1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */
2 /* Xapi --- mapped X API calls */
4 #if 0
5 static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)Xapi.c	4.07 98/04/16 xlockmore";
7 #endif
9 #ifdef WIN32
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <math.h>
13 #include "xlock.h"
15 #define NUMBER_GC		(1024)
16 #define NUMBER_BITMAP	(1024)
17 #define WINDOW_DEPTH	(8) /* incorrect, but we'll set it to 8 */
19 typedef struct {
20 	unsigned long	background;
21 	unsigned long	foreground;
22 } TColor;
24 typedef struct {
25 	int	hasFillRule;
26 	int	value;
27 } TFillRule;
29 typedef struct {
30 	int	hasFillStyle;
31 	int	value;
32 } TFillStyle;
34 typedef struct {
35 	int		hasFont;
36 	Font	value;
37 } TFont;
39 typedef struct {
40 	int	hasFunction;
41 	int	value;
42 } TFunction;
44 typedef struct {
45 	int				hasLineAttributes;
46 	unsigned int	width;
47 	int				lineStyle;
48 	int				capStyle;
49 	int				joinStyle;
50 } TLineAttributes;
52 typedef struct {
53 	int		hasStipple;
54 	Pixmap	graphic;
55 } TStipple;
57 typedef struct {
58 	int hasOrigin;
59 	int	x;
60 	int y;
61 } TTSOrigin;
63 typedef struct {
64 	int				isActive;
65 	int				needsReset;
66 	int				depth;
67 	TColor			color;
68 	TFillRule		fillRule;
69 	TFillStyle		fillStyle;
70 	TFunction		function;
71 	TLineAttributes	lineAttributes;
72 	TTSOrigin		tsorigin;
73 	TStipple		stipple;
74 	TFont           font;
75 } TGCInfo;
77 typedef struct {
78 	int		isActive;
79 	int		type;
80 	int		width;
81 	int		height;
82 	HBITMAP	bitmap;
83 } TBMInfo;
86 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
88 int GCCreate(Drawable d);
89 HDC GCGetDC(Drawable d, GC gc);
90 int BMInfoCreate(void);
91 HBITMAP DrawableGetBitmap(Drawable d);
93 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
95 /*-
96  *  global variables
97  */
98 HWND hwnd;                             /* window handle */
99 HDC hdc;                               /* device context */
100 HGDIOBJ noPen = NULL;                  /* no pen used in fills */
101 int cred, cgreen, cblue;               /* color reference of the pen */
102 unsigned char *red, *green, *blue;     /* holds a list of colors */
103 int colorcount;                        /* number of colors used */
104 unsigned int randommode;               /* number of mode to index */
105 RECT rc;                               /* coords of the screen */
107 HANDLE thread;                         /* thread handle */
108 DWORD thread_id;                       /* thread id number */
110 int      numGCInfo = 0;                /* number of GC Info */
111 TGCInfo gcInfo[NUMBER_GC + 1] = { {0} }; /* information about GCs. Allow
112                                           NUMBER_GC GC's, + 1 as a spill
113 										  over for any modes that need
114 										  more */
115 int      numBMInfo = 0;                /* number of Bitmap Info */
116 TBMInfo bmInfo[NUMBER_BITMAP + 1] = { {0} }; /* information about Bitmaps/Pixmaps */
118 double
pow(double x,double y)119 pow(double x, double y)
120 {
121         return exp(y * log(x));
122 }
124 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
126 /* the following functions are used to build up a graphic to display in
127    WIN32
128  */
SetByte(LPBYTE lpBMData,BYTE val,int loc,int maxLoc)130 void SetByte(LPBYTE lpBMData, BYTE val, int loc, int maxLoc)
131 {
132 	if (loc < maxLoc)
133 	{
134 		lpBMData[loc] = val ^ 0xFF;
135 	}
136 }
SetGraphic(LPBYTE lpBMData,XImage * image)138 void SetGraphic(LPBYTE lpBMData, XImage *image)
139 {
140   const int w32bb = 4 * 8;
141   /*const int xbmbb = 1 * 8;*/
142   BYTE xbmval;
143   BYTE w32val;
144   int lineBitCnt = 0;
145   int w32BitsRemain;
146   int i, j, k;
147   int bmSize;
148   int loc = 0;
149   int actBytesPerLine;
150   int maxLoc;
152   // initialise
153   actBytesPerLine = (image->width + 7) / 8;
154   bmSize = actBytesPerLine * image->height;
155   maxLoc = (actBytesPerLine + ((4 - (actBytesPerLine % 4)) % 4)) *
156 	           image->height;
158   // for each byte in the xbm bit array
159   for (i=0; i<bmSize; i++)
160   {
161     xbmval = (image->data)[i];
162     w32val = 0;
164     // for each bit in the byte
165 	for (j=0; j<8; j++)
166 	{
167 	  w32val = (w32val << 1) | ((xbmval >> j) & 0x1);
169 	  if (j == 7) /* we have processed all bits */
170 	  {
171 	    SetByte(lpBMData, w32val, loc, maxLoc);
172 		loc++;
173 	  }
175 	  // check for a line of graphic
176 	  if (++lineBitCnt == image->width)
177 	  {
178 		w32BitsRemain = (w32bb - (lineBitCnt % w32bb)) % w32bb;
180 		if (w32BitsRemain % 8)
181 		{
182 		  w32val = w32val << (w32BitsRemain % 8);
183 		  SetByte(lpBMData, w32val, loc, maxLoc);
184 		  loc++;
185 		}
186 		if (w32BitsRemain / 8)
187 		{
188 		  for (k=0; k<(w32BitsRemain / 8); k++)
189 		  {
190 		    SetByte(lpBMData, 0, loc, maxLoc);
191 			loc++;
192 		  }
193 		}
194 	    lineBitCnt = 0;
195 		break;
196 	  }
197 	}
198   }
199 }
201 void
LCreateBitmap(XImage * image,HBITMAP * hBitmap,HPALETTE * hPalette)202 LCreateBitmap(XImage *image, HBITMAP *hBitmap, HPALETTE *hPalette)
203 {
204   BYTE palette[2][3];
205   LPBITMAPINFO lpbi;
206   HDC hScreenDC;
207   LPVOID lpBMData;
208   LPLOGPALETTE lpLogPal;
209   int i;
211   /* setup color palette */
212   palette[0][0] = 255;  /* red   */
213   palette[0][1] = 255;  /* green */
214   palette[0][2] = 255;  /* blue  */
216   palette[1][0] = 000; /* red   */
217   palette[1][1] = 000; /* green */
218   palette[1][2] = 000; /* blue  */
220   /* allocate memory for the bitmap header */
221   lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR,
222   				sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (2 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)));
223   if (lpbi == NULL)
224   {
225     return;
226   }
228   /* set bitmap header info */
229   lpbi->bmiHeader.biSize        = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
230   lpbi->bmiHeader.biWidth       = image->width;
231   lpbi->bmiHeader.biHeight      = -1 * image->height;
232   lpbi->bmiHeader.biPlanes      = 1;
233   lpbi->bmiHeader.biBitCount    = 1;
234   lpbi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
236   /* fill in bitmap palette */
237   for (i=0; i<2; i++)
238   {
239   	lpbi->bmiColors[i].rgbRed = palette[i][0];
240   	lpbi->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen = palette[i][1];
241   	lpbi->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue = palette[i][2];
242   }
244   /* create bitmap area */
245   hScreenDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
246   *hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hScreenDC, lpbi, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
247   	&lpBMData, NULL, 0);
249   if (*hBitmap == NULL && lpBMData == NULL)
250   {
251 	DeleteDC(hScreenDC);
252 	LocalFree(lpbi);
253 	return;
254   }
256   DeleteDC(hScreenDC);
257   if (LocalFree(lpbi) != NULL)
258   	return;
260   /* copy XBM to bitmap */
261   SetGraphic(lpBMData, image);
263   /* create logical palette header */
264   lpLogPal = (LPLOGPALETTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR,
265   				sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (1 * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)));
266   if (lpLogPal == NULL)
267   {
268     return;
269   }
271   /* set logical palette info */
272   lpLogPal->palVersion = 0x0300;
273   lpLogPal->palNumEntries = 2;
274   for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
275   {
276     lpLogPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = palette[i][0];
277     lpLogPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = palette[i][1];
278     lpLogPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = palette[i][2];
279   }
281   /* create palette */
282   *hPalette = CreatePalette(lpLogPal);
283   if (*hPalette == NULL)
284   {
285     return;
286   }
288   /* clean up palette creation data */
289   LocalFree(lpLogPal);
290 }
292 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
294 /* the following functions to create, destroy, modify and access the
295    GC Info structure
296  */
GCCreate(Drawable d)297 int GCCreate(Drawable d)
298 {
299 	int	retVal		= 0;
301 	for (retVal=0; retVal<NUMBER_GC; retVal++)
302 	{
303 		if (gcInfo[retVal].isActive == FALSE)
304 		{
305 			numGCInfo++;
306 			break;
307 		}
308 	}
310 	gcInfo[retVal].isActive = TRUE;
311 	gcInfo[retVal].needsReset = TRUE;
312 	gcInfo[retVal].depth =
313 		d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP ? bmInfo[d].type : WINDOW_DEPTH;
314 	gcInfo[retVal].color.background = NUMCOLORS+1;
315 	gcInfo[retVal].color.foreground = NUMCOLORS;
316 	gcInfo[retVal].fillRule.hasFillRule = FALSE;
317 	gcInfo[retVal].fillRule.value = 0;
318 	gcInfo[retVal].fillStyle.hasFillStyle = FALSE;
319 	gcInfo[retVal].fillStyle.value = 0;
320 	gcInfo[retVal].function.hasFunction = FALSE;
321 	gcInfo[retVal].function.value = 0;
322 	gcInfo[retVal].lineAttributes.hasLineAttributes = FALSE;
323 	gcInfo[retVal].lineAttributes.width = 0;
324 	gcInfo[retVal].lineAttributes.lineStyle = 0;
325 	gcInfo[retVal].lineAttributes.capStyle = 0;
326 	gcInfo[retVal].lineAttributes.joinStyle = 0;
327 	gcInfo[retVal].tsorigin.hasOrigin = FALSE;
328 	gcInfo[retVal].tsorigin.x = 0;
329 	gcInfo[retVal].tsorigin.y = 0;
330 	gcInfo[retVal].stipple.hasStipple = FALSE;
331 	gcInfo[retVal].stipple.graphic = -1;
333 	return retVal;
334 }
336 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
GCGetDC(Drawable d,GC gc)337 HDC GCGetDC(Drawable d, GC gc)
338 {
339 	HGDIOBJ			brush;
340 	int				fillfunc;
341 	int				fillrule;
342 	int				i;
343 	LOGBRUSH		lb;
345 	BYTE			palarray[2][3];
346 	HPALETTE		palette;
347 	HGDIOBJ 		pen;
348 	DWORD 			penstyle;
349 	HBITMAP			stipple;
350 	HDC				lhdc;
351 	char			message[80];
353 	static GC	lastGc = -1;
354 	static HDC	sbhdc = NULL;
355 	static HDC	dbhdc = NULL;
357 	if (gc < 0 || gc >= numGCInfo)
358 	{
359 		sprintf(message, "GC passed in not in range 0..%d, gc=%d",
360 			numGCInfo-1, gc);
361 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
362 		return NULL;
363 	}
365 	/* get DC - try and determine if its a window or bitmap */
366 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
367 	{
368 		if (dbhdc == NULL)
369 			/* create a compatible DC from the saved initial DC. To draw
370 			   to this DC we still need to put a HBITMAP into it (not
371 			   done in this function)
372 			 */
373 			if ((dbhdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)) == NULL)
374 			{
375 				sprintf(message, "CreateCompatibleDC() returned NULL");
376 				xlockmore_set_debug(message);
377 				return NULL;
378 			}
379 		lhdc = dbhdc;
380 	}
381 	else
382 	{
383 		if (sbhdc == NULL)
384 			/* create a DC for the window. We don't (and cannot) put
385 			 * a HBITMAP into this. It is ready to draw to (straight to
386 			 * the screen)
387 			 */
388 			if ((sbhdc = GetDC(hwnd)) == NULL)
389 			{
390 				sprintf(message, "GetDC() returned NULL");
391 				xlockmore_set_debug(message);
392 				return NULL;
393 			}
394 		lhdc = sbhdc;
395 	}
397 	/* check if we have already set up the DC in a previous call */
398 	if (lastGc == gc && gcInfo[gc].needsReset == FALSE)
399 		return lhdc;
401 	/* set the current color constants */
402 	cred = red[gcInfo[gc].color.foreground];
403 	cgreen = green[gcInfo[gc].color.foreground];
