1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /* Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)                              */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001                                              */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0.    */
6 /*****************************************************************************/
8 #ifndef STAF_Util
9 #define STAF_Util
11 #include "STAF.h"
12 #include "STAFString.h"
13 #include "STAFProcess.h"
14 #include <stdarg.h>
16 #ifdef __cplusplus
17 extern "C"
18 {
19 #endif
21 /* Define min and max macros.  We've had conflicts using raw min() and max() */
23 #define STAF_MIN(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
24 #define STAF_MAX(a,b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
26 /* Defines a structure to receive configuration information */
27 struct STAFConfigInfo
28 {
29     STAFStringConst_t bootDrive;
30     STAFStringConst_t osName;
31     STAFStringConst_t osMajorVersion;
32     STAFStringConst_t osMinorVersion;
33     STAFStringConst_t osRevision;
34     STAFUInt64_t physicalMemory;
35     STAFStringConst_t exePath;
36     STAFStringConst_t lineSeparator;
37     STAFStringConst_t fileSeparator;
38     STAFStringConst_t pathSeparator;
39     STAFStringConst_t commandSeparator;
40     STAFProcessStopMethod_t defaultProcessStopMethod;
41     STAFProcessConsoleMode_t defaultProcessConsoleMode;
42     unsigned int envVarCaseSensitive; /* 0=CaseInsensitive; 1=CaseSensitive */
43     unsigned int numProcessors;
44     STAFStringConst_t currentDrive;
45     STAFProcessID_t maxPid; // Maximum value for a pid (Process ID)
46 };
49 /*********************************************************************/
50 /* STAFUtilGetConfigInfo - Retrieves OS configuration information    */
51 /*                                                                   */
52 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFConfigInfo structure            */
53 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string                       */
54 /*          (Out) A pointer to an operating system return code       */
55 /*                                                                   */
56 /* Returns:  0, if successful                                        */
57 /*          >0, if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer and *osRC will be set) */
58 /*********************************************************************/
59 unsigned int STAFUtilGetConfigInfo(struct STAFConfigInfo *configInfo,
60                                    STAFString_t *errorBuffer,
61                                    unsigned int *osRC);
64 /*********************************************************************/
65 /* STAFUtilGetCurrentProcessCodePage - Obtains a string representing */
66 /*                                     the current process' code     */
67 /*                                     page                          */
68 /*                                                                   */
69 /* Accepts: (In)  A pointer to the buffer to hold the code page      */
70 /*                string (this should be large enough to hold the    */
71 /*                largest codepage string for the operating system;  */
72 /*                typically 128 bytes should be sufficient)          */
73 /*                                                                   */
74 /* Returns:  The pointer passed in                                   */
75 /*********************************************************************/
76 char *STAFUtilGetCurrentProcessCodePage(char *buffer);
79 /*********************************************************************/
80 /* STAFUtilGetPID - Returns the effective Process ID (PID)           */
81 /*                                                                   */
82 /* Accepts: Nothing                                                  */
83 /*                                                                   */
84 /* Returns:  The Process' ID                                         */
85 /*                                                                   */
86 /* Notes  :  1) This routine should be used instead of getpid(), as  */
87 /*              getpid() behaves strangely in a multi-threaded       */
88 /*              environment on Linux                                 */
89 /*********************************************************************/
90 STAFProcessID_t STAFUtilGetPID();
93 /*********************************************************************/
94 /* STAFUtilGetSystemMemory - Obtains a piece of system memory        */
95 /*                                                                   */
96 /* Accepts: (In)  The size of the memory needed                      */
97 /*          (Out) Pointer to an operating system return code         */
98 /*                                                                   */
99 /* Returns:  0, if unsuccessful (*osRC will be set)                  */
100 /*          >0, if successful (this is the address of the memory)    */
101 /*********************************************************************/
102 void *STAFUtilGetSystemMemory(unsigned long size, unsigned int *osRC);
105 /*********************************************************************/
106 /* STAFUtilFreeSystemMemory - Frees a piece of system memory         */
107 /*                                                                   */
