1# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
2# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
4# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
5# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
6# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
8# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
10# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
12# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
13# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
14# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
15# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
16# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
18# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
19# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
20# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
25Core object: Universe --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.core.universe`
28The :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` class ties a topology
29and a trajectory together. Almost all code in MDAnalysis starts with a
32Normally, a ``Universe`` is created from files::
34  import MDAnalysis as mda
35  u = mda.Universe("topology.psf", "trajectory.dcd")
37In order to construct new simulation system it is also convenient to
38construct a ``Universe`` from existing
39:class:`~MDAnalysis.core.group.AtomGroup` instances with the
40:func:`Merge` function.
43Working with Universes
47Quick segid selection
50.. deprecated:: 0.16.2
51   Instant selectors will be removed in the 1.0 release.  See issue `#1377
52   <https://github.com/MDAnalysis/mdanalysis/issues/1377>`_ for more details.
55If the loaded topology provided segids, then these are made accessible
56as attributes of the Universe.  If the segid starts with a number such
57as '4AKE', the letter 's' will be prepended to the segid.
58For example::
60   import MDAnalysis as mda
61   from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import PSF, DCD
63   u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
64   u.select_atoms('segid 4AKE')  # selects all segments with segid 4AKE
66If only a single segment has that segid then a Segment object will
67be returned, otherwise a SegmentGroup will be returned.
73.. autoclass:: Universe
74   :members:
79.. autofunction:: Merge
82from __future__ import absolute_import
83from six.moves import range
84import six
86import errno
87import numpy as np
88import logging
89import copy
90import warnings
92import MDAnalysis
93import sys
95# When used in an MPI environment with Infiniband, importing MDAnalysis may
96# trigger an MPI warning because importing the uuid module triggers a call to
97# os.fork(). This happens if MPI_Init() has been called prior to importing
98# MDAnalysis. The problem is actually caused by the uuid module and not by
99# MDAnalysis itself. Python 3.7 fixes the problem. However, for Python < 3.7,
100# the uuid module works perfectly fine with os.fork() disabled during import.
101# A clean solution is therefore simply to disable os.fork() prior to importing
102# the uuid module and to re-enable it afterwards.
103import os
105# Windows doesn't have os.fork so can ignore
106# the issue for that platform
107if sys.version_info >= (3, 7) or os.name == 'nt':
108    import uuid
110    _os_dot_fork, os.fork = os.fork, None
111    import uuid
112    os.fork = _os_dot_fork
113    del _os_dot_fork
116from ..exceptions import NoDataError
117from ..lib import util
118from ..lib.log import ProgressMeter
119from ..lib.util import cached, NamedStream, isstream
120from ..lib.mdamath import find_fragments
121from . import groups
122from ._get_readers import get_reader_for, get_parser_for
123from .groups import (ComponentBase, GroupBase,
124                     Atom, Residue, Segment,
125                     AtomGroup, ResidueGroup, SegmentGroup)
126from .topology import Topology
127from .topologyattrs import AtomAttr, ResidueAttr, SegmentAttr
129logger = logging.getLogger("MDAnalysis.core.universe")
132class Universe(object):
133    """The MDAnalysis Universe contains all the information describing the system.
135    The system always requires a *topology* file --- in the simplest case just
136    a list of atoms. This can be a CHARMM/NAMD PSF file or a simple coordinate
137    file with atom informations such as XYZ, PDB, Gromacs GRO, or CHARMM
138    CRD. See :ref:`Supported topology formats` for what kind of topologies can
139    be read.
141    A trajectory provides coordinates; the coordinates have to be ordered in
142    the same way as the list of atoms in the topology. A trajectory can be a
143    single frame such as a PDB, CRD, or GRO file, or it can be a MD trajectory
144    (in CHARMM/NAMD/LAMMPS DCD, Gromacs XTC/TRR, or generic XYZ format).  See
145    :ref:`Supported coordinate formats` for what can be read as a
146    "trajectory".
148    As a special case, when the topology is a file that contains atom
149    information *and* coordinates (such as XYZ, PDB, GRO or CRD, see
150    :ref:`Supported coordinate formats`) then the coordinates are immediately
151    loaded from the "topology" file unless a trajectory is supplied.
153    Examples for setting up a universe::
155       u = Universe(topology, trajectory)          # read system from file(s)
156       u = Universe(pdbfile)                       # read atoms and coordinates from PDB or GRO
157       u = Universe(topology, [traj1, traj2, ...]) # read from a list of trajectories
158       u = Universe(topology, traj1, traj2, ...)   # read from multiple trajectories
160    Load new data into a universe (replaces old trajectory and does *not* append)::
162       u.load_new(trajectory)                      # read from a new trajectory file
164    Select atoms, with syntax similar to CHARMM (see
165    :class:`~Universe.select_atoms` for details)::
167       u.select_atoms(...)
169    Parameters
170    ----------
171    topology : str, Topology object or stream
172        A CHARMM/XPLOR PSF topology file, PDB file or Gromacs GRO file; used to
173        define the list of atoms. If the file includes bond information,
174        partial charges, atom masses, ... then these data will be available to
175        MDAnalysis. A "structure" file (PSF, PDB or GRO, in the sense of a
176        topology) is always required. Alternatively, an existing
177        :class:`MDAnalysis.core.topology.Topology` instance may also be given.
