1# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
2# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 fileencoding=utf-8
4# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
5# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
6# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
8# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
10# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
12# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
13# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
14# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
15# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
16# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
18# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
19# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
20# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
25Core objects: Containers --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.core.groups`
28The :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` instance contains all the
29particles in the system (which MDAnalysis calls :class:`Atom`). Groups of
30:class:`atoms<Atom>` are handled as :class:`AtomGroup` instances. The
31:class:`AtomGroup` is probably the most important object in MDAnalysis because
32virtually everything can be accessed through it. :class:`AtomGroup` instances
33can be easily created (e.g., from an :meth:`AtomGroup.select_atoms` selection or
34simply by slicing).
36For convenience, chemically meaningful groups of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` such as a
37:class:`Residue` or a :class:`Segment` (typically a whole molecule or all of the
38solvent) also exist as containers, as well as groups of these units
39(:class:`ResidueGroup`, :class:`SegmentGroup`).
48.. autoclass:: AtomGroup
49   :members:
50   :inherited-members:
51.. autoclass:: ResidueGroup
52   :members:
53   :inherited-members:
54.. autoclass:: SegmentGroup
55   :members:
56   :inherited-members:
57.. autoclass:: UpdatingAtomGroup
58   :members:
60Chemical units
63.. autoclass:: Atom
64   :members:
65   :inherited-members:
66.. autoclass:: Residue
67   :members:
68   :inherited-members:
69.. autoclass:: Segment
70   :members:
71   :inherited-members:
76Each of the above classes has a *level* attribute.  This can be used to verify
77that two objects are of the same level, or to access a particular class::
79   u = mda.Universe()
81   ag = u.atoms[:10]
82   at = u.atoms[11]
84   ag.level == at.level  # Returns True
86   ag.level.singular  # Returns Atom class
87   at.level.plural  # Returns AtomGroup class
90from __future__ import absolute_import
91from six.moves import zip
92from six import string_types
94from collections import namedtuple
95import numpy as np
96import functools
97import itertools
98import numbers
99import os
100import warnings
102from numpy.lib.utils import deprecate
104from .. import _ANCHOR_UNIVERSES
105from ..lib import util
106from ..lib.util import cached, warn_if_not_unique, unique_int_1d
107from ..lib import distances
108from ..lib import transformations
109from ..selections import get_writer as get_selection_writer_for
110from . import selection
111from . import flags
112from ..exceptions import NoDataError
113from . import topologyobjects
114from ._get_readers import get_writer_for
117def _unpickle(uhash, ix):
118    try:
119        u = _ANCHOR_UNIVERSES[uhash]
120    except KeyError:
121        # doesn't provide as nice an error message as before as only hash of universe is stored
122        # maybe if we pickled the filename too we could do better...
123        raise RuntimeError(
124            "Couldn't find a suitable Universe to unpickle AtomGroup onto "
125            "with Universe hash '{}'.  Available hashes: {}"
126            "".format(uhash, ', '.join([str(k)
127                                        for k in _ANCHOR_UNIVERSES.keys()])))
128    return u.atoms[ix]
130def _unpickle_uag(basepickle, selections, selstrs):
131    bfunc, bargs = basepickle[0], basepickle[1:][0]
132    basegroup = bfunc(*bargs)
133    return UpdatingAtomGroup(basegroup, selections, selstrs)
136def make_classes():
137    """Make a fresh copy of all classes
139    Returns
140    -------
141    Two dictionaries. One with a set of :class:`_TopologyAttrContainer` classes
142    to serve as bases for :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`\ -specific
143    MDA container classes. Another with the final merged versions of those
144    classes. The classes themselves are used as hashing keys.
146    """
147    bases = {}
148    classes = {}
149    groups = (AtomGroup, ResidueGroup, SegmentGroup)
150    components = (Atom, Residue, Segment)
152    # The 'GBase' middle man is needed so that a single topologyattr
153    #  patching applies automatically to all groups.
154    GBase = bases[GroupBase] = _TopologyAttrContainer._subclass(is_group=True)
155    for cls in groups:
156        bases[cls] = GBase._subclass(is_group=True)
157    # CBase for patching all components
158    CBase = bases[ComponentBase] = _TopologyAttrContainer._subclass(
159        is_group=False)
160    for cls in components:
161        bases[cls] = CBase._subclass(is_group=False)
163    # Initializes the class cache.
164    for cls in groups + components:
165        classes[cls] = bases[cls]._mix(cls)
167    return bases, classes
170class _TopologyAttrContainer(object):
171    """Class factory for receiving sets of :class:`TopologyAttr` objects.
173    :class:`_TopologyAttrContainer` is a convenience class to encapsulate the
174    functions that deal with:
175    * the import and namespace transplant of
176      :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr` objects;
177    * the copying (subclassing) of itself to create distinct bases for the
178      different container classes (:class:`AtomGroup`, :class:`ResidueGroup`,
179      :class:`SegmentGroup`, :class:`Atom`, :class:`Residue`, :class:`Segment`,
180      and subclasses thereof);
181    * the mixing (subclassing and co-inheritance) with the container classes.
182      The mixed subclasses become the final container classes specific to each
183      :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`.
184    """
185    @classmethod
186    def _subclass(cls, is_group):
187        """Factory method returning :class:`_TopologyAttrContainer` subclasses.
189        Parameters
190        ----------
191        is_group : bool
192            The :attr:`_is_group` of the returned class will be set to
193            `is_group`. This is used to distinguish between Groups
194            (:class:`AtomGroup` etc.) and Components (:class:`Atom` etc.) in
195            internal methods when considering actions such as addition of
196            objects or adding
197            :class:`TopologyAttributes<MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr>`
198            to them.
200        Returns
201        -------
202        type
203            A subclass of :class:`_TopologyAttrContainer`, with the same name.
204        """
205        newcls = type(cls.__name__, (cls,), {'_is_group': bool(is_group)})
206        if is_group:
207            newcls._SETATTR_WHITELIST = {
208                'positions', 'velocities', 'forces', 'dimensions',
209                'atoms', 'residue', 'residues', 'segment', 'segments',
210            }
211        else:
212            newcls._SETATTR_WHITELIST = {
213                'position', 'velocity', 'force', 'dimensions',
214                'atoms', 'residue', 'residues', 'segment',
215            }
217        return newcls
219    @classmethod
220    def _mix(cls, other):
221        """Creates a subclass with ourselves and another class as parents.
223        Classes mixed at this point override :meth:`__new__`, causing further
224        instantiations to shortcut to :meth:`~object.__new__` (skipping the
225        cache-fetch process for :class:`_MutableBase` subclasses).
227        The new class will have an attribute `_derived_class` added, pointing
228        to itself. This pointer instructs which class to use when
229        slicing/adding instances of the new class. At initialization time, the
230        new class may choose to point `_derived_class` to another class (as is
231        done in the initialization of :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup`).
233        Parameters
234        ----------
235        other : type
236            The class to mix with ourselves.
238        Returns
239        -------
240        type
241            A class of parents :class:`_ImmutableBase`, *other* and this class.
242            Its name is the same as *other*'s.
243        """
244        newcls = type(other.__name__, (_ImmutableBase, other, cls), {})
245        newcls._derived_class = newcls
246        return newcls
248    @classmethod
249    def _add_prop(cls, attr):
250        """Add `attr` into the namespace for this class
252        Parameters
253        ----------
254        attr : A :class:`TopologyAttr` object
255        """
256        def getter(self):
257            return attr.__getitem__(self)
259        def setter(self, values):
260            return attr.__setitem__(self, values)
262        if cls._is_group:
263            setattr(cls, attr.attrname,
264                    property(getter, setter, None, attr.groupdoc))
265            cls._SETATTR_WHITELIST.add(attr.attrname)
266        else:
267            setattr(cls, attr.singular,
268                    property(getter, setter, None, attr.singledoc))
269            cls._SETATTR_WHITELIST.add(attr.singular)
271    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
272        # `ag.this = 42` calls setattr(ag, 'this', 42)
273        if not (attr.startswith('_') or  # 'private' allowed
274                attr in self._SETATTR_WHITELIST or  # known attributes allowed
275                hasattr(self, attr)):  # preexisting (eg properties) allowed
276            raise AttributeError(
277                "Cannot set arbitrary attributes to a {}".format(
278                    'Group' if self._is_group else 'Component'))
279        # if it is, we allow the setattr to proceed by deferring to the super
280        # behaviour (ie do it)
281        super(_TopologyAttrContainer, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
284class _MutableBase(object):
285    """
286    Base class that merges appropriate :class:`_TopologyAttrContainer` classes.
288    Implements :meth:`__new__`. In it the instantiating class is fetched from
289    :attr:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe._classes`. If there is a cache
290    miss, a merged class is made
291    with a base from :attr:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe._class_bases`
292    and cached.
294    The classes themselves are used as the cache dictionary keys for simplcity
295    in cache retrieval.
297    """
298    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
299        # This pre-initialization wrapper must be pretty generic to
300        # allow for different initialization schemes of the possible classes.
301        # All we really need here is to fish a universe out of the arg list.
302        # The AtomGroup cases get priority and are fished out first.
303        try:
304            u = args[-1].universe
305        except (IndexError, AttributeError):
306            try:
307                # older AtomGroup init method..
308                u = args[0][0].universe
309            except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError):
310                from .universe import Universe
311                # Let's be generic and get the first argument that's either a
312                # Universe, a Group, or a Component, and go from there.
313                # This is where the UpdatingAtomGroup args get matched.
314                for arg in args+tuple(kwargs.values()):
315                    if isinstance(arg, (Universe, GroupBase,
316                                        ComponentBase)):
317                        u = arg.universe
318                        break
319                else:
320                    raise TypeError("No universe, or universe-containing "
321                                   "object passed to the initialization of "
322                                    "{}".format(cls.__name__))
323        try:
324            return object.__new__(u._classes[cls])
325        except KeyError:
326            # Cache miss. Let's find which kind of class this is and merge.
327            try:
328                parent_cls = next(u._class_bases[parent]
329                                  for parent in cls.mro()
330                                  if parent in u._class_bases)
331            except StopIteration:
332                raise TypeError("Attempted to instantiate class '{}' but "
333                                "none of its parents are known to the "
334                                "universe. Currently possible parent "
335                                "classes are: {}".format(cls.__name__,
336                                    str(sorted(u._class_bases.keys()))))
337            newcls = u._classes[cls] = parent_cls._mix(cls)
338            return object.__new__(newcls)
341class _ImmutableBase(object):
342    """Class used to shortcut :meth:`__new__` to :meth:`object.__new__`.
344    """
345    # When mixed via _TopologyAttrContainer._mix this class has MRO priority.
346    #  Setting __new__ like this will avoid having to go through the
347    #  cache lookup if the class is reused (as in ag._derived_class(...)).
348    __new__ = object.__new__
352def _only_same_level(function):
353    @functools.wraps(function)
354    def wrapped(self, other):
355        if not isinstance(other, (ComponentBase, GroupBase)):  # sanity check
356            raise TypeError("Can't perform '{}' between objects:"
357                            " '{}' and '{}'".format(
358                                function.__name__,
359                                type(self).__name__,
360                                type(other).__name__))
361        if self.level != other.level:
362            raise TypeError("Can't perform '{}' on different level objects"
363                            "".format(function.__name__))
364        if self.universe is not other.universe:
365            raise ValueError(
366                "Can't operate on objects from different Universes")
367        return function(self, other)
368    return wrapped
371class GroupBase(_MutableBase):
372    """Base class from which a :class:`<~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`\ 's
373    Group class is built.
375    Instances of :class:`GroupBase` provide the following operations that
376    conserve element repetitions and order:
378    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
379    | Operation                     | Equivalent | Result                     |
380    +===============================+============+============================+
381    | ``len(s)``                    |            | number of elements (atoms, |
382    |                               |            | residues or segment) in    |
383    |                               |            | the group                  |
384    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
385    | ``s == t``                    |            | test if ``s`` and ``t``    |
386    |                               |            | contain the same elements  |
387    |                               |            | in the same order          |
388    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
389    | ``x in s``                    |            | test if component ``x`` is |
390    |                               |            | part of group ``s``        |
391    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
392    | ``s.concatenate(t)``          | ``s + t``  | new Group with elements    |
393    |                               |            | from ``s`` and from ``t``  |
394    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
395    | ``s.subtract(t)``             |            | new Group with elements    |
396    |                               |            | from ``s`` that are not    |
397    |                               |            | in ``t``                   |
398    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
400    The following operations treat the Group as set. Any result will have any
401    duplicate entries removed and the Group will be sorted.
403    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
404    | Operation                     | Equivalent | Result                     |
405    +===============================+============+============================+
406    | ``s.isdisjoint(t)``           |            | ``True`` if ``s`` and      |
407    |                               |            | ``t`` do not share         |
408    |                               |            | elements                   |
409    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
410    | ``s.issubset(t)``             |            | test if all elements of    |
411    |                               |            | ``s`` are part of ``t``    |
412    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
413    | ``s.is_strict_subset(t)``     |            | test if all elements of    |
414    |                               |            | ``s`` are part of ``t``,   |
415    |                               |            | and ``s != t``             |
416    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
417    | ``s.issuperset(t)``           |            | test if all elements of    |
418    |                               |            | ``t`` are part of ``s``    |
419    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
420    | ``s.is_strict_superset(t)``   |            | test if all elements of    |
421    |                               |            | ``t`` are part of ``s``,   |
422    |                               |            | and ``s != t``             |
423    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
424    | ``s.union(t)``                | ``s | t``  | new Group with elements    |
425    |                               |            | from both ``s`` and ``t``  |
426    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
427    | ``s.intersection(t)``         | ``s & t``  | new Group with elements    |
428    |                               |            | common to ``s`` and ``t``  |
429    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
430    | ``s.difference(t)``           | ``s - t``  | new Group with elements of |
431    |                               |            | ``s`` that are not in ``t``|
432    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
433    | ``s.symmetric_difference(t)`` | ``s ^ t``  | new Group with elements    |
434    |                               |            | that are part of ``s`` or  |
435    |                               |            | ``t`` but not both         |
436    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
437    """
438    def __init__(self, *args):
439        try:
440            if len(args) == 1:
441                # list of atoms/res/segs, old init method
442                ix = [at.ix for at in args[0]]
443                u = args[0][0].universe
444            else:
445                # current/new init method
446                ix, u = args
447        except (AttributeError,  # couldn't find ix/universe
448                TypeError):  # couldn't iterate the object we got
449            raise TypeError(
450                "Can only initialise a Group from an iterable of Atom/Residue/"
451                "Segment objects eg: AtomGroup([Atom1, Atom2, Atom3]) "
452                "or an iterable of indices and a Universe reference "
453                "eg: AtomGroup([0, 5, 7, 8], u).")
455        # indices for the objects I hold
456        self._ix = np.asarray(ix, dtype=np.intp)
457        self._u = u
458        self._cache = dict()
460    def __hash__(self):
461        return hash((self._u, self.__class__, tuple(self.ix.tolist())))
463    def __len__(self):
464        return len(self.ix)
466    def __getitem__(self, item):
467        # supports
468        # - integer access
469        # - boolean slicing
470        # - fancy indexing
471        # because our _ix attribute is a numpy array
472        # it can be sliced by all of these already,
473        # so just return ourselves sliced by the item
474        if isinstance(item, numbers.Integral):
475            return self.level.singular(self.ix[item], self.universe)
476        else:
477            if isinstance(item, list) and item:  # check for empty list
478                # hack to make lists into numpy arrays
479                # important for boolean slicing
480                item = np.array(item)
481            # We specify _derived_class instead of self.__class__ to allow
482            # subclasses, such as UpdatingAtomGroup, to control the class
483            # resulting from slicing.
484            return self._derived_class(self.ix[item], self.universe)
486    def __repr__(self):
487        name = self.level.name
488        return ("<{}Group with {} {}{}>"
489                "".format(name.capitalize(), len(self), name,
490                "s"[len(self)==1:])) # Shorthand for a conditional plural 's'.
492    def __str__(self):
493        name = self.level.name
494        if len(self) <= 10:
495            return '<{}Group {}>'.format(name.capitalize(), repr(list(self)))
496        else:
497            return '<{}Group {}, ..., {}>'.format(name.capitalize(),
498                                                  repr(list(self)[:3])[:-1],
499                                                  repr(list(self)[-3:])[1:])
501    def __add__(self, other):
502        """Concatenate the Group with another Group or Component of the same
503        level.
505        Parameters
506        ----------
507        other : Group or Component
508            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
510        Returns
511        -------
512        Group
513            Group with elements of `self` and `other` concatenated
515        """
516        return self.concatenate(other)
518    def __radd__(self, other):
519        """Using built-in sum requires supporting 0 + self. If other is
520        anything other 0, an exception will be raised.
522        Parameters
523        ----------
524        other : int
525            Other should be 0, or else an exception will be raised.
527        Returns
528        -------
529        self
530            Group with elements of `self` reproduced
532        """
533        if other == 0:
534            return self._derived_class(self.ix, self.universe)
535        else:
536            raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +:"
537                            " '{}' and '{}'".format(type(self).__name__,
538                                                    type(other).__name__))
539    def __sub__(self, other):
540        return self.difference(other)
542    @_only_same_level
543    def __eq__(self, other):
544        """Test group equality.
546        Two groups are equal if they contain the same indices in
547        the same order. Groups that are not at the same level or that belong
548        to different :class:`Universes<MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe>`
549        cannot be compared.
550        """
551        o_ix = other.ix
552        return np.array_equal(self.ix, o_ix)
554    def __contains__(self, other):
555        if not other.level == self.level:
556            # maybe raise TypeError instead?
557            # eq method raises Error for wrong comparisons
558            return False
559        return other.ix in self.ix
561    def __or__(self, other):
562        return self.union(other)
564    def __and__(self, other):
565        return self.intersection(other)
567    def __xor__(self, other):
568        return self.symmetric_difference(other)
570    @property
571    def universe(self):
572        """The underlying :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` the group
573        belongs to.
574        """
575        return self._u
577    @property
578    def ix(self):
579        """Unique indices of the components in the Group.
581        - If this Group is an :class:`AtomGroup`, these are the
582          indices of the :class:`Atom` instances.
583        - If it is a :class:`ResidueGroup`, these are the indices of
584          the :class:`Residue` instances.
585        - If it is a :class:`SegmentGroup`, these are the indices of
586          the :class:`Segment` instances.
588        """
589        return self._ix
591    @property
592    def ix_array(self):
593        """Unique indices of the components in the Group.
595        For a Group, :attr:`ix_array` is the same as :attr:`ix`. This method
596        gives a consistent API between components and groups.
598        See Also
599        --------
600        :attr:`ix`
601        """
602        return self._ix
604    @property
605    def dimensions(self):
606        """Obtain a copy of the dimensions of the currently loaded Timestep"""
607        return self.universe.trajectory.ts.dimensions.copy()
609    @dimensions.setter
610    def dimensions(self, dimensions):
611        self.universe.trajectory.ts.dimensions = dimensions
613    @property
614    @cached('isunique')
615    def isunique(self):
616        """Boolean indicating whether all components of the group are unique,
617        i.e., the group contains no duplicates.
619        Examples
620        --------
622           >>> ag = u.atoms[[2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0]]
623           >>> ag
624           <AtomGroup with 6 atoms>
625           >>> ag.isunique
626           False
627           >>> ag2 = ag.unique
628           >>> ag2
629           <AtomGroup with 3 atoms>
630           >>> ag2.isunique
631           True
634        .. versionadded:: 0.19.0
635        """
636        if len(self) <= 1:
637            return True
638        # Fast check for uniqueness
639        # 1. get sorted array of component indices:
640        s_ix = np.sort(self._ix)
641        # 2. If the group's components are unique, no pair of adjacent values in
642        #    the sorted indices array are equal. We therefore compute a boolean
643        #    mask indicating equality of adjacent sorted indices:
644        mask = s_ix[1:] == s_ix[:-1]
645        # 3. The group is unique if all elements in the mask are False. We could
646        #    return ``not np.any(mask)`` here but using the following is faster:
647        return not np.count_nonzero(mask)
649    @warn_if_not_unique
650    def center(self, weights, pbc=None, compound='group'):
651        """Weighted center of (compounds of) the group
653        Computes the weighted center of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in the group.
654        Weighted centers per :class:`Residue` or per :class:`Segment` can be
655        obtained by setting the `compound` parameter accordingly.
657        Parameters
658        ----------
659        weights : array_like or None
660            Weights to be used. Setting `weights=None` is equivalent to passing
661            identical weights for all atoms of the group.
662        pbc : bool or None, optional
663            If ``True`` and `compound` is ``'group'``, move all atoms to the
664            primary unit cell before calculation. If ``True`` and `compound` is
665            ``'segments'`` or ``'residues'``, the center of each compound will
666            be calculated without moving any :class:`Atoms<Atom>` to keep the
667            compounds intact. Instead, the resulting position vectors will be
668            moved to the primary unit cell after calculation.
669        compound : {'group', 'segments', 'residues'}, optional
670            If ``'group'``, the weighted center of all atoms in the group will
671            be returned as a single position vector. Else, the weighted centers
672            of each :class:`Segment` or :class:`Residue` will be returned as an
673            array of position vectors, i.e. a 2d array. Note that, in any case,
674            *only* the positions of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` *belonging to the
675            group* will be taken into account.
677        Returns
678        -------
679        center : numpy.ndarray
680            Position vector(s) of the weighted center(s) of the group.
681            If `compound` was set to ``'group'``, the output will be a single
682            position vector.
683            If `compound` was set to ``'segments'`` or ``'residues'``, the
684            output will be a 2d array of shape ``(n, 3)`` where ``n`` is the
685            number of compounds.
687        Examples
688        --------
690        To find the center of charge of a given :class:`AtomGroup`::
692            >>> sel = u.select_atoms('prop mass > 4.0')
693            >>> sel.center(sel.charges)
695        To find the centers of mass per residue of all CA :class:`Atoms<Atom>`::
697            >>> sel = u.select_atoms('name CA')
698            >>> sel.center(sel.masses, compound='residues')
700        Notes
701        -----
702        If the :class:`MDAnalysis.core.flags` flag *use_pbc* is set to
703        ``True`` then the `pbc` keyword is used by default.
706        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 Added `compound` parameter
707        """
709        if pbc is None:
710            pbc = flags['use_pbc']
712        atoms = self.atoms
714        # enforce calculations in double precision:
715        dtype = np.float64
717        if compound.lower() == 'group':
718            if pbc:
719                coords = atoms.pack_into_box(inplace=False)
720            else:
721                coords = atoms.positions
722            # promote coords or weights to dtype if required:
723            if weights is None:
724                coords = coords.astype(dtype, copy=False)
725            else:
726                weights = weights.astype(dtype, copy=False)
727            return np.average(coords, weights=weights, axis=0)
728        elif compound.lower() == 'residues':
729            compound_indices = atoms.resindices
730            n_compounds = atoms.n_residues
731        elif compound.lower() == 'segments':
732            compound_indices = atoms.segindices
733            n_compounds = atoms.n_segments
734        else:
735            raise ValueError("Unrecognized compound definition: {}\nPlease use"
736                             " one of 'group', 'residues', or 'segments'."
737                             "".format(compound))
739        # Sort positions and weights by compound index and promote to dtype if
740        # required:
741        sort_indices = np.argsort(compound_indices)
742        compound_indices = compound_indices[sort_indices]
743        coords = atoms.positions[sort_indices]
744        if weights is None:
745            coords = coords.astype(dtype, copy=False)
746        else:
747            weights = weights.astype(dtype, copy=False)
748            weights = weights[sort_indices]
749        # Allocate output array:
750        centers = np.zeros((n_compounds, 3), dtype=dtype)
751        # Get sizes of compounds:
752        unique_compound_indices, compound_sizes = np.unique(compound_indices,
753                                                            return_counts=True)
754        unique_compound_sizes = unique_int_1d(compound_sizes)
755        # Compute centers per compound for each compound size:
756        for compound_size in unique_compound_sizes:
757            compound_mask = compound_sizes == compound_size
758            _compound_indices = unique_compound_indices[compound_mask]
759            atoms_mask = np.in1d(compound_indices, _compound_indices)
760            _coords = coords[atoms_mask].reshape((-1, compound_size, 3))
761            if weights is None:
762                _centers = _coords.mean(axis=1)
763            else:
764                _weights = weights[atoms_mask].reshape((-1, compound_size))
765                _centers = (_coords * _weights[:, :, None]).sum(axis=1)
766                _centers /= _weights.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
767            centers[compound_mask] = _centers
768        if pbc:
769            centers = distances.apply_PBC(centers, atoms.dimensions)
770        return centers
772    @warn_if_not_unique
773    def center_of_geometry(self, pbc=None, compound='group'):
774        """Center of geometry (also known as centroid) of the group.
776        Computes the center of geometry (a.k.a. centroid) of
777        :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in the group. Centers of geometry per
778        :class:`Residue` or per :class:`Segment` can be obtained by setting the
779        `compound` parameter accordingly.
781        Parameters
782        ----------
783        pbc : bool or None, optional
784            If ``True`` and `compound` is ``'group'``, move all atoms to the
785            primary unit cell before calculation. If ``True`` and `compound` is
786            ``'segments'`` or ``'residues'``, the center of each compound will
787            be calculated without moving any :class:`Atoms<Atom>` to keep the
788            compounds intact. Instead, the resulting position vectors will be
789            moved to the primary unit cell after calculation.
790        compound : {'group', 'segments', 'residues'}, optional
791            If ``'group'``, the center of geometry of all :class:`Atoms<Atom>`
792            in the group will be returned as a single position vector. Else, the
793            centers of geometry of each :class:`Segment` or :class:`Residue`
794            will be returned as an array of position vectors, i.e. a 2d array.
795            Note that, in any case, *only* the positions of :class:`Atoms<Atom>`
796            *belonging to the group* will be taken into account.
798        Returns
799        -------
800        center : numpy.ndarray
801            Position vector(s) of the geometric center(s) of the group.
802            If `compound` was set to ``'group'``, the output will be a single
803            position vector.
804            If `compound` was set to ``'segments'`` or ``'residues'``, the
805            output will be a 2d array of shape ``(n, 3)`` where ``n`` is the
806            number of compounds.
808        Notes
809        -----
810        If the :class:`MDAnalysis.core.flags` flag *use_pbc* is set to
811        ``True`` then the `pbc` keyword is used by default.
814        .. versionchanged:: 0.8 Added `pbc` keyword
815        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 Added `compound` parameter
816        """
817        return self.center(None, pbc=pbc, compound=compound)
819    centroid = center_of_geometry
821    def bbox(self, **kwargs):
822        """Return the bounding box of the selection.
824        The lengths A,B,C of the orthorhombic enclosing box are ::
826          L = AtomGroup.bbox()
827          A,B,C = L[1] - L[0]
829        Parameters
830        ----------
831        pbc : bool, optional
832            If ``True``, move all :class:`Atoms<Atom>` to the primary unit cell
833            before calculation. [``False``]
835        Returns
836        -------
837         corners : numpy.ndarray
838            2x3 array giving corners of bounding box as
839            ``[[xmin, ymin, zmin], [xmax, ymax, zmax]]``.
841        Note
842        ----
843        The :class:`MDAnalysis.core.flags` flag *use_pbc* when set to
844        ``True`` allows the *pbc* flag to be used by default.
847        .. versionadded:: 0.7.2
848        .. versionchanged:: 0.8 Added *pbc* keyword
849        """
850        atomgroup = self.atoms
851        pbc = kwargs.pop('pbc', flags['use_pbc'])
853        if pbc:
854            x = atomgroup.pack_into_box(inplace=False)
855        else:
856            x = atomgroup.positions
858        return np.array([x.min(axis=0), x.max(axis=0)])
860    def bsphere(self, **kwargs):
861        """Return the bounding sphere of the selection.
863        The sphere is calculated relative to the
864        :meth:`center of geometry<center_of_geometry>`.
866        Parameters
867        ----------
868        pbc : bool, optional
869            If ``True``, move all atoms to the primary unit cell before
870            calculation. [``False``]
872        Returns
873        -------
874        R : float
875            Radius of the bounding sphere.
876        center : numpy.ndarray
877            Coordinates of the sphere center as ``[xcen, ycen, zcen]``.
879        Note
880        ----
881        The :class:`MDAnalysis.core.flags` flag *use_pbc* when set to
882        ``True`` allows the *pbc* flag to be used by default.
885        .. versionadded:: 0.7.3
886        .. versionchanged:: 0.8 Added *pbc* keyword
887        """
888        atomgroup = self.atoms.unique
889        pbc = kwargs.pop('pbc', flags['use_pbc'])
891        if pbc:
892            x = atomgroup.pack_into_box(inplace=False)
893            centroid = atomgroup.center_of_geometry(pbc=True)
894        else:
895            x = atomgroup.positions
896            centroid = atomgroup.center_of_geometry(pbc=False)
898        R = np.sqrt(np.max(np.sum(np.square(x - centroid), axis=1)))
900        return R, centroid
902    def transform(self, M):
903        r"""Apply homogenous transformation matrix `M` to the coordinates.
905        :class:`Atom` coordinates are rotated and translated in-place.
907        Parameters
908        ----------
909        M : array_like
910            4x4 matrix with the rotation in ``R = M[:3, :3]`` and the
911            translation in ``t = M[:3, 3]``.
913        Returns
914        -------
915        self
917        See Also
918        --------
919        MDAnalysis.lib.transformations : module of all coordinate transforms
921        Notes
922        -----
923        The rotation :math:`\mathsf{R}` is about the origin and is applied
924        before the translation :math:`\mathbf{t}`:
926        .. math::
928           \mathbf{x}' = \mathsf{R}\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{t}
930        """
931        M = np.asarray(M)
932        R = M[:3, :3]
933        t = M[:3, 3]
934        return self.rotate(R, [0, 0, 0]).translate(t)
936    def translate(self, t):
937        r"""Apply translation vector `t` to the selection's coordinates.