404 	cblue = blue[gcInfo[gc].color.foreground];
406 	/* set the text color */
407     if (SetTextColor(lhdc, RGB(cred,cgreen,cblue)) == CLR_INVALID)
408 	{
409 		sprintf(message, "text: SetTextColor() returned CLR_INVALID [%d %d %d]", cred, cgreen, cblue);
410 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
411 		return NULL;
412 	}
413     if (SetBkColor(lhdc, RGB(red[gcInfo[gc].color.background],
414 						green[gcInfo[gc].color.background],
415 						blue[gcInfo[gc].color.background])) == CLR_INVALID)
416 	{
417 		sprintf(message, "text: SetBkColor() returned CLR_INVALID");
418 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
419 		return NULL;
420 	}
422 	/* set the pen to the new color and line attributes */
423 	if (gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.hasLineAttributes == FALSE)
424 	{
425 		/* no line attributes, just create solid pen and put into the DC*/
426 		if ((pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue))) == NULL)
427 		{
428 			sprintf(message, "pen: CreatePen() returned NULL");
429 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
430 			return NULL;
431 		}
432 		else
433 		{
434 			if ((pen = SelectObject(lhdc, pen)) == NULL)
435 			{
436 				sprintf(message, "pen: Failed to select pen into DC");
437 				xlockmore_set_debug(message);
438 				return NULL;
439 			}
440 			/* remove the old pen */
441 			if (DeleteObject(pen) ==  0)
442 			{
443 				sprintf(message, "pen: Failed to delete old pen");
444 				xlockmore_set_debug(message);
445 				return NULL;
446 			}
447 		}
448 	}
449 	else
450 	{
451 		/* line attributes need to be set, create a more complex pen */
453 		/* set the brush info */
454 		lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
455 		lb.lbColor = RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue);
456 		lb.lbHatch = 0;
458 		/* set the pen style */
459 		penstyle = PS_GEOMETRIC;
461 		switch (gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.lineStyle)
462 		{
463 			case LineSolid:
464 				penstyle |= PS_SOLID; break;
465 			case LineOnOffDash:
466 				penstyle |= PS_DASH; break;
467 			case LineDoubleDash:
468 				penstyle |= PS_DOT; break;
469 		}
471 		switch (gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.capStyle)
472 		{
473 			case CapNotLast:
474 				penstyle |= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT; break;
475 			case CapButt:
476 				penstyle |= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT; break;
477 			case CapRound:
478 				penstyle |= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND; break;
479 			case CapProjecting:
480 				penstyle |= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE; break;
481 		}
483 		switch (gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.joinStyle)
484 		{
485 			case JoinMiter:
486 				penstyle |= PS_JOIN_MITER; break;
487 			case JoinRound:
488 				penstyle |= PS_JOIN_ROUND; break;
489 			case JoinBevel:
490 				penstyle |= PS_JOIN_BEVEL; break;
491 		}
493 		/* create the pen, putting it in the DC */
494 		pen = SelectObject(lhdc,
495 			ExtCreatePen(penstyle, gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.width,
496 			&lb, 0, NULL));
497 		/* remove the old pen */
498 		DeleteObject(pen);
499 	}
501 	/* set the palette to the new colors */
502     palarray[0][0] = cred;   /* red   */
503     palarray[0][1] = cgreen; /* green */
504     palarray[0][2] = cblue;  /* blue  */
506     palarray[1][0] = red[gcInfo[gc].color.background];   /* red   */
507     palarray[1][1] = green[gcInfo[gc].color.background]; /* green */
508     palarray[1][2] = blue[gcInfo[gc].color.background];  /* blue  */
510     /* create logical palette header */
511     lpLogPal = (LPLOGPALETTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR,
512 				sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (1 * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)));
513     if (lpLogPal == NULL)
514     {
515 		sprintf(message, "palette: Cannot alloacte memory for logical palette");
516 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
517 		return NULL;
518     }
520     /* set logical palette info */
521     lpLogPal->palVersion = 0x0300;
522     lpLogPal->palNumEntries = 2;
523     for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
524     {
525 		lpLogPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = palarray[i][0];
526 		lpLogPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = palarray[i][1];
527 		lpLogPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = palarray[i][2];
528     }
530     /* create palette */
531     palette = CreatePalette(lpLogPal);
532     if (palette == NULL)
533     {
534 		sprintf(message, "palette: CreatePalette() returned NULL");
535 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
536 		LocalFree(lpLogPal);
537 		return NULL;
538     }
540     /* set palette color */
541 	palette = SelectPalette(lhdc, palette, FALSE);
543     /* clean up palette creation data */
544 	DeleteObject(palette);
545 	LocalFree(lpLogPal);
547 	/* set brush origin */
548 	if (gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.hasOrigin == TRUE)
549 	{
550 		if (SetBrushOrgEx(lhdc, gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.x,
551 				gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.y, NULL) == 0)
552 		{
553 			sprintf(message, "brush origin: SetBrushOrgEx() failed");
554 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
555 			return NULL;
556 		}
557 	}
559     /* check if we need a pattern brush or solid brush */
560 	if (gcInfo[gc].stipple.hasStipple == FALSE ||
561 		(gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.hasFillStyle == TRUE &&
562 		 gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.value == FillSolid))
563 	{
564 		/* solid brush */
565 		brush = SelectObject(lhdc,
566 	        CreateSolidBrush(RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue)));
567 	    DeleteObject(brush);
568 	}
569 	/* check if we need to FillStippled, and if so don't make a
570 	 * brush, we will deal with this later (see XFillRectangle)
571 	 */
572 	else if (gcInfo[gc].stipple.graphic != -1 &&
573 		! (gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.hasFillStyle == TRUE &&
574 		   gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.value == FillStippled))
575 	{
576 		/* pattern brush */
577   		HBRUSH oldBrush;
578   		HBRUSH brush;
579   		HDC hStippleDC;
580   		HBITMAP hOldBitmap;
581   		RGBQUAD rgbQuad = { cblue, cgreen, cred, 0 };
583 		if ((stipple = DrawableGetBitmap(gcInfo[gc].stipple.graphic)) == NULL)
584 		{
585 			sprintf(message, "pattern brush: DrawableGetBitmap() returned NULL");
586 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
587 			return NULL;
588 		}
590   		/* create a device context for setting the stipples color */
591   		if ((hStippleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lhdc)) == NULL)
592 		{
593 			sprintf(message, "pattern brush: CreateCompatibleDC() returned NULL");
594 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
595 			return NULL;
596 		}
598 		/* put the stipple into the DC */
599 		if ((hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hStippleDC, stipple)) == NULL)
600 		{
601 			sprintf(message, "pattern brush: cannot select stipple in stippleDC");
602 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
603 			DeleteDC(hStippleDC);
604 			return NULL;
605 		}
607 		/* set the correct color table */
608 		SetDIBColorTable(hStippleDC, 0, 1, &rgbQuad);
610 		/* get the stipple back from the DC with the correct color table */
611 		if ((stipple = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hStippleDC, hOldBitmap)) == NULL)
612 		{
613 			sprintf(message, "pattern brush: cannot select stipple out of stippleDC");
614 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
615 			DeleteDC(hStippleDC);
616 			return NULL;
617 		}
619 		/* create a pattern brush out of it */
620 		if ((brush = CreatePatternBrush(stipple)) == NULL)
621 		{
622 			sprintf(message, "pattern brush: CreatePatternBrush() returned NULL");
623 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
624 			DeleteDC(hStippleDC);
625 			return NULL;
626 		}
628 		/* put the pattern brush into the DC */
629 		if ((oldBrush = SelectObject(lhdc, brush)) == NULL)
630 		{
631 			sprintf(message, "pattern brush: cannot select brush into DC");
632 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
633 			DeleteDC(hStippleDC);
634 			return NULL;
635 		}
637 		/* clean up and return */
638 		DeleteDC(hStippleDC);
639 		DeleteObject(oldBrush);
640 	}
642 	/* check if we need to set the fill function */
643 	if (gcInfo[gc].function.hasFunction == TRUE)
644 	{
645 		switch (gcInfo[gc].function.value)
646 		{
647 			case GXclear:        fillfunc = R2_BLACK; break;
648 			case GXand:          fillfunc = R2_MERGEPEN; break;
649 			case GXandReverse:   fillfunc = R2_MERGEPENNOT; break;
650 			case GXcopy:         fillfunc = R2_COPYPEN; break;
651 			case GXandInverted:  fillfunc = R2_MERGENOTPEN; break;
652 			case GXnoop:         fillfunc = R2_NOP; break;
653 			case GXxor:          fillfunc = R2_XORPEN; break;
654 			case GXor:           fillfunc = R2_MASKPEN; break;
655 			case GXnor:          fillfunc = R2_NOTMERGEPEN; break;
656 			case GXequiv:        fillfunc = R2_NOTXORPEN; break;
657 			case GXinvert:       fillfunc = R2_NOT; break;
658 			case GXorReverse:    fillfunc = R2_MASKPENNOT; break;
659 			case GXcopyInverted: fillfunc = R2_NOTCOPYPEN; break;
660 			case GXorInverted:   fillfunc = R2_MASKNOTPEN; break;
661 			case GXnand:         fillfunc = R2_NOTMASKPEN; break;
662 			case GXset:          fillfunc = R2_WHITE; break;
663 			default:             fillfunc = R2_COPYPEN; break;
664   		}
666   		SetROP2(lhdc, fillfunc);
667 	}
669 	/* set fill rule */
670 	if (gcInfo[gc].fillRule.hasFillRule == TRUE)
671 	{
672 		switch (gcInfo[gc].fillRule.value)
673 		{
674 			case EvenOddRule:	fillrule = ALTERNATE; break;
675 			case WindingRule:	fillrule = WINDING; break;
676 			default:			fillrule = WINDING; break;
677 		}
678 		if (SetPolyFillMode(lhdc, fillrule) == 0)
679 		{
680 			sprintf(message, "fill rule: cannot set fill mode in DC");
681 			xlockmore_set_debug(message);
682 			return NULL;
683 		}
684 	}
686 	/*
687 	 * if we call this function again and there is no change to the DC
688 	 * that needs to be done, we want to just return the DC that had
689 	 * already been set up. Set the information to allow this
690 	 */
691 	gcInfo[gc].needsReset = FALSE;
692 	lastGc = gc;
694 	/* ignoring setting font for now */
695 	/* TODO: font */
697 	/* return the DC */
698 	return lhdc;
699 }
702 /* the following functions to create, destroy, modify and access the
703    BM Info structure
704  */
BMInfoCreate(void)705 int BMInfoCreate(void)
706 {
707 	int retVal	= 0;
709 	/* start at 1, not 0 as this will be None */
710 	for (retVal=1; retVal<NUMBER_BITMAP; retVal++)
711 	{
712 		if (bmInfo[retVal].isActive == FALSE)
713 		{
714 			numBMInfo++;
715 			break;
716 		}
717 	}
719 	if (retVal == NUMBER_BITMAP)
720 		return -1;
722 	/* set the bitmap info */
723 	bmInfo[retVal].isActive = TRUE;
724 	bmInfo[retVal].width = 0;
725 	bmInfo[retVal].height = 0;
726 	bmInfo[retVal].bitmap = NULL;
728 	return retVal;
729 }
DrawableGetBitmap(Drawable d)731 HBITMAP DrawableGetBitmap(Drawable d)
732 {