178    topology_format
179        Provide the file format of the topology file; ``None`` guesses it from
180        the file extension [``None``] Can also pass a subclass of
181        :class:`MDAnalysis.topology.base.TopologyReaderBase` to define a custom
182        reader to be used on the topology file.
183    format
184        Provide the file format of the coordinate or trajectory file; ``None``
185        guesses it from the file extension. Note that this keyword has no
186        effect if a list of file names is supplied because the "chained" reader
187        has to guess the file format for each individual list member.
188        [``None``] Can also pass a subclass of
189        :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ProtoReader` to define a custom
190        reader to be used on the trajectory file.
191    all_coordinates : bool
192        If set to ``True`` specifies that if more than one filename is passed
193        they are all to be used, if possible, as coordinate files (employing a
194        :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.chain.ChainReader`). [``False``] The
195        default behavior is to take the first file as a topology and the
196        remaining as coordinates. The first argument will always always be used
197        to infer a topology regardless of *all_coordinates*. This parameter is
198        ignored if only one argument is passed.
199    guess_bonds : bool, optional
200        Once Universe has been loaded, attempt to guess the connectivity
201        between atoms.  This will populate the .bonds .angles and .dihedrals
202        attributes of the Universe.
203    vdwradii : dict, optional
204        For use with *guess_bonds*. Supply a dict giving a vdwradii for each
205        atom type which are used in guessing bonds.
206    is_anchor : bool, optional
207        When unpickling instances of
208        :class:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` existing Universes are
209        searched for one where to anchor those atoms. Set to ``False`` to
210        prevent this Universe from being considered. [``True``]
211    anchor_name : str, optional
212        Setting to other than ``None`` will cause
213        :class:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` instances pickled from the
214        Universe to only unpickle if a compatible Universe with matching
215        *anchor_name* is found. Even if *anchor_name* is set *is_anchor* will
216        still be honored when unpickling.
217    transformations: function or list, optional
218        Provide a list of transformations that you wish to apply to the
219        trajectory upon reading. Transformations can be found in
220        :mod:`MDAnalysis.transformations`, or can be user-created.
221    in_memory
222        After reading in the trajectory, transfer it to an in-memory
223        representations, which allow for manipulation of coordinates.
224    in_memory_step
225        Only read every nth frame into in-memory representation.
226    continuous : bool, optional
227        The `continuous` option is used by the
228        :mod:`ChainReader<MDAnalysis.coordinates.chain>`, which contains the
229        functionality to treat independent trajectory files as a single virtual
230        trajectory.
232    Attributes
233    ----------
234    trajectory
235        currently loaded trajectory reader;
236    dimensions
237        current system dimensions (simulation unit cell, if set in the
238        trajectory)
239    atoms, residues, segments
240        master Groups for each topology level
241    bonds, angles, dihedrals
242        master ConnectivityGroups for each connectivity type
244    """
246    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
247        # Store the segments for the deprecated instant selector feature.
248        # This attribute has to be defined early to avoid recursion in
249        # __getattr__.
250        self._instant_selectors = {}
251        # hold on to copy of kwargs; used by external libraries that
252        # reinitialize universes
253        self._kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
255        # managed attribute holding Reader
256        self._trajectory = None
257        self._cache = {}
259        if not args:
260            # create an empty universe
261            self._topology = None
262            self.atoms = None
263        else:
264            topology_format = kwargs.pop('topology_format', None)
265            if len(args) == 1:
266                # special hacks to treat a coordinate file as a coordinate AND
267                # topology file
268                if kwargs.get('format', None) is None:
269                    kwargs['format'] = topology_format
270                elif topology_format is None:
271                    topology_format = kwargs.get('format', None)
273            # if we're given a Topology object, we don't need to parse anything
274            if isinstance(args[0], Topology):
275                self._topology = args[0]
276                self.filename = None
277            else:
278                if isinstance(args[0], NamedStream):
279                    self.filename = args[0]
280                elif isstream(args[0]):
281                    filename = None
282                    if hasattr(args[0], 'name'):
283                        filename = args[0].name
284                    self.filename = NamedStream(args[0], filename)
285                else:
286                    self.filename = args[0]
287                parser = get_parser_for(self.filename, format=topology_format)
288                try:
289                    with parser(self.filename) as p:
290                        self._topology = p.parse(**kwargs)
291                except (IOError, OSError) as err:
292                    # There are 2 kinds of errors that might be raised here:
293                    # one because the file isn't present
294                    # or the permissions are bad, second when the parser fails
295                    if (err.errno is not None and
296                        errno.errorcode[err.errno] in ['ENOENT', 'EACCES']):
297                        # Runs if the error is propagated due to no permission / file not found
298                        six.reraise(*sys.exc_info())
299                    else:
300                        # Runs when the parser fails
301                        raise IOError(
302                            "Failed to load from the topology file {0}"
303                            " with parser {1}.\n"
304                            "Error: {2}".format(self.filename, parser, err))
305                except (ValueError, NotImplementedError) as err:
306                    raise ValueError(
307                        "Failed to construct topology from file {0}"
308                        " with parser {1}.\n"
309                        "Error: {2}".format(self.filename, parser, err))
311            # generate and populate Universe version of each class
312            self._generate_from_topology()
314            # Load coordinates
315            if len(args) == 1 or kwargs.get('all_coordinates', False):
316                if self.filename is None:
317                    # If we got the topology as a Topology object, then we
318                    # cannot read coordinates from it.
