2# Profile.pm                                                                  #
3# $Date: 12.02.14 $                                                           #
5# YaBB: Yet another Bulletin Board                                            #
6# Open-Source Community Software for Webmasters                               #
7# Version:        YaBB 2.6.11                                                 #
8# Packaged:       December 2, 2014                                            #
9# Distributed by: http://www.yabbforum.com                                    #
10# =========================================================================== #
11# Copyright (c) 2000-2014 YaBB (www.yabbforum.com) - All Rights Reserved.     #
12# Software by:  The YaBB Development Team                                     #
13#               with assistance from the YaBB community.                      #
15# use strict;
16# use warnings;
17no warnings qw(uninitialized once redefine);
18use English qw(-no_match_vars);
19use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
20our $VERSION = '2.6.11';
22$profilepmver = 'YaBB 2.6.11 $Revision: 1611 $';
23if ( $action eq 'detailedversion' ) { return 1; }
27require Sources::AddModerators;
32$pm_lev = PMlev();
34# make sure this person has access to this profile
35sub PrepareProfile {
36    if ($iamguest) { fatal_error('no_access'); }
38    # If someone registers with a '+' in their name It causes problems.
39    # Get's turned into a <space> in the query string Change it back here.
40    # Users who register with spaces get them replaced with _
41    # So no problem there.
42    $INFO{'username'} =~ tr/ /+/;
44    $user = $INFO{'username'};
45    if ($do_scramble_id)    { decloak($user); }
46    if ( $user =~ m{/}sm )  { fatal_error('no_user_slash'); }
47    if ( $user =~ m{\\}sm ) { fatal_error('no_user_backslash'); }
49    if ( !LoadUser($user) ) { fatal_error('no_profile_exists'); }
51    if (
52        (
53               $user ne $username
54            && !$iamadmin
55            && ( !$iamgmod || !$allow_gmod_profile )
56        )
57        || ( $user eq 'admin' && $username ne 'admin' )
58        || ( $iamgmod && ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator' )
59      )
60    {
61        fatal_error('not_allowed_profile_change');
62    }
64    @menucolors = qw(catbg catbg catbg catbg catbg catbg);
65    return;
68# Check that profile-editing session is still valid
69sub SidCheck {
70    my @x         = @_;
71    my $cur_sid   = decloak( $INFO{'sid'} );
72    my $sid_check = substr $date, 5, 5;
73    if ( $sid_check <= 600 && $cur_sid >= 99_400 ) { $sid_check += 100_000; }
75    $sid_expires = $cur_sid + 600 - $sid_check;
77    if ( $sid_expires < 0 || $cur_sid > $sid_check ) { ProfileCheck( $x[0] ); }
78    if ( $sid_expires < 60 ) {
79        $expsectxt =
80          ( $sid_expires == 1 )
81          ? $profile_txt{'sid_expires_3'}
82          : $profile_txt{'sid_expires_2'};
83        $expiretxt = qq~$profile_txt{'sid_expires_1'} $sid_expires $expsectxt~;
84    }
85    else {
86        $expiremin = int( $sid_expires / 60 );
87        $expiresec = $sid_expires % 60;
88        $expmintxt =
89          ( $expiremin == 1 )
90          ? $profile_txt{'sid_expires_4'}
91          : $profile_txt{'sid_expires_5'};
92        $expsectxt =
93          ( $expiresec == 1 )
94          ? $profile_txt{'sid_expires_3'}
95          : $profile_txt{'sid_expires_2'};
96        $expiretxt =
97qq~$profile_txt{'sid_expires_1'} $expiremin $expmintxt $expiresec $expsectxt~;
98    }
99    return;
102sub ProfileCheck {
103    my @x = @_;
104    PrepareProfile();
106    my $sid_descript = $mycenter_profile_txt{'siddescript'};
107    if ( $x[0] ) {
108        $sid_descript = $mycenter_profile_txt{'timeoutdescript'};
109        $redirsid     = $x[0];
110        if ( $redirsid =~ s/2$//xsm ) {
111            $yyjavascript .= qq~\nalert("$profile_txt{'897'}");~;
112        }
113    }
114    else {
115        $redirsid = $INFO{'page'} || 'profile';
116    }
118    $yymain .= $myprofile_a;
119    $yymain =~ s/{yabb sid_descript}/$sid_descript/sm;
120    $yymain =~
121s/{yabb prof_act}/$scripturl?action=profileCheck2;username=$useraccount{$user}/sm;
122    $yymain =~ s/{yabb redirsid}/$redirsid/sm;
124    $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profile_txt{'900'}~;
125    $yytitle      = $profile_txt{'900'};
126    template();
127    return;
130sub ProfileCheck2 {
131    PrepareProfile();
133    my $password = encode_password( $FORM{'passwrd'} || $INFO{'passwrd'} );
134    if ( $user eq $username && $password ne ${ $uid . $username }{'password'} )
135    {
136        fatal_error('current_password_wrong');
137    }
138    if ( ( $iamadmin || ( $iamgmod && $allow_gmod_profile ) )
139        && $password ne ${ $uid . $username }{'password'} )
140    {
141        fatal_error('no_admin_password');
142    }
144    # Update the sessionID too
145    ${ $uid . $username }{'session'} = encode_password($user_ip);
146    UserAccount( $username, 'update' );
148    # update only this cookie since we don't know when the others will expire
149    $yySetCookies3 = write_cookie(
150        -name    => "$cookiesession_name",
151        -value   => "${$uid.$username}{'session'}",
152        -path    => q{/},
153        -expires => 'Sunday, 17-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT'
154    );
156    # Get a semi-secure SID - only for profile changes
157    # cloak the sid -> no point giving anyone the means.
158    $yySetLocation =
159        "$scripturl?action="
160      . ( $FORM{'redir'} || $INFO{'redir'} || 'profile' )
161      . ";username=$useraccount{$user};sid="
162      . cloak( reverse substr $date, 5, 5 )
163      . ( $INFO{'newpassword'} ? ';newpassword=1' : q{} );
164    redirectexit();
165    return;
168sub ProfileMenu {
169    return if $view;
171    if ($buddyListEnabled) {
172        $bdlist = $myprofie_bdlist;
173        $bdlist =~ s/{yabb menucolor3}/$menucolors[3]/sm;
174        $bdlist =~ s/{yabb bduser}/$useraccount{$user}/sm;
175    }
177    if ( $pm_lev == 1 ) {
178        $pmlevel = $myprofile_pmlevel;
179        $pmlevel =~ s/{yabb menucolor4}/$menucolors[4]/sm;
180        $pmlevel =~ s/{yabb pmuser}/$useraccount{$user}/sm;
181    }
182    if (
183        $iamadmin
184        || (   $iamgmod
185            && $allow_gmod_profile
186            && $gmod_access2{'profileAdmin'} eq 'on' )
187      )
188    {
189        $showadmin = $myprofile_showadmin;
190        $showadmin =~ s/{yabb menucolor5}/$menucolors[5]/sm;
191        $showadmin =~ s/{yabb aduser}/$useraccount{$user}/sm;
192    }
193    $yymain .= $myprofile_menu;
194    $yymain =~ s/{yabb menu_user}/$useraccount{$user}/gsm;
195    $yymain =~ s/{yabb sid}/$INFO{'sid'}/gsm;
196    $yymain =~ s/{yabb menucolor0}/$menucolors[0]/sm;
197    $yymain =~ s/{yabb menucolor1}/$menucolors[1]/sm;
198    $yymain =~ s/{yabb menucolor2}/$menucolors[2]/sm;
199    $yymain =~ s/{yabb bdlist}/$bdlist/sm;
200    $yymain =~ s/{yabb pmlevel}/$pmlevel/sm;
201    $yymain =~ s/{yabb showadmin}/$showadmin/sm;
202    return $yymain;
205sub ModifyProfile {
206    SidCheck($action);
207    PrepareProfile();
209    $menucolors[0] = 'selected-bg';
210    ProfileMenu();
212    if ($iamadmin) {
213        $confdel_text =
214          qq~$profile_txt{'775'} $profile_txt{'777'} $user $profile_txt{'778'}~;
215        if ( $user eq $username ) {
216            $passtext = $profile_txt{'821'};
217        }
218        else {
219            $passtext = qq~$profile_txt{'2'} $profile_txt{'36'}~;
220        }
221    }
222    else {
223        $confdel_text =
224          qq~$profile_txt{'775'} $profile_txt{'776'} $profile_txt{'778'}~;
225        $passtext = $profile_txt{'821'};
226    }
228    $passtext .= qq~<br /><span class="small norm">$profile_txt{'895'}</span>~;
230    my $scriptAction = q~profile2~;
231    if ($view) {
232        $scriptAction = q~myprofile2~;
233        $yytitle      = $profile_txt{'editmyprofile'};
234        $profiletitle = qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} ($user)~;
235        $yynavigation =
236qq~&rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?action=mycenter" class="nav">$img_txt{'mycenter'}</a> &rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
237    }
238    else {
239        $yytitle      = $profile_txt{'79'};
240        $profiletitle = qq~$profile_txt{'79'} ($user)~;
241        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
242    }
244    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq 'Male' ) {
245        $GenderMale = ' selected="selected" ';
246    }
247    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq 'Female' ) {
248        $GenderFemale = ' selected="selected" ';
249    }
250    CalcAge( $user, 'parse' );
252    my ( $editAgeTxt, $editAgeCount, $disableBdayFields, $editGenderTxt,
253        $editGenderCount, $disableGenderField, $genderField, $bdayFields );
254    $editGenderLimit ||= 0;
255    if (   $editGenderLimit > 0
256        && !$iamadmin
257        && ( !$iamgmod || !$allow_gmod_profile ) )
258    {
259        if ( $editGenderLimit == 1 && ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq q{} ) {
260            $editGenderTxt = qq~$profile_txt{'gender_edit_1'}~;
261        }
262        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'} >= $editGenderLimit ) {
263            $editGenderTxt      = qq~$profile_txt{'gender_edit_3'}~;
264            $disableGenderField = q~ disabled="disabled"~;
265            $genderField        = qq~
266<input type="hidden" name="gender" value="${ $uid . $user }{'gender'}" />~;
267        }
268        elsif (${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'} eq q{}
269            && ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq q{} )
270        {
271            if ( $editGenderCount == 1 ) {
272                $editGenderTxt =
273qq~ $profile_txt{'gender_edit_2'} $editGenderLimit $profile_txt{'dob_edit_5'}~;
274            }
275            else {
276                $editGenderTxt =
277qq~ $profile_txt{'gender_edit_2'} $editGenderLimit $profile_txt{'dob_edit_6'}~;
278            }
279        }
280        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'} < $editGenderLimit ) {
281            $editGenderCount =
282              $editGenderLimit - ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'};
283            if ( $editGenderCount == 1 ) {
284                $editGenderTxt =
285qq~ $profile_txt{'gender_edit_2'} $editGenderCount $profile_txt{'dob_edit_3'}~;
286            }
287            else {
288                $editGenderTxt =
289qq~ $profile_txt{'gender_edit_2'} $editGenderCount $profile_txt{'dob_edit_4'}~;
290            }
291        }
292        $editGenderTxt = qq~<br /><span class="small">$editGenderTxt</span>~;
293    }
295    $editAgeLimit ||= 0;
296    if ( $editAgeLimit > 0 && !$iamadmin && ( !$iamgmod || !$allow_gmod_profile ) )
297    {
298        if ( $editAgeLimit == 1 && ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} eq q{} ) {
299            $editAgeTxt = qq~$profile_txt{'dob_edit_1'}~;
300        }
301        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} >= $editAgeLimit && ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} ne q{}) {
302            $editAgeTxt        = qq~$profile_txt{'dob_edit_7'}~;
303            $disableBdayFields = q~ disabled="disabled"~;
304            $bdayFields        = qq~
305<input type="hidden" name="bday1" value="$umonth" />
306<input type="hidden" name="bday2" value="$uday" />
307<input type="hidden" name="bday3" value="$uyear" />~;
308        }
309        elsif (${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} eq q{}
310            && ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} eq q{} )
311        {
312            if ( $editAgeCount == 1 ) {
313                $editAgeTxt .=
314qq~ $profile_txt{'dob_edit_2'} $editAgeLimit $profile_txt{'dob_edit_5'}~;
315            }
316            else {
317                $editAgeTxt .=
318qq~ $profile_txt{'dob_edit_2'} $editAgeLimit $profile_txt{'dob_edit_6'}~;
319            }
320        }
321        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} < $editAgeLimit ) {
322            $editAgeCount = $editAgeLimit - ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'};
323            if ( $editAgeCount == 1 ) {
324                $editAgeTxt .=
325qq~ $profile_txt{'dob_edit_2'} $editAgeCount $profile_txt{'dob_edit_3'}~;
326            }
327            else {
328                $editAgeTxt .=
329qq~ $profile_txt{'dob_edit_2'} $editAgeCount $profile_txt{'dob_edit_4'}~;
330            }
331        }
332        $editAgeTxt = qq~<br /><span class="small">$editAgeTxt</span>~;
333    }
335    my $timeorder;
336    my @selist = ( 2, 3, 6, 8 );
337    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'timeselect'} ) {
338        for my $i (@selist) {
339            if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'timeselect'} == $i ) { $timeorder = 1; }
340        }
341    }
342    else {
343        for my $i (@selist) {
344            if ( $timeselected == $i ) { $timeorder = 1; }
345        }
346    }
348    $selectyear = q{};
349    $seluyear =
350qq~$profile_txt{'566'}<select name="bday3"$disableBdayFields><option value="">--</option>\n~;
351    for my $e ( 1905 .. ( $year - 3 ) ) {
352        $seluyear .=
353          qq~<option value="$e" ${isselected($uyear == $e)}>$e</option>\n~;
354    }
355    $seluyear .= q~</select> ~;
357    $selectmnth = q{};
358    $dayormonthm =
359qq~<label for="bday1">$profile_txt{'564'}</label><select name="bday1" id="bday1"$disableBdayFields><option value="">--</option>\n~;
360    for my $bb ( 1 .. 12 ) {
361        if   ( $bb < 10 ) { $c = "0$bb"; }
362        else              { $c = $bb; }
363        $dayormonthm .=
364          qq~<option value="$c" ${isselected($umonth == $bb)}>$c</option>\n~;
365    }
366    $dayormonthm .= q~</select> ~;
368    $selectday = q{};
369    $dayormonthd =
370qq~<label for="bday2">$profile_txt{'565'}</label><select name="bday2" id="bday2"$disableBdayFields><option value="">--</option>\n~;
371    for my $aa ( 1 .. 31 ) {
372        if   ( $aa < 10 ) { $d = "0$aa"; }
373        else              { $d = $aa; }
374        $dayormonthd .=
375          qq~<option value="$d" ${isselected($uday == $aa)}>$d</option>\n~;
376    }
377    $dayormonthd .= q~</select> ~;
379    if   ($timeorder) { $dayormonth = $dayormonthd . $dayormonthm; }
380    else              { $dayormonth = $dayormonthm . $dayormonthd; }
381    $dayormonth =~ s/for="bday\d"/for="birthday"/oxsm;
382    $dayormonth =~ s/id="bday\d"/id="birthday"/oxsm;
384    $my_newpass  = ( $INFO{'newpassword'} ? $profile_txt{'80'} : q{} );
385    $my_passchk  = password_check();
386    $my_name_not = q{};
387    if ($name_cannot_be_userid) {
388        $my_name_not = qq~
389                        <span class="small">$profile_txt{'8'}</span></label>~;
390    }
391    if ( $showage == 1 ) {
392        my $checked = q{};
393        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'hideage'} ) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; }
394        $my_showageshow = $myprofile_showage;
395        $my_showageshow =~ s/{yabb agechecked}/$checked/sm;
396    }
398    if ($extendedprofiles) {
399        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
400        my $show_ext_prof = ext_editprofile( $user, 'edit' );
401        $my_show_ext_prof = $show_ext_prof;
402    }
404    if ( $birthday_on_reg > 1 ) {
405        $myrequirebd = qq~ <span class="small">$profile_txt{'563b'}</span>~;
406    }
407    $showProfile .= qq~
408<form action="$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$INFO{'username'}};sid=$INFO{'sid'}" method="post" name="creator" accept-charset="$yymycharset">
410    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb profiletitle}/$profiletitle/sm;
411    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_newpass}/$my_newpass/sm;
412    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_passchk}/$my_passchk/sm;
413    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_name_not}/$my_name_not/sm;
414    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb user}/${$uid.$user}{'realname'}/gsm;
415    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb editGenderTxt}/$editGenderTxt/sm;
416    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb disableGenderField}/$disableGenderField/sm;
417    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb GenderMale}/$GenderMale/sm;
418    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb GenderFemale}/$GenderFemale/sm;
419    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb genderField}/$genderField/sm;
420    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb editAgeTxt}/$editAgeTxt/sm;
421    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb require_bd}/$myrequirebd/sm;
422    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb bdaysel}/$dayormonth$seluyear$bdayFields/sm;
423    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb showageshow}/$my_showageshow/sm;
424    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb user_location}/${$uid.$user}{'location'}/sm;
425    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_show_ext_prof}/$my_show_ext_prof/sm;
426## Mod Hook showProfile1 ##
428    if (   $sessions == 1
429        && $sessionvalid == 1
430        && ($staff)
431        && $username eq $user )
432    {
433        LoadLanguage('Sessions');
434        my $decanswer = ${ $uid . $user }{'sesanswer'};
435        $questsel = qq~<select name="sesquest" id="sesquest" size="1">\n~;
436        while ( ( $key, $val ) = each %sesquest_txt ) {
437            if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'sesquest'} eq $key
438                && ${ $uid . $user }{'sesquest'} ne q{} )
439            {
440                $sessel = q~ selected="selected"~;
441            }
442            elsif ( $key eq 'password' && ${ $uid . $user }{'sesquest'} eq q{} )
443            {
444                $sessel = q~ selected="selected"~;
445            }
446            else {
447                $sessel = q{};
448            }
449            $questsel .= qq~<option value="$key"$sessel>$val</option>\n~;
450        }
451        $questsel .= qq~</select>\n~;
452        $showProfile .= $myprofile_session;
453        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb questsel}/$questsel/sm;
454        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb decanswer}/$decanswer/sm;
455        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sesstext9}/$session_txt{'9'}/sm;
456        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sesstext9a}/$session_txt{'9a'}/sm;