733 	char message[80];
735 	if (d < 0 || d >= NUMBER_BITMAP)
736 	{
737 		sprintf(message, "Drawable passed in not in range 0..%d, d=%d",
738 			numBMInfo-1, d);
739 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
740 		return NULL;
741 	}
743 	/* check for id of 0 */
744 	if (d == None)
745 	{
746 		sprintf(message, "Drawable is None");
747 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
748 		return NULL;
749 	}
751 	if (bmInfo[d].isActive == FALSE)
752 	{
753 		sprintf(message, "Drawable not active, d=%d", d);
754 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
755 		return NULL;
756 	}
758 	return bmInfo[d].bitmap;
759 }
761 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
763 /* the following are functions in UNIX but not WIN32 */
765 /*-
766  *  nice
767  */
nice(int level)768 int nice(int level)
769 {
770 	return 1;
771 }
773 /*-
774  *  sleep
775  */
sleep(int sec)776 void sleep(int sec)
777 {
778 }
780 /*-
781  *  sigmask
782  */
sigmask(int signum)783 int sigmask(int signum)
784 {
785 	return 0;
786 }
789 /* the following are macros in X, but I have implemented as functions */
791 /*-
792  *  BlackPixel
793  *    returns the color cell of Black
794  *    NOTE: this is currently set to the end of the color
795  *    palette table,
796  */
BlackPixel(Display * display,int screen_number)797 unsigned long BlackPixel(Display *display, int screen_number)
798 {
799 	return colorcount+1;
800 }
802 /*-
803  *  WhitePixel
804  *    returns the color cell of White
805  *    NOTE: this is currently set to the end of the color
806  *    palette table - 1
807  */
WhitePixel(Display * display,int screen_number)808 unsigned long WhitePixel(Display *display, int screen_number)
809 {
810 	return colorcount;
811 }
813 /*-
814  *  BlackPixelOfScreen
815  *    returns the color cell of Black
816  *    NOTE: currently is fixed to color array + 2
817  */
BlackPixelOfScreen(Screen * screen)818 int BlackPixelOfScreen(Screen *screen)
819 {
820 	return NUMCOLORS+1;
821 }
823 /*-
824  *  WhitePixelOfScreen
825  *    returns the color cell of White
826  *    NOTE: currently is fixed to color array + 1
827  */
WhitePixelOfScreen(Screen * screen)828 int WhitePixelOfScreen(Screen *screen)
829 {
830 	return NUMCOLORS;
831 }
833 /*-
834  *  CellsOfScreen
835  *    returns number of entries the colormap can hold
836  */
CellsOfScreen(Screen * screen)837 int CellsOfScreen(Screen *screen)
838 {
839 	return colorcount;
840 }
842 /*-
843  *  DefaultColormap
844  *    not currently used, returns 0
845  */
DefaultColormap(Display * display,int screen_number)846 Colormap DefaultColormap(Display *display, int screen_number)
847 {
848 	return 0;
849 }
851 /*-
852  *  DefaultColormapOfScreen
853  *    not currently used, returns 0
854  */
DefaultColormapOfScreen(Screen * screen)855 Colormap DefaultColormapOfScreen(Screen *screen)
856 {
857 	return 0;
858 }
860 /*-
861  *  DefaultVisual
862  *    not currently used, returns NULL
863  */
DefaultVisual(Display * display,int screen_number)864 Visual *DefaultVisual(Display *display, int screen_number)
865 {
866 	return NULL;
867 }
869 /*-
870  *  DisplayPlanes
871  *    not currently used, returns 0
872  */
DisplayPlanes(Display * display,int screen_number)873 int DisplayPlanes(Display *display, int screen_number)
874 {
875 	return 0;
876 }
878 /*-
879  *  DisplayString
880  *    not currently used, returns NULL
881  */
DisplayString(Display * display)882 char *DisplayString(Display *display)
883 {
884 	return NULL;
885 }
887 /*-
888  *  RootWindow
889  *    not currently used, returns 0
890  */
RootWindow(Display * display,int screen_number)891 Window RootWindow(Display *display, int screen_number)
892 {
893 	return 0;
894 }
896 /*-
897  *  ScreenCount
898  *    not correct, just return 1
899  */
ScreenCount(Display * display)900 int ScreenCount(Display *display)
901 {
902 	return 1;
903 }
905 /*-
906  *  ScreenOfDisplay
907  *    not currently used, returns NULL
908  */
ScreenOfDisplay(Display * display,int screen_number)909 Screen *ScreenOfDisplay(Display *display, int screen_number)
910 {
911 	return NULL;
912 }
914 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
916 /* X function mappings */
918 /*-
919  *  XAddHosts
920  *    not currently used
921  */
XAddHosts(Display * display,XHostAddress * hosts,int num_hosts)922 void XAddHosts(Display *display, XHostAddress *hosts, int num_hosts)
923 {
924 }
926 /*-
927  *  XAllocColor
928  *    not currently used
929  */
XAllocColor(Display * display,Colormap colormap,XColor * screen_in_out)930 Status XAllocColor(Display *display, Colormap colormap,
931 				   XColor *screen_in_out)
932 {
933 	screen_in_out->pixel = 0;
934 	return 1;
935 }
937 /*-
938  *  XAllocColorCells
939  *    not currently used
940  */
XAllocColorCells(Display * display,Colormap colormap,Bool contig,unsigned long plane_masks_return[],unsigned int nplanes,unsigned long pixels_return[],unsigned int npixels)941 Status XAllocColorCells(Display *display, Colormap colormap,
942 					    Bool contig, unsigned long plane_masks_return[],
943 						unsigned int nplanes, unsigned long pixels_return[],
944 						unsigned int npixels)
945 {
946 	return 0;
947 }
949 /*-
950  *  XAllocNamedColor
951  *    not currently used
952  */
XAllocNamedColor(Display * display,Colormap colormap,char * color_name,XColor * screen_def_return,XColor * exact_def_return)953 Status XAllocNamedColor(Display *display, Colormap colormap,
954 						char *color_name, XColor *screen_def_return,
955 						XColor *exact_def_return)
956 {
957 	return 0;
958 }
960 /*-
961  *  XBell
962  *    not currently used
963  */
XBell(Display * display,int percent)964 void XBell(Display *display, int percent)
965 {
966 }
968 /*-
969  *  XChangeGC
970  *    changes values of the graphics context
971  */
XChangeGC(Display * display,GC gc,unsigned long valuemask,XGCValues * values)972 void XChangeGC(Display *display, GC gc, unsigned long valuemask,
973 			   XGCValues *values)
974 {
975 	if (valuemask & GCBackground)
976 	{
977 		XSetBackground(display, gc, values->background);
978 	}
979 	if (valuemask & GCFillRule)
980 	{
981 		XSetFillRule(display, gc, values->fill_rule);
982 	}
983 	if (valuemask & GCFillStyle)
984 	{
985 		XSetFillStyle(display, gc, values->fill_style);
986 	}
987 	if (valuemask & GCForeground)
988 	{
989 		XSetForeground(display, gc, values->foreground);
990 	}
991 	if (valuemask & GCFunction)
992 	{
993 		XSetFunction(display, gc, values->function);
994 	}
995 	if (valuemask & GCLineWidth)
996 	{
997 		XSetLineAttributes(display, gc,
998 			values->line_width,
999 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.lineStyle,
1000 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.capStyle,
1001 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.joinStyle);
1002 	}
1003 	if (valuemask & GCLineStyle)
1004 	{
1005 		XSetLineAttributes(display, gc,
1006 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.width,
1007 			values->line_style,
1008 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.capStyle,
1009 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.joinStyle);
1010 	}
1011 	if (valuemask & GCCapStyle)
1012 	{
1013 		XSetLineAttributes(display, gc,
1014 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.width,
1015 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.lineStyle,
1016 			values->cap_style,
1017 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.joinStyle);
1018 	}
1019 	if (valuemask & GCJoinStyle)
1020 	{
1021 		XSetLineAttributes(display, gc,
1022 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.width,
1023 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.lineStyle,
1024 			gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.capStyle,
1025 			values->join_style);
1026 	}
1027 	if (valuemask & GCStipple)
1028 	{
1029 		XSetStipple(display, gc, values->stipple);
1030 	}
1031 	if (valuemask & GCFont)
1032 	{
1033 		XSetFont(display, gc, values->font);
1034 	}
1035 	if (valuemask & GCTileStipXOrigin)
1036 	{
1037 		XSetTSOrigin(display, gc, values->ts_x_origin, gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.y);
1038 	}
1039 	if (valuemask & GCTileStipYOrigin)
1040 	{
1041 		XSetTSOrigin(display, gc, gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.x, values->ts_y_origin);
1042 	}
1044 	/* the above are the only attributes we can set at this stage */
1045 }
1048 /*-
1049  *  XCheckMaskEvent
1050  *    not currently used, return True
1051  */
XCheckMaskEvent(Display * display,long event_mask,XEvent * event_return)1052 Bool XCheckMaskEvent(Display *display, long event_mask,
1053 					 XEvent *event_return)
1054 {
1055 	return True;
1056 }
1058 /*-
1059  *  XClearArea
1060  *    clears a rectangular area in a window/screen
1061  */
XClearArea(Display * display,Window w,int x,int y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height,Bool exposures)1062 void XClearArea(Display *display, Window w, int x, int y,
1063 				unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Bool exposures)
1064 {
1065 	RECT lrc;
1067 	lrc.left = x;
1068 	lrc.top = y;
1069 	lrc.right = x + width;
1070 	lrc.bottom = y + height;
1072 	FillRect(hdc, &lrc, (struct HBRUSH__ *)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
1073 }
1075 /*-
1076  *  XClearWindow
1077  *    sets the base window/screen to black
1078  */
XClearWindow(Display * display,Window w)1079 void XClearWindow(Display *display, Window w)
1080 {
1081 	FillRect(hdc, &rc, (struct HBRUSH__ *)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
1082 }
1084 /*-
1085  *  XCloseDisplay
1086  *    not currently used
1087  */
XCloseDisplay(Display * display)1088 void XCloseDisplay(Display *display)
1089 {
1090 }
1092 /*-
1093  *  XConfigureWindow
1094  *    not currently used
1095  */
XConfigureWindow(Display * display,Window w,unsigned int value_mask,XWindowChanges * values)1096 void XConfigureWindow(Display *display, Window w,
1097 					  unsigned int value_mask,
1098 					  XWindowChanges *values)
1099 {
1100 }
1102 /*-
1103  *  XCopyArea
1104  *    copies one drawable to another
1105  */
XCopyArea(Display * display,Drawable src,Drawable dest,GC gc,int src_x,int src_y,unsigned int width,unsigned height,int dest_x,int dest_y)1106 int XCopyArea(Display *display, Drawable src, Drawable dest, GC gc,
1107               int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int width, unsigned height,
1108 			  int dest_x, int dest_y)
1109 {
1110 	HBITMAP	hBitmap;
1111 	HBITMAP	hOldBitmapS = NULL;
1112 	HBITMAP	hOldBitmapD = NULL;
1113 	HDC		hDestDC;
1114 	HDC		hSrcDC;
1116 	/* create the destination resource */
1117 	if ((hDestDC = GCGetDC(dest, gc)) == NULL)
1118 	{
1119 		xlockmore_set_debug("XCopyArea: Failed to get destination DC");
1120 		return BadGC;
1121 	}
1123 	if (dest > 0 && dest < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1124 		if (bmInfo[dest].isActive == TRUE)
1125 			hOldBitmapD = SelectObject(hDestDC, DrawableGetBitmap(dest));
1127 	/* create the source resource */
1128 	if (src > 0 && src <= numBMInfo)
1129 	{
1130 		/* source is a bitmap */
1131 		if ((hBitmap = DrawableGetBitmap(src)) == NULL)
1132 		{
1133 			xlockmore_set_debug("XCopyArea: Failed to get bitmap");
1134 			return BadDrawable;
1135 		}
1137 		if ((hSrcDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)) == NULL)
1138 		{