319                    coordinatefile = args[1:]
320                else:
321                    # Can the topology file also act as coordinate file?
322                    try:
323                        _ = get_reader_for(self.filename,
324                                           format=kwargs.get('format', None))
325                    except ValueError:
326                        coordinatefile = args[1:]
327                    else:
328                        coordinatefile = (self.filename,) + args[1:]
329            else:
330                coordinatefile = args[1:]
332            if not coordinatefile:
333                coordinatefile = None
335            self.load_new(coordinatefile, **kwargs)
336            # parse transformations
337            trans_arg = kwargs.pop('transformations', None)
338            if trans_arg:
339                transforms =[trans_arg] if callable(trans_arg) else trans_arg
340                self.trajectory.add_transformations(*transforms)
342        # Check for guess_bonds
343        if kwargs.pop('guess_bonds', False):
344            self.atoms.guess_bonds(vdwradii=kwargs.pop('vdwradii', None))
346        # None causes generic hash to get used.
347        # We store the name ieven if is_anchor is False in case the user later
348        #  wants to make the universe an anchor.
349        self._anchor_name = kwargs.get('anchor_name', None)
350        # Universes are anchors by default
351        self.is_anchor = kwargs.get('is_anchor', True)
354    def copy(self):
355        """Return an independent copy of this Universe"""
356        new = self.__class__(self._topology.copy())
357        new.trajectory = self.trajectory.copy()
358        return new
360    def _generate_from_topology(self):
361        # generate Universe version of each class
362        # AG, RG, SG, A, R, S
363        self._class_bases, self._classes = groups.make_classes()
365        # Put Group level stuff from topology into class
366        for attr in self._topology.attrs:
367            self._process_attr(attr)
369        # Generate atoms, residues and segments.
370        # These are the first such groups generated for this universe, so
371        #  there are no cached merged classes yet. Otherwise those could be
372        #  used directly to get a (very) small speedup. (Only really pays off
373        #  the readability loss if instantiating millions of AtomGroups at
374        #  once.)
375        self.atoms = AtomGroup(np.arange(self._topology.n_atoms), self)
377        self.residues = ResidueGroup(
378                np.arange(self._topology.n_residues), self)
380        self.segments = SegmentGroup(
381                np.arange(self._topology.n_segments), self)
383        # Update Universe namespace with segids
384        # Many segments can have same segid, so group together first
385        #
386        # DEPRECATED in 0.16.2
387        # REMOVE in 1.0
388        # See https://github.com/MDAnalysis/mdanalysis/issues/1377
389        try:
390            # returns dict of segid:segment
391            segids = self.segments.groupby('segids')
392        except AttributeError:
393            # no segids, don't do this step
394            pass
395        else:
396            for segid, segment in segids.items():
397                if not segid:  # ignore blank segids
398                    continue
400                # cannot start attribute with number
401                if segid[0].isdigit():
402                    # prefix 's' if starts with number
403                    name = 's' + segid
404                else:
405                    name = segid
406                # if len 1 SegmentGroup, convert to Segment
407                if len(segment) == 1:
408                    segment = segment[0]
409                self._instant_selectors[name] = segment
411    @classmethod
412    def empty(cls, n_atoms, n_residues=None, n_segments=None,
413              atom_resindex=None, residue_segindex=None,
414              trajectory=False, velocities=False, forces=False):
415        """Create a blank Universe
417        Useful for building a Universe without requiring existing files,
418        for example for system building.
420        If `trajectory` is set to True, a
421        :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader` will be
422        attached to the Universe.
424        Parameters
425        ----------
426        n_atoms : int
427          number of Atoms in the Universe
428        n_residues : int, optional
429          number of Residues in the Universe, defaults to 1
430        n_segments : int, optional
431          number of Segments in the Universe, defaults to 1
432        atom_resindex : array like, optional
433          mapping of atoms to residues, e.g. with 6 atoms,
434          `atom_resindex=[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]` would put 2 atoms
435          into each of 3 residues.
