1 {
2 ATTabs component for Delphi/Lazarus
3 Copyright (c) Alexey Torgashin (UVviewsoft.com)
4 License: MPL 2.0 or LGPL
5 }
7 //{$define tabs_paint_counter}
9 unit attabs;
11 {$ifdef FPC}
12   {$mode delphi}
13 {$else}
14   {$define windows}
15   {$ifdef VER150} //Delphi 7
16     {$define WIDE}
17   {$endif}
18 {$endif}
20 interface
22 uses
23   {$ifdef windows}
24   Windows,
25   {$endif}
26   Classes, Types, Graphics,
27   Controls, Messages, ImgList,
28   {$ifdef FPC}
29   InterfaceBase,
30   LCLIntf,
31   LCLType,
32   LCLProc,
33   {$else}
34   System.UITypes,
35   {$endif}
36   ATCanvasPrimitives,
37   ATTabs_Picture,
38   ATFlatControls_Separator,
39   Menus;
41 type
42   TATTabString = {$ifdef WIDE} WideString {$else} string {$endif};
44 //these global options disable features in all ATTabs objects
45 var
46   ATTabsStretchDrawEnabled: boolean = true;
47   ATTabsCircleDrawEnabled: boolean = true;
48   ATTabsPixelsDrawEnabled: boolean = true;
49   ATTabsAddonSeparator: string = ' • ';
51 type
52   TATTabPosition = (
53     atpTop,
54     atpBottom,
55     atpLeft,
56     atpRight
57     );
59 type
61   { TATTabListCollection }
63   TATTabListCollection = class(TCollection)
64   public
65     AOwner: TCustomControl;
66     destructor Destroy; override;
67     procedure Clear;
68   end;
70 type
71   { TATTabData }
73   TATTabData = class(TCollectionItem)
74   private
75     FTabCaption: TATTabString;
76     FTabCaptionAddon: TATTabString;
77     FTabCaptionRect: TRect;
78     FTabHint: TATTabString;
79     FTabObject: TObject;
80     FTabColor: TColor;
81     FTabColorActive: TColor;
82     FTabColorOver: TColor;
83     FTabModified: boolean;
84     FTabSpecial: boolean;
85     FTabSpecialWidth: integer;
86     FTabSpecialHeight: integer;
87     FTabRect: TRect;
88     FTabRectX: TRect;
89     FTabImageIndex: TImageIndex;
90     FTabPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
91     FTabFontStyle: TFontStyles;
92     FTabStartsNewLine: boolean;
93     FTabHideXButton: boolean;
94     FTabVisible: boolean;
95     FTabVisibleX: boolean;
96     FTabPinned: boolean;
GetTabCaptionFullnull97     function GetTabCaptionFull: TATTabString;
98     procedure UpdateTabSet;
99     procedure SetTabImageIndex(const Value: TImageIndex);
100     procedure SetTabCaption(const Value: TATTabString);
101     procedure SetTabColor(const Value: TColor);
102     procedure SetTabColorActive(const Value: TColor);
103     procedure SetTabColorOver(const Value: TColor);
104     procedure SetTabHideXButton(const Value: boolean);
105     procedure SetTabVisible(const Value: boolean);
106   public
107     constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;
108     destructor Destroy; override;
109     procedure Clear;
110     property TabCaptionFull: TATTabString read GetTabCaptionFull;
111     property TabCaptionRect: TRect read FTabCaptionRect write FTabCaptionRect;
112     property TabObject: TObject read FTabObject write FTabObject;
113     property TabRect: TRect read FTabRect write FTabRect;
114     property TabRectX: TRect read FTabRectX write FTabRectX;
115     property TabSpecial: boolean read FTabSpecial write FTabSpecial;
116     property TabStartsNewLine: boolean read FTabStartsNewLine write FTabStartsNewLine;
117     property TabVisibleX: boolean read FTabVisibleX write FTabVisibleX;
118     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
119   published
120     property TabCaption: TATTabString read FTabCaption write SetTabCaption;
121     property TabCaptionAddon: TATTabString read FTabCaptionAddon write FTabCaptionAddon;
122     property TabHint: TATTabString read FTabHint write FTabHint;
123     property TabColor: TColor read FTabColor write SetTabColor default clNone;
124     property TabColorActive: TColor read FTabColorActive write SetTabColorActive default clNone;
125     property TabColorOver: TColor read FTabColorOver write SetTabColorOver default clNone;
126     property TabModified: boolean read FTabModified write FTabModified default false;
127     property TabImageIndex: TImageIndex read FTabImageIndex write SetTabImageIndex default -1;
128     property TabFontStyle: TFontStyles read FTabFontStyle write FTabFontStyle default [];
129     property TabPopupMenu: TPopupMenu read FTabPopupMenu write FTabPopupMenu;
130     property TabSpecialWidth: integer read FTabSpecialWidth write FTabSpecialWidth default 0;
131     property TabSpecialHeight: integer read FTabSpecialHeight write FTabSpecialHeight default 0;
132     property TabHideXButton: boolean read FTabHideXButton write SetTabHideXButton default false;
133     property TabVisible: boolean read FTabVisible write SetTabVisible default true;
134     property TabPinned: boolean read FTabPinned write FTabPinned default false;
135   end;
137 type
138   TATTabElemType = (
139     aeBackground,
140     aeSpacerRect,
141     aeTabActive,
142     aeTabPassive,
143     aeTabPassiveOver,
144     aeTabPlus,
145     aeTabPlusOver,
146     aeTabIconX,
147     aeTabIconXOver,
148     aeArrowDropdown,
149     aeArrowDropdownOver,
150     aeArrowScrollLeft,
151     aeArrowScrollLeftOver,
152     aeArrowScrollRight,
153     aeArrowScrollRightOver,
154     aeButtonPlus,
155     aeButtonPlusOver,
156     aeButtonClose,
157     aeButtonCloseOver,
158     aeButtonUser,
159     aeButtonUserOver
160     );
162 type
163   TATTabButton = (
164     atbPlus,
165     atbClose,
166     atbScrollLeft,
167     atbScrollRight,
168     atbDropdownMenu,
169     atbSpace,
170     atbSeparator,
171     atbUser0,
172     atbUser1,
173     atbUser2,
174     atbUser3,
175     atbUser4
176     );
178   TATTabButtons = array of record
179     Id: TATTabButton;
180     Size: integer;
181   end;
183 type
184   TATTabIconPosition = (
185     aipIconLefterThanText,
186     aipIconRighterThanText,
187     aipIconCentered,
188     aipIconAboveTextCentered,
189     aipIconBelowTextCentered
190     );
192 type
193   TATTabActionOnClose = (
194     aocNone,
195     aocDefault,
196     aocRight,
197     aocRecent
198     );
200   { TATTabPaintInfo }
202   TATTabPaintInfo = record
203     Rect: TRect;
204     Caption: TATTabString;
205     Modified: boolean;
206     Pinned: boolean;
207     TabIndex: integer;
208     ColorFont: TColor;
209     TabActive,
210     TabMouseOver,
211     TabMouseOverX: boolean;
212     FontStyle: TFontStyles;
213     procedure Clear;
214   end;
216 type
217   TATTabOverEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ATabIndex: integer) of object;
218   TATTabCloseEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ATabIndex: integer;
219     var ACanClose, ACanContinue: boolean) of object;
220   TATTabMenuEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var ACanShow: boolean) of object;
221   TATTabDrawEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject;
222     AElemType: TATTabElemType; ATabIndex: integer;
223     ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; var ACanDraw: boolean) of object;
224   TATTabMoveEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; AIndexFrom, AIndexTo: integer) of object;
225   TATTabChangeQueryEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ANewTabIndex: integer;
226     var ACanChange: boolean) of object;
227   TATTabClickUserButton = procedure (Sender: TObject; AIndex: integer) of object;
228   TATTabGetTickEvent = function (Sender: TObject; ATabObject: TObject): Int64 of object;
229   TATTabGetCloseActionEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var AAction: TATTabActionOnClose) of object;
230   TATTabDblClickEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; AIndex: integer) of object;
231   TATTabDropQueryEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; AIndexFrom, AIndexTo: integer; var ACanDrop: boolean) of object;
233 type
234   TATTabTriangle = (
235     atriDown,
236     atriLeft,
237     atriRight
238     );
240   TATTabShowClose = (
241     atbxShowNone,
242     atbxShowAll,
243     atbxShowActive,
244     atbxShowMouseOver,
245     atbxShowActiveAndMouseOver
246     );
248   TATTabMouseWheelMode = (
249     amwIgnoreWheel,
250     amwNormalScroll,
251     amwNormalScrollAndShiftSwitch,
252     amwNormalSwitch,
253     amwNormalSwitchAndShiftScroll
254     );
256   TATTabTheme = record
257     FileName_Left: string;
258     FileName_Right: string;
259     FileName_Center: string;
260     FileName_LeftActive: string;
261     FileName_RightActive: string;
262     FileName_CenterActive: string;
263     FileName_X: string;
264     FileName_XActive: string;
265     FileName_Plus: string;
266     FileName_PlusActive: string;
267     FileName_ArrowLeft: string;
268     FileName_ArrowLeftActive: string;
269     FileName_ArrowRight: string;
270     FileName_ArrowRightActive: string;
271     FileName_ArrowDown: string;
272     FileName_ArrowDownActive: string;
273     SpaceBetweenInPercentsOfSide: integer;
274     IndentOfX: integer;
275   end;
277 //int constants for GetTabAt
278 const
279   cTabIndexNone = -1; //none tab
280   cTabIndexPlus = -2;
281   cTabIndexPlusBtn = -3;
282   cTabIndexCloseBtn = -4;
283   cTabIndexArrowMenu = -5;
284   cTabIndexArrowScrollLeft = -6;
285   cTabIndexArrowScrollRight = -7;
286   cTabIndexUser0 = -10;
287   cTabIndexUser1 = -11;
288   cTabIndexUser2 = -12;
289   cTabIndexUser3 = -13;
290   cTabIndexUser4 = -14;
291   cTabIndexEmptyArea = -20;
293 const
294   _InitTabColorBg = $585858;
295   _InitTabColorTabActive = $808080;
296   _InitTabColorTabPassive = $786868;
297   _InitTabColorTabOver = $A08080;
298   _InitTabColorActiveMark = $C04040;
299   _InitTabColorFont = $D0D0D0;
300   _InitTabColorFontModified = $A00000;
301   _InitTabColorFontActive = clNone;
302   _InitTabColorFontHot = clNone;
303   _InitTabColorBorderActive = $A0A0A0;
304   _InitTabColorBorderPassive = $A07070;
305   _InitTabColorCloseBg = clNone;
306   _InitTabColorCloseBgOver = $6060E0;
307   _InitTabColorCloseBorderOver = _InitTabColorCloseBgOver;
308   _InitTabColorCloseX = clLtGray;
309   _InitTabColorCloseXOver = clWhite;
310   _InitTabColorArrow = $999999;
311   _InitTabColorArrowOver = $E0E0E0;
312   _InitTabColorDropMark = $6060E0;
313   _InitTabColorScrollMark = _InitTabColorDropMark;
315 const
316   _InitOptTruncateCaption = acsmMiddle;
317   _InitOptButtonLayout = '<>,v';
318   _InitOptButtonSize = 16;
319   _InitOptButtonSizeSpace = 10;
320   _InitOptButtonSizeSeparator = 5;
321   _InitOptTabHeight = 24;
322   _InitOptTabWidthMinimal = 40;
323   _InitOptTabWidthMaximal = 300;
324   _InitOptTabWidthNormal = 130;
325   _InitOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX = 55;
326   _InitOptTabRounded = true;
327   _InitOptMinimalWidthForSides = 140;
328   _InitOptSpaceSide = 10;
329   _InitOptSpaceInitial = 5;
330   _InitOptSpaceBeforeText = 6;
331   _InitOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth = 30;
332   _InitOptSpaceAfterText = 6;
333   _InitOptSpaceBetweenTabs = 0;
334   _InitOptSpaceBetweenLines = 4;
335   _InitOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption = 0;
336   _InitOptSpaceSeparator = 2;
337   _InitOptSpacer = 4;
338   _InitOptSpacer2 = 10;
339   _InitOptSpaceXRight = 10;
340   _InitOptSpaceXInner = 3;
341   _InitOptSpaceXSize = 12;
342   _InitOptSpaceXIncrementRound = 1;
343   _InitOptArrowSize = 4;
344   _InitOptArrowSpaceLeft = 4;
345   _InitOptColoredBandSize = 4;
346   _InitOptActiveMarkSize = 4;
347   _InitOptScrollMarkSizeX = 20;
348   _InitOptScrollMarkSizeY = 3;
349   _InitOptScrollPagesizePercents = 20;
350   _InitOptDropMarkSize = 6;
351   _InitOptActiveFontStyle = [fsUnderline];
352   _InitOptActiveFontStyleUsed = false;
353   _InitOptHotFontStyle = [fsUnderline];
354   _InitOptHotFontStyleUsed = false;
356   _InitOptShowFlat = false;
357   _InitOptShowFlatMouseOver = true;
358   _InitOptShowFlatSep = true;
359   _InitOptPosition = atpTop;
360   _InitOptFillWidth = true;
361   _InitOptFillWidthLastToo = false;
362   _InitOptShowNumberPrefix = '';
363   _InitOptShowScrollMark = true;
364   _InitOptShowDropMark = true;
365   _InitOptShowArrowsNear = true;
366   _InitOptShowXRounded = true;
367   _InitOptShowXButtons = atbxShowAll;
368   _InitOptShowPlusTab = true;
369   _InitOptShowModifiedText = '*';
370   _InitOptShowPinnedText = '!';
371   _InitOptShowEntireColor = false;
372   _InitOptShowActiveMarkInverted = true;
373   _InitRoundedBitmapSize = 60;
375   _InitOptMouseWheelMode = amwNormalScrollAndShiftSwitch;
376   _InitOptMouseMiddleClickClose = false;
377   _InitOptMouseDoubleClickClose = false;
378   _InitOptMouseDoubleClickPlus = false;
379   _InitOptMouseDragEnabled = true;
380   _InitOptMouseDragOutEnabled = true;
381   _InitOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs = false;
383 type
384   { TATTabs }
386   TATTabs = class(TCustomControl)
387   private
388     //drag-drop
389     FMouseDown: boolean;
390     FMouseDownPnt: TPoint;
391     FMouseDownDbl: boolean;
392     FMouseDownButton: TMouseButton;
393     FMouseDownShift: TShiftState;
394     FMouseDownRightBtn: boolean;
395     FMouseDragBegins: boolean;
397     //colors
398     FColorBg: TColor; //color of background (visible at top and between tabs)
399     FColorBorderActive: TColor; //color of 1px border of active tab
400     FColorBorderPassive: TColor; //color of 1px border of inactive tabs
401     FColorSeparator: TColor; //vertical lines between tabs in Flat mode
402     FColorTabActive: TColor; //color of active tab
403     FColorTabPassive: TColor; //color of inactive tabs
404     FColorTabOver: TColor; //color of inactive tabs, mouse-over
405     FColorActiveMark: TColor;
406     FColorFont: TColor;
407     FColorFontModified: TColor;
408     FColorFontActive: TColor;
409     FColorFontHot: TColor;
410     FColorCloseBg: TColor; //color of small square with "x" mark, inactive
411     FColorCloseBgOver: TColor; //color of small square with "x" mark, mouse-over
412     FColorCloseBorderOver: TColor; //color of 1px border of "x" mark, mouse-over
413     FColorCloseX: TColor; //color of "x" mark
414     FColorCloseXOver: TColor; //"color of "x" mark, mouseover
415     FColorArrow: TColor; //color of "down" arrow (tab menu), inactive
416     FColorArrowOver: TColor; //color of "down" arrow, mouse-over
417     FColorDropMark: TColor;
418     FColorScrollMark: TColor;
420     //opts
421     FButtonsLeft: TATTabButtons;
422     FButtonsRight: TATTabButtons;
423     FOptButtonSize: integer;
424     FOptButtonSizeSpace: integer;
425     FOptButtonSizeSeparator: integer;
426     FOptButtonLayout: string;
428     FOptScalePercents: integer;
429     FOptVarWidth: boolean;
430     FOptMultiline: boolean;
431     FOptTruncateCaption: TATCollapseStringMode;
432     FOptFillWidth: boolean;
433     FOptFillWidthLastToo: boolean;
434     FOptTabHeight: integer;
435     FOptTabWidthMinimal: integer; //tab minimal width (used when lot of tabs)
436     FOptTabWidthMaximal: integer;
437     FOptTabWidthNormal: integer; //tab maximal width (used when only few tabs)
438     FOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX: integer; //tab minimal width, after which "x" mark hides for inactive tabs
439     FOptTabRounded: boolean;
440     FOptSpaceBetweenTabs: integer; //space between nearest tabs
441     FOptSpaceBetweenLines: integer;
442     FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption: integer;
443     FOptSpaceInitial: integer; //space between first tab and left control edge
444     FOptSpaceBeforeText: integer; //space between text and tab left edge
445     FOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth: integer;
446     FOptSpaceAfterText: integer; //space between text and [x] icon righter than text
447     FOptSpaceSeparator: integer;
448     FOptSpacer: integer; //height of top empty space (colored with bg)
449     FOptSpacer2: integer;
450     FOptSpaceXRight: integer; //space from "x" btn to right tab edge
451     FOptSpaceXInner: integer; //space from "x" square edge to "x" mark
452     FOptSpaceXSize: integer; //size of "x" mark
453     FOptSpaceXIncrementRound: integer;
454     FOptColoredBandSize: integer; //height of "misc color" line
455     FOptColoredBandForTop: TATTabPosition;
456     FOptColoredBandForBottom: TATTabPosition;
457     FOptColoredBandForLeft: TATTabPosition;
458     FOptColoredBandForRight: TATTabPosition;
459     FOptActiveMarkSize: integer;
460     FOptArrowSize: integer; //half-size of "arrow" mark
461     FOptDropMarkSize: integer;
462     FOptScrollMarkSizeX: integer;
463     FOptScrollMarkSizeY: integer;
464     FOptScrollPagesizePercents: integer;
465     FOptActiveVisibleOnResize: boolean;
467     FOptPosition: TATTabPosition;
468     FOptIconPosition: TATTabIconPosition;
469     FOptWhichActivateOnClose: TATTabActionOnClose;
470     FOptCaptionAlignment: TAlignment;
471     FOptShowFlat: boolean;
472     FOptShowFlatMouseOver: boolean;
473     FOptShowFlatSepar: boolean;
474     FOptShowXRounded: boolean;
475     FOptShowXButtons: TATTabShowClose; //show mode for "x" buttons
476     FOptShowArrowsNear: boolean;
477     FOptShowPlusTab: boolean; //show "plus" tab
478     FOptShowModifiedText: TATTabString;
479     FOptShowPinnedText: TATTabString;
480     FOptShowEntireColor: boolean;
481     FOptShowNumberPrefix: TATTabString;
482     FOptShowScrollMark: boolean;
483     FOptShowDropMark: boolean;
484     FOptShowActiveMarkInverted: boolean;
485     FOptActiveFontStyle: TFontStyles;
486     FOptActiveFontStyleUsed: boolean;
487     FOptHotFontStyle: TFontStyles;
488     FOptHotFontStyleUsed: boolean;
490     FOptMouseWheelMode: TATTabMouseWheelMode;
491     FOptMouseMiddleClickClose: boolean; //enable close tab by middle-click
492     FOptMouseDoubleClickClose: boolean;
493     FOptMouseDoubleClickPlus: boolean; //enable call "+" tab with dbl-click on empty area
494     FOptMouseDragEnabled: boolean; //enable drag-drop
495     FOptMouseDragOutEnabled: boolean; //also enable drag-drop to another controls
496     FOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs: boolean;
498     //others
499     FTabWidth: integer;
500     FTabIndex: integer;
501     FTabIndexLoaded: integer;
502     FTabIndexOver: integer;
503     FTabIndexDrop: integer;
504     FTabIndexHinted: integer;
505     FTabIndexHintedPrev: integer;
506     FTabList: TATTabListCollection;
507     FTabMenu: TPopupMenu;
508     FMultilineActive: boolean;
510     FRealIndentLeft: integer;
511     FRealIndentRight: integer;
512     FOptFontScale: integer;
513     FOptMinimalWidthForSides: integer;
514     FOptSpaceSide: integer;
515     FPaintCount: integer;
516     FLastOverIndex: integer;
517     FLastOverX: boolean;
518     FLastSpaceSide: integer;
519     FActualMultiline: boolean;
520     FTabsChanged: boolean;
521     FTabsResized: boolean;
522     FScrollingNeeded: boolean;
524     FScrollPos: integer;
525     FImages: TImageList;
526     FBitmap: TBitmap;
527     FBitmapAngleL: TBitmap;
528     FBitmapAngleR: TBitmap;
529     FBitmapRound: TBitmap;
531     FRectTabLast_Scrolled: TRect;
532     FRectTabLast_NotScrolled: TRect;
533     FRectTabPlus_Scrolled: TRect; //uses scroll pos
534     FRectTabPlus_NotScrolled: TRect; //ignores scroll pos, not real
535     FRectArrowDown: TRect;
536     FRectArrowLeft: TRect;
537     FRectArrowRight: TRect;
538     FRectButtonPlus: TRect;
539     FRectButtonClose: TRect;
540     FRectButtonUser0: TRect;
541     FRectButtonUser1: TRect;
542     FRectButtonUser2: TRect;
543     FRectButtonUser3: TRect;
544     FRectButtonUser4: TRect;
546     FHintForX: string;
547     FHintForPlus: string;
548     FHintForArrowLeft: string;
549     FHintForArrowRight: string;
550     FHintForArrowMenu: string;
551     FHintForUser0: string;
552     FHintForUser1: string;
553     FHintForUser2: string;
554     FHintForUser3: string;
555     FHintForUser4: string;
557     FThemed: boolean;
558     FPic_Side_L: TATTabsPicture;
559     FPic_Side_L_a: TATTabsPicture;
560     FPic_Side_R: TATTabsPicture;
561     FPic_Side_R_a: TATTabsPicture;
562     FPic_Side_C: TATTabsPicture;
563     FPic_Side_C_a: TATTabsPicture;
564     FPic_X: TATTabsPicture;
565     FPic_X_a: TATTabsPicture;
566     FPic_Plus: TATTabsPicture;
567     FPic_Plus_a: TATTabsPicture;
568     FPic_Arrow_L: TATTabsPicture;
569     FPic_Arrow_L_a: TATTabsPicture;
570     FPic_Arrow_R: TATTabsPicture;
571     FPic_Arrow_R_a: TATTabsPicture;
572     FPic_Arrow_D: TATTabsPicture;
573     FPic_Arrow_D_a: TATTabsPicture;
575     //events
576     FOnTabClick: TNotifyEvent;
577     FOnTabChanged: TNotifyEvent;                   // aducom
578     FOnTabPlusClick: TNotifyEvent;
579     FOnTabClickUserButton: TATTabClickUserButton;
580     FOnTabClose: TATTabCloseEvent;
581     FOnTabMenu: TATTabMenuEvent;
582     FOnTabDrawBefore: TATTabDrawEvent;
583     FOnTabDrawAfter: TATTabDrawEvent;
584     FOnTabEmpty: TNotifyEvent;
585     FOnTabOver: TATTabOverEvent;
586     FOnTabMove: TATTabMoveEvent;
587     FOnTabChangeQuery: TATTabChangeQueryEvent;
588     FOnTabGetTick: TATTabGetTickEvent;
589     FOnTabGetCloseAction: TATTabGetCloseActionEvent;