1139 			xlockmore_set_debug("XCopyArea: Failed to create compatible DC");
1140 			return BadDrawable;
1141 		}
1143 		hOldBitmapS = SelectObject(hSrcDC, hBitmap);
1144 	}
1145 	else
1146 	{
1147 		/* source is a window */
1148 		if ((hSrcDC = GetDC((HWND)src)) == NULL)
1149 		{
1150 			xlockmore_set_debug("XCopyArea: Failed to get source DC");
1151 			return BadDrawable;
1152 		}
1153 	}
1155 	/* copy src to destination */
1156 	if (BitBlt(hDestDC, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, hSrcDC,
1157 		src_x, src_y, SRCCOPY) == 0)
1158 	{
1159 		xlockmore_set_debug("XCopyArea: BitBlt() failed");
1160 	}
1162 	/* clean up */
1163 	if (hOldBitmapS)
1164 		SelectObject(hSrcDC, hOldBitmapS);
1165 	if (hOldBitmapD)
1166 		SelectObject(hSrcDC, hOldBitmapD);
1167 	if (src > 0 && src <= numBMInfo)
1168 		DeleteDC(hSrcDC);
1169 	else
1170 		ReleaseDC((HWND)src, hSrcDC);
1171 	return Success;
1172 }
1174 /*-
1175  *  XCopyColormapAndFree
1176  *    not currently used, returns 0
1177  */
XCopyColormapAndFree(Display * display,Colormap colormap)1178 Colormap XCopyColormapAndFree(Display *display, Colormap colormap)
1179 {
1180 	return 0;
1181 }
1183 /*-
1184  *  XCopyPlane
1185  *    copies a single plane of one drawable to another
1186  */
XCopyPlane(Display * display,Drawable src,Drawable dest,GC gc,int src_x,int src_y,unsigned width,int height,int dest_x,int dest_y,unsigned long plane)1187 int XCopyPlane(Display *display, Drawable src, Drawable dest, GC gc,
1188 			  int src_x, int src_y, unsigned width, int height,
1189 			  int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned long plane)
1190 {
1191 	return XCopyArea(display, src, dest, gc,
1192 					 src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_x, dest_y);
1193 }
1195 /*-
1196  *  XCreateBitmapFromData
1197  *    used to create a bitmap
1198  */
XCreateBitmapFromData(Display * display,Drawable drawable,char * data,unsigned int width,unsigned int height)1199 Pixmap XCreateBitmapFromData(Display *display, Drawable drawable,
1200                              char *data, unsigned int width,
1201                              unsigned int height)
1202 {
1203 	XImage image;
1204 	HBITMAP hBitmap;
1205 	HPALETTE hPalette;
1206 	Pixmap pm;
1208 	pm = BMInfoCreate();
1209 	if (pm < 0 || pm >= NUMBER_BITMAP)
1210 		return None;
1212 	image.width = width;
1213 	image.height = height;
1214 	image.data = data;
1216 	LCreateBitmap(&image, &hBitmap, &hPalette);
1217 	DeleteObject(hPalette); /* we don't need the palette */
1219 	if (hBitmap == NULL)
1220 	{
1221 		bmInfo[pm].isActive = FALSE;
1222 		return None;
1223 	}
1225 	bmInfo[pm].bitmap = hBitmap;
1226 	bmInfo[pm].type = 1;
1227 	bmInfo[pm].width = width;
1228 	bmInfo[pm].height = height;
1229 	return pm;
1230 }
1232 /*-
1233  *  XCreateColormap
1234  *    used to create the colormap
1235  */
XCreateColormap(Display * display,Window w,Visual * visual,int alloc)1236 Colormap XCreateColormap(Display *display, Window w,
1237 						 Visual *visual, int alloc)
1238 {
1239 	return None;
1240 }
1242 /*-
1243  *  XCreateFontCursor
1244  *    not currently used, returns 0
1245  */
XCreateFontCursor(Display * display,unsigned int shape)1246 Cursor XCreateFontCursor(Display *display, unsigned int shape)
1247 {
1248 	return 0;
1249 }
1251 /*-
1252  *  XCreateGC
1253  *    creates a copy of the GC
1254  */
XCreateGC(Display * display,Drawable drawable,unsigned long valuemask,XGCValues * values)1255 GC XCreateGC(Display *display, Drawable drawable,
1256 			 unsigned long valuemask, XGCValues *values)
1257 {
1258 	GC		newGc;
1259 	char	message[80];
1261 	if ((newGc = GCCreate(drawable)) == -1)
1262 	{
1263 		sprintf(message, "Failed to create a GC");
1264 		xlockmore_set_debug(message);
1265 	}
1266 	else
1267 	{
1268 		XChangeGC(display, newGc, valuemask, values);
1269 	}
1271 	return newGc;
1272 }
1274 /*-
1275  *  XCreateImage
1276  *    creates an XImage structure and populates it
1277  */
XCreateImage(Display * display,Visual * visual,unsigned int depth,int format,int offset,char * data,unsigned int width,unsigned int height,int bitmap_pad,int bytes_per_line)1278 XImage *XCreateImage(Display *display, Visual *visual,
1279 					 unsigned int depth, int format, int offset,
1280 					 char *data, unsigned int width,
1281 					 unsigned int height, int bitmap_pad,
1282 					 int bytes_per_line)
1283 {
1284 	XImage *newImage;
1286 	if ((newImage = malloc(sizeof(XImage))) == NULL)
1287 		return NULL;
1289 	memset(newImage, 0, sizeof(XImage));
1291 	newImage->width = width;
1292 	newImage->height = height;
1293 	newImage->xoffset = offset;
1294 	newImage->format = format;
1295 	newImage->data = data;
1296 	newImage->bitmap_pad = bitmap_pad;
1297 	newImage->depth = depth;
1298 	newImage->bytes_per_line = (bytes_per_line != 0) ? bytes_per_line : (width + 7) / 8;
1300 	return newImage;
1301 }
1303 /*-
1304  *  XCreatePixmap
1305  *    creates a pixmap
1306  */
XCreatePixmap(Display * display,Drawable d,unsigned int width,unsigned int height,unsigned int depth)1307 Pixmap XCreatePixmap(Display *display, Drawable d, unsigned int width,
1308               unsigned int height, unsigned int depth)
1309 {
1310 	Pixmap pm;
1311 	HBITMAP hBitmap;
1313 	pm = BMInfoCreate();
1314 	if (pm < 0 || pm >= NUMBER_BITMAP)
1315 		return None;
1317 	/* create the bitmap */
1318 	if ((hBitmap =
1319 		(depth == 1) ? CreateBitmap(width, height, depth, 1, NULL) :
1320 					   CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height)) == NULL)
1321 	{
1322 		bmInfo[pm].isActive = FALSE;
1323  		return None;
1324 	}
1326 	bmInfo[pm].bitmap = hBitmap;
1327 	bmInfo[pm].type = depth;
1328 	bmInfo[pm].width = width;
1329 	bmInfo[pm].height = height;
1331 	return pm;
1332 }
1334 /*-
1335  *  XCreatePixmapCursor
1336  *    not currently used, returns 0
1337  */
XCreatePixmapCursor(Display * display,Pixmap source,Pixmap mask,XColor * foreground_color,XColor * background_color,unsigned int x_hot,unsigned int y_hot)1338 Cursor XCreatePixmapCursor(Display *display,
1339 	Pixmap source, Pixmap mask,
1340 	XColor *foreground_color, XColor *background_color,
1341 	unsigned int x_hot, unsigned int y_hot)
1342 {
1343 	return None;
1344 }
1346 /*-
1347  *  XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData
1348  *    Creates a pixmap from bitmap data
1349  */
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(Display * display,Drawable drawable,char * data,unsigned int width,unsigned int height,unsigned long fg,unsigned long bg,unsigned int depth)1350 Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(Display *display, Drawable drawable,
1351 	    char *data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
1352 		unsigned long fg, unsigned long bg, unsigned int depth)
1353 {
1354 	HDC		hBitmapDC;
1355 	HBITMAP	hOldBitmap;
1356 	Pixmap	pm;
1357 	RGBQUAD	rgbQuad[2] = { {0} };
1359 	/* create the bitmap */
1360 	if ((pm = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, drawable, data, width, height)) == None)
1361 	{
1362 		return None;
1363 	}
1365 	/* if depth is 1 create the bitmap using black and white */
1366 	if (depth == 1)
1367 	{
1368 		fg = 257;
1369 		bg = 256;
1370 	}
1372 	/* set the correct colors in the color table */
1373 	rgbQuad[0].rgbRed = red[fg];
1374 	rgbQuad[0].rgbGreen = green[fg];
1375 	rgbQuad[0].rgbBlue = blue[fg];
1376 	rgbQuad[0].rgbReserved = 0;
1377 	rgbQuad[1].rgbRed = red[bg];
1378 	rgbQuad[1].rgbGreen = green[bg];
1379 	rgbQuad[1].rgbBlue = blue[bg];
1380 	rgbQuad[1].rgbReserved = 0;
1382 	/* create a DC so we can set the bitmaps colortable */
1383   	hBitmapDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
1384 	hOldBitmap = SelectObject(hBitmapDC, DrawableGetBitmap(pm));
1386 	/* set the colortable */
1387 	SetDIBColorTable(hBitmapDC, 0, 2, rgbQuad);
1389 	/* clean up */
1390 	SelectObject(hBitmapDC, hOldBitmap);
1391 	DeleteDC(hBitmapDC);
1393 	return pm;
1394 }
1396 /*
1397  *  XDefineCursor
1398  *    not currently used
1399  */
XDefineCursor(Display * display,Window window,Cursor cursor)1400 void XDefineCursor(Display *display, Window window, Cursor cursor)
1401 {
1402 }
1404 /*-
1405  *  XDestroyImage
1406  *    not currently used
1407  */
XDestroyImage(XImage * ximage)1408 void XDestroyImage(XImage *ximage)
1409 {
1410 }
1412 /*-
1413  *  XDisableAccessControl
1414  *    not currently used
1415  */
XDisableAccessControl(Display * display)1416 void XDisableAccessControl(Display *display)
1417 {
1418 }
1420 /*-
1421  *  XDrawArc
1422  *    draws an arc
1423  */
XDrawArc(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height,int angle1,int angle2)1424 void XDrawArc(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
1425 			  unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
1426 			  int angle1, int angle2)
1427 {
1428 	int xa1, ya1;
1429 	int xa2, ya2;
1430 	int cx, cy;
1431 	double a1, a2;
1432 	double rx, ry;
1433 	double ang_inc = M_PI * 2.0 / 23040.0;
1434 	HDC dc;
1435 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1437 	rx = width/2.0;
1438 	ry = height/2.0;
1439 	cx = x + width/2 + 2;
1440 	cy = y + height/2 + 2;
1442 	a1 = (23040 - (angle1 % 23040)) * ang_inc;
1444 	xa1 = (int)((rx * cos(a1)) + cx);
1445 	ya1 = (int)((ry * sin(a1)) + cy);
1447 	if (angle2 == 0) {
1448 		/* Special case - In X this is a point but Arc in Windows would
1449 		   do a complete ellipse!  Draw a (thick) line instead.  */
1451 		XDrawLine(display, d, gc, xa1, ya1, xa1, ya1);
1453 	} else {
1455 		a2 = (23040 - ((angle1 + angle2) % 23040)) * ang_inc;
1457 		xa2 = (int)((rx * cos(a2)) + cx);
1458 		ya2 = (int)((ry * sin(a2)) + cy);
1460 		if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1461 			return;
1463 		if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1464 			if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1465 				hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1467 		Arc(dc, x, y, x + width, y + height, xa1, ya1, xa2, ya2);
1469 		if (hOldBitmap)
1470 			SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1471 	}
1472 }
1474 /*-
1475  *  XDrawImageString
1476  *    not currently used
1477  */
XDrawImageString(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y,char * string,int length)1478 void XDrawImageString(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
1479 					  int x, int y, char *string, int length)
1480 {
1481 }
1483 /*-
1484  *  XDrawLine
1485  *    draws a line on the screen in the current pen color
1486  */
XDrawLine(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)1487 void XDrawLine(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
1488 			   int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
1489 {
1490 	HDC dc;
1491 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1493 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1494 		return;
1496 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1497 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1498 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1500 	MoveToEx(dc, x1, y1, NULL);
1501 	LineTo(dc, x2, y2);
1503 	if (hOldBitmap)
1504 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1505 }
1507 /*-
1508  *  XDrawLines
1509  *    draws a series of lines on the screen. Liness may be
1510  *    specified as being (1) relative to the origin, or
1511  *    (2) relative to the previous line (with the first line
1512  *    relative to the origin).