457    }
458    if ( $self_del_user == 1 ) {
459        if (   ( $iamadmin && ( $username ne $user ) )
460            || ( $username ne 'admin' ) )
461        {
462            $show_confdel =
463qq~ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type="submit" name="moda" value="$profile_txt{'89'}" onclick="return confirm('$confdel_text')" class="button" />~;
464        }
465    }
466    else {
467        if ( $iamadmin && $username ne $user ) {
468            $show_confdel =
469qq~ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type="submit" name="moda" value="$profile_txt{'89'}" onclick="return confirm('$confdel_text')" class="button" />~;
470        }
471    }
472    $showProfile .= $myprofile_bottom;
473    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb show_confdel}/$show_confdel/sm;
474    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sid_expires}/$expiretxt/sm;
476    if ( !$view ) {
477        $yymain .= $showProfile;
478        template();
479    }
480    return;
483sub ModifyProfileContacts {
484    SidCheck($action);
485    PrepareProfile();
487    $menucolors[1] = 'selected-bg';
488    ProfileMenu();
490    my $scriptAction = q~profileContacts2~;
491    if ($view) {
492        $scriptAction = q~myprofileContacts2~;
493        $yytitle =
494          qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'819'}~;
495        $profiletitle =
496qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'819'}~;
497        $yynavigation =
498qq~&rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?action=mycenter" class="nav">$img_txt{'mycenter'}</a> &rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
499    }
500    else {
501        $yytitle = qq~$profile_txt{'79'} &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'819'}~;
502        $profiletitle =
503          qq~$profile_txt{'79'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'819'}~;
504        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
505    }
507    ${ $uid . $user }{'aim'} =~ tr/+/ /;
508    ${ $uid . $user }{'yim'} =~ tr/+/ /;
509    if ($allow_hide_email) {
510        my $checked = q{};
511        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'hidemail'} ) {
512            $checked = ' checked="checked"';
513        }
514        $my_hidemail = $myprofile_hidemail;
515        $my_hidemail =~ s/{yabb checked}/$checked/sm;
516    }
518    if ( !$minlinkweb ) { $minlinkweb = 0; }
519    if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'} >= $minlinkweb
520        || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator'
521        || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Global Moderator' )
522    {
523        $my_minlinkweb = $myprofile_minlinkweb;
524        $my_minlinkweb =~ s/{yabb my_webtitle}/${$uid.$user}{'webtitle'}/sm;
525        $my_minlinkweb =~ s/{yabb my_weburl}/${$uid.$user}{'weburl'}/sm;
526    }
527    if (
528        $pm_lev == 1
529        && (
530            $enable_MCaway > 2
531            || (
532                $enable_MCaway
533                && (   ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator'
534                    || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Global Moderator'
535                    || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Mid Moderator'
536                    || is_moderator($user) )
537            )
538        )
539      )
540    {
541        my $offChecked  = q~ selected="selected"~;
542        my $awayChecked = q{};
544        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'offlinestatus'} eq 'away' ) {
545            $offChecked  = q{};
546            $awayChecked = q~ selected="selected"~;
547        }
549        my $awayreply = ${ $uid . $user }{'awayreply'};
550        $awayreply =~ s/<br \/>/\n/gsm;
551        $my_away = $myprofile_away;
552        $my_away .=
553qq~             <textarea name="awayreply" id="awayreply" rows="4" cols="50">$awayreply</textarea><br />~;
554        $my_away .= $myprofile_away_b;
555        $my_away =~ s/{yabb offChecked}/$offChecked/sm;
556        $my_away =~ s/{yabb awayChecked}/$awayChecked/sm;
557        $my_away =~ s/{yabb MaxAwayLen}/$MaxAwayLen/gsm;
558    }
559    if (
560        (
561               ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator'
562            || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Global Moderator'
563        )
564        && $enable_MCstatusStealth
565      )
566    {
567        my $stealthChecked = q{};
568        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'stealth'} ) {
569            $stealthChecked = ' checked="checked"';
570        }
571        $my_stealth = $myprofile_stealth;
572        $my_stealth =~ s/{yabb stealthChecked}/$stealthChecked/sm;
573    }
575    if ($extendedprofiles) {
576        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
577        $my_extended .= ext_editprofile( $user, 'contact' );
578    }
580    $showProfile .= qq~
581<form action="$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$INFO{'username'}};sid=$INFO{'sid'}" method="post" name="creator" accept-charset="$yymycharset">
584    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb profiletitle}/$profiletitle/sm;
585    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb user_email}/${$uid.$user}{'email'}/sm;
586    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_hidemail}/$my_hidemail/sm;
587    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_icq}/${$uid.$user}{'icq'}/sm;
588    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_aim}/${$uid.$user}{'aim'}/sm;
589    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_yim}/${$uid.$user}{'yim'}/sm;
590    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_gtalk}/${$uid.$user}{'gtalk'}/sm;
591    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_skype}/${$uid.$user}{'skype'}/sm;
592    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_myspace}/${$uid.$user}{'myspace'}/sm;
593    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_facebook}/${$uid.$user}{'facebook'}/sm;
594    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_twitter}/${$uid.$user}{'twitter'}/sm;
595    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_youtube}/${$uid.$user}{'youtube'}/sm;
596    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_minlinkweb}/$my_minlinkweb/sm;
597    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_away}/$my_away/sm;
598    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_stealth}/$my_stealth/sm;
599    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_extended}/$my_extended/sm;
600    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sid_expires}/$expiretxt/sm;
602    if ( !$view ) {
603        $yymain .= $showProfile;
604        template();
605    }
606    return;
609sub ModifyProfileOptions {
610    SidCheck($action);
611    PrepareProfile();
613    $menucolors[2] = 'selected-bg';
614    ProfileMenu();
616    my $scriptAction = q~profileOptions2~;
617    if ($view) {
618        $scriptAction = q~myprofileOptions2~;
619        $yytitle =
620          qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'818'}~;
621        $profiletitle =
622qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'818'}~;
623        $yynavigation =
624qq~&rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?action=mycenter" class="nav">$img_txt{'mycenter'}</a> &rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
625    }
626    else {
627        $yytitle = qq~$profile_txt{'79'} &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'818'}~;
628        $profiletitle =
629          qq~$profile_txt{'79'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'818'}~;
630        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
631    }
633    if ( $allowpics && $upload_useravatar && $upload_avatargroup ) {
634        $upload_useravatar = 0;
635        foreach my $av_gr ( split /, /sm, $upload_avatargroup ) {
636            if ( $av_gr eq ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ) {
637                $upload_useravatar = 1;
638                last;
639            }
640            foreach ( split /,/xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'} ) {
641                if ( $av_gr eq $_ ) { $upload_useravatar = 1; last; }
642            }
643        }
644    }
646    $my_allow_avatars = (
647        ( $allowpics && $upload_useravatar )
648        ? q~ enctype="multipart/form-data"~
649        : q{}
650    );
652    if ($allowpics) {
653        opendir( DIR, $facesdir )
654          or fatal_error( 'cannot_open_dir',
655            "($facesdir)!<br />$profile_txt{'681'}", 1 );
656        @contents = readdir DIR;
657        closedir DIR;
658        $images = q{};
659        foreach my $line ( sort @contents ) {
660            ( $name, $extension ) = split /\./xsm, $line;
661            $checked = q{};
662            if ( $line eq ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} ) {
663                $checked = ' selected="selected"';
664            }
665            if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} =~ m{\Ahttps?://}sm
666                && $line eq $my_blank_avatar )
667            {
668                $checked = ' selected="selected" ';
669            }
670            if (   $extension =~ /gif/ism
671                || $extension =~ /jpg/ism
672                || $extension =~ /jpeg/ism
673                || $extension =~ /png/ism )
674            {
675                if ( $line eq $my_blank_avatar ) {
676                    $images =
677qq~                <option value="$line"$checked>$profile_txt{'422'}</option>\n$images~;
678                }
679                else {
680                    $images .=
681qq~                <option value="$line"$checked>$name</option>\n~;
682                }
683            }
684        }
685        my ( $pic, $s, $alt );
686        my $tmp = $facesurl;
687        if ( $tmp =~ /^(http(s?):\/\/)/xsm ) {
688            ( $tmp, $s ) = ( $1, $2 );
689        }
690        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} =~ m{\Ahttps?://}sm ) {
691            $pic     = ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'};
692            $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
693            $tmp     = ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'};
694            if ($upload_useravatar) { $alt = $profile_txt{'473'}; }
695        }
696        else {
697            $pic = "$facesurl/${$uid.$user}{'userpic'}";
698        }
700        $avatar_limit ||= 0;
701        $my_up_avatar_a = (
702            $upload_useravatar
703            ? qq~<br />
704            $profile_txt{'476'} $avatar_limit KB~
705            : q{}
706        );
707        $my_up_avatar_b = (
708            $upload_useravatar
709            ? q~<br />
710            <br />
711            <input type="file" name="file_avatar" size="50" />~
712            : q{}
713        );
715        $my_show_avatar = $myprofile_show_avatar_a;
716        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb my_up_avatar_a}/$my_up_avatar_a/sm;
717        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb my_up_avatar_b}/$my_up_avatar_b/sm;
718        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb av_pic}/$pic/sm;
719        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb av_alt}/$alt/sm;
720        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb av_s}/$s/gsm;
721        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb av_tmp}/$tmp/sm;
722        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb images}/$images/sm;
723        $my_show_avatar =~ s/{yabb checked}/$checked/sm;
724    }
726    $signature = ${ $uid . $user }{'signature'};
727    $signature =~ s/<br.*?>/\n/gsm;
729    if ( $addmemgroup_enabled > 1 && %NoPost ) {
730        my ( $addmemgroup, $selsize ) =
731          DrawGroups( ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'},
732            ${ $uid . $user }{'position'}, 0 );
734        if ( $addmemgroup ) {
735            $my_addmemgroup = $myprofile_addmemgroup;
736            $my_addmemgroup =~ s/{yabb selsize}/$selsize/sm;
737            $my_addmemgroup =~ s/{yabb addmemgroup}/$addmemgroup/sm;
738        }
739    }
741    if (   $NewNotificationAlert
742        || $enable_notifications == 1
743        || $enable_notifications == 3 )
744    {
745        if ($NewNotificationAlert) {
746            $my_notify_a = q~
747                        <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="onlinealert" id="onlinealert"~
748              . (
749                ${ $uid . $user }{'onlinealert'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{} )
750              . qq~ /> <label for="onlinealert">$profile_txt{'onlinealertexplain'}</label>~;
751        }
752        if ( $enable_notifications == 1 || $enable_notifications == 3 ) {
753            if ($NewNotificationAlert) {
754                $my_notify_b = q~<br />
755                        <br />~;
756            }
758            $my_notify_b .= qq~
759                        <label for="notify_N">$profile_txt{'326'}</label>?&nbsp;<select name="notify_N" id="notify_N">
760                        <option value="0"~
761              . (
762                (
763                        !${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'}
764                      || ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 2
765                ) ? ' selected="selected"' : q{}
766              )
767              . qq~>$profile_txt{'164'}</option>
768                        <option value="1"~
769              . (
770                (
771                         ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 1
772                      || ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 3
773                ) ? ' selected="selected"' : q{}
774              )
775              . qq~>$profile_txt{'163'}</option>
776                        </select>~;
777        }
778        $my_notify = $myprofile_notify;
779        $my_notify =~ s/{yabb my_notify_a}/$my_notify_a/sm;
780        $my_notify =~ s/{yabb my_notify_b}/$my_notify_b/sm;
781    }
783    if ($ttsureverse) {
784        if ( !exists( ${ $uid . $user }{'reversetopic'} ) ) {
785            ${ $uid . $user }{'reversetopic'} = $ttsreverse;
786        }
787        $my_reversi =
788          ${ $uid . $user }{'reversetopic'} ? q~ checked="checked"~ : q{};
789        $my_reverse = $myprofile_reverse;
790        $my_reverse =~ s/{yabb my_reversi}/$my_reversi/sm;
791    }
793    my $rts = ${ $uid . $user }{'return_to'};
794    for my $rt ( 1 .. 3 ) {
795        $return_to_select .=
796          $rts == $rt
797          ? qq~<option value="$rt" selected="selected">$return_to_txt{$rt}</option>~
798          : qq~<option value="$rt">$return_to_txt{$rt}</option>~;
799    }
800    my $return_to = $myprofile_return_to;
801    $return_to =~ s/{yabb return_to_select}/$return_to_select/sm;
803    my $tmptcnt = 0;
804    foreach my $curtemplate (
805        sort { $templateset{$a} cmp $templateset{$b} }
806        keys %templateset
807      )
808    {
809        $drawndirs .=
810qq~<option value="$curtemplate"${isselected($curtemplate eq ${ $uid . $user }{'template'})}>$curtemplate</option>\n~;
811        $tmptcnt++;
812    }
814    my $my_template = q{};
815    if ( $tmptcnt > 1 ) {
816    $my_template = $myprofile_template;
817    $my_template =~ s/{yabb drawndirs}/$drawndirs/sm;
818    }
820    opendir DIR, $langdir;
821    my @lfilesanddirs = readdir DIR;
822    closedir DIR;
823    my $lngcnt = 0;
824    foreach my $fld ( sort { lc($a) cmp lc $b } @lfilesanddirs ) {
825        if ( -e "$langdir/$fld/Main.lng" ) {
826            my $displang = $fld;
827            $displang =~ s/(.+?)\_(.+?)$/$1 ($2)/gism;
828            $drawnldirs .=
829qq~<option value="$fld" ${isselected(${ $uid . $user }{'language'} eq $fld)}>$displang</option>~;
830            $lngcnt++;
831        }
832    }
834    my $my_show_lang = q{};
835    if ( $lngcnt > 1 ) {
836        $my_show_lang = $myprofile_show_lang;
837        $my_show_lang =~ s/{yabb drawnldirs}/$drawnldirs/sm;
838    }
840    if ( $user_hide_avatars && $showuserpic && $allowpics )
841    {    # checkbox to hide avatars in threads
842        $my_show_avatar_opts = $myprofile_show_avatars;
843        $my_hide_avatar =
844          ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_avatars'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
845        $my_show_avatar_opts =~ s/{yabb user_showavatar}/$my_hide_avatar/sm;
846    }
847    else { $my_show_avatar_opts = q{}; }
849    if ( $user_hide_user_text && $showusertext )
850    {    # checkbox to hide user-text in threads
851        $my_show_avatar_opts .= $myprofile_hide_user_text;
852        $my_hide_user_text =
853          ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_user_text'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
854        $my_show_avatar_opts =~ s/{yabb hide_user_text}/$my_hide_user_text/sm;
855    }
857    if ($user_hide_img) {    # checkbox to hide images in threads
858        $my_show_avatar_opts .= $myprofile_hide_img;
859        $my_hide_img =
860          ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_img'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
861        $my_show_avatar_opts =~ s/{yabb hide_img}/$my_hide_img/sm;
862    }
864    $allowattach ||= 0;
865    if ( $user_hide_attach_img && $allowattach > 0 )
866    {                        # checkbox to hide attached images in threads
867        $my_show_avatar_opts .= $myprofile_hide_attach_img;
868        $my_hide_attach_img =
869          ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_attach_img'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
870        $my_show_avatar_opts =~ s/{yabb hide_attach_img}/$my_hide_attach_img/sm;
871    }
873    if ($user_hide_signat) {    # checkbox to hide signatures in threads
874        $my_show_avatar_opts .= $myprofile_hide_signat;
875        $my_hide_signat =
876          ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_signat'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
877        $my_show_avatar_opts =~ s/{yabb hide_signat}/$my_hide_signat/sm;
878    }
880    if ( $user_hide_smilies_row && !$removenormalsmilies )
881    {  # checkbox to hide the row of smilies below the the post-message-inputbox
882        $my_show_avatar_opts .= $myprofile_hide_smilies_row;
883        $my_hide_smilies_row =
884          ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_smilies_row'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
885        $my_show_avatar_opts =~
886          s/{yabb hide_smilies_row}/$my_hide_smilies_row/sm;
887    }
889    if ($extendedprofiles) {
890        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
891        $my_extprofile = ext_editprofile( $user, 'options' );
892    }
894    my $cnnn = 0;
895    for my $i ( 1 .. 5 ) {
896        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'numberformat'} == $i ) {
897            $unfsl[$i] = ' selected="selected" ';
898            $cnnn++;
899        }
900        else { $unfsl[$i] = q{}; }
901    }
902    for my $i ( 1 .. 5 ) {
903        if ( $forumnumberformat == $i && $cnnn == 0 ) {
904            $unfsl[$i] = ' selected="selected" ';
905        }
906    }
908    my $cntm = 0;
909    for my $j ( 1 .. 8 ) {
910        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'timeselect'} == $j ) {
911            $tsl[$j] = ' selected="selected" ';
912            $cntm++;
913        }
914        else { $tsl[$j] = q{}; }
915    }
916    for my $j ( 1 .. 8 ) {
917        if ( $timeselected == $j && $cntm == 0 ) {
918            $tsl[$j] = ' selected="selected" ';
919        }
920    }
922    $my_num_option = qq~<option value="1"$unfsl[1]>10987.65</option>
923                <option value="2"$unfsl[2]>10987,65</option>
924                <option value="3"$unfsl[3]>10,987.65</option>
925                <option value="4"$unfsl[4]>10.987,65</option>
926                <option value="5"$unfsl[5]>10 987,65</option>~;
928    $my_time_option = qq~<option value="1"$tsl[1]>$profile_txt{'480'}</option>
929                <option value="5"$tsl[5]>$profile_txt{'484'}</option>
930                <option value="4"$tsl[4]>$profile_txt{'483'}</option>
931                <option value="8"$tsl[8]>$profile_txt{'483a'}</option>
932                <option value="2"$tsl[2]>$profile_txt{'481'}</option>
933                <option value="3"$tsl[3]>$profile_txt{'482'}</option>
934                <option value="6"$tsl[6]>$profile_txt{'485'}</option>~;
935    $my_timeformat = timeformat( $date, 1 );
937    if ($enabletz) {
938        eval {
939            require DateTime;
940            require DateTime::TimeZone;
941        };
942        my $user_tz_select = q{};
943        $default_tz ||= 'UTC';
944        if ( !$EVAL_ERROR ) {
945            require DateTime;
946            require DateTime::TimeZone;
947            LoadLanguage('Countries');
948            $mytz = ${ $uid . $user }{'user_tz'} || $default_tz;
949            my @mycntry = sort { $countrytime_txt{$a} cmp $countrytime_txt{$b} } keys %countrytime_txt;
950            my $myselect = q{};
951            if ( $mytz eq 'UTC' ) {
952                $myselect = ' selected="selected"';
953            }
954            $user_tz_select = q~<br /><select name="user_tz" id="user_tz">~;
955            $user_tz_select .= qq~<option value="UTC"$myselect>UTC</option>~;
956            for my $i (@mycntry) {
957                {
958                    if ( $i eq $mytz ) {
959                        $myselect = ' selected="selected"';
960                    }
961                    else { $myselect = q{}; }
962                    $user_tz_select .=
963qq~<option value="$i"$myselect>$countrytime_txt{$i}</option>~;
964                }
965            }
966            $user_tz_select .= q~</select>~;
967        }
968        else {
969            $mytz = ${ $uid . $user }{'user_tz'} || $default_tz;
970            $localopt = q{};
971            if ( $mytz eq 'local' ) {
972                $myselectb = ' selected="selected"';
973            }
974            elsif ( $mytz eq 'UTC' ) {
975                $myselecta = ' selected="selected"';
976            }
977            if ( $default_tz eq 'local' ) {
978                $localopt =
979qq~\n<option value="local"$myselectb>$profile_txt{'372a'}</option>~;
980            }
981            $user_tz_select = q~<br /><select name="user_tz" id="user_tz">~;
982            $user_tz_select .= qq~<option value="UTC"$myselecta>UTC</option>~;
983            $user_tz_select .= $localopt;
984            $user_tz_select .= q~</select>~;
985        }
986        $my_tz = $my_tz_select;
987        $my_tz =~ s/{yabb my_user_tz}/$user_tz_select/sm;
989    }
990    else { $my_tz = q{}; }
992    $my_dynamic =
993      ${ $uid . $user }{'dynamic_clock'} ? ' checked="checked"' : q{};
995    $my_time = $myprofile_time;
996    $my_time =~ s/{yabb my_num_option}/$my_num_option/sm;
997    $my_time =~ s/{yabb my_time_option}/$my_time_option/sm;
998    $my_time =~ s/{yabb timeformat}/${$uid.$user}{'timeformat'}/sm;
999    $my_time =~ s/{yabb my_timeformat}/$my_timeformat/sm;
1000    $my_time =~ s/{yabb my_tz_select}/$my_tz/sm;
1001    $my_time =~ s/{yabb my_dynamic}/$my_dynamic/sm;
1003    $showProfile .= qq~
1004<form action="$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$INFO{'username'}};sid=$INFO{'sid'}" method="post" name="creator"$my_allow_avatars>~;
1005    $showProfile .= $myprofile_options;
1006    $showProfile .=
1007qq~         <textarea name="signature" id="signature" rows="4" cols="30" class="width_100">$signature</textarea><br />~;
1008    $showProfile .= $myprofile_options_b;
1010    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb usertext}/${$uid.$user}{'usertext'}/sm;
1011    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb profiletitle}/$profiletitle/sm;
1012    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_show_avatar}/$my_show_avatar/sm;
1013    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb MaxSigLen}/$MaxSigLen/gsm;
1014    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_addmemgroup}/$my_addmemgroup/sm;
1015    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_time}/$my_time/sm;
1016    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_notify}/$my_notify/sm;
1017    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_reverse}/$my_reverse/sm;
1018    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_return_to}/$return_to/sm;
1019    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_template}/$my_template/sm;
1020    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_show_lang}/$my_show_lang/sm;
1021    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_show_avatar_opts}/$my_show_avatar_opts/sm;
1022    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_extprofile}/$my_extprofile/sm;
1023    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sid_expires}/$expiretxt/sm;
1025## Mod Hook showProfile_options ##
1027    if ( !$view ) {
1028        $yymain .= $showProfile;
1029        template();
1030    }
1031    return;
1034sub ModifyProfileBuddy {
1035    SidCheck($action);
1036    PrepareProfile();
1038    $menucolors[3] = 'selected-bg';
1039    ProfileMenu();
1041    my $scriptAction = q~profileBuddy2~;
1042    if ($view) {
1043        $scriptAction = q~myprofileBuddy2~;
1044        $yytitle =
1045qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} &rsaquo; $profile_buddy_list{'buddylist'}~;
1046        $profiletitle =
1047qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_buddy_list{'buddylist'}~;
1048        $yynavigation =
1049qq~&rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?action=mycenter" class="nav">$img_txt{'mycenter'}</a> &rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
1050    }
1051    else {
1052        $yytitle =
1053          qq~$profile_txt{'79'} &rsaquo; $profile_buddy_list{'buddylist'}~;
1054        $profiletitle =
1055qq~$profile_txt{'79'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_buddy_list{'buddylist'}~;
1056        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
1057    }
1059    if ( !$yyjavascript ) { $yyjavascript = q{}; }
1060    $yyjavascript .= qq~
1061        function imWin() {
1062                window.open('$scripturl?action=imlist;sort=mlletter;toid=buddylist','Blist','status=no,height=345,width=464,menubar=no,toolbar=no,top=50,left=50,scrollbars=no');
1063        }
1064        // removes a user from the list
1065        function removeUser(oElement) {
1066                var oList = oElement.options;
1067                var indexToRemove = oList.selectedIndex;
1068                if (oList.length > 1 || (oList.length == 1 && oList[0].value != '0')) {
1069                        //alert('element [' + oElement.options[indexToRemove].value + ']');
1070                        if (confirm("$profile_buddy_list{'removealert'}")) {
1071                                oElement.remove(indexToRemove);
1072                        }
1073                }
1074        }
1075        function selectblNames() {
1076                var oList = document.getElementById('buddylist');
1077                for (var i = 0; i < oList.options.length; i++) {
1078                        oList.options[i].selected = true;
1079                }
1080        }
1081        ~;
1083    my $buildBuddyList = q{};
1084    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'buddylist'} ) {
1085        my @buddies = split /\|/xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'buddylist'};
1086        chomp @buddies;
1087        foreach my $buddy (@buddies) {
1088            LoadUser($buddy);
1089            if ( ${ $uid . $buddy }{'realname'} ) {
1090                $buildBuddyList .=
1091qq~<option value="$buddy">${$uid.$buddy}{'realname'}</option>~;
1092            }
1093        }
1094    }
1096    $showProfile .= qq~
1097<form action="$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$INFO{'username'}};sid=$INFO{'sid'}" method="post" name="creator" onsubmit="javascript: selectblNames();">~;
1098    $showProfile .= $myprofile_buddy;
1100    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb profiletitle}/$profiletitle/sm;
1101    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb buildBuddyList}/$buildBuddyList/sm;
1102    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sid_expires}/$expiretxt/sm;
1104    if ( !$view ) {
1105        $yymain .= $showProfile;
1106        template();
1107    }
1108    return;
1111sub ModifyProfileIM {
1112    SidCheck($action);
1113    PrepareProfile();
1115    $menucolors[4] = 'selected-bg';
1116    ProfileMenu();
1118    $yyjavascript .= qq~
1119        function imWin() {
1120                window.open('$scripturl?action=imlist;sort=mlletter;toid=ignore','Ilist','status=no,height=345,width=464,menubar=no,toolbar=no,top=50,left=50,scrollbars=no');
1121        }
1122        // removes a user from the list
1123        function removeUser(oElement) {
1124                var oList = oElement.options;
1125                var indexToRemove = oList.selectedIndex;
1126                if (oList.length > 1 || (oList.length == 1 && oList[0].value != '0')) {
1127                        //alert('element [' + oElement.options[indexToRemove].value + ']');
1128                        if (confirm("$profile_buddy_list{'removealert'}")) {
1129                                oElement.remove(indexToRemove);
1130                        }
1131                }
1132        }
1133        function selectINames()        {
1134                var oList = document.getElementById('ignore');
1135                for (var i = 0; i < oList.options.length; i++) {
1136                        oList.options[i].selected = true;
1137                        }
1138                }
1139        ~;
1141    my $scriptAction = q~profileIM2~;
1142    if ($view) {
1143        $scriptAction = q~myprofileIM2~;
1144        $yytitle =
1145          qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} &rsaquo; $profile_imtxt{'38'}~;
1146        $profiletitle =
1147qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_imtxt{'38'}~;
1148        $yynavigation =
1149qq~&rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?action=mycenter" class="nav">$img_txt{'mycenter'}</a> &rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
1150    }
1151    else {
1152        $yytitle = qq~$profile_txt{79} &rsaquo; $profile_imtxt{'38'}~;
1153        $profiletitle =
1154          qq~$profile_txt{79} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_imtxt{'38'}~;
1155        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
1156    }
1157    my $ignoreallChecked = q{};
1158    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'im_ignorelist'} eq q{*} ) {
1159        $ignoreallChecked = ' checked="checked"';
1160    }
1161    if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'im_ignorelist'}
1162        && ${ $uid . $user }{'im_ignorelist'} ne q{*} )
1163    {
1164        my @ignoreList = split /\|/xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'im_ignorelist'};
1165        chomp @ignoreList;
1166        foreach my $ignoreName (@ignoreList) {
1167            LoadUser($ignoreName);
1168            my $ignoreUser;
1169            if ( ${ $uid . $ignoreName }{'realname'} ) {
1170                $ignoreUser = ${ $uid . $ignoreName }{'realname'};
1171            }
1172            else { $ignoreUser = $ignoreName; }
1173            $ignoreName = cloak($ignoreName);
1174            $my_ignore .=
1175qq~\n                        <option value="$ignoreName">$ignoreUser</option>~;
1176        }
1177    }
1179    if ( $enable_notifications > 1 ) {
1180        $my_PM_notifyme =
1181          ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} < 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : q{};
1182        $my_PM_notifyme_2 =
1183          ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} > 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : q{};
1185        $my_PMnotify = $myprofile_PMnotify;
1186        $my_PMnotify =~ s/{yabb my_PM_notifyme}/$my_PM_notifyme/sm;
1187        $my_PMnotify =~ s/{yabb my_PM_notifyme_2}/$my_PM_notifyme_2/sm;
1188    }
1190    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'im_popup'} ) {
1191        $enable_userimpopup = ' checked="checked"';
1192    }
1193    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'im_imspop'} ) {
1194        $popup_userim = 'checked="checked"';
1195    }
1196    my $pmviewMessChecked;
1197    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'pmviewMess'} ) {
1198        $pmviewMessChecked = ' checked="checked"';
1199    }
1200    if ($extendedprofiles) {
1201        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
1202        $my_extprofile .= ext_editprofile( $user, 'im' );
1203    }
1205    $showProfile .= qq~
1206<form action="$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$INFO{'username'}};sid=$INFO{'sid'}" method="post" name="creator" onsubmit="javascript:selectINames();" >~;
1207    $showProfile .= $myprofile_PMpref;
1209    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb profiletitle}/$profiletitle/sm;
1210    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_ignore}/$my_ignore/sm;
1211    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb enable_userimpopup}/$enable_userimpopup/sm;
1212    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb popup_userim}/$popup_userim/sm;
1213    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb pmviewMessChecked}/$pmviewMessChecked/sm;
1214    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_extprofile}/$my_extprofile/sm;
1215    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sid_expires}/$expiretxt/sm;
1216    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_PMnotify}/$my_PMnotify/sm;
1218    if ( !$view ) {
1219        $yymain .= $showProfile;
1220        template();
1221    }
1222    return;
1225sub ModifyProfileAdmin {
1226    is_admin_or_gmod();
1227    SidCheck($action);
1228    PrepareProfile();
1230    $menucolors[5] = 'selected-bg';
1231    ProfileMenu();
1233    my @grps = sort keys %Group;
1234    my @memstat = ();
1235    $mygrp = 0;
1236    for ( @grps ) {
1237        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq $_ ) {
1238            @memstat = split /\|/xsm, $Group{$_};
1239            $tt = $memstat[0];
1240            $mygrp = 1;
1241        }
1242    }
1243    if ( $mygrp != 1) {
1244        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ) {
1245        $ttgrp = ${ $uid . $user }{'position'};
1246        ( $tt, undef ) = split /\|/xsm, $NoPost{$ttgrp}, 2;
1247        }
1248        else { $tt = ${ $uid . $user }{'position'}; }
1249    }
1251    $regreason = ${ $uid . $user }{'regreason'};
1252    $regreason =~ s/<br \/>/\n/gsm;
1254    my ( $tta, $selsize );
1255    if (%NoPost) {
1256        ( $tta, $selsize ) =
1257          DrawGroups( ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'}, q{}, 1 );
1258    }
1260    $userlastlogin = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastonline'} );
1261    $userlastpost  = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastpost'} );
1262    $userlastim    = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastim'} );
1263    if ( $userlastlogin eq q{} ) { $userlastlogin = $profile_txt{'470'}; }
1264    if ( $userlastpost eq q{} )  { $userlastpost  = $profile_txt{'470'}; }
1265    if ( $userlastim eq q{} )    { $userlastim    = $profile_txt{'470'}; }
1267    my $scriptAction = q~profileAdmin2~;
1268    if ($view) {
1269        $scriptAction = q~myprofileAdmin2~;
1270        $yytitle =
1271          qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'820'}~;
1272        $profiletitle =
1273qq~$profile_txt{'editmyprofile'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'820'}~;
1274        $yynavigation =
1275qq~&rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?action=mycenter" class="nav">$img_txt{'mycenter'}</a> &rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
1276    }
1277    else {
1278        $yytitle = qq~$profile_txt{'79'} &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'820'}~;
1279        $profiletitle =
1280          qq~$profile_txt{'79'} ($user) &rsaquo; $profile_txt{'820'}~;
1281        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profiletitle~;
1282    }
1283    if ( $iamadmin ) {
1284        for ( @grps ) {
1285            @memstat = split /\|/xsm, $Group{$_};
1286            $my_group .=
1287qq~\n                        <option value="$_">$memstat[0]</option>~;
1288        }
1289    }
1291    my $z = 0;
1292    for (@nopostorder) {
1293        @memstat = split /\|/xsm,
1294          $NoPost{$_}, 5;
1295        $my_group .= qq~<option value="$_">$memstat[0]</option>~;
1296        $z++;
1297    }
1299    if ( $tta ne q{} ) {
1300        $my_tta = $myprofile_tta;
1301        $my_tta =~ s/{yabb selsize}/$selsize/sm;
1302        $my_tta =~ s/{yabb tta}/$tta/sm;
1303    }
1305    (
1306        $dr_secund, $dr_minute, $dr_hour, $dr_day, $dr_month,
1307        $dr_year,   undef,      undef,    undef
1308      )
1309      = gmtime(
1310          ${ $uid . $user }{'regtime'}
1311        ? ${ $uid . $user }{'regtime'}
1312        : $forumstart
1313      );
1314    $dr_month++;
1316    if ( $dr_month > 12 ) { $dr_month = 12; }   ## month cannot be above 12!