590     FOnTabDblClick: TATTabDblClickEvent;
591     FOnTabDropQuery: TATTabDropQueryEvent;
ConvertButtonIdToTabIndexnull593     function ConvertButtonIdToTabIndex(Id: TATTabButton): integer; inline;
594     procedure DoClickUser(AIndex: integer);
595     procedure DoHandleClick;
596     procedure DoHandleRightClick;
597     procedure DoPaintArrowDown(C: TCanvas);
598     procedure DoPaintArrowLeft(C: TCanvas);
599     procedure DoPaintArrowRight(C: TCanvas);
600     procedure DoPaintButtonClose(C: TCanvas);
601     procedure DoPaintButtonPlus(C: TCanvas);
602     procedure DoPaintButtonsBG(C: TCanvas);
603     procedure DoPaintColoredBand(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor;
604       APos: TATTabPosition);
605     procedure DoPaintPlus(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect);
606     procedure DoPaintSeparator(C: TCanvas; const R: TRect);
607     procedure DoPaintSpaceInital(C: TCanvas); inline;
608     procedure DoPaintSpacerRect(C: TCanvas);
609     procedure DoPaintTabShape(C: TCanvas; const ATabRect: TRect;
610       ATabActive: boolean; ATabIndex: integer);
611     procedure DoPaintTabShape_C(C: TCanvas; ATabActive: boolean;
612       ATabIndex: integer; const ARect: TRect; const PL1, PL2, PR1, PR2: TPoint);
613     procedure DoPaintTabShape_L(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
614       ATabActive: boolean; ATabIndex: integer);
615     procedure DoPaintTabShape_R(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
616       ATabActive: boolean; ATabIndex: integer);
617     procedure DoPaintTo(C: TCanvas);
618     procedure DoTextOut(C: TCanvas; AX, AY: integer; const AClipRect: TRect; const AText: string); inline;
619     procedure DoPaintBgTo(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect);
620     procedure DoPaintTabTo(C: TCanvas; const AInfo: TATTabPaintInfo);
621     procedure DoPaintX(C: TCanvas; const AInfo: TATTabPaintInfo);
622     procedure DoPaintXTo(C: TCanvas; const AInfo: TATTabPaintInfo);
623     procedure DoPaintArrowTo(C: TCanvas; ATyp: TATTabTriangle; ARect: TRect; AActive, AEnabled: boolean);
624     procedure DoPaintUserButtons(C: TCanvas; const AButtons: TATTabButtons; AtLeft: boolean);
625     procedure DoPaintDropMark(C: TCanvas);
626     procedure DoPaintScrollMark(C: TCanvas);
627     procedure GetTabFirstCoord(var R: TRect);
GetTabCaptionFinalnull628     function GetTabCaptionFinal(AData: TATTabData; ATabIndex: integer): TATTabString;
GetButtonsEdgeCoordnull629     function GetButtonsEdgeCoord(AtLeft: boolean): integer;
GetButtonsWidthnull630     function GetButtonsWidth(const B: TATTabButtons): integer;
GetPositionInvertednull631     function GetPositionInverted(APos: TATTabPosition): TATTabPosition; inline;
GetIndexOfButtonnull632     function GetIndexOfButton(const AButtons: TATTabButtons; ABtn: TATTabButton): integer;
GetInitialVerticalIndentnull633     function GetInitialVerticalIndent: integer; inline;
GetButtonsEmptynull634     function GetButtonsEmpty: boolean; inline;
GetTabBgColor_Passivenull635     function GetTabBgColor_Passive(AIndex: integer): TColor;
GetTabBgColor_Activenull636     function GetTabBgColor_Active(AIndex: integer): TColor;
GetTabFlatEffectivenull637     function GetTabFlatEffective(AIndex: integer): boolean; inline;
638     procedure GetTabXColors(AIndex: integer; AMouseOverX: boolean; out AColorXBg,
639       AColorXBorder, AColorXMark: TColor);
GetScrollMarkNeedednull640     function GetScrollMarkNeeded: boolean;
GetMaxEdgePosnull641     function GetMaxEdgePos: integer;
GetRectOfButtonnull642     function GetRectOfButton(AButton: TATTabButton): TRect;
GetRectOfButtonIndexnull643     function GetRectOfButtonIndex(AIndex: integer; AtLeft: boolean): TRect;
GetScrollPageSizenull644     function GetScrollPageSize: integer;
645     procedure SetOptButtonLayout(const AValue: string);
646     procedure SetOptScalePercents(AValue: integer);
647     procedure SetOptVarWidth(AValue: boolean);
648     procedure SetScrollPos(AValue: integer);
649     procedure SetTabIndexEx(AIndex: integer; ADisableEvent: boolean);
650     procedure SetTabIndex(AIndex: integer);
651     procedure GetTabXProps(AIndex: integer; const ARect: TRect; out
652       AMouseOverX: boolean; out ARectX: TRect);
IsIndexOknull653     function IsIndexOk(AIndex: integer): boolean; inline;
GetTabVisibleXnull654     function GetTabVisibleX(AIndex: integer; const D: TATTabData): boolean;
IsPaintNeedednull655     function IsPaintNeeded(AElemType: TATTabElemType;
656       AIndex: integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect): boolean;
DoPaintAfternull657     function DoPaintAfter(AElemType: TATTabElemType;
658       AIndex: integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect): boolean;
659     procedure TabMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
GetTabWidth_Plus_Rawnull660     function GetTabWidth_Plus_Raw: integer; inline;
661     procedure UpdateTabWidths;
662     procedure UpdateTabRects(C: TCanvas);
663     procedure UpdateTabRectsSpecial;
664     procedure UpdateTabPropsX;
665     procedure UpdateTabRectsToFillLine(AIndexFrom, AIndexTo: integer; ALastLine: boolean);
666     procedure UpdateCanvasAntialiasMode(C: TCanvas); inline;
667     procedure UpdateCaptionProps(C: TCanvas; const ACaption: TATTabString;
668       out ALineHeight: integer; out ATextSize: TSize);
669     procedure DoTabDrop;
GetTabTicknull670     function GetTabTick(AIndex: integer): Int64;
_IsDragnull671     function _IsDrag: boolean; inline;
672     procedure SetOptShowPlusTab(const Value: boolean);
674   public
675     TabMenuExternal: TPopupMenu;
677     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
CanFocusnull678     function CanFocus: boolean; override;
679     destructor Destroy; override;
680     procedure DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: integer); override;
682     procedure ApplyButtonLayout;
GetTabRectWidthnull683     function GetTabRectWidth(APlusBtn: boolean): integer;
684     procedure UpdateRectPlus(var R: TRect);
GetTabRect_Xnull685     function GetTabRect_X(const ARect: TRect): TRect;
GetRectScrollednull686     function GetRectScrolled(const R: TRect): TRect;
GetTabAtnull687     function GetTabAt(AX, AY: integer; out APressedX: boolean): integer;
GetTabDatanull688     function GetTabData(AIndex: integer): TATTabData;
GetTabLastVisibleIndexnull689     function GetTabLastVisibleIndex: integer;
TabCountnull690     function TabCount: integer;
AddTabnull691     function AddTab(
692       AIndex: integer;
693       const ACaption: TATTabString;
694       AObject: TObject = nil;
695       AModified: boolean = false;
696       AColor: TColor = clNone;
697       AImageIndex: TImageIndex = -1): TATTabData; overload;
698     procedure AddTab(AIndex: integer; AData: TATTabData); overload;
699     procedure Clear;
DeleteTabnull700     function DeleteTab(AIndex: integer; AAllowEvent, AWithCancelBtn: boolean;
701       AAction: TATTabActionOnClose=aocDefault): boolean;
HideTabnull702     function HideTab(AIndex: integer): boolean;
ShowTabnull703     function ShowTab(AIndex: integer): boolean;
704     procedure MakeVisible(AIndex: integer);
IsTabVisiblenull705     function IsTabVisible(AIndex: integer): boolean;
706     procedure ShowTabMenu;
707     procedure SwitchTab(ANext: boolean; ALoopAtEdge: boolean= true);
708     procedure MoveTab(AFrom, ATo: integer; AActivateThen: boolean);
FindTabByObjectnull709     function FindTabByObject(AObject: TObject): integer;
710     procedure DoScrollLeft;
711     procedure DoScrollRight;
GetMaxScrollPosnull712     function GetMaxScrollPos: integer;
713     property ScrollPos: integer read FScrollPos write SetScrollPos;
714     procedure SetTheme(const Data: TATTabTheme);
715     property IsThemed: boolean read FThemed write FThemed;
DoScalenull716     function DoScale(AValue: integer): integer;
DoScaleFontnull717     function DoScaleFont(AValue: integer): integer;
718     procedure DoTabDropToOtherControl(ATarget: TControl; const APnt: TPoint);
720   protected
721     procedure Paint; override;
722     procedure Resize; override;
723     procedure DblClick; override;
724     procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer); override;
725     procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer); override;
726     procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer); override;
DoMouseWheelnull727     function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
728     procedure CMMouseLeave(var Msg: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
729     {$ifdef windows}
730     procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TMessage); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
731     {$endif}
732     procedure DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); override;
733     procedure Loaded; override;
734     procedure DoContextPopup(MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); override;
736   published
737     //inherited
738     property Align;
739     property Anchors;
740     {$ifdef fpc}
741     property BorderSpacing;
742     {$endif}
743     property Constraints;
744     property DragCursor;
745     property DragKind;
746     property DragMode;
747     property Enabled;
748     property Font;
749     property ParentColor;
750     property ParentFont;
751     property ParentShowHint;
752     property PopupMenu;
753     property ShowHint;
754     property Visible;
755     //property Tabs: TCollection read FTabList write FTabList;
756     property Tabs: TATTabListCollection read FTabList write FTabList;
758     property OnClick;
759     property OnDblClick;
760     property OnDragDrop;
761     property OnDragOver;
762     property OnEndDrag;
763     property OnContextPopup;
764     //these 2 lines don't compile under Delphi 7
765     {$ifndef VER150}
766     property OnMouseEnter;
767     property OnMouseLeave;
768     {$endif}
769     //
770     property OnMouseMove;
771     property OnMouseDown;
772     property OnMouseUp;
773     property OnMouseWheel;
774     property OnMouseWheelDown;
775     property OnMouseWheelUp;
776     property OnResize;
777     property OnStartDrag;
779     //new
780     property DoubleBuffered;
781     property Images: TImageList read FImages write FImages;
782     property TabIndex: integer read FTabIndex write SetTabIndex default 0;
784     //colors
785     property ColorBg: TColor read FColorBg write FColorBg default _InitTabColorBg;
786     property ColorBorderActive: TColor read FColorBorderActive write FColorBorderActive default _InitTabColorBorderActive;
787     property ColorBorderPassive: TColor read FColorBorderPassive write FColorBorderPassive default _InitTabColorBorderPassive;
788     property ColorSeparator: TColor read FColorSeparator write FColorSeparator default _InitTabColorArrow;
789     property ColorTabActive: TColor read FColorTabActive write FColorTabActive default _InitTabColorTabActive;
790     property ColorTabPassive: TColor read FColorTabPassive write FColorTabPassive default _InitTabColorTabPassive;
791     property ColorTabOver: TColor read FColorTabOver write FColorTabOver default _InitTabColorTabOver;
792     property ColorActiveMark: TColor read FColorActiveMark write FColorActiveMark default _InitTabColorActiveMark;
793     property ColorFont: TColor read FColorFont write FColorFont default _InitTabColorFont;
794     property ColorFontModified: TColor read FColorFontModified write FColorFontModified default _InitTabColorFontModified;
795     property ColorFontActive: TColor read FColorFontActive write FColorFontActive default _InitTabColorFontActive;
796     property ColorFontHot: TColor read FColorFontHot write FColorFontHot default _InitTabColorFontHot;
797     property ColorCloseBg: TColor read FColorCloseBg write FColorCloseBg default _InitTabColorCloseBg;
798     property ColorCloseBgOver: TColor read FColorCloseBgOver write FColorCloseBgOver default _InitTabColorCloseBgOver;
799     property ColorCloseBorderOver: TColor read FColorCloseBorderOver write FColorCloseBorderOver default _InitTabColorCloseBorderOver;
800     property ColorCloseX: TColor read FColorCloseX write FColorCloseX default _InitTabColorCloseX;
801     property ColorCloseXOver: TColor read FColorCloseXOver write FColorCloseXOver default _InitTabColorCloseXOver;
802     property ColorArrow: TColor read FColorArrow write FColorArrow default _InitTabColorArrow;
803     property ColorArrowOver: TColor read FColorArrowOver write FColorArrowOver default _InitTabColorArrowOver;
804     property ColorDropMark: TColor read FColorDropMark write FColorDropMark default _InitTabColorDropMark;
805     property ColorScrollMark: TColor read FColorScrollMark write FColorScrollMark default _InitTabColorScrollMark;
807     //options
808     property OptButtonLayout: string read FOptButtonLayout write SetOptButtonLayout;
809     property OptButtonSize: integer read FOptButtonSize write FOptButtonSize default _InitOptButtonSize;
810     property OptButtonSizeSpace: integer read FOptButtonSizeSpace write FOptButtonSizeSpace default _InitOptButtonSizeSpace;
811     property OptButtonSizeSeparator: integer read FOptButtonSizeSeparator write FOptButtonSizeSeparator default _InitOptButtonSizeSeparator;
812     property OptScalePercents: integer read FOptScalePercents write SetOptScalePercents default 100;
813     property OptVarWidth: boolean read FOptVarWidth write SetOptVarWidth default false;
814     property OptMultiline: boolean read FOptMultiline write FOptMultiline default false;
815     property OptFillWidth: boolean read FOptFillWidth write FOptFillWidth default _InitOptFillWidth;
816     property OptFillWidthLastToo: boolean read FOptFillWidthLastToo write FOptFillWidthLastToo default _InitOptFillWidthLastToo;
817     property OptTruncateCaption: TATCollapseStringMode read FOptTruncateCaption write FOptTruncateCaption default _InitOptTruncateCaption;
818     property OptTabHeight: integer read FOptTabHeight write FOptTabHeight default _InitOptTabHeight;
819     property OptTabWidthNormal: integer read FOptTabWidthNormal write FOptTabWidthNormal default _InitOptTabWidthNormal;
820     property OptTabWidthMinimal: integer read FOptTabWidthMinimal write FOptTabWidthMinimal default _InitOptTabWidthMinimal;
821     property OptTabWidthMaximal: integer read FOptTabWidthMaximal write FOptTabWidthMaximal default _InitOptTabWidthMaximal;
822     property OptTabWidthMinimalHidesX: integer read FOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX write FOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX default _InitOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX;
823     property OptTabRounded: boolean read FOptTabRounded write FOptTabRounded default _InitOptTabRounded;
824     property OptFontScale: integer read FOptFontScale write FOptFontScale default 100;
825     property OptMinimalWidthForSides: integer read FOptMinimalWidthForSides write FOptMinimalWidthForSides default _InitOptMinimalWidthForSides;
826     property OptSpaceSide: integer read FOptSpaceSide write FOptSpaceSide default _InitOptSpaceSide;
827     property OptSpaceBetweenTabs: integer read FOptSpaceBetweenTabs write FOptSpaceBetweenTabs default _InitOptSpaceBetweenTabs;
828     property OptSpaceBetweenLines: integer read FOptSpaceBetweenLines write FOptSpaceBetweenLines default _InitOptSpaceBetweenLines;
829     property OptSpaceBetweenIconCaption: integer read FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption write FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption default _InitOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption;
830     property OptSpaceInitial: integer read FOptSpaceInitial write FOptSpaceInitial default _InitOptSpaceInitial;
831     property OptSpaceBeforeText: integer read FOptSpaceBeforeText write FOptSpaceBeforeText default _InitOptSpaceBeforeText;
832     property OptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth: integer read FOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth write FOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth default _InitOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth;
833     property OptSpaceAfterText: integer read FOptSpaceAfterText write FOptSpaceAfterText default _InitOptSpaceAfterText;
834     property OptSpaceSeparator: integer read FOptSpaceSeparator write FOptSpaceSeparator default _InitOptSpaceSeparator;
835     property OptSpacer: integer read FOptSpacer write FOptSpacer default _InitOptSpacer;
836     property OptSpacer2: integer read FOptSpacer2 write FOptSpacer2 default _InitOptSpacer2;
837     property OptSpaceXRight: integer read FOptSpaceXRight write FOptSpaceXRight default _InitOptSpaceXRight;
838     property OptSpaceXInner: integer read FOptSpaceXInner write FOptSpaceXInner default _InitOptSpaceXInner;
839     property OptSpaceXSize: integer read FOptSpaceXSize write FOptSpaceXSize default _InitOptSpaceXSize;
840     property OptSpaceXIncrementRound: integer read FOptSpaceXIncrementRound write FOptSpaceXIncrementRound default _InitOptSpaceXIncrementRound;
841     property OptColoredBandSize: integer read FOptColoredBandSize write FOptColoredBandSize default _InitOptColoredBandSize;
842     property OptColoredBandForTop: TATTabPosition read FOptColoredBandForTop write FOptColoredBandForTop default atpTop;
843     property OptColoredBandForBottom: TATTabPosition read FOptColoredBandForBottom write FOptColoredBandForBottom default atpBottom;
844     property OptColoredBandForLeft: TATTabPosition read FOptColoredBandForLeft write FOptColoredBandForLeft default atpLeft;
845     property OptColoredBandForRight: TATTabPosition read FOptColoredBandForRight write FOptColoredBandForRight default atpRight;
846     property OptActiveMarkSize: integer read FOptActiveMarkSize write FOptActiveMarkSize default _InitOptActiveMarkSize;
847     property OptArrowSize: integer read FOptArrowSize write FOptArrowSize default _InitOptArrowSize;
848     property OptScrollMarkSizeX: integer read FOptScrollMarkSizeX write FOptScrollMarkSizeX default _InitOptScrollMarkSizeX;
849     property OptScrollMarkSizeY: integer read FOptScrollMarkSizeY write FOptScrollMarkSizeY default _InitOptScrollMarkSizeY;
850     property OptScrollPagesizePercents: integer read FOptScrollPagesizePercents write FOptScrollPagesizePercents default _InitOptScrollPagesizePercents;
851     property OptDropMarkSize: integer read FOptDropMarkSize write FOptDropMarkSize default _InitOptDropMarkSize;
852     property OptActiveVisibleOnResize: boolean read FOptActiveVisibleOnResize write FOptActiveVisibleOnResize default true;
854     property OptPosition: TATTabPosition read FOptPosition write FOptPosition default _InitOptPosition;
855     property OptIconPosition: TATTabIconPosition read FOptIconPosition write FOptIconPosition default aipIconLefterThanText;
856     property OptWhichActivateOnClose: TATTabActionOnClose read FOptWhichActivateOnClose write FOptWhichActivateOnClose default aocRight;
857     property OptCaptionAlignment: TAlignment read FOptCaptionAlignment write FOptCaptionAlignment default taLeftJustify;
858     property OptShowFlat: boolean read FOptShowFlat write FOptShowFlat default _InitOptShowFlat;
859     property OptShowFlatMouseOver: boolean read FOptShowFlatMouseOver write FOptShowFlatMouseOver default _InitOptShowFlatMouseOver;
860     property OptShowFlatSepar: boolean read FOptShowFlatSepar write FOptShowFlatSepar default _InitOptShowFlatSep;
861     property OptShowScrollMark: boolean read FOptShowScrollMark write FOptShowScrollMark default _InitOptShowScrollMark;
862     property OptShowDropMark: boolean read FOptShowDropMark write FOptShowDropMark default _InitOptShowDropMark;
863     property OptShowXRounded: boolean read FOptShowXRounded write FOptShowXRounded default _InitOptShowXRounded;
864     property OptShowXButtons: TATTabShowClose read FOptShowXButtons write FOptShowXButtons default _InitOptShowXButtons;
865     property OptShowPlusTab: boolean read FOptShowPlusTab write SetOptShowPlusTab default _InitOptShowPlusTab;
866     property OptShowArrowsNear: boolean read FOptShowArrowsNear write FOptShowArrowsNear default _InitOptShowArrowsNear;
867     property OptShowModifiedText: TATTabString read FOptShowModifiedText write FOptShowModifiedText;
868     property OptShowPinnedText: TATTabString read FOptShowPinnedText write FOptShowPinnedText;
869     property OptShowEntireColor: boolean read FOptShowEntireColor write FOptShowEntireColor default _InitOptShowEntireColor;
870     property OptShowNumberPrefix: TATTabString read FOptShowNumberPrefix write FOptShowNumberPrefix;
871     property OptShowActiveMarkInverted: boolean read FOptShowActiveMarkInverted write FOptShowActiveMarkInverted default _InitOptShowActiveMarkInverted;
872     property OptActiveFontStyle: TFontStyles read FOptActiveFontStyle write FOptActiveFontStyle default _InitOptActiveFontStyle;
873     property OptActiveFontStyleUsed: boolean read FOptActiveFontStyleUsed write FOptActiveFontStyleUsed default _InitOptActiveFontStyleUsed;