1513  */
XDrawLines(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XPoint * points,int npoints,int mode)1514 void XDrawLines(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
1515 				XPoint *points, int npoints, int mode)
1516 {
1517 	int i;
1518 	int tx, ty;
1519 	HDC dc;
1520 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1521 	POINT *lppt;
1522 	BYTE *lpbTypes;
1524 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1525 		return;
1527 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1528 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1529 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1531 	if (npoints > 1) {
1532 	  lppt = (POINT*)malloc(npoints * sizeof(POINT));
1533 	  lpbTypes = (BYTE*)malloc(npoints * sizeof(BYTE));
1535 	  lpbTypes[0] = PT_MOVETO;
1536 	  lppt[0].x = points[0].x;
1537 	  lppt[0].y = points[0].y;
1539 	  if (mode == CoordModeOrigin) {
1540 		for (i=1; i<npoints; i++) {
1541 		  lpbTypes[i] = PT_LINETO;
1542 		  lppt[i].x = points[i].x;
1543 		  lppt[i].y = points[i].y;
1544 		}
1545 	  } else if (mode == CoordModePrevious) {
1546 		tx = points[0].x;
1547 		ty = points[0].y;
1548 		for (i=1; i<npoints; i++) {
1549 		  tx += points[i].x;
1550 		  ty += points[i].y;
1551 		  lpbTypes[i] = PT_LINETO;
1552 		  lppt[i].x = tx;
1553 		  lppt[i].y = ty;
1554 		}
1555 	  }
1556 	  PolyDraw(dc, lppt, lpbTypes, npoints);
1557 	  free(lppt);
1558 	  free(lpbTypes);
1559 	}
1561 	if (hOldBitmap)
1562 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1563 }
1565 /*-
1566  *  XDrawPoint
1567  *    draws a point on the screen
1568  */
XDrawPoint(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y)1569 void XDrawPoint(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y)
1570 {
1571 	HDC dc;
1572 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1574 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1575 		return;
1577 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1578 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1579 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1581 	SetPixelV(dc, x, y, RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue));
1583 	if (hOldBitmap)
1584 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1585 }
1587 /*-
1588  *  XDrawPoints
1589  *    draws a series of points on the screen. Points may be
1590  *    specified as being (1) relative to the origin, or
1591  *    (2) relative to the previous point (with the first point
1592  *    relative to the origin).
1593  */
XDrawPoints(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XPoint * pts,int numpts,int mode)1594 void XDrawPoints(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
1595 				 XPoint *pts, int numpts, int mode)
1596 {
1597 	int i;
1598 	int tx, ty;
1599 	HDC dc;
1600 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1602 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1603 		return;
1605 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1606 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1607 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1609 	if (mode == CoordModeOrigin)
1610 	{
1611 		for (i=0; i<numpts; i++)
1612 		{
1613 			SetPixelV(dc, pts[i].x, pts[i].y, RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue));
1614 		}
1615 	}
1616 	else if (mode == CoordModePrevious)
1617 	{
1618 		if (numpts > 0)
1619 		{
1620 			tx = pts[0].x;
1621 			ty = pts[0].y;
1622 			SetPixelV(dc, tx, ty, RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue));
1623 			for (i=1; i<numpts; i++)
1624 			{
1625 				tx += pts[i].x;
1626 				ty += pts[i].y;
1627 				SetPixelV(dc, tx, ty, RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue));
1628 			}
1629 		}
1630 	}
1632 	if (hOldBitmap)
1633 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1634 }
1636 /*-
1637  *  XDrawRectangle
1638  *    Draws an outline of a rectangle.
1639  *    Uses PolyDraw as Rectangle fills rectangle with brush
1640  */
XDrawRectangle(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height)1641 void XDrawRectangle(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
1642                     unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
1643 {
1644 	BYTE lpbTypes[6];
1645 	POINT lppt[6];
1646 	HDC dc;
1647 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1649 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1650 		return;
1652 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1653 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1654 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1656 	lpbTypes[0] = PT_MOVETO;
1657 	lppt[0].x = x, lppt[0].y = y;
1658 	lpbTypes[1] = PT_LINETO;
1659 	lppt[1].x = x + width, lppt[1].y = y;
1660 	lpbTypes[2] = PT_LINETO;
1661 	lppt[2].x = x + width, lppt[2].y = y + height;
1662 	lpbTypes[3] = PT_LINETO;
1663 	lppt[3].x = x, lppt[3].y = y + height;
1664 	lpbTypes[4] = PT_LINETO;
1665 	lppt[4].x = x, lppt[4].y = y;
1666 	/* overkill but need better closure */
1667 	lpbTypes[5] = PT_LINETO;
1668 	lppt[5].x = x + width, lppt[5].y = y;
1669 	PolyDraw(dc, lppt, lpbTypes, 6);
1671 	if (hOldBitmap)
1672 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1673 }
1675 /*-
1676  *  XDrawSegments
1677  *    draws multiple disjoint lines. Lines do not have to be
1678  *    connected as each segment is one line.
1679  */
XDrawSegments(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XSegment * segs,int numsegs)1680 void XDrawSegments(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
1681 				 XSegment *segs, int numsegs)
1682 {
1683 	int i;
1684 	HDC dc;
1685 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1686 	POINT *lppt;
1687 	BYTE *lpbTypes;
1688 	int cCount = 0;
1690 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1691 		return;
1693 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1694 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1695 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1697 	lppt = (POINT*)malloc(numsegs * 2 * sizeof(POINT));
1698 	lpbTypes = (BYTE*)malloc(numsegs * 2 * sizeof(BYTE));
1700 	for (i=0; i<numsegs; i++) {
1701 	  	lpbTypes[cCount] = PT_MOVETO;
1702 	  	lppt[cCount].x = segs[i].x1;
1703 	  	lppt[cCount].y = segs[i].y1;
1704 	  	cCount++;
1705 	  	lpbTypes[cCount] = PT_LINETO;
1706 	  	lppt[cCount].x = segs[i].x2;
1707 	  	lppt[cCount].y = segs[i].y2;
1708 	  	cCount++;
1709 	}
1711 	PolyDraw(dc, lppt, lpbTypes, cCount);
1713 	free(lppt);
1714 	free(lpbTypes);
1716 	if (hOldBitmap)
1717 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1718 }
1720 /*-
1721  *  XDrawString
1722  *    Draws a string of characters at specified location
1723  */
XDrawString(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y,char * string,int length)1724 void XDrawString(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
1725 				 char *string, int length)
1726 {
1727 	int prevMode;
1728 	HDC dc;
1729 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1731 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1732 		return;
1734 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1735 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1736 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1738 	prevMode = GetBkMode(dc);
1739 	SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT);
1740 	TextOut(dc, x + 3, y - 15, string, length);
1741 	SetBkMode(dc, prevMode);
1743 	if (hOldBitmap)
1744 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1745 }
1747 /*-
1748  *  XEnableAccessControl
1749  *    not currently used
1750  */
XEnableAccessControl(Display * display)1751 void XEnableAccessControl(Display *display)
1752 {
1753 }
1755 /*-
1756  *  XFillArc
1757  *    draws a filled arc on screen
1758  */
XFillArc(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height,int angle1,int angle2)1759 void XFillArc(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
1760 			  unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
1761 			  int angle1, int angle2)
1762 {
1763 	int xa1, ya1;
1764 	int xa2, ya2;
1765 	int cx, cy;
1766 	double a1, a2;
1767 	double rx, ry;
1768 	double ang_inc = M_PI * 2.0 / 23040.0;
1769     HPEN oldPen;
1770 	HDC dc;
1771 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1773     /* set the size of the arc a little larger because
1774 	   we won't be drawing a border around it */
1775 	width++;
1776 	height++;
1778 	rx = width/2.0;
1779 	ry = height/2.0;
1780 	cx = x + width/2;
1781 	cy = y + height/2;
1783 	a1 = (23040 - (angle1 % 23040)) * ang_inc;
1785 	xa1 = (int)((rx * cos(a1)) + cx);
1786 	ya1 = (int)((ry * sin(a1)) + cy);
1788 	if (angle2 == 0) {
1789 	  /* Special case - In X this is a point but Arc in Windows would
1790 		 do a complete ellipse!  Draw a (thick) line instead.  */
1792 	  XDrawLine(display, d, gc, cx, cy, xa1, ya1);
1794 	} else {
1795 	  if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1796 		  return;
1798 	  if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1799 		  if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1800 			  hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1802 	  a2 = (23040 - ((angle1 + angle2) % 23040)) * ang_inc;
1804 	  xa2 = (int)((rx * cos(a2)) + cx);
1805 	  ya2 = (int)((ry * sin(a2)) + cy);
1807 	  /* set the pen draw width to 1, and because its null it won't
1808 		 use it, hence the reason we made the arc larger before */
1809 	  if (noPen == NULL)
1810 		if ((noPen = CreatePen(PS_NULL, 0, RGB(0,0,0))) == NULL)
1811 		{
1812 			xlockmore_set_debug("Failed to create pen");
1813 			return;
1814 		}
1815 	  oldPen = SelectObject(dc, noPen);
1817 	  /* should check for a pie or chord filled arc type, but
1818 		 currently assuming pie filled arc */
1819 	  Pie(dc, x, y, x + width, y + height, xa1, ya1, xa2, ya2);
1821 	  /* reset back and clean up */
1822 	  SelectObject(dc, oldPen);
1823 	  if (hOldBitmap)
1824 		  SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1825 	}
1826 }
1828 /*-
1829  *  XFillArcs
1830  *    draws a number of filled arcs on screen
1831  */
XFillArcs(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XArc * arcs,int narcs)1832 void XFillArcs(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
1833 			   XArc *arcs, int narcs)
1834 {
1835 	int i;
1836 	int xa1, ya1;
1837 	int xa2, ya2;
1838 	int cx, cy;
1839 	double a1, a2;