1317    if ( $dr_month < 1 )  { $dr_month = 1; }    ## neither can it be less than 1
1318    if ( $dr_day > 31 )   { $dr_day   = 31; }   ## day of month over 31
1319    if ( $dr_day < 1 )    { $dr_day   = 1; }
1320    if ( length($dr_year) > 2 ) {
1321        $dr_year = substr $dr_year, length($dr_year) - 2, 2;
1322    }
1323    if ( $dr_year < 90 && $dr_year > 50 ) {
1324        $dr_year = 90;
1325    }    ## a year over 50 is taken to be 1990
1326    if ( $dr_year > 20 && $dr_year < 51 ) {
1327        $dr_year = 20;
1328    }    ## a year 50 or lower is taken to be 2020
1329    if ( $dr_hour > 23 )   { $dr_hour   = 23; }
1330    if ( $dr_minute > 59 ) { $dr_minute = 59; }
1331    if ( $dr_secund > 59 ) { $dr_secund = 59; }
1333    $sel_day = qq~
1334            <select name="dr_day">\n~;
1335    for my $i ( 1 .. 31 ) {
1336        $day_val = sprintf '%02d', $i;
1337        if ( $dr_day == $i ) {
1338            $sel_day .=
1339qq~                <option value="$day_val" selected="selected">$i</option>\n~;
1340        }
1341        else {
1342            $sel_day .=
1343              qq~                <option value="$day_val">$i</option>\n~;
1344        }
1345    }
1346    $sel_day .= qq~            </select>\n~;
1348    $sel_month = qq~
1349            <select name="dr_month">\n~;
1350    for my $i ( 0 .. 11 ) {
1351        $z = $i + 1;
1352        $month_val = sprintf '%02d', $z;
1353        if ( $dr_month == $z ) {
1354            $sel_month .=
1355qq~                <option value="$month_val" selected="selected">$months[$i]</option>\n~;
1356        }
1357        else {
1358            $sel_month .=
1359qq~                <option value="$month_val">$months[$i]</option>\n~;
1360        }
1361    }
1362    $sel_month .= qq~            </select>\n~;
1364    $sel_year = qq~
1365            <select name="dr_year">\n~;
1366    for my $i ( 1990 .. $year ) {
1367        my $year_val = substr $i, 2, 2;
1368        if ( $dr_year == $year_val ) {
1369            $sel_year .=
1370qq~                <option value="$year_val" selected="selected">$i</option>\n~;
1371        }
1372        else {
1373            $sel_year .=
1374              qq~                <option value="$year_val">$i</option>\n~;
1375        }
1376    }
1377    $sel_year .= q~            </select>~;
1379    $time_sel = ${ $uid . $username }{'timeselect'};
1380    if ( $time_sel == 1 || $time_sel == 4 || $time_sel == 5 ) {
1381        $all_date = qq~$sel_month $sel_day $sel_year~;
1382    }
1383    else { $all_date = qq~$sel_day $sel_month $sel_year~; }
1384    $all_date =~ s/<select name/<select id="dr_day_month" name/osm;
1386    $sel_hour = qq~
1387            <select name="dr_hour">\n~;
1388    for my $i ( 0 .. 23 ) {
1389        my $hour_val = sprintf '%02d', $i;
1390        if ( $dr_hour == $i ) {
1391            $sel_hour .=
1392qq~                        <option value="$hour_val" selected="selected">$hour_val</option>\n~;
1393        }
1394        else {
1395            $sel_hour .=
1396qq~                        <option value="$hour_val">$hour_val</option>\n~;
1397        }
1398    }
1399    $sel_hour .= qq~                        </select>\n~;
1401    $sel_minute = qq~
1402                        <select name="dr_minute">\n~;
1403    for my $i ( 0 .. 59 ) {
1404        $minute_val = sprintf '%02d', $i;
1405        if ( $dr_minute == $i ) {
1406            $sel_minute .=
1407qq~                        <option value="$minute_val" selected="selected">$minute_val</option>\n~;
1408        }
1409        else {
1410            $sel_minute .=
1411qq~                        <option value="$minute_val">$minute_val</option>\n~;
1412        }
1413    }
1414    $sel_minute .= q~                        </select>~;
1416    if ($extendedprofiles) {
1417        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
1418        $my_extprofile .= ext_editprofile( $user, 'admin' );
1419    }
1421    $myprofile_userinfo =
1422      qq~<input type="hidden" name="username" value="$INFO{'username'}" />~;
1423    $showProfile .= qq~
1424<form action="$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$user};sid=$INFO{'sid'}" method="post" name="creator">~;
1425    $showProfile .= $myprofile_admin_a;
1426    AddModerators();
1427    $showProfile .= $myprofile_admin_b;
1428    $showProfile .=
1429qq~<textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="regreason" id="regreason">$regreason</textarea>~;
1430    $showProfile .= $myprofile_admin_bb;
1432    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb profiletitle}/$profiletitle/sm;
1433    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb myprofile_userinfo}/$myprofile_userinfo/sm;
1434    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb postcount}/${$uid.$user}{'postcount'}/sm;
1435    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb position}/${$uid.$user}{'position'}/gsm;
1436    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb tt}/$tt/sm;
1437    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_tta}/$my_tta/sm;
1438    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_group}/$my_group/sm;
1439    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb all_date}/$all_date/sm;
1440    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sel_hour}/$sel_hour/sm;
1441    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sel_minute}/$sel_minute/sm;
1442    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb dr_secund}/$dr_secund/sm;
1443    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb regreason}/$regreason/sm;
1444    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb userlastlogin}/$userlastlogin/sm;
1445    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb userlastpost}/$userlastpost/sm;
1446    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb userlastim}/$userlastim/sm;
1447    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_extprofile}/$my_extprofile/sm;
1448    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb sid_expires}/$expiretxt/sm;
1450## Mod Hook showProfile_admin ##
1452    if ( !$view ) {
1453        $yymain .= $showProfile;
1454        template();
1455    }
1456    return;
1459sub ModifyProfile2 {
1460    SidCheck($action);
1461    PrepareProfile();
1463    my ( %member, $key, $value );
1464    while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %FORM ) {
1465        $value =~ s/\A\s+//sm;
1466        $value =~ s/\s+\Z//sm;
1467        $value =~ s/[\n\r]//gxsm;
1468        $member{$key} = $value;
1469    }
1470    $member{'username'} = $user;
1472    if ( $member{'moda'} eq $profile_txt{'88'} ) {
1473        if (   $sessions == 1
1474            && $sessionvalid == 1
1475            && ( $iamadmin || $iamgmod )
1476            && $username eq $user )
1477        {
1478            if ( $member{'sesquest'} eq 'password' ) {
1479                $member{'sesanswer'} = q{};
1480            }
1481            elsif ( $member{'sesanswer'} eq q{} ) {
1482                fatal_error('no_secret_answer');
1483            }
1484        }
1486        if ( $member{'passwrd1'} || $member{'passwrd2'} ) {
1487            if ( $member{'passwrd1'} ne $member{'passwrd2'} ) {
1488                fatal_error( 'password_mismatch', "$member{'username'}" );
1489            }
1490            if ( $member{'passwrd1'} eq q{} ) {
1491                fatal_error( 'no_password', "$member{'username'}" );
1492            }
1493            if ( $member{'passwrd1'} =~
1494                /[^\s\w!\@#\$\%\^&\*\(\)\+\|`~\-=\\:;'",\.\/\?\[\]\{\}]/xsm )
1495            {
1496                fatal_error( 'invalid_character',
1497                    "$profile_txt{'36'} $profile_txt{'241'}" );
1498            }
1499            if ( $member{'username'} eq $member{'passwrd1'} ) {
1500                fatal_error('password_is_userid');
1501            }
1502        }
1504        if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'}
1505            && $editGenderLimit
1506            && ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'} >= $editGenderLimit
1507            && !$iamadmin
1508            && ( !$iamgmod || !$allow_gmod_profile ) )
1509        {
1510            if ( $member{'gender'} ne ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} ) {
1511                fatal_error('not_allowed_gender_edit');
1512            }
1513        }
1515        if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'}
1516            && $editAgeLimit
1517            && ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} >= $editAgeLimit
1518            && !$iamadmin
1519            && ( !$iamgmod || !$allow_gmod_profile ) )
1520        {
1521            ( $user_birth_month, $user_birth_day, $user_birth_year ) =
1522              split /\//xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'};
1523            if (   $member{'bday1'} != $user_birth_month
1524                || $member{'bday2'} != $user_birth_day
1525                || $member{'bday3'} != $user_birth_year )
1526            {
1527                fatal_error('not_allowed_birthdate_change');
1528            }
1529        }
1531        if ( ( $birthday_on_reg > 1 && !$iamadmin && ( !$iamgmod || !$allow_gmod_profile ) ) && ( $member{'bday1'} eq q{} || $member{'bday2'} eq q{} || $member{'bday3'} eq q{} ) )
1532        {
1533            fatal_error( 'invalid_birthdate', "($member{'bday1'}/$member{'bday2'}/$member{'bday3'})" );
1534        }
1535         elsif ( $member{'bday1'} ne q{} || $member{'bday2'} ne q{} || $member{'bday3'} ne q{} ) {
1536            if ( $member{'bday1'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/xsm || $member{'bday2'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/xsm || $member{'bday3'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/xsm || length( $member{'bday3'} ) < 4 ) {
1537                fatal_error( 'invalid_birthdate',
1538                    "($member{'bday1'}/$member{'bday2'}/$member{'bday3'})" );
1539            }
1540            elsif (   $member{'bday1'} < 1
1541                || $member{'bday1'} > 12
1542                || $member{'bday2'} < 1
1543                || $member{'bday2'} > 31
1544                || $member{'bday3'} < 1901
1545                || $member{'bday3'} > $year - 5 )
1546            {
1547                fatal_error( 'invalid_birthdate',
1548                    "($member{'bday1'}/$member{'bday2'}/$member{'bday3'})" );
1549            }
1550        }
1551        $member{'bday1'} =~ s/[^0-9]//gxsm;
1552        $member{'bday2'} =~ s/[^0-9]//gxsm;
1553        $member{'bday3'} =~ s/[^0-9]//gxsm;
1554        if ( $member{'bday1'} ) {
1555            $member{'bday'} =
1556              "$member{'bday1'}/$member{'bday2'}/$member{'bday3'}";
1557        }
1558        else { $member{'bday'} = q{}; }
1560        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} ne "$member{'bday'}" ) {
1561            $Update_EventCal = 1;
1562        }
1564        if (
1565            $editGenderLimit
1566            && (   ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} ne $member{'gender'}
1567                || ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq q{} )
1568          )
1569        {
1570            if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'} eq q{} ) {
1571                ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'} = 1;
1572            }
1573            else { ${ $uid . $user }{'disablegender'}++; }
1574        }
1575        if (
1576            $editAgeLimit
1577            && (   ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} ne $member{'bday'}
1578                || ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} eq q{} )
1579          )
1580        {
1581            if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} eq q{} ) {
1582                ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'} = 1;
1583            }
1584            else { ${ $uid . $user }{'disableage'}++; }
1585        }
1587        # EventCal Begin
1588        if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} ne "$member{'bday'}"
1589            || ${ $uid . $user }{'hideage'} ne "$member{'hideage'}" )
1590        {
1591            $Update_EventCal = 1;
1592        }
1594        # EventCal End
1596        if ($extendedprofiles) {  # run this before you start to save something!
