8\title{ Anova function for quantile regression fits }
10	Compute test statistics for two or more quantile regression fits.
13\method{anova}{rq}(object, ..., test = "Wald", joint = TRUE, score =
14                       "tau", se = "nid", iid = TRUE, R = 200, trim = NULL)
15\method{anova}{rqs}(object, ..., se = "nid", iid = TRUE, joint = TRUE)
16\method{anova}{rqlist}(object, ...,  test = "Wald", joint = TRUE,
17	score = "tau", se = "nid", iid = TRUE, R = 200, trim = NULL)
18rq.test.rank(x0, x1, y, v = NULL, score = "wilcoxon", weights = NULL, tau=.5,
19        iid = TRUE, delta0 = rep(0,NCOL(x1)), omega = 1, trim = NULL, pvalue = "F")
21\method{print}{anova.rq}(x, ...)
24  \item{object, ...}{objects of class `rq', originating from a call to `rq'.
25	or a single object of class rqs, originating from a call to 'rq' with
26	multiple taus specified.}
27  \item{test}{ A character string specifying the test statistic to use.
28	Can be either `Wald' or `rank'.}
29  \item{joint}{A logical flag indicating whether tests of equality of slopes
30	should be done as joint tests on all slope parameters, or whether
31	(when joint = FALSE) separate tests on each of the slope parameters
32	should be reported.  This option applies only to the tests of
33	equality of slopes in the case that estimated models correspond
34	to distinct taus.}
35  \item{score}{ A character string specifying the score function to use,
36	only needed or applicable for the `rank' form of the test.}
38  \item{trim}{optional trimming proportion parameter(s)  -- only applicable for the
39	Wilcoxon score function --  when one value is provided there is symmetric
40	trimming of the score integral to the interval \code{(trim, 1-trim)}, when
41	there are two values provided, then the trimming restricts the integration
42	to \code{(trim[1], trim[2])}.}
43  \item{x}{ objects of class `summary.rq', originating from a call to `summary'. }
44  \item{x0}{design matrix for the null component of the rank and anowar tests. }
45  \item{x1}{design matrix for the alternative component of the rank and anowar tests. }
46  \item{y}{response vector for the alternative component of the rank and anowar tests. }
47  \item{v}{optional rq process fit}
48  \item{se}{method for computing standard errors, either "nid" or "ker", note
49	that "boot" cannot be used for testing homogeneity of slopes.}
50  \item{tau}{quantile of interest for quantile specific forms of testing.}
51  \item{iid}{logical flag for quantile specific forms of testing, if TRUE the
52	test presumes that the conditional densities take identical values,
53	if it is FALSE then local densities are estimated and used, see Koenker(2005)
54	p. 90.}
55  \item{delta0}{vector of hypothetical parameter values under test, typically zeros
56	but can be specified to be nonzero in cases where simulations are being used
57	to evaluate the validity of the non-central chisquare theory of the test.}
58  \item{omega}{value to be used for the score and F dependent constant appearing
59	in the non-centrality parameter,  this is only needed/useful when delta0
60	is specified to be non-zero.  In the usual Wilcoxon (untrimmed) case this
61	value is the integral the squared density.}
62  \item{pvalue}{type of p-value to be used, by default a pseudo F-statistic is
63	produced and the corresponding F p-value is computed, otherwise the
64	more conventional chisquared p-values are reported.}
65  \item{weights}{optional weight vector to be used for fitting.}
66  \item{R}{ The number of resampling replications for the anowar form of the test,
67	used to estimate the reference distribution for the test statistic.}
70There are two (as yet) distinct forms of the test.  In the first the
71fitted objects all have the same specified quantile (tau) and the intent
72is to test the hypothesis that smaller models are adequate relative to
73the largest specified model.  In the second form of the test the linear predictor
74of the fits are all the same, but the specified quantiles (taus) are different.