939        :class:`Atom` coordinates are translated in-place.
941        Parameters
942        ----------
943        t : array_like
944            vector to translate coordinates with
946        Returns
947        -------
948        self
950        See Also
951        --------
952        MDAnalysis.lib.transformations : module of all coordinate transforms
954        Notes
955        -----
956        The method applies a translation to the :class:`AtomGroup`
957        from current coordinates :math:`\mathbf{x}` to new coordinates
958        :math:`\mathbf{x}'`:
960        .. math::
962            \mathbf{x}' = \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{t}
964        """
965        atomgroup = self.atoms.unique
966        vector = np.asarray(t)
967        # changes the coordinates in place
968        atomgroup.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[atomgroup.indices] += vector
969        return self
971    def rotate(self, R, point=(0, 0, 0)):
972        r"""Apply a rotation matrix `R` to the selection's coordinates.
973        :math:`\mathsf{R}` is a 3x3 orthogonal matrix that transforms a vector
974        :math:`\mathbf{x} \rightarrow \mathbf{x}'`:
976        .. math::
978            \mathbf{x}' = \mathsf{R}\mathbf{x}
980        :class:`Atom` coordinates are rotated in-place.
982        Parameters
983        ----------
984        R : array_like
985            3x3 rotation matrix
986        point : array_like, optional
987            Center of rotation
989        Returns
990        -------
991        self
993        Notes
994        -----
995        By default, rotates about the origin ``point=(0, 0, 0)``. To rotate
996        a group ``g`` around its center of geometry, use
997        ``g.rotate(R, point=g.center_of_geometry())``.
999        See Also
1000        --------
1001        rotateby : rotate around given axis and angle
1002        MDAnalysis.lib.transformations : module of all coordinate transforms
1004        """
1005        R = np.asarray(R)
1006        point = np.asarray(point)
1008        # changes the coordinates (in place)
1009        atomgroup = self.atoms.unique
1010        require_translation = bool(np.count_nonzero(point))
1011        if require_translation:
1012            atomgroup.translate(-point)
1013        x = atomgroup.universe.trajectory.ts.positions
1014        idx = atomgroup.indices
1015        x[idx] = np.dot(x[idx], R.T)
1016        if require_translation:
1017            atomgroup.translate(point)
1019        return self
1021    def rotateby(self, angle, axis, point=None):
1022        r"""Apply a rotation to the selection's coordinates.
1024        Parameters
1025        ----------
1026        angle : float
1027            Rotation angle in degrees.
1028        axis : array_like
1029            Rotation axis vector.
1030        point : array_like, optional
1031            Center of rotation. If ``None`` then the center of geometry of this
1032            group is used.
1034        Returns
1035        -------
1036        self
1038        Notes
1039        -----
1040        The transformation from current coordinates :math:`\mathbf{x}`
1041        to new coordinates :math:`\mathbf{x}'` is
1043        .. math::
1045          \mathbf{x}' = \mathsf{R}\,(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{p}) + \mathbf{p}
1047        where :math:`\mathsf{R}` is the rotation by `angle` around the
1048        `axis` going through `point` :math:`\mathbf{p}`.
1050        See Also
1051        --------
1052        MDAnalysis.lib.transformations.rotation_matrix :
1053            calculate :math:`\mathsf{R}`
1055        """
1056        alpha = np.radians(angle)
1057        axis = np.asarray(axis)
1058        if point is None:
1059            point = self.center_of_geometry()
1060        point = np.asarray(point)
1061        M = transformations.rotation_matrix(alpha, axis, point=point)
1062        return self.transform(M)
1064    def pack_into_box(self, box=None, inplace=True):
1065        r"""Shift all :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in this group to the primary unit
1066        cell.
1068        Parameters
1069        ----------
1070        box : array_like
1071            Box dimensions, can be either orthogonal or triclinic information.
1072            Cell dimensions must be in an identical to format to those returned
1073            by :attr:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dimensions`,
1074            ``[lx, ly, lz, alpha, beta, gamma]``. If ``None``, uses these
1075            timestep dimensions.
1076        inplace : bool
1077            ``True`` to change coordinates in place.
1079        Returns
1080        -------
1081        coords : numpy.ndarray
1082            Shifted atom coordinates.
1084        Notes
1085        -----
1086        All atoms will be moved so that they lie between 0 and boxlength
1087        :math:`L_i` in all dimensions, i.e. the lower left corner of the
1088        simulation box is taken to be at (0,0,0):
1090        .. math::
1092           x_i' = x_i - \left\lfloor\frac{x_i}{L_i}\right\rfloor
1094        The default is to take unit cell information from the underlying
1095        :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` instance. The optional
1096        argument `box` can be used to provide alternative unit cell information
1097        (in the MDAnalysis standard format
1098        ``[Lx, Ly, Lz, alpha, beta, gamma]``).
1100        Works with either orthogonal or triclinic box types.
1102        .. note::
1103            :meth:`AtomGroup.pack_into_box` is currently faster than
1104            :meth:`ResidueGroup.pack_into_box` or
1105            :meth:`SegmentGroup.pack_into_box`.
1108        .. versionadded:: 0.8
1109        """
1110        # Try and auto detect box dimensions:
1111        if box is None:
1112            box = self.dimensions
1114        # For a vector representation, the diagonal must not be zero, for a
1115        # [x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma] representation, no element must be zero:
1116        if (box.shape == (3, 3) and (box.diagonal() == 0.0).any()) \
1117            or (box == 0).any():
1118                raise ValueError("One or more box dimensions is zero."
1119                                 "  You can specify a box with 'box ='")
1120        # no matter what kind of group we have, we need to work on its atoms:
1121        ag = self.atoms
1122        # If self is unique, so are its atoms. Thus, if the group is unique, we
1123        # can use its atoms as is.
1124        if self.isunique:
1125            packed_coords = distances.apply_PBC(ag.positions, box)
1126            if inplace:
1127                ag.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[ag.ix] = packed_coords
1128                return ag.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[ag.ix]
1129            return packed_coords
1130        else:
1131            unique_ag = ag.unique
1132            unique_ix = unique_ag.ix
1133            restore_mask = ag._unique_restore_mask
1134            coords = ag.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[unique_ix]
1135            packed_coords = distances.apply_PBC(coords, box)
1136            if inplace:
1137                ag.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[unique_ix] = packed_coords
1138                return ag.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[unique_ix[restore_mask]]
1139            return packed_coords[restore_mask]
1141    def wrap(self, compound="atoms", center="com", box=None):
1142        """Shift the contents of this group back into the unit cell.
1144        This is a more powerful version of :meth:`pack_into_box`, allowing
1145        groups of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` to be kept together through the process.
1147        Parameters
1148        ----------
1149        compound : {'atoms', 'group', 'residues', 'segments', 'fragments'}
1150            The group which will be kept together through the shifting process.
1151        center : {'com', 'cog'}
1152            How to define the center of a given group of atoms.
1153        box : array_like
1154            Box dimensions, can be either orthogonal or triclinic information.
1155            Cell dimensions must be in an identical to format to those returned
1156            by :attr:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dimensions`,
1157            ``[lx, ly, lz, alpha, beta, gamma]``. If ``None``, uses these
1158            timestep dimensions.
1160        Notes
1161        -----
1162        When specifying a `compound`, the translation is calculated based on
1163        each compound. The same translation is applied to all atoms
1164        within this compound, meaning it will not be broken by the shift.
1165        This might however mean that not all atoms from the compound are
1166        inside the unit cell, but rather the center of the compound is.
1168        `center` allows the definition of the center of each group to be
1169        specified. This can be either ``'com'`` for center of mass, or ``'cog'``
1170        for center of geometry.
1172        `box` allows a unit cell to be given for the transformation. If not
1173        specified, the :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dimensions`
1174        information from the current
1175        :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` will be used.
1177        .. note::
1178           :meth:`wrap` with all default keywords is identical to
1179           :meth:`pack_into_box`
1182        .. versionadded:: 0.9.2
1183        """
1184        atomgroup = self.atoms.unique
1185        if compound.lower() == "atoms":
1186            return atomgroup.pack_into_box(box=box)
1188        if compound.lower() == 'group':
1189            objects = [atomgroup.atoms]
1190        elif compound.lower() == 'residues':
1191            objects = atomgroup.residues
1192        elif compound.lower() == 'segments':
1193            objects = atomgroup.segments
1194        elif compound.lower() == 'fragments':
1195            objects = atomgroup.fragments
1196        else:
1197            raise ValueError("Unrecognized compound definition: {0}"
1198                             "Please use one of 'group' 'residues' 'segments'"
1199                             "or 'fragments'".format(compound))
1202        if center.lower() in ('com', 'centerofmass'):
1203            centers = np.vstack([o.atoms.center_of_mass() for o in objects])
1204        elif center.lower() in ('cog', 'centroid', 'centerofgeometry'):
1205            centers = np.vstack([o.atoms.center_of_geometry() for o in objects])
1206        else:
1207            raise ValueError("Unrecognized center definition: {0}"
1208                             "Please use one of 'com' or 'cog'".format(center))
1209        centers = centers.astype(np.float32)
1211        if box is None:
1212            box = atomgroup.dimensions
1214        # calculate shift per object center
1215        dests = distances.apply_PBC(centers, box=box)
1216        shifts = dests - centers
1218        for o, s in zip(objects, shifts):
1219            # Save some needless shifts
1220            if not all(s == 0.0):
1221                o.atoms.translate(s)
1223    def copy(self):
1224        """Get another group identical to this one.
1227        .. versionadded:: 0.19.0
1228        """
1229        group = self[:]
1230        # Try to fill the copied group's uniqueness caches:
1231        try:
1232            group._cache['isunique'] = self._cache['isunique']
1233            if group._cache['isunique']:
1234                group._cache['unique'] = group
1235        except KeyError:
1236            pass
1237        return group
1239    def groupby(self, topattrs):
1240        """Group together items in this group according to values of *topattr*
1242        Parameters
1243        ----------
1244        topattrs: str or list
1245           One or more topology attributes to group components by.
1246           Single arguments are passed as a string. Multiple arguments
1247           are passed as a list.
1249        Returns
1250        -------
1251        dict
1252            Unique values of the multiple combinations of topology attributes
1253            as keys, Groups as values.
1255        Example
1256        -------
1257        To group atoms with the same mass together:
1259        >>> ag.groupby('masses')
1260        {12.010999999999999: <AtomGroup with 462 atoms>,
1261         14.007: <AtomGroup with 116 atoms>,
1262         15.999000000000001: <AtomGroup with 134 atoms>}
1264        To group atoms with the same residue name and mass together:
1266          >>> ag.groupby(['resnames', 'masses'])
1267          {('ALA', 1.008): <AtomGroup with 95 atoms>,
1268           ('ALA', 12.011): <AtomGroup with 57 atoms>,
1269           ('ALA', 14.007): <AtomGroup with 19 atoms>,
1270           ('ALA', 15.999): <AtomGroup with 19 atoms>},
1271           ('ARG', 1.008): <AtomGroup with 169 atoms>,
1272           ...}
1274          >>> ag.groupby(['resnames', 'masses'])('ALA', 15.999)
1275           <AtomGroup with 19 atoms>
1278        .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
1279        .. versionchanged:: 0.18.0 The function accepts multiple attributes
1280        """
1282        res = dict()
1284        if isinstance(topattrs, (string_types, bytes)):
1285            attr=topattrs
1286            if isinstance(topattrs, bytes):
1287                attr = topattrs.decode('utf-8')
1288            ta = getattr(self, attr)
1290            return {i: self[ta == i] for i in set(ta)}
1292        else:
1293            attr = topattrs[0]
1294            ta = getattr(self, attr)
1295            for i in set(ta):
1296                if len(topattrs) == 1:
1297                    res[i] = self[ta == i]
1298                else:
1299                    res[i] = self[ta == i].groupby(topattrs[1:])
1301            return util.flatten_dict(res)
1303    @_only_same_level
1304    def concatenate(self, other):
1305        """Concatenate with another Group or Component of the same level.
1307        Duplicate entries and original order is preserved. It is synomymous to
1308        the `+` operator.
1310        Parameters
1311        ----------
1312        other : Group or Component
1313            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1315        Returns
1316        -------
1317        Group
1318            Group with elements of `self` and `other` concatenated
1320        Example
1321        -------
1322        The order of the original contents (including duplicates)
1323        are preserved when performing a concatenation.
1325        >>> ag1 = u.select_atoms('name O')
1326        >>> ag2 = u.select_atoms('name N')
1327        >>> ag3 = ag1 + ag2  # or ag1.concatenate(ag2)
1328        >>> ag3[:3].names
1329        array(['O', 'O', 'O'], dtype=object)
1330        >>> ag3[-3:].names
1331        array(['N', 'N', 'N'], dtype=object)
1334        .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
1335        """
1336        o_ix = other.ix_array
1337        return self._derived_class(np.concatenate([self.ix, o_ix]),
1338                                   self.universe)
1340    @_only_same_level
1341    def union(self, other):
1342        """Group of elements either in this Group or another
1344        On the contrary to concatenation, this method sort the elements and
1345        removes duplicate ones. It is synomymous to the `|` operator.
1347        Parameters
1348        ----------
1349        other : Group or Component
1350            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1352        Returns
1353        -------
1354        Group
1355            Group with the combined elements of `self` and `other`, without
1356            duplicate elements
1358        Example
1359        -------
1360        In contrast to :meth:`concatenate`, any duplicates are dropped
1361        and the result is sorted.
1363        >>> ag1 = u.select_atoms('name O')
1364        >>> ag2 = u.select_atoms('name N')
1365        >>> ag3 = ag1 | ag2  # or ag1.union(ag2)
1366        >>> ag3[:3].names
1367        array(['N', 'O', 'N'], dtype=object)
1369        See Also
1370        --------
1371        concatenate, intersection
1374        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1375        """
1376        o_ix = other.ix_array
1377        return self._derived_class(np.union1d(self.ix, o_ix), self.universe)
1379    @_only_same_level
1380    def intersection(self, other):
1381        """Group of elements which are in both this Group and another
1383        This method removes duplicate elements and sorts the result. It is
1384        synomymous to the `&` operator.
1386        Parameters
1387        ----------
1388        other : Group or Component
1389            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1391        Returns
1392        -------
1393        Group
1394            Group with the common elements of `self` and `other`, without
1395            duplicate elements
1397        Example
1398        -------
1399        Intersections can be used when the select atoms string would
1400        become too complicated.  For example to find the water atoms
1401        which are within 4.0A of two segments:
1403        >>> water = u.select_atoms('resname SOL')
1404        >>> shell1 = water.select_atoms('around 4.0 segid 1')
1405        >>> shell2 = water.select_atoms('around 4.0 segid 2')
1406        >>> common = shell1 & shell2  # or shell1.intersection(shell2)
1408        See Also
1409        --------
1410        union
1413        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1414        """
1415        o_ix = other.ix_array
1416        return self._derived_class(np.intersect1d(self.ix, o_ix), self.universe)
1418    @_only_same_level
1419    def subtract(self, other):
1420        """Group with elements from this Group that don't appear in other
1422        The original order of this group is kept, as well as any duplicate
1423        elements. If an element of this Group is duplicated and appears in
1424        the other Group or Component, then all the occurences of that element
1425        are removed from the returned Group.
