1# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
2# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
4# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
5# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
6# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
8# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
10# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
12# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
13# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
14# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
15# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
16# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
18# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
19# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
20# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
22# Python implementation of FORTRAN HELANAL
23# [Bansal et al, J Biomol Struct Dyn. 17 (2000), 811]
24# Copyright (c) 2009 Benjamin Hall <benjamin.hall@bioch.ox.ac.uk>
25# Published under the GNU General Public License v2 or higher
27# Copyright (c) 2011 Oliver Beckstein <orbeckst@gmail.com>
28# Integrated into MDAnalysis and NumPy-fied
32HELANAL --- analysis of protein helices
35:Author:  Benjamin Hall <benjamin.a.hall@ucl.ac.uk>, Oliver Beckstein, Xavier Deupi
36:Year:    2009, 2011, 2013
37:License: GNU General Public License v2 (or higher)
39The :mod:`MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal` module is a Python implementation of the
40HELANAL_ algorithm [Bansal2000]_ in `helanal.f`_, which is also available
41through the `HELANAL webserver`_.
43Please cite the paper [Bansal2000]_ (and possibly [Kumar1996]_ and
44[Kumar1998]_) in published work when using
45:mod:`~MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal.helanal_trajectory` or
48HELANAL_ quantifies the geometry of helices in proteins on the basis of their Cα
49atoms alone. It can extract the helices from the structure files and then
50characterises the overall geometry of each helix as being linear, curved or
51kinked, in terms of its local structural features, viz. local helical twist and
52rise, virtual torsion angle, local helix origins and bending angles between
53successive local helix axes. Even helices with large radius of curvature are
54unambiguously identified as being linear or curved. The program can also be
55used to differentiate a kinked helix and other motifs, such as helix-loop-helix
56or a helix-turn-helix (with a single residue linker) with the help of local
57bending angles. In addition to these, the program can also be used to
58characterise the helix start and end as well as other types of secondary
61.. _HELANAL: http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/users/kumarsan/HELANAL/helanal.html
62.. _Helanal webserver: http://nucleix.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/helanal/helanal.shtml
63.. `helanal.f`: http://www.webcitation.org/5y1RpVJtF
64.. _`helanal.f`: http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/users/kumarsan/HELANAL/helanal.f
69From the HELANAL_ home page:
71HELANAL_ can be used to characterize the geometry of helices with a minimum 9
72residues. The geometry of an alpha helix is characterized by computing local
73helix axes and local helix origins for four contiguous C-Alpha atoms, using the
74procedure of Sugeta and Miyazawa [Sugeta1967]_ and sliding this window over
75the length of the helix in steps of one C-alpha atom.
77The angles between successive local helix axes can identify *local bends* or
78*kinks* as well as occurrence of *smooth curvature* in the helix. A matrix, whose
79elements *M(I, J)* are the *bending angles* between local helix axes *I* and *J*,
80is obtained to get an idea about the overall geometry of the helix.
82*Unit twist* and *unit height* of the alpha helix are also computed to analyze the
83uniformity of the helix. The *local helix origins* trace out the path described
84by the helix in three dimensional space. The local helix origins are reoriented
85in *X-Y* plane and the reoriented points are used to fit a circle as well as a
86line, by least squares method. Based on the relative goodness of line and
87circle fit to local helix origins, the helix is *classified as being linear or
88curved*. A helix is classified as being *kinked*, if at least one local bending
89angle in the middle of the helix is greater than 20 degrees.
95.. [Sugeta1967] Sugeta, H. and Miyazawa, T. 1967. General method for
96   calculating helical parameters of polymer chains from bond lengths, bond
97   angles and internal rotation angles. *Biopolymers* 5 673 - 679
99.. [Kumar1996] Kumar, S. and Bansal, M. 1996. Structural and sequence
100   characteristics of long alpha-helices in globular proteins. *Biophysical
101   Journal* 71(3):1574-1586.
103.. [Kumar1998] Kumar, S. and Bansal, M. 1998. Geometrical and sequence
104   characteristics of alpha helices in globular proteins. *Biophysical Journal*
105   75(4):1935-1944.
107.. [Bansal2000] Bansal M, Kumar S, Velavan R. 2000.
108   HELANAL - A program to characterise helix geometry in proteins.
109   *J Biomol Struct Dyn.*  17(5):811-819.
