4$Title = _('Maintenance Of Petty Cash Type of Tabs');
5/* webERP manual links before header.php */
6$ViewTopic = 'PettyCash';
7$BookMark = 'PCTabTypes';
9echo '<p class="page_title_text">
10		<img src="', $RootPath, '/css/', $_SESSION['Theme'], '/images/money_add.png" title="', _('Payment Entry'), '" alt="" />', ' ', $Title, '
11	</p>';
12if (isset($_POST['SelectedTab'])) {
13	$SelectedTab = mb_strtoupper($_POST['SelectedTab']);
14} elseif (isset($_GET['SelectedTab'])) {
15	$SelectedTab = mb_strtoupper($_GET['SelectedTab']);
17if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
18	/* actions to take once the user has clicked the submit button
19	ie the page has called itself with some user input */
20	//first off validate inputs sensible
21	$InputError = 0;
22	if ($_POST['TypeTabCode'] == '') {
23		$InputError = 1;
24		prnMsg(_('The Tabs type code cannot be an empty string'), 'error');
25	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['TypeTabCode']) > 20) {
26		$InputError = 1;
27		echo prnMsg(_('The tab code must be twenty characters or less long'), 'error');
28	} elseif (ContainsIllegalCharacters($_POST['TypeTabCode']) or mb_strpos($_POST['TypeTabCode'], ' ') > 0) {
29		$InputError = 1;
30		prnMsg(_('The petty cash tab type code cannot contain any of the illegal characters'), 'error');
31	} elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['TypeTabDescription']) > 50) {
32		$InputError = 1;
33		echo prnMsg(_('The tab code must be Fifty characters or less long'), 'error');
34	}
35	if (isset($SelectedTab) and $InputError != 1) {
36		$SQL = "UPDATE pctypetabs
37			SET typetabdescription = '" . $_POST['TypeTabDescription'] . "'
38			WHERE typetabcode = '" . $SelectedTab . "'";
39		$Msg = _('The Tabs type') . ' ' . $SelectedTab . ' ' . _('has been updated');
40	} elseif ($InputError != 1) {
41		// First check the type is not being duplicated
42		$checkSql = "SELECT count(*)
43				 FROM pctypetabs
44				 WHERE typetabcode = '" . $_POST['TypeTabCode'] . "'";
45		$checkresult = DB_query($checkSql);
46		$checkrow = DB_fetch_row($checkresult);
47		if ($checkrow[0] > 0) {
48			$InputError = 1;
49			prnMsg(_('The Tab type ') . $_POST['TypeAbbrev'] . _(' already exist.'), 'error');
50		} else {
51			// Add new record on submit
52			$SQL = "INSERT INTO pctypetabs
53						(typetabcode,
54			 			 typetabdescription)
55				VALUES ('" . $_POST['TypeTabCode'] . "',
56					'" . $_POST['TypeTabDescription'] . "')";
57			$Msg = _('Tabs type') . ' ' . $_POST['TypeTabCode'] . ' ' . _('has been created');
58		}
59	}
60	if ($InputError != 1) {
61		//run the SQL from either of the above possibilites
62		$Result = DB_query($SQL);
63		prnMsg($Msg, 'success');
64		echo '<br />';
65		unset($SelectedTab);
66		unset($_POST['TypeTabCode']);
67		unset($_POST['TypeTabDescription']);
68	}
69} elseif (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
71	$SQLPcTabExpenses = "SELECT COUNT(*)
72		FROM pctabexpenses
73		WHERE typetabcode='" . $SelectedTab . "'";
74	$ErrMsg = _('The number of tabs using this Tab type could not be retrieved');
75	$ResultPcTabExpenses = DB_query($SQLPcTabExpenses, $ErrMsg);
76	$MyRowPcTabExpenses = DB_fetch_row($ResultPcTabExpenses);
77	$SqlPcTabs = "SELECT COUNT(*)
78		FROM pctabs
79		WHERE typetabcode='" . $SelectedTab . "'";
80	$ErrMsg = _('The number of tabs using this Tab type could not be retrieved');
81	$ResultPcTabs = DB_query($SqlPcTabs, $ErrMsg);
82	$MyRowPcTabs = DB_fetch_row($ResultPcTabs);
83	if ($MyRowPcTabExpenses[0] > 0 or $MyRowPcTabs[0] > 0) {
84		prnMsg(_('Cannot delete this tab type because tabs have been created using this tab type'), 'error');
85		echo '<form method="post" action="', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '">';
86		echo '<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="', $_SESSION['FormID'], '" />';
87		echo '<div class="centre"><input type="submit" name="Return" value="', _('Return to list of tab types'), '" /></div>';
88		echo '</form>';
