1 /* Siconos is a program dedicated to modeling, simulation and control
2  * of non smooth dynamical systems.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2021 INRIA.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17 */
19 #ifndef SparseBlockMatrix_H
20 #define SparseBlockMatrix_H
22 #include <stdio.h>          // for size_t, FILE
23 #include "CSparseMatrix.h"  // for CSparseMatrix
24 #include "NumericsFwd.h"    // for SparseBlockStructuredMatrix, SparseBlockC...
26 #include "SiconosConfig.h" // for BUILD_AS_CPP // IWYU pragma: keep
27 #include "NumericsDataVersion.h" // versioning
29 /*!\file SparseBlockMatrix.h
30   \brief Structure definition and functions related to
31   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
33 */
35 /** Structure to store sparse block matrices with square diagonal
36     blocks.
38     Note: the sparse format is the same as the one used by Boost C++
39     library to store compressed sparse row matrices. The same member
40     names have been adopted in order to simplify usage from Siconos
41     Kernel : filled1, filled2, index1_data, index2_data.
42     Reference :
43     http://ublas.sourceforge.net/refdoc/classboost_1_1numeric_1_1ublas_1_1compressed__matrix.html
45     \param nbblocks         the total number of non null blocks
46     \param **block : *block contains the double values of one block in
47                       Fortran storage (column by column) **block is
48     the list of non null blocks
49     \param blocknumber0 the first dimension of the block matrix
50     (number of block rows)
51     \param blocknumber1 the second dimension of the block matrix
52     (number of block columns)
53     \param *blocksize0 the list of sums of the number of rows of the
54     first column of blocks of M: blocksize0[i] = blocksize0[i-1] +
55     ni, ni being the number of rows of the block at row i
56     \param *blocksize1 the list of sums of the number of columns of the
57     first row of blocks of M: blocksize1[i] = blocksize1[i-1] + ni,
58     ni being the number of columns of the block at column i
59     \param filled1 index of the last non empty line + 1
60     \param filled2 number of non null blocks
61     \param index1_data index1_data is of size equal to number of non
62     empty lines + 1. A block with number blockNumber inside a row
63     numbered rowNumber verify index1_data[rowNumber]<= blockNumber
64     <index1_data[rowNumber+1]`
66     \param index2_data index2_data is of size filled2
67     index2_data[blockNumber] -> columnNumber.
70     Related functions: SBM_gemv(), SBM_row_prod(), SBM_clear(),
71     SBM_print, SBM_diagonal_block_index()
72  * If we consider the matrix M and the right-hand-side q defined as
73  *
74  * \f$
75  * M=\left[\begin{array}{cccc|cc|cc}
76  *          1 & 2 & 0 & 4   & 3 &-1   & 0 & 0\\
77  *          2 & 1 & 0 & 0   & 4 & 1   & 0 & 0\\
78  *          0 & 0 & 1 &-1   & 0 & 0   & 0 & 0\\
79  *          5 & 0 &-1 & 6   & 0 & 6   & 0 & 0\\
80  *          \hline
81  *          0 & 0 & 0 & 0   & 1 & 0   & 0 & 5\\
82  *          0 & 0 & 0 & 0   & 0 & 2   & 0 & 2\\
83  *          \hline
84  *          0 & 0 & 2 & 1   & 0 & 0   & 2 & 2\\
85  *          0 & 0 & 2 & 2   & 0 & 0   & -1 & 2\\
86  *        \end{array}\right] \quad, q=\left[\begin{array}{c}-1\\-1\\0\\-1\\\hline 1\\0\\\hline -1\\2\end{array}\right].
87  * \f$
88  *
89  * then
90  * - the number of non null blocks is 6 (nbblocks=6)
91  * - the number of rows of blocks is 3 (blocknumber0 =3) and the
92      number of columns of blocks is 3 (blocknumber1 =3)
93  * - the vector blocksize0 is equal to {4,6,8} and the vector
94      blocksize1 is equal to {4,6,8}
95  * - the integer filled1 is equal to 4
96  * - the integer filled2 is equal to 6
97  * - the vector index1_data is equal to {0,2,4,6}
98  * - the vector index2_data is equal to {0,1,1,2,0,2}
99  * - the block contains all non null block matrices stored in Fortran
100      order (column by column) as
101  *   block[0] = {1,2,0,5,2,1,0,0,0,0,1,-1,4,0,-1,6}
102  *   block[1] = {3,4,0,0,-1,1,0,6}
103  *   ...