114.. autofunction:: helanal_trajectory
115.. autofunction:: helanal_main
118from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
119from six.moves import range, zip
121import os
123import numpy as np
125import MDAnalysis
126from MDAnalysis import FinishTimeException
127from MDAnalysis.lib.log import ProgressMeter
128from MDAnalysis.lib import mdamath
130import logging
131logger = logging.getLogger("MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal")
133def center(coordinates):
134    """Return the geometric center (centroid) of the coordinates.
136    Coordinates must be "list of cartesians", i.e. a Nx3 array.
137    """
138    return np.mean(coordinates, axis=0)
140def vecnorm(a):
141    """Return a/|a|"""
142    return a / mdamath.norm(a)
144def wrapangle(angle):
145    """Wrap angle (in radians) to be within -pi < angle =< pi"""
146    if angle > np.pi:
147        angle -= 2 * np.pi
148    elif angle <= -np.pi:
149        angle += 2 * np.pi
150    return angle
152def sample_sd(a, dummy):
153    return np.std(a, ddof=1)
155def mean_abs_dev(a, mean_a=None):
156    if mean_a is None:
157        mean_a = np.mean(a)
158    return np.mean(np.fabs(a - mean_a))
160def helanal_trajectory(universe, selection="name CA",
161                       begin=None, finish=None,
162                       matrix_filename="bending_matrix.dat",
163                       origin_pdbfile="origin.pdb",
164                       summary_filename="summary.txt",
165                       screw_filename="screw.xvg",
166                       tilt_filename="local_tilt.xvg",
167                       fitted_tilt_filename="fit_tilt.xvg",
168                       bend_filename="local_bend.xvg",
169                       twist_filename="unit_twist.xvg",
170                       prefix="helanal_", ref_axis=None,
171                       verbose=False):
172    """Perform HELANAL helix analysis on all frames in `universe`.
174    Parameters
175    ----------
176    universe : Universe
177    selection : str (optional)
178        selection string that selects Calpha atoms [``"name CA"``]
179    begin : float (optional)
180        start analysing for time (ps) >= *begin*; ``None`` starts from the
181        beginning [``None``]
182    finish : float (optional)
183        stop analysis for time (ps) =< *finish*; ``None`` goes to the
184        end of the trajectory [``None``]
185    matrix_filename : str (optional)
186        Output file- bending matrix [``"bending_matrix.dat"``]
187    origin_pdbfile : str (optional)
188        Output file- origin pdb file [``"origin.pdb"``]
189    summary_filename : str (optional)
190        Output file- all of the basic data [``"summary.txt"``]
191    screw_filename : str (optional)
192        Output file- local tilts of individual residues from 2 to n-1
193        [``"screw.xvg"``]
194    tilt_filename : str (optional)
195        Output file- tilt of line of best fit applied to origin axes
196        [``"local_tilt.xvg"``]
197    bend_filename : str (optional)
198        Output file- local bend angles between successive local helix axes
199        [``"local_bend.xvg"``]
200    twist_filename : str (optional)
201        Output file- local unit twist between successive helix turns
202        [``"unit_twist.xvg"``]
203    prefix : str (optional)
204        Prefix to add to all output file names; set to ``None`` to disable
205        [``"helanal__"``]
206    ref_axis : array_like (optional)
207        Calculate tilt angle relative to the axis; if ``None`` then ``[0,0,1]``
208        is chosen [``None``]
209    verbose : bool (optional)
210        Toggle diagnostic outputs. [``True``]
212    Raises
213    ------
214    FinishTimeException
215          If the specified finish time precedes the specified start time or
216          current time stamp of trajectory object.
218    Notes
219    -----
220    Only a single helix is analyzed. Use the selection to specify the helix,
221    e.g. with "name CA and resid 1:20" or use start=1, stop=20.
224    .. versionchanged:: 0.13.0
225       New `quiet` keyword to silence frame progress output and most of the
226       output that used to be printed to stdout is now logged to the logger
227       *MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal* (at logelevel *INFO*).
229    .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0
230       Removed the `start` and `end` keywords for selecting residues because this can
231       be accomplished more transparently with `selection`. The first and last resid
232       are directly obtained from the selection.
234    .. deprecated:: 0.16.0
235       The `quiet` keyword argument is deprecated in favor of the new
236       `verbose` one.
238    """
239    if ref_axis is None:
240        ref_axis = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
241    else:
242        # enable MDA API so that one can use a tuple of atoms or AtomGroup with
243        # two atoms
244        ref_axis = np.asarray(ref_axis)
246    ca = universe.select_atoms(selection)
247    start, end = ca.resids[[0, -1]]
248    trajectory = universe.trajectory
250    if finish is not None:
251        if trajectory.ts.time > finish:
252            # you'd be starting with a finish time (in ps) that has already passed or not
253            # available
254            raise FinishTimeException(
255                'The input finish time ({finish} ps) precedes the current trajectory time of {traj_time} ps.'.format(
256                    finish=finish, traj_time=trajectory.time))
258    if start is not None and end is not None:
259        logger.info("Analysing from residue %d to %d", start, end)
260    elif start is not None and end is None:
261        logger.info("Analysing from residue %d to the C termini", start)
262    elif start is None and end is not None:
263        logger.info("Analysing from the N termini to %d", end)
264    logger.info("Analysing %d/%d residues", ca.n_atoms, universe.atoms.n_residues)
266    if prefix is not None:
267        prefix = str(prefix)
268        matrix_filename = prefix + matrix_filename
269        origin_pdbfile = prefix + origin_pdbfile
270        summary_filename = prefix + summary_filename
271        screw_filename = prefix + screw_filename
272        tilt_filename = prefix + tilt_filename
273        fitted_tilt_filename = prefix + fitted_tilt_filename
274        bend_filename = prefix + bend_filename
275        twist_filename = prefix + twist_filename
276    backup_file(matrix_filename)
277    backup_file(origin_pdbfile)
278    backup_file(summary_filename)
279    backup_file(screw_filename)
280    backup_file(tilt_filename)
281    backup_file(fitted_tilt_filename)
282    backup_file(bend_filename)
283    backup_file(twist_filename)
285    global_height = []
286    global_twist = []
287    global_rnou = []
288    global_bending = []
289    global_bending_matrix = []
290    global_tilt = []
291    global_fitted_tilts = []
292    global_screw = []
294    pm = ProgressMeter(trajectory.n_frames, verbose=verbose,
295                       format="Frame %(step)10d: %(time)20.1f ps\r")
296    for ts in trajectory:
297        pm.echo(ts.frame, time=ts.time)
298        frame = ts.frame
299        if begin is not None:
300            if trajectory.time < begin:
301                continue
302        if finish is not None:
303            if trajectory.time > finish:
304                break
306        ca_positions = ca.positions
307        twist, bending_angles, height, rnou, origins, local_helix_axes, local_screw_angles = \
308            main_loop(ca_positions, ref_axis=ref_axis)
310        origin_pdb(origins, origin_pdbfile)
312        #calculate local bending matrix( it is looking at all i, j combinations)
313        if len(global_bending_matrix) == 0:
314            global_bending_matrix = [[[] for item in local_helix_axes] for item in local_helix_axes]
316        for i in range(len(local_helix_axes)):
317            for j in range(i + 1, len(local_helix_axes)):
318                angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(local_helix_axes[i], local_helix_axes[j])))
319                global_bending_matrix[i][j].append(angle)
320                #global_bending_matrix[j][i].append(angle)
321                #global_bending_matrix[i][i].append(0.)
