2  local k = import 'ksonnet-util/kausal.libsonnet',
3  local pvc = k.core.v1.persistentVolumeClaim,
4  local volumeMount = k.core.v1.volumeMount,
5  local container = k.core.v1.container,
6  local statefulSet = k.apps.v1.statefulSet,
7  local service = k.core.v1.service,
8  local containerPort = k.core.v1.containerPort,
10  _config+:: {
11    // run ingesters and queriers as statefulsets when using boltdb-shipper to avoid using node disk for storing the index.
12    stateful_ingesters: if self.using_boltdb_shipper then true else super.stateful_ingesters,
13    stateful_queriers: if self.using_boltdb_shipper && !self.use_index_gateway then true else super.stateful_queriers,
15    boltdb_shipper_shared_store: error 'must define boltdb_shipper_shared_store when using_boltdb_shipper=true. If this is not intentional, consider disabling it. boltdb_shipper_shared_store is a backend key from the storage_config, such as (gcs) or (s3)',
16    compactor_pvc_size: '10Gi',
17    compactor_pvc_class: 'fast',
18    index_period_hours: if self.using_boltdb_shipper then 24 else super.index_period_hours,
19    loki+: if self.using_boltdb_shipper then {
20      chunk_store_config+: {
21        write_dedupe_cache_config:: {},
22      },
23      storage_config+: {
24        boltdb_shipper+: {
25          shared_store: $._config.boltdb_shipper_shared_store,
26          active_index_directory: '/data/index',
27          cache_location: '/data/boltdb-cache',
28        },
29      },
30    } else {},
31  },
33  // we don't dedupe index writes when using boltdb-shipper so don't deploy a cache for it.
34  memcached_index_writes: if $._config.using_boltdb_shipper then {} else super.memcached_index_writes,
36  // Use PVC for compactor instead of node disk.
37  compactor_data_pvc:: if $._config.using_boltdb_shipper then
38    pvc.new('compactor-data') +
39    pvc.mixin.spec.resources.withRequests({ storage: $._config.compactor_pvc_size }) +
40    pvc.mixin.spec.withAccessModes(['ReadWriteOnce']) +
41    pvc.mixin.spec.withStorageClassName($._config.compactor_pvc_class)
42  else {},
44  compactor_args:: if $._config.using_boltdb_shipper then {
45    'config.file': '/etc/loki/config/config.yaml',
46    'boltdb.shipper.compactor.working-directory': '/data/compactor',
47    'boltdb.shipper.compactor.shared-store': $._config.boltdb_shipper_shared_store,
48    target: 'compactor',
49  } else {},
51  local compactor_ports =
52    [
53      containerPort.new(name='http-metrics', port=$._config.http_listen_port),
54    ],
56  compactor_container:: if $._config.using_boltdb_shipper then
57    container.new('compactor', $._images.compactor) +
58    container.withPorts(compactor_ports) +
59    container.withArgsMixin(k.util.mapToFlags($.compactor_args)) +
60    container.withVolumeMountsMixin([volumeMount.new('compactor-data', '/data')]) +
61    container.mixin.readinessProbe.httpGet.withPath('/ready') +
62    container.mixin.readinessProbe.httpGet.withPort($._config.http_listen_port) +
63    container.mixin.readinessProbe.withTimeoutSeconds(1) +
64    k.util.resourcesRequests('4', '2Gi')
65  else {},
67  compactor_statefulset: if $._config.using_boltdb_shipper then
68    statefulSet.new('compactor', 1, [$.compactor_container], $.compactor_data_pvc) +
69    statefulSet.mixin.spec.withServiceName('compactor') +
70    $.config_hash_mixin +
71    k.util.configVolumeMount('loki', '/etc/loki/config') +
72    statefulSet.mixin.spec.updateStrategy.withType('RollingUpdate') +
73    statefulSet.mixin.spec.template.spec.securityContext.withFsGroup(10001)  // 10001 is the group ID assigned to Loki in the Dockerfile
74  else {},