108 /* Accepts: (In)  The pointer to the system memory to free           */
109 /*                                                                   */
110 /* Returns:  Nothing                                                 */
111 /*********************************************************************/
112 void STAFUtilFreeSystemMemory(void *);
115 /*********************************************************************/
116 /* STAFUtilSwapUInt - Byte reverses an unsigned int.  In other       */
117 /*                    words, it converts from little-endian or       */
118 /*                    visa-versa.                                    */
119 /*                                                                   */
120 /* Accepts: (In)  The unsigned int to byte reverse                   */
121 /*                                                                   */
122 /* Returns:  The byte-reversed unsigned int                          */
123 /*********************************************************************/
124 unsigned int STAFUtilSwapUInt(unsigned int theUInt);
127 /*********************************************************************/
128 /* STAFUtilConvertNativeUIntToLE - Converts an unsigned in the       */
129 /*                                 platform's native format to       */
130 /*                                 little-endian format              */
131 /*                                                                   */
132 /* Accepts: (In)  The unsigned int to convert to little-endian       */
133 /*                                                                   */
134 /* Returns:  The little-endian version of the unsigned int           */
135 /*********************************************************************/
136 unsigned int STAFUtilConvertNativeUIntToLE(unsigned int theUInt);
139 /*********************************************************************/
140 /* STAFUtilConvertLEUIntToNative - Converts an unsigned in           */
141 /*                                 little-endian format to the       */
142 /*                                 platform's native format          */
143 /*                                                                   */
144 /* Accepts: (In)  The unsigned int to convert to little-endian       */
145 /*                                                                   */
146 /* Returns:  The little-endian version of the unsigned int           */
147 /*********************************************************************/
148 unsigned int STAFUtilConvertLEUIntToNative(unsigned int theUInt);
151 /*********************************************************************/
152 /* STAFUtilIsValidSocket - Determines if a socket descriptor,        */
153 /*                         received from socket() or accept() is     */
154 /*                         valid                                     */
155 /*                                                                   */
156 /* Accepts: (In)  The socket to check                                */
157 /*                                                                   */
158 /* Returns:  0, if the socket is invalid                             */
159 /*          >0, if the socket is valid                               */
160 /*********************************************************************/
161 unsigned int STAFUtilIsValidSocket(STAFSocket_t theSocket);
164 /*********************************************************************/
165 /* STAFUtilGetNonInheritableSocket - Provides a new socket that is   */
166 /*   a identical to the old socket except the new socket cannot be   */
167 /*   inherited by new processes.                                     */
168 /*                                                                   */
169 /* Accepts: (In)  The socket to duplicate                            */
170 /*          (Out) The new socket (with inheritHandle set to FALSE)   */
171 /*          (Out) A pointer to an operating system return code       */
172 /*                                                                   */
173 /* Returns:  0, if successful                                        */
174 /*          >0, if unsuccessful (*osRC will be set)                  */
175 /*********************************************************************/
176 unsigned int STAFUtilGetNonInheritableSocket(STAFSocket_t oldSocket,
177                                              STAFSocket_t *newSocket,
178                                              unsigned int *osRC);
181 /*********************************************************************/
182 /* STAFUtilFormatString - Generates a string based on a format       */
183 /*                        string, ala printf().  This is generally   */
184 /*                        used to format STAF request strings.       */
185 /*                                                                   */
186 /* Accepts: (In)  The format string                                  */
187 /*          (Out) A pointer to the output string                     */
188 /*          (In)  All data indicated in the format string            */
189 /*                                                                   */
190 /* Returns:  Standard return codes                                   */
191 /*                                                                   */
192 /* Notes  :  1) The caller is responsible for destructing the        */