1597            require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
1598            my $error = ext_validate_submition( $username, $user );
1599            if ( $error ne q{} ) {
1600                fatal_error( 'extended_profiles_validation', $error );
1601            }
1602            ext_saveprofile($user);
1603        }
1605        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'realname'} ne $member{'name'} ) {
1606            $member{'name'} =~ s/\t+/\ /gsm;
1607        }
1608        if ( $member{'name'} eq q{} ) { fatal_error('no_name'); }
1609        if ( $name_cannot_be_userid
1610            && lc $member{'name'} eq lc $member{'username'} )
1611        {
1612            fatal_error('name_is_userid');
1613        }
1615        LoadCensorList();
1616        if ( Censor( $member{'name'} ) ne $member{'name'} ) {
1617            fatal_error( 'name_censored', CheckCensor("$member{'name'}") );
1618        }
1620        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'password'} eq
1621            encode_password( $member{'name'} ) )
1622        {
1623            fatal_error('password_is_userid');
1624        }
1626        FromChars( $member{'name'} );
1627        $convertstr = $member{'name'};
1628        $convertcut = 30;
1629        CountChars();
1630        $member{'name'} = $convertstr;
1631        if ($cliped) { fatal_error('name_too_long'); }
1632        if (
1633            $member{'name'} =~ /[^ \w\x80-\xFF\[\]\(\)#\%\+,\-\|\.:=\?\@\^]/sm )
1634        {
1635            fatal_error( 'invalid_character',
1636                "$profile_txt{'68'} $profile_txt{'241re'}" );
1637        }
1639        ToHTML( $member{'name'} );
1640        if ( $user ne 'admin' ) {
1642            # Check to see if name is reserved
1643            fopen( FILE, "$vardir/reservecfg.txt" )
1644              or fatal_error( 'cannot_open', "$vardir/reservecfg.txt", 1 );
1645            my @reservecfg = <FILE>;
1646            fclose(FILE);
1647            chomp @reservecfg;
1648            my $matchword = $reservecfg[0] eq 'checked';
1649            my $matchcase = $reservecfg[1] eq 'checked';
1650            my $matchname = $reservecfg[3] eq 'checked';
1651            my $namecheck =
1652                $matchcase eq 'checked'
1653              ? $member{'name'}
1654              : lc $member{'name'};
1656            fopen( FILE, "$vardir/reserve.txt" )
1657              or fatal_error( 'cannot_open', "$vardir/reserve.txt", 1 );
1658            my @reserve = <FILE>;
1659            fclose(FILE);
1660            foreach my $reserved (@reserve) {
1661                chomp $reserved;
1662                my $reservecheck = $matchcase ? $reserved : lc $reserved;
1663                if ($matchname) {
1664                    if ($matchword) {
1665                        if ( $namecheck eq $reservecheck ) {
1666                            fatal_error( 'id_reserved', "$reserved" );
1667                        }
1668                    }
1669                    else {
1670                        if ( $namecheck =~ $reservecheck ) {
1671                            fatal_error( 'id_reserved', "$reserved" );
1672                        }
1673                    }
1674                }
1675            }
1676        }
1678        if (
1679            (
1680                lc MemberIndex( 'check_exist', $member{'name'}, 1 ) eq
1681                lc $member{'name'}
1682            )
1683            && ( lc $member{'name'} ne lc ${ $uid . $user }{'realname'} )
1684            && ( lc $member{'name'} ne lc $member{'username'} )
1685          )
1686        {
1687            fatal_error( 'name_taken', "($member{'name'})" );
1688        }
1690        # rewrite attachments.txt with new username
1691        fopen( ATM, "<$vardir/attachments.txt", 1 )
1692          or fatal_error( 'cannot_open', "$vardir/attachments.txt" );
1693        my @attachments = <ATM>;
1694        fclose(ATM);
1696        for my $i ( 0 .. ( @attachments - 1 ) ) {
1697            $attachments[$i] =~
1698s/^(\d+\|\d+\|.*?)\|(.*?)\|/ ($2 eq ${$uid.$user}{'realname'} ? "$1|$member{'name'}|" : "$1|$2|") /esm;
1699        }
1700        fopen( ATM, ">$vardir/attachments.txt", 1 )
1701          or fatal_error( 'cannot_open', "$vardir/attachments.txt" );
1702        print {ATM} @attachments or croak "$croak{'print'} ATM";
1703        fclose(ATM);
1705   #Since we have not encountered a fatal error, time to rewrite our memberlist.
1706        ManageMemberinfo( 'update', $user, $member{'name'} );
1708        ToHTML( $member{'gender'} );
1709        FromChars( $member{'location'} );
1710        ToHTML( $member{'location'} );
1711        ToChars( $member{'location'} );
1712        ToHTML( $member{'bday'} );
1713        FromChars( $member{'sesquest'} );
1714        ToHTML( $member{'sesquest'} );
1715        ToChars( $member{'sesquest'} );
1717        # Time to print the changes to the username.vars file
1718        if ( $member{'passwrd1'} ) {
1719            ${ $uid . $user }{'password'} =
1720              encode_password( $member{'passwrd1'} );
1721        }
1722        ${ $uid . $user }{'realname'} = $member{'name'};
1723        ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'}   = $member{'gender'};
1724        ${ $uid . $user }{'location'} = $member{'location'};
1725        ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'}     = $member{'bday'};
1726        ${ $uid . $user }{'hideage'}  = $member{'hideage'};
1727        ${ $uid . $user }{'sesquest'} = $member{'sesquest'};
1729        ${ $uid . $user }{'sesanswer'} = $member{'sesanswer'};
1731        # EventCal Begin
1732        if ( $Update_EventCal == 1 ) {
1733            fopen( FILE, "$vardir/eventcalbday.db" );
1734            my @birthmembers = <FILE>;
1735            fclose(FILE);
1736            fopen( FILE, ">$vardir/eventcalbday.db" );
1737            my $cn = 0;
1738            foreach my $x (@birthmembers) {
1739                chomp $x;
1740                my ( $user_year, $user_month, $user_day, $user_xy, $user_hide )
1741                  = split /\|/xsm, $x;
1742                if ( $user_xy eq $user ) {
1743                    my ( $user_montha, $user_daya, $user_yeara ) =
1744                      split /\//xsm, $member{'bday'};
1745                    if ( $user_montha < 10 && length($user_montha) == 1 ) {
1746                        $user_montha = "0$user_montha";
1747                    }
1748                    if ( $user_daya < 10 && length($user_daya) == 1 ) {
1749                        $user_daya = "0$user_daya";
1750                    }
1751                    if   ( $member{'hideage'} ) { $nuser_hide = 1; }
1752                    else                        { $nuser_hide = q{}; }
1753                    print {FILE}
1755                      or croak "$croak{'print'} birthday";
1756                    $cn++;
1757                }
1758                else {
1759                    print {FILE} qq~$x\n~ or croak "$croak{'print'} birthday";
1760                }
1761            }
1762            fclose(FILE);
1763            if ( $cn == 0 ) {
1764                fopen( FILE, ">>$vardir/eventcalbday.db" );
1765                ( $user_montha, $user_daya, $user_yeara ) = split /\//xsm,
1766                  $member{'bday'};
1767                if ( $user_montha < 10 && length($user_montha) == 1 ) {
1768                    $user_montha = "0$user_montha";
1769                }
1770                if ( $user_daya < 10 && length($user_daya) == 1 ) {
1771                    $user_daya = "0$user_daya";
1772                }
1773                if   ( $member{'hideage'} ) { $nuser_hide = 1; }
1774                else                        { $user_hide  = q{}; }
1775                print {FILE}
1776                  qq~$user_yeara|$user_montha|$user_daya|$user|$nuser_hide\n~
1777                  or croak "$croak{'print'} birthday";
1778                fclose(FILE);
1779            }
1780        }
1782        # EventCal End
1783        UserAccount( $user, 'update' );
1785        if ( $member{'passwrd1'} && $username eq $user ) {
1786            UpdateCookie(
1787                'write', $user,
1788                ${ $uid . $user }{'password'},
1789                ${ $uid . $user }{'session'},
1790                q{/}, q{}
1791            );
1792        }
1794        my $scriptAction = $view ? 'myprofileContacts' : 'profileContacts';
1795        $yySetLocation =
1798    }
1799    elsif ( $member{'moda'} eq $profile_txt{'89'} ) {
1800        if ( $member{'username'} eq 'admin' ) {
1801            fatal_error('cannot_kill_admin');
1802        }
1804        # For security, remove username from mod position
1805        KillModerator( $member{'username'} );
1807        $noteuser = $iamadmin ? $member{'username'} : $user;
1809        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.dat";
1810        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.vars";
1811        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.ims";
1812        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.msg";
1813        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.log";
1814        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.rlog";
1815        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.outbox";
1816        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.imstore";
1817        unlink "$memberdir/$noteuser.imdraft";
1819        if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'}
1820            && ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} =~
1821            /$facesurl\/UserAvatars\/(.+)/xsm )
1822        {
1823            unlink "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$1";
1824        }
1826        fopen( PMATTACH, "<$vardir/pm.attachments" )
1827          or fatal_error( 'cannot_open', "$vardir/pm.attachments", 1 );
1828        @pmattach = <PMATTACH>;
1829        fclose(PMATTACH);
1831        foreach my $pm_attach (@pmattach) {
1832            ( undef, undef, undef, $attach_file, undef, $attach_user ) =
1833              split /\|/xsm, $pm_attach;
1834            chomp $attach_user;
1835            if ( $noteuser eq $attach_user ) {
1836                unlink "$pmuploaddir/$attach_file";
1837            }
1838        }
1840        MemberIndex( 'remove', $noteuser );
1842        # EventCalbday Begin
1843        fopen( FILE, "$vardir/eventcalbday.db" );
1844        my @birthmembers = <FILE>;
1845        fclose(FILE);
1846        fopen( FILE, ">$vardir/eventcalbday.db" );
1847        foreach my $x (@birthmembers) {
1848            chomp $x;
1849            my ( undef, undef, undef, $user_xy, undef ) =
1850              split /\|/xsm, $x;
1851            if ( $user_xy ne $user ) {
1852                print {FILE} qq~$x\n~ or croak "$croak{'print'} birthday";
1853            }
1854            else {
1855                print {FILE} q{} or croak "$croak{'print'} no-birthday";
1856            }
1857        }
1858        fclose(FILE);
1860        # EventCalbday End
1862        if ( !$iamadmin ) {
1863            UpdateCookie('delete');
1864            $username = 'Guest';
1865            $iamguest = 1;
1866            $iamadmin = q{};
1867            $iamgmod  = q{};
1868            $iamfmod  = q{};
1869            $password = q{};
1870            $yyim     = q{};
1871            local $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} = q{};
1872            $yyuname = q{};
1873        }
1874        $yySetLocation = $scripturl;
1876    }
1877    else {
1878        fatal_error('not_allowed');
1879    }
1880    redirectexit();
1881    return;
1884sub ModifyProfileContacts2 {
1885    SidCheck($action);
1886    PrepareProfile();
1888    my ( %member, $key, $value, $newpassemail, $tempname );
1889    while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %FORM ) {
1890        $value =~ s/\A\s+//xsm;
1891        $value =~ s/\s+\Z//xsm;
1892        $value =~ s/\r//gxsm;
1893        if ( $key ne 'awayreply' ) { $value =~ s/\n//gxsm; }
1894        $member{$key} = $value;
1895    }
1896    $member{'username'} = $user;
1898    if ( $member{'moda'} ne $profile_txt{'88'} ) { fatal_error('not_allowed'); }
1900    if (   $emailnewpass
1901        && lc $member{'email'} ne lc ${ $uid . $user }{'email'}
1902        && !$iamadmin )
1903    {
1904        srand;
1905        $member{'passwrd1'} = int rand 100;
1906        $member{'passwrd1'} =~ tr/0123456789/ymifxupbck/;
1907        $_ = int rand 77;
1908        $_ =~ tr/0123456789/q8dv7w4jm3/;
1909        $member{'passwrd1'} .= $_;
1910        $_ = int rand 89;
1911        $_ =~ tr/0123456789/y6uivpkcxw/;
1912        $member{'passwrd1'} .= $_;
1913        $_ = int rand 188;
1914        $_ =~ tr/0123456789/poiuytrewq/;
1915        $member{'passwrd1'} .= $_;
1916        $_ = int rand 65;
1917        $_ =~ tr/0123456789/lkjhgfdaut/;
1918        $member{'passwrd1'} .= $_;
1919        ${ $uid . $user }{'password'} = encode_password( $member{'passwrd1'} );
1920        $newpassemail = 1;
1921    }
1923    if ( $member{'email'} eq q{} ) { fatal_error('no_email'); }
1924    if ( $member{'email'} !~ /^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[\w\-\.\+]+\.\w{2,4}$/xsm ) {
1925        fatal_error( 'invalid_character',
1926            "$profile_txt{'69'} $profile_txt{'241e'}" );
1927    }
1928    if (
1929        ( $member{'email'} =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/xsm )
1930        || ( $member{'email'} !~
1931            /^.+@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,4}\]?$/xsm )
1932      )
1933    {
1934        fatal_error('invalid_email');
1935    }
1936    LoadCensorList();
1937    if ( Censor( $member{'email'} ) ne $member{'email'} ) {
1938        fatal_error( 'censor2', CheckCensor("$member{'email'}") );
1939    }
1941    $member{'icq'} =~ s/[^0-9]//gxsm;
1942    $member{'aim'} =~ s/ /\+/gsm;
1943    $member{'yim'} =~ s/ /\+/gsm;
1945    ToHTML( $member{'email'} );
1946    ToHTML( $member{'icq'} );
1947    ToHTML( $member{'aim'} );
1948    ToHTML( $member{'yim'} );
1949    ToHTML( $member{'gtalk'} );
1950    ToHTML( $member{'skype'} );
1951    ToHTML( $member{'myspace'} );
1952    ToHTML( $member{'facebook'} );
1953    ToHTML( $member{'twitter'} );
1954    ToHTML( $member{'youtube'} );
1955    ToHTML( $member{'weburl'} );
1956    FromChars( $member{'webtitle'} );
1957    ToHTML( $member{'webtitle'} );
1958    ToChars( $member{'webtitle'} );
1959    ToHTML( $member{'offlinestatus'} );
1960    FromChars( $member{'awaysubj'} );
1961    ToHTML( $member{'awaysubj'} );
1962    ToChars( $member{'awaysubj'} );
1964    FromChars( $member{'awayreply'} );
1965    ToHTML( $member{'awayreply'} );
1966    $member{'awayreply'} =~ s/\n/<br \/>/gsm;
1967    $convertstr = $member{'awayreply'};
1968    $convertcut = $MaxAwayLen;
1969    CountChars();
1970    $member{'awayreply'} = $convertstr;
1971    ToChars( $member{'awayreply'} );
1973    if ($extendedprofiles) {    # run this before you start to save something!
1974        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
1975        my $error = ext_validate_submition( $username, $user );
1976        if ( $error ne q{} ) {
1977            fatal_error( 'extended_profiles_validation', $error );
1978        }
1979        ext_saveprofile($user);
1980    }
1982    # Check to see if email is already taken
1983    if ( lc ${ $uid . $user }{'email'} ne lc $member{'email'} ) {
1984        $testemail = lc $member{'email'};
1985        my $is_existing = MemberIndex( 'check_exist', $testemail, 2 );
1986        if ( lc $is_existing eq $testemail ) {
1987            fatal_error( 'email_taken', "($member{'email'})" );
1988        }
1989    }
1991# Since we haven't encountered a fatal error, time to rewrite our memberlist a little.