104  *   block[5] = {2,-1,2,2}
105 */
108 struct SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
109 {
110   /* the number of non null blocks */
111   unsigned int nbblocks;
112   double **block;
113   /* the number of rows of blocks */
114   unsigned int blocknumber0;
115   /* the number of columns of blocks */
116   unsigned int blocknumber1;
117   /* the vector of cumulated row sizes of blocks */
118   unsigned int *blocksize0;
119   /* the vector of cumulated column sizes of blocks */
120   unsigned int *blocksize1;
122   /* the index of the last non empty line + 1 */
123   size_t filled1;
124   /* the size of index2_data that corresponds to the number of non null blocks*/
125   size_t filled2;
127   size_t *index1_data;
128   size_t *index2_data;
130   /* the indices of the diagonal blocks */
131   unsigned int * diagonal_blocks;
133   NumericsDataVersion version; /**< version of storage */
134 };
136 struct SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix
137 {
138   /** number of blocks */
139   unsigned int nbblocks;
141   /** number of rows */
142   unsigned int blocknumber0;
144   /** number of columns */
145   unsigned int blocknumber1;
147   /** block pointers */
148   double **block;
150   /** cumulative number of rows in blocks */
151   unsigned int *blocksize0;
153   /** cumulative number of columns in blocks */
155   unsigned int *blocksize1;
157   /** row indices */
158   unsigned int *row;
160   /** column indices */
161   unsigned int *column;
162 };
164 struct SparseBlockStructuredMatrixPred
165 {
166   int nbbldiag;
167   int **indic;
168   int **indicop;
169   double **submatlcp;
170   double **submatlcpop;
171   int **ipiv;
172   int *sizesublcp;
173   int *sizesublcpop;
174   double **subq;
175   double **bufz;
176   double **newz;
177   double **workspace;
178 };
180 struct SBM_index_by_column
181 {
182   /* the index of the last non empty line + 1 */
183   size_t filled3;
184   /* the size of index2_data that corresponds of the number of non null blocks*/
185   size_t filled4;
187   size_t * index3_data;
188   size_t * index4_data;
189   size_t * blockMap;
190 };
197 #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(BUILD_AS_CPP)
198 extern "C"
199 {
200 #endif
202   /** Creation of an empty Sparse Block Matrix.
203    * \return a pointer on allocated and initialized space
204    */
205   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* SBM_new(void);
207   /** set Sparse Block Matrix. fields to NULL
208    * \param sbm a matrix
209    */
210   void SBM_null(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* sbm);
212   /** SparseMatrix - vector product y = alpha*A*x + beta*y
213       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vectors x
214       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vectors y
215       \param[in] alpha coefficient
216       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
217       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
218       \param[in] beta coefficient
219       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
220   */
221   void SBM_gemv(unsigned int sizeX, unsigned int sizeY,
222                double alpha, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A,
223                const double* x, double beta, double* y);
225   /** SparseMatrix - vector product y = A*x + y for block of size 3x3
226       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vectors x
227       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vectors y
228       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
229       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
230       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
231   */
232   void SBM_gemv_3x3(unsigned int sizeX, unsigned int sizeY,
233                   const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A,
234                   double* const x, double* y);
236   /** SparseBlockStructuredMatrix - SparseBlockStructuredMatrix product C = alpha*A*B + beta*C
237    *  The routine has to be used with precaution. The allocation of C is not done
238    *  since we want to add beta*C. We assume that the structure and the allocation
239    *  of the matrix C are right. Especially:
240    *    - the blocks C(i,j) must exists
241    *    - the sizes of blocks must be consistent
242    *    - no extra block must be present in C
243    *   \param[in] alpha coefficient
244    *   \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
245    *   \param[in] B the matrix to be multiplied
246    *   \param[in] beta coefficient
247    *   \param[in,out] C the resulting matrix
248    */
249   void SBM_gemm_without_allocation(double alpha, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A,
250                                   const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const B,
251                                   double beta, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  C);
253   /** SparseBlockStructuredMatrix - SparseBlockStructuredMatrix multiplication C = A *B
254       Correct allocation is performed
255       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
256       \param[in] B the matrix to be multiplied
257       \return C the resulting matrix
258   */
259   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  SBM_multiply(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const B);
261   /** Perform the allocation of a zero matrix that is compatible qith multiplication
262    */
263   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  SBM_zero_matrix_for_multiply(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const B);
265   /** SparseBlockStructuredMatrix - SparseBlockStructuredMatrix addition C = alpha*A + beta*B
266      \param[in] A the matrix to be added
267      \param[in] B the matrix to be added
268      \param[in] alpha coefficient
269      \param[in] beta coefficient
270      \return C the resulting matrix
271   */
272   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * SBM_add(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * A, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * B, double alpha, double beta);
274   /** SparseBlockStructuredMatrix - SparseBlockStructuredMatrix addition C = alpha*A + beta*B + gamma*C without allocation
275       We assume that C has the correct structure
276      \param[in] A the matrix to be added
277      \param[in] B the matrix to be added
278      \param[in] alpha coefficient
279      \param[in] beta coefficient
280      \param[in] gamma coefficient
281       \param[in,out] C the resulting matrix
282   */
284   void SBM_add_without_allocation(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * A, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * B,
285                                   double alpha, double beta,
286                                   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * C,
287                                   double gamma);
290   /** Multiply a matrix with a double alpha*A --> A
291    * \param alpha the  coefficient
292    * \param A the   matrix
293    */
294   void SBM_scal(double alpha, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * A);
297   /** Row of a SparseMatrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a row of blocks of A
298       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
299       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vector y
300       \param[in] currentRowNumber number of the required row of blocks
301       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
302       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
303       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
304       \param[in] init = 0 for y += Ax, =1 for y = Ax
305   */
306   void SBM_row_prod(unsigned int sizeX, unsigned int sizeY, unsigned int currentRowNumber, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, const double* const x, double* y, int init);
308   /** Row of a SparseMatrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a row of blocks of A
309       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
310       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vector y
311       \param[in] currentRowNumber number of the required row of blocks
312       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
313       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
314       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
315       \param[in] init = 0 for y += Ax, =1 for y = Ax
316   */
317   void SBM_row_prod_no_diag(unsigned int sizeX, unsigned int sizeY, unsigned int currentRowNumber, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, const double* const x, double* y, int init);
319   /** Row of a SparseMatrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a row of blocks of A of size 3x3
320       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
321       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vector y
322       \param[in] currentRowNumber number of the required row of blocks
323       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
324       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
325       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
326   */
327   void SBM_row_prod_no_diag_3x3(unsigned int sizeX, unsigned int sizeY, unsigned int currentRowNumber, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, double* const x, double* y);
328   void SBM_row_prod_no_diag_1x1(unsigned int sizeX, unsigned int sizeY, unsigned int currentRowNumber, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, double* const x, double* y);
331   void SBM_extract_component_3x3(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A,
332                                  SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  B,
333                                  unsigned int *row_components, unsigned int row_components_size,
334                                  unsigned int *col_components, unsigned int col_components_size);
336   /** Destructor for SparseBlockStructuredMatrix objects
337       \param blmat SparseBlockStructuredMatrix the matrix to be destroyed.
338    */
339   void SBM_clear(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix * blmat);
341   /** To free a SBM matrix (for example allocated by NM_new_from_file).
342    * \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix that mus be de-allocated.
343    * \param[in] level use NUMERICS_SBM_FREE_BLOCK | NUMERICS_SBM_FREE_SBM
344    */
345   void SBMfree(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* A, unsigned int level);
347   /** Screen display of the matrix content
348       \param m the matrix to be displayed
349    */
350   void SBM_print(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const m);
352   /** print in file  of the matrix content
353   \param m the matrix to be displayed
354   \param file the corresponding  file
355   */
356   void SBM_write_in_file(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const m, FILE* file);
358   /** read in file  of the matrix content without performing memory allocation
359   \param M the matrix to be displayed
360   \param file the corresponding name of the file
361   */
362   void SBM_read_in_file(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M, FILE *file);
364   /** Create from file a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix with  memory allocation
365       \param file the corresponding name of the file
366       \return the matrix to be displayed
367    */
368   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* SBM_new_from_file(FILE *file);
370   /** print in file  of the matrix content in Scilab format for each block
371       \param M the matrix to be displayed
372       \param file the corresponding  file
373   */
374   void SBM_write_in_fileForScilab(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M, FILE* file);
377   /** print in file  of the matrix content
378    \param M the matrix to be displayed
379    \param filename the corresponding file
380      */
381   void SBM_write_in_filename(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M, const char *filename);
383   /** read in file  of the matrix content
384   \param M the matrix to be displayed
385   \param filename the corresponding name of the file
386   */
387   void SBM_read_in_filename(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M, const char *filename);
389   /** Destructor for SparseBlockStructuredMatrixPred objects
390    *   \param blmatpred SparseBlockStructuredMatrix, the matrix to be destroyed.
391    */
392   void SBM_clear_pred(SparseBlockStructuredMatrixPred *blmatpred);
394   /** Compute the indices of blocks of the diagonal block
395       \param M the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix
396       \return the indices for all the rows
397   */
398   unsigned int * SBM_diagonal_block_indices(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M);
400   /** Find index of the diagonal block in a row
401       \param M the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix
402       \param row the row of the required block
403       \return pos the position of the block
404   */
405   unsigned int SBM_diagonal_block_index(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M, unsigned int row);
407   /** insert an entry into a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix.
408    *  This method is expensive in terms of memory management. For a lot of entries, use
409    * an alternative
410    * \param M the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
411    * \param i row index
412    * \param j column index
413    * \param val the value to be inserted.
414    */
415   int SBM_entry(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* M, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double val);
417   /** get the element of row i and column j of the matrix M
418      \param M the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix
419      \param row the row index
420      \param col the column index
421      \return the value
422   */
423   double SBM_get_value(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const M, unsigned int row, unsigned int col);
425   /** Copy of a SBM  A into B
426     \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix to be copied
427     \param[out]  B the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix copy of A
428     \param[in] copyBlock if copyBlock then the content of block are copied, else only the pointers are copied.
429     \return 0 if ok
430   */
431   int SBM_copy(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  B, unsigned int copyBlock);
434   /** Transpose  by copy of a SBM  A into B
435     \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix to be copied
436     \param[out]  B the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix copy of transpose A
437     \return 0 if ok
438   */
439   int SBM_transpose(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  B);
441   /** Inverse (in place) a square diagonal block matrix
442   \param[in,out] M the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix to be inversed
443   \param ipiv worksapce for storign ipiv
444   \return 0 ik ok
445   */
446   int SBM_inverse_diagonal_block_matrix_in_place(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  M, int* ipiv);
449   /** Copy a SBM into a Dense Matrix
450   \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix
451   \param[in] denseMat pointer on the filled dense Matrix
452   */
453   void SBM_to_dense(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, double *denseMat);
455   /** Copy a SBM into a Sparse (CSR) Matrix
456   \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix
457   \param[in] outSparseMat pointer on the filled sparse Matrix
458   \return 0 if ok
459   */
460   int SBM_to_sparse(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, CSparseMatrix *outSparseMat);
462   /** initMemory of a Sparse (CSR) Matrix form a SBM matrix
463   \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix
464   \param[in] sparseMat pointer on the initialized sparse Matrix
465   \return 0 if ok
466   */
467   int SBM_to_sparse_init_memory(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, CSparseMatrix *sparseMat);
469   /**Copy a block row of the SBM into a Dense Matrix
470   \param[in] A the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix matrix to be inversed.
471   \param[in] row the block row index copied.
472   \param[in] denseMat pointer on the filled dense Matrix.
473   \param[in] rowPos line pos in the dense matrix.
474   \param[in] rowNb total number of line of the dense matrix.
475   The number of line copied is contained in M.
476   \
477    */
478   void SBM_row_to_dense(const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const A, int row, double *denseMat, int rowPos, int rowNb);
480   /*
481    * \param [in] rowIndex: permutation: the row numC of C is the row rowIndex[numC] of A.
482    * \param [in] A The source SBM.
483    * \param [out] C The target SBM. It assumes the structure SBM has been allocated.
484    * The memory allocation for its menber is done inside.
485    * NB : The blocks are not copied.
486    */
487   void SBM_row_permutation(unsigned int *rowIndex, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* A, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  C);
489   /*
490   * \param [in] colIndex: permutation: the col numC of C is the col colIndex[numC] of A.
491   * \param [in] A The source SBM.
492   * \param [out] C The target SBM. It assumes the structure SBM has been allocated.
493   * The memory allocation for its menber is done inside.
494   * NB : The blocks are not copied.
495   */
496   void SBM_column_permutation(unsigned int *colIndex, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* A, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*  C);
498   void  SBCM_null(SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix* MC);
500   SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix*  SBCM_new(void);
505   /** allocate a SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix from a list of 3x3
506    * blocks
507    * \param[in] m the number of rows
508    * \param[in] n the number of colums
509    * \param[in] nbblocks the number of blocks
510    * \param[in] row a pointer to row of each block
511    * \param[in] column a pointer to column of each block
512    * \param[in] block a pointer to each block
513    * \return a pointer to a SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix structure
514    */
515   SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix*  SBCM_new_3x3(unsigned int m, unsigned int n,
516                                              unsigned int nbblocks,
517                                              unsigned int *row, unsigned int *column, double *block);
520   /** free allocated memory in newSparseBlockCoordinateMatrix functions
521    * \param[in] MC matrix pointer */
522   void  SBCM_free_3x3(SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix *MC);
524   /** copy a SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix to a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
525    * \param[in] MC the SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix matrix
526    * \return a pointer to a SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix structure
527    */
528   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* SBCM_to_SBM(SparseBlockCoordinateMatrix* MC);
531   /** free a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix created with SBCM_to_SBM
532    * \param[in,out] M a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix to free*/
533   void SBM_free_from_SBCM(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* M);
536   /** Copy a Sparse Matrix into a SBM, with fixed blocksize
537       \param[in] blocksize the blocksize
538       \param[in] sparseMat pointer on the Sparse Matrix
539       \param[in,out] outSBM pointer on an empty SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
540       \return 0 in ok
541   */
542   int SBM_from_csparse(int blocksize, const CSparseMatrix* const sparseMat, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* outSBM);
545 #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(BUILD_AS_CPP)
546 }
547 #endif
549 #endif /* NSSPACK_H */