1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Client
3 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 #ifndef __CLIENT_H__
6 #define __CLIENT_H__
8 #include "types.h"
9 #include "camera.h"
10 #include "definitions.h"
12 /**
13  * Indexes for different player sounds.
14  */
15 typedef struct
16 {
17   // specific sounds
18   int death1;
19   int death2;
20   int death3;
21   int drown;
22   int fall1;
23   int falling1;
24   int gasp;
25   int jump1;
26   int pain25_1;
27   int pain50_1;
28   int pain75_1;
29   int pain100_1;
30   int taunt;
32   // common sounds
33   int fry;
34   int gibimp1;
35   int gibimp2;
36   int gibimp3;
37   int gibsplt1;
38   int gurp1;
39   int gurp2;
40   int land1;
41   int talk;
42   int watr_in;
43   int watr_out;
44   int watr_un;
45 } PlayerSounds;
47 /**
48  * User command.
49  * This structure contains all possible commands for user.
50  */
51 typedef struct
52 {
53   float forwardmove;
54   float sidemove;
55   float upmove;
56   float move_mouse_x;
57   float move_mouse_y;
58 } usercmd_t;
60 /**
61  * Client class.
62  * The client class represents an entity that can move in the world. It is
63  * generally used to represent players or bots. A camera is attached to the
64  * client, and for each clients, the world is represented following this
65  * own camera.
66  * @todo Make friction and acceleration dependent on ground slope, so it is
67  *       easier to accelerate on a descending slope, and harder to stop (less
68  *       friction).
69  */
70 class Client
71 {
72   public:
73     Client(void);
74     ~Client(void);
76     /**
77      * Client initialization.
78      */
79     void Init(int left = 0, int top = 0, int width = -1, int height = -1);
81     /**
82      * Loads a player.
83      * This function loads the player skin and sounds. For example, the
84      * playername parameter only contains "sarge" or "anarki" to load
85      * corresponding player settings.
86      * @param playername The name of player to be loaded.
87      */
88     void LoadPlayer(const char *playername);
90     void Shut(void);  /**< Client shuting out */
92     /**
93      * Update client.
94      * Calculates client future position and updates camera orientation
95      * using current rotation matrix and tranlsation values. The function
96      * also simulates the acceleration and friction effects.
97      * @param bsp The binary space tree the client is eveolving in
98      * @param wld The client's world
99      */
100     void Update(Q3BSP *bsp, World *wld);
102     /**
103      * Update client camera.
104      * Update the camera associated with current client.
105      * @todo Use viewport instead of camera.
106      */
107     void UpdateCam(void);
109     /**
110      * Reset client movement.
111      */
112     void ResetMovement(void);
114     /**
115      * Set new client angle.
116      * @param p the pitch value
117      * @param y the yaw value
118      * @param r the roll value
119      */
120     void SetAngle(float p, float y, float r);
121     void SetAngle(vec3_t rot);
123     /**
124      * Set new client position.
125      * @param x the x client position
126      * @param y the y client position
127      * @param z the z client position
128      */
129     void SetPos(float x, float y, float z);
130     void SetPos(vec3_t pos);
132     /**
133      * Increment the client angle.
134      * @param p the pitch increment
135      * @param y the yaw increment
136      * @param r the roll increment
137      */
138     void AddAngle(float p, float y, float r);
140     /**
141      * Increment the client position.
142      * @param x the x client offset
143      * @param y the y client offset
144      * @param z the z client offset
145      */
146     void AddPos(float x, float y, float z);
148     /**
149      * Move the client in forward direction.
150      */
151     void MoveForward(float val = 1.f);
153     /**
154      * Move the client backward.
155      * The function will interpret the command and make the client moving
156      * using current speed, acceleration, friction, position and angle.
157      */
158     void MoveBackward(float val = 1.f);
160     /**
161      * Move the client on the left.
162      * The function will interpret the command and make the client moving
163      * using current speed, acceleration, friction, position and angle.
164      */
165     void MoveLeft(float val = 1.f);
167     /**
168      * Move the client on the right.
169      * The function will interpret the command and make the client moving
170      * using current speed, acceleration, friction, position and angle.
171      */
172     void MoveRight(float val = 1.f);
174     /**
175      * Move the client up.
176      * The function will interpret the command and make the client moving
177      * using current speed, acceleration, friction, position and angle.
178      */
179     void MoveUp(float val = 1.f);
181     /**
182      * Move the client down.
183      * The function will interpret the command and make the client moving
184      * using current speed, acceleration, friction, position and angle.
185      */
186     void MoveDown(float val = 1.f);
188     /**
189      * Rotate the client using mouse.
190      * The function will interpret the rotation using mouse.
191      * @param val the yaw rotation value
192      */
193     void MoveMouseX(float val);
195     /**
196      * Rotate the client using mouse.