874     property OptHotFontStyle: TFontStyles read FOptHotFontStyle write FOptHotFontStyle default _InitOptHotFontStyle;
875     property OptHotFontStyleUsed: boolean read FOptHotFontStyleUsed write FOptHotFontStyleUsed default _InitOptHotFontStyleUsed;
877     property OptMouseWheelMode: TATTabMouseWheelMode read FOptMouseWheelMode write FOptMouseWheelMode default _InitOptMouseWheelMode;
878     property OptMouseMiddleClickClose: boolean read FOptMouseMiddleClickClose write FOptMouseMiddleClickClose default _InitOptMouseMiddleClickClose;
879     property OptMouseDoubleClickClose: boolean read FOptMouseDoubleClickClose write FOptMouseDoubleClickClose default _InitOptMouseDoubleClickClose;
880     property OptMouseDoubleClickPlus: boolean read FOptMouseDoubleClickPlus write FOptMouseDoubleClickPlus default _InitOptMouseDoubleClickPlus;
881     property OptMouseDragEnabled: boolean read FOptMouseDragEnabled write FOptMouseDragEnabled default _InitOptMouseDragEnabled;
882     property OptMouseDragOutEnabled: boolean read FOptMouseDragOutEnabled write FOptMouseDragOutEnabled default _InitOptMouseDragOutEnabled;
883     property OptMouseDragFromNotATTabs: boolean read FOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs write FOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs default _InitOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs;
885     property OptHintForX: string read FHintForX write FHintForX;
886     property OptHintForPlus: string read FHintForPlus write FHintForPlus;
887     property OptHintForArrowLeft: string read FHintForArrowLeft write FHintForArrowLeft;
888     property OptHintForArrowRight: string read FHintForArrowRight write FHintForArrowRight;
889     property OptHintForArrowMenu: string read FHintForArrowMenu write FHintForArrowMenu;
890     property OptHintForUser0: string read FHintForUser0 write FHintForUser0;
891     property OptHintForUser1: string read FHintForUser1 write FHintForUser1;
892     property OptHintForUser2: string read FHintForUser2 write FHintForUser2;
893     property OptHintForUser3: string read FHintForUser3 write FHintForUser3;
894     property OptHintForUser4: string read FHintForUser4 write FHintForUser4;
896     //events
897     property OnTabClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnTabClick write FOnTabClick;
898     property OnTabChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnTabChanged write FOnTabChanged;           // aducom
899     property OnTabPlusClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnTabPlusClick write FOnTabPlusClick;
900     property OnTabClickUserButton: TATTabClickUserButton read FOnTabClickUserButton write FOnTabClickUserButton;
901     property OnTabClose: TATTabCloseEvent read FOnTabClose write FOnTabClose;
902     property OnTabMenu: TATTabMenuEvent read FOnTabMenu write FOnTabMenu;
903     property OnTabDrawBefore: TATTabDrawEvent read FOnTabDrawBefore write FOnTabDrawBefore;
904     property OnTabDrawAfter: TATTabDrawEvent read FOnTabDrawAfter write FOnTabDrawAfter;
905     property OnTabEmpty: TNotifyEvent read FOnTabEmpty write FOnTabEmpty;
906     property OnTabOver: TATTabOverEvent read FOnTabOver write FOnTabOver;
907     property OnTabMove: TATTabMoveEvent read FOnTabMove write FOnTabMove;
908     property OnTabChangeQuery: TATTabChangeQueryEvent read FOnTabChangeQuery write FOnTabChangeQuery;
909     property OnTabGetTick: TATTabGetTickEvent read FOnTabGetTick write FOnTabGetTick;
910     property OnTabGetCloseAction: TATTabGetCloseActionEvent read FOnTabGetCloseAction write FOnTabGetCloseAction;
911     property OnTabDblClick: TATTabDblClickEvent read FOnTabDblClick write FOnTabDblClick;
912     property OnTabDropQuery: TATTabDropQueryEvent read FOnTabDropQuery write FOnTabDropQuery;
913   end;
915 var
916   cTabsMouseMinDistanceToDrag: integer = 10; //mouse must move >=N pixels to start drag-drop
917   cTabsMouseMaxDistanceToClick: integer = 4; //if mouse moves during mouse-down >=N pixels, dont click
918   cTabsMinWidthForCaption: integer = 8; //don't draw caption if width of tab is less
920 implementation
922 uses
923   SysUtils,
924   StrUtils,
925   Dialogs,
926   Forms,
927   Math;
929 const
930   cSmoothScale = 5;
931 var
932   cRect0: TRect;
934 procedure AddTabButton(var Buttons: TATTabButtons; Id: TATTabButton; Size: integer);
935 begin
936   SetLength(Buttons, Length(Buttons)+1);
937   Buttons[Length(Buttons)-1].Id:= Id;
938   Buttons[Length(Buttons)-1].Size:= Size;
939 end;
941 { TATTabPaintInfo }
943 procedure TATTabPaintInfo.Clear;
944 begin
945   Self.Caption:= '';
946   FillChar(Self, SizeOf(Self), 0);
947 end;
949 { TATTabListCollection }
951 destructor TATTabListCollection.Destroy;
952 begin
953   Clear;
954   inherited Destroy;
955 end;
957 procedure TATTabListCollection.Clear;
958 var
959   Item: TObject;
960   i: integer;
961 begin
962   for i:= Count-1 downto 0 do
963   begin
964     Item:= Items[i];
965     if Assigned(Item) then
966       Item.Free;
967   end;
968   inherited Clear;
969 end;
971 procedure TATTabData.UpdateTabSet;
972 begin
973   if Collection is TATTabListCollection then
974     if TATTabListCollection(Collection).AOwner is TATTabs then
975       TATTabListCollection(Collection).AOwner.Invalidate;
976 end;
GetTabCaptionFullnull978 function TATTabData.GetTabCaptionFull: TATTabString;
979 begin
980   Result:= FTabCaption;
981   if FTabCaptionAddon<>'' then
982     Result:= Result+ATTabsAddonSeparator+FTabCaptionAddon;
983 end;
985 procedure TATTabData.SetTabImageIndex(const Value: TImageIndex);
986 begin
987   if FTabImageIndex<>Value then
988   begin
989     FTabImageIndex:= Value;
990     UpdateTabSet;
991   end;
992 end;
994 procedure TATTabData.SetTabCaption(const Value: TATTabString);
995 begin
996   if FTabCaption<>Value then
997   begin
998     FTabCaption:= Value;
999     UpdateTabSet;
1000   end;
1001 end;
1003 procedure TATTabData.SetTabColor(const Value: TColor);
1004 begin
1005   if FTabColor<>Value then
1006   begin
1007     FTabColor:= Value;
1008     UpdateTabSet;
1009   end;
1010 end;
1012 procedure TATTabData.SetTabColorActive(const Value: TColor);
1013 begin
1014   if FTabColorActive<>Value then
1015   begin
1016     FTabColorActive:= Value;
1017     UpdateTabSet;
1018   end;
1019 end;
1021 procedure TATTabData.SetTabColorOver(const Value: TColor);
1022 begin
1023   if FTabColorOver<>Value then
1024   begin
1025     FTabColorOver:= Value;
1026     UpdateTabSet;
1027   end;
1028 end;
1030 procedure TATTabData.SetTabHideXButton(const Value: boolean);
1031 begin
1032   if FTabHideXButton<>Value then
1033   begin
1034     FTabHideXButton:= Value;
1035     UpdateTabSet;
1036   end;
1037 end;
1039 procedure TATTabData.SetTabVisible(const Value: boolean);
1040 begin
1041   if FTabVisible<>Value then
1042   begin
1043     FTabVisible:= Value;
1044     UpdateTabSet;
1045   end;
1046 end;
1048 procedure TATTabs.SetOptShowPlusTab(const Value: boolean);
1049 begin
1050   FOptShowPlusTab:= Value;
1051   Invalidate;
1052 end;
IsDoubleBufferedNeedednull1054 function IsDoubleBufferedNeeded: boolean;
1055 begin
1056   {$ifdef FPC}
1057   Result:= WidgetSet.GetLCLCapability(lcCanDrawOutsideOnPaint) = LCL_CAPABILITY_YES;
1058   {$else}
1059   Result:= true;
1060   {$endif}
1061 end;
_FindControlnull1063 function _FindControl(Pnt: TPoint): TControl;
1064 begin
1065   {$ifdef FPC}
1066   Result:= FindControlAtPosition(Pnt, false);
1067   {$else}
1068   Result:= FindVCLWindow(Pnt);
1069   {$endif}
1070 end;
PtInControlnull1072 function PtInControl(Control: TControl; const ScreenPnt: TPoint): boolean;
1073 begin
1074   Result:= PtInRect(Control.ClientRect, Control.ScreenToClient(ScreenPnt));
1075 end;
1077 procedure DrawLine(C: TCanvas; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; AColor: TColor);
1078 begin
1079   if Y1=Y2 then
1080     if X2>X1 then Inc(X2) else Dec(X2);
1081   if X1=X2 then
1082     if Y2>Y1 then Inc(Y2) else Dec(Y2);
1084   C.Pen.Color:= AColor;
1085   C.MoveTo(X1, Y1);
1086   C.LineTo(X2, Y2);
1087 end;
1089 procedure DrawTriangleType(C: TCanvas; AType: TATTabTriangle; const ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor; ASize: integer);
1090 begin
1091   case AType of
1092     atriDown:
1093       CanvasPaintTriangleDown(C, AColor, CenterPoint(ARect), ASize);
1094     atriRight:
1095       CanvasPaintTriangleRight(C, AColor, CenterPoint(ARect), ASize);
1096     atriLeft:
1097       CanvasPaintTriangleLeft(C, AColor, CenterPoint(ARect), ASize);
1098   end;
1099 end;
1102 procedure DrawPlusSign(C: TCanvas; const R: TRect; ASize, ALineWidth: integer; AColor: TColor);
1103 var
1104   CX, CY: integer;
1105 begin
1106   CX:= (R.Left+R.Right) div 2;
1107   CY:= (R.Top+R.Bottom) div 2;
1108   C.Pen.Width:= ALineWidth;
1109   {$ifdef FPC}
1110   C.Pen.EndCap:= pecSquare;
1111   {$endif}
1112   DrawLine(C, CX-ASize, CY, CX+ASize, CY, AColor);
1113   DrawLine(C, CX, CY-ASize, CX, CY+ASize, AColor);
1114   C.Pen.Width:= 1;
1115 end;
1118 procedure CanvasStretchDraw(C: TCanvas; const R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap); {$ifdef fpc}inline;{$endif}
1119 begin
1120   {$ifdef fpc}
1121   C.StretchDraw(R, Bmp);
1122   {$else}
1123   //Delphi: StretchDraw cannot draw smooth
1124   StretchBlt(
1125     C.Handle, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right-R.Left, R.Bottom-R.Top,
1126     Bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height,
1127     C.CopyMode);
1128   {$endif}
1129 end;
1131 type
1132   TATMissedPoint = (
1133     ampnTopLeft,
1134     ampnTopRight,
1135     ampnBottomLeft,
1136     ampnBottomRight
1137     );
1139 procedure DrawTriangleRectFramed(C: TCanvas;
1140   AX, AY, ASizeX, ASizeY, AScale: integer;
1141   ATriKind: TATMissedPoint;
1142   AColorFill, AColorLine: TColor;
1143   b: TBitmap);
1144 var
1145   p0, p1, p2, p3: TPoint;
1146   line1, line2: TPoint;
1147   ar: array[0..2] of TPoint;
1148 begin
1149   BitmapResize(b, ASizeX*AScale, ASizeY*AScale);
1151   //b.Canvas.Brush.Color:= AColorBG;
1152   //b.Canvas.FillRect(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
1153   b.Canvas.CopyRect(
1154     Rect(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height),
1155     C,
1156     Rect(AX, AY, AX+ASizeX, AY+ASizeY)
1157     );
1159   p0:= Point(0, 0);
1160   p1:= Point(b.Width, 0);
1161   p2:= Point(0, b.Height);
1162   p3:= Point(b.Width, b.Height);
1164   case ATriKind of
1165     ampnTopLeft: begin ar[0]:= p1; ar[1]:= p2; ar[2]:= p3; line1:= p1; line2:= p2; end;
1166     ampnTopRight: begin ar[0]:= p0; ar[1]:= p2; ar[2]:= p3; line1:= p0; line2:= p3; end;
1167     ampnBottomLeft: begin ar[0]:= p0; ar[1]:= p1; ar[2]:= p3; line1:= p0; line2:= p3; end;
1168     ampnBottomRight: begin ar[0]:= p0; ar[1]:= p1; ar[2]:= p2; line1:= p1; line2:= p2; end;
1169   end;
1171   b.Canvas.Pen.Style:= psClear;
1172   b.Canvas.Brush.Color:= AColorFill;
1173   b.Canvas.Polygon(ar);
1174   b.Canvas.Pen.Style:= psSolid;
1176   b.Canvas.Pen.Color:= AColorLine;
1177   b.Canvas.Pen.Width:= AScale;
1178   b.Canvas.MoveTo(line1.X, line1.Y);
1179   b.Canvas.LineTo(line2.X, line2.Y);
1180   b.Canvas.Pen.Width:= 1;
1182   CanvasStretchDraw(C, Rect(AX, AY, AX+ASizeX, AY+ASizeY), b);
1183 end;
1185 { TATTabData }
1187 constructor TATTabData.Create(ACollection: TCollection);
1188 begin
1189   inherited;
1190   Clear;
1191   TabVisible:= true;
1192   TabColor:= clNone;
1193   TabColorActive:= clNone;
1194   TabColorOver:= clNone;
1195   TabImageIndex:= -1;
1196   TabFontStyle:= [];
1197 end;
1199 destructor TATTabData.Destroy;
1200 begin
1201   Clear;
1202   inherited Destroy;
1203 end;
1205 procedure TATTabData.Clear;
1206 begin
1207   FTabCaption:= '';
1208   FTabCaptionAddon:= '';
1209   FTabHint:= '';
1210 end;
1212 procedure TATTabData.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
1213 var
1214   D: TATTabData;
1215 begin
1216   if Source is TATTabData then
1217   begin
1218     D:= TATTabData(Source);
1219     TabCaption:= D.TabCaption;
1220     TabCaptionAddon:= D.TabCaptionAddon;
1221     TabObject:= D.TabObject;
1222     TabHint:= D.TabHint;
1223     TabColor:= D.TabColor;
1224     TabColorActive:= D.TabColorActive;
1225     TabColorOver:= D.TabColorOver;
1226     TabModified:= D.TabModified;
1227     TabImageIndex:= D.TabImageIndex;
1228     TabFontStyle:= D.TabFontStyle;
1229     TabPopupMenu:= D.TabPopupMenu;
1230     TabSpecialWidth:= D.TabSpecialWidth;
1231     TabSpecialHeight:= D.TabSpecialHeight;
1232     TabHideXButton:= D.TabHideXButton;
1233     TabVisible:= D.TabVisible;
1234     TabSpecial:= D.TabSpecial;
1235     TabPinned:= D.TabPinned;
1236   end
1237   else
1238     inherited Assign(Source);
1239 end;
1241 { TATTabs }
IsIndexOknull1243 function TATTabs.IsIndexOk(AIndex: integer): boolean;
1244 begin
1245   Result:= (AIndex>=0) and (AIndex<FTabList.Count);
1246 end;
TabCountnull1248 function TATTabs.TabCount: integer;
1249 begin
1250   if Assigned(FTabList) then
1251     Result:= FTabList.Count
1252   else
1253     Result:= 0;
1254 end;
1256 constructor TATTabs.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1257 begin
1258   inherited;
1260   Caption:= '';
1261   ControlStyle:= ControlStyle+[csOpaque];
1262   DoubleBuffered:= IsDoubleBufferedNeeded;
1263   DragMode:= dmManual; //required Manual
1264   ParentColor:= false; //better don't support ParentColor, it's mess in code
1265   Width:= 400;
1266   Height:= 35;
1268   FMouseDown:= false;
1269   FMouseDownPnt:= Point(0, 0);
1270   FMouseDownDbl:= false;
1271   FMouseDownRightBtn:= false;
1273   FPaintCount:= 0;
1274   FLastOverIndex:= -100;
1275   FLastOverX:= false;
1277   FColorBg:= _InitTabColorBg;
1278   FColorSeparator:= _InitTabColorArrow;
1279   FColorTabActive:= _InitTabColorTabActive;
1280   FColorTabPassive:= _InitTabColorTabPassive;
1281   FColorTabOver:= _InitTabColorTabOver;
1282   FColorActiveMark:= _InitTabColorActiveMark;
1283   FColorFont:= _InitTabColorFont;
1284   FColorFontModified:= _InitTabColorFontModified;
1285   FColorFontActive:= _InitTabColorFontActive;
1286   FColorFontHot:= _InitTabColorFontHot;
1287   FColorBorderActive:= _InitTabColorBorderActive;
1288   FColorBorderPassive:= _InitTabColorBorderPassive;
1289   FColorCloseBg:= _InitTabColorCloseBg;
1290   FColorCloseBgOver:= _InitTabColorCloseBgOver;
1291   FColorCloseBorderOver:= _InitTabColorCloseBorderOver;
1292   FColorCloseX:= _InitTabColorCloseX;
1293   FColorCloseXOver:= _InitTabColorCloseXOver;
1294   FColorArrow:= _InitTabColorArrow;
1295   FColorArrowOver:= _InitTabColorArrowOver;
1296   FColorDropMark:= _InitTabColorDropMark;
1297   FColorScrollMark:= _InitTabColorScrollMark;
1299   FOptScalePercents:= 100;
1300   FOptButtonSize:= _InitOptButtonSize;
1301   FOptButtonSizeSpace:= _InitOptButtonSizeSpace;
1302   FOptButtonSizeSeparator:= _InitOptButtonSizeSeparator;
1304   FOptButtonLayout:= _InitOptButtonLayout;
1305   ApplyButtonLayout;
1307   FOptCaptionAlignment:= taLeftJustify;
1308   FOptIconPosition:= aipIconLefterThanText;
1309   FOptWhichActivateOnClose:= aocRight;
1310   FOptFillWidth:= _InitOptFillWidth;
1311   FOptFillWidthLastToo:= _InitOptFillWidthLastToo;
1312   FOptTruncateCaption:= _InitOptTruncateCaption;
1313   FOptTabHeight:= _InitOptTabHeight;
1314   FOptTabWidthMinimal:= _InitOptTabWidthMinimal;
1315   FOptTabWidthMaximal:= _InitOptTabWidthMaximal;
1316   FOptTabWidthNormal:= _InitOptTabWidthNormal;
1317   FOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX:= _InitOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX;
1318   FOptTabRounded:= _InitOptTabRounded;
1319   FOptFontScale:= 100;
1320   FOptMinimalWidthForSides:= _InitOptMinimalWidthForSides;
1321   FOptSpaceSide:= _InitOptSpaceSide;
1322   FOptSpaceInitial:= _InitOptSpaceInitial;
1323   FOptSpaceBeforeText:= _InitOptSpaceBeforeText;
1324   FOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth:= _InitOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth;
1325   FOptSpaceAfterText:= _InitOptSpaceAfterText;
1326   FOptSpaceBetweenTabs:= _InitOptSpaceBetweenTabs;
1327   FOptSpaceBetweenLines:= _InitOptSpaceBetweenLines;
1328   FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption:= _InitOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption;
1329   FOptSpaceSeparator:= _InitOptSpaceSeparator;
1330   FOptSpacer:= _InitOptSpacer;
1331   FOptSpacer2:= _InitOptSpacer2;
1332   FOptSpaceXRight:= _InitOptSpaceXRight;
1333   FOptSpaceXInner:= _InitOptSpaceXInner;
1334   FOptSpaceXSize:= _InitOptSpaceXSize;
1335   FOptSpaceXIncrementRound:= _InitOptSpaceXIncrementRound;
1336   FOptArrowSize:= _InitOptArrowSize;
1337   FOptColoredBandSize:= _InitOptColoredBandSize;
1338   FOptColoredBandForTop:= atpTop;
1339   FOptColoredBandForBottom:= atpBottom;
1340   FOptColoredBandForLeft:= atpLeft;
1341   FOptColoredBandForRight:= atpRight;
1342   FOptActiveMarkSize:= _InitOptActiveMarkSize;
1343   FOptScrollMarkSizeX:= _InitOptScrollMarkSizeX;
1344   FOptScrollMarkSizeY:= _InitOptScrollMarkSizeY;
1345   FOptScrollPagesizePercents:= _InitOptScrollPagesizePercents;
1346   FOptActiveVisibleOnResize:= true;
1347   FOptDropMarkSize:= _InitOptDropMarkSize;
1348   FOptActiveFontStyle:= _InitOptActiveFontStyle;
1349   FOptActiveFontStyleUsed:= _InitOptActiveFontStyleUsed;
1350   FOptHotFontStyle:= _InitOptHotFontStyle;
1351   FOptHotFontStyleUsed:= _InitOptHotFontStyleUsed;
1353   FOptShowFlat:= _InitOptShowFlat;
1354   FOptShowFlatMouseOver:= _InitOptShowFlatMouseOver;
1355   FOptShowFlatSepar:= _InitOptShowFlatSep;
1356   FOptPosition:= _InitOptPosition;
1357   FOptShowNumberPrefix:= _InitOptShowNumberPrefix;
1358   FOptShowScrollMark:= _InitOptShowScrollMark;
1359   FOptShowDropMark:= _InitOptShowDropMark;
1360   FOptShowXRounded:= _InitOptShowXRounded;
1361   FOptShowXButtons:= _InitOptShowXButtons;
1362   FOptShowPlusTab:= _InitOptShowPlusTab;
1363   FOptShowArrowsNear:= _InitOptShowArrowsNear;
1364   FOptShowModifiedText:= _InitOptShowModifiedText;
1365   FOptShowPinnedText:= _InitOptShowPinnedText;
1366   FOptShowEntireColor:= _InitOptShowEntireColor;
1367   FOptShowActiveMarkInverted:= _InitOptShowActiveMarkInverted;
1369   FOptMouseWheelMode:= _InitOptMouseWheelMode;
1370   FOptMouseMiddleClickClose:= _InitOptMouseMiddleClickClose;
1371   FOptMouseDoubleClickClose:= _InitOptMouseDoubleClickClose;
1372   FOptMouseDoubleClickPlus:= _InitOptMouseDoubleClickPlus;
1373   FOptMouseDragEnabled:= _InitOptMouseDragEnabled;
1374   FOptMouseDragOutEnabled:= _InitOptMouseDragOutEnabled;
1375   FOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs:= _InitOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs;
1377   FHintForX:= 'Close tab';
1378   FHintForPlus:= 'Add tab';
1379   FHintForArrowLeft:= 'Scroll tabs left';
1380   FHintForArrowRight:= 'Scroll tabs right';
1381   FHintForArrowMenu:= 'Show tabs list';
1382   FHintForUser0:= '0';
1383   FHintForUser1:= '1';
1384   FHintForUser2:= '2';
1385   FHintForUser3:= '3';
1386   FHintForUser4:= '4';
1388   FBitmap:= TBitmap.Create;
1389   FBitmap.PixelFormat:= pf24bit;
1390   BitmapResize(FBitmap, 1600, 60);
1392   FBitmapAngleL:= TBitmap.Create;
1393   FBitmapAngleL.PixelFormat:= pf24bit;
1394   FBitmapAngleR:= TBitmap.Create;
1395   FBitmapAngleR.PixelFormat:= pf24bit;
1397   FBitmapRound:= TBitmap.Create;
1398   FBitmapRound.PixelFormat:= pf24bit;
1399   BitmapResize(FBitmapRound, _InitRoundedBitmapSize, _InitRoundedBitmapSize);
1401   FTabIndex:= 0;
1402   FTabIndexOver:= -1;
1403   FTabIndexHinted:= -1;
1404   FTabIndexHintedPrev:= -1;
1405   //FTabList:= TCollection.Create(TATTabData);
1406   FTabList:= TATTabListCollection.Create(TATTabData);
1407   FTabList.AOwner:= Self;
1408   FTabMenu:= nil;
1409   FScrollPos:= 0;
1410 end;
CanFocusnull1412 function TATTabs.CanFocus: boolean;
1413 begin
1414   Result:= false;
1415 end;
1417 procedure TATTabs.Clear;
1418 begin
1419   FTabList.Clear;
1420   FTabIndex:= 0;
1421 end;
1423 destructor TATTabs.Destroy;
1424 begin
1425   if FThemed then
1426   begin
1427     FThemed:= false;
1428     FreeAndNil(FPic_Side_L);
1429     FreeAndNil(FPic_Side_L_a);
1430     FreeAndNil(FPic_Side_R);
1431     FreeAndNil(FPic_Side_R_a);
1432     FreeAndNil(FPic_Side_C);
1433     FreeAndNil(FPic_Side_C_a);
1434     FreeAndNil(FPic_X);
1435     FreeAndNil(FPic_X_a);
1436     FreeAndNil(FPic_Plus);
1437     FreeAndNil(FPic_Plus_a);
1438     FreeAndNil(FPic_Arrow_L);
1439     FreeAndNil(FPic_Arrow_L_a);
1440     FreeAndNil(FPic_Arrow_R);
1441     FreeAndNil(FPic_Arrow_R_a);
1442     FreeAndNil(FPic_Arrow_D);
1443     FreeAndNil(FPic_Arrow_D_a);
1444   end;
1446   Clear;
1447   FreeAndNil(FTabList);
1448   FreeAndNil(FBitmapRound);
1449   FreeAndNil(FBitmapAngleL);
1450   FreeAndNil(FBitmapAngleR);
1451   FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
1452   inherited;
1453 end;
1455 procedure TATTabs.Paint;
1456 begin
1457   if DoubleBuffered then
1458   begin
1459     if Assigned(FBitmap) then
1460     begin
1461       DoPaintTo(FBitmap.Canvas);
1462       Canvas.CopyRect(ClientRect, FBitmap.Canvas, ClientRect);
1463     end;
1464   end
1465   else
1466   begin
1467     DoPaintTo(Canvas);
1468   end;
1470   {$ifdef tabs_paint_counter}