1992    ManageMemberinfo( 'update', $user, q{}, $member{'email'} );
1993## if enabled but not set, default offline status to 'offline'
1994    if ( $enable_MCaway && $member{'offlinestatus'} eq q{} ) {
1995        $member{'offlinestatus'} = 'offline';
1996    }
1998    # if user is switching 'away' to 'off/on', clean out the away-sent list
1999    if ( $FORM{'offlinestatus'} eq 'offline' ) {
2000        ${ $uid . $user }{'awayreplysent'} = q{};
2001    }
2003    # Time to print the changes to the username.vars file
2004    ${ $uid . $user }{'email'}    = $member{'email'};
2005    ${ $uid . $user }{'hidemail'} = $member{'hideemail'} ? 1 : 0;
2006    ${ $uid . $user }{'icq'}      = $member{'icq'};
2007    ${ $uid . $user }{'aim'}      = $member{'aim'};
2008    ${ $uid . $user }{'yim'}      = $member{'yim'};
2009    ${ $uid . $user }{'gtalk'}    = $member{'gtalk'};
2010    ${ $uid . $user }{'skype'}    = $member{'skype'};
2011    ${ $uid . $user }{'myspace'}  = $member{'myspace'};
2012    ${ $uid . $user }{'facebook'} = $member{'facebook'};
2013    ${ $uid . $user }{'twitter'}  = $member{'twitter'};
2014    ${ $uid . $user }{'youtube'}  = $member{'youtube'};
2015    ${ $uid . $user }{'webtitle'} = $member{'webtitle'};
2016    ${ $uid . $user }{'weburl'}   = (
2017        ( $member{'weburl'} && $member{'weburl'} !~ m{\Ahttps?://}sm )
2018        ? 'http://'
2019        : q{}
2020    ) . $member{'weburl'};
2021    ${ $uid . $user }{'offlinestatus'} = $member{'offlinestatus'};
2022    ${ $uid . $user }{'awaysubj'}      = $member{'awaysubj'};
2023    ${ $uid . $user }{'awayreply'}     = $member{'awayreply'};
2024    ${ $uid . $user }{'stealth'} =
2025      (      ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator'
2026          || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Global Moderator' )
2027      ? $member{'stealth'}
2028      : q{};
2030    UserAccount( $user, 'update' );
2032    if ( $emailnewpass && $newpassemail == 1 ) {
2033        RemoveUserOnline($user);    # Remove user from online log
2035        if ( $username eq $user ) {
2036            UpdateCookie('delete');
2037            $username = 'Guest';
2038            $iamguest = 1;
2039            $iamadmin = q{};
2040            $iamgmod  = q{};
2041            $iamfmod  = q{};
2042            $password = q{};
2043            $yyim     = q{};
2044            local $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} = q{};
2045            $yyuname = q{};
2046        }
2047        FormatUserName( $member{'username'} );
2048        require Sources::Mailer;
2049        my $scriptAction = $view ? 'myprofile' : 'profile';
2050        sendmail(
2051            $member{'email'},
2052            qq~$profile_txt{'700'} $mbname~,
2053"$profile_txt{'733'} $member{'passwrd1'} $profile_txt{'734'} $member{'username'}.\n\n$profile_txt{'701'} $scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$member{'username'}}\n\n$profile_txt{'130'}"
2054        );
2055        require Sources::LogInOut;
2056        $sharedLogin_title = "$profile_txt{'34'}: $user";
2057        $sharedLogin_text  = $profile_txt{'638'};
2058        $shared_login      = sharedLogin();
2059        $yymain .= $shared_login;
2060        $yytitle = $profile_txt{'245'};
2061        template();
2062    }
2064    my $scriptAction = $view ? 'myprofileOptions' : 'profileOptions';
2065    $yySetLocation =
2067    redirectexit();
2068    return;
2071sub ModifyProfileOptions2 {
2072    SidCheck($action);
2073    PrepareProfile();
2075    my ( %member, $key, $value, $tempname );
2076    while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %FORM ) {
2077        $value =~ s/\A\s+//xsm;
2078        $value =~ s/\s+\Z//xsm;
2079        $value =~ s/\r//gxsm;
2080        if ( $key ne 'signature' ) { $value =~ s/\n//gxsm; }
2081        $member{$key} = $value;
2082    }
2083    $member{'username'} = $user;
2085    if ( $member{'moda'} ne $profile_txt{'88'} ) { fatal_error('not_allowed'); }
2087    if ( !$minlinksig ) { $minlinksig = 0; }
2088    if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'} < $minlinksig
2089        && !$iamadmin
2090        && !$iamgmod )
2091    {
2092        if (   $member{'signature'} =~ m{http:\/\/}xsm
2093            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{https:\/\/}xsm
2094            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{ftp:\/\/}xsm
2095            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{www.}xsm
2096            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{ftp.}xsm =~ m{\[url}xsm
2097            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{\[link}xsm
2098            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{\[img}xsm
2099            || $member{'signature'} =~ m{\[ftp}xsm )
2100        {
2101            fatal_error('no_siglinks_allowed');
2102        }
2103    }
2104    FromChars( $member{'usertext'} );
2105    $convertstr = $member{'usertext'};
2106    $convertcut = 51;
2107    CountChars();
2108    $member{'usertext'} = $convertstr;
2109    ToHTML( $member{'usertext'} );
2110    ToChars( $member{'usertext'} );
2112    if ($allowpics) {
2113        opendir DIR,
2114          $facesdir
2115          or fatal_error( 'cannot_open_dir',
2116            "($facesdir)!<br \/>$profile_txt{'681'}", 1 );
2117        closedir DIR;
2118    }
2120    if ( $allowpics && $upload_useravatar && $upload_avatargroup ) {
2121        $upload_useravatar = 0;
2122        foreach my $av_gr ( split /, /sm, $upload_avatargroup ) {
2123            if ( $av_gr eq ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ) {
2124                $upload_useravatar = 1;
2125                last;
2126            }
2127            foreach ( split /,/xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'} ) {
2128                if ( $av_gr eq $_ ) { $upload_useravatar = 1; last; }
2129            }
2130        }
2131    }
2133    if ($CGI_query) { $file = $CGI_query->upload('file_avatar'); }
2134    if ( $allowpics && $upload_useravatar && $file ) {
2135        if ( $file !~ /\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$/ixsm ) {
2136            LoadLanguage('FA');
2137            fatal_error( 'file_not_uploaded',
2138                "$file $fatxt{'20'} gif png jpeg jpg" );
2139        }
2140        else { $ext = $1; }
2141        my $fixfile = ${ $uid . $user }{'realname'};
2142        if ( $fixfile =~ /[^0-9A-Za-z\+\-\.:_]/xsm )
2143        {    # replace all inappropriate characters
2144                # Transliteration
2145            my @ISO_8859_1 =
2146              qw(A B V G D E JO ZH Z I J K L M N O P R S T U F H C CH SH SHH _ Y _ JE JU JA a b v g d e jo zh z i j k l m n o p r s t u f h c ch sh shh _ y _ je ju ja);
2147            my $x = 0;
2148            foreach (
2149                qw(� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �)
2150              )
2151            {
2152                $fixfile =~ s/$_/$ISO_8859_1[$x]/igxsm;
2153                $x++;
2154            }
2156            # END Transliteration. Thanks to "Velocity" for this contribution.
2157            $fixfile =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z\+\-\.:_]/_/gxsm;
2158        }
2159        $fixfile .= ".$ext";
2161        require Sources::SpamCheck;
2162        my $spamdetected = spamcheck("$fixfile");
2163        if ( !$staff ) {
2164            if ( $spamdetected == 1 ) {
2165                ${ $uid . $username }{'spamcount'}++;
2166                ${ $uid . $username }{'spamtime'} = $date;
2167                UserAccount( $username, 'update' );
2168                $spam_hits_left_count =
2169                  $post_speed_count - ${ $uid . $username }{'spamcount'};
2170                fatal_error('tsc_alert');
2171            }
2172        }
2174        my ( $size, $buffer, $filesize, $file_buffer );
2175        while ( $size = read $file, $buffer, 512 ) {
2176            $filesize += $size;
2177            $file_buffer .= $buffer;
2178        }
2179        $avatar_limit ||= 0;
2180        if ( $avatar_limit > 0 && $filesize > ( 1024 * $avatar_limit ) ) {
2181            LoadLanguage('FA');
2182            fatal_error( 'file_not_uploaded',
2183                    "$fatxt{'21'} $file ("
2184                  . int( $filesize / 1024 )
2185                  . " KB) $fatxt{'21b'} "
2186                  . $avatar_limit );
2187        }
2188        $avatar_dirlimit ||= 0;
2189        if ( $avatar_dirlimit > 0 ) {
2190            my $dirsize = dirsize("$facesdir/UserAvatars");
2191            if ( $filesize > ( ( 1024 * $avatar_dirlimit ) - $dirsize ) ) {
2192                LoadLanguage('FA');
2193                fatal_error(
2194                    'file_not_uploaded',
2195                    "$fatxt{'22'} $file ("
2196                      . (
2197                        int( $filesize / 1024 ) -
2198                          $avatar_dirlimit +
2199                          int( $dirsize / 1024 )
2200                      )
2201                      . " KB) $fatxt{'22b'}"
2202                );
2203            }
2204        }
2206        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} =~ /$facesurl\/UserAvatars\/(.+)/xsm )
2207        {
2208            unlink "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$1";
2209        }
2210        $fixfile = check_existence( "$facesdir/UserAvatars", $fixfile );
2212 # create a new file on the server using the formatted ( new instance ) filename
2213        if ( fopen( NEWFILE, ">$facesdir/UserAvatars/$fixfile" ) ) {
2214            binmode NEWFILE;
2216            # needed for operating systems (OS) Windows, ignored by Linux
2217            print {NEWFILE} $file_buffer
2218              or croak "$croak{'print'} NEWFILE";    # write new file on HD
2219            fclose(NEWFILE);
2221        }
2222        else
2223        { # return the server's error message if the new file could not be created
2224            fatal_error( 'file_not_open', "$facesdir/UserAvatars" );
2225        }
2227     # check if file has actually been uploaded, by checking the file has a size
2228        if ( !-s "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$fixfile" ) {
2229            fatal_error( 'file_not_uploaded', $fixfile );
2230        }
2232        my $illegal;
2233        if ( $fixfile =~ /gif$/ixsm ) {
2234            my $header;
2235            fopen( ATTFILE, "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$fixfile" );
2236            read ATTFILE, $header, 10;
2237            my ( $giftest, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ) =
2238              unpack 'a3a3C4', $header;
2239            fclose(ATTFILE);
2240            if ( $giftest ne 'GIF' ) { $illegal = $giftest; }
2241        }
2242        fopen( ATTFILE, "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$fixfile" );
2243        while ( read ATTFILE, $buffer, 1024 ) {
2244            if ( $buffer =~ /<(html|script|body)/igsm ) { $illegal = $1; last; }
2245        }
2246        fclose(ATTFILE);
2247        if ($illegal) {    # delete the file as it contains illegal code
2248            unlink "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$fixfile";
2249            ToHTML($illegal);
2250            fatal_error( 'file_not_uploaded',
2251                "$fixfile <= illegal code ($illegal) inside image file!" );
2252        }
2254        $member{'userpic'} = "$facesurl/UserAvatars/$fixfile";
2256    }
2257    elsif (
2258        $member{'userpicpersonalcheck'}
2259        && (   $member{'userpicpersonal'} =~ /\.gif\Z/ixsm
2260            || $member{'userpicpersonal'} =~ /\.jpe?g\Z/ixsm
2261            || $member{'userpicpersonal'} =~ /\.png\Z/ixsm )
2262      )
2263    {
2264        $member{'userpic'} = $member{'userpicpersonal'};
2265    }
2266    if ( $member{'userpic'} eq q{} || !$allowpics ) {
2267        $member{'userpic'} = $my_blank_avatar;
2268    }
2269    if ( $member{'userpic'} !~
2270        m{\A[0-9a-zA-Z_\.\#\%\-\:\+\?\$\&\~\.\,\@/]+\Z}xsm )
2271    {
2272        fatal_error( 'invalid_character', "$profile_txt{'592'}" );
2273    }
2274    if ( $member{'userpic'} ne ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'}
2275        && ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} =~ /$facesurl\/UserAvatars\/(.+)/xsm )
2276    {
2277        unlink "$facesdir/UserAvatars/$1";
2278    }
2280    if ( $member{'usertemplate'} ne q{}
2281        && !$templateset{ $member{'usertemplate'} } )
2282    {
2283        fatal_error('invalid_template');
2284    }
2285    if ( $member{'usertemplate'} eq q{} ) {
2286        $member{'usertemplate'} = $template;
2287    }
2288    if ( $member{'userlanguage'} ne q{}
2289        && !-e "$langdir/$member{'userlanguage'}/Main.lng" )
2290    {
2291        fatal_error('invalid_language');
2292    }
2293    if ( $member{'userlanguage'} eq q{} ) {
2294        $member{'userlanguage'} = $language;
2295    }
2297    if ($extendedprofiles) {    # run this before you start to save something!
2298        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
2299        my $error = ext_validate_submition( $username, $user );
2300        if ( $error ne q{} ) {
2301            fatal_error( 'extended_profiles_validation', $error );
2302        }
2303        ext_saveprofile($user);
2304    }
2306    # update notifications if users language is changed
2307    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'language'} ne "$member{'userlanguage'}" ) {
2308        require Sources::Notify;
2309        updateLanguage( $user, $member{'userlanguage'} );
2310    }
2312    if ( $addmemgroup_enabled > 1 ) {
2313        my %groups;
2314        map { $groups{$_} = 2; } split /,/xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'};
2315        map { $groups{$_} = 1; } split /, /sm, $member{'joinmemgroup'};
2316        my @nopostmember;
2317        for ( keys %NoPost ) {
2318            next if ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq $_;
2319            if ( $groups{$_} == 1 && ( split /\|/xsm, $NoPost{$_} )[10] ) {
2320                push @nopostmember, $_;
2321            }
2322            elsif ( $groups{$_} == 2 && !( split /\|/xsm, $NoPost{$_} )[10] ) {
2323                push @nopostmember, $_;
2324            }
2325        }
2326        $member{'joinmemgroup'} = join q{,}, @nopostmember;
2327        if ( $member{'joinmemgroup'} eq '###blank###' ) {
2328            $member{'joinmemgroup'} = q{};
2329        }
2330        if ( $member{'joinmemgroup'} ne ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'} ) {
2331            ManageMemberinfo( 'update', $user, q{}, q{}, q{}, q{},
2332                $member{'joinmemgroup'} );
2333        }
2334        if ( $member{'joinmemgroup'} eq '###blank###' ) {
2335            $member{'joinmemgroup'} = q{};
2336        }
2337        ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'} = $member{'joinmemgroup'};
2338    }
2340    FromChars( $member{'signature'} );
2341    ToHTML( $member{'signature'} );
2342    $member{'signature'} =~ s/\n/<br \/>/gsm;
2343    $convertstr = $member{'signature'};
2344    $convertcut = $MaxSigLen;
2345    CountChars();
2346    $member{'signature'} = $convertstr;
2347    ToChars( $member{'signature'} );
2349    ToHTML( $member{'userpic'} );
2350    ToHTML( $member{'usertemplate'} );
2351    ToHTML( $member{'userlanguage'} );
2352    ToHTML( $member{'timeformat'} );
2354    # Time to print the changes to the username.vars file
2355    ${ $uid . $user }{'usertext'}  = $member{'usertext'};
2356    ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'}   = $member{'userpic'};
2357    ${ $uid . $user }{'signature'} = $member{'signature'};
2358    ${ $uid . $user }{'timeoffset'} =
2359      "$member{'usertimesign'}$member{'usertimehour'}.$member{'usertimemin'}";
2360    ${ $uid . $user }{'onlinealert'} = $member{'onlinealert'} ? 1 : 0;
2361    ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} =
2362      $member{'notify_N'}
2363      ? (
2364        (
2365                !${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'}
2366              || ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 1
2367        ) ? 1 : 3
2368      )
2369      : (
2370        (
2371                 ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 2
2372              || ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 3
2373        ) ? 2 : 0
2374      );
2375    ${ $uid . $user }{'reversetopic'}  = $member{'reversetopic'} ? 1 : 0;
2376    ${ $uid . $user }{'user_tz'}       = $member{'user_tz'};
2377    ${ $uid . $user }{'dynamic_clock'} = $member{'dynamic_clock'} ? 1 : 0;
2378    ${ $uid . $user }{'timeselect'}    = int $member{'usertimeselect'};
2379    ${ $uid . $user }{'template'}      = $member{'usertemplate'};
2380    ${ $uid . $user }{'language'}      = $member{'userlanguage'};
2381    ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_avatars'} =
2382      ( $member{'hide_avatars'} && $user_hide_avatars ) ? 1 : 0;
2383    ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_user_text'} =
2384      ( $member{'hide_user_text'} && $user_hide_user_text ) ? 1 : 0;
2385    ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_img'} =
2386      ( $member{'hide_img'} && $user_hide_img ) ? 1 : 0;
2387    ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_attach_img'} =
2388      ( $member{'hide_attach_img'} && $user_hide_attach_img ) ? 1 : 0;
2389    ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_signat'} =
2390      ( $member{'hide_signat'} && $user_hide_signat ) ? 1 : 0;
2391    ${ $uid . $user }{'hide_smilies_row'} =
2392      ( $member{'hide_smilies_row'} && $user_hide_smilies_row ) ? 1 : 0;
2393    ${ $uid . $user }{'numberformat'} = int $member{'usernumberformat'};
2394    ${ $uid . $user }{'return_to'}    = $member{'return_to'};
2396    UserAccount( $user, 'update' );
2398    my $scriptAction;
2399    if (
2400        $iamadmin
2401        || (   $iamgmod
2402            && $allow_gmod_profile
2403            && $gmod_access2{'profileAdmin'} eq 'on' )
2404      )
2405    {
2406        $scriptAction = q~profileAdmin~;
2407    }
2408    else {
2409        $scriptAction = q~viewprofile~;
2410    }
2411    if ( $pm_lev == 1 ) {
2412        $scriptAction = q~profileIM~;
2413    }
2414    if ($buddyListEnabled) {
2415        $scriptAction = q~profileBuddy~;
2416    }
2417    if ($view) { $scriptAction = qq~my$scriptAction~; }
2418    $yySetLocation =
2420    redirectexit();
2421    return;
2424sub ModifyProfileBuddy2 {
2425    SidCheck($action);
2426    PrepareProfile();
2428    my ( %member, $key, $value, $tempname );
2429    while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %FORM ) {
2430        $value =~ s/\A\s+//xsm;
2431        $value =~ s/\s+\Z//xsm;
2432        $value =~ s/[\n\r]//gxsm;
2433        $member{$key} = $value;
2434    }
2435    $member{'username'} = $user;
2437    if ( $member{'moda'} ne $profile_txt{'88'} ) { fatal_error('not_allowed'); }
2439    if ( $member{'buddylist'} ) {
2440        my @buddies = split /\,/xsm, $member{'buddylist'};
2441        chomp @buddies;
2442        $member{'buddylist'} = q{};
2443        foreach my $cloakedBuddy (@buddies) {
2444            $cloakedBuddy =~ s/^ //sm;
2445            $cloakedBuddy = decloak($cloakedBuddy);
2446            ToHTML($cloakedBuddy);
2447            $member{'buddylist'} = qq~$member{'buddylist'}\|$cloakedBuddy~;
2448        }
2449        $member{'buddylist'} =~ s/^\|//sm;
2450    }
2451    ${ $uid . $user }{'buddylist'} = $member{'buddylist'};
2452    UserAccount( $user, 'update' );
2454    my $scriptAction;
2455    if (
2456        $iamadmin
2457        || (   $iamgmod
2458            && $allow_gmod_profile
2459            && $gmod_access2{'profileAdmin'} eq 'on' )
2460      )
2461    {
2462        $scriptAction = q~profileAdmin~;
2463    }
2464    else {
2465        $scriptAction = q~viewprofile~;
2466    }
2467    if ( $pm_lev == 1 ) {
2468        $scriptAction = q~profileIM~;
2469    }
2470    if ($view) { $scriptAction = qq~my$scriptAction~; }
2471    $yySetLocation =
2473    redirectexit();
2474    return;
2477sub ModifyProfileIM2 {
2478    SidCheck($action);
2479    PrepareProfile();
2481    my ( %member, $key, $value, $ignorelist );
2482    while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %FORM ) {
2483        $value =~ s/\A\s+//xsm;
2484        $value =~ s/\s+\Z//xsm;
2485        if ( $key ne 'ignore' ) { $value =~ s/[\n\r]//gxsm; }
2486        $member{$key} = $value;
2487    }
2488    $member{'username'} = $user;
2490    if ( $member{'moda'} ne $profile_txt{'88'} ) { fatal_error('not_allowed'); }
2492    if ( !$member{'ignoreall'} ) {
2493        my @ignoreList = split /\,/xsm, $member{'ignore'};
2494        chomp @ignoreList;
2495        foreach my $cloakedIgnore (@ignoreList) {
2496            $cloakedIgnore =~ s/\A //sm;
2497            $cloakedIgnore =~ s/ \Z//sm;
2498            $cloakedIgnore = decloak($cloakedIgnore);
2499            ToHTML($cloakedIgnore);
2500            $ignorelist .= qq~\|$cloakedIgnore~;
2501        }
2502        $ignorelist =~ s/\A\|//xsm;
2503    }
2504    else {
2505        $ignorelist = q{*};
2506    }
2508    # Time to print the changes to the username.vars file
2509    ${ $uid . $user }{'im_ignorelist'} = $ignorelist;
2510    ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} =
2511      $member{'notify_PM'}
2512      ? (
2513        (
2514                !${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'}
2515              || ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 2
2516        ) ? 2 : 3
2517      )
2518      : (
2519        (
2520                 ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 1
2521              || ${ $uid . $user }{'notify_me'} == 3
2522        ) ? 1 : 0
2523      );
2524    ${ $uid . $user }{'im_popup'}   = $member{'userpopup'}  ? 1 : 0;
2525    ${ $uid . $user }{'im_imspop'}  = $member{'popupims'}   ? 1 : 0;
2526    ${ $uid . $user }{'pmviewMess'} = $member{'pmviewMess'} ? 1 : 0;
2528    if ($extendedprofiles) {    # run this before you start to save something!
