1 /* This file is part of the Spring engine (GPL v2 or later), see LICENSE.html */
6 #ifdef __cplusplus
7 extern "C" {
8 #endif
10 /**
11  * [string]
12  * Absolute data dir containing the AIs AIInfo.lua file.
13  * This property is set by the engine, not read from any file.
14  * example: "/home/john/spring/AI/Skirmish/RAI/0.601"
15  */
16 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_DATA_DIR                "dataDir"
18 /**
19  * [string]
20  * Absolute, version independent data dir.
21  * This property is set by the engine, not read from any file.
22  * example: "/home/john/spring/AI/Skirmish/RAI/common"
23  */
24 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_DATA_DIR_COMMON         "dataDirCommon"
26 /**
27  * [string: [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*]
28  * example: "RAI"
29  */
30 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_SHORT_NAME              "shortName"
32 /**
33  * [string: [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*]
34  * example: "0.601"
35  */
36 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_VERSION                 "version"
38 /**
39  * [string]
40  * example: "Reth's Skirmish AI"
41  */
42 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_NAME                    "name"
44 /**
45  * [string]
46  * example: "no config files required, works well with TA based mods and more"
47  */
48 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION             "description"
50 /**
51  * [string]
52  * example: "http://springrts.com/wiki/AI:RAI"
53  */
54 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_URL                     "url"
56 /** [bool: "yes" | "no"] */
57 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_LOAD_SUPPORTED          "loadSupported"
59 /**
60  * [int]
61  * The engine version number the AI was compiled for,
62  * though it may work with newer or older engine versions too.
63  */
64 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_ENGINE_VERSION          "engineVersion"
66 /**
67  * [string: [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*]
68  * This AI Interface has to be used to load the AI.
69  * example: "C"
70  */
71 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_INTERFACE_SHORT_NAME    "interfaceShortName"
73 /**
74  * [string: [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*]
75  * The AI Interface version number the AI was written for.
76  * This value is seen as a minimum requirement,
77  * so loading the AI with an older version of
78  * the AI Interface will not be attempted.
79  * example: "0.1"
80  */
81 #define SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_INTERFACE_VERSION       "interfaceVersion"
84 #include "ELevelOfSupport.h"
85 #include "System/exportdefines.h"
87 struct SSkirmishAICallback;
89 /**
90  * @brief Skirmish Artificial Intelligence library interface
91  *
92  * This is the interface between the engine and an implementation of a
93  * Skirmish AI.
94  * The engine will address AIs through this interface, but AIs will
95  * not actually implement it. It is the job of the AI Interface library,
96  * to make sure the engine can address AI implementations through
97  * instances of this struct.
98  *
99  * An example of loading a C AI through the C AI Interface:
100  * The C AI exports functions fitting the function pointers in this
101  * struct. When the engine requests C-AI-X on the C AI Interface,
102  * the interface loads the shared library, eg C-AI-X.dll, creates
103  * a new instance of this struct, and sets the member function
104  * pointers to the addresses of the fitting functions exported
105  * by the shared AI library. This struct then goes to the engine
106  * which calls the functions appropriately.
107  */
108 struct SSkirmishAILibrary {
110 	// static AI library functions
112 	/**
113 	 * Level of Support for a specific engine version and AI interface version.
114 	 *
115 	 * [optional]
116 	 * An AI not exporting this function is still valid.
117 	 *
118 	 * @param  aiShortName  this is indisposable for non-native interfaces,
119 	 *                      as they need a means of redirecting from
120 	 *                      one wrapper function to the respective non-native
121 	 *                      libraries
122 	 * @param  aiVersion  see aiShortName
123 	 * @return the level of support for the supplied engine and AI interface
124 	 *         versions
125 	 */
126 	enum LevelOfSupport (CALLING_CONV *getLevelOfSupportFor)(
127 			const char* aiShortName, const char* aiVersion,
128 			const char* engineVersionString, int engineVersionNumber,
129 			const char* aiInterfaceShortName, const char* aiInterfaceVersion);
132 	// team instance functions
134 	/**
135 	 * This function is called, when an AI instance shall be created
136 	 * for skirmishAIId. It is called before the first call to handleEvent()
137 	 * for that AI instance.