193 /*              output string                                        */
194 /*********************************************************************/
195 /* Valid format string specifiers:                                   */
196 /*                                                                   */
197 /* %d - an unsigned integer                                          */
198 /* %s - a STAFString_t                                               */
199 /* %C - a STAFString_t which will be formatted in colon-length-colon */
200 /*      delimited format                                             */
201 /* %% - a percent sign                                               */
202 /*                                                                   */
203 /* Any other %<char> is simply ignored (and not copied)              */
204 /*********************************************************************/
205 unsigned int STAFUtilFormatString(STAFStringConst_t formatString,
206                                   STAFString_t *outputString, ...);
209 /*********************************************************************/
210 /* STAFUtilFormatString2 - Generates a string based on a format      */
211 /*                         string, ala printf().  This is generally  */
212 /*                         used to format STAF request strings.      */
213 /*                                                                   */
214 /* Accepts: (In)  The format string                                  */
215 /*          (Out) A pointer to the output string                     */
216 /*          (In)  A variable argument list                           */
217 /*                                                                   */
218 /* Returns:  Standard return codes                                   */
219 /*                                                                   */
220 /* Notes  :  1) The caller is responsible for destructing the        */
221 /*              output string                                        */
222 /*           2) Valid format strings are the same as defined for     */
223 /*              STAFUtilFormatString()                               */
224 /*********************************************************************/
225 unsigned int STAFUtilFormatString2(STAFStringConst_t formatString,
226                                    STAFString_t *outputString, va_list args);
229 /*********************************************************************/
230 /* STAFUtilCreateTempFile - Creates a 0 length temporary file        */
231 /*                                                                   */
232 /* Accepts: (In)  A pointer to a string containing the name of the   */
233 /*                directory to store the temporary file in           */
234 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the suffix for    */
235 /*                the temporary file name                            */
236 /*          (In)  The request number (used in generating a unique    */
237 /*                random seed)                                       */
238 /*          (Out) A pointer to a string containing the name of the   */
239 /*                temporary file created                             */
240 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string                       */
241 /*          (Out) A pointer to an operating system return code       */
242 /*                                                                   */
243 /* Returns:  0, if successful                                        */
244 /*          >0, if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer and *osRC will be set) */
245 /*                                                                   */
246 /* Notes  :  1) The caller is responsible for destructing the output */
247 /*              string containing the name of the temporary file     */
248 /*********************************************************************/
249 STAFRC_t STAFUtilCreateTempFile(STAFStringConst_t prefix,
250                                 STAFStringConst_t suffix,
251                                 unsigned int requestNumber,
252                                 STAFString_t *tempFileName,
253                                 STAFString_t *errorBuffer,
254                                 unsigned int *osRC);
257 /*********************************************************************/
258 /* STAFUtilStripPortFromEndpoint - Removes @<Port> from the end of   */
259 /*     an endpoint if present.                                       */
260 /*                                                                   */
261 /* Accepts: (In/Out)  A pointer to a string containing the endpoint  */
262 /*                    with format:                                   */
263 /*                      [<Interface>://<Machine Identifier>[@<Port>] */
264 /*          (Out)     A pointer to a string containing the stripped  */
265 /*                    endpoint with format:                          */
266 /*                      [<Interface>://<Machine Identifier>          */
267 /*                                                                   */
268 /* Returns:  0                                                       */
269 /* Notes  :  1) The caller is responsible for destructing the output */
270 /*              string containing the stripped endpoint              */
271 /*********************************************************************/