323        fit_vector, fit_tilt = vector_of_best_fit(origins)
324        global_height += height
325        global_twist += twist
326        global_rnou += rnou
327        #global_screw.append(local_screw_angles)
328        global_fitted_tilts.append(np.rad2deg(fit_tilt))
330        #print out rotations across the helix to a file
331        with open(twist_filename, "a") as twist_output:
332            print(frame, end='', file=twist_output)
333            for loc_twist in twist:
334                print(loc_twist, end='', file=twist_output)
335            print("", file=twist_output)
337        with open(bend_filename, "a") as bend_output:
338            print(frame, end='', file=bend_output)
339            for loc_bend in bending_angles:
340                print(loc_bend, end='', file=bend_output)
341            print("", file=bend_output)
343        with open(screw_filename, "a") as rot_output:
344            print(frame, end='', file=rot_output)
345            for rotation in local_screw_angles:
346                print(rotation, end='', file=rot_output)
347            print("", file=rot_output)
349        with open(tilt_filename, "a") as tilt_output:
350            print(frame, end='', file=tilt_output)
351            for tilt in local_helix_axes:
352                print(np.rad2deg(mdamath.angle(tilt, ref_axis)),
353                      end='', file=tilt_output)
354            print("", file=tilt_output)
356        with open(fitted_tilt_filename, "a") as tilt_output:
357            print(frame, np.rad2deg(fit_tilt), file=tilt_output)
359        if len(global_bending) == 0:
360            global_bending = [[] for item in bending_angles]
361            #global_tilt = [ [] for item in local_helix_axes ]
362        for store, tmp in zip(global_bending, bending_angles):
363            store.append(tmp)
364        #for store,tmp in zip(global_tilt,local_helix_axes): store.append(mdamath.angle(tmp,ref_axis))
367    twist_mean, twist_sd, twist_abdev = stats(global_twist)
368    height_mean, height_sd, height_abdev = stats(global_height)
369    rnou_mean, rnou_sd, rnou_abdev = stats(global_rnou)
370    ftilt_mean, ftilt_sd, ftilt_abdev = stats(global_fitted_tilts)
372    bending_statistics = [stats(item) for item in global_bending]
373    #tilt_statistics =    [ stats(item) for item in global_tilt]
375    bending_statistics_matrix = [[stats(col) for col in row] for row in global_bending_matrix]
376    with open(matrix_filename, 'w') as mat_output:
377        print("Mean", file=mat_output)
378        for row in bending_statistics_matrix:
379            for col in row:
380                formatted_angle = "{0:6.1f}".format(col[0])
381                print(formatted_angle, end='', file=mat_output)
382            print('', file=mat_output)
384        print('\nSD', file=mat_output)
385        for row in bending_statistics_matrix:
386            for col in row:
387                formatted_angle = "{0:6.1f}".format(col[1])
388                print(formatted_angle, end='', file=mat_output)
389            print('', file=mat_output)
391        print("\nABDEV", file=mat_output)
392        for row in bending_statistics_matrix:
393            for col in row:
394                formatted_angle = "{0:6.1f}".format(col[2])
395                print(formatted_angle, end='', file=mat_output)
396            print('', file=mat_output)
398    logger.info("Height: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g  (Angstroem)", height_mean, height_sd, height_abdev)
399    logger.info("Twist: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g", twist_mean, twist_sd, twist_abdev)
400    logger.info("Residues/turn: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g", rnou_mean, rnou_sd, rnou_abdev)
401    logger.info("Fitted tilt: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g", ftilt_mean, ftilt_sd, ftilt_abdev)
402    logger.info("Local bending angles:")
403    residue_statistics = list(zip(*bending_statistics))
404    measure_names = ["Mean ", "SD   ", "ABDEV"]
405    if start is None:
406        output = " ".join(["{0:8d}".format(item)
407                           for item in range(4, len(residue_statistics[0]) + 4)])
408    else:
409        output = " ".join(["{0:8d}".format(item)
410                           for item in range(start + 3, len(residue_statistics[0]) + start + 3)])
411    logger.info("ResID %s", output)
412    for measure, name in zip(residue_statistics, measure_names):
413        output = str(name) + " "
414        output += " ".join(["{0:8.1f}".format(residue) for residue in measure])
415        logger.info(output)
417    with open(summary_filename, 'w') as summary_output:
418        print("Height:", height_mean, "SD", height_sd, "ABDEV", height_abdev, '(nm)', file=summary_output)
419        print("Twist:", twist_mean, "SD", twist_sd, "ABDEV", twist_abdev,
420              file=summary_output)
421        print("Residues/turn:", rnou_mean, "SD", rnou_sd, "ABDEV", rnou_abdev,
422              file=summary_output)
423        print("Local bending angles:", file=summary_output)
424        residue_statistics = list(zip(*bending_statistics))
425        measure_names = ["Mean ", "SD   ", "ABDEV"]
426        print("ResID", end='', file=summary_output)
427        if start is None:
428            for item in range(4, len(residue_statistics[0]) + 4):
429                output = "{0:8d}".format(item)