2529        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
2530        my $error = ext_validate_submition( $username, $user );
2531        if ( $error ne q{} ) {
2532            fatal_error( 'extended_profiles_validation', $error );
2533        }
2534        ext_saveprofile($user);
2535    }
2536    UserAccount( $user, 'update' );
2538    my $scriptAction = q~viewprofile~;
2539    if (
2540        $iamadmin
2541        || (   $iamgmod
2542            && $allow_gmod_profile
2543            && $gmod_access2{'profileAdmin'} eq 'on' )
2544      )
2545    {
2546        $scriptAction = q~profileAdmin~;
2547    }
2548    if ($view) { $scriptAction = qq~my$scriptAction~; }
2549    $yySetLocation =
2551    redirectexit();
2552    return;
2555sub ModifyProfileAdmin2 {
2556    is_admin_or_gmod();
2558    SidCheck($action);
2559    PrepareProfile();
2561    my ( %member, $key, $value );
2562    while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %FORM ) {
2563        $value =~ s/\A\s+//sm;
2564        $value =~ s/\s+\Z//sm;
2565        if ( $key ne 'regreason' ) { $value =~ s/[\n\r]//gxsm; }
2566        $member{$key} = $value;
2567    }
2568    $member{'username'} = $user;
2570    if ( $member{'moda'} ne $profile_txt{'88'} ) {
2571        fatal_error('cannot_kill_admin');
2572    }
2574    if (
2575        !$iamadmin
2576        && (   $member{'settings7'} eq 'Administrator'
2577            || $member{'settings7'} eq 'Global Moderator' )
2578      )
2579    {
2580        $member{'settings7'} = ${ $uid . $user }{'position'};
2581    }
2583    if ( $member{'settings6'} eq q{} ) { $member{'settings6'} = 0; }
2584    if ( $member{'settings6'} !~ /\A[0-9]+\Z/xsm ) {
2585        fatal_error('invalid_postcount');
2586    }
2587    if (   $member{'username'} eq 'admin'
2588        && $member{'settings7'} ne 'Administrator' )
2589    {
2590        fatal_error('cannot_regroup_admin');
2591    }
2593    $dr_month  = $member{'dr_month'};
2594    $dr_day    = $member{'dr_day'};
2595    $dr_year   = $member{'dr_year'};
2596    $dr_hour   = $member{'dr_hour'};
2597    $dr_minute = $member{'dr_minute'};
2598    $dr_secund = $member{'dr_secund'};
2600    if ( $dr_month == 4 || $dr_month == 6 || $dr_month == 9 || $dr_month == 11 )
2601    {
2602        $max_days = 30;
2603    }
2604    elsif ( $dr_month == 2 && $dr_year % 4 == 0 ) {
2605        $max_days = 29;
2606    }
2607    elsif ( $dr_month == 2 && $dr_year % 4 != 0 ) {
2608        $max_days = 28;
2609    }
2610    else {
2611        $max_days = 31;
2612    }
2613    if ( $dr_day > $max_days ) { $dr_day = $max_days; }
2615    $member{'dr'} =
2616qq~$dr_month/$dr_day/$dr_year $maintxt{'107'} $dr_hour:$dr_minute:$dr_secund~;
2618    if (   $member{'settings6'} != ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'}
2619        || $member{'settings7'} ne ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} )
2620    {
2621        if ( $member{'settings7'} ) {
2622            $grp_after = qq~$member{'settings7'}~;
2623        }
2624        else {
2625            for my $postamount ( reverse sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Post ) {
2626                if ( $member{'settings6'} >= $postamount ) {
2627                    ( $title, undef ) = split /\|/xsm, $Post{$postamount}, 2;
2628                    $grp_after = $title;
2629                    last;
2630                }
2631            }
2632        }
2633        ManageMemberinfo( 'update', $user, q{}, q{}, $grp_after,
2634            $member{'settings6'} );
2635    }
2637    my %groups;
2638    map { $groups{$_} = 1; } split /, /sm, $member{'addgroup'};
2639    my @nopostmember;
2640    for ( keys %NoPost ) {
2641        next if $member{'settings7'} eq $_;
2642        if ( $groups{$_} ) { push @nopostmember, $_; }
2643    }
2644    $member{'addgroup'} = join q{,}, @nopostmember;
2645    if ( $member{'addgroup'} eq q{} ) { $member{'addgroup'} = '###blank###'; }
2646    if ( $member{'addgroup'} ne ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'} ) {
2647        ManageMemberinfo( 'update', $user, q{}, q{}, q{}, q{},
2648            $member{'addgroup'} );
2649    }
2650    if ( $member{'addgroup'} eq '###blank###' ) { $member{'addgroup'} = q{}; }
2651    ${ $uid . $user }{'addgroups'} = $member{'addgroup'};
2653    if ( $member{'dr'} ne ${ $uid . $user }{'regdate'} ) {
2654        $newreg = stringtotime( $member{'dr'} );
2655        $newreg = sprintf '%010d', $newreg;
2656        ManageMemberlist( 'update', $user, $newreg );
2657        ${ $uid . $user }{'regtime'} = $newreg;
2658    }
2660    if ( !$iamadmin ) { $member{'dr'} = ${ $uid . $user }{'regdate'}; }
2661    FromChars( $member{'regreason'} );
2662    ToHTML( $member{'regreason'} );
2663    ToChars( $member{'regreason'} );
2664    $member{'regreason'} =~ s/[\n\r]{1,2}/<br \/>/gsm;
2665    ${ $uid . $user }{'regreason'} = $member{'regreason'};
2666    ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'} = $member{'settings6'};
2667    ${ $uid . $user }{'position'}  = $member{'settings7'};
2668    ${ $uid . $user }{'regdate'}   = $member{'dr'};
2669    if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator'
2670        && ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Global Moderator' )
2671    {
2672        ${ $uid . $user }{'stealth'} = q{};
2673    }
2675    if ($extendedprofiles) {    # run this before you start to save something!
2676        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
2677        my $error = ext_validate_submition( $username, $user );
2678        if ( $error ne q{} ) {
2679            fatal_error( 'extended_profiles_validation', $error );
2680        }
2681        ext_saveprofile($user);
2682    }
2683    UserAccount( $user, 'update' );
2685    AddModerators2( $user, $member{'addmod'} );
2686    my $scriptAction = $view ? 'myviewprofile' : 'viewprofile';
2687    $yySetLocation =
2688      qq~$scripturl?action=$scriptAction;username=$useraccount{$user}~;
2689    redirectexit();
2690    return;
2693sub ViewProfile {
2694    if ($iamguest) { fatal_error('members_only'); }
2696    # If someone registers with a '+' in their name It causes problems.
2697    # Get's turned into a <space> in the query string Change it back here.
2698    # Users who register with spaces get them replaced with _
2699    # So no problem there.
2700    $INFO{'username'} =~ tr/ /+/;
2702    $user = $INFO{'username'};
2703    if ($do_scramble_id)     { decloak($user); }
2704    if ( $user =~ m{/}xsm )  { fatal_error('no_user_slash'); }
2705    if ( $user =~ m{\\}xsm ) { fatal_error('no_user_backslash'); }
2707    if ( !LoadUser($user) )   { fatal_error('no_profile_exists'); }
2708    if ( $user eq $username ) { LoadMiniUser($user); }
2710    my ( $modify, $gender );
2711    my (
2712        $pic_row,      $buddybutton,   $row_addgrp,  $row_gender,
2713        $row_age,      $row_location,  $row_icq,     $row_aim,
2714        $row_yim,      $row_gtalk,     $row_skype,   $row_myspace,
2715        $row_facebook, $row_twitter,   $row_youtube, $row_email,
2716        $row_website,  $row_signature, $showusertext
2717    );
2718    my ($row_zodiac);
2720    # Convert forum start date to string, if there is no date set,
2721    # Defaults to 1st Jan, 2005
2722    $forumstart = $forumstart ? stringtotime($forumstart) : '1104537600';
2724    $memsettingsd[9] = ${ $uid . $user }{'aim'};
2725    $memsettingsd[9] =~ tr/+/ /;
2726    $memsettingsd[10] = ${ $uid . $user }{'yim'};
2727    $memsettingsd[10] =~ tr/+/ /;
2729    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'regtime'} ) {
2730        $dr = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'regtime'},0,0,0,1 );
2731    }
2732    else {
2733        $dr = $profile_txt{'470'};