1471   Inc(FPaintCount);
1472   Canvas.Font.Color:= clRed;
1473   Canvas.TextOut(0, 0, IntToStr(FPaintCount));;
1474   {$endif}
1475 end;
1477 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintTabTo(C: TCanvas; const AInfo: TATTabPaintInfo);
1478 const
1479   cIndentSepTop = 0;
1480   cIndentSepBottom = 1;
1481 var
1482   RectText: TRect;
1483   NIndentL, NIndentR, NIndentTop, NLeft,
1484   NLineHeight, NLineWidth, NLineIndex: integer;
1485   AImageIndex: integer;
1486   ATabModified: boolean;
1487   TempCaption: TATTabString;
1488   Extent: TSize;
1489   bNeedMoreSpace: boolean;
1490   NColor: TColor;
1491   ColorPos: TATTabPosition;
1492   Data: TATTabData;
1493   Sep: TATStringSeparator;
1494   SepItem: string;
1495   bOneLiner: boolean;
1496 begin
1497   //optimize for 200 tabs
1498   if AInfo.Rect.Left>=Width then exit;
1499   if AInfo.Rect.Top>=Height then exit;
1500   if AInfo.Rect.Right<=0 then exit;
1501   if AInfo.Rect.Bottom<=0 then exit;
1503   Data:= GetTabData(AInfo.TabIndex);
1504   if Assigned(Data) then
1505   begin
1506     AImageIndex:= Data.TabImageIndex;
1507     ATabModified:= Data.TabModified;
1508     // if tab is not visible then don't draw
1509     if not Data.TabVisible then
1510        exit;
1511   end
1512   else
1513   begin
1514     AImageIndex:= -1;
1515     ATabModified:= false;
1516   end;
1518   UpdateCanvasAntialiasMode(C);
1520   DoPaintTabShape(C,
1521     Rect(
1522       AInfo.Rect.Left-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide),
1523       AInfo.Rect.Top,
1524       AInfo.Rect.Right+DoScale(FLastSpaceSide),
1525       AInfo.Rect.Bottom),
1526     AInfo.TabActive,
1527     AInfo.TabIndex
1528     );
1530   RectText:= AInfo.Rect;
1531   bNeedMoreSpace:= (RectText.Right-RectText.Left<=DoScale(FOptSpaceBeforeTextForMinWidth)) and (AInfo.Caption<>'');
1532   NIndentL:= IfThen(not bNeedMoreSpace, DoScale(FOptSpaceBeforeText), 2);
1533   NIndentR:= IfThen(not bNeedMoreSpace, DoScale(FOptSpaceAfterText), 2) + IfThen(Assigned(Data) and Data.TabVisibleX, DoScale(FOptSpaceXRight));
1534   RectText:= Rect(AInfo.Rect.Left+NIndentL, AInfo.Rect.Top, AInfo.Rect.Right-NIndentR, AInfo.Rect.Bottom);
1535   if Assigned(Data) then
1536     Data.TabCaptionRect:= RectText;
1538   if not FThemed then
1539   if FOptShowFlat and FOptShowFlatSepar then
1540   begin
1541     NLeft:= AInfo.Rect.Left - DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenTabs) div 2;
1542     DrawLine(C, NLeft, AInfo.Rect.Top+cIndentSepTop, NLeft, AInfo.Rect.Bottom-cIndentSepBottom, FColorSeparator);
1543   end;
1545   //imagelist
1546   if Assigned(FImages) then
1547     if (AImageIndex>=0) and (AImageIndex<FImages.Count) then
1548     begin
1549       NIndentTop:=
1550         (RectText.Top + RectText.Bottom - FImages.Height + DoScale(FOptColoredBandSize)) div 2;
1551       case FOptIconPosition of
1552         aipIconLefterThanText:
1553           begin
1554             FImages.Draw(C,
1555               RectText.Left - 2,
1556               NIndentTop,
1557               AImageIndex);
1558             Inc(RectText.Left, FImages.Width+DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption));
1559           end;
1560         aipIconRighterThanText:
1561           begin
1562             FImages.Draw(C,
1563               RectText.Right - FImages.Width + 2,
1564               NIndentTop,
1565               AImageIndex);
1566             Dec(RectText.Right, FImages.Width+DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption));
1567           end;
1568         aipIconCentered:
1569           begin
1570             FImages.Draw(C,
1571               (RectText.Left + RectText.Right - FImages.Width) div 2,
1572               NIndentTop,
1573               AImageIndex);
1574           end;
1575         aipIconAboveTextCentered:
1576           begin
1577             FImages.Draw(C,
1578               (RectText.Left + RectText.Right - FImages.Width) div 2,
1579               RectText.Top + DoScale(FOptColoredBandSize),
1580               AImageIndex);
1581             Inc(RectText.Top, FImages.Height+DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption));
1582           end;
1583         aipIconBelowTextCentered:
1584           begin
1585             FImages.Draw(C,
1586               (RectText.Left + RectText.Right - FImages.Width) div 2,
1587               RectText.Bottom - FImages.Height,
1588               AImageIndex);
1589             Dec(RectText.Bottom, FImages.Height+DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption));
1590           end;
1591       end;
1592     end;
1594   //caption
1595   C.Brush.Style:= bsClear;
1596   if RectText.Right-RectText.Left>=cTabsMinWidthForCaption then
1597   begin
1598     C.Font.Assign(Self.Font);
1599     C.Font.Style:= AInfo.FontStyle;
1600     C.Font.Color:= AInfo.ColorFont;
1601     C.Font.Size:= DoScaleFont(C.Font.Size);
1603     TempCaption:= AInfo.Caption;
1604     UpdateCaptionProps(C, TempCaption, NLineHeight, Extent);
1606     NIndentTop:= (RectText.Bottom-RectText.Top-Extent.cy) div 2 + 1;
1608     bOneLiner:= Pos(#10, TempCaption)=0;
1609     Sep.Init(TempCaption, #10);
1610     NLineIndex:= -1;
1612     while Sep.GetItemStr(SepItem) do
1613     begin
1614       Inc(NLineIndex);
1616       //calculate center pos for each SepItem
1617       case FOptCaptionAlignment of
1618         taLeftJustify:
1619           NIndentL:= RectText.Left;
1621         taCenter:
1622           begin
1623             if bOneLiner then
1624               NLineWidth:= Extent.cx
1625             else
1626               NLineWidth:= C.TextWidth(SepItem);
1627             NIndentL:= Max(
1628               RectText.Left,
1629               (RectText.Left+RectText.Right-NLineWidth) div 2
1630               );
1631           end;
1633         taRightJustify:
1634           begin
1635             if bOneLiner then
1636               NLineWidth:= Extent.cx
1637             else
1638               NLineWidth:= C.TextWidth(SepItem);
1639             NIndentL:= Max(
1640               RectText.Left,
1641               RectText.Right-NLineWidth
1642               );
1643           end;
1644       end;
1646       SepItem:= CanvasCollapseStringByDots(C,
1647         SepItem,
1648         FOptTruncateCaption,
1649         RectText.Right-RectText.Left
1650         );
1651       DoTextOut(C,
1652         NIndentL,
1653         RectText.Top+NIndentTop+NLineIndex*NLineHeight,
1654         RectText,
1655         SepItem
1656         );
1657     end;
1658   end;
1660   NColor:= clNone;
1661   if AInfo.TabMouseOver and not AInfo.TabActive and Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColorOver<>clNone) then
1662     NColor:= Data.TabColorOver
1663   else
1664   if AInfo.TabActive and Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColorActive<>clNone) then
1665     NColor:= Data.TabColorActive
1666   else
1667   if Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColor<>clNone) then
1668     NColor:= Data.TabColor;
1670   //colored band
1671   if not FOptShowEntireColor then
1672   begin
1673     if NColor<>clNone then
1674     begin
1675       case FOptPosition of
1676         atpTop:
1677           ColorPos:= FOptColoredBandForTop;
1678         atpBottom:
1679           ColorPos:= FOptColoredBandForBottom;
1680         atpLeft:
1681           ColorPos:= FOptColoredBandForLeft;
1682         atpRight:
1683           ColorPos:= FOptColoredBandForRight;
1684         else
1685           raise Exception.Create('Unknown tab pos');
1686       end;
1687       DoPaintColoredBand(C, AInfo.Rect, NColor, ColorPos);
1688     end;
1689   end;
1690 end;
1692 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintPlus(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect);
1693 var
1694   NColorFont: TColor;
1695   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
1696   Pic: TATTabsPicture;
1697   bActive: boolean;
1698   Info: TATTabPaintInfo;
1699 begin
1700   bActive:= FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexPlus;
1701   if bActive then
1702     ElemType:= aeTabPlusOver
1703   else
1704     ElemType:= aeTabPlus;
1706   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, ARect) then
1707   begin
1708     NColorFont:= FColorFont;
1710     Info.Clear;
1711     Info.Rect:= ARect;
1712     Info.TabIndex:= cTabIndexPlus;
1713     Info.ColorFont:= NColorFont;
1714     DoPaintTabTo(C, Info);
1716     if FThemed then
1717     begin
1718       if bActive then
1719         Pic:= FPic_Plus_a
1720       else
1721         Pic:= FPic_Plus;
1722       Pic.Draw(C,
1723         (ARect.Left+ARect.Right-Pic.Width) div 2,
1724         (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom-Pic.Height) div 2
1725         );
1726       exit;
1727     end
1728     else
1729       DrawPlusSign(C, ARect, DoScale(FOptArrowSize), DoScale(1), FColorFont);
1731     DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, ARect);
1732   end;
1733 end;
1736 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintTabShape(C: TCanvas; const ATabRect: TRect;
1737   ATabActive: boolean; ATabIndex: integer);
1738 var
1739   NColorBg, NColorEmpty, NColorBorder: TColor;
1740   PL1, PL2, PR1, PR2: TPoint;
1741   R: TRect;
1742 begin
1743   R.Top:= ATabRect.Top;
1744   R.Bottom:= ATabRect.Bottom;
1745   R.Left:= ATabRect.Left+DoScale(FLastSpaceSide);
1746   R.Right:= ATabRect.Right-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide);
1748   if not FThemed then
1749   begin
1750     if ATabActive then
1751       NColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Active(ATabIndex)
1752     else
1753       NColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Passive(ATabIndex);
1755     C.Pen.Color:= NColorBg;
1756     C.Brush.Color:= NColorBg;
1757     C.FillRect(R);
1758   end;
1760   PL1:= Point(R.Left, R.Top);
1761   PL2:= Point(R.Left, R.Bottom-1);
1762   PR1:= Point(R.Right-1, R.Top);
1763   PR2:= Point(R.Right-1, R.Bottom-1);
1765   //center shape
1766   DoPaintTabShape_C(C, ATabActive, ATabIndex, R, PL1, PL2, PR1, PR2);
1768   //left/right edges
1769   if (FLastSpaceSide>0) and not FOptShowFlat then
1770   begin
1771     DoPaintTabShape_L(C, R, ATabActive, ATabIndex);
1772     DoPaintTabShape_R(C, R, ATabActive, ATabIndex);
1773   end
1774   else
1775   if FOptTabRounded and not FOptShowFlat and ATTabsPixelsDrawEnabled then
1776   begin
1777     NColorEmpty:= ColorBg;
1778     if ATabActive then
1779       NColorBorder:= ColorBorderActive
1780     else
1781       NColorBorder:= ColorBorderPassive;
1783     //paint rounded corners
1784     case FOptPosition of
1785       atpTop:
1786         begin
1787           CanvasPaintRoundedCorners(C, R, [acckLeftTop, acckRightTop], NColorEmpty, NColorBorder, NColorBg);
1788         end;
1789       atpBottom:
1790         begin
1791           Inc(R.Bottom, 1);
1792           CanvasPaintRoundedCorners(C, R, [acckLeftBottom, acckRightBottom], NColorEmpty, NColorBorder, NColorBg);
1793         end;
1794       atpLeft:
1795         begin
1796           CanvasPaintRoundedCorners(C, R, [acckLeftTop, acckLeftBottom], NColorEmpty, NColorBorder, NColorBg);
1797         end;
1798       atpRight:
1799         begin
1800           CanvasPaintRoundedCorners(C, R, [acckRightTop, acckRightBottom], NColorEmpty, NColorBorder, NColorBg);
1801         end;
1802     end;
1803   end;
1804 end;
1806 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintTabShape_C(C: TCanvas;
1807   ATabActive: boolean;
1808   ATabIndex: integer;
1809   const ARect: TRect;
1810   const PL1, PL2, PR1, PR2: TPoint);
1811 var
1812   ColorPos: TATTabPosition;
1813   Pic: TATTabsPicture;
1814   AColorBg, AColorBorder, AColorBorderLow: TColor;
1815 begin
1816   if FThemed then
1817   begin
1818     if ATabActive then
1819       Pic:= FPic_Side_C_a
1820     else
1821       Pic:= FPic_Side_C;
1822     Pic.DrawSized(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PR1.X-PL1.X);
1823     exit;
1824   end;
1826   if ATabActive then
1827   begin
1828     AColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Active(ATabIndex);
1829     AColorBorder:= FColorBorderActive;
1830     AColorBorderLow:= clNone;
1831   end
1832   else
1833   begin
1834     AColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Passive(ATabIndex);
1835     AColorBorder:= FColorBorderPassive;
1836     AColorBorderLow:= FColorBorderActive;
1837   end;
1839   if FOptShowFlat then
1840   begin
1841     if ATabActive then
1842     begin
1843       ColorPos:= FOptPosition;
1844       if FOptShowActiveMarkInverted then
1845         ColorPos:= GetPositionInverted(ColorPos);
1846       DoPaintColoredBand(C, ARect, FColorActiveMark, ColorPos);
1847     end;
1848   end
1849   else
1850   case FOptPosition of
1851     atpTop:
1852       begin
1853         if FLastSpaceSide=0 then
1854           DrawLine(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PL2.X, PL2.Y+1, AColorBorder);
1855         if FLastSpaceSide=0 then
1856           DrawLine(C, PR1.X, PR1.Y, PR2.X, PR2.Y+1, AColorBorder);
1857         DrawLine(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PR1.X, PL1.Y, AColorBorder);
1858         if AColorBorderLow<>clNone then
1859           DrawLine(C, PL2.X-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide), ARect.Bottom,
1860                       PR2.X+DoScale(FLastSpaceSide), ARect.Bottom, AColorBorderLow)
1861         else
1862           DrawLine(C, PL2.X+1, ARect.Bottom, PR2.X-1, ARect.Bottom, AColorBg);
1863       end;
1864     atpBottom:
1865       begin
1866         DrawLine(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PL2.X, PL2.Y+1, AColorBorder);
1867         DrawLine(C, PR1.X, PR1.Y, PR2.X, PR2.Y+1, AColorBorder);
1868         DrawLine(C, PL2.X, PL2.Y+1, PR2.X, PL2.Y+1, AColorBorder);
1869         if AColorBorderLow<>clNone then
1870           DrawLine(C, PL1.X-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide), ARect.Top,
1871                       PR1.X+DoScale(FLastSpaceSide), ARect.Top, AColorBorderLow)
1872       end;
1873     atpLeft:
1874       begin
1875         DrawLine(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PR1.X, PR1.Y, AColorBorder);
1876         DrawLine(C, PL2.X, PL2.Y, PR2.X, PR2.Y, AColorBorder);
1877         DrawLine(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PL2.X, PL2.Y, AColorBorder);
1878         DrawLine(C, PR1.X+1, PR1.Y+1, PR1.X+1, PR2.Y-1, IfThen(AColorBorderLow<>clNone, AColorBorderLow, AColorBg));
1879       end;
1880     atpRight:
1881       begin
1882         DrawLine(C, PL1.X, PL1.Y, PR1.X, PR1.Y, AColorBorder);
1883         DrawLine(C, PL2.X, PL2.Y, PR2.X, PR2.Y, AColorBorder);
1884         DrawLine(C, PL1.X-1, PL1.Y+1, PL1.X-1, PL2.Y-1, IfThen(AColorBorderLow<>clNone, AColorBorderLow, AColorBg));
1885         DrawLine(C, PR1.X, PR1.Y, PR2.X, PR2.Y, AColorBorder);
1886       end;
1887   end;
1888 end;
1890 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintTabShape_L(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
1891   ATabActive: boolean; ATabIndex: integer);
1892 var
1893   Pic: TATTabsPicture;
1894   AColorBg, AColorBorder: TColor;
1895 begin
1896   if FThemed then
1897   begin
1898     if ATabActive then
1899       Pic:= FPic_Side_L_a
1900     else
1901       Pic:= FPic_Side_L;
1902     Pic.Draw(C, ARect.Left-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide), ARect.Top);
1903     exit;
1904   end;
1906   if ATabActive then
1907   begin
1908     AColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Active(ATabIndex);
1909     AColorBorder:= FColorBorderActive
1910   end
1911   else
1912   begin
1913     AColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Passive(ATabIndex);
1914     AColorBorder:= FColorBorderPassive;
1915   end;
1917   if not FOptShowFlat then
1918     case FOptPosition of
1919       atpTop:
1920         begin
1921           DrawTriangleRectFramed(C,
1922             ARect.Left-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide)+1,
1923             ARect.Top,
1924             DoScale(FLastSpaceSide),
1925             DoScale(FOptTabHeight)+IfThen(ATabActive, 1),
1926             cSmoothScale,
1927             ampnTopLeft,
1928             AColorBg,
1929             AColorBorder,
1930             FBitmapAngleL);
1931         end;
1932       atpBottom:
1933         begin
1934           DrawTriangleRectFramed(C,
1935             ARect.Left-DoScale(FLastSpaceSide)+1,
1936             ARect.Top+IfThen(not ATabActive, 1),
1937             DoScale(FLastSpaceSide),
1938             DoScale(FOptTabHeight),
1939             cSmoothScale,
1940             ampnBottomLeft,
1941             AColorBg,
1942             AColorBorder,
1943             FBitmapAngleL);
1944         end;
1945     end;
1946 end;
1948 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintTabShape_R(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
1949   ATabActive: boolean; ATabIndex: integer);
1950 var
1951   Pic: TATTabsPicture;
1952   AColorBg, AColorBorder: TColor;
1953 begin
1954   if FThemed then
1955   begin
1956     if ATabActive then
1957       Pic:= FPic_Side_R_a
1958     else
1959       Pic:= FPic_Side_R;
1960     Pic.Draw(C, ARect.Right-1, ARect.Top);
1961     exit;
1962   end;
1964   if ATabActive then
1965   begin
1966     AColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Active(ATabIndex);
1967     AColorBorder:= FColorBorderActive
1968   end
1969   else
1970   begin
1971     AColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Passive(ATabIndex);
1972     AColorBorder:= FColorBorderPassive;
1973   end;
1975   if not FOptShowFlat then
1976     case FOptPosition of
1977       atpTop:
1978         begin
1979           DrawTriangleRectFramed(C,
1980             ARect.Right-1,
1981             ARect.Top,
1982             DoScale(FLastSpaceSide),
1983             DoScale(FOptTabHeight)+IfThen(ATabActive, 1),
1984             cSmoothScale,
1985             ampnTopRight,
1986             AColorBg,
1987             AColorBorder,
1988             FBitmapAngleR);
1989         end;
1990       atpBottom:
1991         begin
1992           DrawTriangleRectFramed(C,
1993             ARect.Right-1,
1994             ARect.Top+IfThen(not ATabActive, 1),
1995             DoScale(FLastSpaceSide),
1996             DoScale(FOptTabHeight),
1997             cSmoothScale,
1998             ampnBottomRight,
1999             AColorBg,
2000             AColorBorder,
2001             FBitmapAngleR);
2002         end;
2003     end;
2004 end;
2007 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintX(C: TCanvas; const AInfo: TATTabPaintInfo);
2008 var
2009   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
2010 begin
2011   if AInfo.TabMouseOverX then
2012     ElemType:= aeTabIconXOver
2013   else
2014     ElemType:= aeTabIconX;
2016   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, AInfo.Rect) then
2017   begin
2018     DoPaintXTo(C, AInfo);
2019     DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, AInfo.Rect);
2020   end;
2021 end;
2023 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintXTo(C: TCanvas; const AInfo: TATTabPaintInfo);
2024 var
2025   Pic: TATTabsPicture;
2026   RectRound, RectBitmap: TRect;
2027   NColorBg, NColorXBg, NColorXBorder, NColorXMark: TColor;
2028   NSize: integer;
2029 begin
2030   if FThemed then
2031   begin
2032     if AInfo.TabMouseOverX then
2033       Pic:= FPic_X_a
2034     else
2035       Pic:= FPic_X;
2036     Pic.Draw(C, AInfo.Rect.Left, AInfo.Rect.Top);
2037     exit;
2038   end;
2040   if AInfo.TabActive then
2041     NColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Active(AInfo.TabIndex)
2042   else
2043     NColorBg:= GetTabBgColor_Passive(AInfo.TabIndex);
2044   GetTabXColors(AInfo.TabIndex, AInfo.TabMouseOverX, NColorXBg, NColorXBorder, NColorXMark);
2046   if FOptShowXRounded and ATTabsCircleDrawEnabled then
2047   begin
2048     if NColorXBg<>clNone then
2049     begin
2050       RectRound:= AInfo.Rect;
2051       NSize:= DoScale(FOptSpaceXIncrementRound);
2052       InflateRect(RectRound, NSize, NSize);
2054       RectBitmap.Left:= 0;
2055       RectBitmap.Top:= 0;
2056       RectBitmap.Right:= FBitmapRound.Width;
2057       RectBitmap.Bottom:= RectBitmap.Right;
2059       FBitmapRound.Canvas.Brush.Color:= NColorBg;
2060       FBitmapRound.Canvas.FillRect(RectBitmap);
2062       FBitmapRound.Canvas.Brush.Color:= NColorXBg;
2063       FBitmapRound.Canvas.Pen.Color:= NColorXBorder;
2064       FBitmapRound.Canvas.Ellipse(RectBitmap);
2066       CanvasStretchDraw(C, RectRound, FBitmapRound);
2067     end
2068     else
2069     begin
2070       C.Brush.Color:= NColorBg;
2071       C.FillRect(AInfo.Rect);
2072     end;
2073   end
2074   else
2075   begin
2076     C.Brush.Color:= IfThen(NColorXBg<>clNone, NColorXBg, NColorBg);
2077     C.FillRect(AInfo.Rect);
2078     C.Pen.Color:= IfThen(NColorXBorder<>clNone, NColorXBorder, NColorBg);
2079     C.Rectangle(AInfo.Rect);
2080   end;
2082   RectRound:= AInfo.Rect;
2083   Dec(RectRound.Right);
2084   Dec(RectRound.Bottom);
2085   NSize:= DoScale(FOptSpaceXInner);
