A0,
642 			       const double& A0a0,
643 			       const Matrix<unsigned int>& alpha_n,
644 			       const vector< vector < double* > >& alpha_Ystar_ptr,
645 			       const vector< vector < double* > >& alpha_theta1_ptr,
646 			       const vector< vector < double* > >& alpha_theta2_ptr,
647 			       rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
649   const unsigned int I = alpha.rows();
650   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I; ++i){
651     double xx = 0.0;
652     double xz = 0.0;
653     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < alpha_n[i]; ++j){
654       const double x_ji = *alpha_theta1_ptr[i][j] -  *alpha_theta2_ptr[i][j];
655       const double z_ji = *alpha_Ystar_ptr[i][j];
656       xx += x_ji * x_ji;
657       xz += x_ji * z_ji;
658     }
659 	// prior for alpha is N(0,1), therefore the posterior mean and variance are as follow. Same as Bayesian regression
660     const double v = 1.0/(xx + A0);
661     const double m = v * (xz + A0a0);
662     alpha(i) = stream.rnorm(m, std::sqrt(v));
663   }
664 }
677 // factor analysis model with normal mean 0, precision F0 prior on
678 // factor scores
679 // X follows a multivariate normal distribution
680 // Lambda is the matrix of factor loadings
681 // Psi_inv is the inverse of the uniqueness matrix
682 // N is number of observations
683 // D is the number of factors
684 // this function draws the factor scores
685 //
686 //                      IMPORTANT
687 // ***********Psi_inv IS ASSUMED TO DIAGONAL ***********
688 template <typename RNGTYPE>
689 void
NormNormfactanal_phi_draw(Matrix<> & phi,const Matrix<> & F0,const Matrix<> & Lambda,const Matrix<> & Psi_inv,const Matrix<> & X,const int & N,const int & D,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)690 NormNormfactanal_phi_draw(Matrix<> &phi,
691 			  const Matrix<> &F0,
692 			  const Matrix<> &Lambda,
693 			  const Matrix<> &Psi_inv,
694 			  const Matrix<> &X,
695 			  const int& N, const int& D,
696 			  rng <RNGTYPE>& stream){
697   // If Psi_inv is *not* diagonal then use:
698   // Matrix<double> phi_post_var = invpd(F0 + t(Lambda) * Psi_inv *
699   //                                     Lambda);
700   //Instead of the following 2 lines:
701   const Matrix<> AAA = scythe::sqrt(Psi_inv) * Lambda;
702   const Matrix<> phi_post_var = invpd(F0 + crossprod(AAA));
703   const Matrix<> phi_post_C = cholesky(phi_post_var);
704   for (int i=0; i<N; ++i){
705     const Matrix<> phi_post_mean = phi_post_var *
706       (t(Lambda) * Psi_inv * t(X(i,_)));
707     const Matrix<> phi_samp = gaxpy(phi_post_C, stream.rnorm(D, 1, 0.0, 1.0),
708 				    phi_post_mean);
709     for (int j=0; j<D; ++j)
710       phi(i,j) = phi_samp(j);
711   }
712 }
715 // samples the Psi matrix for a Normal theory factor model with IG
716 // prior on diag elements of Psi
717 template <typename RNGTYPE>
718 void
NormIGfactanal_Psi_draw(Matrix<> & Psi,const Matrix<> & X,const Matrix<> & phi,const Matrix<> & Lambda,const Matrix<> & a0,const Matrix<> & b0,const int & K,const int & N,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)719 NormIGfactanal_Psi_draw(Matrix<> &Psi, const Matrix<> &X,
720 			const Matrix<> &phi,
721 			const Matrix<> &Lambda,
722 			const Matrix<> &a0,
723 			const Matrix<> &b0,
724 			const int& K, const int& N,
725 			rng<RNGTYPE>& stream){
726   for (int i=0; i<K; ++i){
727     const Matrix<double> epsilon = gaxpy(phi, -1*(t(Lambda(i,_))), X(_,i));
728     const Matrix<double>  SSE = crossprod(epsilon);
729     const double a1 = (a0[i] + N)*0.5;
730     const double b1 = (b0[i] + SSE[0])*0.5;
731     Psi(i,i) = stream.rigamma(a1, b1);
732   }
733 }
737 // Psi_inv assumed diagnonal
738 // this function draws the factor loading matrix
739 template <typename RNGTYPE>
740 void
NormNormfactanal_Lambda_draw(Matrix<> & Lambda,const Matrix<bool> & Lambda_free_indic,const Matrix<> & Lambda_prior_mean,const Matrix<> & Lambda_prior_prec,const Matrix<> & phi,const Matrix<> & X,const Matrix<> & Psi_inv,const Matrix<> & Lambda_ineq,const unsigned int D,const unsigned int K,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)741 NormNormfactanal_Lambda_draw(Matrix<>& Lambda,
742 			     const Matrix<bool> &Lambda_free_indic,
743 			     const Matrix<> &Lambda_prior_mean,
744 			     const Matrix<> &Lambda_prior_prec,
745 			     const Matrix<> &phi,
746 			     const Matrix<> &X,
747 			     const Matrix<> &Psi_inv,
748 			     const Matrix<> &Lambda_ineq,
749 			     const unsigned int D, const unsigned int K,