1427        Parameters
1428        ----------
1429        other : Group or Component
1430            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1432        Returns
1433        -------
1434        Group
1435            Group with the elements of `self` that are not in  `other`,
1436            conserves order and duplicates.
1438        Example
1439        -------
1440        Unlike :meth:`difference` this method will not sort or remove
1441        duplicates.
1443        >>> ag1 = u.atoms[[3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]]
1444        >>> ag2 = u.atoms[2]
1445        >>> ag3 = ag1 - ag2  # or ag1.subtract(ag2)
1446        >>> ag1.indices
1447        array([3, 3, 1, 1])
1449        See Also
1450        --------
1451        concatenate, difference
1454        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1455        """
1456        o_ix = other.ix_array
1457        in_other = np.in1d(self.ix, o_ix)  # mask of in self.ix AND other
1458        return self[~in_other]  # ie inverse of previous mask
1460    @_only_same_level
1461    def difference(self, other):
1462        """Elements from this Group that do not appear in another
1464        This method removes duplicate elements and sorts the result. As such,
1465        it is different from :meth:`subtract`. :meth:`difference` is synomymous
1466        to the `-` operator.
1468        Parameters
1469        ----------
1470        other : Group or Component
1471            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1473        Returns
1474        -------
1475        Group
1476            Group with the elements of `self` that are not in  `other`, without
1477            duplicate elements
1479        See Also
1480        --------
1481        subtract, symmetric_difference
1484        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1485        """
1486        o_ix = other.ix_array
1487        return self._derived_class(np.setdiff1d(self._ix, o_ix), self._u)
1489    @_only_same_level
1490    def symmetric_difference(self, other):
1491        """Group of elements which are only in one of this Group or another
1493        This method removes duplicate elements and the result is sorted. It is
1494        synomym to the `^` operator.
1496        Parameters
1497        ----------
1498        other : Group or Component
1499            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1501        Returns
1502        -------
1503        Group
1504            Group with the elements that are in `self` or in `other` but not in
1505            both, without duplicate elements
1507        Example
1508        -------
1510        >>> ag1 = u.atoms[[0, 1, 5, 3, 3, 2]]
1511        >>> ag2 = u.atoms[[4, 4, 6, 2, 3, 5]]
1512        >>> ag3 = ag1 ^ ag2  # or ag1.symmetric_difference(ag2)
1513        >>> ag3.indices  # 0 and 1 are only in ag1, 4 and 6 are only in ag2
1514        [0, 1, 4, 6]
1516        See Also
1517        --------
1518        difference
1521        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1522        """
1523        o_ix = other.ix_array
1524        return self._derived_class(np.setxor1d(self._ix, o_ix), self._u)
1526    def isdisjoint(self, other):
1527        """If the Group has no elements in common with the other Group
1529        Parameters
1530        ----------
1531        other : Group or Component
1532            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1534        Returns
1535        -------
1536        bool
1537            ``True`` if the two Groups do not have common elements
1540        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1541        """
1542        return len(self.intersection(other)) == 0
1544    @_only_same_level
1545    def issubset(self, other):
1546        """If all elements of this Group are part of another Group
1548        Note that an empty group is a subset of any group of the same level.
1550        Parameters
1551        ----------
1552        other : Group or Component
1553            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1555        Returns
1556        -------
1557        bool
1558            ``True`` if this Group is a subset of the other one
1561        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1562        """
1563        o_ix = set(other.ix_array)
1564        s_ix = set(self.ix)
1565        return s_ix.issubset(o_ix)
1567    def is_strict_subset(self, other):
1568        """If this Group is a subset of another Group but not identical
1570        Parameters
1571        ----------
1572        other : Group or Component
1573            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1575        Returns
1576        -------
1577        bool
1578            ``True`` if this Group is a strict subset of the other one
1581        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1582        """
1583        return self.issubset(other) and not self == other
1585    @_only_same_level
1586    def issuperset(self, other):
1587        """If all elements of another Group are part of this Group
1589        Parameters
1590        ----------
1591        other : Group or Component
1592            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1594        Returns
1595        -------
1596        bool
1597            ``True`` if this Group is a subset of the other one
1600        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1601        """
1602        o_ix = set(other.ix_array)
1603        s_ix = set(self.ix)
1604        return s_ix.issuperset(o_ix)
1606    def is_strict_superset(self, other):
1607        """If this Group is a superset of another Group but not identical
1609        Parameters
1610        ----------
1611        other : Group or Component
1612            Group or Component with `other.level` same as `self.level`
1614        Returns
1615        -------
1616        bool
1617            ``True`` if this Group is a strict superset of the other one
1620        .. versionadded:: 0.16
1621        """
1622        return self.issuperset(other) and not self == other
1625class AtomGroup(GroupBase):
1626    """An ordered array of atoms.
1628    Can be initiated from an iterable of :class:`Atoms<Atom>`::
1630        ag = AtomGroup([Atom1, Atom2, Atom3])
1632    Or from providing a list of indices and the
1633    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` it should belong to::
1635        ag = AtomGroup([72, 14, 25], u)
1637    Alternatively, an :class:`AtomGroup` is generated by indexing/slicing
1638    another :class:`AtomGroup`, such as the group of all :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in
1639    the :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` at
1640    :attr:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.atoms`.
1642    An :class:`AtomGroup` can be indexed and sliced like a list::
1644        ag[0], ag[-1]
1646    will return the first and the last :class:`Atom` in the group whereas the
1647    slice::
1649        ag[0:6:2]
1651    returns an :class:`AtomGroup` of every second element, corresponding to
1652    indices 0, 2, and 4.
1654    It also supports "advanced slicing" when the argument is a
1655    :class:`numpy.ndarray` or a :class:`list`::
1657        aslice = [0, 3, -1, 10, 3]
1658        ag[aslice]
1660    will return a new :class:`AtomGroup` of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` with those
1661    indices in the old :class:`AtomGroup`.
1663    Finally, :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>` can be created from a selection.
1664    See :meth:`select_atoms`.
1666    .. note::
1668        :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>` originating from a selection are sorted
1669        and duplicate elements are removed. This is not true for
1670        :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>` produced by slicing. Thus, slicing can be
1671        used when the order of atoms is crucial (for instance, in order to
1672        define angles or dihedrals).
1674    :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>` can be compared and combined using group
1675    operators. For instance, :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>` can be concatenated
1676    using `+` or :meth:`concatenate`::
1678        ag_concat = ag1 + ag2  # or ag_concat = ag1.concatenate(ag2)
1680    When groups are concatenated, the order of the :class:`Atoms<Atom>` is
1681    conserved. If :class:`Atoms<Atom>` appear several times in one of the
1682    groups, the duplicates are kept in the resulting group. On the contrary to
1683    :meth:`concatenate`, :meth:`union` treats the :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>`
1684    as sets so that duplicates are removed from the resulting group, and
1685    :class:`Atoms<Atom>` are ordered. The `|` operator is synomymous to
1686    :meth:`union`::
1688        ag_union = ag1 | ag2  # or ag_union = ag1.union(ag2)
1690    The opposite operation to :meth:`concatenate` is :meth:`subtract`. This
1691    method creates a new group with all the :class:`Atoms<Atom>` of the group
1692    that are not in a given other group; the order of the :class:`Atoms<Atom>`
1693    is kept, and so are duplicates. :meth:`difference` is the set version of
1694    :meth:`subtract`. The resulting group is sorted and deduplicated.
1696    All set methods are listed in the table below. These methods treat the
1697    groups as sorted and deduplicated sets of :class:`Atoms<Atom>`.
1699    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1700    | Operation                     | Equivalent | Result                     |
1701    +===============================+============+============================+
1702    | ``s.isdisjoint(t)``           |            | ``True`` if ``s`` and      |
1703    |                               |            | ``t`` do not share         |
1704    |                               |            | elements                   |
1705    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1706    | ``s.issubset(t)``             |            | test if all elements of    |
1707    |                               |            | ``s`` are part of ``t``    |
1708    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1709    | ``s.is_strict_subset(t)``     |            | test if all elements of    |
1710    |                               |            | ``s`` are part of ``t``,   |
1711    |                               |            | and ``s != t``             |
1712    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1713    | ``s.issuperset(t)``           |            | test if all elements of    |
1714    |                               |            | ``t`` are part of ``s``    |
1715    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1716    | ``s.is_strict_superset(t)``   |            | test if all elements of    |
1717    |                               |            | ``t`` are part of ``s``,   |
1718    |                               |            | and ``s != t``             |
1719    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1720    | ``s.union(t)``                | ``s | t``  | new Group with elements    |
1721    |                               |            | from both ``s`` and ``t``  |
1722    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1723    | ``s.intersection(t)``         | ``s & t``  | new Group with elements    |
1724    |                               |            | common to ``s`` and ``t``  |
1725    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1726    | ``s.difference(t)``           | ``s - t``  | new Group with elements of |
1727    |                               |            | ``s`` that are not in ``t``|
1728    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1729    | ``s.symmetric_difference(t)`` | ``s ^ t``  | new Group with elements    |
1730    |                               |            | that are part of ``s`` or  |
1731    |                               |            | ``t`` but not both         |
1732    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1734    The following methods keep the order of the atoms as well as duplicates.
1736    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1737    | Operation                     | Equivalent | Result                     |
1738    +===============================+============+============================+
1739    | ``len(s)``                    |            | number of elements (atoms, |
1740    |                               |            | residues or segment) in    |
1741    |                               |            | the group                  |
1742    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1743    | ``s == t``                    |            | test if ``s`` and ``t``    |
1744    |                               |            | contain the same elements  |
1745    |                               |            | in the same order          |
1746    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1747    | ``s.concatenate(t)``          | ``s + t``  | new Group with elements    |
1748    |                               |            | from ``s`` and from ``t``  |
1749    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1750    | ``s.subtract(t)``             |            | new Group with elements    |
1751    |                               |            | from ``s`` that are not    |
1752    |                               |            | in ``t``                   |
1753    +-------------------------------+------------+----------------------------+
1755    The `in` operator allows to test if an :class:`Atom` is in the
1756    :class:`AtomGroup`.
1758    :class:`AtomGroup` instances are always bound to a
1759    :class:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`. They cannot exist in isolation.
1761    .. rubric:: Deprecated functionality
1763    *Instant selectors* will be removed in the 1.0 release.  See issue `#1377
1764    <https://github.com/MDAnalysis/mdanalysis/issues/1377>`_ for more details.
1766    :class:`Atoms<Atom>` can also be accessed in a Pythonic fashion by using the
1767    :class:`Atom` name as an attribute. For instance, ::
1769        ag.CA
1771    will provide an :class:`AtomGroup` of all CA :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in the
1772    group. These *instant selector* attributes are auto-generated for
1773    each atom name encountered in the group.
1775    Notes
1776    -----
1777    The name-attribute instant selector access to :class:`Atoms<Atom>` is mainly
1778    meant for quick interactive work. Thus it either returns a single
1779    :class:`Atom` if there is only one matching :class:`Atom`, *or* a
1780    new :class:`AtomGroup` for multiple matches.  This makes it difficult to use
1781    the feature consistently in scripts.
1784    See Also
1785    --------
1786    :class:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`
1789    .. deprecated:: 0.16.2
1790       *Instant selectors* of :class:`AtomGroup` will be removed in the 1.0
1791       release. See :ref:`Instant selectors <instance-selectors>` for details
1792       and alternatives.
1793    """
1794    def __getitem__(self, item):
1795        # DEPRECATED in 0.16.2
1796        # REMOVE in 1.0
1797        #
1798        # u.atoms['HT1'] access, otherwise default
1799        if isinstance(item, string_types):
1800            try:
1801                return self._get_named_atom(item)
1802            except (AttributeError, selection.SelectionError):
1803                pass
1804        return super(AtomGroup, self).__getitem__(item)
1806    def __getattr__(self, attr):
1807        # DEPRECATED in 0.16.2
1808        # REMOVE in 1.0
1809        #
1810        # is this a known attribute failure?
1811        if attr in ('fragments',):  # TODO: Generalise this to cover many attributes
1812            # eg:
1813            # if attr in _ATTR_ERRORS:
1814            # raise NDE(_ATTR_ERRORS[attr])
1815            raise NoDataError("AtomGroup has no fragments; this requires Bonds")
1816        elif hasattr(self.universe._topology, 'names'):
1817            # Ugly hack to make multiple __getattr__s work
1818            try:
1819                return self._get_named_atom(attr)
1820            except selection.SelectionError:
1821                pass
1822        raise AttributeError("{cls} has no attribute {attr}".format(
1823            cls=self.__class__.__name__, attr=attr))
1825    def __reduce__(self):
1826        return (_unpickle, (self.universe.anchor_name, self.ix))
1828    @property
1829    def atoms(self):
1830        """The :class:`AtomGroup` itself.
1832        See Also
1833        --------
1834        copy : return a true copy of the :class:`AtomGroup`
1837        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
1838           In previous versions, this returned a copy, but now
1839           the :class:`AtomGroup` itself is returned. This should
1840           not affect any code but only speed up calculations.
1842        """
1843        return self
1845    @property
1846    def n_atoms(self):
1847        """Number of atoms in the :class:`AtomGroup`.
1849        Equivalent to ``len(self)``.
1850        """
1851        return len(self)
1853    @property
1854    def residues(self):
1855        """A sorted :class:`ResidueGroup` of the unique
1856        :class:`Residues<Residue>` present in the :class:`AtomGroup`.
1857        """
1858        rg = self.universe.residues[unique_int_1d(self.resindices)]
1859        rg._cache['isunique'] = True
1860        rg._cache['unique'] = rg
1861        return rg
1863    @residues.setter
1864    def residues(self, new):
1865        # Can set with Res, ResGroup or list/tuple of Res
1866        if isinstance(new, Residue):
1867            r_ix = itertools.cycle((new.resindex,))
1868        elif isinstance(new, ResidueGroup):
1869            r_ix = new.resindices
1870        else:
1871            try:
1872                r_ix = [r.resindex for r in new]
1873            except AttributeError:
1874                raise TypeError("Can only set AtomGroup residues to Residue "
1875                                "or ResidueGroup not {}".format(
1876                                    ', '.join(type(r) for r in new
1877                                              if not isinstance(r, Residue))
1878                                ))
1879        if not isinstance(r_ix, itertools.cycle) and len(r_ix) != len(self):
1880            raise ValueError("Incorrect size: {} for AtomGroup of size: {}"
1881                             "".format(len(new), len(self)))
1882        # Optimisation TODO:
1883        # This currently rebuilds the tt len(self) times
1884        # Ideally all changes would happen and *afterwards* tables are built
1885        # Alternatively, if the changes didn't rebuild table, this list
1886        # comprehension isn't terrible.