1840 	double rx, ry;
1841 	const double ang_inc = M_PI * 2.0 / 23040.0;
1842 	HDC dc;
1843 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1845 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1846 		return;
1848 	for (i=0; i<narcs; i++) {
1849 		rx = arcs[i].width/2.0;
1850 		ry = arcs[i].height/2.0;
1851 		cx = arcs[i].x + arcs[i].width/2;
1852 		cy = arcs[i].y + arcs[i].height/2;
1854 		a1 = (23040 - (arcs[i].angle1 % 23040)) * ang_inc;
1856 		xa1 = (int)((rx * cos(a1)) + cx);
1857 		ya1 = (int)((ry * sin(a1)) + cy);
1859 		if (arcs[i].angle2 == 0) {
1860 		  /* Special case - In X this is a point but Arc in Windows would
1861 			 do a complete ellipse!  Draw a (thick) line instead.  */
1863 		  XDrawLine(display, d, gc, cx, cy, xa1, ya1);
1865 		} else {
1867 		  if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1868 			  if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1869 				  hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1871 		  a2 = (23040 - ((arcs[i].angle1 + arcs[i].angle2) % 23040)) * ang_inc;
1872 		  xa2 = (int)((rx * cos(a2)) + cx);
1873 		  ya2 = (int)((ry * sin(a2)) + cy);
1875 		  /* should check for a pie or chord filled arc type, but
1876 			 currently assuming pie filled arc */
1877 		  Pie(dc, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].x + arcs[i].width,
1878 			  arcs[i].y + arcs[i].height, xa1, ya1, xa2, ya2);
1880 		  if (hOldBitmap)
1881 			  SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1882 		}
1883 	}
1884 }
1887 /*-
1888  *  XFillPolygon
1889  *    draws a filled polygon on screen. Points can be specified as
1890  *    being relative to the origin, or relative to the previous
1891  *    point (with the first point relative to the origin)
1892  */
XFillPolygon(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XPoint * points,int npoints,int shape,int mode)1893 void XFillPolygon(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint *points,
1894 				  int npoints, int shape, int mode)
1895 {
1896 	int i;
1897 	int tx, ty;
1898 	POINT *pts;
1899 	HDC dc;
1900 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1902 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1903 		return;
1905 	if (npoints <= 0)
1906 		return;
1908 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1909 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1910 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1912 	/* allocate memory */
1913 	pts = calloc(npoints, sizeof(POINT));
1915 	if (mode == CoordModeOrigin) {
1916 		for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) {
1917 			pts[i].x = points[i].x;
1918 			pts[i].y = points[i].y;
1919 		}
1920 	}
1921 	else  if (mode == CoordModePrevious) {
1922 		tx = pts[0].x = points[0].x;
1923 		ty = pts[0].y = points[0].y;
1924 		for (i=1; i<npoints; i++){
1925 			tx += points[i].x;
1926 			ty += points[i].y;
1927 			pts[i].x = tx;
1928 			pts[i].y = ty;
1929 		}
1930 	}
1932 	Polygon(dc, pts, npoints);
1934 	/* free memory */
1935 	free(pts);
1937 	if (hOldBitmap)
1938 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1939 }
1941 /*-
1942  *  XFillRectangle
1943  *    draws a filled rectangle on screen
1944  */
XFillRectangle(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,int x,int y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height)1945 void XFillRectangle(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
1946 					unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
1947 {
1948 	HPEN oldPen;
1949 	HDC dc;
1950 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = NULL;
1952 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
1953 		return;
1955 	if (d > 0 && d < NUMBER_BITMAP)
1956 		if (bmInfo[d].isActive == TRUE)
1957 			hOldBitmap = SelectObject(dc, DrawableGetBitmap(d));
1959     /* check if we are doing a FillStippled fill or a normal rectangle */
1960 	if (gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.hasFillStyle == TRUE &&
1961 		gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.value == FillStippled)
1962 	{
1963 		HBITMAP hOldBitmapS = NULL;
1964 		HBITMAP hStipple = NULL;
1965 		HDC hStippleDC;
1966 		int i, j;
1967   		RGBQUAD rgbQuad = { cblue, cgreen, cred, 0 };
1968 		int sHeight;
1969 		int sWidth;
1971 		/* FillStippled fill */
1972 		if ((hStipple = DrawableGetBitmap(gcInfo[gc].stipple.graphic)) == NULL)
1973 		{
1974 			xlockmore_set_debug("XFillRectangle: Failed to get stipple");
1975 			if (hOldBitmap)
1976 				SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1977 			return;
1978 		}
1979 		sWidth = bmInfo[gcInfo[gc].stipple.graphic].width;
1980 		sHeight = bmInfo[gcInfo[gc].stipple.graphic].height;
1981 		if ((hStippleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)) == NULL)
1982 		{
1983 			xlockmore_set_debug("XFillRectangle: Failed to create stipple DC");
1984 			if (hOldBitmap)
1985 				SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
1986 			return;
1987 		}
1988 		hOldBitmapS = SelectObject(hStippleDC, hStipple);
1990 		/* set the correct color table */
1991 		SetDIBColorTable(hStippleDC, 0, 1, &rgbQuad);
1993 		for (i=y; i<y+height; i+=sHeight)
1994 			for (j=x; j<x+width; j+=sWidth)
1995 				if (MaskBlt(dc, j, i, sWidth, sHeight, hStippleDC, 0, 0, hStipple, 0, 0,
1996 						MAKEROP4(0x00AA0029, SRCCOPY)) == 0)
1997 					xlockmore_set_debug("XFillRectangle: MaskBlt() failed");
1999 		/* clean up */
2000 		if (hOldBitmapS)
2001 			SelectObject(hStippleDC, hOldBitmapS);
2002 		DeleteDC(hStippleDC);
2003 	}
2004 	else
2005 	{
2006 		/* normal rectangle */
2007 		if (width == 1 && height == 1)
2008 		{
2009 			SetPixelV(dc, x, y, RGB(cred, cgreen, cblue));
2010 		}
2011 		else
2012 		{
2013 			if (noPen == NULL)
2014 				if ((noPen = CreatePen(PS_NULL, 0, RGB(0,0,0))) == NULL)
2015 				{
2016 					xlockmore_set_debug("XFillRectangle: Failed to create pen");
2017 					if (hOldBitmap)
2018 						SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
2019 					return;
2020 				}
2022 			oldPen = SelectObject(dc, noPen);
2023 			Rectangle(dc, x, y, x + width + 1, y + height + 1);
2024 			SelectObject(dc, oldPen);
2025 		}
2026 	}
2028 	if (hOldBitmap)
2029 		SelectObject(dc, hOldBitmap);
2030 }
2032 /*-
2033  *  XFillRectangles
2034  *    draws a number of filled rectangles on screen
2035  */
XFillRectangles(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XRectangle * rectangles,int nrectangles)2036 void XFillRectangles(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
2037 					 XRectangle *rectangles, int nrectangles)
2038 {
2039 	int i;
2041 	for (i=0; i<nrectangles; i++) {
2042 		XFillRectangle(display, d, gc, rectangles[i].x, rectangles[i].y,
2043 			rectangles[i].width, rectangles[i].height);
2044 	}
2045 }
2047 /*-
2048  *  XFlush
2049  *    not currently used
2050  */
XFlush(Display * display)2051 void XFlush(Display *display)
2052 {
2053 }
2055 /*-
2056  *  XFree
2057  *    not currently used
2058  */
XFree(void * data)2059 void XFree(void *data)
2060 {
2061 }
2063 /*-
2064  *  XFreeColormap
2065  *    not currently used
2066  */
XFreeColormap(Display * display,Colormap colormap)2067 void XFreeColormap(Display *display, Colormap colormap)
2068 {
2069 }
2071 /*-
2072  *  XFreeColors
2073  *    not currently used
2074  */
XFreeColors(Display * display,Colormap colormap,unsigned long pixels[],int npixels,unsigned long planes)2075 void XFreeColors(Display *display, Colormap colormap,
2076 				 unsigned long pixels[], int npixels,
2077 				 unsigned long planes)
2078 {
2079 }
2081 /*-
2082  *  XFreeCursor
2083  *    not currently used
2084  */
XFreeCursor(Display * display,Cursor cursor)2085 void XFreeCursor(Display *display, Cursor cursor)
2086 {
2087 }
2089 /*-
2090  *  XFreeFont
2091  *    not currently used
2092  */
XFreeFont(Display * display,XFontStruct * font_struct)2093 int XFreeFont(Display *display, XFontStruct *font_struct)
2094 {
2095 	return 0;
2096 }
2098 /*-
2099  *  XFreeFontInfo
2100  *    not currently used
2101  */
XFreeFontInfo(char ** names,XFontStruct * free_info,int actual_count)2102 int XFreeFontInfo(char** names, XFontStruct* free_info, int actual_count)
2103 {
2104 	return 0;
2105 }
2107 /*-
2108  *  XFreeGC
2109  *    Free the memory for a GC (HDC)
2110  */
XFreeGC(Display * display,GC gc)2111 void XFreeGC(Display *display, GC gc)
2112 {
2113 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2114 		gcInfo[gc].isActive = FALSE;
2115 }
2117 /*-
2118  *  XFreePixmap
2119  *    Free the memory allocated to a pixmap
2120  */
XFreePixmap(Display * display,Pixmap pixmap)2121 void XFreePixmap(Display *display, Pixmap pixmap)
2122 {
2123 	if (pixmap < 0 || pixmap >= NUMBER_BITMAP)
2124 		return;
2126 	if (bmInfo[pixmap].isActive == FALSE)
2127 		return;
2129 	if (bmInfo[pixmap].bitmap != NULL)
2130  	{
2131 		DeleteObject(bmInfo[pixmap].bitmap);
2132 		bmInfo[pixmap].isActive = FALSE;
2133 		bmInfo[pixmap].bitmap = NULL;
2134 		bmInfo[pixmap].width = 0;
2135 		bmInfo[pixmap].height = 0;
2136 	}
2137 }
2139 /*-
2140  *  XGetGCValues
2141  *    not currently used
2142  */
XGetGCValues(Display * display,GC gc,unsigned long valuemask,XGCValues * values_return)2143 Status XGetGCValues(Display* display, GC gc,
2144 					unsigned long valuemask, XGCValues* values_return)
2145 {
2146     return None;
2147 }
2149 /*-
2150  *  XGContextFromGC
2151  *    not currently used
2152  */
XGContextFromGC(GC gc)2153 GContext XGContextFromGC(GC gc)
2154 {
2155     return None;
2156 }
2157 /*-
2158  *  XGetVisualInfo
2159  *    not currently used
2160  */
XGetVisualInfo(Display * display,long vinfo_mask,XVisualInfo * vinfo_template,int * nitems_return)2161 XVisualInfo *XGetVisualInfo(Display *display, long vinfo_mask,
2162 							XVisualInfo *vinfo_template,
2163 							int *nitems_return)
2164 {
2165 	return NULL;
2166 }
2168 /*-
2169  *  XGetWindowAttributes
2170  *    retrieves info about the window
2171  */
XGetWindowAttributes(Display * display,Window w,XWindowAttributes * window_attr_return)2172 Status XGetWindowAttributes(Display *display, Window w,
2173 							XWindowAttributes *window_attr_return)
2174 {
2175 	memset(window_attr_return, 0, sizeof(XWindowAttributes));
2177 	window_attr_return->width = rc.right;
2178 	window_attr_return->height = rc.bottom;
2179 	window_attr_return->depth = WINDOW_DEPTH;
