1<div class="controls">
2    <?= $tabs ?>
4<div id="about" class="content content-centered">
5    <?= $this->img('img/icinga-logo-big-dark.png', null, array('width' => 320)) ?>
6    <dl class="name-value-list">
7    <?php if (isset($version['appVersion'])): ?>
8        <dt><?= $this->translate('Icinga Web 2 Version') ?></dt>
9        <dd><?= $this->escape($version['appVersion']) ?></dd>
10    <?php endif ?>
11    <?php if (isset($version['gitCommitID'])): ?>
12        <dt><?= $this->translate('Git commit') ?></dt>
13        <dd><?= $this->escape($version['gitCommitID']) ?></dd>
14    <?php endif ?>
15        <dt><?= $this->translate('PHP Version') ?></dt>
16        <dd><?= $this->escape(PHP_VERSION) ?></dd>
17    <?php if (isset($version['gitCommitDate'])): ?>
18        <dt><?= $this->translate('Git commit date') ?></dt>
19        <dd><?= $this->escape($version['gitCommitDate']) ?></dd>
20    <?php endif ?>
21        <dt><?= $this->translate('Copyright') ?></dt>
22        <dd>
23            <span>&copy; 2013-<?= date('Y') ?></span>
24            <?= $this->qlink(
25                $this->translate('The Icinga Project'),
26                'https://icinga.com',
27                null,
28                array(
29                    'target' => '_blank'
30                )
31            ) ?>
32        </dd>
33    </dl>
34    <div class="about-social">
35        <?= $this->qlink(
36            null,
37            'https://www.twitter.com/icinga',
38            null,
39            array(
40                'target'    => '_blank',
41                'icon'      => 'twitter',
42                'title'     => $this->translate('Icinga on Twitter')
43            )
44        ) ?> <?= $this->qlink(
45            null,
46            'https://www.facebook.com/icinga',
47            null,
48            array(
49                'target'    => '_blank',
50                'icon'      => 'facebook-squared',
51                'title'     => $this->translate('Icinga on Facebook')
52            )
53        ) ?>
54    </div>
55    <div class="about-links">
56    <?= $this->qlink(
57        null,
58        'https://github.com/icinga/icingaweb2/issues',
59        null,
60        array(
61            'target'    => '_blank',
62            'icon'       => 'bug',
63            'title'     => $this->translate('Report a bug')
64        )
65    ) ?>
66    <?= $this->qlink(
67        null,
68        'https://icinga.com/support/',
69        null,
70        array(
71            'target'    => '_blank',
72            'icon'       => 'chat-empty',
73            'title'     => $this->translate('Support')
74        )
75    ) ?>
76        <?= $this->qlink(
77            null,
78            'https://icinga.com/community/',
79            null,
80            array(
81                'target'    => '_blank',
82                'icon'       => 'lightbulb',
83                'title'     => $this->translate('Icinga Community')
84            )
85        ) ?>
86        <?= $this->qlink(
87            null,
88            'https://docs.icinga.com/',
89            null,
90            array(
91                'target'    => '_blank',
92                'icon'       => 'doc-text',
93                'title'     => $this->translate('Icinga Documentation')
94            )
95        ) ?>
96    </div>
97    <h2><?= $this->translate('Loaded modules') ?></h2>
98    <table class="table-row-selectable common-table" data-base-target="_next">
99    <thead>
100        <tr>
101            <th><?= $this->translate('Name') ?></th>
102            <th><?= $this->translate('Version') ?></th>
103        </tr>
104    </thead>
105    <tbody>
106<?php foreach ($modules as $module): ?>
107    <tr>
108        <td>
109        <?php if ($this->hasPermission('config/modules')): ?>
110            <?= $this->qlink(
111                $module->getName(),
112                'config/module/',
113                array('name' => $module->getName()),
114                array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Show the overview of the %s module'), $module->getName()))
115            ) ?>
116        <?php else: ?>
117            <?= $this->escape($module->getName()) ?>
118        <?php endif ?>
119        <td>
120            <?= $this->escape($module->getVersion()) ?>
121        </td>
122    </tr>
123<?php endforeach ?>
124    </tbody>
125    </table>