1887        for at, r in zip(self, r_ix):
1888            self.universe._topology.tt.move_atom(at.ix, r)
1890    @property
1891    def n_residues(self):
1892        """Number of unique :class:`Residues<Residue>` present in the
1893        :class:`AtomGroup`.
1895        Equivalent to ``len(self.residues)``.
1897        """
1898        return len(self.residues)
1900    @property
1901    def segments(self):
1902        """A sorted :class:`SegmentGroup` of the unique segments present in the
1903        :class:`AtomGroup`.
1904        """
1905        sg = self.universe.segments[unique_int_1d(self.segindices)]
1906        sg._cache['isunique'] = True
1907        sg._cache['unique'] = sg
1908        return sg
1910    @segments.setter
1911    def segments(self, new):
1912        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot assign Segments to AtomGroup. "
1913                                  "Segments are assigned to Residues")
1915    @property
1916    def n_segments(self):
1917        """Number of unique segments present in the :class:`AtomGroup`.
1919        Equivalent to ``len(self.segments)``.
1920        """
1921        return len(self.segments)
1923    @property
1924    @cached('unique_restore_mask')
1925    def _unique_restore_mask(self):
1926        # The _unique_restore_mask property's cache is populated whenever the
1927        # AtomGroup.unique property of a *non-unique* AtomGroup is accessed.
1928        # If _unique_restore_mask is not cached, it is *definitely* used in the
1929        # wrong place, so we raise an exception here. In principle, the
1930        # exception should be an AttributeError, but the error message would
1931        # then be replaced by the __getattr__() error message. To prevent the
1932        # message from being overridden, we raise a RuntimeError instead.
1933        if self.isunique:
1934            msg = ("{0}._unique_restore_mask is not available if the {0} is "
1935                   "unique. ".format(self.__class__.__name__))
1936        else:
1937            msg = ("{0}._unique_restore_mask is only available after "
1938                   "accessing {0}.unique. ".format(self.__class__.__name__))
1939        msg += ("If you see this error message in an unmodified release "
1940                "version of MDAnalysis, this is almost certainly a bug!")
1941        raise RuntimeError(msg)
1943    @_unique_restore_mask.setter
1944    def _unique_restore_mask(self, mask):
1945        self._cache['unique_restore_mask'] = mask
1947    @property
1948    @cached('unique')
1949    def unique(self):
1950        """An :class:`AtomGroup` containing sorted and unique
1951        :class:`Atoms<Atom>` only.
1953        If the :class:`AtomGroup` is unique, this is the group itself.
1955        Examples
1956        --------
1958           >>> ag = u.atoms[[2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0]]
1959           >>> ag
1960           <AtomGroup with 6 atoms>
1961           >>> ag.ix
1962           array([2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0])
1963           >>> ag2 = ag.unique
1964           >>> ag2
1965           <AtomGroup with 3 atoms>
1966           >>> ag2.ix
1967           array([0, 1, 2])
1968           >>> ag2.unique is ag2
1969           True
1972        .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
1973        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 If the :class:`AtomGroup` is already unique,
1974            :attr:`AtomGroup.unique` now returns the group itself instead of a
1975            copy.
1976        """
1977        if self.isunique:
1978            return self
1979        unique_ix, restore_mask = np.unique(self.ix, return_inverse=True)
1980        _unique = self.universe.atoms[unique_ix]
1981        self._unique_restore_mask = restore_mask
1982        # Since we know that _unique is a unique AtomGroup, we set its
1983        # uniqueness caches from here:
1984        _unique._cache['isunique'] = True
1985        _unique._cache['unique'] = _unique
1986        return _unique
1988    @property
1989    def positions(self):
1990        """Coordinates of the :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in the :class:`AtomGroup`.
1992        A :class:`numpy.ndarray` with
1993        :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.shape`\ ``=(``\ :attr:`~AtomGroup.n_atoms`\ ``, 3)``
1994        and :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.dtype`\ ``=numpy.float32``.
1996        The positions can be changed by assigning an array of the appropriate
1997        shape, i.e., either ``(``\ :attr:`~AtomGroup.n_atoms`\ ``, 3)`` to
1998        assign individual coordinates, or ``(3,)`` to assign the *same*
1999        coordinate to all :class:`Atoms<Atom>` (e.g.,
2000        ``ag.positions = array([0,0,0])`` will move all :class:`Atoms<Atom>`
2001        to the origin).
2003        .. note:: Changing positions is not reflected in any files; reading any
2004                  frame from the
2005                  :attr:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.trajectory` will
2006                  replace the change with that from the file *except* if the
2007                  :attr:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.trajectory` is held
2008                  in memory, e.g., when the
2009                  :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.transfer_to_memory`
2010                  method was used.
2012        Raises
2013        ------
2014        ~MDAnalysis.exceptions.NoDataError
2015            If the underlying :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`
2016            does not contain
2017            :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.positions`.
2018        """
2019        return self.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[self.ix]
2021    @positions.setter
2022    def positions(self, values):
2023        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
2024        ts.positions[self.ix, :] = values
2026    @property
2027    def velocities(self):
2028        """Velocities of the :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in the :class:`AtomGroup`.
2030        A :class:`numpy.ndarray` with
2031        :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.shape`\ ``=(``\ :attr:`~AtomGroup.n_atoms`\ ``, 3)``
2032        and :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.dtype`\ ``=numpy.float32``.
2034        The velocities can be changed by assigning an array of the appropriate
2035        shape, i.e. either ``(``\ :attr:`~AtomGroup.n_atoms`\ ``, 3)`` to assign
2036        individual velocities or ``(3,)`` to assign the *same* velocity to all
2037        :class:`Atoms<Atom>` (e.g. ``ag.velocities = array([0,0,0])`` will give
2038        all :class:`Atoms<Atom>` zero :attr:`~Atom.velocity`).
2040        Raises
2041        ------
2042        ~MDAnalysis.exceptions.NoDataError
2043            If the underlying :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`
2044            does not contain
2045            :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.velocities`.
2046        """
2047        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
2048        try:
2049            return np.array(ts.velocities[self.ix])
2050        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
2051            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain velocities")
2053    @velocities.setter
2054    def velocities(self, values):
2055        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
2056        try:
2057            ts.velocities[self.ix, :] = values
2058        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
2059            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain velocities")
2061    @property
2062    def forces(self):
2063        """Forces on each :class:`Atom` in the :class:`AtomGroup`.
2065        A :class:`numpy.ndarray` with
2066        :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.shape`\ ``=(``\ :attr:`~AtomGroup.n_atoms`\ ``, 3)``
2067        and :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.dtype`\ ``=numpy.float32``.
2069        The forces can be changed by assigning an array of the appropriate
2070        shape, i.e. either ``(``\ :attr:`~AtomGroup.n_atoms`\ ``, 3)`` to assign
2071        individual forces or ``(3,)`` to assign the *same* force to all
2072        :class:`Atoms<Atom>` (e.g. ``ag.forces = array([0,0,0])`` will give all
2073        :class:`Atoms<Atom>` a zero :attr:`~Atom.force`).
2075        Raises
2076        ------
2077        ~MDAnalysis.exceptions.NoDataError
2078            If the :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` does not
2079            contain :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.forces`.
2080        """
2081        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
2082        try:
2083            return ts.forces[self.ix]
2084        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
2085            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain forces")
2087    @forces.setter
2088    def forces(self, values):
2089        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
2090        try:
2091            ts.forces[self.ix, :] = values
2092        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
2093            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain forces")
2095    @property
2096    def ts(self):
2097        """Temporary Timestep that contains the selection coordinates.
2099        A :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` instance,
2100        which can be passed to a trajectory writer.
2102        If :attr:`~AtomGroup.ts` is modified then these modifications
2103        will be present until the frame number changes (which
2104        typically happens when the underlying
2105        :attr:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.trajectory` frame changes).
2107        It is not possible to assign a new
2108        :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` to the
2109        :attr:`AtomGroup.ts` attribute; change attributes of the object.
2110        """
2111        trj_ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts  # original time step
2113        return trj_ts.copy_slice(self.indices)
2115    # As with universe.select_atoms, needing to fish out specific kwargs
2116    # (namely, 'updating') doesn't allow a very clean signature.
2117    def select_atoms(self, sel, *othersel, **selgroups):
2118        """Select :class:`Atoms<Atom>` using a selection string.
2120        Returns an :class:`AtomGroup` with :class:`Atoms<Atom>` sorted according
2121        to their index in the topology (this is to ensure that there are no
2122        duplicates, which can happen with complicated selections).
2124        Raises
2125        ------
2126        TypeError
2127            If the arbitrary groups passed are not of type
2128            :class:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup`
2130        Examples
2131        --------
2132        All simple selection listed below support multiple arguments which are
2133        implicitly combined with an or operator. For example
2135           >>> sel = universe.select_atoms('resname MET GLY')
2137        is equivalent to
2139           >>> sel = universe.select_atoms('resname MET or resname GLY')
2141        Will select all atoms with a residue name of either MET or GLY.
2143        Subselections can be grouped with parentheses.
2145           >>> sel = universe.select_atoms("segid DMPC and not ( name H* O* )")
2146           >>> sel
2147           <AtomGroup with 3420 atoms>
2150        Existing :class:`AtomGroup` objects can be passed as named arguments,
2151        which will then be available to the selection parser.
2153           >>> universe.select_atoms("around 10 group notHO", notHO=sel)
2154           <AtomGroup with 1250 atoms>
2156        Selections can be set to update automatically on frame change, by
2157        setting the `updating` keyword argument to `True`.  This will return
2158        a :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup` which can represent the solvation shell
2159        around another object.
2161           >>> universe.select_atoms("resname SOL and around 2.0 protein", updating=True)
2162           <Updating AtomGroup with 100 atoms>
2164        Notes
2165        -----
2167        If exact ordering of atoms is required (for instance, for
2168        :meth:`~AtomGroup.angle` or :meth:`~AtomGroup.dihedral` calculations)
2169        then one supplies selections *separately* in the required order. Also,
2170        when multiple :class:`AtomGroup` instances are concatenated with the
2171        ``+`` operator, then the order of :class:`Atom` instances is preserved
2172        and duplicates are *not* removed.
2175        See Also
2176        --------
2177        :ref:`selection-commands-label` for further details and examples.
2180        .. rubric:: Selection syntax
2183        The selection parser understands the following CASE SENSITIVE
2184        *keywords*:
2186        **Simple selections**
2188            protein, backbone, nucleic, nucleicbackbone
2189                selects all atoms that belong to a standard set of residues;
2190                a protein is identfied by a hard-coded set of residue names so
2191                it  may not work for esoteric residues.
2192            segid *seg-name*
2193                select by segid (as given in the topology), e.g. ``segid 4AKE``
2194                or ``segid DMPC``
2195            resid *residue-number-range*
2196                resid can take a single residue number or a range of numbers. A
2197                range consists of two numbers separated by a colon (inclusive)
2198                such as ``resid 1:5``. A residue number ("resid") is taken
2199                directly from the topology.
2200                If icodes are present in the topology, then these will be
2201                taken into account.  Ie 'resid 163B' will only select resid
2202                163 with icode B while 'resid 163' will select only residue 163.
2203                Range selections will also respect icodes, so 'resid 162-163B'
2204                will select all residues in 162 and those in 163 up to icode B.
2205            resnum *resnum-number-range*
2206                resnum is the canonical residue number; typically it is set to
2207                the residue id in the original PDB structure.
2208            resname *residue-name*
2209                select by residue name, e.g. ``resname LYS``
2210            name *atom-name*
2211                select by atom name (as given in the topology). Often, this is
2212                force field dependent. Example: ``name CA`` (for C&alpha; atoms)
2213                or ``name OW`` (for SPC water oxygen)
2214            type *atom-type*
2215                select by atom type; this is either a string or a number and
2216                depends on the force field; it is read from the topology file
2217                (e.g. the CHARMM PSF file contains numeric atom types). It has
2218                non-sensical values when a PDB or GRO file is used as a topology
2219            atom *seg-name*  *residue-number*  *atom-name*
2220                a selector for a single atom consisting of segid resid atomname,
2221                e.g. ``DMPC 1 C2`` selects the C2 carbon of the first residue of
2222                the DMPC segment
2223            altloc *alternative-location*
2224                a selection for atoms where alternative locations are available,
2225                which is often the case with high-resolution crystal structures
2226                e.g. `resid 4 and resname ALA and altloc B` selects only the
2227                atoms of ALA-4 that have an altloc B record.
2228            moltype *molecule-type*
2229                select by molecule type, e.g. ``moltype Protein_A``. At the
2230                moment, only the TPR format defines the molecule type.
2232        **Boolean**
2234            not
2235                all atoms not in the selection, e.g. ``not protein`` selects
2236                all atoms that aren't part of a protein
2238            and, or
2239                combine two selections according to the rules of boolean
2240                algebra, e.g. ``protein and not resname ALA LYS``
2241                selects all atoms that belong to a protein, but are not in a
2242                lysine or alanine residue
2244        **Geometric**
2246            around *distance*  *selection*
2247                selects all atoms a certain cutoff away from another selection,
2248                e.g. ``around 3.5 protein`` selects all atoms not belonging to
2249                protein that are within 3.5 Angstroms from the protein
2250            point *x* *y* *z*  *distance*
2251                selects all atoms within a cutoff of a point in space, make sure
2252                coordinate is separated by spaces,
2253                e.g. ``point 5.0 5.0 5.0  3.5`` selects all atoms within 3.5
2254                Angstroms of the coordinate (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
2255            prop [abs] *property*  *operator*  *value*
2256                selects atoms based on position, using *property*  **x**, **y**,
2257                or **z** coordinate. Supports the **abs** keyword (for absolute
2258                value) and the following *operators*: **<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=**.
2259                For example, ``prop z >= 5.0`` selects all atoms with z
2260                coordinate greater than 5.0; ``prop abs z <= 5.0`` selects all
2261                atoms within -5.0 <= z <= 5.0.
2262            sphzone *radius* *selection*
2263                Selects all atoms that are within *radius* of the center of
2264                geometry of *selection*
2265            sphlayer *inner radius* *outer radius* *selection*
2266                Similar to sphzone, but also excludes atoms that are within
2267                *inner radius* of the selection COG
2268            cyzone *externalRadius* *zMax* *zMin* *selection*
2269                selects all atoms within a cylindric zone centered in the
2270                center of geometry (COG) of a given selection,
2271                e.g. ``cyzone 15 4 -8 protein and resid 42`` selects the
2272                center of geometry of protein and resid 42, and creates a
2273                cylinder of external radius 15 centered on the COG. In z, the
2274                cylinder extends from 4 above the COG to 8 below. Positive
2275                values for *zMin*, or negative ones for *zMax*, are allowed.