430                print(output, end='', file=summary_output)
431        else:
432            for item in range(start + 3, len(residue_statistics[0]) + start + 3):
433                output = "{0:8d}".format(item)
434                print(output, end='', file=summary_output)
435        print('', file=summary_output)
437        for measure, name in zip(residue_statistics, measure_names):
438            print(name, end='', file=summary_output)
439            for residue in measure:
440                output = "{0:8.1f}".format(residue)
441                print(output, end='', file=summary_output)
442            print('', file=summary_output)
445def tilt_correct(number):
446    """Changes an angle (in degrees) so that it is between 0º and 90º"""
447    if number < 90.:
448        return number
449    else:
450        return 180. - number
453def backup_file(filename):
454    if os.path.exists(filename):
455        target_name = "#" + filename
456        failure = True
457        if not os.path.exists(target_name):
458            os.rename(filename, target_name)
459            failure = False
460        else:
461            for i in range(20):
462                alt_target_name = target_name + "." + str(i)
463                if os.path.exists(alt_target_name):
464                    continue
465                else:
466                    os.rename(filename, alt_target_name)
467                    failure = False
468                    break
469        if failure:
470            raise IOError("Too many backups. Clean up and try again")
473def stats(some_list):
474    if len(some_list) == 0:
475        return [0, 0, 0]
476    list_mean = np.mean(some_list)
477    list_sd = sample_sd(some_list, list_mean)
478    list_abdev = mean_abs_dev(some_list, list_mean)
479    return [list_mean, list_sd, list_abdev]
482def helanal_main(pdbfile, selection="name CA", ref_axis=None):
483    """Simple HELANAL_ run on a single frame PDB/GRO.
485    Computed data are returned as a dict and also logged at level INFO to the
486    logger *MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal*. A simple way to enable a logger is to
487    use :func:`~MDAnalysis.lib.log.start_logging`.
489    Parameters
490    ----------
491    pdbfile : str
492        filename of the single-frame input file
493    selection : str (optional)
494        selection string, default is "name CA" to select all C-alpha atoms.
495    ref_axis : array_like (optional)
496        Calculate tilt angle relative to the axis; if ``None`` then ``[0,0,1]``
497        is chosen [``None``]
499    Returns
500    -------
501    result : dict
502       The `result` contains keys
503        * Height: mean, stdev, abs dev
504        * Twist: mean, stdev, abs dev
505        * Residues/turn: mean, stdev, abs dev
506        * Local bending angles: array for computed angles (per residue)
507        * Unit twist angles: array for computed angles (per residue)
508        * Best fit tilt
509        * Rotation angles: local screw angles (per residue)
512    Notes
513    -----
514    Only a single helix is analyzed. Use the selection to specify the
515    helix, e.g. with "name CA and resid 1:20".
518    Example
519    -------
520    Analyze helix 8 in AdK (PDB 4AKE); the standard logger is started and
521    writes output to the file ``MDAnalysis.log``::
523       MDAnalysis.start_logging()
524       data = MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal_main("4ake_A.pdb", selection="name CA and resnum 161-187")
527    .. versionchanged:: 0.13.0
528       All output is returned as a dict and logged to the logger
529       *MDAnalysis.analysis.helanal* instead of being printed to stdout.
531    .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0
532       Removed the `start` and `end` keywords for selecting residues because this can
533       be accomplished more transparently with `selection`.
535    """
537    universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(pdbfile)
538    ca = universe.select_atoms(selection)
540    logger.info("Analysing %d/%d residues", ca.n_atoms, universe.atoms.n_residues)
542    twist, bending_angles, height, rnou, origins, local_helix_axes, local_screw_angles = \
543        main_loop(ca.positions, ref_axis=ref_axis)
545    #TESTED- origins are correct
546    #print current_origin
547    #print origins
549    max_angle = np.max(bending_angles)
550    mean_angle = np.mean(bending_angles)
551    #sd calculated using n-1 to replicate original fortran- assumes a limited sample so uses the sample standard
552    # deviation
553    sd_angle = sample_sd(bending_angles, mean_angle)
554    mean_absolute_deviation_angle = mean_abs_dev(bending_angles, mean_angle)
555    #TESTED- stats correct
556    #print max_angle, mean_angle, sd_angle, mean_absolute_deviation_angle
558    #calculate local bending matrix(now it is looking at all i, j combinations)
559    # (not used for helanal_main())
560#     for i in local_helix_axes:
561#         for j in local_helix_axes:
562#             if (i == j).all():
563#                 angle = 0.
564#             else:
565#                 angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.dot(i, j)))
566#             #string_angle = "%6.0f\t" % angle
567#             #print string_angle,
568#             #print ''
569#             #TESTED- local bending matrix!
