1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3module Stack.Options.GhciParser where
5import           Options.Applicative
6import           Options.Applicative.Args
7import           Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra
8import           Stack.Config                      (packagesParser)
9import           Stack.Ghci                        (GhciOpts (..))
10import           Stack.Options.BuildParser         (flagsParser)
11import           Stack.Options.Completion
12import           Stack.Prelude
14-- | Parser for GHCI options
15ghciOptsParser :: Parser GhciOpts
16ghciOptsParser = GhciOpts
17             <$> many
18                   (textArgument
19                        (metavar "TARGET/FILE" <>
20                         completer (targetCompleter <> fileExtCompleter [".hs", ".lhs"]) <>
21                         help ("If none specified, use all local packages. " <>
22                               "See https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/build_command/#target-syntax for details. " <>
23                               "If a path to a .hs or .lhs file is specified, it will be loaded.")))
24             <*> ((\x y -> x ++ concat y)
25                 <$> flag
26                     []
27                     ["-Wall", "-Werror"]
28                     (long "pedantic" <> help "Turn on -Wall and -Werror")
29                 <*> many (argsOption (long "ghci-options" <>
30                                    metavar "OPTIONS" <>
31                                    completer ghcOptsCompleter <>
32                                    help "Additional options passed to GHCi"))
33             )
34             <*> (concat <$> many
35                     (argsOption
36                          (long "ghc-options" <>
37                           metavar "OPTIONS" <>
38                           completer ghcOptsCompleter <>
39                           help "Additional options passed to both GHC and GHCi")))
40             <*> flagsParser
41             <*> optional
42                     (strOption (long "with-ghc" <>
43                                 metavar "GHC" <>
44                                 help "Use this GHC to run GHCi"))
45             <*> (not <$> boolFlags True "load" "load modules on start-up" idm)
46             <*> packagesParser
47             <*> optional
48                     (textOption
49                           (long "main-is" <>
50                            metavar "TARGET" <>
51                            completer targetCompleter <>
52                            help "Specify which target should contain the main \
53                                 \module to load, such as for an executable for \
54                                 \test suite or benchmark."))
55             <*> switch (long "load-local-deps" <> help "Load all local dependencies of your targets")
56             -- TODO: deprecate this? probably useless.
57             <*> switch (long "skip-intermediate-deps" <> help "Skip loading intermediate target dependencies" <> internal)
58             <*> optional (boolFlagsNoDefault "package-hiding" "package hiding" idm)
59             <*> switch (long "no-build" <> help "Don't build before launching GHCi" <> internal)
60             <*> switch (long "only-main" <> help "Only load and import the main module.  If no main module, no modules will be loaded.")