2276            cylayer *innerRadius* *externalRadius* *zMax* *zMin* *selection*
2277                selects all atoms within a cylindric layer centered in the
2278                center of geometry (COG) of a given selection,
2279                e.g. ``cylayer 5 10 10 -8 protein`` selects the center of
2280                geometry of protein, and creates a cylindrical layer of inner
2281                radius 5, external radius 10 centered on the COG. In z, the
2282                cylinder extends from 10 above the COG to 8 below. Positive
2283                values for *zMin*, or negative ones for *zMax*, are allowed.
2285        **Connectivity**
2287            byres *selection*
2288                selects all atoms that are in the same segment and residue as
2289                selection, e.g. specify the subselection after the byres keyword
2290            bonded *selection*
2291                selects all atoms that are bonded to selection
2292                eg: ``select name H and bonded name O`` selects only hydrogens
2293                bonded to oxygens
2295        **Index**
2297            bynum *index-range*
2298                selects all atoms within a range of (1-based) inclusive indices,
2299                e.g. ``bynum 1`` selects the first atom in the universe;
2300                ``bynum 5:10`` selects atoms 5 through 10 inclusive. All atoms
2301                in the :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` are
2302                consecutively numbered, and the index runs from 1 up to the
2303                total number of atoms.
2305        **Preexisting selections**
2307            group `group-name`
2308                selects the atoms in the :class:`AtomGroup` passed to the
2309                function as an argument named `group-name`. Only the atoms
2310                common to `group-name` and the instance
2311                :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.select_atoms`
2312                was called from will be considered, unless ``group`` is
2313                preceded by the ``global`` keyword. `group-name` will be
2314                included in the parsing just by comparison of atom indices.
2315                This means that it is up to the user to make sure the
2316                `group-name` group was defined in an appropriate
2317                :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`.
2319            global *selection*
2320                by default, when issuing
2321                :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.select_atoms` from an
2322                :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup`, selections and
2323                subselections are returned intersected with the atoms of that
2324                instance. Prefixing a selection term with ``global`` causes its
2325                selection to be returned in its entirety.  As an example, the
2326                ``global`` keyword allows for
2327                ``lipids.select_atoms("around 10 global protein")`` --- where
2328                ``lipids`` is a group that does not contain any proteins. Were
2329                ``global`` absent, the result would be an empty selection since
2330                the ``protein`` subselection would itself be empty. When issuing
2331                :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.select_atoms` from a
2332                :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`, ``global`` is
2333                ignored.
2335        **Dynamic selections**
2336            If :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.select_atoms` is
2337            invoked with named argument `updating` set to `True`, an
2338            :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.UpdatingAtomGroup` instance will be
2339            returned, instead of a regular
2340            :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup`. It behaves just like
2341            the latter, with the difference that the selection expressions are
2342            re-evaluated every time the trajectory frame changes (this happens
2343            lazily, only when the
2344            :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.UpdatingAtomGroup` is accessed so
2345            that there is no redundant updating going on).
2346            Issuing an updating selection from an already updating group will
2347            cause later updates to also reflect the updating of the base group.
2348            A non-updating selection or a slicing operation made on an
2349            :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.UpdatingAtomGroup` will return a
2350            static :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup`, which will no
2351            longer update across frames.
2354        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.4 Added *resnum* selection.
2355        .. versionchanged:: 0.8.1 Added *group* and *fullgroup* selections.
2356        .. deprecated:: 0.11 The use of *fullgroup* has been deprecated in favor
2357            of the equivalent *global group* selections.
2358        .. versionchanged:: 0.13.0 Added *bonded* selection.
2359        .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Resid selection now takes icodes into account
2360            where present.
2361        .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Updating selections now possible by setting
2362            the `updating` argument.
2363        .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0 Added *moltype* and *molnum* selections.
2364        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
2365           Added strict type checking for passed groups.
2366           Added periodic kwarg (default True)
2367        """
2368        # once flags removed, replace with default=True
2369        periodic = selgroups.pop('periodic', flags['use_periodic_selections'])
2371        updating = selgroups.pop('updating', False)
2372        sel_strs = (sel,) + othersel
2374        for group, thing in selgroups.items():
2375            if not isinstance(thing, AtomGroup):
2376                raise TypeError("Passed groups must be AtomGroups. "
2377                                "You provided {} for group '{}'".format(
2378                                    thing.__class__.__name__, group))
2380        selections = tuple((selection.Parser.parse(s, selgroups, periodic=periodic)
2381                            for s in sel_strs))
2382        if updating:
2383            atomgrp = UpdatingAtomGroup(self, selections, sel_strs)
2384        else:
2385            # Apply the first selection and sum to it
2386            atomgrp = sum([sel.apply(self) for sel in selections[1:]],
2387                          selections[0].apply(self))
2388        return atomgrp
2390    def split(self, level):
2391        """Split :class:`AtomGroup` into a :class:`list` of
2392        :class:`AtomGroups<AtomGroup>` by `level`.
2394        Parameters
2395        ----------
2396        level : {'atom', 'residue', 'molecule', 'segment'}
2399        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
2400        .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0 Added the 'molecule' level.
2401        """
2402        accessors = {'segment': 'segindices',
2403                     'residue': 'resindices',
2404                     'molecule': 'molnums'}
2406        if level == "atom":
2407            return [self.universe.atoms[[a.ix]] for a in self]
2409        # higher level groupings
2410        try:
2411            levelindices = getattr(self, accessors[level])
2412        except AttributeError:
2413            raise AttributeError('This universe does not have {} '
2414                             'information. Maybe it is not provided in the '
2415                             'topology format in use.'.format(level))
2416        except KeyError:
2417            raise ValueError("level = '{0}' not supported, "
2418                             "must be one of {1}".format(level,
2419                                                         accessors.keys()))
2421        return [self[levelindices == index] for index in
2422                unique_int_1d(levelindices)]
2424    def guess_bonds(self, vdwradii=None):
2425        """Guess bonds that exist within this :class:`AtomGroup` and add them to
2426        the underlying :attr:`~AtomGroup.universe`.
2428        Parameters
2429        ----------
2430        vdwradii : dict, optional
2431            Dict relating atom types: vdw radii
2434        See Also
2435        --------
2436        :func:`MDAnalysis.topology.guessers.guess_bonds`
2439        .. versionadded:: 0.10.0
2440        """
2441        from ..topology.core import guess_bonds, guess_angles, guess_dihedrals
2442        from .topologyattrs import Bonds, Angles, Dihedrals
2444        def get_TopAttr(u, name, cls):
2445            """either get *name* or create one from *cls*"""
2446            try:
2447                return getattr(u._topology, name)
2448            except AttributeError:
2449                attr = cls([])
2450                u.add_TopologyAttr(attr)
2451                return attr
2453        # indices of bonds
2454        b = guess_bonds(self.atoms, self.atoms.positions, vdwradii=vdwradii)
2455        bondattr = get_TopAttr(self.universe, 'bonds', Bonds)
2456        bondattr.add_bonds(b, guessed=True)
2458        a = guess_angles(self.bonds)
2459        angleattr = get_TopAttr(self.universe, 'angles', Angles)
2460        angleattr.add_bonds(a, guessed=True)
2462        d = guess_dihedrals(self.angles)
2463        diheattr = get_TopAttr(self.universe, 'dihedrals', Dihedrals)
2464        diheattr.add_bonds(d)
2466    @property
2467    def bond(self):
2468        """This :class:`AtomGroup` represented as a
2469        :class:`MDAnalysis.core.topologyobjects.Bond` object
2471        Raises
2472        ------
2473        ValueError
2474            If the :class:`AtomGroup` is not length 2
2477        .. versionadded:: 0.11.0
2478        """
2479        if len(self) != 2:
2480            raise ValueError(
2481                "bond only makes sense for a group with exactly 2 atoms")
2482        return topologyobjects.Bond(self.ix, self.universe)
2484    @property
2485    def angle(self):
2486        """This :class:`AtomGroup` represented as an
2487        :class:`MDAnalysis.core.topologyobjects.Angle` object
2489        Raises
2490        ------
2491        ValueError
2492            If the :class:`AtomGroup` is not length 3
2495        .. versionadded:: 0.11.0
2496        """
2497        if len(self) != 3:
2498            raise ValueError(
2499                "angle only makes sense for a group with exactly 3 atoms")
2500        return topologyobjects.Angle(self.ix, self.universe)
2502    @property
2503    def dihedral(self):
2504        """This :class:`AtomGroup` represented as a
2505        :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyobjects.Dihedral` object
2507        Raises
2508        ------
2509        ValueError
2510            If the :class:`AtomGroup` is not length 4
2513        .. versionadded:: 0.11.0
2514        """
2515        if len(self) != 4:
2516            raise ValueError(
2517                "dihedral only makes sense for a group with exactly 4 atoms")
2518        return topologyobjects.Dihedral(self.ix, self.universe)
2520    @property
2521    def improper(self):
2522        """This :class:`AtomGroup` represented as an
2523        :class:`MDAnalysis.core.topologyobjects.ImproperDihedral` object
2525        Raises
2526        ------
2527        ValueError
2528            If the :class:`AtomGroup` is not length 4
2531        .. versionadded:: 0.11.0
2532        """
2533        if len(self) != 4:
2534            raise ValueError(
2535                "improper only makes sense for a group with exactly 4 atoms")
2536        return topologyobjects.ImproperDihedral(self.ix, self.universe)
2538    def write(self, filename=None, file_format="PDB",
2539              filenamefmt="{trjname}_{frame}", frames=None, **kwargs):
2540        """Write `AtomGroup` to a file.
2542        The output can either be a coordinate file or a selection, depending on
2543        the format.
2545        Examples
2546        --------
2548        >>> ag = u.atoms
2549        >>> ag.write('selection.ndx')  # Write a gromacs index file
2550        >>> ag.write('coordinates.pdb')  # Write the current frame as PDB
2551        >>> # Write the trajectory in XTC format
2552        >>> ag.write('trajectory.xtc', frames='all')
2553        >>> # Write every other frame of the trajectory in PBD format
2554        >>> ag.write('trajectory.pdb', frames=u.trajectory[::2])
2556        Parameters
2557        ----------
2558        filename : str, optional
2559            ``None``: create TRJNAME_FRAME.FORMAT from filenamefmt [``None``]
2560        file_format : str, optional
2561            The name or extension of a coordinate, trajectory, or selection
2562            file format such as PDB, CRD, GRO, VMD (tcl), PyMol (pml), Gromacs
2563            (ndx) CHARMM (str) or Jmol (spt); case-insensitive [PDB]
2564        filenamefmt : str, optional
2565            format string for default filename; use substitution tokens
2566            'trjname' and 'frame' ["%(trjname)s_%(frame)d"]
2567        bonds : str, optional
2568            how to handle bond information, especially relevant for PDBs.
2569            ``"conect"``: write only the CONECT records defined in the original
2570            file. ``"all"``: write out all bonds, both the original defined and
2571            those guessed by MDAnalysis. ``None``: do not write out bonds.
2572            Default is ``"conect"``.
2573        frames: array-like or slice or FrameIteratorBase or str, optional
2574            An ensemble of frames to write. The ensemble can be an list or
2575            array of frame indices, a mask of booleans, an instance of
2576            :class:`slice`, or the value returned when a trajectory is indexed.
2577            By default, `frames` is set to ``None`` and only the current frame
2578            is written. If `frames` is set to "all", then all the frame from
2579            trajectory are written.
2582        .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Merged with write_selection. This method can
2583            now write both selections out.
2584        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
2585            Can write multiframe trajectories with the 'frames' argument.
2586        """
2587        # TODO: Add a 'verbose' option alongside 'frames'.
2589        # check that AtomGroup actually has any atoms (Issue #434)
2590        if len(self.atoms) == 0:
2591            raise IndexError("Cannot write an AtomGroup with 0 atoms")
2593        trj = self.universe.trajectory  # unified trajectory API
2594        if frames is None or frames == 'all':
2595            trj_frames = trj[::]
2596        elif isinstance(frames, numbers.Integral):
2597            # We accept everything that indexes a trajectory and returns a
2598            # subset of it. Though, numbers return a Timestep instead.
2599            raise TypeError('The "frames" argument cannot be a number.')
2600        else:
2601            try:
2602                test_trajectory = frames.trajectory
2603            except AttributeError:
2604                trj_frames = trj[frames]
2605            else:
2606                if test_trajectory is not trj:
2607                    raise ValueError(
2608                        'The trajectory of {} provided to the frames keyword '
2609                        'attribute is different from the trajectory of the '
2610                        'AtomGroup.'.format(frames)
2611                    )
2612                trj_frames = frames
2614        if filename is None:
2615            trjname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(trj.filename))
2616            filename = filenamefmt.format(trjname=trjname, frame=trj.frame)
2617        filename = util.filename(filename, ext=file_format.lower(), keep=True)
2619        # Some writer behave differently when they are given a "multiframe"
2620        # argument. It is the case of the PDB writer tht writes models when
2621        # "multiframe" is True.
2622        # We want to honor what the user provided with the argument if
2623        # provided explicitly. If not, then we need to figure out if we write
2624        # multiple frames or not.
2625        multiframe = kwargs.pop('multiframe', None)
2626        if len(trj_frames) > 1 and multiframe == False:
2627            raise ValueError(
2628                'Cannot explicitely set "multiframe" to False and request '
2629                'more than 1 frame with the "frames" keyword argument.'
2630            )
2631        elif multiframe is None:
2632            if frames is None:
2633                # By default we only write the current frame.
2634                multiframe = False
2635            else:
2636                multiframe = len(trj_frames) > 1
2638        # From the following blocks, one must pass.
2639        # Both can't pass as the extensions don't overlap.
2640        # Try and select a Class using get_ methods (becomes `writer`)
2641        # Once (and if!) class is selected, use it in with block
2642        try:
2643            # format keyword works differently in get_writer and get_selection_writer
2644            # here it overrides everything, in get_sel it is just a default
2645            # apply sparingly here!
2646            format = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]  # strip initial dot!
2647            format = format or file_format
2648            format = format.strip().upper()
2650            writer = get_writer_for(filename, format=format, multiframe=multiframe)
2651        except (ValueError, TypeError):
2652            pass
2653        else:
2654            with writer(filename, n_atoms=self.n_atoms, **kwargs) as w:
2655                if frames is None:
2656                    w.write(self.atoms)
2657                else:
2658                    current_frame = trj.ts.frame
2659                    try:
2660                        for _ in trj_frames:
2661                            w.write(self.atoms)
2662                    finally:
2663                        trj[current_frame]
2664            return
2666        try:
2667            # here `file_format` is only used as default,
2668            # anything pulled off `filename` will be used preferentially
2669            writer = get_selection_writer_for(filename, file_format)
2670        except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
2671            pass
2672        else:
2673            with writer(filename, n_atoms=self.n_atoms, **kwargs) as w:
2674                w.write(self.atoms)
2675            return
2677        raise ValueError("No writer found for format: {}".format(filename))
2680class ResidueGroup(GroupBase):
2681    """ResidueGroup base class.
2683    This class is used by a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` for
2684    generating its Topology-specific :class:`ResidueGroup` class. All the
2685    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr` components are obtained
2686    from :class:`GroupBase`, so this class only includes ad-hoc methods
2687    specific to :class:`ResidueGroups<ResidueGroup>`.
2689    ResidueGroups can be compared and combined using group operators. See the
2690    list of these operators on :class:`GroupBase`.
2692    .. deprecated:: 0.16.2
2693       *Instant selectors* of Segments will be removed in the 1.0 release.
2694       See :ref:`Instant selectors <instance-selectors>` for details and
2695       alternatives.
2696    """
2698    @property
2699    def atoms(self):
2700        """An :class:`AtomGroup` of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` present in this
2701        :class:`ResidueGroup`.
2703        The :class:`Atoms<Atom>` are ordered locally by :class:`Residue` in the
2704        :class:`ResidueGroup`.  Duplicates are *not* removed.
2705        """
2706        # If indices is an empty list np.concatenate will fail (Issue #1999).
2707        try:
2708            ag = self.universe.atoms[np.concatenate(self.indices)]
2709        except ValueError:
2710            ag = self.universe.atoms[self.indices]
2711        # If the ResidueGroup is known to be unique, this also holds for the
2712        # atoms therein, since atoms can only belong to one residue at a time.
2713        # On the contrary, if the ResidueGroup is not unique, this does not
2714        # imply non-unique atoms, since residues might be empty.
2715        try:
2716            if self._cache['isunique']:
2717                ag._cache['isunique'] = True
2718                ag._cache['unique'] = ag
2719        except KeyError:
2720            pass
2721        return ag
2723    @property
2724    def n_atoms(self):
2725        """Number of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` present in this :class:`ResidueGroup`,
2726        including duplicate residues (and thus, duplicate atoms).
2728        Equivalent to ``len(self.atoms)``.
2729        """
2730        return len(self.atoms)
2732    @property
2733    def residues(self):
2734        """The :class:`ResidueGroup` itself.
2736        See Also
2737        --------
2738        copy : return a true copy of the :class:`ResidueGroup`
2741        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
2742           In previous versions, this returned a copy, but now
2743           the :class:`ResidueGroup` itself is returned. This should
2744           not affect any code but only speed up calculations.
2746        """
2747        return self
2749    @property
2750    def n_residues(self):
2751        """Number of residues in the :class:`ResidueGroup`.
2753        Equivalent to ``len(self)``.
2754        """
2755        return len(self)
2757    @property
2758    def segments(self):
2759        """Get sorted :class:`SegmentGroup` of the unique segments present in
2760        the :class:`ResidueGroup`.
2761        """
2762        sg = self.universe.segments[unique_int_1d(self.segindices)]
2763        sg._cache['isunique'] = True
2764        sg._cache['unique'] = sg
2765        return sg
2767    @segments.setter
2768    def segments(self, new):
2769        # Can set with Seg, SegGroup or list/tuple of Seg
2770        if isinstance(new, Segment):
2771            s_ix = itertools.cycle((new.segindex,))
2772        elif isinstance(new, SegmentGroup):
2773            s_ix = new.segindices
2774        else:
2775            try:
2776                s_ix = [s.segindex for s in new]
2777            except AttributeError:
2778                raise TypeError("Can only set ResidueGroup segments to Segment "
2779                                "or SegmentGroup, not {}".format(
2780                                    ', '.join(type(r) for r in new
2781                                              if not isinstance(r, Segment))
2782                                ))
2783        if not isinstance(s_ix, itertools.cycle) and len(s_ix) != len(self):
2784            raise ValueError("Incorrect size: {} for ResidueGroup of size: {}"
2785                             "".format(len(new), len(self)))
2786        # Optimisation TODO:
2787        # This currently rebuilds the tt len(self) times
2788        # Ideally all changes would happen and *afterwards* tables are built
2789        # Alternatively, if the changes didn't rebuild table, this list
2790        # comprehension isn't terrible.
2791        for r, s in zip(self, s_ix):
2792            self.universe._topology.tt.move_residue(r.ix, s)
2794    @property
2795    def n_segments(self):
2796        """Number of unique segments present in the ResidueGroup.
2798        Equivalent to ``len(self.segments)``.
2799        """
2800        return len(self.segments)
2802    @property
2803    @cached('unique')
2804    def unique(self):
2805        """Return a :class:`ResidueGroup` containing sorted and unique
2806        :class:`Residues<Residue>` only.
2808        If the :class:`ResidueGroup` is unique, this is the group itself.
2810        Examples
2811        --------
2813           >>> rg = u.residues[[2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0]]
2814           >>> rg
2815           <ResidueGroup with 6 residues>
2816           >>> rg.ix
2817           array([2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0])
2818           >>> rg2 = rg.unique
2819           >>> rg2
2820           <ResidueGroup with 3 residues>
2821           >>> rg2.ix
2822           array([0, 1, 2])
2823           >>> rg2.unique is rg2
2824           True
2827        .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
2828        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 If the :class:`ResidueGroup` is already
2829            unique, :attr:`ResidueGroup.unique` now returns the group itself
2830            instead of a copy.
2831        """
2832        if self.isunique:
2833            return self
2834        _unique = self.universe.residues[unique_int_1d(self.ix)]
2835        # Since we know that _unique is a unique ResidueGroup, we set its
2836        # uniqueness caches from here:
2837        _unique._cache['isunique'] = True
2838        _unique._cache['unique'] = _unique
2839        return _unique
2842class SegmentGroup(GroupBase):
2843    """:class:`SegmentGroup` base class.
2845    This class is used by a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` for
2846    generating its Topology-specific :class:`SegmentGroup` class. All the
2847    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr` components are obtained
2848    from :class:`GroupBase`, so this class only includes ad-hoc methods specific
2849    to :class:`SegmentGroups<SegmentGroup>`.
2851    :class:`SegmentGroups<SegmentGroup>` can be compared and combined using
2852    group operators. See the list of these operators on :class:`GroupBase`.
2854    .. deprecated:: 0.16.2
2855       *Instant selectors* of Segments will be removed in the 1.0 release.
2856       See :ref:`Instant selectors <instance-selectors>` for details and
2857       alternatives.
2858    """
2860    @property
2861    def atoms(self):
2862        """An :class:`AtomGroup` of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` present in this
2863        :class:`SegmentGroup`.
2865        The :class:`Atoms<Atom>` are ordered locally by :class:`Residue`, which
2866        are further ordered by :class:`Segment` in the :class:`SegmentGroup`.
2867        Duplicates are *not* removed.
2868        """
2869        # If indices is an empty list np.concatenate will fail (Issue #1999).
2870        try:
2871            ag = self.universe.atoms[np.concatenate(self.indices)]
2872        except ValueError:
2873            ag = self.universe.atoms[self.indices]
2874        # If the SegmentGroup is known to be unique, this also holds for the
2875        # residues therein, and thus, also for the atoms in those residues.
2876        # On the contrary, if the SegmentGroup is not unique, this does not
2877        # imply non-unique atoms, since segments or residues might be empty.
2878        try:
2879            if self._cache['isunique']:
2880                ag._cache['isunique'] = True
2881                ag._cache['unique'] = ag
2882        except KeyError:
2883            pass
2884        return ag
2886    @property
2887    def n_atoms(self):
2888        """Number of atoms present in the :class:`SegmentGroup`, including
2889        duplicate segments (and thus, duplicate atoms).
2891        Equivalent to ``len(self.atoms)``.
2892        """
2893        return len(self.atoms)
2895    @property
2896    def residues(self):
2897        """A :class:`ResidueGroup` of :class:`Residues<Residue>` present in this
2898        :class:`SegmentGroup`.
2900        The :class:`Residues<Residue>` are ordered locally by
2901        :class:`Segment` in the :class:`SegmentGroup`. Duplicates are *not*
2902        removed.
2903        """
2904        rg = self.universe.residues[np.concatenate(self.resindices)]
2905        # If the SegmentGroup is known to be unique, this also holds for the
2906        # residues therein. On the contrary, if the SegmentGroup is not unique,
2907        # this does not imply non-unique residues, since segments might be
2908        # empty.
2909        try:
2910            if self._cache['isunique']:
2911                rg._cache['isunique'] = True
2912                rg._cache['unique'] = rg
2913        except KeyError:
2914            pass
2915        return rg
2917    @property
2918    def n_residues(self):
2919        """Number of residues present in this :class:`SegmentGroup`, including
2920        duplicate segments (and thus, residues).
2922        Equivalent to ``len(self.residues)``.
2923        """
2924        return len(self.residues)
2926    @property
2927    def segments(self):
2928        """The :class:`SegmentGroup` itself.
2930        See Also
2931        --------
2932        copy : return a true copy of the :class:`SegmentGroup`
2935        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0
2936           In previous versions, this returned a copy, but now
2937           the :class:`SegmentGroup` itself is returned. This should
2938           not affect any code but only speed up calculations.
2940        """
2941        return self
2943    @property
2944    def n_segments(self):
2945        """Number of segments in the :class:`SegmentGroup`.
2947        Equivalent to ``len(self)``.
2948        """
2949        return len(self)
2951    @property
2952    @cached('unique')
2953    def unique(self):
2954        """Return a :class:`SegmentGroup` containing sorted and unique
2955        :class:`Segments<Segment>` only.
2957        If the :class:`SegmentGroup` is unique, this is the group itself.
2959        Examples
2960        --------
2962           >>> sg = u.segments[[2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0]]
2963           >>> sg
2964           <SegmentGroup with 6 segments>
2965           >>> sg.ix
2966           array([2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0])
2967           >>> sg2 = sg.unique
2968           >>> sg2
2969           <SegmentGroup with 3 segments>
2970           >>> sg2.ix
2971           array([0, 1, 2])
2972           >>> sg2.unique is sg2
2973           True
2976        .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
2977        .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 If the :class:`SegmentGroup` is already
2978            unique, :attr:`SegmentGroup.unique` now returns the group itself
2979            instead of a copy.
2980        """
2981        if self.isunique:
2982            return self
2983        _unique = self.universe.segments[unique_int_1d(self.ix)]
2984        # Since we know that _unique is a unique SegmentGroup, we set its
2985        # uniqueness caches from here:
2986        _unique._cache['isunique'] = True
2987        _unique._cache['unique'] = _unique
2988        return _unique
2992class ComponentBase(_MutableBase):
2993    """Base class from which a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`\ 's
2994    Component class is built.
2996    Components are the individual objects that are found in Groups.
2997    """
2998    def __init__(self, ix, u):
2999        # index of component
3000        self._ix = ix
3001        self._u = u
3003    def __lt__(self, other):
3004        if self.level != other.level:
3005            raise TypeError("Can't compare different level objects")
3006        return self.ix < other.ix
3008    def __eq__(self, other):
3009        if self.level != other.level:
3010            raise TypeError("Can't compare different level objects")
3011        return self.ix == other.ix
3013    def __ne__(self, other):
3014        return not self == other
3016    def __hash__(self):
3017        return hash(self.ix)
3019    @_only_same_level
3020    def __add__(self, other):
3021        """Concatenate the Component with another Component or Group of the
3022        same level.
3024        Parameters
3025        ----------
3026        other : Component or Group
3027            Component or Group with `other.level` same as `self.level`
3029        Returns
3030        -------
3031        Group
3032            Group with elements of `self` and `other` concatenated
3033        """
3034        o_ix = other.ix_array
3036        return self.level.plural(
3037                np.concatenate([self.ix_array, o_ix]), self.universe)
3039    def __radd__(self, other):
3040        """Using built-in sum requires supporting 0 + self. If other is
3041        anything other 0, an exception will be raised.
3043        Parameters
3044        ----------
3045        other : int
3046            Other should be 0, or else an exception will be raised.
3048        Returns
3049        -------
3050        self
3051            Group with elements of `self` reproduced
3052        """
3053        if other == 0:
3054            return self.level.plural(self.ix_array, self.universe)
3055        else:
3056            raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +:"
3057                            " '{}' and '{}'".format(type(self).__name__,
3058                                                    type(other).__name__))
3060    @property
3061    def universe(self):
3062        return self._u
3064    @property
3065    def ix(self):
3066        """Unique index of this component.
3068        If this component is an :class:`Atom`, this is the index of the
3069        :class:`Atom`.
3070        If it is a :class:`Residue`, this is the index of the :class:`Residue`.
3071        If it is a :class:`Segment`, this is the index of the :class:`Segment`.
3072        """
3073        return self._ix
3075    @property
3076    def ix_array(self):
3077        """Unique index of this component as an array.
3079        This method gives a consistent API between components and groups.
3081        See Also
3082        --------
3083        ix
3084        """
3085        return np.array([self.ix], dtype=np.intp)
3088class Atom(ComponentBase):
3089    """:class:`Atom` base class.
3091    This class is used by a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` for
3092    generating its Topology-specific :class:`Atom` class. All the
3093    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr` components are obtained
3094    from :class:`ComponentBase`, so this class only includes ad-hoc methods
3095    specific to :class:`Atoms<Atom>`.
3096    """
3097    def __getattr__(self, attr):
3098        """Try and catch known attributes and give better error message"""
3099        if attr in ('fragment',):
3100            raise NoDataError("Atom has no fragment data, this requires Bonds")
3101        else:
3102            raise AttributeError("{cls} has no attribute {attr}".format(
3103                cls=self.__class__.__name__, attr=attr))
3105    def __repr__(self):
3106        me = '<Atom {}:'.format(self.ix + 1)
3107        if hasattr(self, 'name'):
3108            me += ' {}'.format(self.name)
3109        if hasattr(self, 'type'):
3110            me += ' of type {}'.format(self.type)
3111        if hasattr(self, 'resname'):
3112            me += ' of resname {},'.format(self.resname)
3113        if hasattr(self, 'resid'):
3114            me += ' resid {}'.format(self.resid)
3115        if hasattr(self, 'segid'):
3116            me += ' and segid {}'.format(self.segid)
3117        if hasattr(self, 'altLoc'):
3118            me += ' and altLoc {}'.format(self.altLoc)
3119        return me + '>'
3121    @property
3122    def residue(self):
3123        return self.universe.residues[self.universe._topology.resindices[self]]
3125    @residue.setter
3126    def residue(self, new):
3127        if not isinstance(new, Residue):
3128            raise TypeError("Can only set Atom residue to Residue, not {}"
3129                            "".format(type(new)))
3130        self.universe._topology.tt.move_atom(self.ix, new.resindex)
3132    @property
3133    def segment(self):
3134        return self.universe.segments[self.universe._topology.segindices[self]]
3136    @segment.setter
3137    def segment(self, new):
3138        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set atom segment.  "
3139                                  "Segments are assigned to Residues")
3141    @property
3142    def position(self):
3143        """Coordinates of the atom.
