3// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
4// | Decode and Encode data in Bittorrent format                          |
5// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
6// | Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Markus Tacker <m@tacker.org>                 |
7// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
8// | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        |
9// | modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public           |
10// | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either         |
11// | version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.   |
12// |                                                                      |
13// | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      |
14// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       |
16// | Lesser General Public License for more details.                      |
17// |                                                                      |
18// | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public     |
19// | License along with this library; if not, write to the                |
20// | Free Software Foundation, Inc.                                       |
21// | 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA               |
22// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
24    /**
25    * Test for File_Bittorrent2
26    *
27    * @package File_Bittorrent2
28    * @subpackage Test
29    * @category File
30    * @author Markus Tacker <m@tacker.org>
31    * @author Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org>
32    * @version $Id: FileBittorrent2.php 77 2007-08-26 09:42:22Z m $
33    */
35    require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php';
36    require_once 'File/Bittorrent2/Decode.php';
38    /**
39    * Test for File_Bittorrent2
40    *
41    * @package File_Bittorrent2
42    * @subpackage Test
43    * @category File
44    * @author Markus Tacker <m@tacker.org>
45    * @author Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org>
46    * @version $Id: FileBittorrent2.php 77 2007-08-26 09:42:22Z m $
47    */
48    class Tests_FileBittorrent2 extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
49    {
50        public static $torrent = './install-x86-universal-2005.0.iso.torrent';
52        public function testInfoHash()
53        {
54            $File_Bittorrent2_Decode = new File_Bittorrent2_Decode;
55            $File_Bittorrent2_Decode->decodeFile(self::$torrent);
56            exec('torrentinfo-console ' . escapeshellarg(self::$torrent), $bt);
57            $this->assertEquals($File_Bittorrent2_Decode->getInfoHash(), substr($bt[3], strpos($bt[3], ':') + 2));
58        }
60        public function testDecode()
61        {
62            $test_data = array(
63                '0:0:'                     => false, // data past end of first correct bencoded string
64                'ie'                       => false, // empty integer
65                'i341foo382e'              => false, // malformed integer
66                'i4e'                      => 4,
67                'i0e'                      => 0,
68                'i123456789e'              => 123456789,
69                'i-10e'                    => -10,
70                'i-0e'                     => false, // negative zero integer
71                'i123'                     => false, // unterminated integer
72                ''                         => false, // empty string
73                'i6easd'                   => false, // integer with trailing garbage
74                '35208734823ljdahflajhdf'  => false, // garbage looking vaguely like a string, with large count
75                '2:abfdjslhfld'            => false, // string with trailing garbage
76                '0:'                       => '',
77                '3:abc'                    => 'abc',
78                '10:1234567890'            => '1234567890',
79                '02:xy'                    => false, // string with extra leading zero in count
80                'l'                        => false, // unclosed empty list
81                'le'                       => array(),
82                'leanfdldjfh'              => false, // empty list with trailing garbage
83                'l0:0:0:e'                 => array('', '', ''),
84                'relwjhrlewjh'             => false, // complete garbage
85                'li1ei2ei3ee'              => array( 1, 2, 3 ),
86                'l3:asd2:xye'              => array( 'asd', 'xy' ),
87                'll5:Alice3:Bobeli2ei3eee' => array ( array( 'Alice', 'Bob' ), array( 2, 3 ) ),
88                'd'                        => false, // unclosed empty dict
89                'defoobar'                 => false, // empty dict with trailing garbage
90                'de'                       => array(),
91                'd1:a0:e'                  => array('a'=>''),
92                'd3:agei25e4:eyes4:bluee'  => array('age' => 25, 'eyes' => 'blue' ),
93                'd8:spam.mp3d6:author5:Alice6:lengthi100000eee' => array('spam.mp3' => array( 'author' => 'Alice', 'length' => 100000 )),
94                'd3:fooe'                  => false, // dict with odd number of elements
95                'di1e0:e'                  => false, // dict with integer key
96                'd1:b0:1:a0:e'             => false, // missorted keys
97                'd1:a0:1:a0:e'             => false, // duplicate keys
98                'i03e'                     => false, // integer with leading zero
99                'l01:ae'                   => false, // list with string with leading zero in count
100                '9999:x'                   => false, // string shorter than count
101                'l0:'                      => false, // unclosed list with content
102                'd0:0:'                    => false, // unclosed dict with content
103                'd0:'                      => false, // unclosed dict with odd number of elements
104                '00:'                      => false, // zero-length string with extra leading zero in count
105                'l-3:e'                    => false, // list with negative-length string
106                'i-03e'                    => false, // negative integer with leading zero
107                'di0e0:e'                  => false, // dictionary with integer key
108                'd8:announceldi0e0:eee'    => false, // nested dictionary with integer key
109                'd8:announcedi0e0:e18:azureus_propertiesi0ee' => false, // nested dictionary with integer key #2
110            );
111            // Thanks to IsoHunt.com for the last 3 testcases of bad data seen in their system.
113            $File_Bittorrent2_Decode = new File_Bittorrent2_Decode;
114            ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding','ASCII');
115            foreach($test_data as $ti => $to) {
116				if ($to === false) {
117					try {
118						$File_Bittorrent2_Decode->decode($ti);
119						$this->fail('File_Bittorrent2 successfully decoded invalid data.');
120					} catch (File_Bittorrent2_Exception $E) {
121						if ($E->getCode() != File_Bittorrent2_Exception::decode) throw $E;
122					}
123				} else {
124					$this->assertEquals($to, $File_Bittorrent2_Decode->decode($ti));
125				}
126            }
127        }
128    }