272 STAFRC_t STAFUtilStripPortFromEndpoint(STAFStringConst_t endpoint,
273                                        STAFString_t *strippedEndpoint);
276 /*********************************************************************/
277 /* STAFUtilValidateTrust - Verifies that the actual trust level is   */
278 /*     not less than the required trust level.                       */
279 /*                                                                   */
280 /* Accepts: (In)  The actual trust level of the requesting machine   */
281 /*          (In)  The required trust level for the service request   */
282 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the name of the   */
283 /*                service                                            */
284 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the request string*/
285 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the name of the   */
286 /*                local machine (it's STAF/Config/Machine value)     */
287 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the endpoint of   */
288 /*                the requesting machine                             */
289 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the physical      */
290 /*                interface identifier of the requesting machine     */
291 /*          (In)  A pointer to a string containing the user of the   */
292 /*                requesting machine                                 */
293 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string                       */
294 /*                                                                   */
295 /* Returns:  0,  if successful                                       */
296 /*           25, if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer will be set)          */
297 /*********************************************************************/
298 STAFRC_t STAFUtilValidateTrust(unsigned int actualTrustLevel,
299                                unsigned int requiredTrustLevel,
300                                STAFStringConst_t service,
301                                STAFStringConst_t request,
302                                STAFStringConst_t localMachine,
303                                STAFStringConst_t requestingEndpoint,
304                                STAFStringConst_t physicalInterfaceID,
305                                STAFStringConst_t requestingUser,
306                                STAFString_t *errorBuffer);
309 /*********************************************************************/
310 /* STAFUtilConvertStringToUInt - Converts a number expressed as a    */
311 /*   string to an unsigned integer within a specified range (that    */
312 /*   defaults to range 0 to UINT_MAX if not specified)               */
313 /*                                                                   */
314 /* Accepts: (In)  The string to be converted to an unsigned integer  */
315 /*          (In)  Option name string.  Set to blank if the string    */
316 /*                is not the value for an option.                    */
317 /*                This is used only in the error message.            */
318 /*          (Out) The unsigned integer value                         */
319 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string.                      */
320 /*          (In)  The minimum value allowed (cannot be < 0)          */
321 /*                The default is 0.                                  */
322 /*          (Out) The maximum value allowed (cannot be > UINT_MAX    */
323 /*                (e.g. 4294967295).  The default is UINT_MAX.       */
324 /*                                                                   */
325 /* Returns:  0,  if successful                                       */
326 /*           47  if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer will be set)          */
327 /*********************************************************************/
328 STAFRC_t STAFUtilConvertStringToUInt(STAFStringConst_t theString,
329                                      STAFStringConst_t optionName,
330                                      unsigned int *theUInt,
331                                      STAFString_t *errorBuffer,
332                                      unsigned int minValue = 0,
333                                      unsigned int maxValue = UINT_MAX);
336 /*********************************************************************/
337 /* STAFUtilConvertStringToUInt64 - Converts a number expressed as a  */
338 /*   string to an unsigned integer within a specified range (that    */
339 /*   defaults to range 0 to UINT64_MAX if not specified)             */
340 /*                                                                   */
341 /* Accepts: (In)  The string to be converted to an unsigned integer  */
342 /*          (In)  Option name string.  Set to blank if the string    */
343 /*                is not the value for an option.                    */
344 /*                This is used only in the error message.            */
345 /*          (Out) The unsigned integer (64-bit) value                */
346 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string.                      */
347 /*          (In)  The minimum value allowed (cannot be < 0)          */
348 /*                The default is 0.                                  */
349 /*          (Out) The maximum value allowed (cannot be > UINT64_MAX  */
