1# Copyright 2007-2020 Mitchell. See LICENSE.
2# American English localization file for Textadept.
4# When translating this file into your native language, all translated text must
5# be encoded in UTF-8. For each "key = value" line, please replace the "value"
6# part with the translation of "key". Any whitespace around '=' is ignored.
8# Note: for languages that support it, buttons and menu items may have a "_"
9# before any single letter, which means that pressing the "Alt" modifier key
10# along with that letter will activate (click) the button or menu item. You are
11# free to use or omit these "_" mnemonics from your translations as you see fit.
13# [core/file_io.lua]
14# The title of dialogs prompting the user to open a file.
15Open File = Открыть
16# The error message displayed when a file's text encoding could not be detected
17# and when that text cannot be converted into UTF-8 for display.
18Encoding conversion failed. = Ошибка при преобразовании кодировки.
19# The title of dialogs prompting the user to save a file.
20Save File = Сохранить
21# The text displayed for untitled and unsaved buffers.
22Untitled = Безымянный
23# The text displayed in a dialog when the user attempts to close a file with
24# unsaved changes.
25Close without saving? = Закрыть без сохранения?
26There are unsaved changes in = Есть несохранённые изменения в
27Cancel = О_тменить
28Close without saving = Закрыть _без сохранения
29# The text displayed in a dialog when a file has been externally modified.
30Reload? = Перезагрузить?
31Reload modified file? = Перезагрузить файл с изменениями?
32has been modified. Reload it? = был изменён. Открыть заново?
33Yes = _Да
34No = _Нет
35# The column label for lists of filenames in dialogs.
36Filename = Файл
37# The text displayed in a dialog when more than X files were found in the quick
38# open dialog.
39files or more were found. Showing the first = файлов или более было найдено. Показываем первый
40File Limit Exceeded = Превышен лимит на количество файлов
41OK = _OK
43# [core/keys.lua]
44# The statusbar text shown when the user has pressed a key that is part of a key
45# chain (e.g. "Ctrl+Alt+V" followed by "S"). Textadept is waiting for another
46# keypress.
47Keychain: = Комбинации клавиш:
48# The statusbar text shown when the user started a key chain, but the next
49# keypress was unrecognized. Thus the key sequence is invalid.
50Invalid sequence = Неизвестная комбинация
52# [core/ui.lua]
53# The name of the buffer Textadept prints messages and error messages to.
54[Message Buffer] = [Буфер сообщений]
55# The column label for lists of buffer names in dialogs.
56Name = Название
57# The title of the dialog for switching between open buffers.
58Switch Buffers = Переключение между буферами
59# The line-ending, indentation, and positional buffer information shown in the
60# statusbar.
62LF = LF
63Tabs: = Табы:
64Spaces: = Пробелы:
65Line: = Строка:
66Col: = Столбец:
67# The statusbar text shown when the user resets Textadept's internal Lua state.
68Lua reset = Сброс состояния Lua
69# The text displayed in a dialog when the user attempts to quit Textadept with
70# unsaved changes in open buffers.
71Quit without saving? = Выйти без сохранения?
72The following buffers are unsaved: = Данные буферы не сохранены:
73Quit without saving = Выйти _без сохранения
75# [modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua]
76# The text displayed in the dialog for selecting a bookmark to jump to.
77Select Bookmark = Выбрать закладку
78Bookmark = Закладки
80# [modules/textadept/editing.lua]
81# The text displayed in the dialog for jumping to a particular line.
82Go To = Перейти к
83Line Number: = Номер строки:
84# The statusbar message displayed when a shell command used to filter text
85# through returns a non-zero status (indicating failure).
86returned non-zero status = returned non-zero status
88# [modules/textadept/find.lua]
89# The text displayed in the find & replace pane.
90Find: = Н_айти:
91Replace: = _Заменить:
92Filter: = Filt_er:
93# The button text displayed in the GUI find & replace pane.
94Find Next = Найти _следующий
95Find Prev = Найти _предыдущий
96Replace = _Заменить
97Replace All = Заменить _всё
98Match case = _Учитывать регистр
99Whole word = _Слово целиком
100Regex = Rege_x
101In files = _В файлах
102# The button text displayed in the terminal version's find & replace pane.
103# These should be as short as possible, as most terminals are 80 characters in
104# width.
105[Next] = [Next]
106[Prev] = [Prev]
107[Replace] = [Replace]
108[All] = [All]
109Case(F1) = Case(F1)
110Word(F2) = Word(F2)
111Regex(F3) = Regex(F3)
112Files(F4) = Files(F4)
113# The statusbar text shown when a search has wrapped back to the beginning of
114# the buffer.
115Search wrapped = Искать по кругу
116# Part of the statusbar text "Match X/Y" shown during searches.
117Match = Match
118# The statusbar text shown when the text to search for was not found.
119No results found = Ничего не найдено
120# The title of the dialog for selecting files to search in.
121Select Directory = Найти в файлах
122# The name of the buffer Textadept prints "Find in Files" results to.
123[Files Found Buffer] = [Буфер поиска в файлах]
124# The "Find in Files" label for the directory searched.
125Directory: = Directory:
126# The "Find in Files" result for text found in a binary file. This result is
127# shown in place of binary buffer text.
128Binary file matches. = Соответствие в двоичном файле.
129# The message displayed when a "Find in Files" search is aborted by the user.
130Find in Files aborted = Find in Files aborted
131# The statusbar text shown after performing a "Replace All".
132replacement(s) made = замен(а/ы) сделано
134# [modules/textadept/macros.lua]
135# The message displayed in the statusbar while a macro is being recorded.
136Macro recording = Macro recording
137# The message displayed in the statusbar when finished recording a macro.
138Macro stopped recording = Macro stopped recording
139# The title of the dialog for selecting a file to save a recorded macro in.
140Save Macro = Save Macro
141# The title of the dialog for selecting a file to load a recorded macro from.
142Load Macro = Load Macro
144# [modules/textadept/menu.lua]
145# Typical "File" menu items for creating new files, opening, saving, and closing
146# existing files, opening and saving sessions, and quitting Textadept.
147File = _Файл
148New = _Создать
149Open = _Открыть
150Open Recent... = Открыть _недавние...
151Reload = _Перезагрузить
152Save = Со_хранить
153Save As = Сохранить _как
154Save All = Сохранить в_се
155Close = _Закрыть
156Close All = Закрыть в_се
157Load Session... = За_грузить сессию...
158Save Session... = Со_хранить сессию...
159Quit = В_ыход
160# Typical "Edit" menu items for manipulating buffer text and source code.
161Edit = _Правка
162Undo = _Отменить
163Redo = Ве_рнуть
164Cut = _Вырезать
165Copy = _Копировать
166Paste = Вст_авить
167Paste Reindent = Paste Re_indent
168Duplicate Line = Скопировать _строку
169Delete = _Удалить
170Delete Word = Уда_лить слово
171Select All = Выделить вс_ё
172Match Brace = _Парные скобки
173Complete Word = Автозавершение сл_ова
174Toggle Block Comment = Изменить комментирование _блока
175Transpose Characters = Пе_реставить символы
176Join Lines = _Объединить строки
177# The menu item for filtering text through a shell command and replacing input
178# text with that command's output text.
179Filter Through = Пропустить через _фильтр
180# Menu items for selecting text and entities.
181Select = В_ыделить
182Select between Matching Delimiters = Select between _Matching Delimiters
183Select between XML Tags = Выделить меджу _XML тегами
184Select in XML Tag = Выделить в XML _теге
185Select Word = Выделить с_лово
186Select Line = Выделить ст_року
187Select Paragraph = Выделить _параграф
188# Menu items for transforming selected text.
189Selection = Выдел_ение
190Upper Case Selection = Преобразовать выделение в _верхний регист
191Lower Case Selection = Преобразовать выделение в _нижний регистр
192Enclose as XML Tags = Поместить между _XML тегами
193Enclose as Single XML Tag = Поместить в одном XML _теге
194Enclose in Single Quotes = Заключить в _одинарные кавычки
195Enclose in Double Quotes = Заключить в _двойные кавычки
196Enclose in Parentheses = Заключить в к_руглые скобки
197Enclose in Brackets = Заключить в к_вадратные скобки
198Enclose in Braces = Заключить в _фигурные скобки
199Move Selected Lines Up = Переместить выделенные строки _вверх
200Move Selected Lines Down = Переместить выделнные строки в_низ
201# Menu items for navigating through position history.
202History = _History
203Navigate Backward = Navigate _Backward
204Navigate Forward = Navigate _Forward
205Record Location = _Record Location
206Clear History = _Clear History
207# Menu item for opening user preferences.
208Preferences = Настройки
209# Menu items for searching and replacing text within buffers and files.
210Search = _Поиск
211Find = _Найти
212Find Previous = Найти _предыдущий
213Find Incremental = Найти по мере _набора
214Find in Files = Найти в _файлах
215Goto Next File Found = Перейти к следующему найденному файлу
216Goto Previous File Found = Перейти к предыдущему найденному файлу
217# Menu item for jumping to a specific line in a buffer.
218Jump to = Перейти _к
219# Menu items for various tools and utilities for editing and working with source
220# code.
221Tools = _Инструменты
222# Menu item for opening Textadept's Lua command entry.
223Command Entry = Командная _строка
224# Menu item for selecting a menu command to run.
225Select Command = Выбрать _команду
226# Menu items for running or compiling the current source file.
227Run = _Запустить
228Compile = _Скомпилировать
229# Menu item for setting command line arguments for run and compile commands.
230Set Arguments... = Задать _Параметры...
231# The text displayed in the dialog for specifying command line arguments for run
232# and compile commands.
233Command line arguments = Параметры командной строки
234For Run: = Параметры запуска:
235For Compile: = Параметры сборки:
236# Menu item for building the current project.
237Build = С_обрать
238# Menu item for running the current project's tests/test suite.
239Run tests = R_un tests
240# Menu item for stopping a run, compile, build, or test shell command.
241Stop = Ос_тановить
242# Menu items for navigating through recognized shell command errors.
243Next Error = Следующая Ошибка
244Previous Error = Предыдущая Ошибка
245# Menu items for working with bookmarked lines in buffers.
246Bookmarks = _Закладки
247Toggle Bookmark = _Показать/скрыть закладки
248Clear Bookmarks = _Очистить закладки
249Next Bookmark = _Следующая закладка
250Previous Bookmark = П_редыдущая закладка
251Goto Bookmark... = П_ерейти к закладке...
252# Menu items for recording, playing back, saving, and loading macros.
253Macros = _Macros
254Start/Stop Recording = Start/Stop _Recording
255Play = _Play
256Save... = Sa_ve...
257Load... = _Load...
258# Menu items for launching a quick open dialog in order to open files in certain
259# directories. A quick open dialog lists all files in a directory and its
260# subdirectories and filters the list down as the user types.
261Quick Open = _Быстрый доступ
262Quickly Open User Home = Быстрый доступ к _домашнему каталогу
263Quickly Open Textadept Home = Быстрый доступ к домашнему каталогу _Textadept
264Quickly Open Current Directory = Быстрый доступ к _текущему каталогу
265Quickly Open Current Project = Быстрый доступ к текущему _проекту
266# Menu items for working with snippets, insert-able pieces of code that act like
267# templates with placeholders for user input.
268Snippets = _Заготовки
269Insert Snippet... = _Вставить заготовку...
270Expand Snippet/Next Placeholder = _Развернуть заготовку/Следующая метка
271Previous Snippet Placeholder = _Предыдущая метка заготовки
272Cancel Snippet = _Убрать заготовку
273Complete Trigger Word = Complete Trigger _Word
274# Menu items for auto-completing programming language symbols and showing
275# documentation for them (e.g. typing `textadept.editing.` followed by a
276# "Complete Symbol" would show all possible completions for that symbol).
277Complete Symbol = _Завершить символ
278Show Documentation = Показать _документацию
279# Menu item for inspecting the character under the caret. The character's byte
280# information, the lexer used to syntax-highlight that character, and the
281# character's lexical style (e.g. string, comment, number, etc.) are shown.
282Show Style = Показать _стиль
283Lexer = Подсветка
284Style = Стиль
285# Menu items for navigating between open buffers.
286Buffer = _Буфер
287Next Buffer = _Следующий буфер
288Previous Buffer = _Предыдущий буфер
289Switch to Buffer... = Переключиться на _буфер
290# Menu items for changing the indentation settings for the current buffer.
291Indentation = _Отступ
292Tab width: 2 = Ширина табуляции: _2
293Tab width: 3 = Ширина табуляции: _3
294Tab width: 4 = Ширина табуляции: _4
295Tab width: 8 = Ширина табуляции: _8
296Toggle Use Tabs = Переключить использование _табуляции
297Convert Indentation = _Преобразовать отступ
298# Menu item for changing the end-of-line mode for the current buffer.
299EOL Mode = Режим _конца строки
300# Menu items for changing the encoding of the current buffer's text.
301Encoding = _Кодировка
302UTF-8 Encoding = Кодировка _UTF-8
303ASCII Encoding = Кодировка _ASCII
304CP-1252 Encoding = Кодировка _CP-1252
305UTF-16 Encoding = Кодировка UTF-1_6
306# Menu items for changing the way the current buffer is displayed.
307Toggle Wrap Mode = Переключить режим _визуального переноса
308Toggle View Whitespace = Переключить показ _пробелов
309# Menu items for changing the syntax-highlighting language for the current
310# buffer.
311Select Lexer... = Выбрать тип _подсветки...
312# Menu items for navigating between views, splitting them, closing them, and
313# resizing them.
314View = _Вид
315Next View = _Следующий вид
316Previous View = _Предыдущий вид
317Split View Horizontal = Разделить по _горизонтали
318Split View Vertical = Разделить по _вертикали
319Unsplit View = _Убрать разделение
320Unsplit All Views = Убрать _все разделение
321Grow View = _Увеличить разделение
322Shrink View = У_меньшить разделение
323# Menu item for folding (showing/hiding) the block of code the starts on the
324# current line. Fold-able blocks of code are typically classes, functions, and
325# control structures.
326Toggle Current Fold = Переключить режим текущей _свёртки
327# Menu item for showing line indentation markers.
328Toggle Show Indent Guides = Переключить показ указателей отступа
329# Menu item for allowing the caret to move beyond line ends and into "virtual
330# space".
331Toggle Virtual Space = Переключить режим _виртульных пробелов
332# Menu items for changing the zoom factor of displayed buffer text.
333Zoom In = _Приблизить
334Zoom Out = _Отдалить
335Reset Zoom = _Сбросить масштаб
336# Menu items for getting help on Textadept and its Lua API documentation.
337Help = _Справка
338Show Manual = Показать _руководство
339Show LuaDoc = Показать документацию по _lua
340About = _О программе
341# The text displayed in the dialog for running an arbitrary menu command. Any
342# key binding associated with commands are also shown.
343Run Command = Выполнить команду
344Command = Команда
345Key Binding = Команда по комбинации клавиш
347# [modules/textadept/file_types.lua]
348# The title of the dialog for selecting a lexer for the current buffer. Lexers
349# perform syntax highlighting of source code.
350Select Lexer = Выбрать подсветку
352# [modules/textadept/session.lua]
353# The title of the dialog for selecting a session file to load.
354Load Session = Загрузить сессию
355# The text displayed in a dialog when files in a loaded session were not found.
356Session Files Not Found = Файлы сессии не найдены
357The following session files were not found = Следующие файлы сессии не найдены
358# The title of the dialog for selecting a session file to save.
359Save Session = Сохранить сессию
361# [modules/textadept/snippets.lua]
362# The text displayed in the dialog for selecting a snippet to insert. Snippets
363# have a trigger word (pressing the "Tab" key after that word inserts the
364# snippet) and snippet text.
365Select Snippet = Выбрать заготовку
366Trigger = Триггер
367Snippet Text = Текст заготовки
368# The message displayed in the statusbar while a snippet is being inserted.
369Snippet active = Snippet active