1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2002 Hansj�rg Malthaner
3  *
4  * This file is part of the Simutrans project under the artistic licence.
5  * (see licence.txt)
6  */
8 #ifndef factory_builder_t_h
9 #define factory_builder_t_h
11 #include "../tpl/stringhashtable_tpl.h"
12 #include "../tpl/weighted_vector_tpl.h"
13 #include "../dataobj/koord3d.h"
14 #include "../descriptor/factory_desc.h"
16 class stadt_t;
17 class karte_ptr_t;
18 class player_t;
19 class fabrik_t;
22 /**
23  * This class builds factories. Never construct factories directly
24  * but always by calling factory_builder_t::build() (for a single factory)
25  * or factory_builder_t::baue_hierachie() (for a full chain of suppliers).
26  */
27 class factory_builder_t
28 {
29 private:
30 	static karte_ptr_t welt;
32 	/**
33 	 * @class factories_to_crossconnect_t
34 	 * Used for cross-connection checks between factories.
35 	 * This is necessary for finding producers for factory supply.
36 	 */
37 	class factories_to_crossconnect_t {
38 	public:
39 		fabrik_t *fab;		///< The factory
40 		sint32 demand;		///< To how many factories this factory needs to connect to
factories_to_crossconnect_t()42 		factories_to_crossconnect_t() { fab = NULL; demand = 0; }
factories_to_crossconnect_t(fabrik_t * f,sint32 d)43 		factories_to_crossconnect_t(fabrik_t *f, sint32 d) { fab = f; demand = d; }
45 		bool operator == (const factories_to_crossconnect_t& x) const { return fab == x.fab; }
46 		bool operator != (const factories_to_crossconnect_t& x) const { return fab != x.fab; }
47 	};
49 	/// Table of all factories that can be built
50 	static stringhashtable_tpl<const factory_desc_t *> desc_table;
52 	/// @returns the number of producers producing @p ware
53 	static int count_producers(const goods_desc_t *ware, uint16 timeline);
55 	/**
56 	 * Finds a random producer producing @p ware.
57 	 * @param timeline the current time (months)
58 	 */
59 	static void find_producer(weighted_vector_tpl<const factory_desc_t *> &producer, const goods_desc_t *ware, uint16 timeline );
61 public:
62 	/// Registers the factory description so the factory can be built in-game.
63 	static void register_desc(factory_desc_t *desc);
65 	/**
66 	 * Initializes weighted vector for farm field class indices.
67 	 * @returns true
68 	 */
69 	static bool successfully_loaded();
71 	/**
72 	 * Tells the factory builder a new map is being loaded or generated.
73 	 * In this case the list of all factory positions must be reinitialized.
74 	 */
75 	static void new_world();
77 	/// Creates a certain number of tourist attractions.
78 	static void distribute_attractions(int max_number);
80 	/// @returns a factory description for a factory name
81 	static const factory_desc_t *get_desc(const char *factory_name);
83 	/// @returns the table containing all factory descriptions
get_factory_table()84 	static const stringhashtable_tpl<const factory_desc_t*>& get_factory_table() { return desc_table; }
86 	/**
87 	 * @param electric true to limit search to electricity producers only
88 	 * @param cl allowed climates
89 	 * @returns a random consumer
90 	 */
91 	static const factory_desc_t *get_random_consumer(bool electric, climate_bits cl, uint16 timeline );
93 	/**
94 	 * Builds a single new factory.
95 	 *
96 	 * @param parent location of the parent factory
97 	 * @param info Description for the new factory
98 	 * @param initial_prod_base Initial base production (-1 to disable)
99 	 * @param rotate building rotation (0..3)
100 	 * @returns The newly constructed factory.
101 	 */
102 	static fabrik_t* build_factory(koord3d* parent, const factory_desc_t* info, sint32 initial_prod_base, int rotate, koord3d pos, player_t* owner);
104 	/**
105 	 * Builds a new full chain of factories. Precondition before calling this function:
106 	 * @p pos is suitable for factory construction and number of chains
107 	 * is the maximum number of good types for which suppliers chains are built
108 	 * (meaning there are no unfinished factory chains).
109 	 * @returns number of factories built
110 	 */
111 	static int build_link(koord3d* parent, const factory_desc_t* info, sint32 initial_prod_base, int rotate, koord3d* pos, player_t* player, int number_of_chains, bool ignore_climates );
113 	/**
114 	 * Helper function for baue_hierachie(): builds the connections (chain) for one single product)
115 	 * @returns number of factories built
116 	 */
117 	static int build_chain_link(const fabrik_t* our_fab, const factory_desc_t* info, int supplier_nr, player_t* player);
119 	/**
120 	 * This function is called whenever it is time for industry growth.
121 	 * If there is still a pending consumer, this method will first complete another chain for it.
122 	 * If not, it will decide to either build a power station (if power is needed)
123 	 * or build a new consumer near the indicated position.
124 	 * @returns number of factories built
125 	 */
126 	static int increase_industry_density( bool tell_me );
128 private:
129 	/**
130 	 * Checks if the site at @p pos is suitable for construction.
131 	 * @param size Size of the building site
132 	 * @param water true to search on water
133 	 * @param cl allowed climates
134 	 */
135 	static bool check_construction_site(koord pos, koord size, factory_desc_t::site_t site, bool is_factory, climate_bits cl);
137 	/**
138 	 * Find a random site to place a factory.
139 	 * @param radius Radius of the search circle around @p pos
140 	 * @param size size of the building site
141 	 */
142 	static koord3d find_random_construction_site(koord pos, int radius, koord size, factory_desc_t::site_t site, const building_desc_t *desc, bool ignore_climates, uint32 max_iterations);
144 	/**
145 	 * Checks if all factories in this factory tree can be rotated.
146 	 * This method is called recursively on all potential suppliers.
147 	 * @returns true if all factories in this tree can be rotated.
148 	 */
149 	static bool can_factory_tree_rotate( const factory_desc_t *desc );
150 };
152 #endif