138 	 *
139 	 * A typical series of events (engine point of view, conceptual):
140 	 * [code]
141 	 * KAIK.init(1)
142 	 * KAIK.handleEvent(EVENT_INIT, InitEvent(1))
143 	 * RAI.init(2)
144 	 * RAI.handleEvent(EVENT_INIT, InitEvent(2))
145 	 * KAIK.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(0))
146 	 * RAI.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(0))
147 	 * KAIK.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(1))
148 	 * RAI.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(1))
149 	 * ...
150 	 * [/code]
151 	 *
152 	 * This method exists only for performance reasons, which come into play on
153 	 * OO languages. For non-OO language AIs, this method can be ignored,
154 	 * because using only EVENT_INIT will cause no performance decrease.
155 	 *
156 	 * [optional]
157 	 * An AI not exporting this function is still valid.
158 	 *
159 	 * @param skirmishAIId  the ID this library shall create an instance for
160 	 * @param callback      the callback for this Skirmish AI
161 	 * @return     0: ok
162 	 *          != 0: error
163 	 */
164 	int (CALLING_CONV *init)(int skirmishAIId,
165 			const struct SSkirmishAICallback* callback);
167 	/**
168 	 * This function is called, when an AI instance shall be deleted.
169 	 * It is called after the last call to handleEvent() for that AI instance.
170 	 *
171 	 * A typical series of events (engine point of view, conceptual):
172 	 * [code]
173 	 * ...
174 	 * KAIK.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(654321))
175 	 * RAI.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(654321))
176 	 * KAIK.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(654322))
177 	 * RAI.handleEvent(EVENT_UPDATE, UpdateEvent(654322))
178 	 * KAIK.handleEvent(EVENT_RELEASE, ReleaseEvent(1))
179 	 * KAIK.release(1)
180 	 * RAI.handleEvent(EVENT_RELEASE, ReleaseEvent(2))
181 	 * RAI.release(2)
182 	 * [/code]
183 	 *
184 	 * This method exists only for performance reasons, which come into play on
185 	 * OO languages. For non-OO language AIs, this method can be ignored,
186 	 * because using only EVENT_RELEASE will cause no performance decrease.
187 	 *
188 	 * [optional]
189 	 * An AI not exporting this function is still valid.
190 	 *
191 	 * @param skirmishAIId  the ID the library shall release the instance of
192 	 * @return     0: ok
193 	 *          != 0: error
194 	 */
195 	int (CALLING_CONV *release)(int skirmishAIId);
197 	/**
198 	 * Through this function, the AI receives events from the engine.
199 	 * For details about events that may arrive here, see file AISEvents.h.
200 	 *
201 	 * @param skirmishAIId  the AI instance the event is addressed to
202 //	 * @param fromId        the id of the AI the event comes from,
203 //	 *                      or FROM_ENGINE_ID if it comes from the engine
204 //	 * @param eventId       used on asynchronous events. this allows the AI to
205 //	 *                      identify a possible result message, which was sent
206 //	 *                      with the same eventId
207 	 * @param topicId       unique identifier of a message
208 	 *                      (see EVENT_* defines in AISEvents.h)
209 	 * @param data          an topic specific struct, which contains the data
210 	 *                      associatedwith the event
211 	 *                      (see S*Event structs in AISEvents.h)
212 	 * @return     0: ok
213 	 *          != 0: error
214 	 */
215 	int (CALLING_CONV *handleEvent)(int skirmishAIId, int topicId,
216 			const void* data);
217 };
219 #ifdef __cplusplus
220 } // extern "C"
221 #endif