1 /*****************************************************************************
3   Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
4   more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed
5   with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6   Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
7   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
8   License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
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18  *****************************************************************************/
20 //=====================================================================
21 /// @file example_system_top.cpp
22 //
23 /// @brief This class instantiates components that compose the TLM2
24 ///        example system. A similar block diagram is created
25 ///        for each version, but with different components
26 //
27 //=====================================================================
28 //  Authors:
29 //    Bill Bunton, ESLX
30 //    Anna Keist, ESLX
31 //    Charles Wilson, ESLX
32 //    Jack Donovan, ESLX
33 //=====================================================================
34 #include "at_1_phase_top.h"           	// example system top header
36 //=====================================================================
37 ///  @fn example_system_top::example_system_top
38 //
39 ///  @details
40 ///    The construcor method calls the bind methods
41 ///    to connect the example components.
42 //
43 //=====================================================================
example_system_top(sc_core::sc_module_name name)44 example_system_top::example_system_top
45 ( sc_core::sc_module_name name
46 )
47   : sc_core::sc_module                      /// Init SC base
48     ( name
49     )
50   , m_bus                                   /// Init Simple Bus
51     ( "m_bus"
52     )
53   , m_at_target_1_phase_1                   /// Init intance 1 of AT target
54     ( "m_at_target_1_phase_1"               // module name
55     , 201                                   /// 1st Target ID is 201
56     , "memory_socket_1"                     // socket name
57     , 4*1024                                // memory size (bytes)
58     , 4                                     // memory width (bytes)
59     , sc_core::sc_time(10, sc_core::SC_NS)  // accept delay
60     , sc_core::sc_time(50, sc_core::SC_NS)  // read response delay
61     , sc_core::sc_time(30, sc_core::SC_NS)  // write response delay
62     )
63   , m_at_target_1_phase_2                   /// Init instance 2 of AT target
64     ( "m_at_target_1_phase_2"               // module name
65     , 202                                   /// 2nd Target ID is 202
66     , "memory_socket_1"                     // socket name
67     , 4*1024                                // memory size (bytes)
68     , 4                                     // memory width (bytes)
69     , sc_core::sc_time(10, sc_core::SC_NS)  // accept delay
70     , sc_core::sc_time(50, sc_core::SC_NS)  // read response delay
71     , sc_core::sc_time(30, sc_core::SC_NS)  // write response delay
72     )
73   , m_initiator_1                           /// Init Instance 1 of AT initiator
74     ( "m_initiator_1"                       // module name
75     , 101                                   /// 1st Initiator ID is 101
76     , 0x0000000000000100                    // fitst base address
77     , 0x0000000010000100                    // second base address
78     , 2                                     // active transactions
79     )
80   , m_initiator_2                           /// Init initiator 2
81     ( "m_initiator_2"                       // module name
82     , 102                                   /// 2nd Initiator ID is 102
83     , 0x0000000000000200                    // fitst base address
84     , 0x0000000010000200                    // second base address
85     , 2                                     // active transactions
86     )
87 {
88   /// bind TLM2 initiators to TLM2 target sockets on SimpleBus
89   m_initiator_1.initiator_socket(m_bus.target_socket[0]);
90   m_initiator_2.initiator_socket(m_bus.target_socket[1]);
92   /// bind TLM2 targets to TLM2 initiator sockets on SimpleBus
93   m_bus.initiator_socket[0](m_at_target_1_phase_1.m_memory_socket);
94   m_bus.initiator_socket[1](m_at_target_1_phase_2.m_memory_socket);
95 }