1Zip's deflation algorithm is a variation of LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977, see
2reference below). It finds duplicated strings in the input data.  The
3second occurrence of a string is replaced by a pointer to the previous
4string, in the form of a pair (distance, length).  Distances are
5limited to 32K bytes, and lengths are limited to 258 bytes. When a
6string does not occur anywhere in the previous 32K bytes, it is
7emitted as a sequence of literal bytes.  (In this description,
8'string' must be taken as an arbitrary sequence of bytes, and is not
9restricted to printable characters.)
11Literals or match lengths are compressed with one Huffman tree, and
12match distances are compressed with another tree. The trees are stored
13in a compact form at the start of each block. The blocks can have any
14size (except that the compressed data for one block must fit in
15available memory). A block is terminated when zip determines that it
16would be useful to start another block with fresh trees. (This is
17somewhat similar to compress.)
19Duplicated strings are found using a hash table. All input strings of
20length 3 are inserted in the hash table. A hash index is computed for
21the next 3 bytes. If the hash chain for this index is not empty, all
22strings in the chain are compared with the current input string, and
23the longest match is selected.
25The hash chains are searched starting with the most recent strings, to
26favor small distances and thus take advantage of the Huffman encoding.
27The hash chains are singly linked. There are no deletions from the
28hash chains, the algorithm simply discards matches that are too old.
30To avoid a worst-case situation, very long hash chains are arbitrarily
31truncated at a certain length, determined by a runtime option (zip -1
32to -9). So zip does not always find the longest possible match but
33generally finds a match which is long enough.
35zip also defers the selection of matches with a lazy evaluation
36mechanism. After a match of length N has been found, zip searches for a
37longer match at the next input byte. If a longer match is found, the
38previous match is truncated to a length of one (thus producing a single
39literal byte) and the longer match is emitted afterwards.  Otherwise,
40the original match is kept, and the next match search is attempted only
41N steps later.
43The lazy match evaluation is also subject to a runtime parameter. If
44the current match is long enough, zip reduces the search for a longer
45match, thus speeding up the whole process. If compression ratio is more
46important than speed, zip attempts a complete second search even if
47the first match is already long enough.
49The lazy match evaluation is not performed for the fastest compression
50modes (speed options -1 to -3). For these fast modes, new strings
51are inserted in the hash table only when no match was found, or
52when the match is not too long. This degrades the compression ratio
53but saves time since there are both fewer insertions and fewer searches.
55Jean-loup Gailly
60[LZ77] Ziv J., Lempel A., "A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data
61Compression", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", Vol. 23, No. 3,
62pp. 337-343.
64APPNOTE.TXT documentation file in PKZIP 1.93a. It is available by
65ftp in ftp.cso.uiuc.edu:/pc/exec-pc/pkz193a.exe []
67'Deflate' Compressed Data Format Specification: