1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
8-- Create a source distribution tarball
9module Stack.SDist
10    ( getSDistTarball
11    , checkSDistTarball
12    , checkSDistTarball'
13    , SDistOpts (..)
14    ) where
16import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
17import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar
18import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
19import           Control.Applicative
20import           Control.Concurrent.Execute (ActionContext(..), Concurrency(..))
21import           Stack.Prelude hiding (Display (..))
22import qualified Data.ByteString as S
23import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
24import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
25import           Data.Char (toLower)
26import           Data.Data (cast)
27import           Data.List
28import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
29import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
30import qualified Data.Set as Set
31import qualified Data.Text as T
32import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
33import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T
34import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
35import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
36import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
37import           Distribution.Package (Dependency (..))
38import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal
39import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Check as Check
40import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec as Cabal
41import           Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint (showGenericPackageDescription)
42import qualified Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName as Cabal
43import           Distribution.Version (simplifyVersionRange, orLaterVersion, earlierVersion, hasUpperBound, hasLowerBound)
44import           Path
45import           Path.IO hiding (getModificationTime, getPermissions, withSystemTempDir)
46import           RIO.PrettyPrint
47import           Stack.Build (mkBaseConfigOpts, build, buildLocalTargets)
48import           Stack.Build.Execute
49import           Stack.Build.Installed
50import           Stack.Build.Source (projectLocalPackages)
51import           Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
52import           Stack.Package
53import           Stack.SourceMap
54import           Stack.Types.Build
55import           Stack.Types.Config
56import           Stack.Types.Package
57import           Stack.Types.SourceMap
58import           Stack.Types.Version
59import           System.Directory (getModificationTime, getPermissions)
60import qualified System.FilePath as FP
62-- | Special exception to throw when you want to fail because of bad results
63-- of package check.
65data SDistOpts = SDistOpts
66  { sdoptsDirsToWorkWith :: [String]
67  -- ^ Directories to package
68  , sdoptsPvpBounds :: Maybe PvpBounds
69  -- ^ PVP Bounds overrides
70  , sdoptsIgnoreCheck :: Bool
71  -- ^ Whether to ignore check of the package for common errors
72  , sdoptsBuildTarball :: Bool
73  -- ^ Whether to build the tarball
74  , sdoptsTarPath :: Maybe FilePath
75  -- ^ Where to copy the tarball
76  }
78newtype CheckException
79  = CheckException (NonEmpty Check.PackageCheck)
80  deriving (Typeable)
82instance Exception CheckException
84instance Show CheckException where
85  show (CheckException xs) =
86    "Package check reported the following errors:\n" ++
87    (intercalate "\n" . fmap show . NE.toList $ xs)
89-- | Given the path to a local package, creates its source
90-- distribution tarball.
92-- While this yields a 'FilePath', the name of the tarball, this
93-- tarball is not written to the disk and instead yielded as a lazy
94-- bytestring.
96  :: HasEnvConfig env
97  => Maybe PvpBounds            -- ^ Override Config value
98  -> Path Abs Dir               -- ^ Path to local package
99  -> RIO env (FilePath, L.ByteString, Maybe (PackageIdentifier, L.ByteString))
100  -- ^ Filename, tarball contents, and option cabal file revision to upload
101getSDistTarball mpvpBounds pkgDir = do
102    config <- view configL
103    let PvpBounds pvpBounds asRevision = fromMaybe (configPvpBounds config) mpvpBounds
104        tweakCabal = pvpBounds /= PvpBoundsNone
105        pkgFp = toFilePath pkgDir
106    lp <- readLocalPackage pkgDir
107    forM_ (packageSetupDeps (lpPackage lp)) $ \customSetupDeps ->
108        case NE.nonEmpty (map (T.pack . packageNameString) (Map.keys customSetupDeps)) of
109          Just nonEmptyDepTargets -> do
110            eres <- buildLocalTargets nonEmptyDepTargets
111            case eres of
112              Left err ->
113                logError $ "Error building custom-setup dependencies: " <> displayShow err
114              Right _ ->
115                return ()
116          Nothing ->
117            logWarn "unexpected empty custom-setup dependencies"
118    sourceMap <- view $ envConfigL.to envConfigSourceMap
120    installMap <- toInstallMap sourceMap
121    (installedMap, _globalDumpPkgs, _snapshotDumpPkgs, _localDumpPkgs) <-
122        getInstalled installMap
123    let deps = Map.fromList [ (pid, ghcPkgId)
124                            | (_, Library pid ghcPkgId _) <- Map.elems installedMap]
126    logInfo $ "Getting file list for " <> fromString pkgFp
127    (fileList, cabalfp) <- getSDistFileList lp deps
128    logInfo $ "Building sdist tarball for " <> fromString pkgFp
129    files <- normalizeTarballPaths (map (T.unpack . stripCR . T.pack) (lines fileList))
131    -- We're going to loop below and eventually find the cabal
132    -- file. When we do, we'll upload this reference, if the
133    -- mpvpBounds value indicates that we should be uploading a cabal
134    -- file revision.
