2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8      subroutine phirphi_opt( nua, na, nuo, no, scell, xa, maxnh, lasto,
9     &                        lastkb, iphorb, iphKB, isa, numh,
10     &                        listhptr, listh, dk, matrix, Sp )
11C *********************************************************************
12C If matrix='R'
13C Finds the matrix elements of the dk*r between basis
14C orbitals, where dk is a given vector and r is the position operator,
15C or the momentum operator plus a correction due to the non-local
16C potential in the case of an infinite solid.
18C  S_a,b(R_a,R_b) =  <phi_a(r-R_a-t_a)|dk*r|phi_b(r-R_b-t_b)>
21C  Being R_a and R_b lattice vectors, and t_a and t_b the coordiantes
22C  of atoms a and b in the unit cell
24C If matrix='P'
25C Finds the matrix elements of the -i*dk*p (i.e. minus dk dot gradient )
26C between basis orbitals, phi_a(r-R_a) and phi_b(r-R_b),
27C where dk is a given vector and p is the momentum operator,
28C a correction must be included due to the use of non-local pseudoptentials
29C VNL=|f(r-R_c)><f(r'-R_c)|
31C  S_a,b(R_a,R_b) = -i*2.0d0*<phi_a(r-R_a-t_a)|dk*p|phi_b(r-R_b-t_b)>+
32C    <phi_a(r-R_a-t_a)|f(r-R_c)><f(r'-R_c)|dk*(r'-R_c)|phi_b(r'-R_b-t_b)>
33C   -<phi_a(r-R_a-t_a)|dk*(r-R_c)|f(r-R_c)><f(r'-R_c)|phi_b(r'-R_b-t_b)>
35C  The factor of two in front of dk*p is related to the use of Ry and
36C  Bohr instead of Ha and Ry. The factor will be canceled out
37C  afterwards when we divide by (E_i-E-j), the energy denominator.
38C  Being R_a and R_b lattice vectors, and t_a and t_b the coordiantes
39C  of atoms a and b in the unit cell
42C Energies in Ry. Lengths in Bohr.
43C Written by DSP August 1999 ( Based in routine overfsm and nlefsm)
44C Restyled for f90 version by JDG. June 2004
45C **************************** INPUT **********************************
46C integer nua              : Number of atoms in unit cell
47C integer na               : Number of atoms in supercell
48C integer nuo              : Number of basis orbitals in unit cell
49C integer no               : Number of basis orbitals in super cell
50C real*8  scell(3,3)       : Supercell vectors SCELL(IXYZ,IVECT)
51C real*8  xa(3,na)         : Atomic positions in cartesian coordinates
52C integer maxnh            : First dimension of listh
53C integer lasto(0:na)      : Last orbital index of each atom
54C integer lastkb(0:na)     : Last KB porjector index of each atom
55C integer iphorb(no)       : Orbital index of each orbital in its atom
56C integer iphKB(nokb)      : KB proj. index of each KB proj. in its atom
57C integer isa(na)          : Species index of each atom
58C integer numh(nuo)        : Number of nonzero elements of each row
59C                            of the overlap matrix
60C integer listh(maxnh)     : Column indexes of the nonzero elements
61C                            of each row of the overlap matrix
62C real*8  dk(3)            : Vector in k-space
63C character*1 matrix       : 'R' for molecules or atoms, the matrix
64C                             elements of the position operator are
65C                             calculated
66C                            'P' for solids, the matrix elements of
67C                             the momentum operator are calculated.