2180 	window_attr_return->root = (int)hwnd;
2182 	return 0;
2183 }
2185 /*-
2186  *  XGrabKeyboard
2187  *    not currently used
2188  */
XGrabKeyboard(Display * display,Window grab_window,Bool owner_events,int pointer_mode,int keyboard_mode,Time time)2189 int XGrabKeyboard(Display *display, Window grab_window,
2190 				  Bool owner_events, int pointer_mode,
2191 				  int keyboard_mode, Time time)
2192 {
2193 	return 0;
2194 }
2196 /*-
2197  *  XGrabPointer
2198  *    not currently used
2199  */
XGrabPointer(Display * display,Window grab_window,Bool owner_events,unsigned int event_mask,int pointer_mode,int keyboard_mode,Window confine_to,Cursor cursor,Time time)2200 int XGrabPointer(Display *display, Window grab_window, Bool owner_events,
2201 				 unsigned int event_mask, int pointer_mode,
2202 				 int keyboard_mode, Window confine_to, Cursor cursor,
2203 				 Time time)
2204 {
2205 	return 0;
2206 }
2208 /*-
2209  *  XGrabServer
2210  *    not currently used
2211  */
XGrabServer(Display * display)2212 void XGrabServer(Display *display)
2213 {
2214 }
2216 /*-
2217  *  XInstallColormap
2218  *    not currently used
2219  */
XInstallColormap(Display * display,Colormap colormap)2220 void XInstallColormap(Display *display, Colormap colormap)
2221 {
2222 }
2224 /*-
2225  *  XListHosts
2226  *    not currently used, returns NULL
2227  */
XListHosts(Display * display,int * nhosts_return,Bool * state_return)2228 XHostAddress *XListHosts(Display *display, int *nhosts_return,
2229 						 Bool *state_return)
2230 {
2231 	return NULL;
2232 }
2234 /*-
2235  *  XLoadQueryFont
2236  *    not currently used
2237  */
XLoadQueryFont(Display * display,char * name)2238 XFontStruct *XLoadQueryFont(Display *display, char *name)
2239 {
2240 	static XFontStruct fontStruct = { 0 };
2241 	return &fontStruct;
2242 }
2244 /*-
2245  *  XLookupString
2246  *    not currently used
2247  */
XLookupString(XKeyEvent * event_struct,char * buffer_return,int bytes_buffer,KeySym * keysym_return,XComposeStatus * status_in_out)2248 int XLookupString(XKeyEvent *event_struct, char *buffer_return,
2249 				  int bytes_buffer, KeySym *keysym_return,
2250 				  XComposeStatus *status_in_out)
2251 {
2252 	return 0;
2253 }
2255 /*-
2256  *  XMapWindow
2257  *    not currently used
2258  */
XMapWindow(Display * display,Window w)2259 void XMapWindow(Display *display, Window w)
2260 {
2261 }
2263 /*-
2264  *  XNextEvent
2265  *    not currently used
2266  */
XNextEvent(Display * display,XEvent * event_return)2267 void XNextEvent(Display *display, XEvent *event_return)
2268 {
2269 }
2271 /*-
2272  *  XOpenDisplay
2273  *    not currently used
2274  */
XOpenDisplay(char * display_name)2275 Display *XOpenDisplay(char *display_name)
2276 {
2277 	return NULL;
2278 }
2280 /*-
2281  *  XParseColor
2282  *    not currently used
2283  */
XParseColor(Display * display,Colormap colormap,char * spec,XColor * exact_def_return)2284 Status XParseColor(Display *display, Colormap colormap,
2285 				   char *spec, XColor *exact_def_return)
2286 {
2287 	return 0;
2288 }
2290 /*-
2291  *  XPending
2292  *    not currently used, return 0
2293  */
XPending(Display * display)2294 int XPending(Display *display)
2295 {
2296 	return 0;
2297 }
2299 /*-
2300  *  XPutBackEvent
2301  *    not currently used
2302  */
XPutBackEvent(Display * display,XEvent * event)2303 void XPutBackEvent(Display *display, XEvent *event)
2304 {
2305 }
2307 /*-
2308  *  XPutImage
2309  *    Draw an image in screen
2310  */
XPutImage(Display * display,Drawable d,GC gc,XImage * image,int src_x,int src_y,int dest_x,int dest_y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height)2311 void XPutImage(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, XImage *image, int src_x,
2312                int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned int width,
2313                unsigned int height)
2314 {
2315 	HDC hBitmapDC;
2316 	HBITMAP hOldBitmap;
2317 	HBITMAP hBitmap;
2318 	HPALETTE hPalette;
2319 	RGBQUAD rgbQuad = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
2320 	HDC dc;
2322 	if ((dc = GCGetDC(d, gc)) == NULL)
2323 		return;
2325 	/* set the color table for the bitmap */
2326 	rgbQuad.rgbRed = cred;
2327 	rgbQuad.rgbGreen = cgreen;
2328 	rgbQuad.rgbBlue = cblue;
2330 	if (image->format == XYBitmap)
2331 	{
2332 		if (image->depth != 1)
2333 			return;
2335 		if ((hBitmapDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc)) == NULL)
2336 			return;
2338 		LCreateBitmap(image, &hBitmap, &hPalette);
2339 		DeleteObject(hPalette); /* we don't need the palette */
2340 		if (hBitmap == NULL)
2341 		{
2342 			DeleteObject(hBitmap);
2343 			DeleteDC(hBitmapDC);
2344 			return;
2345 		}
2347 		if ((hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hBitmapDC, hBitmap)) == NULL)
2348 		{
2349 			DeleteObject(hBitmap);
2350 			DeleteDC(hBitmapDC);
2351 			return;
2352 		}
2354 		/* set the correct color table */
2355 		SetDIBColorTable(hBitmapDC, 0, 1, &rgbQuad);
2357 		BitBlt(dc, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, hBitmapDC,
2358 				src_x, src_y, SRCCOPY);
2360 		SelectObject(hBitmapDC, hOldBitmap);
2361 		DeleteObject(hBitmap);
2362 		DeleteDC(hBitmapDC);
2363 	}
2364 }
2366 /*-
2367  *  XPutPixel
2368  *    Set a pixels color value on an image
2369  *
2370  *  NOTE: I'm not sure what this function returns. The header files
2371  *  under cygwin says it should return int, but some references out
2372  *  on the web indicate void. I've used int, and it returns 0 if
2373  *  it fails, otherwise 1
2374  */
XPutPixel(XImage * ximage,int x,int y,unsigned long pixel)2375 int XPutPixel(XImage *ximage, int x, int y, unsigned long pixel)
2376 {
2377 	int pos = 0;
2378 	unsigned long val = 0;
2380 	/* check ximage points to an image */
2381 	if (ximage == NULL)
2382 	{
2383 		return 0;
2384 	}
2386 	/* check x & y are within range */
2387 	if ((x < 0 || x > ximage->width - 1) ||
2388 	    (y < 0 || y > ximage->height - 1))
2389 	{
2390 		return 0;
2391 	}
2393 	/* only support images of bit depth 1 or > 8 */
2394 	if (ximage->depth == 1)
2395 	{
2396 		int byte_pos = 0;
2397 		int oldval = 0;
2398 		int i = 0;
2400 		pos = (ximage->bytes_per_line * y) + (x / 8);
2401 		byte_pos = x % 8;
2402 		oldval = ximage->data[pos];
2403 		for (i=0; i<8; i++)
2404 		{
2405 			val <<= 1;
2406 			val = ((val & 0xFE) + ((byte_pos != i) ? oldval >> i : pixel)) & 0x01;
2407 		}
2408 	}
2409 	else
2410 	{
2411 		pos = (ximage->width * y) + x;
2412 		val = pixel;
2413 	}
2415 	ximage->data[pos] = val;
2417 	return 1;
2418 }
2420 /*-
2421  *  XQueryColor
2422  *    not currently used
2423  */
XQueryColor(Display * display,Colormap colormap,XColor * def_in_out)2424 void XQueryColor(Display *display, Colormap colormap, XColor *def_in_out)
2425 {
2426 }
2428 /*-
2429  *  XQueryFont
2430  *    not currently used
2431  */
XQueryFont(Display * display,XID font_ID)2432 XFontStruct *XQueryFont(Display* display, XID font_ID)
2433 {
2434 	static XFontStruct dummy;
2435 	return &dummy;
2436 }
2438 /*-
2439  *  XQueryPointer
2440  *    not currently used
2441  */
XQueryPointer(Display * display,Window w,Window * root_return,Window * child_return,int * root_x_return,int * root_y_return,int * win_x_return,int * win_y_return,unsigned int * mask_return)2442 Bool XQueryPointer(Display *display, Window w, Window *root_return,
2443 				   Window *child_return, int *root_x_return, int *root_y_return,
2444 				   int *win_x_return, int *win_y_return,
2445 				   unsigned int *mask_return)
2446 {
2447 	return FALSE;
2448 }
2450 /*-
2451  *  XQueryTree
2452  *    not currently used
2453  */
XQueryTree(Display * display,Window w,Window * root_return,Window * parent_return,Window ** children_return,unsigned int * nchildren_return)2454 Status XQueryTree(Display *display, Window w, Window *root_return,
2455 				 Window *parent_return, Window **children_return,
2456 				 unsigned int *nchildren_return)
2457 {
2458 	return 0;
2459 }
2461 /*-
2462  *  XRaiseWindow
2463  *    not currently used
2464  */
XRaiseWindow(Display * display,Window w)2465 void XRaiseWindow(Display *display, Window w)
2466 {
2467 }
2469 /*-
2470  *  XReadBitmapFile
2471  *    not currently used
2472  */
XReadBitmapFile(Display * display,Drawable d,char * filename,unsigned int * width_return,unsigned int * height_return,Pixmap * bitmap_return,int * x_hot_return,int * y_hot_return)2473 int XReadBitmapFile(Display *display, Drawable d, char *filename,
2474                     unsigned int *width_return, unsigned int *height_return,
2475 					Pixmap *bitmap_return, int *x_hot_return, int *y_hot_return)
2476 {
2477 	char *data;
2478 	unsigned int height;
2479 	int rv;
2480 	unsigned int width;
2482 	/* TODO: implement me */
2483 	return BitmapOpenFailed;
2485 	/* read the file into data structure */
2487 	/* create the bitmap */
2488 	if ((*bitmap_return = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, d, data, width, height)) != None)
2489 	{
2490 		*width_return = width;
2491 		*height_return = height;
2492 		/* TODO:: hot spot */
2493 		*x_hot_return = -1;
2494 		*y_hot_return = -1;
2495 		rv = BitmapSuccess;
2496 	}
2497 	else
2498 		rv = BitmapFileInvalid;
2500 	return rv;
2501 }
2503 /*-
2504  *  XRemoveHosts
2505  *    not currently used
2506  */
XRemoveHosts(Display * display,XHostAddress * hosts,int num_hosts)2507 void XRemoveHosts(Display *display, XHostAddress *hosts, int num_hosts)
2508 {
2509 }
2511 /*-
2512  *  XResourceManagerString
2513  *    not currently used, return NULL
2514  */
XResourceManagerString(Display * display)2515 char *XResourceManagerString(Display *display)
2516 {
2517 	return NULL;
2518 }
2520 /*-
2521  *  XrmDestroyDatabase
2522  *    not currently used
2523  */
XrmDestroyDatabase(XrmDatabase database)2524 void XrmDestroyDatabase(XrmDatabase database)
2525 {
2526 }
2528 /*-
2529  *  XrmGetFileDatabase
2530  *    not currently used, return NULL
2531  */
XrmGetFileDatabase(char * filename)2532 XrmDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(char *filename)
2533 {
2534 	return NULL;
2535 }
2537 /*-
2538  *  XrmGetResource
2539  *    not currently used, return True
2540  */
XrmGetResource(XrmDatabase database,char * str_name,char * str_class,char ** str_type_return,XrmValue * value_return)2541 Bool XrmGetResource(XrmDatabase database, char *str_name,
2542 					char *str_class, char **str_type_return,
2543 					XrmValue *value_return)
2544 {
2545 	return True;
2546 }
2548 /*-
2549  *  XrmGetFileDatabase
2550  *    not currently used, return NULL
2551  */
XrmGetStringDatabase(char * data)2552 XrmDatabase XrmGetStringDatabase(char *data)
2553 {
2554 	return NULL;
2555 }
2557 /*-
2558  *  XrmInitialize
2559  *    not currently used
2560  */
XrmInitialize(void)2561 void XrmInitialize(void)
2562 {
2563 }
2565 /*-
2566  *  XrmMergeDatabases
2567  *    not currently used
2568  */
XrmMergeDatabases(XrmDatabase source_db,XrmDatabase * target_db)2569 void XrmMergeDatabases(XrmDatabase source_db, XrmDatabase *target_db)
2570 {
2571 }
2573 /*-
2574  *  XrmParseCommand
2575  *    not currently used
2576  */
XrmParseCommand(XrmDatabase * database,XrmOptionDescList table,int table_count,char * name,int * argc_in_out,char ** argv_in_out)2577 void XrmParseCommand(XrmDatabase *database, XrmOptionDescList table,
2578 					 int table_count, char *name, int *argc_in_out,
2579 					 char **argv_in_out)
2580 {
2581 }
2583 /*-
2584  *  XSetBackground
2585  *    sets the background color of pens, shapes, etc
2586  */
XSetBackground(Display * display,GC gc,unsigned long background)2587 void XSetBackground(Display *display, GC gc, unsigned long background)
2588 {
2589 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2590 	{
2591 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2593 		/* check if drawable is a bitmap, and adjust the 1 and 0 colors
2594 		   (white and black) to their proper win32 values */
2595 		if (gcInfo[gc].depth == 1)
2596 		{
2597 			if (background == 0 || background == 1)
2598 				background = 256 + background;
2599 		}
2601 		/* check that the background is in range */
2602 		if (background > (NUMCOLORS+1))
2603 			gcInfo[gc].color.background = NUMCOLORS-1;
2604 		else
2605 			gcInfo[gc].color.background = background;
2606 	}
2607 }
2609 /*-
2610  *  XSetFillRule
2611  *    sets the fill rule
2612  */
XSetFillRule(Display * display,GC gc,int fill_rule)2613 void XSetFillRule(Display *display, GC gc, int fill_rule)
2614 {
2615 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2616 	{
2617 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2618 		gcInfo[gc].fillRule.hasFillRule = TRUE;
2619 		gcInfo[gc].fillRule.value = fill_rule;
2620 	}
2621 }
2623 /*-
2624  *  XSetFillStyle
2625  *    sets the fill style
2626  */
XSetFillStyle(Display * display,GC gc,int fill_style)2627 void XSetFillStyle(Display *display, GC gc, int fill_style)
2628 {
2629 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2630 	{
2631 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2632 		gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.hasFillStyle = TRUE;
2633 		gcInfo[gc].fillStyle.value = fill_style;
2634 	}
2635 }
2637 /*-
2638  *  XSetFont
2639  *    sets the font to be used for text
2640  */
XSetFont(Display * display,GC gc,Font font)2641 void XSetFont(Display *display, GC gc, Font font)
2642 {
2643 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2644 	{
2645 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2646 		gcInfo[gc].font.hasFont = TRUE;
2647 		gcInfo[gc].font.value = font;
2648 	}
2649 }
2651 /*-
2652  *  XSetForeground
2653  *    sets the color of the current color, foreground pen and
2654  *    brush
2655  */
XSetForeground(Display * display,GC gc,unsigned long foreground)2656 void XSetForeground(Display *display, GC gc, unsigned long foreground)
2657 {
2658 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2659 	{
2660 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2662 		/* check if drawable is a bitmap, and adjust the 1 and 0 colors
2663 		   (white and black) to their proper win32 values */
2664 		if (gcInfo[gc].depth == 1)
2665 		{
2666 			if (foreground == 0 || foreground == 1)
2667 				foreground = 256 + foreground;
2668 		}
2670 		/* check that the foreground is in range */
2671 		if (foreground > (NUMCOLORS+1))
2672 			gcInfo[gc].color.foreground = NUMCOLORS-1;
2673 		else
2674 			gcInfo[gc].color.foreground = foreground;
2675 	}
2676 }
2678 /*-
2679  *  XSetFunction
2680  *    sets the logical operation applied between source pixel
2681  *    and destination pixel
2682  *  Not fully implemented yet.
2683  */
XSetFunction(Display * display,GC gc,int function)2685 void XSetFunction(Display *display, GC gc, int function)
2686 {
2687 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2688 	{
2689 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2690 		gcInfo[gc].function.hasFunction = TRUE;
2691 		gcInfo[gc].function.value = function;
2692 	}
2693 }
2695 /*-
2696  *  XSetGraphicsExposures
2697  *  Not implemented yet.
2698  */
XSetGraphicsExposures(Display * display,GC gc,Bool graphics_exposures)2700 int XSetGraphicsExposures(Display *display, GC gc, Bool graphics_exposures)
2701 {
2702 	return 0;
2703 }
2705 /*-
2706  *  XSetLineAttributes
2707  *    creates a new pen that has the attributes given
2708  */
XSetLineAttributes(Display * display,GC gc,unsigned int line_width,int line_style,int cap_style,int join_style)2709 void XSetLineAttributes(Display *display, GC gc,
2710 						unsigned int line_width, int line_style,
2711 						int cap_style, int join_style)
2712 {
2713 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2714 	{
2715 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2716 		gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.hasLineAttributes = TRUE;
2717 		gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.width = line_width;
2718 		gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.lineStyle = line_style;
2719 		gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.capStyle = cap_style;
2720 		gcInfo[gc].lineAttributes.joinStyle = join_style;
2721 	}
2722 }
2724 /*-
2725  *  XSetScreenSaver
2726  *    not currently used
2727  */
XSetScreenSaver(Display * display,int timeout,int interval,int prefer_blanking,int allow_exposures)2728 void XSetScreenSaver(Display *display, int timeout, int interval,
2729 					 int prefer_blanking, int allow_exposures)
2730 {
2731 }
2733 /*-
2734  *  XSetStipple
2735  *    Set the stipple for filled objects
2736  */
XSetStipple(Display * display,GC gc,Pixmap stipple)2737 void XSetStipple(Display *display, GC gc, Pixmap stipple)
2738 {
2739 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2740 	{
2741 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2742 		gcInfo[gc].stipple.hasStipple = TRUE;
2743 		gcInfo[gc].stipple.graphic = stipple;
2744 	}
2745 }
2747 /*-
2748  *  XSetTSOrigin
2749  *     Set the tile or stipple origin
2750  */
XSetTSOrigin(Display * display,GC gc,int ts_x_origin,int ts_y_origin)2751 void XSetTSOrigin(Display *display, GC gc, int ts_x_origin, int ts_y_origin)
2752 {
2753 	if (gc >= 0 && gc < numGCInfo && gcInfo[gc].isActive == TRUE)
2754 	{
2755 		gcInfo[gc].needsReset = TRUE;
2756 		gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.hasOrigin = TRUE;
2757 		gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.x = ts_x_origin;
2758 		gcInfo[gc].tsorigin.y = ts_y_origin;
2759 	}
2760 }
2762 /*-
2763  *  XSetWindowColormap
2764  *    not currently used
2765  */
XSetWindowColormap(Display * display,Window w,Colormap colormap)2766 void XSetWindowColormap(Display *display, Window w, Colormap colormap)
2767 {
2768 }
2770 /*-
2771  *  XSetWMName
2772  *    not currently used
2773  */
XSetWMName(Display * display,Window w,XTextProperty * text_prop)2774 void XSetWMName(Display *display, Window w, XTextProperty *text_prop)
2775 {
2776 }
2778 /*-
2779  *  XStoreColors
2780  *    not currently used
2781  */
XStoreColors(Display * display,Colormap colormap,XColor color[],int ncolors)2782 void XStoreColors(Display *display, Colormap colormap, XColor color[],
2783                   int ncolors)
2784 {
2785 }
2787 /*-
2788  *  XStringListToTextProperty
2789  *    not currently used
2790  */
XStringListToTextProperty(char ** list,int count,XTextProperty * text_prop_return)2791 Status XStringListToTextProperty(char **list, int count,
2792 								 XTextProperty *text_prop_return)
2793 {
2794 	return 0;
2795 }
2797 /*-
2798  *  XSync
2799  *    not currently used
2800  */
XSync(Display * display,Bool discard)2801 void XSync(Display *display, Bool discard)
2802 {
2803 }
2805 /*-
2806  *  XTextWidth
2807  *    not currently used, returns 0
2808  */
XTextWidth(XFontStruct * font_struct,char * string,int count)2809 int XTextWidth(XFontStruct *font_struct, char *string, int count)
2810 {
2811 	return 0;
2812 }
2814 /*-
2815  *  XTranslateCoordinates
2816  *     Simple implementation ignores source and destination and just
2817  *     reports position of global hdc relative to the screen.
2818  */
XTranslateCoordinates(Display * display,Window src_w,Window dest_w,int src_x,int src_y,int * dest_x_return,int * dest_y_return,Window * child_return)2819 Bool XTranslateCoordinates(Display* display, Window src_w, Window dest_w,
2820 						   int src_x, int src_y,
2821 						   int* dest_x_return, int* dest_y_return,
2822 						   Window* child_return)
2823 {
2824   POINT p;
2825   /* use global hdc */
2826   if (GetDCOrgEx(hdc, &p)) {
2827 	*dest_x_return = p.x + src_x;
2828 	*dest_y_return = p.y + src_y;
2830   } else {
2831 	*dest_x_return = src_x;
2832 	*dest_y_return = src_y;
2833   }
2834   *child_return = None;
2835   return 1;
2836 }
2838 /*-
2839  *  XUngrabKeyboard
2840  *    not currently used
2841  */
XUngrabKeyboard(Display * display,Time time)2842 void XUngrabKeyboard(Display *display, Time time)
2843 {
2844 }
2846 /*-
2847  *  XUngrabPointer
2848  *    not currently used
2849  */
XUngrabPointer(Display * display,Time time)2850 void XUngrabPointer(Display *display, Time time)
2851 {
2852 }
2854 /*-
2855  *  XUngrabServer
2856  *    not currently used
2857  */
XUngrabServer(Display * display)2858 void XUngrabServer(Display *display)
2859 {
2860 }
2862 /*-
2863  *  XUnmapWindow
2864  *    not currently used
2865  */
XUnmapWindow(Display * display,Window w)2866 void XUnmapWindow(Display *display, Window w)
2867 {
2868 }
glXSwapBuffers(Display * display,Window w)2870 void glXSwapBuffers(Display *display, Window w)
2871 {
2872 	SwapBuffers(hdc);
2873 }
2877 #endif /* WIN32 */
2879 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */