1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright 2014 Edscott Wilson Garcia <edscott@users.sf.net> -->
4 <id type="desktop">Rodent-pkg.desktop</id>
5 <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
6 <project_license>GPL-3.0+</project_license>
7 <name>Rodent package manager plugin</name>
8 <summary>@SUMMARY@</summary>
9 <description>
10  <p>
11 Package manager plugin for Rodent. Uses pkg or rpm.
12Rodent-pkg allows you to manage packages for rpm (OpenSUSE, CentOS) or pkg (FreeBSD) based systems in a filemanager way, with a consistent presentation across platforms.
13  </p>
14  <p>
15Rodent pkg uses system commands, providing all available options for the advanced user. Updates to system commands are available automatically. This keeps
16bug control at the tightest level, with fixes done upstream
17 without duplicating any code.
18  </p>
19  <ul>
20  <li>GNU's not Unix, but Unix is a beast; its plural form is Unixen.</li>
21  </ul>
22  <p>
23  You probably want to install this application if you install binary packages on different platforms and want to have a consistent interface for all.
24  </p>
25 </description>
26 <screenshots>
27  <screenshot type="default" width="1127" height="705">http://xffm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/pkg-ss1.png</screenshot>
28  <screenshot width="1022" height="750">http://xffm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/pkg-ss2.png</screenshot>
29  <screenshot width="911" height="643">http://xffm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/pkg-ss3.png</screenshot>
30 </screenshots>
31 <url type="homepage">@HOMEPAGE@</url>
32 <updatecontact>edscott@imp.mx</updatecontact>
33 <project_group>xffm</project_group>