2086   CanvasPaintXMark(C, RectRound, NColorXMark, NSize, NSize, DoScale(1));
2087   C.Brush.Color:= NColorBg;
2088 end;
GetTabWidth_Plus_Rawnull2090 function TATTabs.GetTabWidth_Plus_Raw: integer;
2091 begin
2092   Result:= DoScale(FOptArrowSize)*4;
2093 end;
GetTabRectWidthnull2095 function TATTabs.GetTabRectWidth(APlusBtn: boolean): integer;
2096 begin
2097   case FOptPosition of
2098     atpLeft,
2099     atpRight:
2100       begin
2101         Result:= Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer);
2102       end;
2103     else
2104       begin
2105         if APlusBtn then
2106           Result:= GetTabWidth_Plus_Raw
2107         else
2108           Result:= DoScale(FOptTabWidthNormal);
2109         Inc(Result, DoScale(FOptSpaceBeforeText+FOptSpaceAfterText));
2110       end;
2111   end;
2112 end;
GetRectScrollednull2115 function TATTabs.GetRectScrolled(const R: TRect): TRect;
2116 begin
2117   Result:= R;
2118   if Result=cRect0 then Exit;
2119   if not FActualMultiline then
2120   begin
2121     Dec(Result.Left, FScrollPos);
2122     Dec(Result.Right, FScrollPos);
2123   end
2124   else
2125   begin
2126     Dec(Result.Top, FScrollPos);
2127     Dec(Result.Bottom, FScrollPos);
2128   end;
2129 end;
2131 procedure TATTabs.GetTabFirstCoord(var R: TRect);
2132 begin
2133   if FOptPosition in [atpLeft, atpRight] then
2134   begin
2135     if FOptPosition=atpLeft then
2136     begin
2137       R.Left:= DoScale(FOptSpacer);
2138       R.Right:= Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer2);
2139     end
2140     else
2141     begin
2142       R.Left:= DoScale(FOptSpacer2)+1;
2143       R.Right:= Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer);
2144     end;
2145     R.Bottom:= GetInitialVerticalIndent;
2146     R.Top:= R.Bottom;
2147   end
2148   else
2149   begin
2150     R.Left:= FRealIndentLeft+DoScale(FLastSpaceSide);
2151     R.Right:= R.Left;
2152     R.Top:= DoScale(FOptSpacer);
2153     R.Bottom:= R.Top+DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
2154   end;
2155 end;
2157 procedure TATTabs.UpdateTabRects(C: TCanvas);
2158 var
2159   TempCaption: TATTabString;
2160   Data: TATTabData;
2161   R: TRect;
2162   Extent: TSize;
2163   NWidthPlus, NIndexLineStart, NLineHeight, NWidthSaved: integer;
2164   NWidthMin, NWidthMax: integer;
2165   NSelfHeight, NFormHeight: integer;
2166   bFitLastRow: boolean;
2167   i: integer;
2168 begin
2169   GetTabFirstCoord(R);
2171   //left/right tabs
2172   if FOptPosition in [atpLeft, atpRight] then
2173   begin
2174     for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
2175     begin
2176       Data:= GetTabData(i);
2177       if not Assigned(Data) then Continue;
2178       if not Data.TabVisible then
2179       begin
2180         Data.TabRect:= cRect0;
2181         Continue;
2182       end;
2184       R.Top:= R.Bottom;
2185       if i>0 then
2186         Inc(R.Top, DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenTabs));
2188       if Data.TabSpecialHeight>0 then
2189         NLineHeight:= Data.TabSpecialHeight
2190       else
2191       if FOptVarWidth then
2192       begin
2193         UpdateCaptionProps(C, GetTabCaptionFinal(Data, i), NLineHeight, Extent);
2194         NLineHeight:= DoScale(FOptSpaceBeforeText+FOptSpaceAfterText) + Extent.CY;
2195       end
2196       else
2197         NLineHeight:= DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
2199       R.Bottom:= R.Top + NLineHeight;
2200       Data.TabRect:= R;
2201     end;
2203     exit;
2204   end;
2206   //top/bottom tabs
2207   FMultilineActive:= false;
2208   NWidthMin:= DoScale(FOptTabWidthMinimal);
2209   NWidthMax:= DoScale(FOptTabWidthMaximal);
2210   NWidthPlus:= 0;
2211   if FOptShowPlusTab then
2212     NWidthPlus:= GetTabRectWidth(true);
2213   if FOptMultiline then
2214     FTabWidth:= DoScale(FOptTabWidthNormal);
2215   NWidthSaved:= FTabWidth;
2217   NIndexLineStart:= 0;
2219   for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
2220   begin
2221     Data:= GetTabData(i);
2222     if not Assigned(Data) then Continue;
2223     if not Data.TabVisible then Continue;
2224     Data.TabStartsNewLine:= false;
2226     R.Left:= R.Right;
2227     if i>0 then
2228       Inc(R.Left, DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenTabs));
2230     if Data.TabSpecialWidth>0 then
2231       FTabWidth:= Data.TabSpecialWidth
2232     else
2233     if FOptVarWidth then
2234     begin
2235       C.Font.Style:= Data.TabFontStyle;
2237       if FOptActiveFontStyleUsed then
2238         if i=FTabIndex then
2239           C.Font.Style:= FOptActiveFontStyle;
2241       TempCaption:= GetTabCaptionFinal(Data, i);
2243       UpdateCaptionProps(C, TempCaption, NLineHeight, Extent);
2244       FTabWidth:= Extent.CX + DoScale(FOptSpaceBeforeText+FOptSpaceAfterText);
2246       if not Assigned(FImages) then //no imagelist
2247         Data.TabImageIndex:= -1;
2249       if Data.TabImageIndex>=0 then
2250         if FOptIconPosition in [aipIconLefterThanText, aipIconRighterThanText] then
2251           Inc(FTabWidth, FImages.Width+FOptSpaceBetweenIconCaption);
2253       if FOptShowXButtons<>atbxShowNone then
2254         if not Data.TabHideXButton then
2255           Inc(FTabWidth, DoScale(FOptSpaceXSize));
2257       if FTabWidth<NWidthMin then
2258         FTabWidth:= NWidthMin;
2259       if FTabWidth>NWidthMax then
2260         FTabWidth:= NWidthMax;
2261     end;
2263     if FOptMultiline and (i>0) then
2264       if R.Left+FTabWidth+FRealIndentRight+NWidthPlus >= Width then
2265       begin
2266         Data.TabStartsNewLine:= true;
2267         FMultilineActive:= true;
2269         R.Left:= FRealIndentLeft;
2270         R.Top:= R.Bottom+DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenLines);
2271         R.Bottom:= R.Top+DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
2273         if FOptFillWidth then
2274           UpdateTabRectsToFillLine(NIndexLineStart, i-1, false);
2275         NIndexLineStart:= i;
2276       end;
2278     R.Right:= R.Left + FTabWidth;
2279     Data.TabRect:= R;
2280   end;
2282   //fix for the case of many tabs, vertically scrolled, and last tab is not shrinked
2283   bFitLastRow:= FOptFillWidthLastToo or (Width<FOptTabWidthNormal);
2285   if FOptFillWidth and bFitLastRow then
2286     UpdateTabRectsToFillLine(NIndexLineStart, TabCount-1, true);
2288   if FOptMultiline then
2289   begin
2290     NFormHeight:= GetParentForm(Self).Height;
2291     NSelfHeight:= R.Bottom+DoScale(FOptSpacer2);
2292     NSelfHeight:= Min(NSelfHeight, NFormHeight);
2293     if Constraints.MaxHeight>0 then
2294       NSelfHeight:= Min(NSelfHeight, Constraints.MaxHeight);
2295     if Height<>NSelfHeight then
2296       Height:= NSelfHeight;
2297     //Application.MainForm.Caption:='newh '+inttostr(NSelfHeight)+', tabs '+inttostr(TabCount);
2298   end;
2300   //restore FTabWidth for other methods
2301   if not FOptVarWidth then
2302     FTabWidth:= NWidthSaved;
2303 end;
GetTabLastVisibleIndexnull2305 function TATTabs.GetTabLastVisibleIndex: integer;
2306 var
2307   Data: TATTabData;
2308 begin
2309   Result:= TabCount;
2310   repeat
2311     Dec(Result);
2312     if Result<0 then Break;
2313     Data:= GetTabData(Result);
2314     if Assigned(Data) and Data.TabVisible then Break;
2315   until false;
2316 end;
2318 procedure TATTabs.UpdateTabRectsSpecial;
2319 var
2320   Data: TATTabData;
2321   NIndex: integer;
2322 begin
2323   NIndex:= GetTabLastVisibleIndex;
2324   Data:= GetTabData(NIndex);
2325   if Assigned(Data) then
2326   begin
2327     FRectTabLast_NotScrolled:= Data.TabRect;
2328     FRectTabLast_Scrolled:= GetRectScrolled(FRectTabLast_NotScrolled);
2329   end
2330   else
2331   begin
2332     FRectTabLast_NotScrolled:= cRect0;
2333     FRectTabLast_Scrolled:= cRect0;
2334   end;
2336   UpdateRectPlus(FRectTabPlus_NotScrolled);
2337   FRectTabPlus_Scrolled:= GetRectScrolled(FRectTabPlus_NotScrolled);
2338 end;
2340 procedure TATTabs.UpdateTabPropsX;
2341 var
2342   D: TATTabData;
2343   i: integer;
2344 begin
2345   for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
2346   begin
2347     D:= GetTabData(i);
2348     if D=nil then Continue;
2349     D.TabVisibleX:= GetTabVisibleX(i, D);
2350     if D.TabVisibleX and (D.TabRect<>cRect0) then
2351       D.TabRectX:= GetTabRect_X(D.TabRect)
2352     else
2353       D.TabRectX:= cRect0;
2354   end;
2355 end;
2357 procedure TATTabs.UpdateRectPlus(var R: TRect);
2358 var
2359   bTabsVisible: boolean;
2360 begin
2361   bTabsVisible:= GetTabLastVisibleIndex>=0;
2362   case FOptPosition of
2363     atpTop,
2364     atpBottom:
2365       begin
2366         if bTabsVisible then
2367         begin
2368           R:= FRectTabLast_NotScrolled;
2369           if R=cRect0 then exit;
2370           R.Left:= R.Right + DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenTabs);
2371           R.Right:= R.Left + GetTabRectWidth(true);
2372         end
2373         else
2374         begin
2375           R.Top:= DoScale(FOptSpacer);
2376           R.Bottom:= R.Top + DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
2377           R.Left:= FRealIndentLeft + FLastSpaceSide;
2378           R.Right:= R.Left + GetTabRectWidth(true);
2379         end;
2380       end;
2381     else
2382       begin
2383         if bTabsVisible then
2384         begin
2385           R:= FRectTabLast_NotScrolled;
2386           if R=cRect0 then exit;
2387           R.Top:= R.Bottom + DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenTabs);
2388           R.Bottom:= R.Top + DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
2389         end
2390         else
2391         begin
2392           R.Left:= IfThen(FOptPosition=atpLeft, DoScale(FOptSpacer), DoScale(FOptSpacer2));
2393           R.Right:= IfThen(FOptPosition=atpLeft, Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer2), Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer));
2394           R.Top:= GetInitialVerticalIndent;
2395           R.Bottom:= R.Top + DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
2396         end;
2397       end;
2398   end;
2399 end;
GetTabRect_Xnull2401 function TATTabs.GetTabRect_X(const ARect: TRect): TRect;
2402 var
2403   X, Y, W: integer;
2404 begin
2405   if ARect=cRect0 then
2406   begin
2407     Result:= cRect0;
2408     Exit;
2409   end;
2410   X:= ARect.Right-DoScale(FOptSpaceXRight);
2411   Y:= (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom) div 2 + 1;
2412   W:= DoScale(FOptSpaceXSize);
2413   Dec(X, W div 2);
2414   Dec(Y, W div 2);
2415   Result:= Rect(X, Y, X+W, Y+W);
2416 end;
_IsDragnull2418 function TATTabs._IsDrag: boolean;
2419 begin
2420   Result:= Dragging and FMouseDragBegins;
2421 end;
2423 procedure TATTabs.GetTabXColors(AIndex: integer;
2424   AMouseOverX: boolean;
2425   out AColorXBg, AColorXBorder, AColorXMark: TColor);
2426 begin
2427   if GetTabFlatEffective(AIndex) then
2428     AColorXBg:= FColorBg
2429   else
2430     AColorXBg:= FColorCloseBg;
2432   AColorXBorder:= AColorXBg;
2433   AColorXMark:= FColorCloseX;
2435   if AMouseOverX then
2436   begin
2437     AColorXBg:= FColorCloseBgOver;
2438     AColorXBorder:= FColorCloseBorderOver;
2439     AColorXMark:= FColorCloseXOver;
2440   end;
2441 end;
2443 procedure TATTabs.GetTabXProps(AIndex: integer; const ARect: TRect;
2444   out AMouseOverX: boolean;
2445   out ARectX: TRect);
2446 var
2447   Data: TATTabData;
2448 begin
2449   AMouseOverX:= false;
2450   ARectX:= cRect0;
2452   Data:= GetTabData(AIndex);
2453   if Data=nil then Exit;
2454   ARectX:= GetRectScrolled(Data.TabRectX);
2456   if _IsDrag then Exit;
2458   if Data.TabVisibleX then
2459     if AIndex=FTabIndexOver then
2460     begin
2461       AMouseOverX:= PtInRect(ARectX, ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos));
2462     end;
2463 end;
IsPaintNeedednull2465 function TATTabs.IsPaintNeeded(AElemType: TATTabElemType;
2466   AIndex: integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect): boolean;
2467 begin
2468   Result:= ARect.Right>ARect.Left;
2469   if Result then
2470     if Assigned(FOnTabDrawBefore) then
2471       FOnTabDrawBefore(Self, AElemType, AIndex, ACanvas, ARect, Result);
2472 end;
DoPaintAfternull2474 function TATTabs.DoPaintAfter(AElemType: TATTabElemType;
2475   AIndex: integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect): boolean;
2476 begin
2477   Result:= true;
2478   if Assigned(FOnTabDrawAfter) then
2479     FOnTabDrawAfter(Self, AElemType, AIndex, ACanvas, ARect, Result);
2480 end;
2482 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintBgTo(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect);
2483 begin
2484   C.Brush.Color:= FColorBg;
2485   C.FillRect(ARect);
2486 end;
2488 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintSpacerRect(C: TCanvas);
2489 var
2490   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
2491   RBottom: TRect;
2492   NLineX1, NLineY1, NLineX2, NLineY2: integer;
2493 begin
2494   if FOptMultiline and FScrollingNeeded then exit;
2496   case FOptPosition of
2497     atpTop:
2498       begin
2499         if FOptMultiline then
2500           RBottom:= Rect(0, Height-DoScale(FOptSpacer2), Width, Height)
2501         else
2502           RBottom:= Rect(0, DoScale(FOptSpacer)+DoScale(FOptTabHeight), Width, Height);
2503         NLineX1:= RBottom.Left;
2504         NLineY1:= RBottom.Top;
2505         NLineX2:= RBottom.Right;
2506         NLineY2:= RBottom.Top;
2507       end;
2508     atpBottom:
2509       begin
2510         RBottom:= Rect(0, 0, Width, DoScale(FOptSpacer));
2511         NLineX1:= RBottom.Left;
2512         NLineY1:= RBottom.Bottom;
2513         NLineX2:= RBottom.Right;
2514         NLineY2:= RBottom.Bottom;
2515       end;
2516     atpLeft:
2517       begin
2518         RBottom:= Rect(Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer2), 0, Width, Height);
2519         NLineX1:= RBottom.Left;
2520         NLineY1:= RBottom.Top;
2521         NLineX2:= RBottom.Left;
2522         NLineY2:= RBottom.Bottom;
2523       end;
2524     atpRight:
2525       begin
2526         RBottom:= Rect(0, 0, DoScale(FOptSpacer2), Height);
2527         NLineX1:= RBottom.Right;
2528         NLineY1:= RBottom.Top;
2529         NLineX2:= RBottom.Right;
2530         NLineY2:= RBottom.Bottom;
2531       end;
2532     else
2533       raise Exception.Create('Unknown tab pos');
2534   end;
2536   ElemType:= aeSpacerRect;
2537   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, RBottom) then
2538   begin
2539     C.Brush.Color:= FColorTabActive;
2540     C.FillRect(RBottom);
2541     DrawLine(C, NLineX1, NLineY1, NLineX2, NLineY2, FColorBorderActive);
2542     DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, RBottom);
2543   end;
2544 end;
2546 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintTo(C: TCanvas);
2547 var
2548   RRect, RectX: TRect;
2549   NColorFont: TColor;
2550   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
2551   Data: TATTabData;
2552   NFontStyle: TFontStyles;
2553   bMouseOver, bMouseOverX: boolean;
2554   Info: TATTabPaintInfo;
2555   i: integer;
2556 begin
2557   FActualMultiline:= (FOptPosition in [atpLeft, atpRight]) or FOptMultiline;
2559   ElemType:= aeBackground;
2560   RRect:= ClientRect;
2562   if not ATTabsStretchDrawEnabled then
2563     FLastSpaceSide:= 0
2564   else
2565   if Width>=DoScale(FOptMinimalWidthForSides) then
2566     FLastSpaceSide:= FOptSpaceSide
2567   else
2568     FLastSpaceSide:= 0;
2570   //update index here, because user can add/del tabs by keyboard
2571   with ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos) do
2572     FTabIndexOver:= GetTabAt(X, Y, bMouseOverX);
2574   FLastOverIndex:= FTabIndexOver;
2575   FLastOverX:= bMouseOverX;
2577   FRealIndentLeft:= DoScale(FOptSpaceInitial) + GetButtonsWidth(FButtonsLeft);
2578   FRealIndentRight:= DoScale(FOptSpaceInitial) + GetButtonsWidth(FButtonsRight);
2580   FRectArrowLeft:= GetRectOfButton(atbScrollLeft);
2581   FRectArrowRight:= GetRectOfButton(atbScrollRight);
2582   FRectArrowDown:= GetRectOfButton(atbDropdownMenu);
2583   FRectButtonPlus:= GetRectOfButton(atbPlus);
2584   FRectButtonClose:= GetRectOfButton(atbClose);
2585   FRectButtonUser0:= GetRectOfButton(atbUser0);
2586   FRectButtonUser1:= GetRectOfButton(atbUser1);
2587   FRectButtonUser2:= GetRectOfButton(atbUser2);
2588   FRectButtonUser3:= GetRectOfButton(atbUser3);
2589   FRectButtonUser4:= GetRectOfButton(atbUser4);
2591   //painting of BG is little different then other elements:
2592   //paint fillrect anyway, then maybe paint ownerdraw
2593   DoPaintBgTo(C, RRect);
2594   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, RRect) then
2595   begin
2596     DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, RRect);
2597   end;
2599   C.Font.Assign(Self.Font);
2600   UpdateTabWidths;
2601   UpdateTabRects(C);
2602   UpdateTabRectsSpecial;
2603   UpdateTabPropsX;
2604   FScrollingNeeded:= GetScrollMarkNeeded;
2606   //paint spacer rect
2607   if not FOptShowFlat then
2608     DoPaintSpacerRect(C);
2610   //paint "plus" tab
2611   if FOptShowPlusTab then
2612   begin
2613     DoPaintPlus(C, FRectTabPlus_Scrolled);
2614   end;
2616   //paint passive tabs
2617   for i:= TabCount-1 downto 0 do
2618     if i<>FTabIndex then
2619     begin
2620       Data:= GetTabData(i);
2621       if Data=nil then Continue;
2623       RRect:= GetRectScrolled(Data.TabRect);
2624       if RRect=cRect0 then Continue;
2626       GetTabXProps(i, RRect, bMouseOverX, RectX);
2627       bMouseOver:= i=FTabIndexOver;
2629       if bMouseOver then
2630         ElemType:= aeTabPassiveOver
2631       else
2632         ElemType:= aeTabPassive;
2634       if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, i, C, RRect) then
2635       begin
2636         if not Data.TabVisible then Continue;
2638         if FOptHotFontStyleUsed and bMouseOver then
2639           NFontStyle:= FOptHotFontStyle
2640         else
2641           NFontStyle:= Data.TabFontStyle;
2643         if (FColorFontHot<>clNone) and bMouseOver then
2644           NColorFont:= FColorFontHot
2645         else
2646         if Data.TabModified then
2647           NColorFont:= FColorFontModified
2648         else
2649           NColorFont:= FColorFont;
2651         Info.Clear;
2652         Info.Rect:= RRect;
2653         Info.Caption:= GetTabCaptionFinal(Data, i);
2654         Info.Modified:= Data.TabModified;
2655         Info.Pinned:= Data.TabPinned;
2656         Info.TabIndex:= i;
2657         Info.ColorFont:= NColorFont;
2658         Info.TabMouseOver:= bMouseOver;
2659         Info.TabMouseOverX:= bMouseOverX;
2660         Info.FontStyle:= NFontStyle;
2662         DoPaintTabTo(C, Info);
2663         DoPaintAfter(ElemType, i, C, RRect);
2664       end;
2666       if Data.TabVisibleX then
2667       begin
2668         Info.Clear;
2669         Info.Rect:= RectX;
2670         Info.TabIndex:= i;
2671         Info.TabMouseOverX:= bMouseOverX;
2672         DoPaintX(C, Info);
2673       end;
2674     end;
2676   //paint active tab
2677   i:= FTabIndex;
2678   if IsIndexOk(i) then
2679   begin
2680    Data:= GetTabData(i);
2681    if Assigned(Data) and Data.TabVisible then
2682    begin
2683     RRect:= GetRectScrolled(Data.TabRect);
2684     GetTabXProps(i, RRect, bMouseOverX, RectX);
2686     bMouseOver:= i=FTabIndexOver;
2688     if IsPaintNeeded(aeTabActive, i, C, RRect) then
2689     begin
2690       if FOptActiveFontStyleUsed then
2691         NFontStyle:= FOptActiveFontStyle
2692       else
2693         NFontStyle:= Data.TabFontStyle;
2695       if FColorFontActive<>clNone then
2696         NColorFont:= FColorFontActive
2697       else
2698       if Data.TabModified then
2699         NColorFont:= FColorFontModified
2700       else
2701         NColorFont:= FColorFont;
2703       Info.Clear;
2704       Info.Rect:= RRect;
2705       Info.Caption:= GetTabCaptionFinal(Data, i);
2706       Info.Modified:= Data.TabModified;
2707       Info.Pinned:= Data.TabPinned;
2708       Info.TabIndex:= i;
2709       Info.ColorFont:= NColorFont;
2710       Info.TabActive:= true;
2711       Info.TabMouseOver:= bMouseOver;
2712       Info.TabMouseOverX:= bMouseOverX;
2713       Info.FontStyle:= NFontStyle;
2715       DoPaintTabTo(C, Info);
2716       DoPaintAfter(aeTabActive, i, C, RRect);
2717     end;
2719     if Data.TabVisibleX then
2720     begin
2721       Info.Clear;
2722       Info.Rect:= RectX;
2723       Info.TabIndex:= i;
2724       Info.TabActive:= true;
2725       Info.TabMouseOverX:= bMouseOverX;
2726       DoPaintX(C, Info);
2727     end;
2728    end;
2729   end;
2731   //button back
2732   DoPaintButtonsBG(C);
2733   //buttons
2734   DoPaintArrowLeft(C);
2735   DoPaintArrowRight(C);
2736   DoPaintArrowDown(C);
2737   DoPaintButtonPlus(C);
2738   DoPaintButtonClose(C);
2739   DoPaintUserButtons(C, FButtonsLeft, true);
2740   DoPaintUserButtons(C, FButtonsRight, false);
2742   if FOptShowDropMark then
2743     if _IsDrag then
2744       if PtInControl(Self, Mouse.CursorPos) then
2745         DoPaintDropMark(C);
2747   if FOptShowScrollMark then
2748     DoPaintScrollMark(C);
2749 end;