197      * The function will interpret the rotation using mouse.
198      * @param val the pitch rotation value.
199      */
200     void MoveMouseY(float val);
202     /**
203      * Rotates the client using mouse.
204      * The function is similar to moveMouseX and moveMouseY and permits to
205      * specify the mouse movement for x and y using a single function call.
206      * @param xval the yaw rotation value
207      * @param yval the pitch rotation value
208      */
209     void MoveMouseXY(float xval, float yval);
211     /**
212      * Zoom or unzoom the camera.
213      * The function change the camera fov for zooming. If argument is
214      * positive fov is increased, if argument is negative, fov is
215      * decreased. The function check if current camera zoom is in
216      * boundaries. In this case, fov is upadted and function returns 1,
217      * if camera zoom is out of boundaries, fov is not updated and
218      * funcion returns 0. The result value can be used to avoid calling
219      * the function in the main program.
220      * @todo Make zoom depend of timer (because zoom is slower on low fps rate)
221      * @param val the zoom value to add (in degrees)
222      */
223     void Zoom(float val);
225     int TouchBounds(bboxf_t bbox);
227     // Movements
229     /**
230      * Make the client jump.
231      * This has no effect if client camera is in flying mode.
232      */
233     void Jump(void);
234     void Land(void);
235     void Fall(void);
236     void Falling(void);
237     void Die(int depthnum = 3);
238     void Gasp(void);
239     void Drown(void);
240     void Pain(int amount);
241     void Taunt(void);
242     void Fry(void);
243     void Gibimp(int type);
244     void Gurp(int type);
245     void Talk(void);
246     void Water(int type); /**< type -> 0 = in, 1 = out, 2 = un */
248     // Triggered actions
249     bool JumpTo(vec3_t dest);
250     bool TeleportTo(vec3_t dest, float angle, float startwalk = 0.f);
252     /**
253      * Check the collisions for a client.
254      * @param targetpos the position that client want to get (but may not because of collision)
255      */
256     void CheckCollision(vec3_t targetpos);
257     trace_t StepSlideMove(vec3_t vel);
258     void StepSlideMove_(vec3_t pos, vec3_t vel, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
259     void ClipVelocity(vec3_t in, vec3_t normal, vec3_t out, float overbounce);
261     /**
262      * Client camera.
263      * The camera is the client eye.
264      * @todo Support multiple cameras (for multiple (stereographic) eyes, rearview mirror, etc.)
265      */
266     Camera cam;
268     /**
269      * Define if the client is an active client, if it can move by itself (active) or not (passive).
270      * By default, all client are active, but they can be changed to passive mode
271      * if required. In passive mode, no collision detection is done.
272      */
273     bool active_client;
275     /**
276      * Define if the client is the current client. In the case there are more than one client
277      * only one can be the current selected client. This clients receives input commands and
278      * have sounds enabled.
279      * This value shouldn't be modified manually. The App class is responsible for this
280      * variable.
281      */
282     bool isCurrent;
284     bool pitchLimit;      /**< pitch limitation */
286     float fov;          /**< camera fov */
287     float zoomlimit;      /**< fov value when zooming */
288     float jump_height;      /**< height that client can jump */
289     float max_speed;      /**< maximum client translation speed */
290     float acceleration;     /**< client acceleration */
291     float friction;       /**< client friction */
292     vec3_t forward, right, up;
294     vec3_t velocity;      /**< velocity vector */
295     bool flying;        /**< client is flying (can't jump) */
296     bool swimming;
297     bool falling;
299     float viewheight;     /**< height of camera in the client bounding box */
300     vec3_t mins, maxs;      /**< client min and max sizes */
301     float step_size;      /**< step height that client can climb */
302     vec3_t extSpeed;      /**< external speed used for jumping */
304     // Interpolation stuff
305     float interpolation;    /**< Height we are interpolating on */
306     float startheight;      /**< Start height for interpolation */
307     float progress;       /**< Current progress (between 0 and 1) */
309     colour_t color;       /**< Used for debug */
311     bool noclip;        /**< enable collision */
313   private:
315     int armor;          /**< amount of resting armor */
316     int life;         /**< amount of resting life */
318     usercmd_t cmd;        /**< user command */
320     int nzoom, pzoom;     /**< variables used to avoid unnecessary
321                    *   function calls */
323     char name[MAX_PLAYERNAME_LENGTH];
324     PlayerSounds sounds;
325     int gender;         /**< client gender (1 = male, 2 = female, 3 = other) */
327     double diveStart;     /**< time where client dived */
328     double lastgurptime;    /**< time of last grub */
330     Q3BSP *curr_bsp;
331     World *curr_world;
332 };
334 #endif  /* __CLIENT_H__ */