571    #Average helical parameters
572    mean_twist = np.mean(twist)
573    sd_twist = sample_sd(twist, mean_twist)
574    abdev_twist = mean_abs_dev(twist, mean_twist)
575    #TESTED-average twists
576    #print mean_twist, sd_twist, abdev_twist
577    mean_rnou = np.mean(rnou)
578    sd_rnou = sample_sd(rnou, mean_rnou)
579    abdev_rnou = mean_abs_dev(rnou, mean_rnou)
580    #TESTED-average residues per turn
581    #print mean_rnou, sd_rnou, abdev_rnou
582    mean_height = np.mean(height)
583    sd_height = sample_sd(height, mean_height)
584    abdev_height = mean_abs_dev(height, mean_height)
585    #TESTED- average rises
587    #calculate best fit vector and tilt of said vector
588    fit_vector, fit_tilt = vector_of_best_fit(origins)
590    data = {
591        'Height': np.array([mean_height, sd_height, abdev_height]),
592        'Twist': np.array([mean_twist, sd_twist, abdev_twist]),
593        'Residues/turn': np.array([mean_rnou, sd_rnou, abdev_rnou]),
594        'Local bending angles': np.asarray(bending_angles),
595        'Unit twist angles': np.asarray(twist),
596        'Best fit tilt': fit_tilt,
597        'Rotation Angles': np.asarray(local_screw_angles),
598        }
600    logger.info("Height: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g  (Angstroem)", mean_height, sd_height, abdev_height)
601    logger.info("Twist: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g", mean_twist, sd_twist, abdev_twist)
602    logger.info("Residues/turn: %g  SD: %g  ABDEV: %g", mean_rnou, sd_rnou, abdev_rnou)
604    output = " ".join(["{0:8.1f}\t".format(angle) for angle in bending_angles])
605    logger.info("Local bending angles: %s", output)
607    output = " ".join(["{0:8.1f}\t".format(twist_ang) for twist_ang in twist])
608    logger.info("Unit twist angles: %s", output)
610    logger.info("Best fit tilt: %g", fit_tilt)
612    output = " ".join(["{0:.1f}".format(item) for item in local_screw_angles])
613    logger.info("Rotation Angles from 1 to n-1 (local screw angles): %s", output)
615    return data
617def origin_pdb(origins, pdbfile):
618    """Write origins to PDB (multi-frame).
620    This PDB can be loaded together with the trajectory into, e.g. VMD_, to
621    view the helix axis together with all the atoms.
622    """
623    with open(pdbfile, 'a') as output:
624        i = 1
625        for xyz in origins:
626            tmp = "ATOM    {0:3d}  CA  ALA   {1:3d}    {2:8.3f}{3:8.3f}{4:8.3f}  1.00  0.00".format(i, i, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2])
627            print(tmp, file=output)
628            i += 1
629        print("TER\nENDMDL", file=output)
632def main_loop(positions, ref_axis=None):
633    # rewrite in cython?
635    if ref_axis is None:
636        ref_axis = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
637    else:
638        ref_axis = np.asarray(ref_axis)
639    twist = []
640    rnou = []
641    height = []
642    origins = [[0., 0., 0.] for item in positions[:-2]]
643    local_helix_axes = []
644    location_rotation_vectors = []
645    for i in range(len(positions) - 3):
646        vec12 = positions[i + 1] - positions[i]
647        vec23 = positions[i + 2] - positions[i + 1]
648        vec34 = positions[i + 3] - positions[i + 2]
650        dv13 = vec12 - vec23
651        dv24 = vec23 - vec34
653        #direction of the local helix axis
654        current_uloc = vecnorm(np.cross(dv13, dv24))
655        local_helix_axes.append(current_uloc)
657        #TESTED- Axes correct
658        #print current_uloc
660        dmag = mdamath.norm(dv13)
661        emag = mdamath.norm(dv24)
663        costheta = np.dot(dv13, dv24) / (dmag * emag)
664        #rnou is the number of residues per turn
665        current_twist = np.arccos(costheta)
666        twist.append(np.rad2deg(current_twist))
667        rnou.append(2 * np.pi / current_twist)
668        #radius of local helix cylinder radmag
670        costheta1 = 1.0 - costheta