436        residue_segindex : array like, optional
437          mapping of residues to segments
438        trajectory : bool, optional
439          if True, attaches a :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader`
440          allowing coordinates to be set and written.  Default is False
441        velocities : bool, optional
442          include velocities in the :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader`
443        forces : bool, optional
444          include forces in the :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader`
446        Returns
447        -------
448        MDAnalysis.Universe object
450        Examples
451        --------
452        For example to create a new Universe with 6 atoms in 2 residues, with
453        positions for the atoms and a mass attribute:
455        >>> u = mda.Universe.empty(6, 2,
456                                   atom_resindex=np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]),
457                                   trajectory=True,
458                )
459        >>> u.add_TopologyAttr('masses')
461        .. versionadded:: 0.17.0
462        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
463           The attached Reader when trajectory=True is now a MemoryReader
464        """
465        if n_residues is None:
466            n_residues = 1
467        elif atom_resindex is None:
468            warnings.warn(
469                'Multiple residues specified but no atom_resindex given.  '
470                'All atoms will be placed in first Residue.',
471                UserWarning)
472        if n_segments is None:
473            n_segments = 1
474        elif residue_segindex is None:
475            warnings.warn(
476                'Multiple segments specified but no segment_resindex given.  '
477                'All residues will be placed in first Segment',
478                UserWarning)
480        top = Topology(n_atoms, n_residues, n_segments,
481                       atom_resindex=atom_resindex,
482                       residue_segindex=residue_segindex,
483        )
485        u = cls(top)
487        if trajectory:
488            coords = np.zeros((1, n_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float32)
489            dims = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float64)
490            vels = np.zeros_like(coords) if velocities else None
491            forces = np.zeros_like(coords) if forces else None
493            # grab and attach a MemoryReader
494            u.trajectory = get_reader_for(coords)(
495                coords, order='fac', n_atoms=n_atoms,
496                dimensions=dims, velocities=vels, forces=forces)
498        return u
500    def __getattr__(self, key):
501        # This implements the instant selector of segments from a Universe.
502        # It is implemented as __getattr__ so a deprecation warning can be
503        # issued when the feature is used. Instant selectors are deprecated
504        # since version 0.16.2 and are tareted to be deleted in version 1.0.
505        # self._instant_selectors is populated in self._process_attr and
506        # created at the beginning of __init__.
507        try:
508            segment = self._instant_selectors[key]
509        except KeyError:
510            raise AttributeError('No attribute "{}".'.format(key))
511        else:
512            warnings.warn("Instant selector Universe.<segid> "
513                          "is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0. "
514                          "Use SegmentGroup[SegmentGroup.segids == '<segid>'] "
515                          "instead.",
516                          DeprecationWarning)
517            return segment
519    @property
520    def universe(self):
521        # for Writer.write(universe), see Issue 49
522        # Encapsulation in an accessor prevents the Universe from
523        # having to keep a reference to itself,
524        #  which might be undesirable if it has a __del__ method.
525        # It is also cleaner than a weakref.
526        return self
528    def load_new(self, filename, format=None, in_memory=False, **kwargs):
529        """Load coordinates from `filename`.
531        The file format of `filename` is autodetected from the file name suffix
532        or can be explicitly set with the `format` keyword. A sequence of files
533        can be read as a single virtual trajectory by providing a list of
534        filenames.
537        Parameters
538        ----------
539        filename : str or list
540            the coordinate file (single frame or trajectory) *or* a list of
541            filenames, which are read one after another.
542        format : str or list or object (optional)
543            provide the file format of the coordinate or trajectory file;
544            ``None`` guesses it from the file extension. Note that this
545            keyword has no effect if a list of file names is supplied because
546            the "chained" reader has to guess the file format for each
547            individual list member [``None``]. Can also pass a subclass of
548            :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ProtoReader` to define a custom
549            reader to be used on the trajectory file.
550        in_memory : bool (optional)
551            Directly load trajectory into memory with the
552            :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader`
554            .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
556        **kwargs : dict
557            Other kwargs are passed to the trajectory reader (only for
558            advanced use)
560        Returns
561        -------
562        universe : Universe
564        Raises
565        ------
566        TypeError if trajectory format can not be
567                  determined or no appropriate trajectory reader found
570        .. versionchanged:: 0.8
571           If a list or sequence that is provided for `filename` only contains
572           a single entry then it is treated as single coordinate file. This
573           has the consequence that it is not read by the
574           :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.chain.ChainReader` but directly by
575           its specialized file format reader, which typically has more
576           features than the
577           :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.chain.ChainReader`.
579        .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0
580           Now returns a :class:`Universe` instead of the tuple of file/array
581           and detected file type.
582        """
583        # filename==None happens when only a topology is provided
584        if filename is None:
585            return self
587        if len(util.asiterable(filename)) == 1:
588            # make sure a single filename is not handed to the ChainReader
589            filename = util.asiterable(filename)[0]
590        logger.debug("Universe.load_new(): loading {0}...".format(filename))
592        try:
593            reader = get_reader_for(filename, format=format)
594        except ValueError as err:
595            raise TypeError(
596                "Cannot find an appropriate coordinate reader for file '{0}'.\n"
597                "           {1}".format(filename, err))
599        # supply number of atoms for readers that cannot do it for themselves
600        kwargs['n_atoms'] = self.atoms.n_atoms
602        self.trajectory = reader(filename, **kwargs)
603        if self.trajectory.n_atoms != len(self.atoms):
604            raise ValueError("The topology and {form} trajectory files don't"
605                             " have the same number of atoms!\n"
606                             "Topology number of atoms {top_n_atoms}\n"
607                             "Trajectory: {fname} Number of atoms {trj_n_atoms}".format(
608                                 form=self.trajectory.format,
609                                 top_n_atoms=len(self.atoms),
610                                 fname=filename,
611                                 trj_n_atoms=self.trajectory.n_atoms))
613        if in_memory:
614            self.transfer_to_memory(step=kwargs.get("in_memory_step", 1))
616        return self
618    def transfer_to_memory(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None,
619                           verbose=False):
620        """Transfer the trajectory to in memory representation.
622        Replaces the current trajectory reader object with one of type
623        :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader` to support in-place
624        editing of coordinates.
626        Parameters
627        ----------
628        start: int, optional
629            start reading from the nth frame.
630        stop: int, optional
631            read upto and excluding the nth frame.
632        step : int, optional
633            Read in every nth frame. [1]
634        verbose : bool, optional
635            Will print the progress of loading trajectory to memory, if
636            set to True. Default value is False.
639        .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
640        """
641        from ..coordinates.memory import MemoryReader
643        if not isinstance(self.trajectory, MemoryReader):
644            n_frames = len(range(
645                *self.trajectory.check_slice_indices(start, stop, step)
646            ))
647            n_atoms = len(self.atoms)
648            pm_format = '{step}/{numsteps} frames copied to memory (frame {frame})'
649            pm = ProgressMeter(n_frames, interval=1,
650                               verbose=verbose, format=pm_format)
651            coordinates = np.zeros((n_frames, n_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float32)
652            ts = self.trajectory.ts
653            has_vels = ts.has_velocities
654            has_fors = ts.has_forces
655            has_dims = ts.dimensions is not None
657            velocities = np.zeros_like(coordinates) if has_vels else None
658            forces = np.zeros_like(coordinates) if has_fors else None
659            dimensions = (np.zeros((n_frames, 6), dtype=np.float64)
660                          if has_dims else None)
662            for i, ts in enumerate(self.trajectory[start:stop:step]):
663                np.copyto(coordinates[i], ts.positions)
664                if has_vels:
665                    np.copyto(velocities[i], ts.velocities)
666                if has_fors:
667                    np.copyto(forces[i], ts.forces)
668                if has_dims:
669                    np.copyto(dimensions[i], ts.dimensions)
670                pm.echo(i, frame=ts.frame)
672            # Overwrite trajectory in universe with an MemoryReader
673            # object, to provide fast access and allow coordinates
674            # to be manipulated
675            if step is None:
676                step = 1
677            self.trajectory = MemoryReader(
678                coordinates,
679                dimensions=dimensions,
680                dt=self.trajectory.ts.dt * step,
681                filename=self.trajectory.filename,
682                velocities=velocities,
683                forces=forces,
684            )
686    # python 2 doesn't allow an efficient splitting of kwargs in function
687    # argument signatures.
688    # In python3-only we'd be able to explicitly define this function with
689    # something like (sel, *othersels, updating=False, **selgroups)
690    def select_atoms(self, *args, **kwargs):
691        """Select atoms.
693        See Also
694        --------
695        :meth:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.select_atoms`
696        """
697        return self.atoms.select_atoms(*args, **kwargs)
699    @property
700    def bonds(self):
701        """Bonds between atoms"""
702        return self.atoms.bonds
704    @property
705    def angles(self):
706        """Angles between atoms"""
707        return self.atoms.angles
709    @property
710    def dihedrals(self):
711        """Dihedral angles between atoms"""
712        return self.atoms.dihedrals
714    @property
715    def impropers(self):
716        """Improper dihedral angles between atoms"""
717        return self.atoms.impropers
719    @property
720    def anchor_name(self):
721        return self._gen_anchor_hash()
723    @anchor_name.setter
724    def anchor_name(self, name):
725        self.remove_anchor()  # clear any old anchor
726        self._anchor_name = str(name) if not name is None else name
727        self.make_anchor()  # add anchor again
729    def _gen_anchor_hash(self):
730        # hash used for anchoring.
731        # Try and use anchor_name, else use (and store) uuid
732        if self._anchor_name is not None:
733            return self._anchor_name
734        else:
735            try:
736                return self._anchor_uuid
737            except AttributeError:
738                # store this so we can later recall it if needed
739                self._anchor_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
740                return self._anchor_uuid
742    @property
743    def is_anchor(self):
744        """Is this Universe an anchoring for unpickling AtomGroups"""
745        return self._gen_anchor_hash() in _ANCHOR_UNIVERSES
747    @is_anchor.setter
748    def is_anchor(self, new):
749        if new:
750            self.make_anchor()
751        else:
752            self.remove_anchor()
754    def remove_anchor(self):
755        """Remove this Universe from the possible anchor list for unpickling"""
756        _ANCHOR_UNIVERSES.pop(self._gen_anchor_hash(), None)
758    def make_anchor(self):
759        _ANCHOR_UNIVERSES[self._gen_anchor_hash()] = self
761    def __repr__(self):
762        # return "<Universe with {n_atoms} atoms{bonds}>".format(
763        #    n_atoms=len(self.atoms),
764        #    bonds=" and {0} bonds".format(len(self.bonds)) if self.bonds else "")
766        return "<Universe with {n_atoms} atoms>".format(
767            n_atoms=len(self.atoms))
769    def __getstate__(self):
770        raise NotImplementedError
772    def __setstate__(self, state):
773        raise NotImplementedError
775    # Properties
776    @property
777    def dimensions(self):
778        """Current dimensions of the unitcell"""
779        return self.coord.dimensions
781    @dimensions.setter
782    def dimensions(self, box):
783        """Set dimensions if the Timestep allows this
785        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
786        """
787        # Add fancy error handling here or use Timestep?