68C **************************** OUTPUT *********************************
69C real*8  Sp(maxnh)        : Sparse overlap matrix
70C *********************************************************************
72      use precision,    only : dp
73      use parallel,     only : Node, Nodes
74      use atmparams,    only : lmx2, nzetmx, nsemx
75      use atmfuncs,     only : epskb, lofio, mofio, rcut, rphiatm
76      use atmfuncs,     only : orb_gindex, kbproj_gindex
77      use atm_types,    only : nspecies
78      use parallelsubs, only : GlobalToLocalOrb, LocalToGlobalOrb
79      use alloc,        only : re_alloc, de_alloc
80      use sys,          only : die
81      use neighbour,    only : jna=>jan, xij, r2ij
82      use neighbour,    only : mneighb, reset_neighbour_arrays
83      use m_new_matel,  only : new_matel
85      implicit none
87C Passed variables
88      integer   ::  maxnh, na, no, nua, nuo
89      integer   :: iphorb(no), isa(na), lasto(0:na), lastkb(0:na),
90     &             listh(maxnh), listhptr(nuo), numh(nuo), iphKB(*)
91      real(dp)  :: scell(3,3), dk(3), Sp(maxnh), xa(3,na)
92      character :: matrix*1
94C Internal variables
95C maxkba = maximum number of KB projectors of one atom
96C maxno  = maximum number of basis orbitals overlapping a KB projector
98      integer
99     &  ia, iio, ind, io, ioa, is, ix,
100     &  j, ja, jn, jo, joa, js, nnia, norb, ka
102      real(dp)
103     &  grSij(3), rij, Sij, xinv(3), sum
105      integer
106     &  ikb, ina, ino, jno, ko, koa, ks, ig, jg, kg,
107     &  nkb, nna, nno, ilm1, ilm2, npoints,
108     &  ir
110      real(dp)
111     &  epsk, grSki(3),
112     &  rki, rmax, rmaxkb, rmaxo,
113     &  Sik, Sjk, Sikr, Sjkr,
114     &  dintg2(3), dint1, dint2, dintgmod2,
115     &  dintg1(3), dintgmod1,
116     &  phi1, phi2, dphi1dr, dphi2dr, Sir0, r
118      integer,  pointer, save :: iano(:)
119      integer,  pointer, save :: iono(:)
120      integer,           save :: maxkba = 25
121      integer,           save :: maxno = 1000
122!N      logical,  pointer, save :: calculated(:,:,:)
123      logical,  pointer, save :: listed(:)
124      logical,  pointer, save :: needed(:)
125      logical                 :: within
126      real(dp),          save :: dx = 0.01d0
127!N      real(dp), pointer, save :: Pij(:,:,:)
128      real(dp), pointer, save :: Si(:)
129      real(dp), pointer, save :: Ski(:,:,:)
130      real(dp),          save :: tiny = 1.0d-9
131      real(dp), pointer, save :: Vi(:)
133C Start timer
134      call timer('phirphiopt',1)
136C Check input matrix
137      if(matrix.ne.'P'.and.matrix.ne.'R')
138     &   call die('phirphi_opt: matrix only can take values R or P')
140C Nullify pointers
141      nullify( listed, needed, Si, Vi, iano, iono, Ski )
142!N      nullify( Pij, calculated )
144C Allocate arrays
145      norb = lmx2*nzetmx*nsemx
146      call re_alloc( listed, 1, no, 'listed', 'phirphi_opt' )
147      call re_alloc( needed, 1, no, 'needed', 'phirphi_opt' )
148      call re_alloc( Si,     1, no, 'Si',     'phirphi_opt' )
149      call re_alloc( Vi,     1, no, 'Vi',     'phirphi_opt' )
150      call re_alloc( iano, 1, maxno, 'iano', 'phirphi_opt' )
151      call re_alloc( iono, 1, maxno, 'iono', 'phirphi_opt' )
152      call re_alloc( Ski, 1, 2, 1, maxkba, 1, maxno,
153     &               'Ski', 'phirphi_opt' )
154!N      call re_alloc( Pij, 1, norb, 1, norb, 1, nspecies,
155!N     &               'Pij', 'phirphi_opt' )
156!N      call re_alloc( calculated, 1, norb, 1, norb, 1, nspecies,
157!N     &               'calculated', 'phirphi_opt' )
159C Initialise quantities
160      do io = 1,maxnh
161        Sp(io) = 0.0d0
162      enddo
163!N      do ka = 1,nspecies
164!N        do io = 1,norb
165!N          do jo = 1,norb
166!N            calculated(jo,io,ka) = .false.