671        radmag = (dmag * emag) ** 0.5 / (2 * costheta1)
673        #Height of local helix cylinder
674        current_height = np.dot(vec23, current_uloc)
675        height.append(current_height)
676        #TESTED- Twists etc correct
677        #print current_twist*180/np.pi, 2*np.pi/current_twist, height
679        dv13 = vecnorm(dv13)
680        dv24 = vecnorm(dv24)
682        #record local rotation
683        location_rotation_vectors.append(dv13)
685        rad = [radmag * item for item in dv13]
686        current_origin = [(item[0] - item[1]) for item in zip(positions[i + 1], rad)]
687        origins[i] = current_origin
689        #TESTED- origins are correct
690        #print current_origin
692        rad = [radmag * item for item in dv24]
693        current_origin = [(item[0] - item[1]) for item in zip(positions[i + 2], rad)]
694        origins[i + 1] = current_origin
695    #Record final rotation vector
696    location_rotation_vectors.append(dv24)
698    #local bending angles (eg i > i+3, i+3 > i+6)
700    bending_angles = [0 for item in range(len(local_helix_axes) - 3)]
701    for axis in range(len(local_helix_axes) - 3):
702        angle = np.arccos(np.dot(local_helix_axes[axis], local_helix_axes[axis + 3]))
703        bending_angles[axis] = np.rad2deg(angle)
704        #TESTED- angles are correct
705        #print np.rad2deg(angle)
707    local_screw_angles = []
708    #Calculate rotation angles for (+1) to (n-1)
709    fit_vector, fit_tilt = vector_of_best_fit(origins)
710    for item in location_rotation_vectors:
711        local_screw_tmp = np.rad2deg(rotation_angle(fit_vector, ref_axis, item))
712        #print local_screw_tmp
713        local_screw_angles.append(local_screw_tmp)
715    return twist, bending_angles, height, rnou, origins, local_helix_axes, local_screw_angles
718def rotation_angle(helix_vector, axis_vector, rotation_vector):
719    reference_vector = np.cross(np.cross(helix_vector, axis_vector), helix_vector)
720    second_reference_vector = np.cross(axis_vector, helix_vector)
721    screw_angle = mdamath.angle(reference_vector, rotation_vector)
722    alt_screw_angle = mdamath.angle(second_reference_vector, rotation_vector)
723    updown = np.cross(reference_vector, rotation_vector)
725    if not (np.pi < screw_angle < 3 * np.pi / 4):
726        if screw_angle < np.pi / 4 and alt_screw_angle < np.pi / 2:
727            screw_angle = np.pi / 2 - alt_screw_angle
728        elif screw_angle < np.pi / 4 and alt_screw_angle > np.pi / 2:
729            screw_angle = alt_screw_angle - np.pi / 2
730        elif screw_angle > 3 * np.pi / 4 and alt_screw_angle < np.pi / 2:
731            screw_angle = np.pi / 2 + alt_screw_angle
732        elif screw_angle > 3 * np.pi / 4 and alt_screw_angle > np.pi / 2:
733            screw_angle = 3 * np.pi / 2 - alt_screw_angle
734        else:
735            logger.debug("Big Screw Up: screw_angle=%g degrees", np.rad2deg(screw_angle))
737    if mdamath.norm(updown) == 0:
738        logger.warning("PROBLEM (vector is at 0 or 180)")
740    helix_dot_rehelix = mdamath.angle(updown, helix_vector)
742    #if ( helix_dot_rehelix < np.pi/2 and helix_dot_rehelix >= 0 )or helix_dot_rehelix <-np.pi/2:
743    if (-np.pi / 2 < helix_dot_rehelix < np.pi / 2) or (helix_dot_rehelix > 3 * np.pi / 2):
744        screw_angle = -screw_angle
746    return screw_angle
749def vector_of_best_fit(origins):
750    origins = np.asarray(origins)
751    centroids = center(origins)
752    M = origins - centroids
753    A = np.dot(M.transpose(), M)
754    u, s, vh = np.linalg.linalg.svd(A)
755    vector = vh[0]
756    #Correct vector to face towards first residues
757    rough_helix = origins[0] - centroids
758    agreement = mdamath.angle(rough_helix, vector)
759    if not (-np.pi / 2 < agreement < np.pi / 2):
760        vector *= -1
761    best_fit_tilt = mdamath.angle(vector, [0, 0, 1])
762    return vector, best_fit_tilt