788        self.coord.dimensions = box
790    @property
791    def coord(self):
792        """Reference to current timestep and coordinates of universe.
794        The raw trajectory coordinates are :attr:`Universe.coord.positions`,
795        represented as a :class:`numpy.float32` array.
797        Because :attr:`coord` is a reference to a
798        :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`, it changes its contents
799        while one is stepping through the trajectory.
801        .. Note::
803           In order to access the coordinates it is better to use the
804           :meth:`AtomGroup.positions` method; for instance, all coordinates of
805           the Universe as a numpy array: :meth:`Universe.atoms.positions`.
807        """
808        return self.trajectory.ts
810    @property
811    def kwargs(self):
812        """keyword arguments used to initialize this universe"""
813        return copy.deepcopy(self._kwargs)
815    @property
816    def trajectory(self):
817        """Reference to trajectory reader object containing trajectory data."""
818        if self._trajectory is not None:
819            return self._trajectory
820        else:
821            raise AttributeError("No trajectory loaded into Universe")
823    @trajectory.setter
824    def trajectory(self, value):
825        del self._trajectory  # guarantees that files are closed (?)
826        self._trajectory = value
828    def add_TopologyAttr(self, topologyattr, values=None):
829        """Add a new topology attribute to the Universe
831        Adding a TopologyAttribute to the Universe makes it available to
832        all AtomGroups etc throughout the Universe.
834        Parameters
835        ----------
836        topologyattr : TopologyAttr or string
837          Either a MDAnalysis TopologyAttr object or the name of a possible
838          topology attribute.
839        values : np.ndarray, optional
840          If initiating an attribute from a string, the initial values to
841          use.  If not supplied, the new TopologyAttribute will have empty
842          or zero values.
844        Example
845        -------
846        For example to add bfactors to a Universe:
848        >>> u.add_TopologyAttr('bfactors')
849        >>> u.atoms.bfactors
850        array([ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.])
852        .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0
853           Can now also add TopologyAttrs with a string of the name of the
854           attribute to add (eg 'charges'), can also supply initial values
855           using values keyword.
856        """
857        if isinstance(topologyattr, six.string_types):
858            try:
859                tcls = _TOPOLOGY_ATTRS[topologyattr]
860            except KeyError:
861                raise ValueError(
862                    "Unrecognised topology attribute name: '{}'."
863                    "  Possible values: '{}'\n"
864                    "To raise an issue go to: http://issues.mdanalysis.org"
865                    "".format(
866                        topologyattr, ', '.join(sorted(_TOPOLOGY_ATTRS.keys())))
867                )
868            else:
869                topologyattr = tcls.from_blank(
870                    n_atoms=self._topology.n_atoms,
871                    n_residues=self._topology.n_residues,
872                    n_segments=self._topology.n_segments,
873                    values=values)
874        self._topology.add_TopologyAttr(topologyattr)
875        self._process_attr(topologyattr)
877    def _process_attr(self, attr):
878        """Squeeze a topologyattr for its information
880        Grabs:
881         - Group properties (attribute access)
882         - Component properties
883         - Transplant methods
884        """
885        n_dict = {'atom': self._topology.n_atoms,
886                  'residue': self._topology.n_residues,
887                  'segment': self._topology.n_segments}
888        logger.debug("_process_attr: Adding {0} to topology".format(attr))
889        if (attr.per_object is not None and len(attr) != n_dict[attr.per_object]):
890            raise ValueError('Length of {attr} does not'
891                             ' match number of {obj}s.\n'
892                             'Expect: {n:d} Have: {m:d}'.format(
893                                 attr=attr.attrname,
894                                 obj=attr.per_object,
895                                 n=n_dict[attr.per_object],
896                                 m=len(attr)))
898        for cls in attr.target_classes:
899            self._class_bases[cls]._add_prop(attr)
901        # TODO: Try and shove this into cls._add_prop
902        # Group transplants
903        for cls in (Atom, Residue, Segment, GroupBase,
904                    AtomGroup, ResidueGroup, SegmentGroup):
905            for funcname, meth in attr.transplants[cls]:
906                setattr(self._class_bases[cls], funcname, meth)
907        # Universe transplants
908        for funcname, meth in attr.transplants['Universe']:
909            setattr(self.__class__, funcname, meth)
911    def add_Residue(self, segment=None, **attrs):
912        """Add a new Residue to this Universe
914        New Residues will not contain any Atoms, but can be assigned to Atoms
915        as per usual.  If the Universe contains multiple segments, this must
916        be specified as a keyword.
918        Parameters
919        ----------
920        segment : MDAnalysis.Segment
921          If there are multiple segments, then the Segment that the new
922          Residue will belong in must be specified.
923        attrs : dict
924          For each Residue attribute, the value for the new Residue must be
925          specified
927        Returns
928        -------
929        A reference to the new Residue
931        Raises
932        ------
933        NoDataError
934          If any information was missing.  This happens before any changes have
935          been made, ie the change is rolled back.
938        Example
939        -------
941        Adding a new GLY residue, then placing atoms within it:
943        >>> newres = u.add_Residue(segment=u.segments[0], resid=42, resname='GLY')
944        >>> u.atoms[[1, 2, 3]].residues = newres
945        >>> u.select_atoms('resname GLY and resid 42')
946        <AtomGroup with 3 atoms>
948        """
949        if len(self.segments) == 1:  # if only one segment, use this
950            segment = self.segments[0]
951        if segment is None:
952            raise NoDataError("")
953        # pass this information to the topology
954        residx = self._topology.add_Residue(segment, **attrs)
955        # resize my residues
956        self.residues = ResidueGroup(np.arange(self._topology.n_residues), self)
958        # return the new residue
959        return self.residues[residx]
961    def add_Segment(self, **attrs):
962        """Add a new Segment to this Universe
964        Parameters
965        ----------
966        attrs : dict
967            For each Segment attribute as a key, give the value in the new
968            Segment
970        Returns
971        -------
972        A reference to the new Segment
974        Raises
975        ------
976        NoDataError
977            If any attributes were not specified as a keyword.
979        """
980        # pass this information to the topology
981        segidx = self._topology.add_Segment(**attrs)
982        # resize my segments
983        self.segments = SegmentGroup(np.arange(self._topology.n_segments), self)
984        # return the new segment
985        return self.segments[segidx]
987    # TODO: Maybe put this as a Bond attribute transplant
988    # Problems: Can we transplant onto Universe?
989    # Probably a smarter way to do this too, could generate
990    # these on demand *per atom*.
991    # Wouldn't then need the Universe linkage here
992    #
993    # Alternate idea: Bonds Attribute generates a Fragments
994    # Attribute (ie, 2 for the price of 1)
995    # Fragments then gets its own Class/namespace/jazz.
996    @property
997    @cached('fragments')
998    def _fragdict(self):
999        """
1000        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
1001        .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0
1002           Fragment atoms are sorted by their index, and framgents are sorted
1003           by their first atom index so their order is predictable.
1004        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
1005           Uses faster C++ implementation
1006        """
1007        atoms = self.atoms.ix
1008        bonds = self.atoms.bonds.to_indices()
1010        frag_indices = find_fragments(atoms, bonds)
1011        frags = tuple([AtomGroup(np.sort(ix), self) for ix in frag_indices])
1013        fragdict = {}
1014        for f in frags:
1015            for a in f:
1016                fragdict[a] = f
1018        return fragdict
1021# TODO: what is the point of this function???
1022def as_Universe(*args, **kwargs):
1023    """Return a universe from the input arguments.
1025    1. If the first argument is a universe, just return it::
1027         as_Universe(universe) --> universe
1029    2. Otherwise try to build a universe from the first or the first
1030       and second argument::
1032         as_Universe(PDB, **kwargs) --> Universe(PDB, **kwargs)
1033         as_Universe(PSF, DCD, **kwargs) --> Universe(PSF, DCD, **kwargs)
1034         as_Universe(*args, **kwargs) --> Universe(*args, **kwargs)
1036    Returns
1037    -------
1038    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.Universe`
1039    """
1040    if len(args) == 0:
1041        raise TypeError("as_Universe() takes at least one argument (%d given)" % len(args))
1042    elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Universe):
1043        return args[0]
1044    return Universe(*args, **kwargs)
1047def Merge(*args):
1048    """Create a new new :class:`Universe` from one or more
1049    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` instances.
1051    Parameters
1052    ----------
1053    *args : :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup`
1054        One or more AtomGroups.
1056    Returns
1057    -------
1058    universe : :class:`Universe`
1060    Raises
1061    ------
1062    ValueError
1063        Too few arguments or an AtomGroup is empty and
1064    TypeError
1065        Arguments are not :class:`AtomGroup` instances.
1067    Notes
1068    -----
1069    The resulting :class:`Universe` will only inherit the common topology
1070    attributes that all merged universes share.
1072    :class:`AtomGroup` instances can come from different Universes, or can come
1073    directly from a :meth:`~Universe.select_atoms` call.
1075    :class:`Merge` can also be used with a single :class:`AtomGroup` if the
1076    user wants to, for example, re-order the atoms in the :class:`Universe`.
1078    If multiple :class:`AtomGroup` instances from the same :class:`Universe`
1079    are given, the merge will first simply "add" together the
1080    :class:`AtomGroup` instances.
1082    Merging does not create a full trajectory but only a single structure even
1083    if the input consists of one or more trajectories.  However, one can use
1084    the :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader` to construct a
1085    trajectory for the new Universe as described under
1086    :ref:`creating-in-memory-trajectory-label`.
1088    Example
1089    -------
1090    In this example, protein, ligand, and solvent were externally prepared in
1091    three different PDB files. They are loaded into separate :class:`Universe`
1092    objects (where they could be further manipulated, e.g. renumbered,
1093    relabeled, rotated, ...) The :func:`Merge` command is used to combine all
1094    of them together::
1096       u1 = Universe("protein.pdb")
1097       u2 = Universe("ligand.pdb")
1098       u3 = Universe("solvent.pdb")
1099       u = Merge(u1.select_atoms("protein"), u2.atoms, u3.atoms)
1100       u.atoms.write("system.pdb")
1102    The complete system is then written out to a new PDB file.
1105    .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0
1106       Raises exceptions instead of assertion errors.
1108    .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0
1109       The trajectory is now a
1110       :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader`.