2751 procedure TATTabs.DoTextOut(C: TCanvas; AX, AY: integer;
2752   const AClipRect: TRect; const AText: string);
2753 {$ifdef WIDE}
2754 var
2755   Str: WideString;
2756 begin
2757   Str:= UTF8Decode(AText);
2758   ExtTextOutW(C.Handle, AX, AY, ETO_CLIPPED, @AClipRect,
2759     PWideChar(Str), Length(Str), nil);
2760 end;
2761 {$else}
2762 begin
2763   ExtTextOut(C.Handle, AX, AY, ETO_CLIPPED, @AClipRect,
2764     PChar(AText), Length(AText), nil);
2765 end;
2766 {$endif}
2768 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintDropMark(C: TCanvas);
2769 var
2770   D: TATTabData;
2771   R: TRect;
2772   N: integer;
2773 begin
2774   N:= FTabIndexDrop;
2775   if N<0 then
2776     N:= TabCount-1;
2777   //if N<>FTabIndex then
2778   begin
2779     D:= GetTabData(N);
2780     if D=nil then Exit;
2781     R:= GetRectScrolled(D.TabRect);
2783     case FOptPosition of
2784       atpTop,
2785       atpBottom:
2786         begin
2787           R.Left:= IfThen(N<=FTabIndex, R.Left, R.Right);
2788           R.Left:= R.Left - DoScale(FOptDropMarkSize) div 2;
2789           R.Right:= R.Left + DoScale(FOptDropMarkSize);
2790         end;
2791       else
2792         begin
2793           R.Top:= IfThen(N<=FTabIndex, R.Top, R.Bottom);
2794           R.Top:= R.Top  - DoScale(FOptDropMarkSize) div 2;
2795           R.Bottom:= R.Top + DoScale(FOptDropMarkSize);
2796         end;
2797     end;
2799     C.Brush.Color:= FColorDropMark;
2800     C.FillRect(R);
2801   end;
2802 end;
GetScrollMarkNeedednull2805 function TATTabs.GetScrollMarkNeeded: boolean;
2806 begin
2807   if TabCount=0 then
2808     Result:= false
2809   else
2810   if FScrollPos>0 then
2811     Result:= true
2812   else
2813   case FOptPosition of
2814     atpTop,
2815     atpBottom:
2816       begin
2817         if not FOptVarWidth and not FOptMultiline then
2818           Result:= FTabWidth<=DoScale(FOptTabWidthMinimal)
2819         else
2820           Result:= GetMaxScrollPos>0;
2821       end;
2822     else
2823       begin
2824         Result:= GetMaxScrollPos>0;
2825       end;
2826   end;
2827 end;
2829 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintScrollMark(C: TCanvas);
2830 var
2831   NPos, NSize, NIndent: integer;
2832   R: TRect;
2833 begin
2834   if not FScrollingNeeded then exit;
2836   if not FActualMultiline then
2837   begin
2838     NPos:= GetMaxScrollPos;
2839     NSize:= Width - FRealIndentLeft - FRealIndentRight;
2841     if NPos>0 then
2842     begin
2843       R.Top:= IfThen(FOptPosition=atpBottom, DoScale(FOptTabHeight) + DoScale(FOptSpacer), 0);
2844       R.Bottom:= R.Top + DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeY);
2846       R.Left:= FRealIndentLeft +
2847         Max(0, Min(
2848           NSize-DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeX),
2849           Int64(FScrollPos) * (NSize-DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeX)) div NPos
2850         ));
2851       R.Right:= R.Left + DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeX);
2853       C.Brush.Color:= FColorScrollMark;
2854       C.FillRect(R);
2855     end;
2856   end
2857   else
2858   begin
2859     NIndent:= GetInitialVerticalIndent;
2860     NPos:= GetMaxScrollPos;
2861     NSize:= Height-NIndent;
2863     if NPos>0 then
2864     begin
2865       R.Top:= NIndent +
2866         Max(0, Min(
2867           NSize - DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeX),
2868           Int64(FScrollPos) * (NSize-DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeX)) div NPos
2869           ));
2870       R.Bottom:= R.Top + DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeX);
2872       if FOptPosition=atpLeft then
2873       begin
2874         R.Left:= 0;
2875         R.Right:= R.Left + DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeY);
2876       end
2877       else
2878       begin
2879         R.Right:= Width;
2880         R.Left:= R.Right - DoScale(FOptScrollMarkSizeY);
2881       end;
2883       C.Brush.Color:= FColorScrollMark;
2884       C.FillRect(R);
2885     end;
2886   end;
2887 end;
2889 procedure TATTabs.SetOptButtonLayout(const AValue: string);
2890 begin
2891   //if FOptButtonLayout=AValue then Exit;
2892   FOptButtonLayout:= AValue;
2893   ApplyButtonLayout;
2894   Invalidate;
2895 end;
2897 procedure TATTabs.SetOptScalePercents(AValue: integer);
2898 begin
2899   if FOptScalePercents=AValue then Exit;
2900   FOptScalePercents:= AValue;
2901   ApplyButtonLayout;
2902   Invalidate;
2903 end;
2905 procedure TATTabs.SetOptVarWidth(AValue: boolean);
2906 begin
2907   if FOptVarWidth=AValue then Exit;
2908   FOptVarWidth:= AValue;
2909   if not AValue then
2910     FScrollPos:= 0;
2911   Invalidate;
2912 end;
GetTabAtnull2915 function TATTabs.GetTabAt(AX, AY: integer; out APressedX: boolean): integer;
2916 var
2917   Pnt: TPoint;
2918   RectTab: TRect;
2919   D: TATTabData;
2920   ok: boolean;
2921   i: integer;
2922 begin
2923   Result:= cTabIndexNone;
2924   APressedX:= false;
2925   Pnt:= Point(AX, AY);
2927   if PtInRect(FRectArrowLeft, Pnt) then
2928   begin
2929     Result:= cTabIndexArrowScrollLeft;
2930     Exit
2931   end;
2933   if PtInRect(FRectArrowRight, Pnt) then
2934   begin
2935     Result:= cTabIndexArrowScrollRight;
2936     Exit
2937   end;
2939   if PtInRect(FRectArrowDown, Pnt) then
2940   begin
2941     Result:= cTabIndexArrowMenu;
2942     Exit
2943   end;
2945   if PtInRect(FRectButtonPlus, Pnt) then
2946   begin
2947     Result:= cTabIndexPlusBtn;
2948     Exit
2949   end;
2951   if PtInRect(FRectButtonClose, Pnt) then
2952   begin
2953     Result:= cTabIndexCloseBtn;
2954     Exit
2955   end;
2957   if PtInRect(FRectButtonUser0, Pnt) then
2958   begin
2959     Result:= cTabIndexUser0;
2960     Exit
2961   end;
2963   if PtInRect(FRectButtonUser1, Pnt) then
2964   begin
2965     Result:= cTabIndexUser1;
2966     Exit
2967   end;
2969   if PtInRect(FRectButtonUser2, Pnt) then
2970   begin
2971     Result:= cTabIndexUser2;
2972     Exit
2973   end;
2975   if PtInRect(FRectButtonUser3, Pnt) then
2976   begin
2977     Result:= cTabIndexUser3;
2978     Exit
2979   end;
2981   if PtInRect(FRectButtonUser4, Pnt) then
2982   begin
2983     Result:= cTabIndexUser4;
2984     Exit
2985   end;
2987   //normal tab?
2988   for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
2989   begin
2990     D:= GetTabData(i);
2991     if D=nil then Continue;
2992     if not D.TabVisible then Continue;
2994     RectTab:= GetRectScrolled(D.TabRect);
2995     if RectTab=cRect0 then Continue;
2997     if FActualMultiline then
2998     begin
2999       if RectTab.Top>Pnt.Y then Break;
3000     end
3001     else
3002     begin
3003       if RectTab.Left>Pnt.X then Break;
3004     end;
3006     if PtInRect(RectTab, Pnt) then
3007     begin
3008       Result:= i;
3009       APressedX:= D.TabVisibleX and PtInRect(GetRectScrolled(D.TabRectX), Pnt);
3010       Exit;
3011     end;
3012   end;
3014   //plus tab?
3015   if FOptShowPlusTab then
3016     if PtInRect(FRectTabPlus_Scrolled, Pnt) then
3017     begin
3018       Result:= cTabIndexPlus;
3019       Exit
3020     end;
3022   //empty area after last tab?
3023   RectTab:= FRectTabLast_Scrolled;
3024   if RectTab<>cRect0 then
3025   begin
3026     if FOptPosition in [atpTop, atpBottom] then
3027       ok:= (AX>=RectTab.Right) and (AY>=RectTab.Top) and (AY<RectTab.Bottom)
3028     else
3029       ok:= (AY>=RectTab.Bottom) and (AX>=RectTab.Left) and (AX<RectTab.Right);
3030     if ok then
3031     begin
3032       Result:= cTabIndexEmptyArea;
3033       Exit;
3034     end;
3035   end;
3036 end;
3038 procedure TATTabs.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer);
3039 var
3040   IsClick, IsDblClick: boolean;
3041 begin
3042   inherited;
3043   IsClick:= FMouseDown and
3044     (Abs(X-FMouseDownPnt.X) < cTabsMouseMaxDistanceToClick) and
3045     (Abs(Y-FMouseDownPnt.Y) < cTabsMouseMaxDistanceToClick);
3046   IsDblClick:= IsClick and FMouseDownDbl;
3047   //IsRightClick:= FMouseDownRightBtn and
3048   //  (Abs(X-FMouseDownPnt.X) < cTabsMouseMaxDistanceToClick) and
3049   //  (Abs(Y-FMouseDownPnt.Y) < cTabsMouseMaxDistanceToClick);
3051   FMouseDown:= false;
3052   FMouseDownDbl:= false;
3053   FMouseDownRightBtn:= false;
3054   FMouseDragBegins:= false;
3055   Cursor:= crDefault;
3056   Screen.Cursor:= crDefault;
3058   if IsDblClick then
3059   begin
3060     if Assigned(FOnTabDblClick) and (FTabIndexOver>=0) then
3061       FOnTabDblClick(Self, FTabIndexOver);
3063     if FOptMouseDoubleClickClose and (FTabIndexOver>=0) then
3064       DeleteTab(FTabIndexOver, true, true)
3065     else
3066     if FOptMouseDoubleClickPlus and (FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexEmptyArea) then
3067       if Assigned(FOnTabPlusClick) then
3068         FOnTabPlusClick(Self);
3069     Exit
3070   end;
3072   if IsClick then
3073   begin
3074     DoHandleClick;
3075     Invalidate;
3076     Exit
3077   end;
3078 end;
3080 procedure TATTabs.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
3081   X, Y: integer);
3082 var
3083   IsX: boolean;
3084 begin
3085   inherited;
3086   FMouseDown:= Button in [mbLeft, mbMiddle]; //but not mbRight
3087   FMouseDownRightBtn:= (Button = mbRight);
3088   FMouseDownPnt:= Point(X, Y);
3089   FMouseDownButton:= Button;
3090   FMouseDownShift:= Shift;
3091   FMouseDragBegins:= false;
3093   FTabIndexOver:= GetTabAt(X, Y, IsX);
3095   //activate tab only if not X clicked
3096   if not IsX then
3097     //if TabIndex<>FTabIndexOver then //with this check, CudaText cannot focus active tab in passive tab-group
3098       TabIndex:= FTabIndexOver;
3100   Invalidate;
3101 end;
3104 procedure TATTabs.DoHandleClick;
3105 var
3106   Action: TATTabActionOnClose;
3107   D: TATTabData;
3108   R: TRect;
3109 begin
3110   if FMouseDownButton=mbMiddle then
3111   begin
3112     if FOptMouseMiddleClickClose then
3113       if FTabIndexOver>=0 then
3114         DeleteTab(FTabIndexOver, true, true);
3115     Exit;
3116   end;
3118   if FMouseDownButton=mbLeft then
3119   begin
3120     case FTabIndexOver of
3121       cTabIndexArrowMenu:
3122         begin
3123           EndDrag(false);
3124           FTabIndexOver:= -1;
3125           Invalidate;
3126           ShowTabMenu;
3127         end;
3129       cTabIndexArrowScrollLeft:
3130         DoScrollLeft;
3132       cTabIndexArrowScrollRight:
3133         DoScrollRight;
3135       cTabIndexUser0:
3136         DoClickUser(0);
3137       cTabIndexUser1:
3138         DoClickUser(1);
3139       cTabIndexUser2:
3140         DoClickUser(2);
3141       cTabIndexUser3:
3142         DoClickUser(3);
3143       cTabIndexUser4:
3144         DoClickUser(4);
3146       cTabIndexPlus,
3147       cTabIndexPlusBtn:
3148         begin
3149           EndDrag(false);
3150           FTabIndexOver:= -1;
3151           if Assigned(FOnTabPlusClick) then
3152             FOnTabPlusClick(Self);
3153         end;
3155       cTabIndexCloseBtn:
3156         begin
3157           Action:= aocDefault;
3158           if Assigned(FOnTabGetCloseAction) then
3159             FOnTabGetCloseAction(Self, Action);
3160           DeleteTab(FTabIndex, true, true, Action);
3161         end
3163       else
3164         begin
3165           D:= GetTabData(FTabIndexOver);
3166           if Assigned(D) and D.TabVisibleX then
3167           begin
3168             R:= GetRectScrolled(D.TabRectX);
3169             if PtInRect(R, FMouseDownPnt) then
3170             begin
3171               EndDrag(false);
3172               DeleteTab(FTabIndexOver, true, true);
3173               exit
3174             end;
3175           end;
3177           {
3178           //normal click on tab caption - was handled on MouseDown before
3179           if Assigned(FOnTabClick) then
3180             FOnTabClick(Self);
3181             }
3182         end;
3183     end;
3184   end;
3185 end;
3187 procedure TATTabs.DoHandleRightClick;
3188 var
3189   P: TPoint;
3190   D: TATTabData;
3191 begin
3192   if (FTabIndex=FTabIndexOver) then // to check if click was processed as a valid click on a tab
3193   begin
3194     D:= GetTabData(FTabIndex);
3195     if Assigned(D) and Assigned(D.TabPopupMenu) then
3196     begin
3197       P:= ClientToScreen(FMouseDownPnt);
3198       D.TabPopupMenu.PopUp(P.X, P.Y);
3199     end;
3200   end;
3201 end;
3203 type
3204   TControlHack = class(TControl);
3206 procedure TATTabs.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer);
3207 var
3208   IsX: boolean;
3209   Data: TATTabData;
3210 begin
3211   inherited;
3213   if TabCount=0 then
3214   begin
3215     Invalidate; //cleans up <> v and x highlights if no tabs
3216     exit;
3217   end;
3219   // LCL dragging with DragMode=automatic is started too early.
3220   // so use DragMode=manual and DragStart.
3221   if OptMouseDragEnabled and FMouseDown and (FMouseDownButton=mbLeft) and not _IsDrag then
3222   begin
3223     BeginDrag(false, Mouse.DragThreshold);
3224     {$ifdef fpc}
3225     //needed for Lazarus, when dragging tab below the control to another ATTabs
3226     //but it's bad for Delphi
3227     Screen.Cursor:= crDrag;
3228     {$endif}
3229     Exit
3230   end;
3232   FTabIndexOver:= GetTabAt(X, Y, IsX);
3233   FTabIndexDrop:= FTabIndexOver;
3234   if FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexNone then exit;
3235   Data:= nil;
3237   if ShowHint then
3238   begin
3239     if IsX then
3240       FTabIndexHinted:= cTabIndexCloseBtn
3241     else
3242       FTabIndexHinted:= FTabIndexOver;
3244     if FTabIndexHinted<>FTabIndexHintedPrev then
3245     begin
3246       FTabIndexHintedPrev:= FTabIndexHinted;
3247       Hint:= '';
3248       case FTabIndexHinted of
3249         cTabIndexPlus,
3250         cTabIndexPlusBtn:
3251           Hint:= FHintForPlus;
3252         cTabIndexArrowScrollLeft:
3253           Hint:= FHintForArrowLeft;
3254         cTabIndexArrowScrollRight:
3255           Hint:= FHintForArrowRight;
3256         cTabIndexArrowMenu:
3257           Hint:= FHintForArrowMenu;
3258         cTabIndexCloseBtn:
3259           Hint:= FHintForX;
3260         cTabIndexUser0:
3261           Hint:= FHintForUser0;
3262         cTabIndexUser1:
3263           Hint:= FHintForUser1;
3264         cTabIndexUser2:
3265           Hint:= FHintForUser2;
3266         cTabIndexUser3:
3267           Hint:= FHintForUser3;
3268         cTabIndexUser4:
3269           Hint:= FHintForUser4;
3270         0..10000:
3271           begin
3272             Data:= GetTabData(FTabIndexOver);
3273             if Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabHint<>'') then
3274               Hint:= Data.TabHint;
3275           end;
3276       end; //case
3278       if Hint<>'' then
3279         Application.ActivateHint(Mouse.CursorPos)
3280       else
3281       begin
3282         Application.HideHint;
3283         FTabIndexHintedPrev:= cTabIndexNone;
3284       end;
3285     end;
3286   end; //if ShowHint
3288   if Assigned(Data) then
3289     if Assigned(FOnTabOver) then
3290       FOnTabOver(Self, FTabIndexOver);
3292   //repaint only if really needed
3293   //use {$define tab_paint_counter} to debug it
3294   if (FTabIndexOver<>FLastOverIndex) or (IsX<>FLastOverX) then
3295   begin
3296     Invalidate;
3297   end;
3298 end;
TATTabs.DoMouseWheelnull3300 function TATTabs.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
3301 var
3302   bToRight: boolean;
3303   bSwitchTab: boolean;
3304 begin
3305   Result:= false;
3306   bSwitchTab:= false;
3308   case FOptMouseWheelMode of
3309     amwIgnoreWheel:
3310       exit;
3311     amwNormalScroll:
3312       begin
3313         bSwitchTab:= ssShift in Shift;
3314         if bSwitchTab then exit;
3315       end;
3316     amwNormalScrollAndShiftSwitch:
3317       begin
3318         bSwitchTab:= ssShift in Shift;
3319       end;
3320     amwNormalSwitch:
3321       begin
3322         bSwitchTab:= not (ssShift in Shift);
3323         if not bSwitchTab then exit;
3324       end;
3325     amwNormalSwitchAndShiftScroll:
3326       begin
3327         bSwitchTab:= not (ssShift in Shift);
3328       end;
3329   end;
3331   bToRight:= WheelDelta<0;
3333   if bSwitchTab then
3334   begin
3335     SwitchTab(bToRight, false{LoopAtEdge});
3336   end
3337   else
3338   begin
3339     if bToRight then
3340       DoScrollRight
3341     else
3342       DoScrollLeft;
3343   end;
3345   Result:= true;
3346 end;
3348 procedure TATTabs.Resize;
3349 begin
3350   inherited;
3351   FTabsResized:= true;
3353   if Assigned(FBitmap) then
3354     BitmapResizeBySteps(FBitmap, Width, Height);
3356   if FOptActiveVisibleOnResize then
3357     if FTabIndex>=0 then
3358       MakeVisible(FTabIndex);
3360   //auto-scroll tabs to right when width is shrinked
3361   if FScrollPos>0 then
3362     FScrollPos:= Min(FScrollPos, GetMaxScrollPos);
3364   Invalidate;
3365 end;
TATTabs.AddTabnull3368 function TATTabs.AddTab(
3369   AIndex: integer;
3370   const ACaption: TATTabString;
3371   AObject: TObject = nil;
3372   AModified: boolean = false;
3373   AColor: TColor = clNone;
3374   AImageIndex: TImageIndex = -1): TATTabData;
3375 var
3376   Data: TATTabData;
3377 begin
3378   FTabsChanged:= true;
3380   Data:= TATTabData(FTabList.Add);
3381   if IsIndexOk(AIndex) then
3382     Data.Index:= AIndex
3383   else
3384     AIndex:= TabCount-1;
3386   Data.TabCaption:= ACaption;
3387   //Data.TabHint:= AHint;
3388   Data.TabObject:= AObject;
3389   Data.TabModified:= AModified;
3390   Data.TabColor:= AColor;
3391   Data.TabImageIndex:= AImageIndex;
3392   //Data.TabPopupMenu:= APopupMenu;
3393   //Data.TabFontStyle:= AFontStyle;
3394   //Data.TabSpecial:= ASpecial;
3396   FTabIndexHinted:= cTabIndexNone;
3397   FTabIndexHintedPrev:= cTabIndexNone;
3399   Invalidate;
3401   if Assigned(FOnTabMove) then
3402     FOnTabMove(Self, -1, AIndex);
3404   Result:= Data;
3405 end;
3407 procedure TATTabs.AddTab(AIndex: integer; AData: TATTabData);
3408 var
3409   Data: TATTabData;
3410 begin
3411   Data:= TATTabData(FTabList.Add);
3412   Data.Assign(AData);
3413   if IsIndexOk(AIndex) then
3414     Data.Index:= AIndex
3415   else
3416   begin
3417     AIndex:= TabCount-1;
3418     Data.Index:= AIndex;
3419   end;
3421   FTabIndexHinted:= cTabIndexNone;
3422   FTabIndexHintedPrev:= cTabIndexNone;
3424   Invalidate;
3426   if Assigned(FOnTabMove) then
3427     FOnTabMove(Self, -1, AIndex);
3428 end;
TATTabs.DeleteTabnull3430 function TATTabs.DeleteTab(AIndex: integer;
3431   AAllowEvent, AWithCancelBtn: boolean;
3432   AAction: TATTabActionOnClose=aocDefault): boolean;
3433   //
3434   procedure _ActivateRightTab;
3435   begin
3436     if FTabIndex>AIndex then
3437       SetTabIndexEx(FTabIndex-1, true)
3438     else
3439     if (FTabIndex=AIndex) and (FTabIndex>0) and (FTabIndex>=TabCount) then
3440       SetTabIndex(FTabIndex-1)
3441     else
3442     if FTabIndex=AIndex then
3443       SetTabIndex(FTabIndex);
3444   end;
3445   //
3446   procedure _ActivateRecentTab;
3447   var
3448     Idx, i: integer;
3449     Tick, TickMax: Int64;
3450   begin
3451     TickMax:= 0;
3452     Idx:= -1;
3453     for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
3454     begin
3455       Tick:= GetTabTick(i);
3456       if Tick>TickMax then
3457       begin
3458         TickMax:= Tick;
3459         Idx:= i;
3460       end;
3461     end;
3462     if Idx>=0 then
3463       SetTabIndex(Idx)
3464     else
3465       _ActivateRightTab;
3466   end;
3467   //
3468 var
3469   CanClose, CanContinue: boolean;
3470   NMax: integer;
3471 begin
3472   FTabsChanged:= true;
3473   FMouseDown:= false;
3475   if AAllowEvent then
3476   begin
3477     CanClose:= true;
3478     CanContinue:= AWithCancelBtn;
3480     if Assigned(FOnTabClose) then
3481       FOnTabClose(Self, AIndex, CanClose, CanContinue);
3483     if AWithCancelBtn and not CanContinue then
3484       begin Result:= false; Exit end;
3485     if not CanClose then
3486       begin Result:= true; Exit end;
3487   end;
3489   if IsIndexOk(AIndex) then
3490   begin
3491     FTabIndexHinted:= cTabIndexNone;
3492     FTabIndexHintedPrev:= cTabIndexNone;
3494     FTabList.Delete(AIndex);
3496     if AAction=aocDefault then
3497       AAction:= FOptWhichActivateOnClose;
3499     case AAction of
3500       aocNone:
3501         begin end;
3502       aocRight:
3503         _ActivateRightTab;
3504       aocRecent:
3505         _ActivateRecentTab;
3506       else
3507         _ActivateRightTab;
3508     end;
3510     //if lot of tabs were opened, and closed last tab, need to scroll all tabs righter
3511     NMax:= GetMaxScrollPos;
3512     if ScrollPos>NMax then
3513       ScrollPos:= NMax;
3515     Invalidate;
3517     if (TabCount=0) then
3518       if Assigned(FOnTabEmpty) then
3519         FOnTabEmpty(Self);
3521     if Assigned(FOnTabMove) then
3522       FOnTabMove(Self, AIndex, -1);
3523   end;
3525   Result:= true;
3526 end;
3528 procedure TATTabs.SetTabIndex(AIndex: integer);
3529 begin
3530   SetTabIndexEx(AIndex, false);
3531 end;
3533 procedure TATTabs.SetTabIndexEx(AIndex: integer; ADisableEvent: boolean);
3534 //note: check "if AIndex=FTabIndex" must not be here, must be in outer funcs.