350 /*                (e.g. 18446744073709551615).  The default is       */
351 /*                UINT64_MAX.                                        */
352 /*                                                                   */
353 /* Returns:  0,  if successful                                       */
354 /*           47  if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer will be set)          */
355 /*********************************************************************/
356 /* XXX: Commented out until get UINT64_MAX working on Solaris
357 STAFRC_t STAFUtilConvertStringToUInt64(STAFStringConst_t theString,
358                                        STAFStringConst_t optionName,
359                                        STAFUInt64_t *theUInt,
360                                        STAFString_t *errorBuffer,
361                                        STAFUInt64_t minValue = 0,
362                                        STAFUInt64_t maxValue = UINT64_MAX);
363 */
366 /*********************************************************************/
367 /* STAFUtilConvertDurationString - Converts the time duration        */
368 /*   expressed as a string to a numeric value in milliseconds.       */
369 /*                                                                   */
370 /* Accepts: (In)  The duration string                                */
371 /*                The duration string may be expressed in            */
372 /*                milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or    */
373 /*                weeks.  Its format is:                             */
374 /*                  <Number>[<Type>]                                 */
375 /*                where <Number> is an integer >= 0 and <Type>, if   */
376 /*                specified, is one of the following:                */
377 /*                s (for seconds), m (for minutes), h (for hours),   */
378 /*                d (for days), or w (for weeks). For example:       */
379 /*                - 100 specifies 100 milliseconds,                  */
380 /*                - 10s specifies 10 seconds,                        */
381 /*                - 5m specifies 5 minutes,                          */
382 /*                - 2h specifies 2 hours,                            */
383 /*                - 1d specifies 1 day,                              */
384 /*                - 1w specifies 1 week                              */
385 /*          (Out) The numeric duration value in milliseconds         */
386 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string                       */
387 /*                                                                   */
388 /* Returns:  0,  if successful                                       */
389 /*           47  if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer will be set)          */
390 /*********************************************************************/
391 STAFRC_t STAFUtilConvertDurationString(STAFStringConst_t durationString,
392                                        unsigned int *duration,
393                                        STAFString_t *errorBuffer);
395 /*********************************************************************/
396 /* STAFUtilConvertSizeString - Converts a size of a file expressed   */
397 /*   as a string to a numeric value in bytes.                        */
398 /*                                                                   */
399 /* Accepts: (In)  The size string                                    */
400 /*                The size string may be expressed in bytes,         */
401 /*                kilobytes, or megabytes.  Its format is:           */
402 /*                  <Number>[<Type>]                                 */
403 /*                where <Number> is an integer >= 0 and <Type>, if   */
404 /*                specified, is one of the following:                */
405 /*                k (for kilobytes) or m (for megabytes).            */
406 /*                For example:                                       */
407 /*                - 100000 specifies 100,000 bytes,                  */
408 /*                - 500k specifies 500 kilobytes (or 512,000 bytes), */
409 /*                - 5m specifies 5 megabytes (or 5,242,880 bytes)    */
410 /*          (Out) The numeric size value in bytes                    */
411 /*          (Out) A pointer to an error string                       */
412 /*                                                                   */
413 /* Returns:  0,  if successful                                       */
414 /*           47  if unsuccessful (*errorBuffer will be set)          */
415 /*********************************************************************/
416 STAFRC_t STAFUtilConvertSizeString(STAFStringConst_t sizeString,
417                                    unsigned int *size,
418                                    STAFString_t *errorBuffer);
421 #ifdef __cplusplus
423 /***********************************************************************/
424 /* VALIDATE_TRUST - Macro to verify that the actual trust level is     */
425 /*     not less than the required trust level.  This is what most of   */
426 /*     the STAF C++ external services use to verify trust.             */
427 /*     It assumes the service uses the following variable names:       */
428 /*     - pInfo: contains the service request information               */
429 /***********************************************************************/