3145        The position can be changed by assigning an array of length (3,).
3147        .. note:: changing the position is not reflected in any files; reading
3148                  any frame from the trajectory will replace the change with
3149                  that from the file
3151        Raises
3152        ------
3153        ~MDAnalysis.exceptions.NoDataError
3154            If the underlying :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`
3155            does not contain
3156            :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.positions`.
3157        """
3158        return self.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[self.ix].copy()
3160    @position.setter
3161    def position(self, values):
3162        self.universe.trajectory.ts.positions[self.ix, :] = values
3164    @property
3165    def velocity(self):
3166        """Velocity of the atom.
3168        The velocity can be changed by assigning an array of shape ``(3,)``.
3170        .. note:: changing the velocity is not reflected in any files; reading
3171                  any frame from the trajectory will replace the change with
3172                  that from the file
3174        Raises
3175        ------
3176        ~MDAnalysis.exceptions.NoDataError
3177            If the underlying :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`
3178            does not contain
3179            :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.velocities`.
3180        """
3181        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
3182        try:
3183            return ts.velocities[self.ix].copy()
3184        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
3185            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain velocities")
3187    @velocity.setter
3188    def velocity(self, values):
3189        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
3190        try:
3191            ts.velocities[self.ix, :] = values
3192        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
3193            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain velocities")
3195    @property
3196    def force(self):
3197        """Force on the atom.
3199        The force can be changed by assigning an array of shape ``(3,)``.
3201        .. note:: changing the force is not reflected in any files; reading any
3202                  frame from the trajectory will replace the change with that
3203                  from the file
3205        Raises
3206        ------
3207        ~MDAnalysis.exceptions.NoDataError
3208            If the underlying :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`
3209            does not contain
3210            :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.forces`.
3211        """
3212        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
3213        try:
3214            return ts.forces[self.ix].copy()
3215        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
3216            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain forces")
3218    @force.setter
3219    def force(self, values):
3220        ts = self.universe.trajectory.ts
3221        try:
3222            ts.forces[self.ix, :] = values
3223        except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
3224            raise NoDataError("Timestep does not contain forces")
3227class Residue(ComponentBase):
3228    """:class:`Residue` base class.
3230    This class is used by a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` for
3231    generating its Topology-specific :class:`Residue` class. All the
3232    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr` components are obtained
3233    from :class:`ComponentBase`, so this class only includes ad-hoc methods
3234    specific to :class:`Residues<Residue>`.
3235    """
3236    def __repr__(self):
3237        me = '<Residue'
3238        if hasattr(self, 'resname'):
3239            me += ' {},'.format(self.resname)
3240        if hasattr(self, 'resid'):
3241            me += ' {}'.format(self.resid)
3243        return me + '>'
3245    @property
3246    def atoms(self):
3247        """An :class:`AtomGroup` of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` present in this
3248        :class:`Residue`.
3249        """
3250        ag = self.universe.atoms[self.universe._topology.indices[self][0]]
3251        ag._cache['isunique'] = True
3252        ag._cache['unique'] = ag
3253        return ag
3255    @property
3256    def segment(self):
3257        """The :class:`Segment` this :class:`Residue` belongs to.
3258        """
3259        return self.universe.segments[self.universe._topology.segindices[self]]
3261    @segment.setter
3262    def segment(self, new):
3263        if not isinstance(new, Segment):
3264            raise TypeError("Can only set Residue segment to Segment, not {}"
3265                            "".format(type(new)))
3266        self.universe._topology.tt.move_residue(self.ix, new.segindex)
3269class Segment(ComponentBase):
3270    """:class:`Segment` base class.
3272    This class is used by a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` for
3273    generating its Topology-specific :class:`Segment` class. All the
3274    :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.TopologyAttr` components are obtained
3275    from :class:`ComponentBase`, so this class only includes ad-hoc methods
3276    specific to :class:`Segments<Segment>`.
3278    .. deprecated:: 0.16.2
3279       *Instant selectors* of :class:`Segments<Segment>` will be removed in the
3280       1.0 release. See :ref:`Instant selectors <instance-selectors>` for
3281       details and alternatives.
3282    """
3283    def __repr__(self):
3284        me = '<Segment'
3285        if hasattr(self, 'segid'):
3286            me += ' {}'.format(self.segid)
3287        return me + '>'
3289    @property
3290    def atoms(self):
3291        """An :class:`AtomGroup` of :class:`Atoms<Atom>` present in this
3292        :class:`Segment`.
3293        """
3294        ag = self.universe.atoms[self.universe._topology.indices[self][0]]
3295        ag._cache['isunique'] = True
3296        ag._cache['unique'] = ag
3297        return ag
3299    @property
3300    def residues(self):
3301        """A :class:`ResidueGroup` of :class:`Residues<Residue>` present in this
3302        :class:`Segment`.
3303        """
3304        rg = self.universe.residues[self.universe._topology.resindices[self][0]]
3305        rg._cache['isunique'] = True
3306        rg._cache['unique'] = rg
3307        return rg
3309    def __getattr__(self, attr):
3310        # DEPRECATED in 0.16.2
3311        # REMOVE in 1.0
3312        #
3313        # Segment.r1 access
3314        if attr.startswith('r') and attr[1:].isdigit():
3315            resnum = int(attr[1:])
3316            rg = self.residues[resnum - 1]  # convert to 0 based
3317            warnings.warn("Instant selectors Segment.r<N> will be removed in "
3318                          "1.0. Use Segment.residues[N-1] instead.",
3319                          DeprecationWarning)
3320            return rg
3321        # Resname accesss
3322        if hasattr(self.residues, 'resnames'):
3323            try:
3324                return self.residues._get_named_residue(attr)
3325            except selection.SelectionError:
3326                pass
3327        raise AttributeError("{cls} has no attribute {attr}"
3328                             "".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, attr=attr))
3330# Accessing these attrs doesn't trigger an update. The class and instance
3331# methods of UpdatingAtomGroup that are used during __init__ must all be
3332# here, otherwise we get __getattribute__ infinite loops.
3334    # Class information of the UAG
3335    "__class__", "_derived_class",
3336    # Metadata of the UAG
3337    "_base_group", "_selections", "_lastupdate",
3338    "level", "_u", "universe",
3339    # Methods of the UAG
3340    "_ensure_updated",
3341    "is_uptodate",
3342    "update_selection",
3345class UpdatingAtomGroup(AtomGroup):
3346    """:class:`AtomGroup` subclass that dynamically updates its selected atoms.
3348    Accessing any attribute/method of an :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup` instance
3349    triggers a check for the last frame the group was updated. If the last
3350    frame matches the current trajectory frame, the attribute is returned
3351    normally; otherwise the group is updated (the stored selections are
3352    re-applied), and only then is the attribute returned.
3355    .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
3356    """
3357    # WARNING: This class has __getattribute__ and __getattr__ methods (the
3358    # latter inherited from AtomGroup). Because of this bugs introduced in the
3359    # class that cause an AttributeError may be very hard to diagnose and
3360    # debug: the most obvious symptom is an infinite loop going through both
3361    # __getattribute__ and __getattr__, and a solution might be to add said
3362    # attribute to _UAG_SHORTCUT_ATTRS.
3364    def __init__(self, base_group, selections, strings):
3365        """
3367        Parameters
3368        ----------
3369        base_group : :class:`AtomGroup`
3370            group on which *selections* are to be applied.
3371        selections : a tuple of :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.selection.Selection`
3372            instances selections ready to be applied to *base_group*.
3373        """
3374        # Because we're implementing __getattribute__, which needs _u for
3375        # its check, no self.attribute access can be made before this line
3376        self._u = base_group.universe
3377        self._selections = selections
3378        self._selection_strings = strings
3379        self._base_group = base_group
3380        self._lastupdate = None
3381        self._derived_class = base_group._derived_class
3382        if self._selections:
3383            # Allows the creation of a cheap placeholder UpdatingAtomGroup
3384            # by passing an empty selection tuple.
3385            self._ensure_updated()
3387    def update_selection(self):
3388        """
3389        Forces the reevaluation and application of the group's selection(s).
3391        This method is triggered automatically when accessing attributes, if
3392        the last update occurred under a different trajectory frame.
3393        """
3394        bg = self._base_group
3395        sels = self._selections
3396        if sels:
3397            # As with select_atoms, we select the first sel and then sum to it.
3398            ix = sum([sel.apply(bg) for sel in sels[1:]],
3399                     sels[0].apply(bg)).ix
3400        else:
3401            ix = np.array([], dtype=np.intp)
3402        # Run back through AtomGroup init with this information to remake
3403        # ourselves
3404        super(UpdatingAtomGroup, self).__init__(ix, self.universe)
3405        self.is_uptodate = True
3407    @property
3408    def is_uptodate(self):
3409        """
3410        Checks whether the selection needs updating based on frame number only.
3412        Modifications to the coordinate data that render selections stale are
3413        not caught, and in those cases :attr:`is_uptodate` may return an
3414        erroneous value.
3416        Returns
3417        -------
3418        bool
3419            ``True`` if the group's selection is up-to-date, ``False``
3420            otherwise.
3421        """
3422        try:
3423            return self.universe.trajectory.frame == self._lastupdate
3424        except AttributeError: # self.universe has no trajectory
3425            return self._lastupdate == -1
3427    @is_uptodate.setter
3428    def is_uptodate(self, value):
3429        if value:
3430            try:
3431                self._lastupdate = self.universe.trajectory.frame
3432            except AttributeError: # self.universe has no trajectory
3433                self._lastupdate = -1
3434        else:
3435            # This always marks the selection as outdated
3436            self._lastupdate = None
3438    def _ensure_updated(self):
3439        """
3440        Checks whether the selection needs updating and updates it if needed.
3442        Returns
3443        -------
3444        bool
3445            ``True`` if the group was already up-to-date, ``False`` otherwise.
3446        """
3447        status = self.is_uptodate
3448        if not status:
3449            self.update_selection()
3450        return status
3452    def __getattribute__(self, name):
3453        # ALL attribute access goes through here
3454        # If the requested attribute is public (not starting with '_') and
3455        # isn't in the shortcut list, update ourselves
3456        if not (name.startswith('_') or name in _UAG_SHORTCUT_ATTRS):
3457            self._ensure_updated()
3458        # Going via object.__getattribute__ then bypasses this check stage
3459        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
3461    def __reduce__(self):
3462        # strategy for unpickling is:
3463        # - unpickle base group
3464        # - recreate UAG as created through select_atoms (basegroup and selstrs)
3465        # even if base_group is a UAG this will work through recursion
3466        return (_unpickle_uag,
3467                (self._base_group.__reduce__(), self._selections,
3468                 self._selection_strings))
3470    def __repr__(self):
3471        basestr = super(UpdatingAtomGroup, self).__repr__()
3472        if not self._selection_strings:
3473            return basestr
3474        sels = "'{}'".format("' + '".join(self._selection_strings))
3475        # Cheap comparison. Might fail for corner cases but this is
3476        # mostly cosmetic.
3477        if self._base_group is self.universe.atoms:
3478            basegrp = "the entire Universe."
3479        else:
3480            basegrp = "another AtomGroup."
3481        # With a shorthand to conditionally append the 's' in 'selections'.
3482        return "{}, with selection{} {} on {}>".format(basestr[:-1],
3483                    "s"[len(self._selection_strings)==1:], sels, basegrp)
3485    @property
3486    def atoms(self):
3487        """Get a *static* :class:`AtomGroup` identical to the group of currently
3488        selected :class:`Atoms<Atom>` in the :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup`.
3491        By returning a *static* :class:`AtomGroup` it becomes possible to
3492        compare the contents of the group *between* trajectory frames. See the
3493        Example below.
3496        Note
3497        ----
3498        The :attr:`atoms` attribute of an :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup` behaves
3499        differently from :attr:`AtomGroup.atoms`: the latter returns the
3500        :class:`AtomGroup` itself whereas the former returns a
3501        :class:`AtomGroup` and not an :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup` (for this, use
3502        :meth:`UpdatingAtomGroup.copy`).
3505        Example
3506        -------
3507        The static :attr:`atoms` allows comparison of groups of atoms between
3508        frames. For example, track water molecules that move in and out of a
3509        solvation shell of a protein::
3511          u = mda.Universe(TPR, XTC)
3512          water_shell = u.select_atoms("name OW and around 3.5 protein", updating=True)
3513          water_shell_prev = water_shell.atoms
3515          for ts in u.trajectory:
3516              exchanged = water_shell - water_shell_prev
3518              print(ts.time, "waters in shell =", water_shell.n_residues)
3519              print(ts.time, "waters that exchanged = ", exchanged.n_residues)
3520              print(ts.time, "waters that remained bound = ",
3521                    water_shell.n_residues - exchanged.n_residues)
3523              water_shell_prev = water_shell.atoms
3525        By remembering the atoms of the current time step in
3526        `water_shell_prev`, it becomes possible to use the :meth:`subtraction
3527        of AtomGroups<AtomGroup.subtract>` to find the water molecules that
3528        changed.
3531        See Also
3532        --------
3533        copy : return a true copy of the :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup`
3535        """
3536        return self[:]
3538    def copy(self):
3539        """Get another :class:`UpdatingAtomGroup` identical to this one.
3542        .. versionadded:: 0.19.0
3543        """
3544        return UpdatingAtomGroup(self._base_group, self._selections,
3545                                 self._selection_strings)
3548# Define relationships between these classes
3549# with Level objects
3550_Level = namedtuple('Level', ['name', 'singular', 'plural'])
3551ATOMLEVEL = _Level('atom', Atom, AtomGroup)
3552RESIDUELEVEL = _Level('residue', Residue, ResidueGroup)
3553SEGMENTLEVEL = _Level('segment', Segment, SegmentGroup)
3555Atom.level = ATOMLEVEL
3556AtomGroup.level = ATOMLEVEL
3557Residue.level = RESIDUELEVEL
3558ResidueGroup.level = RESIDUELEVEL
3559Segment.level = SEGMENTLEVEL
3560SegmentGroup.level = SEGMENTLEVEL
3562def requires(*attrs):
3563    """Decorator to check if all :class:`AtomGroup` arguments have certain
3564    attributes
3566    Example
3567    -------
3568    When used to wrap a function, will check all :class:`AtomGroup` arguments
3569    for the listed requirements
3571    @requires('masses', 'charges')
3572    def mass_times_charge(atomgroup):
3573        return atomgroup.masses * atomgroup.charges
3574    """
3575    def require_dec(func):
3576        @functools.wraps(func)
3577        def check_args(*args, **kwargs):
3578            for a in args:  # for each argument
3579                if isinstance(a, AtomGroup):
3580                    # Make list of missing attributes
3581                    missing = [attr for attr in attrs
3582                               if not hasattr(a, attr)]
3583                    if missing:
3584                        raise NoDataError(
3585                            "{funcname} failed. "
3586                            "AtomGroup is missing the following required "
3587                            "attributes: {attrs}".format(
3588                                funcname=func.__name__,
3589                                attrs=', '.join(missing)))
3590            return func(*args, **kwargs)
3591        return check_args
3592    return require_dec