3535 //Sometimes SetTabIndex(TabIndex) is used in CudaText: do focus of clicked tab, and in DeleteTab.
3536 var
3537   CanChange, DisableEvent, TabChanged: boolean;
3538 begin
3539   if csLoading in ComponentState then
3540     FTabIndexLoaded:= AIndex;
3541   DisableEvent:= (csLoading in ComponentState) or ADisableEvent;
3542   TabChanged:= AIndex<>FTabIndex;
3544   if IsIndexOk(AIndex) then
3545   begin
3546     CanChange:= true;
3547     if Assigned(FOnTabChangeQuery) then
3548     begin
3549       FOnTabChangeQuery(Self, AIndex, CanChange);
3550       if not CanChange then Exit;
3551     end;
3553     FTabIndex:= AIndex;
3555     MakeVisible(AIndex);
3556     Invalidate;
3558     if not DisableEvent then
3559     begin
3560       if Assigned(FOnTabClick) then
3561         FOnTabClick(Self);
3563       if Assigned(FOnTabChanged) and TabChanged then
3564         FOnTabChanged(Self);
3565     end;
3566   end;
3567 end;
TATTabs.HideTabnull3569 function TATTabs.HideTab(AIndex: integer): boolean;
3570 begin
3571   Result:= IsIndexOk(AIndex);
3572   if Result then
3573   begin
3574     GetTabData(AIndex).TabVisible:= false;
3575     // if the deleted tab has focus then this needs to shift to the next
3576     // tab or - if there are none - to the first
3577     if AIndex=TabIndex then
3578     begin
3579       if IsIndexOk(AIndex+1) then
3580         SetTabIndex(AIndex+1)
3581       else
3582         SetTabIndex(0);
3583     end;
3584   end;
3585 end;
ShowTabnull3587 function TATTabs.ShowTab(AIndex: integer): boolean;
3588 begin
3589   Result:= IsIndexOk(AIndex);
3590   if Result then
3591   begin
3592     GetTabData(AIndex).TabVisible:= true;
3593     SetTabIndex(AIndex);
3594   end;
3595 end;
GetTabDatanull3597 function TATTabs.GetTabData(AIndex: integer): TATTabData;
3598 begin
3599   if IsIndexOk(AIndex) then
3600     Result:= TATTabData(FTabList.Items[AIndex])
3601   else
3602     Result:= nil;
3603 end;
3605 {$ifdef windows}
3606 //needed to remove flickering on resize and mouse-over
3607 procedure TATTabs.WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TMessage);
3608 begin
3609   Message.Result:= 1;
3610 end;
3611 {$endif}
3613 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintArrowTo(C: TCanvas; ATyp: TATTabTriangle; ARect: TRect;
3614   AActive, AEnabled: boolean);
3615 var
3616   Pic: TATTabsPicture;
3617   NColor: TColor;
3618 begin
3619   if FThemed then
3620   begin
3621     if AActive then
3622       case ATyp of
3623         atriLeft: Pic:= FPic_Arrow_L_a;
3624         atriRight: Pic:= FPic_Arrow_R_a;
3625         atriDown: Pic:= FPic_Arrow_D_a;
3626         else exit;
3627       end
3628     else
3629       case ATyp of
3630         atriLeft: Pic:= FPic_Arrow_L;
3631         atriRight: Pic:= FPic_Arrow_R;
3632         atriDown: Pic:= FPic_Arrow_D;
3633         else exit;
3634       end;
3635     Pic.Draw(C,
3636       (ARect.Left+ARect.Right-Pic.Width) div 2,
3637       (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom-Pic.Height) div 2
3638       );
3639     exit;
3640   end;
3642   if not AEnabled then
3643     NColor:= ColorBlendHalf(FColorArrow, FColorBg)
3644   else
3645   if AActive and not _IsDrag then
3646     NColor:= FColorArrowOver
3647   else
3648     NColor:= FColorArrow;
3650   DrawTriangleType(C, ATyp, ARect, NColor, DoScale(FOptArrowSize) div 2);
3651 end;
GetIndexOfButtonnull3654 function TATTabs.GetIndexOfButton(const AButtons: TATTabButtons; ABtn: TATTabButton): integer;
3655 var
3656   i: integer;
3657 begin
3658   Result:= -1;
3659   for i:= 0 to Length(AButtons)-1 do
3660     if AButtons[i].Id=ABtn then
3661       begin Result:= i; exit; end;
3662 end;
TATTabs.GetButtonsEdgeCoordnull3664 function TATTabs.GetButtonsEdgeCoord(AtLeft: boolean): integer;
3665 begin
3666   if AtLeft then
3667   begin
3668     Result:= DoScale(FOptSpaceInitial);
3669     case FOptPosition of
3670       atpLeft:
3671         Inc(Result, DoScale(FOptSpacer));
3672       atpRight:
3673         Inc(Result, DoScale(FOptSpacer2));
3674     end;
3675   end
3676   else
3677   begin
3678     Result:= Width;
3679     case FOptPosition of
3680       atpLeft:
3681         Dec(Result, DoScale(FOptSpacer2));
3682       atpRight:
3683         Dec(Result, DoScale(FOptSpacer));
3684     end;
3685   end;
3686 end;
GetRectOfButtonIndexnull3688 function TATTabs.GetRectOfButtonIndex(AIndex: integer; AtLeft: boolean): TRect;
3689 var
3690   NPos, i: integer;
3691 begin
3692   NPos:= GetButtonsEdgeCoord(AtLeft);
3693   if AtLeft then
3694   begin
3695     for i:= 0 to AIndex do
3696     begin
3697       Result.Left:= NPos;
3698       Result.Right:= Result.Left+FButtonsLeft[i].Size;
3699       NPos:= Result.Right;
3700     end;
3701   end
3702   else
3703   begin
3704     for i:= 0 to AIndex do
3705     begin
3706       Result.Right:= NPos;
3707       Result.Left:= Result.Right-FButtonsRight[i].Size;
3708       NPos:= Result.Left;
3709     end;
3710   end;
3712   if FOptPosition in [atpTop, atpBottom] then
3713     Result.Top:= DoScale(FOptSpacer)
3714   else
3715     Result.Top:= 0;
3717   Result.Bottom:= Result.Top+DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
3719   if FOptPosition=atpBottom then
3720     Inc(Result.Top);
3721 end;
GetRectOfButtonnull3723 function TATTabs.GetRectOfButton(AButton: TATTabButton): TRect;
3724 var
3725   N: integer;
3726 begin
3727   Result:= cRect0;
3729   N:= GetIndexOfButton(FButtonsLeft, AButton);
3730   if N>=0 then
3731     Result:= GetRectOfButtonIndex(N, true)
3732   else
3733   begin
3734     N:= GetIndexOfButton(FButtonsRight, AButton);
3735     if N>=0 then
3736       Result:= GetRectOfButtonIndex(N, false);
3737   end;
3738 end;
3741 procedure TATTabs.ShowTabMenu;
3742 var
3743   mi: TMenuItem;
3744   P: TPoint;
3745   i: integer;
3746   bShow: boolean;
3747   Data: TATTabData;
3748 begin
3749   if Assigned(TabMenuExternal) then
3750   begin
3751     P:= Point(FRectArrowDown.Left, FRectArrowDown.Bottom);
3752     P:= ClientToScreen(P);
3753     TabMenuExternal.Popup(P.X, P.Y);
3754     exit;
3755   end;
3757   if TabCount=0 then Exit;
3759   bShow:= true;
3760   if Assigned(FOnTabMenu) then
3761     FOnTabMenu(Self, bShow);
3762   if not bShow then Exit;
3764   if not Assigned(FTabMenu) then
3765     FTabMenu:= TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
3766   FTabMenu.Items.Clear;
3768   for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
3769   begin
3770     Data:= GetTabData(i);
3771     if Data.TabVisible then
3772     begin
3773       mi:= TMenuItem.Create(Self);
3774       mi.Tag:= i;
3775       mi.Caption:= GetTabData(i).TabCaptionFull;
3776       mi.OnClick:= TabMenuClick;
3777       mi.RadioItem:= true;
3778       mi.Checked:= i=FTabIndex;
3779       FTabMenu.Items.Add(mi);
3780     end;
3781   end;
3782   P:= Point(FRectArrowDown.Left, FRectArrowDown.Bottom);
3783   P:= ClientToScreen(P);
3784   FTabMenu.Popup(P.X, P.Y);
3785 end;
3787 procedure TATTabs.TabMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
3788 begin
3789   SetTabIndex((Sender as TComponent).Tag);
3790 end;
3792 procedure TATTabs.UpdateTabWidths;
3793 var
3794   NValue, NCount: integer;
3795 begin
3796   if FOptVarWidth then Exit;
3798   NCount:= TabCount;
3799   if NCount=0 then Exit;
3801   if FOptPosition in [atpLeft, atpRight] then
3802   begin
3803     FTabWidth:= Width-DoScale(FOptSpacer);
3804     exit
3805   end;
3807   //tricky formula: calculate auto-width
3808   NValue:= (Width
3809     - IfThen(FOptShowPlusTab, GetTabWidth_Plus_Raw + DoScale(FOptSpaceBeforeText+FOptSpaceAfterText))
3810     - FRealIndentLeft
3811     - FRealIndentRight
3812     - FOptSpaceSide
3813     ) div NCount
3814       - DoScale(FOptSpaceBetweenTabs);
3816   NValue:= Max(NValue, DoScale(FOptTabWidthMinimal));
3817   NValue:= Min(NValue, DoScale(FOptTabWidthNormal));
3819   FTabWidth:= NValue;
3820 end;
TATTabs.GetTabVisibleXnull3822 function TATTabs.GetTabVisibleX(AIndex: integer; const D: TATTabData): boolean;
3823 begin
3824   if Width<FOptMinimalWidthForSides then
3825     exit(false);
3827   case FOptShowXButtons of
3828     atbxShowNone:
3829       Result:= false;
3830     atbxShowAll:
3831       Result:= true;
3832     atbxShowActive:
3833       Result:= AIndex=FTabIndex;
3834     atbxShowMouseOver:
3835       Result:= AIndex=FTabIndexOver;
3836     atbxShowActiveAndMouseOver:
3837       Result:= (AIndex=FTabIndex) or (AIndex=FTabIndexOver);
3838     else
3839       Result:= false;
3840   end;
3842   if Result then
3843   begin
3844     if D.TabHideXButton then
3845     begin
3846       Result:= false;
3847       Exit
3848     end;
3850     if not FOptVarWidth then
3851       if FOptPosition in [atpTop, atpBottom] then
3852         if FTabWidth<DoScale(FOptTabWidthMinimalHidesX) then
3853         begin
3854           Result:= false;
3855           Exit
3856         end;
3857   end;
3858 end;
3860 procedure TATTabs.DoTabDrop;
3861 var
3862   NFrom, NTo: integer;
3863   ACanDrop: boolean;
3864 begin
3865   NFrom:= FTabIndex;
3866   if not IsIndexOk(NFrom) then Exit;
3867   NTo:= FTabIndexDrop;
3868   if not IsIndexOk(NTo) then
3869     NTo:= TabCount-1;
3870   if NFrom=NTo then Exit;
3872   ACanDrop:= true;
3873   if Assigned(FOnTabDropQuery) then
3874     FOnTabDropQuery(Self, NFrom, NTo, ACanDrop);
3875   if not ACanDrop then Exit;
3877   FTabList.Items[NFrom].Index:= NTo;
3878   SetTabIndex(NTo);
3880   if Assigned(FOnTabMove) then
3881     FOnTabMove(Self, NFrom, NTo);
3882 end;
3884 procedure TATTabs.MoveTab(AFrom, ATo: integer; AActivateThen: boolean);
3885 begin
3886   if not IsIndexOk(AFrom) then exit;
3887   if not IsIndexOk(ATo) then exit;
3888   if AFrom=ATo then exit;
3890   FTabList.Items[AFrom].Index:= ATo;
3891   if AActivateThen then
3892     SetTabIndex(ATo);
3893 end;
TATTabs.FindTabByObjectnull3895 function TATTabs.FindTabByObject(AObject: TObject): integer;
3896 var
3897   D: TATTabData;
3898   i: integer;
3899 begin
3900   Result:= -1;
3901   for i:= 0 to TabCount-1 do
3902   begin
3903     D:= GetTabData(i);
3904     if D<>nil then
3905       if D.TabObject=AObject then
3906       begin
3907         Result:= i;
3908         exit;
3909       end;
3910   end;
3911 end;
3913 procedure TATTabs.DoTabDropToOtherControl(ATarget: TControl; const APnt: TPoint);
3914 var
3915   ATabs: TATTabs;
3916   NTab, NTabTo: integer;
3917   Data: TATTabData;
3918   P: TPoint;
3919   IsX: boolean;
3920 begin
3921   if not (ATarget is TATTabs) then
3922   begin
3923     if Assigned(TControlHack(ATarget).OnDragDrop) then
3924     begin
3925       P:= APnt;
3926       Data:= GetTabData(FTabIndex);
3927       if Data<>nil then
3928         TControlHack(ATarget).OnDragDrop(ATarget, Data.TabObject, P.X, P.Y);
3929     end;
3930     Exit;
3931   end;
3933   ATabs:= ATarget as TATTabs;
3934   if not ATabs.OptMouseDragEnabled then Exit;
3936   NTab:= FTabIndex;
3937   NTabTo:= ATabs.GetTabAt(APnt.X, APnt.Y, IsX); //-1 is allowed
3939   Data:= GetTabData(NTab);
3940   if Data=nil then Exit;
3942   ATabs.AddTab(NTabTo, Data);
3944   //correct TabObject parent
3945   if Data.TabObject is TWinControl then
3946     if (Data.TabObject as TWinControl).Parent = Self.Parent then
3947       (Data.TabObject as TWinControl).Parent:= ATabs.Parent;
3949   //delete old tab (don't call OnTabClose)
3950   DeleteTab(NTab, false{AllowEvent}, false);
3952   //activate dropped tab
3953   if NTabTo<0 then
3954     ATabs.TabIndex:= ATabs.TabCount-1
3955   else
3956     ATabs.TabIndex:= NTabTo;
3957 end;
GetTabTicknull3959 function TATTabs.GetTabTick(AIndex: integer): Int64;
3960 var
3961   D: TATTabData;
3962 begin
3963   Result:= 0;
3964   if Assigned(FOnTabGetTick) then
3965   begin
3966     D:= GetTabData(AIndex);
3967     if Assigned(D) then
3968       Result:= FOnTabGetTick(Self, D.TabObject);
3969   end;
3970 end;
3972 procedure TATTabs.CMMouseLeave(var Msg: TMessage);
3973 begin
3974   inherited;
3975   FTabIndexOver:= -1;
3976   FTabIndexHinted:= -1;
3977   Invalidate;
3978 end;
3980 procedure TATTabs.SwitchTab(ANext: boolean; ALoopAtEdge: boolean=true);
3981 begin
3982   if TabCount>1 then
3983     if ANext then
3984     begin
3985       if TabIndex=TabCount-1 then
3986       begin
3987         if ALoopAtEdge then
3988           TabIndex:= 0;
3989       end
3990       else
3991         TabIndex:= TabIndex+1;
3992     end
3993     else
3994     begin
3995       if TabIndex=0 then
3996       begin
3997         if ALoopAtEdge then
3998           TabIndex:= TabCount-1;
3999       end
4000       else
4001         TabIndex:= TabIndex-1;
4002     end;
4003 end;
4005 procedure TATTabs.DblClick;
4006 begin
4007   inherited;
4008   FMouseDownDbl:= true;
4009 end;
4011 procedure TATTabs.DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: integer; State: TDragState;
4012   var Accept: Boolean);
4013 var
4014   Limit: integer;
4015   {$ifndef FPC}
4016   IsX: Boolean;
4017   {$endif}
4018 begin
4019   //this is workaround for too early painted drop-mark (vertical red line)
4020   if not FMouseDragBegins then
4021   begin
4022     Limit:= Mouse.DragThreshold;
4023     FMouseDragBegins:= (Abs(X-FMouseDownPnt.X)>=Limit) or (Abs(Y-FMouseDownPnt.Y)>=Limit);
4024   end;
4026   if Source is TATTabs then
4027   begin
4028     Accept:=
4029       FOptMouseDragEnabled and
4030       FOptMouseDragOutEnabled;
4032     // Delphi 7 don't call MouseMove during dragging
4033     {$ifndef fpc}
4034     if Accept then
4035     begin
4036       FTabIndexDrop:= GetTabAt(X, Y, IsX);
4037     end;
4038     {$endif}
4040     if Accept then
4041       Invalidate;
4042   end
4043   else
4044   begin
4045     if not FOptMouseDragFromNotATTabs then
4046       Accept:= false
4047     else
4048       inherited;
4049   end;
4050 end;
4052 procedure TATTabs.DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: integer);
4053 begin
4054   if not (Source is TATTabs) then
4055   begin
4056     inherited;
4057     exit;
4058   end;
4060   if (Source=Self) then
4061   begin
4062     //drop to itself
4063     if (FTabIndexDrop>=0) or
4064       (FTabIndexDrop=cTabIndexPlus) or
4065       (FTabIndexDrop=cTabIndexEmptyArea) then
4066     begin
4067       DoTabDrop;
4068       Invalidate;
4069     end;
4070   end
4071   else
4072   begin
4073     //drop to anoter control
4074     (Source as TATTabs).DoTabDropToOtherControl(Self, Point(X, Y));
4075   end;
4076 end;
TATTabs.DoScalenull4078 function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue: integer): integer;
4079 begin
4080   Result:= AValue * FOptScalePercents div 100;
4081 end;
TATTabs.DoScaleFontnull4083 function TATTabs.DoScaleFont(AValue: integer): integer;
4084 begin
4085   Result:= AValue * FOptFontScale div 100;
4086 end;
TATTabs.GetScrollPageSizenull4088 function TATTabs.GetScrollPageSize: integer;
4089 begin
4090   if not FActualMultiline then
4091     Result:= Width * FOptScrollPagesizePercents div 100
4092   else
4093   if FOptPosition in [atpLeft, atpRight] then
4094     Result:= Height * FOptScrollPagesizePercents div 100
4095   else
4096     Result:= FOptTabHeight+FOptSpacer;
4097 end;
GetMaxEdgePosnull4099 function TATTabs.GetMaxEdgePos: integer;
4100 var
4101   R: TRect;
4102 begin
4103   Result:= 0;
4104   if TabCount=0 then Exit;
4106   R:= FRectTabPlus_NotScrolled;
4107   if FActualMultiline then
4108     Result:= R.Bottom
4109   else
4110     Result:= R.Right;
4111 end;
TATTabs.GetMaxScrollPosnull4113 function TATTabs.GetMaxScrollPos: integer;
4114 begin
4115   Result:= GetMaxEdgePos;
4116   if Result=0 then exit;
4118   if not FActualMultiline then
4119     Result:= Max(0, Result - Width + FRealIndentRight)
4120   else
4121     Result:= Max(0, Result - Height);
4122 end;
4124 procedure TATTabs.DoScrollLeft;
4125 var
4126   NPos: integer;
4127 begin
4128   NPos:= Max(0, FScrollPos-GetScrollPageSize);
4129   if NPos<>FScrollPos then
4130   begin
4131     FScrollPos:= NPos;
4132     Invalidate;
4133   end;
4134 end;
4136 procedure TATTabs.DoScrollRight;
4137 var
4138   NPos: integer;
4139 begin
4140   NPos:= Min(GetMaxScrollPos, FScrollPos+GetScrollPageSize);
4141   if NPos<>FScrollPos then
4142   begin
4143     FScrollPos:= NPos;
4144     Invalidate;
4145   end;
4146 end;
4148 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintButtonPlus(C: TCanvas);
4149 var
4150   bOver: boolean;
4151   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
4152   R: TRect;
4153   NColor: TColor;
4154 begin
4155   bOver:= FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexPlusBtn;
4156   if bOver then
4157     ElemType:= aeButtonPlusOver
4158   else
4159     ElemType:= aeButtonPlus;
4161   R:= FRectButtonPlus;
4163   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, R) then
4164     begin
4165       NColor:= IfThen(
4166         bOver and not _IsDrag,
4167         FColorArrowOver,
4168         FColorArrow);
4170       DoPaintBgTo(C, R);
4171       DrawPlusSign(C, R, DoScale(FOptArrowSize), DoScale(1), NColor);
4172       DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, R);
4173     end;
4174 end;
4176 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintButtonClose(C: TCanvas);
4177 var
4178   bOver: boolean;
4179   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
4180   R: TRect;
4181   NColor: TColor;
4182   NIndent: integer;
4183 begin
4184   bOver:= FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexCloseBtn;
4185   if bOver then
4186     ElemType:= aeButtonCloseOver
4187   else
4188     ElemType:= aeButtonClose;
4190   R:= FRectButtonClose;
4192   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, R) then
4193     begin
4194       NColor:= IfThen(
4195         bOver and not _IsDrag,
4196         FColorArrowOver,
4197         FColorArrow);
4199       NIndent:= (R.Right-R.Left) div 2 - DoScale(FOptArrowSize);
4201       DoPaintBgTo(C, R);
4202       CanvasPaintXMark(C, R, NColor, NIndent, NIndent, 1);
4203       DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, R);
4204     end;
4205 end;
4208 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintArrowDown(C: TCanvas);
4209 var
4210   bOver: boolean;
4211   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
4212 begin
4213   bOver:= FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexArrowMenu;
4214   if bOver then
4215     ElemType:= aeArrowDropdownOver
4216   else
4217     ElemType:= aeArrowDropdown;
4219   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, FRectArrowDown) then
4220     begin
4221       DoPaintBgTo(C, FRectArrowDown);
4222       DoPaintArrowTo(C, atriDown, FRectArrowDown, bOver, true);
4223       DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, FRectArrowDown);
4224     end;
4225 end;
4227 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintArrowLeft(C: TCanvas);
4228 var
4229   bOver: boolean;
4230   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
4231   R: TRect;
4232 begin
4233   bOver:= (TabCount > 0) and (FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexArrowScrollLeft);
4234   if bOver then
4235     ElemType:= aeArrowScrollLeftOver
4236   else
4237     ElemType:= aeArrowScrollLeft;
4239   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, FRectArrowLeft) then
4240     begin
4241       R:= FRectArrowLeft;
4242       if FOptShowArrowsNear then
4243         R.Left:= R.Left * 2 div 3 + R.Right div 3;
4245       DoPaintBgTo(C, FRectArrowLeft);
4246       DoPaintArrowTo(C, atriLeft, R, bOver, FScrollingNeeded);
4247       DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, FRectArrowLeft);
4248     end;
4249 end;
4251 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintArrowRight(C: TCanvas);
4252 var
4253   bOver: boolean;
4254   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
4255   R: TRect;
4256 begin
4257   bOver:= (TabCount > 0) and (FTabIndexOver=cTabIndexArrowScrollRight);
4258   if bOver then
4259     ElemType:= aeArrowScrollRightOver
4260   else
4261     ElemType:= aeArrowScrollRight;
4263   if IsPaintNeeded(ElemType, -1, C, FRectArrowRight) then
4264     begin
4265       R:= FRectArrowRight;
4266       if FOptShowArrowsNear then
4267         R.Right:= R.Left div 3 + R.Right * 2 div 3;
4269       DoPaintBgTo(C, FRectArrowRight);
4270       DoPaintArrowTo(C, atriRight, R, bOver, FScrollingNeeded);
4271       DoPaintAfter(ElemType, -1, C, FRectArrowRight);
4272     end;
4273 end;
SwapStringnull4276 function SwapString(const S: string): string;
4277 var
4278   i: integer;
4279 begin
4280   Result:= '';
4281   SetLength(Result, Length(S));
4282   for i:= 1 to Length(S) do
4283     Result[Length(S)+1-i]:= S[i];
4284 end;
4286 procedure TATTabs.ApplyButtonLayout;
4287   //