430 #define VALIDATE_TRUST(requiredTrustLevel, service, request, localMachine)\
431 STAFString_t stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer = 0;\
432 STAFRC_t stafUtilTrustRC = STAFUtilValidateTrust(\
433     pInfo->trustLevel, requiredTrustLevel, STAFString(service).getImpl(),\
434     STAFString(request).getImpl(), localMachine.getImpl(),\
435     pInfo->endpoint, pInfo->physicalInterfaceID, pInfo->user,\
436     &stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer);\
437 if (stafUtilTrustRC != kSTAFOk)\
438     return STAFResultPtr(new STAFResult(kSTAFAccessDenied,\
439         STAFString(stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer, STAFString::kShallow)),\
440         STAFResultPtr::INIT);
443 /***********************************************************************/
444 /* VALIDATE_TRUST2- Macro to verify that the actual trust level is     */
445 /*     not less than the required trust level.  This is just like      */
446 /*     the VALIDATE_TRUST macro except it uses different names for     */
447 /*     the variables it defines so that it can be run in the same      */
448 /*     function as where you ran VALIDATE_TRUST.  This can be useful   */
449 /*     if you want to first check if a request has a trust level       */
450 /*     but then you find that an option like FORCE was specified that  */
451 /*     requires a higher trust level so you can then use this macro.   */
452 /*     It assumes the service uses the following variable names:       */
453 /*     - pInfo: contains the service request information               */
454 /***********************************************************************/
455 #define VALIDATE_TRUST2(requiredTrustLevel, service, request, localMachine)\
456 STAFString_t stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer = 0;\
457 STAFRC_t stafUtilTrustRC = STAFUtilValidateTrust(\
458     pInfo->trustLevel, requiredTrustLevel, STAFString(service).getImpl(),\
459     STAFString(request).getImpl(), localMachine.getImpl(),\
460     pInfo->endpoint, pInfo->physicalInterfaceID, pInfo->user,\
461     &stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer);\
462 if (stafUtilTrustRC != kSTAFOk)\
463     return STAFResultPtr(new STAFResult(kSTAFAccessDenied,\
464         STAFString(stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer, STAFString::kShallow)),\
465         STAFResultPtr::INIT);
468 /***********************************************************************/
469 /* VALIDATE_TRUST3 - Macro to verify that the actual trust level is    */
470 /*     not less than the required trust level.  This is what a STAF    */
471 /*     C++ external service can use to verify trust if can't use the   */
472 /*     pInfo variable (or a different named variable) to contain the   */
473 /*     service request information.  This macro can be used if         */
474 /*     individual STAFStrings are used to contain the requesting       */
475 /*     machine's trust level, endpoint, physicalInterfaceID, and/or    */
476 /*     user values.                                                    */
477 /***********************************************************************/
478 #define VALIDATE_TRUST3(requiredTrustLevel, service, request, localMachine,\
479                         actualTrustLevel, endpoint, physicalInterfaceID, user)\
480 STAFString_t stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer = 0;\
481 STAFRC_t stafUtilTrustRC = STAFUtilValidateTrust(\
482     actualTrustLevel, requiredTrustLevel, STAFString(service).getImpl(),\
483     STAFString(request).getImpl(), localMachine.getImpl(),\
484     STAFString(endpoint).getImpl(), STAFString(physicalInterfaceID).getImpl(),\
485     STAFString(user).getImpl(), &stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer);\
486 if (stafUtilTrustRC != kSTAFOk)\
487     return STAFResultPtr(new STAFResult(kSTAFAccessDenied,\
488         STAFString(stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer, STAFString::kShallow)),\
489         STAFResultPtr::INIT);
492 /***********************************************************************/
493 /* VALIDATE_TRUST4 - Macro to verify that the actual trust level is    */
494 /*     not less than the required trust level.  This is what a STAF    */
495 /*     C++ external service can use to verify trust if it's not using  */
496 /*     the standard name of pInfo to contain the service request       */
497 /*     information.                                                    */
498 /*     - info: contains the service request information                */
499 /***********************************************************************/
500 #define VALIDATE_TRUST4(requiredTrustLevel, service, request, localMachine,\
501                         info)\
502 STAFString_t stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer = 0;\
503 STAFRC_t stafUtilTrustRC = STAFUtilValidateTrust(\
504     info->trustLevel, requiredTrustLevel, STAFString(service).getImpl(),\
505     STAFString(request).getImpl(), localMachine.getImpl(),\
506     info->endpoint, info->physicalInterfaceID, info->user,\
507     &stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer);\
508 if (stafUtilTrustRC != kSTAFOk)\
509     return STAFResultPtr(new STAFResult(kSTAFAccessDenied,\
510          STAFString(stafUtilTrustErrorBuffer, STAFString::kShallow)),\
511          STAFResultPtr::INIT);
512 }
514 #endif
516 #endif