1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4module Stack.Options.DotParser where
6import           Data.Char (isSpace)
7import           Data.List.Split (splitOn)
8import qualified Data.Set as Set
9import qualified Data.Text as T
10import           Distribution.Types.PackageName(mkPackageName)
11import           Options.Applicative
12import           Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra
13import           Stack.Dot
14import           Stack.Options.BuildParser
15import           Stack.Prelude
17-- | Parser for arguments to `stack dot`
18dotOptsParser :: Bool -> Parser DotOpts
19dotOptsParser externalDefault =
20  DotOpts <$> includeExternal
21          <*> includeBase
22          <*> depthLimit
23          <*> fmap (maybe Set.empty $ Set.fromList . splitNames) prunedPkgs
24          <*> targetsParser
25          <*> flagsParser
26          <*> testTargets
27          <*> benchTargets
28          <*> globalHints
29  where includeExternal = boolFlags externalDefault
30                                    "external"
31                                    "inclusion of external dependencies"
32                                    idm
33        includeBase = boolFlags True
34                                "include-base"
35                                "inclusion of dependencies on base"
36                                idm
37        depthLimit =
38            optional (option auto
39                             (long "depth" <>
40                              metavar "DEPTH" <>
41                              help ("Limit the depth of dependency resolution " <>
42                                    "(Default: No limit)")))
43        prunedPkgs = optional (strOption
44                                   (long "prune" <>
45                                    metavar "PACKAGES" <>
46                                    help ("Prune each package name " <>
47                                          "from the comma separated list " <>
48                                          "of package names PACKAGES")))
49        testTargets = switch (long "test" <>
50                              help "Consider dependencies of test components")
51        benchTargets = switch (long "bench" <>
52                               help "Consider dependencies of benchmark components")
54        splitNames :: String -> [PackageName]
55        splitNames = map (mkPackageName . takeWhile (not . isSpace) . dropWhile isSpace) . splitOn ","
57        globalHints = switch (long "global-hints" <>
58                              help "Do not require an install GHC; instead, use a hints file for global packages")
60separatorParser :: Parser Text
61separatorParser =
62  fmap escapeSep
63  (textOption (long "separator" <>
64                metavar "SEP" <>
65                help ("Separator between package name " <>
66                      "and package version.") <>
67                value " " <>
68                showDefault))
69  where escapeSep sep = T.replace "\\t" "\t" (T.replace "\\n" "\n" sep)
71licenseParser :: Parser Bool
72licenseParser = boolFlags False
73                "license"
74                "printing of dependency licenses instead of versions"
75                idm
77listDepsFormatOptsParser :: Parser ListDepsFormatOpts
78listDepsFormatOptsParser = ListDepsFormatOpts <$> separatorParser <*> licenseParser
80listDepsTreeParser :: Parser ListDepsFormat
81listDepsTreeParser =  ListDepsTree <$> listDepsFormatOptsParser
83listDepsTextParser :: Parser ListDepsFormat
84listDepsTextParser = ListDepsText <$> listDepsFormatOptsParser
86listDepsJsonParser :: Parser ListDepsFormat
87listDepsJsonParser = pure ListDepsJSON
89toListDepsOptsParser :: Parser ListDepsFormat -> Parser ListDepsOpts
90toListDepsOptsParser formatParser = ListDepsOpts
91      <$> formatParser
92      <*> dotOptsParser True
94formatSubCommand :: String -> String -> Parser ListDepsFormat -> Mod CommandFields ListDepsOpts
95formatSubCommand cmd desc formatParser =
96  command cmd (info (toListDepsOptsParser formatParser)
97               (progDesc desc))
99-- | Parser for arguments to `stack ls dependencies`.
100listDepsOptsParser :: Parser ListDepsOpts
101listDepsOptsParser = subparser
102                     (  formatSubCommand "text" "Print dependencies as text (default)" listDepsTextParser
103                     <> formatSubCommand "tree" "Print dependencies as tree" listDepsTreeParser
104                     <> formatSubCommand "json" "Print dependencies as JSON" listDepsJsonParser
105                     ) <|> toListDepsOptsParser listDepsTextParser