4288   procedure UpdateBtns(var Btns: TATTabButtons; const S: string);
4289   var
4290     i: integer;
4291   begin
4292     SetLength(Btns, 0);
4293     for i:= 1 to Length(S) do
4294       case S[i] of
4295         '<': AddTabButton(Btns, atbScrollLeft,   DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4296         '>': AddTabButton(Btns, atbScrollRight,  DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4297         'v': AddTabButton(Btns, atbDropdownMenu, DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4298         '+': AddTabButton(Btns, atbPlus,         DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4299         'x': AddTabButton(Btns, atbClose,        DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4300         '0': AddTabButton(Btns, atbUser0,        DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4301         '1': AddTabButton(Btns, atbUser1,        DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4302         '2': AddTabButton(Btns, atbUser2,        DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4303         '3': AddTabButton(Btns, atbUser3,        DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4304         '4': AddTabButton(Btns, atbUser4,        DoScale(FOptButtonSize));
4305         '_': AddTabButton(Btns, atbSpace,        DoScale(FOptButtonSizeSpace));
4306         '|': AddTabButton(Btns, atbSeparator,    DoScale(FOptButtonSizeSeparator));
4307       end;
4308   end;
4309   //
4310 var
4311   S, SLeft, SRight: string;
4312   N: integer;
4313 begin
4314   S:= FOptButtonLayout;
4315   N:= Pos(',', S);
4316   if N=0 then N:= Length(S)+1;
4317   SLeft:= Copy(S, 1, N-1);
4318   SRight:= Copy(S, N+1, MaxInt);
4320   UpdateBtns(FButtonsLeft, SLeft);
4321   UpdateBtns(FButtonsRight, SwapString(SRight));
4322 end;
4324 procedure TATTabs.DoClickUser(AIndex: integer);
4325 begin
4326   if Assigned(FOnTabClickUserButton) then
4327     FOnTabClickUserButton(Self, AIndex);
4328 end;
4330 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintSeparator(C: TCanvas; const R: TRect);
4331 begin
4332   DoPaintBgTo(C, R);
4333   C.Pen.Color:= FColorSeparator;
4334   C.MoveTo(R.Left, R.Top+DoScale(FOptSpaceSeparator));
4335   C.LineTo(R.Left, R.Bottom-DoScale(FOptSpaceSeparator));
4336 end;
TATTabs.ConvertButtonIdToTabIndexnull4339 function TATTabs.ConvertButtonIdToTabIndex(Id: TATTabButton): integer;
4340 begin
4341   case Id of
4342     atbUser0: Result:= cTabIndexUser0;
4343     atbUser1: Result:= cTabIndexUser1;
4344     atbUser2: Result:= cTabIndexUser2;
4345     atbUser3: Result:= cTabIndexUser3;
4346     atbUser4: Result:= cTabIndexUser4;
4347     else
4348       raise Exception.Create('Unknown button id');
4349   end;
4350 end;
4352 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintSpaceInital(C: TCanvas);
4353 var
4354   R: TRect;
4355 begin
4356   R.Left:= 0;
4357   R.Top:= 0;
4358   R.Right:= DoScale(FOptSpaceInitial);
4359   R.Bottom:= DoScale(FOptTabHeight)+DoScale(FOptSpacer);
4360   DoPaintBgTo(C, R);
4361 end;
4363 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintUserButtons(C: TCanvas; const AButtons: TATTabButtons; AtLeft: boolean);
4364 var
4365   BtnId: TATTabButton;
4366   ElemType: TATTabElemType;
4367   NIndex, i: integer;
4368   R: TRect;
4369 begin
4370   //If we have an OptSpaceInitial > 0 then this "hides" scrolled buttons
4371   //in that small area before the first userbutton:
4372   if FOptPosition in [atpTop, atpBottom] then
4373     if FOptSpaceInitial>0 then
4374       DoPaintSpaceInital(C);
4376   for i:= 0 to Length(AButtons)-1 do
4377   begin
4378     BtnId:= AButtons[i].Id;
4379     R:= GetRectOfButtonIndex(i, AtLeft);
4381     case BtnId of
4382       atbUser0..atbUser4:
4383         begin
4384           NIndex:= ConvertButtonIdToTabIndex(BtnId);
4386           if FTabIndexOver=NIndex then
4387             ElemType:= aeButtonUserOver
4388           else
4389             ElemType:= aeButtonUser;
4391           DoPaintBgTo(C, R);
4392           DoPaintAfter(ElemType, Ord(BtnId)-Ord(atbUser0), C, R);
4393         end;
4394       atbSpace:
4395         begin
4396           DoPaintBgTo(C, R);
4397         end;
4398       atbSeparator:
4399         begin
4400           DoPaintSeparator(C, R);
4401         end
4402     end;
4403   end;
4404 end;
4406 procedure TATTabs.Loaded;
4407 begin
4408   inherited;
4409   TabIndex:= FTabIndexLoaded;
4410 end;
4412 procedure TATTabs.DoContextPopup(MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
4413 begin
4414   inherited;
4415   if not Handled then
4416   begin
4417     DoHandleRightClick;
4418     Handled:= true;
4419   end;
4420 end;
TATTabs.GetButtonsWidthnull4422 function TATTabs.GetButtonsWidth(const B: TATTabButtons): integer;
4423 var
4424   i: integer;
4425 begin
4426   Result:= 0;
4427   for i:= 0 to Length(B)-1 do
4428     Inc(Result, B[i].Size);
4429 end;
GetButtonsEmptynull4431 function TATTabs.GetButtonsEmpty: boolean;
4432 begin
4433   Result:=
4434     (Length(FButtonsLeft)=0) and
4435     (Length(FButtonsRight)=0);
4436 end;
GetInitialVerticalIndentnull4438 function TATTabs.GetInitialVerticalIndent: integer;
4439 begin
4440   if GetButtonsEmpty then
4441     Result:= DoScale(FOptSpaceInitial)
4442   else
4443     Result:= DoScale(FOptTabHeight);
4444 end;
4446 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintColoredBand(C: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor;
4447   APos: TATTabPosition);
4448 var
4449   NColor: TColor;
4450   R: TRect;
4451 begin
4452   case APos of
4453     atpTop:
4454       begin
4455         R.Left:= ARect.Left+1;
4456         R.Right:= ARect.Right-1;
4457         R.Top:= ARect.Top+1-Ord(FOptShowFlat);
4458         R.Bottom:= R.Top+DoScale(FOptColoredBandSize);
4459         if FOptShowFlat then
4460           Inc(R.Right);
4461       end;
4462     atpBottom:
4463       begin
4464         R.Left:= ARect.Left+1;
4465         R.Right:= ARect.Right-1;
4466         R.Bottom:= ARect.Bottom;
4467         R.Top:= R.Bottom-DoScale(FOptColoredBandSize);
4468         if FOptShowFlat then
4469           Inc(R.Right);
4470       end;
4471     atpLeft:
4472       begin
4473         R.Left:= ARect.Left+1-Ord(FOptShowFlat);
4474         R.Right:= R.Left+DoScale(FOptColoredBandSize);
4475         R.Top:= ARect.Top+1;
4476         R.Bottom:= ARect.Bottom-1;
4477       end;
4478     atpRight:
4479       begin
4480         R.Right:= ARect.Right-1+Ord(FOptShowFlat);
4481         R.Left:= R.Right-DoScale(FOptColoredBandSize);
4482         R.Top:= ARect.Top+1;
4483         R.Bottom:= ARect.Bottom-1;
4484       end;
4485   end;
4487   NColor:= C.Brush.Color;
4488   C.Brush.Color:= AColor;
4489   C.FillRect(R);
4490   C.Brush.Color:= NColor;
4491 end;
4493 procedure TATTabs.DoPaintButtonsBG(C: TCanvas);
4494 var
4495   X1, X2: integer;
4496 begin
4497   if FOptPosition in [atpLeft, atpRight] then
4498     if not GetButtonsEmpty then
4499     begin
4500       X1:= GetButtonsEdgeCoord(true);
4501       X2:= GetButtonsEdgeCoord(false);
4502       DoPaintBgTo(C, Rect(X1, 0, X2, DoScale(FOptTabHeight)));
4503     end;
4504 end;
4506 procedure TATTabs.UpdateCanvasAntialiasMode(C: TCanvas);
4507 {$ifdef fpc}
4508 begin
4509   // https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/lazarus/lazarus/-/issues/39416
4510   {$ifndef LCLQt5}
4511   C.AntialiasingMode:= amOn;
4512   {$endif}
4513 end;
4514 {$else}
4515 var
4516   p: TPoint;
4517 begin
4518   GetBrushOrgEx(C.Handle, p);
4519   SetStretchBltMode(C.Handle, HALFTONE);
4520   SetBrushOrgEx(C.Handle, p.x, p.y, @p);
4521 end;
4522 {$endif}
4524 procedure TATTabs.UpdateTabRectsToFillLine(AIndexFrom, AIndexTo: integer; ALastLine: boolean);
4525 var
4526   NDelta, NWidthOfPlus, i: integer;
4527   D: TATTabData;
4528   R: TRect;
4529 begin
4530   D:= GetTabData(AIndexTo);
4531   if D=nil then exit;
4533   if ALastLine and FOptShowPlusTab then
4534     NWidthOfPlus:= GetTabRectWidth(true)
4535   else
4536     NWidthOfPlus:= 0;
4538   NDelta:=
4539     (Width - FRealIndentRight - D.TabRect.Right - NWidthOfPlus)
4540     div (AIndexTo-AIndexFrom+1);
4542   for i:= AIndexFrom to AIndexTo do
4543   begin
4544     D:= GetTabData(i);
4545     if D=nil then Continue;
4546     R:= D.TabRect;
4547     if R=cRect0 then Continue;
4549     Inc(R.Left, (i-AIndexFrom)*NDelta);
4550     Inc(R.Right, (i+1-AIndexFrom)*NDelta);
4552     //width of last tab is not precise (+-2pixels). fix it.
4553     if i=AIndexTo then
4554       R.Right:= Width - FRealIndentRight - NWidthOfPlus;
4556     D.TabRect:= R;
4557   end;
4558 end;
4560 procedure TATTabs.UpdateCaptionProps(C: TCanvas; const ACaption: TATTabString;
4561   out ALineHeight: integer; out ATextSize: TSize);
4562   //
4563   procedure _GetExtent(const S: string; var Ex: TSize);
4564   {$ifdef WIDE}
4565   var
4566     StrW: WideString;
4567   {$endif}
4568   begin
4569     {$ifdef WIDE}
4570     StrW:= UTF8Decode(S);
4571     Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32W(C.Handle, PWideChar(StrW), Length(StrW), Ex);
4572     {$else}
4573     Ex:= C.TextExtent(S);
4574     {$endif}
4575   end;
4576   //
4577 var
4578   Sep: TATStringSeparator;
4579   SepItem: string;
4580   Ex: TSize;
4581 begin
4582   ALineHeight:= 0;
4583   ATextSize.cx:= 0;
4584   ATextSize.cy:= 0;
4586   if Pos(#10, ACaption)=0 then
4587   begin
4588     _GetExtent(ACaption, Ex);
4589     ATextSize.CY:= Ex.CY;
4590     ALineHeight:= Ex.CY;
4591     ATextSize.CX:= Ex.CX;
4592     exit;
4593   end;
4595   Sep.Init({$ifdef WIDE}UTF8Encode{$endif}(ACaption), #10);
4596   while Sep.GetItemStr(SepItem) do
4597   begin
4598     _GetExtent(SepItem, Ex);
4599     Inc(ATextSize.CY, Ex.CY);
4600     ALineHeight:= Max(ALineHeight, Ex.CY);
4601     ATextSize.CX:= Max(ATextSize.CX, Ex.CX);
4602   end;
4603 end;
TATTabs.IsTabVisiblenull4605 function TATTabs.IsTabVisible(AIndex: integer): boolean;
4606 var
4607   D: TATTabData;
4608   R: TRect;
4609 begin
4610   D:= GetTabData(AIndex);
4611   if D=nil then
4612   begin
4613     Result:= false;
4614     exit
4615   end;
4617   R:= D.TabRect;
4618   if R=cRect0 then
4619   begin
4620     Result:= false;
4621     exit
4622   end;
4624   if not FScrollingNeeded then
4625   begin
4626     Result:= true;
4627     exit
4628   end;
4630   R:= GetRectScrolled(R);
4631   if not FActualMultiline then
4632     Result:=
4633       (R.Left >= FRealIndentLeft) and
4634       (R.Right < Width-FRealIndentRight)
4635   else
4636     Result:=
4637       (R.Top >= FRealIndentLeft) and
4638       (R.Bottom < Height-FRealIndentRight);
4639 end;
4641 procedure TATTabs.MakeVisible(AIndex: integer);
4642 var
4643   D: TATTabData;
4644   R: TRect;
4645 begin
4646   //sometimes new tab has not updated Data.TabRect
4647   if FTabsChanged or FTabsResized then
4648   begin
4649     FTabsChanged:= false;
4650     FTabsResized:= false;
4651     if Assigned(FBitmap) then
4652       UpdateTabRects(FBitmap.Canvas);
4653   end;
4655   if not FScrollingNeeded then exit;
4657   if IsTabVisible(AIndex) then exit;
4659   D:= GetTabData(AIndex);
4660   if D=nil then exit;
4661   R:= D.TabRect;
4663   if not FActualMultiline then
4664     FScrollPos:= Min(GetMaxScrollPos, Max(0, R.Left - Width div 2))
4665   else
4666     FScrollPos:= Min(GetMaxScrollPos, Max(0, R.Top - Height div 2));
4668   Invalidate;
4669 end;
4671 procedure TATTabs.SetScrollPos(AValue: integer);
4672 begin
4673   //user suggested to not limit ScrollPos
4674   //AValue:= Max(0, Min(GetMaxScrollPos, AValue) );
4675   if FScrollPos=AValue then exit;
4676   FScrollPos:= AValue;
4677   Invalidate;
4678 end;
TATTabs.GetTabFlatEffectivenull4681 function TATTabs.GetTabFlatEffective(AIndex: integer): boolean;
4682 begin
4683   Result:= FOptShowFlat and not (FOptShowFlatMouseOver and (FTabIndexOver=AIndex));
4684 end;
TATTabs.GetTabBgColor_Passivenull4686 function TATTabs.GetTabBgColor_Passive(AIndex: integer): TColor;
4687 var
4688   Data: TATTabData;
4689 begin
4690   if GetTabFlatEffective(AIndex) then
4691     Result:= FColorBg
4692   else
4693   if (FTabIndexOver=AIndex) and not _IsDrag then
4694     Result:= FColorTabOver
4695   else
4696     Result:= FColorTabPassive;
4698   if FOptShowEntireColor then
4699   begin
4700     Data:= GetTabData(AIndex);
4701     if (FTabIndexOver=AIndex) and not _IsDrag and Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColorOver<>clNone) then
4702       Result:= Data.TabColorOver
4703     else
4704     if Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColor<>clNone) then
4705       Result:= Data.TabColor;
4706   end;
4707 end;
GetTabBgColor_Activenull4709 function TATTabs.GetTabBgColor_Active(AIndex: integer): TColor;
4710 var
4711   Data: TATTabData;
4712 begin
4713   if GetTabFlatEffective(AIndex) then
4714     Result:= FColorBg
4715   else
4716     Result:= FColorTabActive;
4718   if FOptShowEntireColor then
4719   begin
4720     Data:= GetTabData(AIndex);
4721     if Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColorActive<>clNone) then
4722       Result:= Data.TabColorActive
4723     else
4724     if Assigned(Data) and (Data.TabColor<>clNone) then
4725       Result:= Data.TabColor;
4726   end;
4727 end;
TATTabs.GetPositionInvertednull4729 function TATTabs.GetPositionInverted(APos: TATTabPosition): TATTabPosition;
4730 begin
4731   case APos of
4732     atpTop:
4733       Result:= atpBottom;
4734     atpBottom:
4735       Result:= atpTop;
4736     atpLeft:
4737       Result:= atpRight;
4738     atpRight:
4739       Result:= atpLeft;
4740     else
4741       raise Exception.Create('Unknown tab pos');
4742   end;
4743 end;
4745 procedure TATTabs.SetTheme(const Data: TATTabTheme);
4746 begin
4747   FThemed:= false;
4749   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_Left) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_Left);
4750   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_Right) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_Right);
4751   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_Center) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_Center);
4752   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_LeftActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_LeftActive);
4753   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_RightActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_RightActive);
4754   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_CenterActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_CenterActive);
4755   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_X) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_X);
4756   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_XActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_XActive);
4757   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_Plus) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_Plus);
4758   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_PlusActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_PlusActive);
4759   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_ArrowLeft) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_ArrowLeft);
4760   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_ArrowLeftActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_ArrowLeftActive);
4761   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_ArrowRight) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_ArrowRight);
4762   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_ArrowRightActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_ArrowRightActive);
4763   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_ArrowDown) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_ArrowDown);
4764   if not FileExists(Data.FileName_ArrowDownActive) then raise Exception.Create('File not found: '+Data.FileName_ArrowDownActive);
4766   if FPic_Side_L=nil then FPic_Side_L:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4767   if FPic_Side_R=nil then FPic_Side_R:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4768   if FPic_Side_C=nil then FPic_Side_C:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4769   if FPic_Side_L_a=nil then FPic_Side_L_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4770   if FPic_Side_R_a=nil then FPic_Side_R_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4771   if FPic_Side_C_a=nil then FPic_Side_C_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4772   if FPic_X=nil then FPic_X:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4773   if FPic_X_a=nil then FPic_X_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4774   if FPic_Plus=nil then FPic_Plus:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4775   if FPic_Plus_a=nil then FPic_Plus_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4776   if FPic_Arrow_L=nil then FPic_Arrow_L:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4777   if FPic_Arrow_L_a=nil then FPic_Arrow_L_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4778   if FPic_Arrow_R=nil then FPic_Arrow_R:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4779   if FPic_Arrow_R_a=nil then FPic_Arrow_R_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4780   if FPic_Arrow_D=nil then FPic_Arrow_D:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4781   if FPic_Arrow_D_a=nil then FPic_Arrow_D_a:= TATTabsPicture.Create;
4783   FPic_Side_L.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_Left);
4784   FPic_Side_R.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_Right);
4785   FPic_Side_C.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_Center);
4786   FPic_Side_L_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_LeftActive);
4787   FPic_Side_R_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_RightActive);
4788   FPic_Side_C_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_CenterActive);
4789   FPic_X.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_X);
4790   FPic_X_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_XActive);
4791   FPic_Plus.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_Plus);
4792   FPic_Plus_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_PlusActive);
4793   FPic_Arrow_L.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_ArrowLeft);
4794   FPic_Arrow_L_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_ArrowLeftActive);
4795   FPic_Arrow_R.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_ArrowRight);
4796   FPic_Arrow_R_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_ArrowRightActive);
4797   FPic_Arrow_D.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_ArrowDown);
4798   FPic_Arrow_D_a.LoadFromFile(Data.FileName_ArrowDownActive);
4800   if not (
4801     (FPic_Side_L.Width=FPic_Side_R.Width) and
4802     (FPic_Side_L.Width=FPic_Side_L_a.Width) and
4803     (FPic_Side_L.Width=FPic_Side_R_a.Width) and
4804     (FPic_Side_L.Height=FPic_Side_R.Height) and
4805     (FPic_Side_L.Height=FPic_Side_C.Height) and
4806     (FPic_Side_L.Height=FPic_Side_L_a.Height) and
4807     (FPic_Side_L.Height=FPic_Side_R_a.Height) and
4808     (FPic_Side_L.Height=FPic_Side_C_a.Height) and
4809     (FPic_X.Width=FPic_X.Height) and
4810     (FPic_X.Width=FPic_X_a.Width) and
4811     (FPic_X.Width=FPic_X_a.Height)
4812     ) then
4813     raise Exception.Create('Incorrect picture sizes in tab-theme');
4815   FThemed:= true;
4816   FOptTabHeight:= FPic_Side_L.Height;
4817   FOptSpaceSide:= FPic_Side_L.Width;
4818   FOptShowFlat:= false;
4819   FOptSpaceBetweenTabs:= FOptSpaceSide * Data.SpaceBetweenInPercentsOfSide div 100;
4820   FOptSpaceXSize:= FPic_X.Width;
4821   FOptSpaceXRight:= FOptSpaceSide div 2 + Data.IndentOfX;
4822   FOptShowArrowsNear:= false;
4823   Height:= FOptTabHeight+FOptSpacer;
4824 end;
GetTabCaptionFinalnull4826 function TATTabs.GetTabCaptionFinal(AData: TATTabData; ATabIndex: integer): TATTabString;
4827 begin
4828   Result:= '';
4829   if AData.TabCaption<>'' then
4830   begin
4831     if AData.TabPinned then
4832       Result:= Result+FOptShowPinnedText;
4833     if AData.TabModified then
4834       Result:= Result+FOptShowModifiedText;
4835     if FOptShowNumberPrefix<>'' then
4836       Result:= Result+Format(FOptShowNumberPrefix, [ATabIndex+1]);
4837     Result:= Result+AData.TabCaptionFull;
4838   end
4839   else
4840   begin
4841     if AData.TabModified then
4842       Result:= Result+FOptShowModifiedText;
4843   end;
4844 end;
4847 initialization
4848   cRect0:= Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
4850   {$if defined(LCLQT5) or defined(darwin)}
4851   ATTabsStretchDrawEnabled:= false;
4852   ATTabsCircleDrawEnabled:= false;
4853   ATTabsPixelsDrawEnabled:= false;
4854   {$endif};
4856 end.