76In the former case there are three options for
77the argument `test', by default a Wald test is computed as in
78Bassett and Koenker (1982).  If \code{test = 'anowar'} is specified
79then the test is based on the procedure suggested in Chen, Ying, Zhang
80and Zhao (2008); the test is based on the difference in the QR objective
81functions at the restricted and unrestricted models with a reference
82distribution computed by simulation.  The p-value of this form of the
83test is produced by fitting a density to the simulation values forming
84the reference distribution using the \code{logspline} function from
85the \pkg{logspline} package.  The acronym anowar stands for  analysis
86of weighted absolute residuals.  If \code{test='rank'} is specified, then a rank
87test statistic is computed as described in Gutenbrunner, Jureckova,
88Koenker and Portnoy (1993).  In the latter case one can also specify
89a form for the score function of the rank test, by default the Wilcoxon
90score is used, the other options are score=`sign' for median (sign) scores,
91or score=`normal' for normal (van der Waerden) scores.  A fourth option
92is score=`tau' which is a generalization of median scores to an arbitrary
93quantile, in this case the quantile is assumed to be the one associated
94with the fitting of the specified objects.  The computing of
95the rank form of the test is carried out in the \code{\link{rq.test.rank}}
96function, see \code{\link{ranks}} for further details on the score function
97options.  The Wald form of the test is local in sense that the null hypothesis
98asserts only that a subset of the covariates are ``insignificant'' at
99the specified quantile of interest.  The rank form of the test can also be
100used to test the global hypothesis that a subset is ``insignificant''
101over an entire range of quantiles.  The use of the score function
102score = "tau" restricts the rank test to the local hypothesis of
103the Wald test.
105In the latter case the hypothesis of interest is that the slope coefficients of
106the models are identical.  The test statistic is a variant of the Wald
107test described in Koenker and Bassett (1982).
109By default, both forms of the tests return an F-like statistic in the sense that the
110an asymptotically Chi-squared statistic is divided by its degrees of
111freedom and the reported p-value is computed for an F statistic based on
112the numerator degrees of freedom equal to the rank of the null hypothesis and
113the denominator degrees of freedom is taken to be the sample size
114minus the number of parameters of the maintained model.
117 An object of class `"anova"' inheriting from class `"data.frame"'.
120[1] Bassett, G. and R. Koenker  (1982). Tests of Linear Hypotheses
121and L1 Estimation,
122\emph{Econometrica}, \bold{50}, 1577--83.
124[2] Koenker, R. W. and Bassett, G. W. (1982). Robust Tests for
125Heteroscedasticity based on Regression Quantiles,
126\emph{Econometrica}, \bold{50}, 43--61.
128[3] Gutenbrunner, C., Jureckova, J., Koenker, R, and S. Portnoy  (1993).
129Tests of Linear Hypotheses based on Regression Rank Scores,
130\emph{J. of Nonparametric Statistics}, \bold{2}, 307--331.
132[4] Chen, K. Z. Ying, H. Zhang, and L Zhao, (2008) Analysis of least absolute
133deviations, Biometrika, 95, 107-122.
135[5] Koenker, R. W. (2005).  Quantile Regression, Cambridge U. Press.
137\author{ Roger Koenker }
139\section{WARNING }{
140An attempt to verify that the models are nested in the first form
141of the test is made, but this relies on checking set inclusion of
142the list of variable names and is subject to obvious ambiguities
143when variable names are generic.
144The comparison between two or more models will only be valid if
145they are fitted to the same dataset. This may be a problem if
146there are missing values and R's default of `na.action = na.omit' is used.
147The rank version of the nested model tests involves computing the entire
148regression quantile process using parametric linear programming and thus
149can be rather slow and memory intensive on problems with more than
150several thousand observations.}
151\seealso{The model fitting function  \code{\link{rq}},
152and the functions for testing hypothesis on the entire quantile
153regression process \code{\link{KhmaladzeTest}}.  For further details
154on the rank tests see \code{\link{ranks}}.}
157fit0 <- rq(y.net ~  lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 , data = barro)
158fit1 <- rq(y.net ~  lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2, data = barro)
159fit2 <- rq(y.net ~  lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2, data = barro,tau=.75)
160fit3 <- rq(y.net ~  lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2, data = barro,tau=.25)
164# Alternatively fitting can be done in one call:
165fit <- rq(y.net ~  lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2,
166	  method = "fn", tau = 1:4/5, data = barro)
168\keyword{ htest }
169\keyword{ regression}
170\keyword{ robust}