167!N          enddo
168!N        enddo
169!N      enddo
171C Find maximum range
172      rmaxo = 0.0d0
173      rmaxkb = 0.0d0
174      do ia = 1,na
175        is = isa(ia)
176        do ikb = lastkb(ia-1)+1,lastkb(ia)
177          ioa = iphKB(ikb)
178          rmaxkb = max( rmaxkb, rcut(is,ioa) )
179        enddo
180        do io = lasto(ia-1)+1,lasto(ia)
181          ioa = iphorb(io)
182          rmaxo = max( rmaxo, rcut(is,ioa) )
183        enddo
184      enddo
185      rmax = rmaxo + rmaxkb
187C Correction due to the non-locality of the potential have to be
188C calculated for the momentum operator matrix elements
190      if (matrix.eq.'P') then
192C Initialize arrayd Vi only once
193        no = lasto(na)
194        do jo = 1,no
195          Vi(jo) = 0.0d0
196          listed(jo) = .false.
197          needed(jo) = .false.
198        enddo
200C Find out which orbitals are needed on this node
201        do iio = 1,nuo
202          call LocalToGlobalOrb(iio,Node,Nodes,io)
203          needed(io) = .true.
204          do j = 1,numh(iio)
205            ind = listhptr(iio) + j
206            jo = listh(ind)
207            needed(jo) = .true.
208          enddo
209        enddo
211C Loop on atoms with KB projectors
212        do ka = 1,na
213          ks = isa(ka)
214          nkb = lastkb(ka) - lastkb(ka-1)
215          if (nkb.gt.maxkba) then
216            maxkba = nkb + 10
217            call re_alloc( Ski, 1, 2, 1, maxkba, 1, maxno, copy=.true.,
218     &                     name='Ski', routine='phirphi_opt' )
219          endif
221C Find neighbour atoms
222          call mneighb( scell, rmax, na, xa, ka, 0, nna )
224C Find neighbour orbitals
225          nno = 0
226          do ina = 1,nna
227            ia = jna(ina)
229            is = isa(ia)
230            rki = sqrt(r2ij(ina))
231            do io = lasto(ia-1)+1,lasto(ia)
232              if (needed(io)) then
233                call GlobalToLocalOrb(io,Node,Nodes,iio)
234                ioa = iphorb(io)
235                ig = orb_gindex(is,ioa)
237C Find if orbital is within range
238                within = .false.
239                do ko = lastkb(ka-1)+1,lastkb(ka)
240                  koa = iphKB(ko)
241                  if ( rki .lt. rcut(is,ioa)+rcut(ks,koa) )
242     &              within = .true.
243                enddo
245C Find overlap between neighbour orbitals and KB projectors
246                if (within) then
247                  nno = nno + 1
248                  if (nno.gt.maxno) then
249                    maxno = nno + 500
250                    call re_alloc( iano, 1, maxno, copy=.true.,
251     &                             name='iano', routine='phirphi_opt' )
252                    call re_alloc( iono, 1, maxno, copy=.true.,
253     &                             name='iono', routine='phirphi_opt' )
254                    call re_alloc( Ski, 1, 2, 1, maxkba, 1, maxno,
255     &                             copy=.true., name='Ski',
256     &                             routine='phirphi_opt' )
257                  endif
258                  iono(nno) = io
259                  iano(nno) = ia
260                  ikb = 0
261                  do ko = lastkb(ka-1)+1,lastkb(ka)
262                    ikb = ikb + 1
263                    koa = iphKB(ko)
264                    kg = kbproj_gindex(ks,koa)
265                    do ix = 1,3
266                     xinv(ix) = - xij(ix,ina)
267                    enddo
268                    call new_MATEL('S', ig, kg, xinv,
269     &                         Ski(1,ikb,nno), grSki)
271                    sum = 0.0d0
272                    if (abs(dk(1)).gt.tiny) then
273                      call new_MATEL('X', ig, kg, xinv,
274     &                           Sik, grSki)
275                      sum = sum + Sik*dk(1)
276                    endif
277                    if (abs(dk(2)).gt.tiny) then
278                      call new_MATEL('Y', ig, kg, xinv,
279     &                           Sik, grSki)
280                      sum = sum + Sik*dk(2)
281                    endif
282                    if (abs(dk(3)).gt.tiny) then
283                      call new_MATEL('Z', ig, kg, xinv,
284     &                           Sik, grSki)
285                      sum = sum + Sik*dk(3)
286                    endif
287                    Ski(2,ikb,nno) = sum
288                  enddo
289                endif
290              endif
291            enddo
293          enddo
295C Loop on neighbour orbitals
296          do ino = 1,nno
297            io = iono(ino)
298            call GlobalToLocalOrb(io,Node,Nodes,iio)
299            if (iio .gt. 0) then
300              ia = iano(ino)
301              if (ia .le. nua) then
303C Scatter filter of desired matrix elements
304                do j = 1,numh(iio)
305                  ind = listhptr(iio) + j
306                  jo = listh(ind)
307                  listed(jo) = .true.
308                enddo
310C Find matrix elements with other neighbour orbitals
311                do jno = 1,nno
312                  jo = iono(jno)
313                  if (listed(jo)) then
315C Loop on KB projectors
316                    ikb = 0
317                    do ko = lastkb(ka-1)+1,lastkb(ka)
318                      ikb = ikb + 1
319                      koa = iphKB(ko)
320                      epsk = epskb(ks,koa)
321                      Sik = Ski(1,ikb,ino)
322                      Sikr= Ski(2,ikb,ino)
323                      Sjk = Ski(1,ikb,jno)
324                      Sjkr= Ski(2,ikb,jno)
325                      Vi(jo) = Vi(jo) + epsk * (Sik * Sjkr - Sikr * Sjk)
326                    enddo
328                  endif
329                enddo
331C Pick up contributions to H and restore Di and Vi
332                do j = 1,numh(iio)
333                  ind = listhptr(iio) + j
334                  jo = listh(ind)
335                  Sp(ind) = Sp(ind) + Vi(jo)
336                  Vi(jo) = 0.0d0
337                  listed(jo) = .false.
338                enddo
340              endif
341            endif
342          enddo
343        enddo
345      endif
347C Initialize neighb subroutine
348      call mneighb( scell, 2.0d0*rmaxo, na, xa, 0, 0, nnia )
350      do jo = 1,no
351        Si(jo) = 0.0d0
352      enddo
354      do ia = 1,nua
356        is = isa(ia)
357        call mneighb( scell, 2.0d0*rmaxo, na, xa, ia, 0, nnia )
359        do io = lasto(ia-1)+1,lasto(ia)
360          call GlobalToLocalOrb(io,Node,Nodes,iio)
361          if (iio .gt. 0) then
362            ioa = iphorb(io)
363            ig = orb_gindex(is,ioa)
364            do jn = 1,nnia
365              do ix = 1,3
366                xinv(ix) = - xij(ix,jn)
367              enddo
368              ja = jna(jn)
369              rij = sqrt( r2ij(jn) )
370              do jo = lasto(ja-1)+1,lasto(ja)
371                joa = iphorb(jo)
372                js = isa(ja)
373                jg = orb_gindex(js,joa)
375                if (rcut(is,ioa)+rcut(js,joa) .gt. rij) then
377                  if (matrix.eq.'R') then
379                    call new_MATEL('X', jg, ig, xinv,
380     &                         Sij, grSij )
381                    Si(jo) = Sij*dk(1)
383                    call new_MATEL('Y', jg, ig, xinv,
384     &                         Sij, grSij )
385                    Si(jo) = Si(jo) + Sij*dk(2)
387                    call new_MATEL('Z', jg, ig, xinv,
388     &                         Sij, grSij )
389                    Si(jo) = Si(jo) + Sij*dk(3)
391                    call new_MATEL('S', ig, jg, xij(1:3,jn),
392     &                         Sij, grSij )
393                    Si(jo) = Si(jo) + Sij*(
394     &                   xa(1,ia)*dk(1)
395     &                 + xa(2,ia)*dk(2)
396     &                 + xa(3,ia)*dk(3))
398                  else
400                    if (rij.lt.tiny) then
401C Perform the direct computation of the matrix element of the momentum
402C within the same atom
403!N                     if ( .not.calculated(joa,ioa,is) ) then
404                       ilm1 = lofio(is,ioa)**2 + lofio(is,ioa) +
405     &                      mofio(is,ioa) + 1
406                       ilm2 = lofio(is,joa)**2 + lofio(is,joa) +
407     &                      mofio(is,joa) + 1
408                       call intgry(ilm1,ilm2,dintg2)
409                       call intyyr(ilm1,ilm2,dintg1)
410                       dintgmod1 = dintg1(1)**2 + dintg1(2)**2 +
411     &                      dintg1(3)**2
412                       dintgmod2 = dintg2(1)**2 + dintg2(2)**2 +
413     &                      dintg2(3)**2
414                       Sir0 = 0.0d0
415                       if ((dintgmod2.gt.tiny).or.(dintgmod1.gt.tiny))
416     &                      then
417                          dint1 = 0.0d0
418                          dint2 = 0.0d0
419                          npoints = int(max(rcut(is,ioa),rcut(is,joa))
420     &                         /dx) + 2
421                          do ir = 1,npoints
422                             r = dx*(ir-1)
423                             call rphiatm(is,ioa,r,phi1,dphi1dr)
424                             call rphiatm(is,joa,r,phi2,dphi2dr)
425                             dint1 = dint1 + dx*phi1*dphi2dr*r**2
426                             dint2 = dint2 + dx*phi1*phi2*r
427                          enddo
428C     The factor of two because we use Ry for the Hamiltonian
429                          Sir0 =
430     &                  -2.0d0*(dk(1)*(dint1*dintg1(1)+dint2*dintg2(1))+
431     &                      dk(2)*(dint1*dintg1(2)+dint2*dintg2(2))+
432     &                      dk(3)*(dint1*dintg1(3)+dint2*dintg2(3)))
433                       endif
434!N     Pij(ioa,joa,is) = - Sir0
435!N     Pij(joa,ioa,is) =   Sir0
436                       Si(jo) = Sir0
437!N                       calculated(ioa,joa,is) = .true.
438!N                       calculated(joa,ioa,is) = .true.
439!N                    endif
441                    else
442C Matrix elements between different atoms are taken from the
443C gradient of the overlap
444                      call new_MATEL('S', ig, jg, xij(1:3,jn),
445     &                           Sij, grSij )
446C The factor of two because we use Ry for the Hamiltonian
447                      Si(jo) =
448     &                  2.0d0*(grSij(1)*dk(1)
449     &             +           grSij(2)*dk(2)
450     &             +           grSij(3)*dk(3))
452                    endif
454                  endif
455                endif
456              enddo
457            enddo
458            do j = 1,numh(iio)
459              ind = listhptr(iio) + j
460              jo = listh(ind)
461              Sp(ind) = Sp(ind) + Si(jo)
462              Si(jo) = 0.0d0
463            enddo
464          endif
465        enddo
466      enddo
468C     Free local memory
469!      call new_MATEL( 'S', 0, 0, 0, 0, xij, Sij, grSij )
470      call reset_neighbour_arrays( )
471!N      call de_alloc( calculated, 'calculated', 'phirphi_opt' )
472!N      call de_alloc( Pij,        'Pij',        'phirphi_opt' )
473      call de_alloc( Ski,        'Ski',        'phirphi_opt' )
474      call de_alloc( iono,       'iono',       'phirphi_opt' )
475      call de_alloc( iano,       'iano',       'phirphi_opt' )
476      call de_alloc( Vi,         'Vi',         'phirphi_opt' )
477      call de_alloc( Si,         'Si',         'phirphi_opt' )
478      call de_alloc( needed,     'needed',     'phirphi_opt' )
479      call de_alloc( listed,     'listed',     'phirphi_opt' )
481C Stop timer
482      call timer('phirphiopt',2)
484      return
485      end
488      subroutine Intgry( ilm1, ilm2, dintg )
489C *******************************************************************
490C Returns a vector with the value of the integral of a spherical
491C harmonic with the gradient of another spherical harmonic.
492C written by DSP. August 1999 (from subroutine ylmexp by J. Soler)
493C ************************* INPUT ***********************************
494C integer  ilm1                     : first spherical harmonic index:
495C                                     ilm1=L1*L1+L1+M1+1.
496C integer  ilm2                     : second spherical harmonic index
497C ************************* OUTPUT **********************************
498C real*8   dintg(3)                 : Vector with the value of the
499C                                    (angular) integral of the product
500C                                     Yl1m1*grad(Yl2m2)
501C *******************************************************************
502C external rlylm(lmax,rvec,y,grady) : Returns spherical harmonics,
503C                                     times r**l
504C *******************************************************************
506      use precision, only: dp
507      use alloc
508      use spher_harm,   only : gauleg, rlylm
510      implicit none
512C Passed variables
513      integer           ilm1, ilm2
514      real(dp)          dintg(3)
516C Internal variables
517      integer
518     &  lmax, l2, ix, isp, iz, nsp, im,
519     &  maxlm, maxsp
520      real(dp)
521     &  phi, pi, theta, dl, r(3)
523      integer,           save :: maxl = 8
524      logical,           save :: frstme = .true.
525      real(dp), pointer, save :: gry(:,:)
526      real(dp), pointer, save :: w(:)
527      real(dp), pointer, save :: wsp(:)
528      real(dp), pointer, save :: x(:,:)
529      real(dp), pointer, save :: y(:)
530      real(dp), pointer, save :: z(:)
532      external
533     &  dot
535C Nullify pointers and initialise arrays on first call
536      if (frstme) then
537        nullify(gry,w,wsp,x,y,z)
538        maxlm = (maxl+1)*(maxl+1)
539        maxsp = (maxl+1)*(2*maxl+1)
540        call re_alloc(gry,1,3,0,maxlm,name='gry',routine='intgry')
541        call re_alloc(w,1,maxl+1,name='w',routine='intgry')
542        call re_alloc(wsp,1,maxsp,name='wsp',routine='intgry')
543        call re_alloc(x,1,3,1,maxsp,name='x',routine='intgry')
544        call re_alloc(y,0,maxlm,name='y',routine='intgry')
545        call re_alloc(z,1,maxl+1,name='z',routine='intgry')
546        frstme = .false.
547      endif
549C Find special points and weights for gaussian quadrature
550      if (max(ilm1,ilm2).eq.1) then
551        lmax = 1
552      else
553        dl = dble(max(ilm1,ilm2)) - 1.0d0 + 1.0d-2
554        lmax = int(dsqrt(dl)) + 1
555      endif
557C Check array dimensions
558      if (lmax.gt.maxl) then
559        maxl = lmax
560        maxlm = (maxl+1)*(maxl+1)
561        maxsp = (maxl+1)*(2*maxl+1)
562        call re_alloc(gry,1,3,0,maxlm,name='gry',routine='intgry')
563        call re_alloc(w,1,maxl+1,name='w',routine='intgry')
564        call re_alloc(wsp,1,maxsp,name='wsp',routine='intgry')
565        call re_alloc(x,1,3,1,maxsp,name='x',routine='intgry')
566        call re_alloc(y,0,maxlm,name='y',routine='intgry')
567        call re_alloc(z,1,maxl+1,name='z',routine='intgry')
568      endif
570      call gauleg( -1.0d0, 1.0d0, z, w, lmax+1 )
571      pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0)
572      nsp = 0
573      do iz = 1,lmax+1
574        theta = acos( z(iz) )
575        do im = 0,2*lmax
576          nsp = nsp + 1
577          phi = im*2.0d0*pi/(2*lmax+1)
578          x(1,nsp) = sin(theta)*cos(phi)
579          x(2,nsp) = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
580          x(3,nsp) = cos(theta)
581          wsp(nsp) = w(iz)*(2.0d0*pi) / (2*lmax+1)
582        enddo
583      enddo
585C Find the integrals
586      if (ilm2.eq.1) then
587        l2 = 0
588      else
589        dl = dble(ilm2) - 1.0d0 + 1.0d-2
590        l2 = int(dsqrt(dl))
591      endif
592      do ix = 1,3
593        dintg(ix) = 0.0d0
594      enddo
595      if (l2.eq.0) return
596      do isp = 1,nsp
597        r(1) = x(1,isp)
598        r(2) = x(2,isp)
599        r(3) = x(3,isp)
600        call rlylm( lmax, r, y, gry )
601        do ix = 1,3
602          dintg(ix) = dintg(ix) + wsp(isp)*y(ilm1-1)*
603     &      (gry(ix,ilm2-1) - l2*y(ilm2-1)*x(ix,isp))
604        enddo
605      enddo
607      end
610      subroutine Intyyr( ilm1, ilm2, dintg)
611C *******************************************************************
612C Returns a vector with the value of the integral of the product of spherical
613C two spherical harmonics and the radial unit vector.
614C ************************* INPUT ***********************************
615C integer  ilm1                     : first spherical harmonic index:
616C                                     ilm1=L1*L1+L1+M1+1.
617C integer  ilm2                     : second spherical harmonic index
618C ************************* OUTPUT **********************************
619C real*8   dintg(3)                 : Vector with the value of the
620C                                    (angular) integral of the product
621C                                     Yl1m1*Yl2m2*(x/r,y/r,z/r)
622C *******************************************************************
623C external rlylm(lmax,rvec,y,grady) : Returns spherical harmonics,
624C                                     times r**l
625C *******************************************************************
627      use precision, only: dp
628      use alloc
629      use spher_harm,   only : gauleg, rlylm
631      implicit none
633C Passed variables
634      integer           ilm1, ilm2
635      real(dp)          dintg(3)
637C Internal variables
638      integer
639     &  lmax,ix, isp, iz, nsp, im, maxlm, maxsp
640      real(dp)
641     &  phi, pi, theta, dl, r(3)
643      integer,           save :: maxl = 8
644      logical,           save :: frstme = .true.
645      real(dp), pointer, save :: gry(:,:)
646      real(dp), pointer, save :: w(:)
647      real(dp), pointer, save :: wsp(:)
648      real(dp), pointer, save :: x(:,:)
649      real(dp), pointer, save :: y(:)
650      real(dp), pointer, save :: z(:)
652      external
653     &  dot
655C Nullify pointers and initialise arrays on first call
656      if (frstme) then
657        nullify(gry,w,wsp,x,y,z)
658        maxlm = (maxl+1)*(maxl+1)
659        maxsp = (maxl+1)*(2*maxl+1)
660        call re_alloc(gry,1,3,0,maxlm,name='gry',routine='intyyr')
661        call re_alloc(w,1,maxl+1,name='w',routine='intyyr')
662        call re_alloc(wsp,1,maxsp,name='wsp',routine='intyyr')
663        call re_alloc(x,1,3,1,maxsp,name='x',routine='intyyr')
664        call re_alloc(y,0,maxlm,name='y',routine='intyyr')
665        call re_alloc(z,1,maxl+1,name='z',routine='intyyr')
666        frstme = .false.
667      endif
669C Find special points and weights for Gaussian quadrature
670      if (max(ilm1,ilm2).eq.1) then
671        lmax = 1
672      else
673        dl = dble(max(ilm1,ilm2)) - 1.0d0 + 1.0d-2
674        lmax = int(dsqrt(dl)) + 1
675      endif
677C Check array dimensions
678      if (lmax.gt.maxl) then
679        maxl = lmax
680        maxlm = (maxl+1)*(maxl+1)
681        maxsp = (maxl+1)*(2*maxl+1)
682        call re_alloc(gry,1,3,0,maxlm,name='gry',routine='intgry')
683        call re_alloc(w,1,maxl+1,name='w',routine='intgry')
684        call re_alloc(wsp,1,maxsp,name='wsp',routine='intgry')
685        call re_alloc(x,1,3,1,maxsp,name='x',routine='intgry')
686        call re_alloc(y,0,maxlm,name='y',routine='intgry')
687        call re_alloc(z,1,maxl+1,name='z',routine='intgry')
688      endif
690      call gauleg( -1.0d0, 1.0d0, z, w, lmax+1 )
691      pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0)
692      nsp = 0
693      do iz = 1,lmax+1
694        theta = acos(z(iz))
695        do im = 0,2*lmax
696          nsp = nsp + 1
697          phi = im * 2.0d0*pi/(2*lmax+1)
698          x(1,nsp) = sin(theta)*cos(phi)
699          x(2,nsp) = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
700          x(3,nsp) = cos(theta)
701          wsp(nsp) = w(iz)*(2.0d0*pi)/(2*lmax+1)
702        enddo
703      enddo
705C Find the integrals
706      do ix = 1,3
707        dintg(ix) = 0.0d0
708      enddo
709      do isp = 1,nsp
710        r(1) = x(1,isp)
711        r(2) = x(2,isp)
712        r(3) = x(3,isp)
713        call rlylm( lmax, r, y, gry )
714        do ix = 1,3
715          dintg(ix) = dintg(ix) +
716     &      wsp(isp)*y(ilm1-1)*y(ilm2-1)*x(ix,isp)
717        enddo
718      enddo
720      end