1112    """
1113    from ..topology.base import squash_by
1115    if len(args) == 0:
1116        raise ValueError("Need at least one AtomGroup for merging")
1118    for a in args:
1119        if not isinstance(a, groups.AtomGroup):
1120            raise TypeError(repr(a) + " is not an AtomGroup")
1121    for a in args:
1122        if len(a) == 0:
1123            raise ValueError("cannot merge empty AtomGroup")
1125    # Create a new topology using the intersection of topology attributes
1126    blank_topology_attrs = set(dir(Topology(attrs=[])))
1127    common_attrs = set.intersection(*[set(dir(ag.universe._topology))
1128                                      for ag in args])
1129    tops = set(['bonds', 'angles', 'dihedrals', 'impropers'])
1131    attrs = []
1133    # Create set of attributes which are array-valued and can be simply
1134    # concatenated together
1135    common_array_attrs = common_attrs - blank_topology_attrs - tops
1136    # Build up array-valued topology attributes including only attributes
1137    # that all arguments' universes have
1138    for attrname in common_array_attrs:
1139        for ag in args:
1140            attr = getattr(ag, attrname)
1141            attr_class = type(getattr(ag.universe._topology, attrname))
1142            if issubclass(attr_class, AtomAttr):
1143                pass
1144            elif issubclass(attr_class, ResidueAttr):
1145                attr = getattr(ag.residues, attrname)
1146            elif issubclass(attr_class, SegmentAttr):
1147                attr = getattr(ag.segments, attrname)
1148            else:
1149                raise NotImplementedError("Don't know how to handle"
1150                                          " TopologyAttr not subclassed"
1151                                          " from AtomAttr, ResidueAttr,"
1152                                          " or SegmentAttr.")
1153            if type(attr) != np.ndarray:
1154                raise TypeError('Encountered unexpected topology '
1155                                'attribute of type {}'.format(type(attr)))
1156            try:
1157                attr_array.extend(attr)
1158            except NameError:
1159                attr_array = list(attr)
1160        attrs.append(attr_class(np.array(attr_array, dtype=attr.dtype)))
1161        del attr_array
1163    # Build up topology groups including only those that all arguments'
1164    # universes have
1165    for t in (tops & common_attrs):
1166        offset = 0
1167        bondidx = []
1168        types = []
1169        for ag in args:
1170            # create a mapping scheme for this atomgroup
1171            mapping = {a.index: i for i, a in enumerate(ag, start=offset)}
1172            offset += len(ag)
1174            tg = getattr(ag, t)
1175            bonds_class = type(getattr(ag.universe._topology, t))
1176            # Create a topology group of only bonds that are within this ag
1177            # ie we don't want bonds that extend out of the atomgroup
1178            tg = tg.atomgroup_intersection(ag, strict=True)
1180            # Map them so they refer to our new indices
1181            new_idx = [tuple([mapping[x] for x in entry]) for entry in tg.indices]
1182            bondidx.extend(new_idx)
1183            if hasattr(tg, '_bondtypes'):
1184                types.extend(tg._bondtypes)
1185            else:
1186                types.extend([None]*len(tg))
1187        if any(t is None for t in types):
1188            attrs.append(bonds_class(bondidx))
1189        else:
1190            types = np.array(types, dtype='|S8')
1191            attrs.append(bonds_class(bondidx, types))
1193    # Renumber residue and segment indices
1194    n_atoms = sum([len(ag) for ag in args])
1195    residx = []
1196    segidx = []
1197    res_offset = 0
1198    seg_offset = 0
1199    for ag in args:
1200        # create a mapping scheme for this atomgroup's parents
1201        res_mapping = {r.resindex: i for i, r in enumerate(ag.residues,
1202                                                           start=res_offset)}
1203        seg_mapping = {r.segindex: i for i, r in enumerate(ag.segments,
1204                                                           start=seg_offset)}
1205        res_offset += len(ag.residues)
1206        seg_offset += len(ag.segments)
1208        # Map them so they refer to our new indices
1209        residx.extend([res_mapping[x] for x in ag.resindices])
1210        segidx.extend([seg_mapping[x] for x in ag.segindices])
1212    residx = np.array(residx, dtype=np.int32)
1213    segidx = np.array(segidx, dtype=np.int32)
1215    _, _, [segidx] = squash_by(residx, segidx)
1217    n_residues = len(set(residx))
1218    n_segments = len(set(segidx))
1220    top = Topology(n_atoms, n_residues, n_segments,
1221                   attrs=attrs,
1222                   atom_resindex=residx,
1223                   residue_segindex=segidx)
1225    # Create and populate a universe
1226    coords = np.vstack([a.positions for a in args])
1227    u = Universe(top, coords[None, :, :],
1228                 format=MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory.MemoryReader)
1230    return u