750            rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
751 {
753   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
754     const Matrix<bool> free_indic = t(Lambda_free_indic(i,_));
755     // end replacement
757     if (sumc(free_indic)(0) > 0 && sumc(! free_indic)(0) > 0) {
758       // both constrnd & unconstrnd
759       const Matrix<> phifree_i =  t(selif(t(phi), free_indic));
760       const Matrix<> mulamfree_i = selif(t(Lambda_prior_mean(i,_)),
761 					 free_indic); // prior mean
762       const Matrix<> hold = selif(t(Lambda_prior_prec(i,_)),
763 				  free_indic);
764       Matrix<> sig2lamfree_inv_i
765 	= eye<double>(hold.rows()); // prior prec
767       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (hold.rows()); ++j)
768 	sig2lamfree_inv_i(j,j) = hold[j];
770       const Matrix<> Lambdacon_i = selif(t(Lambda(i,_)), ! free_indic);
771       const Matrix<> phicon_i  = t(selif(t(phi), ! free_indic));
772       const Matrix<> newX_i = gaxpy((-1.0*phicon_i), Lambdacon_i,
773 				    X(_,i));
774       const Matrix<> Lam_post_var = invpd(sig2lamfree_inv_i +
775 					  Psi_inv(i,i) * crossprod(phifree_i));
776       const Matrix<> Lam_post_C = cholesky(Lam_post_var);
777       const Matrix<> Lam_post_mean = Lam_post_var *
778 	(sig2lamfree_inv_i * mulamfree_i + Psi_inv(i,i) *
779 	 t(phifree_i) * newX_i);
782       Matrix<> Lambdafree_i =
783 	gaxpy(Lam_post_C, stream.rnorm(hold.rows(), 1, 0, 1),Lam_post_mean);
787       // check to see if inequality constraints hold
788       const Matrix<> Lambda_ineq_vec = Lambda_ineq(i,_);
790       double ineq_holds = 0;
791       int Lam_count = 0;
792       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
793 	if (free_indic(j)){
794 	  ineq_holds = std::min(ineq_holds, Lambda_ineq_vec(j) *
795 				Lambdafree_i(Lam_count));
796 	  ++Lam_count;
797 	}
798       }
800       while (ineq_holds < 0) {
801 	Lambdafree_i = gaxpy(Lam_post_C, stream.rnorm(hold.rows(), 1, 0, 1),
802 			     Lam_post_mean);
803 	Lam_count = 0;
804 	double test = 0;
805 	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
806 	  if (free_indic(j) == 1) {
807 	    Matrix<> prodcheck = Lambda_ineq_vec(j)
808 	      * Lambdafree_i(Lam_count);
809 	    test = std::min(test, prodcheck(0));
810 	    ++Lam_count;
811 	  }
812 	}
813 	ineq_holds = test;
814       }
816       // put draw into Lambda
817       Lam_count = 0;
818       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
819 	if (free_indic(j) == 1) {
820 	  Lambda(i,j) = Lambdafree_i(Lam_count);
821 	  ++Lam_count;
822 	}
823       }
824     } else  if (sumc(free_indic)(0) > 0) { // just unconstrained
825       const Matrix<> phifree_i =  t(selif(t(phi), free_indic));
826       const Matrix<> mulamfree_i = selif(t(Lambda_prior_mean(i,_)),
827 					 free_indic); // prior mean
828       const Matrix<> hold = selif(t(Lambda_prior_prec(i,_)), free_indic);
829       Matrix<> sig2lamfree_inv_i = eye<double>(hold.rows()); // prior prec
831       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < hold.rows(); ++j)
832 	sig2lamfree_inv_i(j,j) = hold(j);
834       const Matrix<> Lam_post_var = invpd(sig2lamfree_inv_i +
835 					  Psi_inv(i,i) * crossprod(phifree_i));
836       const Matrix<> Lam_post_C = cholesky(Lam_post_var);
837       const Matrix<> Lam_post_mean = Lam_post_var * (sig2lamfree_inv_i
838 						     * mulamfree_i +
839 						     Psi_inv(i,i) *
840 						     t(phifree_i) * X(_,i));
841       Matrix<> Lambdafree_i = gaxpy(Lam_post_C,
842 				    stream.rnorm(hold.rows(), 1, 0, 1),
843 				    Lam_post_mean);
846       // check to see if inequality constraints hold
847       Matrix<> Lambda_ineq_vec = Lambda_ineq(i,_);
848       double ineq_holds = 0;
849       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
850 	ineq_holds = std::min(ineq_holds, Lambda_ineq_vec(j)
851 			      * Lambdafree_i(j));
852       }
854       while (ineq_holds < 0) {
855 	Lambdafree_i = gaxpy(Lam_post_C, stream.rnorm(hold.rows(), 1, 0, 1),
856 			     Lam_post_mean);
857 	double test = 0;
858 	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
859 	  //if (free_indic[j]==1)
860 	  double prodcheck = Lambda_ineq_vec[j]*Lambdafree_i[j];
861 	  test = std::min(test, prodcheck);
862 	}
864 	ineq_holds = test;
865       }
867       // put draw into Lambda
868       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
869 	Lambda(i,j) = Lambdafree_i(j);
870       }
871     }
872   }
873   //    return(Lambda);
874 }
877 // update ability parameters (ideal points) for one dimensional
878 // Hierarchical item response model.
879 // 2008-11-18 now deals with PX alpha and holds on to thetahat
880 template <typename RNGTYPE>
hirt_theta_update1(Matrix<> & theta,Matrix<> & thetahat,const Matrix<> & Z,const Matrix<> & eta,const Matrix<> & beta,const Matrix<> & Xj,const double & sigma2,const double & alpha,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)881 void hirt_theta_update1 (Matrix<>& theta, Matrix<>& thetahat,
882 			 const Matrix<>& Z,
883 			 const Matrix<>& eta,
884 			 const Matrix<>& beta, const Matrix<>& Xj,
885 			 const double& sigma2,
886 			 const double& alpha,
887 			 rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
888 {
890   const unsigned int J = Z.rows();
891   const unsigned int K = Z.cols();
892   // Get level1 prior mean
893   const Matrix<double> Xbeta = (Xj * beta);
895   // a and b are backwards here, different parameterizations
896   // common for edu people and us.
897   const Matrix<> b = eta(_, 0); // location
898   const Matrix<> a = eta(_, 1); // relevance
900   // calculate the posterior variance outside the justice specific loop
901   const double sig2_inv = 1.0 / sigma2;
902   const Matrix<double> apa = crossprod(a);
903   const Matrix<double> theta_post_var = scythe::invpd(apa + sig2_inv);
904   const double theta_post_sd = std::sqrt(theta_post_var[0]);
905   // sample for each justice
906   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < J; ++j) {
907     thetahat(j) = 0.0;
908     for (unsigned int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
909       thetahat(j) += a[k] * ( Z(j,k) + b[k]); // bill contribution
910     }
911     thetahat(j) += (Xbeta[j] / sigma2); // j prior level1 contribution
913     thetahat(j) *= theta_post_var[0];
914     const double t = thetahat(j) / alpha;
915     theta(j) = stream.rnorm( t , theta_post_sd );
916   }
917 }
920 // update item (case, roll call)  parameters for item response model
921 // note: works only for one-dimensional case
922 // updated for PX (alpha) and hold on to etahat 2008-11-18
923 template <typename RNGTYPE>
hirt_eta_update1(Matrix<> & eta,Matrix<> & etahat,const Matrix<> & Z,const Matrix<> & theta,const Matrix<> & AB0,const Matrix<> & AB0ab0,const double & alpha,rng<RNGTYPE> & stream)924 void hirt_eta_update1 (Matrix<>& eta, Matrix<>& etahat, const Matrix<>& Z,
925 			  const Matrix<>& theta, const Matrix<>& AB0,
926 			  const Matrix<>& AB0ab0,
927 			  const double& alpha,
928 			  rng<RNGTYPE>& stream)
929 {
931   // define constants
932   const unsigned int J = theta.rows();
933   const unsigned int K = Z.cols();
935   // perform update
936   //const Matrix<double> Ttheta_star = t(cbind(-1.0*ones<double>(J,1),theta)); // only needed for option 2
937   const Matrix<> tpt(2,2);
938   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < J; ++i) {
939     const double theta_i = theta(i);
940     tpt(0,1) -= theta_i;
941     tpt(1,1) += std::pow(theta_i, 2.0);
942   }
943   tpt(1,0) = tpt(0,1);
944   tpt(0,0) = J;
945   const Matrix<> eta_post_var = invpd(tpt + AB0);
946   const Matrix<> eta_post_C = cholesky(eta_post_var);
948   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
949     const Matrix<> TZ(2, 1);
950     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < J; ++j) {
951       TZ[0] -= Z(j,k);
952       TZ[1] += Z(j,k) * theta[j];
953     }
954     Matrix<> eta_post_mean = eta_post_var * (TZ + AB0ab0);
955     etahat(k,0) = eta_post_mean(0);
956     etahat(k,1) = eta_post_mean(1);
957     eta_post_mean /= alpha;
958     const Matrix<> new_eta = gaxpy(eta_post_C, stream.rnorm(2, 1, 0, 1),
959                                    (eta_post_mean) );
960      eta(k,0) = new_eta(0);
961      eta(k,1) = new_eta(1);
963      //Rprintf("\n\a: %3.1f,b:%3.1f ",eta(k,0),eta(k,1));
965   }
966 }
974 #endif