135    cabalFileRevisionRef <- liftIO (newIORef Nothing)
137    -- NOTE: Could make this use lazy I/O to only read files as needed
138    -- for upload (both GZip.compress and Tar.write are lazy).
139    -- However, it seems less error prone and more predictable to read
140    -- everything in at once, so that's what we're doing for now:
141    let tarPath isDir fp = either throwString return
142            (Tar.toTarPath isDir (forceUtf8Enc (pkgId FP.</> fp)))
143        -- convert a String of proper characters to a String of bytes
144        -- in UTF8 encoding masquerading as characters. This is
145        -- necessary for tricking the tar package into proper
146        -- character encoding.
147        forceUtf8Enc = S8.unpack . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
148        packWith f isDir fp = liftIO $ f (pkgFp FP.</> fp) =<< tarPath isDir fp
149        packDir = packWith Tar.packDirectoryEntry True
150        packFile fp
151            -- This is a cabal file, we're going to tweak it, but only
152            -- tweak it as a revision.
153            | tweakCabal && isCabalFp fp && asRevision = do
154                lbsIdent <- getCabalLbs pvpBounds (Just 1) cabalfp sourceMap
155                liftIO (writeIORef cabalFileRevisionRef (Just lbsIdent))
156                packWith packFileEntry False fp
157            -- Same, except we'll include the cabal file in the
158            -- original tarball upload.
159            | tweakCabal && isCabalFp fp = do
160                (_ident, lbs) <- getCabalLbs pvpBounds Nothing cabalfp sourceMap
161                currTime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime -- Seconds from UNIX epoch
162                tp <- liftIO $ tarPath False fp
163                return $ (Tar.fileEntry tp lbs) { Tar.entryTime = floor currTime }
164            | otherwise = packWith packFileEntry False fp
165        isCabalFp fp = toFilePath pkgDir FP.</> fp == toFilePath cabalfp
166        tarName = pkgId FP.<.> "tar.gz"
167        pkgId = packageIdentifierString (packageIdentifier (lpPackage lp))
168    dirEntries <- mapM packDir (dirsFromFiles files)
169    fileEntries <- mapM packFile files
170    mcabalFileRevision <- liftIO (readIORef cabalFileRevisionRef)
171    return (tarName, GZip.compress (Tar.write (dirEntries ++ fileEntries)), mcabalFileRevision)
173-- | Get the PVP bounds-enabled version of the given cabal file
174getCabalLbs :: HasEnvConfig env
175            => PvpBoundsType
176            -> Maybe Int -- ^ optional revision
177            -> Path Abs File -- ^ cabal file
178            -> SourceMap
179            -> RIO env (PackageIdentifier, L.ByteString)
180getCabalLbs pvpBounds mrev cabalfp sourceMap = do
181    (gpdio, _name, cabalfp') <- loadCabalFilePath (parent cabalfp)
182    gpd <- liftIO $ gpdio NoPrintWarnings
183    unless (cabalfp == cabalfp')
184      $ error $ "getCabalLbs: cabalfp /= cabalfp': " ++ show (cabalfp, cabalfp')
185    installMap <- toInstallMap sourceMap
186    (installedMap, _, _, _) <- getInstalled installMap
187    let internalPackages = Set.fromList $
188          gpdPackageName gpd :
189          map (Cabal.unqualComponentNameToPackageName . fst) (Cabal.condSubLibraries gpd)
190        gpd' = gtraverseT (addBounds internalPackages installMap installedMap) gpd
191        gpd'' =
192          case mrev of
193            Nothing -> gpd'
194            Just rev -> gpd'
195              { Cabal.packageDescription
196               = (Cabal.packageDescription gpd')
197                  { Cabal.customFieldsPD
198                  = (("x-revision", show rev):)
199                  $ filter (\(x, _) -> map toLower x /= "x-revision")
200                  $ Cabal.customFieldsPD
201                  $ Cabal.packageDescription gpd'
202                  }
203              }
204        ident = Cabal.package $ Cabal.packageDescription gpd''
205    -- Sanity rendering and reparsing the input, to ensure there are no
206    -- cabal bugs, since there have been bugs here before, and currently
207    -- are at the time of writing:
208    --
209    -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1202
210    -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/2353
211    -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/4863 (current issue)
212    let roundtripErrs =
213          [ flow "Bug detected in Cabal library. ((parse . render . parse) === id) does not hold for the cabal file at"
214          <+> pretty cabalfp
215          , ""
216          ]
217        (_warnings, eres) = Cabal.runParseResult
218                          $ Cabal.parseGenericPackageDescription
219                          $ T.encodeUtf8
220                          $ T.pack
221                          $ showGenericPackageDescription gpd
222    case eres of
223      Right roundtripped
224        | roundtripped == gpd -> return ()
225        | otherwise -> do
226            prettyWarn $ vsep $ roundtripErrs ++
227              [ "This seems to be fixed in development versions of Cabal, but at time of writing, the fix is not in any released versions."
228              , ""
229              ,  "Please see this GitHub issue for status:" <+> style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3549"
230              , ""
231              , fillSep
232                [ flow "If the issue is closed as resolved, then you may be able to fix this by upgrading to a newer version of stack via"
233                , style Shell "stack upgrade"
234                , flow "for latest stable version or"
235                , style Shell "stack upgrade --git"
236                , flow "for the latest development version."
237                ]
238              , ""
239              , fillSep
240                [ flow "If the issue is fixed, but updating doesn't solve the problem, please check if there are similar open issues, and if not, report a new issue to the stack issue tracker, at"
241                , style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/new"
242                ]
243              , ""
244              , flow "If the issue is not fixed, feel free to leave a comment on it indicating that you would like it to be fixed."
245              , ""
246              ]
247      Left (_version, errs) -> do
248        prettyWarn $ vsep $ roundtripErrs ++
249          [ flow "In particular, parsing the rendered cabal file is yielding a parse error.  Please check if there are already issues tracking this, and if not, please report new issues to the stack and cabal issue trackers, via"
250          , bulletedList
251            [ style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/new"
252            , style Url "https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/new"
253            ]
254          , flow $ "The parse error is: " ++ unlines (map show (toList errs))
255          , ""
256          ]
257    return
258      ( ident
259      , TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.pack $ showGenericPackageDescription gpd''
260      )
261  where
262    addBounds :: Set PackageName -> InstallMap -> InstalledMap -> Dependency -> Dependency
263    addBounds internalPackages installMap installedMap dep@(Dependency name range s) =
264      if name `Set.member` internalPackages
265        then dep
266        else case foundVersion of
267          Nothing -> dep
268          Just version -> Dependency name (simplifyVersionRange
269            $ (if toAddUpper && not (hasUpperBound range) then addUpper version else id)
270            $ (if toAddLower && not (hasLowerBound range) then addLower version else id)
271              range) s
272      where
273        foundVersion =
274          case Map.lookup name installMap of
275              Just (_, version) -> Just version
276              Nothing ->
277                  case Map.lookup name installedMap of
278                      Just (_, installed) -> Just (installedVersion installed)
279                      Nothing -> Nothing
281    addUpper version = intersectVersionRanges
282        (earlierVersion $ nextMajorVersion version)
283    addLower version = intersectVersionRanges (orLaterVersion version)
285    (toAddLower, toAddUpper) =
286      case pvpBounds of
287        PvpBoundsNone  -> (False, False)
288        PvpBoundsUpper -> (False, True)
289        PvpBoundsLower -> (True,  False)
290        PvpBoundsBoth  -> (True,  True)
292-- | Traverse a data type.
293gtraverseT :: (Data a,Typeable b) => (Typeable b => b -> b) -> a -> a
294gtraverseT f =
295  gmapT (\x -> case cast x of
296                 Nothing -> gtraverseT f x
297                 Just b  -> fromMaybe x (cast (f b)))
299-- | Read in a 'LocalPackage' config.  This makes some default decisions
300-- about 'LocalPackage' fields that might not be appropriate for other
301-- use-cases.
302readLocalPackage :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env LocalPackage
303readLocalPackage pkgDir = do
304    config  <- getDefaultPackageConfig
305    (gpdio, _, cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath pkgDir
306    gpd <- liftIO $ gpdio YesPrintWarnings
307    let package = resolvePackage config gpd
308    return LocalPackage
309        { lpPackage = package
310        , lpWanted = False -- HACK: makes it so that sdist output goes to a log instead of a file.
311        , lpCabalFile = cabalfp
312        -- NOTE: these aren't the 'correct values, but aren't used in
313        -- the usage of this function in this module.
314        , lpTestDeps = Map.empty
315        , lpBenchDeps = Map.empty
316        , lpTestBench = Nothing
317        , lpBuildHaddocks = False
318        , lpForceDirty = False
319        , lpDirtyFiles = pure Nothing
320        , lpNewBuildCaches = pure Map.empty
321        , lpComponentFiles = pure Map.empty
322        , lpComponents = Set.empty
323        , lpUnbuildable = Set.empty
324        }
326-- | Returns a newline-separate list of paths, and the absolute path to the .cabal file.
327getSDistFileList :: HasEnvConfig env => LocalPackage -> Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId -> RIO env (String, Path Abs File)
328getSDistFileList lp deps =
329    withSystemTempDir (stackProgName <> "-sdist") $ \tmpdir -> do
330        let bopts = defaultBuildOpts
331        let boptsCli = defaultBuildOptsCLI
332        baseConfigOpts <- mkBaseConfigOpts boptsCli
333        locals <- projectLocalPackages
334        withExecuteEnv bopts boptsCli baseConfigOpts locals
335            [] [] [] Nothing -- provide empty list of globals. This is a hack around custom Setup.hs files
336            $ \ee ->
337            withSingleContext ac ee task deps (Just "sdist") $ \_package cabalfp _pkgDir cabal _announce _outputType -> do
338                let outFile = toFilePath tmpdir FP.</> "source-files-list"
339                cabal CloseOnException KeepTHLoading ["sdist", "--list-sources", outFile]
340                contents <- liftIO (S.readFile outFile)
341                return (T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode contents, cabalfp)
342  where
343    package = lpPackage lp
344    ac = ActionContext Set.empty [] ConcurrencyAllowed
345    task = Task
346        { taskProvides = PackageIdentifier (packageName package) (packageVersion package)
347        , taskType = TTLocalMutable lp
348        , taskConfigOpts = TaskConfigOpts
349            { tcoMissing = Set.empty
350            , tcoOpts = \_ -> ConfigureOpts [] []
351            }
352        , taskBuildHaddock = False
353        , taskPresent = Map.empty
354        , taskAllInOne = True
355        , taskCachePkgSrc = CacheSrcLocal (toFilePath (parent $ lpCabalFile lp))
356        , taskAnyMissing = True
357        , taskBuildTypeConfig = False
358        }
360normalizeTarballPaths :: HasRunner env => [FilePath] -> RIO env [FilePath]
361normalizeTarballPaths fps = do
362    -- TODO: consider whether erroring out is better - otherwise the
363    -- user might upload an incomplete tar?
364    unless (null outsideDir) $
365        logWarn $
366            "Warning: These files are outside of the package directory, and will be omitted from the tarball: " <>
367            displayShow outsideDir
368    return (nubOrd files)
369  where
370    (outsideDir, files) = partitionEithers (map pathToEither fps)
371    pathToEither fp = maybe (Left fp) Right (normalizePath fp)
373normalizePath :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
374normalizePath = fmap FP.joinPath . go . FP.splitDirectories . FP.normalise
375  where
376    go [] = Just []
377    go ("..":_) = Nothing
378    go (_:"..":xs) = go xs
379    go (x:xs) = (x :) <$> go xs
381dirsFromFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
382dirsFromFiles dirs = Set.toAscList (Set.delete "." results)
383  where
384    results = foldl' (\s -> go s . FP.takeDirectory) Set.empty dirs
385    go s x
386      | Set.member x s = s
387      | otherwise = go (Set.insert x s) (FP.takeDirectory x)
389-- | Check package in given tarball. This will log all warnings
390-- and will throw an exception in case of critical errors.
392-- Note that we temporarily decompress the archive to analyze it.
394  :: HasEnvConfig env
395  => SDistOpts -- ^ The configuration of what to check
396  -> Path Abs File -- ^ Absolute path to tarball
397  -> RIO env ()
398checkSDistTarball opts tarball = withTempTarGzContents tarball $ \pkgDir' -> do
399    pkgDir  <- (pkgDir' </>) `liftM`
400        (parseRelDir . FP.takeBaseName . FP.takeBaseName . toFilePath $ tarball)
401    --               ^ drop ".tar"     ^ drop ".gz"
402    when (sdoptsBuildTarball opts) (buildExtractedTarball ResolvedPath
403                                      { resolvedRelative = RelFilePath "this-is-not-used" -- ugly hack
404                                      , resolvedAbsolute = pkgDir
405                                      })
406    unless (sdoptsIgnoreCheck opts) (checkPackageInExtractedTarball pkgDir)
409  :: HasEnvConfig env
410  => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Absolute path to tarball
411  -> RIO env ()
412checkPackageInExtractedTarball pkgDir = do
413    (gpdio, name, _cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath pkgDir
414    gpd <- liftIO $ gpdio YesPrintWarnings
415    config  <- getDefaultPackageConfig
416    let PackageDescriptionPair pkgDesc _ = resolvePackageDescription config gpd
417    logInfo $
418        "Checking package '" <> fromString (packageNameString name) <> "' for common mistakes"
419    let pkgChecks =
420          -- MSS 2017-12-12: Try out a few different variants of
421          -- pkgDesc to try and provoke an error or warning. I don't
422          -- know why, but when using `Just pkgDesc`, it appears that
423          -- Cabal does not detect that `^>=` is used with
424          -- `cabal-version: 1.24` or earlier. It seems like pkgDesc
425          -- (the one we create) does not populate the `buildDepends`
426          -- field, whereas flattenPackageDescription from Cabal
427          -- does. In any event, using `Nothing` seems more logical
428          -- for this check anyway, and the fallback to `Just pkgDesc`
429          -- is just a crazy sanity check.
430          case Check.checkPackage gpd Nothing of
431            [] -> Check.checkPackage gpd (Just pkgDesc)
432            x -> x
433    fileChecks <- liftIO $ Check.checkPackageFiles minBound pkgDesc (toFilePath pkgDir)
434    let checks = pkgChecks ++ fileChecks
435        (errors, warnings) =
436          let criticalIssue (Check.PackageBuildImpossible _) = True
437              criticalIssue (Check.PackageDistInexcusable _) = True
438              criticalIssue _ = False
439          in partition criticalIssue checks
440    unless (null warnings) $
441        logWarn $ "Package check reported the following warnings:\n" <>
442                   mconcat (intersperse "\n" . fmap displayShow $ warnings)
443    case NE.nonEmpty errors of
444        Nothing -> return ()
445        Just ne -> throwM $ CheckException ne
447buildExtractedTarball :: HasEnvConfig env => ResolvedPath Dir -> RIO env ()
448buildExtractedTarball pkgDir = do
449  envConfig <- view envConfigL
450  localPackageToBuild <- readLocalPackage $ resolvedAbsolute pkgDir
451  -- We remove the path based on the name of the package
452  let isPathToRemove path = do
453        localPackage <- readLocalPackage path
454        return $ packageName (lpPackage localPackage) == packageName (lpPackage localPackageToBuild)
455  pathsToKeep
456    <- fmap Map.fromList
457     $ flip filterM (Map.toList (smwProject (bcSMWanted (envConfigBuildConfig envConfig))))
458     $ fmap not . isPathToRemove . resolvedAbsolute . ppResolvedDir . snd
459  pp <- mkProjectPackage YesPrintWarnings pkgDir False
460  let adjustEnvForBuild env =
461        let updatedEnvConfig = envConfig
462              { envConfigSourceMap = updatePackagesInSourceMap (envConfigSourceMap envConfig)
463              , envConfigBuildConfig = updateBuildConfig (envConfigBuildConfig envConfig)
464              }
465            updateBuildConfig bc = bc
466              { bcConfig = (bcConfig bc)
467                 { configBuild = defaultBuildOpts { boptsTests = True } }
468              }
469        in set envConfigL updatedEnvConfig env
470      updatePackagesInSourceMap sm =
471        sm {smProject = Map.insert (cpName $ ppCommon pp) pp pathsToKeep}
472  local adjustEnvForBuild $ build Nothing
474-- | Version of 'checkSDistTarball' that first saves lazy bytestring to
475-- temporary directory and then calls 'checkSDistTarball' on it.
477  :: HasEnvConfig env
478  => SDistOpts
479  -> String       -- ^ Tarball name
480  -> L.ByteString -- ^ Tarball contents as a byte string
481  -> RIO env ()
482checkSDistTarball' opts name bytes = withSystemTempDir "stack" $ \tpath -> do
483    npath   <- (tpath </>) `liftM` parseRelFile name
484    liftIO $ L.writeFile (toFilePath npath) bytes
485    checkSDistTarball opts npath
488  :: Path Abs File                     -- ^ Location of tarball
489  -> (Path Abs Dir -> RIO env a) -- ^ Perform actions given dir with tarball contents
490  -> RIO env a
491withTempTarGzContents apath f = withSystemTempDir "stack" $ \tpath -> do
492    archive <- liftIO $ L.readFile (toFilePath apath)
493    liftIO . Tar.unpack (toFilePath tpath) . Tar.read . GZip.decompress $ archive
494    f tpath
498-- Copy+modified from the tar package to avoid issues with lazy IO ( see
499-- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1344 )
501packFileEntry :: FilePath -- ^ Full path to find the file on the local disk
502              -> Tar.TarPath  -- ^ Path to use for the tar Entry in the archive
503              -> IO Tar.Entry
504packFileEntry filepath tarpath = do
505  mtime   <- getModTime filepath
506  perms   <- getPermissions filepath
507  content <- S.readFile filepath
508  let size = fromIntegral (S.length content)
509  return (Tar.simpleEntry tarpath (Tar.NormalFile (L.fromStrict content) size)) {
510    Tar.entryPermissions = if executable perms then Tar.executableFilePermissions
511                                               else Tar.ordinaryFilePermissions,
512    Tar.entryTime = mtime
513  }
515getModTime :: FilePath -> IO Tar.EpochTime
516getModTime path = do
517    t <- getModificationTime path
518    return . floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $ t
520getDefaultPackageConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env)
521  => m PackageConfig
522getDefaultPackageConfig = do
523  platform <- view platformL
524  compilerVersion <- view actualCompilerVersionL
525  return PackageConfig
526    { packageConfigEnableTests = False
527    , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
528    , packageConfigFlags = mempty
529    , packageConfigGhcOptions = []
530    , packageConfigCabalConfigOpts = []
531    , packageConfigCompilerVersion = compilerVersion
532    , packageConfigPlatform = platform
533    }