89		include('includes/footer.php');
90		exit;
91	} else {
92		$SQL = "DELETE FROM pctypetabs WHERE typetabcode='" . $SelectedTab . "'";
93		$ErrMsg = _('The Tab Type record could not be deleted because');
94		$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg);
95		prnMsg(_('Tab type') . ' ' . $SelectedTab . ' ' . _('has been deleted'), 'success');
96		unset($SelectedTab);
97		unset($_GET['delete']);
98	} //end if tab type used in transactions
100if (!isset($SelectedTab)) {
101	/* It could still be the second time the page has been run and a record has been selected for modification - SelectedTab will exist because it was sent with the new call. If its the first time the page has been displayed with no parameters
102	then none of the above are true and the list of sales types will be displayed with
103	links to delete or edit each. These will call the same page again and allow update/input
104	or deletion of the records*/
105	$SQL = "SELECT typetabcode,
106					typetabdescription
107				FROM pctypetabs";
108	$Result = DB_query($SQL);
109	echo '<table class="selection">
110			<tr>
111				<th>', _('Type Of Tab'), '</th>
112				<th>', _('Description'), '</th>
113			</tr>';
115	while ($MyRow = DB_fetch_array($Result)) {
116		echo '<tr class="striped_row">
117				<td>', $MyRow['typetabcode'], '</td>
118				<td>', $MyRow['typetabdescription'], '</td>
119				<td><a href="', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '?SelectedTab=', $MyRow['typetabcode'], '">' . _('Edit') . '</a></td>
120				<td><a href="', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '?SelectedTab=', $MyRow['typetabcode'], '&amp;delete=yes" onclick="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you wish to delete this code and all the description it may have set up?') . '\', \'Confirm Delete\', this);">' . _('Delete') . '</a></td>
121			</tr>';
122	}
124	echo '</table>';
126//end of ifs and buts!
127if (isset($SelectedTab)) {
128	echo '<div class="centre">
129			<a href="', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '">', _('Show All Types Tabs Defined'), '</a>
130		</div>';
132if (!isset($_GET['delete'])) {
133	echo '<form method="post" action="', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '">';
134	echo '<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="', $_SESSION['FormID'], '" />';
135	if (isset($SelectedTab) and $SelectedTab != '') {
136		$SQL = "SELECT typetabcode,
137						typetabdescription
138				FROM pctypetabs
139				WHERE typetabcode='" . $SelectedTab . "'";
140		$Result = DB_query($SQL);
141		$MyRow = DB_fetch_array($Result);
142		$_POST['TypeTabCode'] = $MyRow['typetabcode'];
143		$_POST['TypeTabDescription'] = $MyRow['typetabdescription'];
144		echo '<input type="hidden" name="SelectedTab" value="', $SelectedTab, '" />
145			  <input type="hidden" name="TypeTabCode" value="', $_POST['TypeTabCode'], '" />
146			  <table class="selection">
147				<tr>
148					<td>', _('Code Of Type Of Tab'), ':</td>
149					<td>', $_POST['TypeTabCode'], '</td>
150				</tr>';
151		// We dont allow the user to change an existing type code
152	} else {
153		// This is a new type so the user may volunteer a type code
154		echo '<table class="selection">
155				<tr>
156					<td>', _('Code Of Type Of Tab'), ':</td>
157					<td><input type="text" minlegth="1" maxlength="20" name="TypeTabCode" /></td>
158				</tr>';
159	}
160	if (!isset($_POST['TypeTabDescription'])) {
161		$_POST['TypeTabDescription'] = '';
162	}
163	echo '<tr>
164			<td>', _('Description Of Type of Tab'), ':</td>
165			<td><input type="text" name="TypeTabDescription" size="50" required="required" maxlength="50" value="', $_POST['TypeTabDescription'], '" /></td>
166		</tr>';
167	echo '</table>'; // close main table
168	echo '<div class="centre">
169			<input type="submit" name="submit" value="', _('Accept'), '" />
170			<input type="submit" name="Cancel" value="', _('Cancel'), '" />
171		</div>
172	</form>';
173} // end if user wish to delete