2734    }
2736    CalcAge( $user, 'calc' );      # How old is he/she?
2737    CalcAge( $user, 'isbday' );    # is it the bday?
2738    if ($isbday) {
2739        $isbday = qq~<img src="$imagesdir/$my_bdaycake" />~;
2740    }
2742    ## only show the 'modify' button if not using 'my center' or admin/gmod viewing
2743    $modify =
2744      (
2745             !$view
2746          && ( $user ne 'admin' || $username eq 'admin' )
2747          && (
2748            $iamadmin
2749            || (   $iamgmod
2750                && $allow_gmod_profile
2751                && ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator' )
2752          )
2753      )
2754      ? qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=profileCheck;username=$useraccount{$user}">$img{'modify'}</a>~
2755      : '&nbsp;';
2757    if ($allowpics) {
2758        my $no_userpic;
2759        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} eq $my_blank_avatar ) {
2760            $no_userpic = $default_avatar ? $default_userpic : $nn_avatar;
2761            $pic =
2762qq~<img src="$imagesdir/$no_userpic" id="avatar_img_resize" alt="" style="display:none" />~;
2763        }
2764        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'userpic'} =~ /^https?:\/\//xsm ) {
2765            $pic =
2766qq~<img src="${$uid.$user}{'userpic'}" id="avatar_img_resize" alt="" style="display:none" />~;
2767        }
2768        else {
2769            $pic =
2770qq~<img src="$facesurl/${$uid.$user}{'userpic'}" id="avatar_img_resize" alt="" style="display:none" />~;
2771        }
2772        $pic_row = qq~<div class="picrow">
2773                        $pic
2774                        </div>~;
2775    }
2777    if ( $buddyListEnabled && $user ne $username ) {
2778        loadMyBuddy();
2779        $buddybutton = '<br />'
2780          . (
2781            $mybuddie{$user}
2782            ? qq~<img src="$micon_bg{'buddylist'}" alt="$display_txt{'isbuddy'}" /> $display_txt{'isbuddy'}~
2783            : qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=addbuddy;name=$useraccount{$user}">$img{'addbuddy'}</a>~
2784          );
2785    }
2787    # Hide empty profile fields from display
2788    if ( $addmembergroup{$user} ) {
2789        $showaddgr = $addmembergroup{$user};
2790        $showaddgr =~ s/<br \/>/\, /gsm;
2791        $showaddgr =~ s/\A, //sm;
2792        $showaddgr =~ s/, \Z//sm;
2793        $row_addgrp .= qq~$showaddgr<br />~;
2794    }
2795    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} ) {
2796        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq 'Male' ) {
2797            $gender = $profile_txt{'238'};
2798        }
2799        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'gender'} eq 'Female' ) {
2800            $gender = $profile_txt{'239'};
2801        }
2802        $row_gender = qq~
2803                        <div class="contactleft">
2804                        <b>$profile_txt{'231'}: </b>
2805                        </div>
2806                        <div class="contactright">
2807                        $gender
2808                        </div>~;
2809    }
2810    if ($age) {
2811        if ( $showage == 1 && ${ $uid . $user }{'hideage'} && !$iamadmin ) {
2812            $age = qq~$profile_txt{'722'} &nbsp;~;
2813        }
2814        else { $age = qq~$age &nbsp; ~; }
2815        $row_age = qq~
2816                        <div class="contactleft">
2817                        <b>$profile_txt{'420'}:</b>
2818                        </div>
2819                        <div class="contactright">
2820                        $age$isbday
2821                        </div>~;
2822            if ($showzodiac) {
2823            require Sources::EventCalBirthdays;
2824            my ($user_bdmon, $user_bdday, undef ) = split /\//xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'bday'} ;
2825            $memberzodiac = starsign($user_bdday, $user_bdmon, 'text' );
2826            $row_zodiac = qq~
2827                        <div class="contactleft">
2828                        <b>$zodiac_txt{'sign'}:</b>
2829                        </div>
2830                        <div class="contactright">
2831                        $memberzodiac
2832                        </div>~;
2833        }
2834    }
2835    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'location'} ) {
2836        $row_location = qq~
2837                        <div class="contactleft">
2838                        <b>$profile_txt{'227'}: </b>
2839                        </div>
2840                        <div class="contactright">
2841                        ${$uid.$user}{'location'}
2842                        </div>~;
2843    }
2844    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'icq'} && ${ $uid . $user }{'icq'} !~ m{\D}xsm ) {
2845        $row_icq .= qq~
2846                        <div class="contactleft">
2847                        <b>$profile_txt{'513'}:</b>
2848                        </div>
2849                        <div class="contactright">
2850                        <a href="http://web.icq.com/${$uid.$user}{'icq'}" title="${$uid.$user}{'icq'}" target="_blank">
2851                        <img src="http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online?icq=${$uid.$user}{'icq'}&#38;img=5" alt="${$uid.$user}{'icq'}" /> ${$uid.$user}{'icq'}</a>
2852                        </div>~;
2853    }
2854    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'aim'} ) {
2855        $row_aim = qq~
2856                        <div class="contactleft">
2857                        <b>$profile_txt{'603'}: </b>
2858                        </div>
2859                        <div class="contactright">
2860                        <a href="aim:goim?screenname=${$uid.$user}{'aim'}&#38;message=Hi,+are+you+there?">
2861                        <img src="$imagesdir/$my_aim" alt="${$uid.$user}{'aim'}" /> $memsettingsd[9]</a>
2862                        </div>~;
2863    }
2864    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'yim'} ) {
2865        $row_yim = qq~
2866                        <div class="contactleft">
2867                        <b>$profile_txt{'604'}: </b>
2868                        </div>
2869                        <div class="contactright">
2870                        <img src="http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=${$uid.$user}{'yim'}&#38;m=g&#38;t=0" alt="${$uid.$user}{'yim'}" />
2871                        <a href="http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=${$uid.$user}{'yim'}" target="_blank"> $memsettingsd[10]</a>
2872                        </div>~;
2873    }
2874    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'gtalk'} ) {
2875        $row_gtalk = qq~
2876                        <div class="contactleft">
2877                        <b>$profile_txt{'825'}: </b>
2878                        </div>
2879                        <div class="contactright">
2880                        <img src="$gtalk" alt="" />
2881                        <a href="#" onclick="window.open('$scripturl?action=setgtalk;gtalkname=$user','','height=80,width=340,menubar=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1'); return false">$profile_txt{'825'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}</a>
2882                        </div>~;
2883    }
2884    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'skype'} ) {
2885        $row_skype = qq~
2886                        <div class="contactleft">
2887                        <b>$profile_txt{'827'}: </b>
2888                        </div>
2889                        <div class="contactright">
2890                        <img src="$imagesdir/$my_skype" alt="" />
2891                        <a href="javascript:void(window.open('callto://${$uid.$user}{'skype'}','skype','height=80,width=340,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no'))">$profile_txt{'827'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}</a>
2892                        </div>~;
2893    }
2894    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'myspace'} ) {
2895        $row_myspace = qq~
2896                        <div class="contactleft">
2897                        <b>$profile_txt{'570'}: </b>
2898                        </div>
2899                        <div class="contactright">
2900                        <img src="$imagesdir/$my_myspace" alt="" />
2901                        <a href="http://www.myspace.com/${$uid.$user}{'myspace'}" target="_blank">$profile_txt{'570'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}</a>
2902                        </div>~;
2903    }
2904    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'facebook'} ) {
2905        $row_facebook = qq~
2906                        <div class="contactleft">
2907                        <b>$profile_txt{'573'}: </b>
2908                        </div>
2909                        <div class="contactright">
2910                        <img src="$imagesdir/$my_facebook" alt="" />
2911                        <a href="http://www.facebook.com/~
2912          . (
2913            ${ $uid . $user }{'facebook'} !~ /\D/xsm ? 'profile.php?id=' : q{} )
2914          . qq~${$uid.$user}{'facebook'}" target="_blank"> ${$uid.$user}{'facebook'}</a>
2915                        </div>~;
2916    }
2917    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'twitter'} ) {
2918        $row_twitter = qq~
2919                        <div class="contactleft">
2920                        <b>$profile_txt{'576'}: </b>
2921                        </div>
2922                        <div class="contactright">
2923                        <img src="$imagesdir/$my_twitter" alt="" />
2924                        <a href="http://twitter.com/${$uid.$user}{'twitter'}" target="_blank">$profile_txt{'576'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}</a>
2925                        </div>~;
2926    }
2927    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'youtube'} ) {
2928        $row_youtube = qq~
2929                        <div class="contactleft">
2930                        <b>$profile_txt{'579'}: </b>
2931                        </div>
2932                        <div class="contactright">
2933                        <img src="$imagesdir/$my_youtube" alt="" />
2934                        <a href="http://www.youtube.com/${$uid.$user}{'youtube'}" target="_blank">$profile_txt{'579'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}</a>
2935                        </div>~;
2936    }
2937    if (   !${ $uid . $user }{'hidemail'}
2938        || $iamadmin
2939        || !$allow_hide_email
2940        || $view )
2941    {
2942        my $rowEmail = q{};
2943        if ($view) {
2944            if ( !${ $uid . $user }{'hidemail'} ) {
2945                $rowEmail = $profile_txt{'showingemail'};
2946            }
2947            else {
2948                my ( $admtitle, undef ) =
2949                  split /\|/xsm, $Group{'Administrator'}, 2;
2950                $rowEmail =
2951qq~$profile_txt{'notshowingemail'} $admtitle$profile_txt{'notshowingemailend'}~;
2952            }
2953        }
2954        else {
2955            $rowEmail = enc_eMail(
2956                "$profile_txt{'889'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}",
2957                ${ $uid . $user }{'email'},
2958                q{}, q{}, 1
2959            );
2960        }
2962        $row_email = qq~
2963                        <div class="contactleft">
2964                        <b>$profile_txt{'69'}: </b>
2965                        </div>
2966                        <div class="contactright">
2967                        $rowEmail
2968                        </div>~;
2969    }
2970    if ( !$minlinkweb ) { $minlinkweb = 0; }
2971    if (
2972           ${ $uid . $user }{'weburl'}
2973        && ${ $uid . $user }{'webtitle'}
2974        && (   ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'} >= $minlinkweb
2975            || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator'
2976            || ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Global Moderator' )
2977      )
2978    {
2979        $row_website = qq~
2980                        <div class="contactleft">
2981                        <b>$profile_txt{'96'}: </b>
2982                        </div>
2983                        <div class="contactright">
2984                        <a href="${$uid.$user}{'weburl'}" target="_blank">${$uid.$user}{'webtitle'}</a>
2985                        </div>~;
2986    }
2987    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'signature'} ) {
2989        # do some ubbc on the signature to display in the view profile area
2990        $message     = ${ $uid . $user }{'signature'};
2991        $displayname = ${ $uid . $user }{'realname'};
2993        if ($enable_ubbc) {
2994            enable_yabbc();
2995            DoUBBC(1);
2996        }
2998        ToChars($message);
3000        # Censor the signature.
3001        LoadCensorList();
3002        $message = Censor($message);
3004        $row_signature = $myrow_sig;
3005        $row_signature =~ s/{yabb message}/$message/sm;
3006    }
3008    # End empty field checking
3010    # Just maths below...
3011    $post_count = ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'};
3012    if ( !$post_count ) { $post_count = 0 }
3014    $string_regdate = stringtotime( ${ $uid . $user }{'regdate'} );
3015    $string_curdate = $date;
3017    if ( $string_curdate < $forumstart ) { $string_curdate = $forumstart }
3019    $member_for_days = int( ( $string_curdate - $string_regdate ) / 86400 );
3021    if   ( $member_for_days < 1 ) { $tmpmember_for_days = 1; }
3022    else                          { $tmpmember_for_days = $member_for_days; }
3023    $post_per_day    = sprintf '%.2f', ( $post_count / $tmpmember_for_days );
3024    $member_for_days = NumberFormat($member_for_days);
3025    $post_per_day    = NumberFormat($post_per_day);
3026    $post_count      = NumberFormat($post_count);
3028    # End statistics.
3029    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'usertext'} ) {
3031        # Censor the usertext and wrap it
3032        LoadCensorList();
3033        $showusertext =
3034          WrapChars( Censor( ${ $uid . $user }{'usertext'} ), 20 );
3035    }
3037    if ( !$view ) {
3038        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $profile_txt{'92'}~;
3039        if ( $iamadmin || $iamgmod ) {
3040            $my_not_view_b .= qq~
3041                <img src="$imagesdir/$my_profile" alt="" />&nbsp; <b>$profile_txt{'35'}: $INFO{'username'}</b>~;
3042        }
3043        else {
3044            $my_not_view_b .= qq~
3045                <img src="$imagesdir/$my_profile" alt="" />&nbsp; <b>$profile_txt{'68'}: ${$uid.$INFO{'username'}}{'realname'}</b>~;
3046        }
3047        $my_not_view = $myshow_b;
3048        $my_not_view =~ s/{yabb my_not_view_b}/$my_not_view_b/sm;
3049    }
3050    $my_online = userOnLineStatus($user);
3052    my $userismod;
3053    if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator'
3054        && ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Global Moderator'
3055        && ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Mid Moderator' )
3056    {
3057        $userismod = is_moderator($user);
3058    }
3059    if ($userismod) {
3060        @memstats = split /\|/xsm, $Group{'Moderator'};
3061        my $starnum        = $memstats[1];
3062        my $memberstartemp = q{};
3063        if ( $memstats[2] !~ /\//xsm ) { $memstats[2] = "$imagesdir/$memstats[2]"; }
3064        while ( $starnum-- > 0 ) {
3065            $memberstartemp .= qq~<img src="$memstats[2]" alt="*" />~;
3066        }
3067        $memberstar = $memberstartemp ? "$memberstartemp<br />" : q{};
3069        *get_subboards = sub {
3070            my @x = @_;
3071            $indent += 2;
3072            foreach my $board (@x) {
3073                my $dash;
3074                if ( $indent > 2 ) { $dash = q{-}; }
3076                ( $boardname, $boardperms, $boardview ) =
3077                  split /\|/xsm, $board{$board};
3078                if (   ${ $uid . $board }{'ann'} == 1
3079                    || ${ $uid . $board }{'rbin'} == 1 )
3080                {
3081                    next;
3082                }
3083                $moderators = ${ $uid . $board }{'mods'};
3084                my @BoardModerators = split /, ?/sm, $moderators;
3085                for my $thisMod (@BoardModerators) {
3086                    if ( $thisMod eq $user ) {
3087                        ( $boardname, $boardperms, $boardview ) =
3088                          split /\|/xsm, $board{"$board"};
3089                        ToChars($boardname);
3090                        if ( !${ $uid . $board }{'canpost'}
3091                            && $subboard{$board} )
3092                        {
3093                            $my_brd = 'boardselect';
3094                        }
3095                        else { $my_brd = 'board'; }
3096                        $my_mod_star .=
3097                            qq~<a href="$scripturl?$my_brd=$board" class="a">~
3098                          . ( '&nbsp;' x $indent )
3099                          . ( $dash x ( $indent / 2 ) )
3100                          . qq~$boardname</a><br />\n~;
3101                    }
3102                }
3103                if ( $subboard{$board} ) {
3104                    get_subboards( split /\|/xsm, $subboard{$board} );
3105                }
3106            }
3107            $indent -= 2;
3108        };
3110        for my $catid (@categoryorder) {
3111            (@bdlist) = split /\,/xsm, $cat{$catid};
3112            my $indent = -2;
3113            get_subboards(@bdlist);
3114        }
3116        $my_star = $myshow_star;
3117        $my_star =~ s/{yabb title}/$memstats[0]/sm;
3118        $my_star =~ s/{yabb memberstar}/$memberstar/sm;
3119        $my_star =~ s/{yabb my_mod_star}/$my_mod_star/sm;
3120    }
3121    if ( $row_gender || $row_age || $row_location ) {
3122        $my_gender = $myshow_gender;
3123        $my_gender =~ s/{yabb row_gender}/$row_gender/sm;
3124        $my_gender =~ s/{yabb row_age}/$row_age/sm;
3125        $my_gender =~ s/{yabb row_zodiac}/$row_zodiac/sm;
3126        $my_gender =~ s/{yabb row_location}/$row_location/sm;
3127    }
3128    if ($extendedprofiles) {
3129        require Sources::ExtendedProfiles;
3130        $my_extprofile .= ext_viewprofile($user);
3131    }
3133    CheckUserPM_Level($user);
3134    if (
3135          !$view
3136        && $user ne $username
3137        && (
3138            $PM_level == 1
3139            || (   $PM_level == 2
3140                && $UserPM_Level{$user} > 1
3141                && ($staff) )
3142            || (   $PM_level == 3
3143                && $UserPM_Level{$user} == 3
3144                && ( $iamadmin || $iamgmod ) )
3145            || (   $PM_level == 4
3146                && $UserPM_Level{$user} == 4
3147                && ( $iamadmin || $iamgmod || $iamfmod ) )
3148        )
3149      )
3150    {
3151        $my_userlevel = qq~
3152            <div class="contactleft">
3153                <b>$profile_txt{'144'}: </b>
3154            </div>
3155            <div class="contactright">
3156                <a href="$scripturl?action=imsend;to=$useraccount{$user}">$profile_txt{'688'} ${$uid.$user}{'realname'}</a>
3157            </div>~;
3158    }
3159    $userlastlogin = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastonline'} );
3160    $userlastpost  = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastpost'} );
3161    $userlastim    = timeformat( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastim'} );
3162    if ( $userlastlogin eq q{} ) { $userlastlogin = "$profile_txt{'470'}"; }
3163    if ( $userlastpost eq q{} )  { $userlastpost  = "$profile_txt{'470'}"; }
3164    if ( $userlastim eq q{} )    { $userlastim    = "$profile_txt{'470'}"; }
3165    my ( $lastonline, $lastpost, $lastPM );
3166    ## MF-B code fix for lpd
3167    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'} > 0 ) {
3168        $userlastpost = usersrecentposts(1);
3169    }
3170    ####
3171    if ( !$view ) {
3172        $lastonline = qq~$profile_amv_txt{'9'}~;
3173        $lastpost   = qq~$profile_amv_txt{'10'}~;
3174        $lastPM     = qq~$profile_amv_txt{'11'}~;
3176    }
3177    else {
3178        $lastonline = qq~$profile_amv_txt{'mylastonline'}~;
3179        $lastpost   = qq~$profile_amv_txt{'mylastpost'}~;
3180        $lastPM     = qq~$profile_amv_txt{'mylastpm'}~;
3181    }
3182    if ( $pm_lev == 1 ) {
3183        $my_lastPM = qq~
3184            <div class="contactleft"><b>$lastPM: </b></div>
3185            <div class="contactright">$userlastim</div>~;
3186    }
3187    if (   ( $iamadmin || $iamgmod || $iamfmod )
3188        && !$view
3189        && $user ne $username
3190        && $user ne 'admin' )
3191    {
3192        $is_banned = check_banlist( "${$uid.$user}{'email'}", q{}, "$user" );
3193        $ban_user_email = ${ $uid . $user }{'email'};
3194        $ban_user_email =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf('%%%02X', ord($1))/segm;
3195        require Sources::Security;
3196        if ( $is_banned =~ /E/sm ) {
3197            $ban_email_link =
3198qq~<span class="small">[ <a href="$scripturl?action=ipban_update;ban_email=$ban_user_email;username=$useraccount{$user};unban=1" onclick="return confirm('$profile_txt{'904a'}${$uid.$user}{'email'}');">$profile_txt{'904'}</a> ]</span>~;
3199        }
3200        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator' ) {
3201            $ban_email_link = qq~<span class="small">[ $profile_txt{'907'}: ~;
3202            my $bansep = $#timeban;
3203            my $levsep = q~ | ~;
3204            for my $i (@timeban) {
3205                if ( !$bansep-- ) { $levsep = q{}; }
3206                $ban_email_link .=
3207qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=ipban_update;ban_email=$ban_user_email;username=$useraccount{$user};lev=$i" onclick="return confirm('$profile_txt{'907a'}${$uid.$user}{'email'}');">$profile_txt{$i}</a>$levsep~;
3208            }
3209            $ban_email_link .= q~ ]</span>~;
3210        }
3211        else {
3212            $ban_email_link = q{};
3213        }
3214        $ban_user_name = $useraccount{$user};
3216        if ( $is_banned =~ /U/sm ) {
3217            $ban_user_link =
3218qq~<span class="small">[ <a href="$scripturl?action=ipban_update;ban_memname=$ban_user_name;username=$useraccount{$user};unban=1" onclick="return confirm('$profile_txt{'903a'}$user');">$profile_txt{'903'}</a> ]</span>~;
3219        }
3220        elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator' ) {
3221            $ban_user_link = qq~<span class="small">[ $profile_txt{'906'}: ~;
3222            my $bansep = $#timeban;
3223            my $levsep = q~ | ~;
3224            for my $i (@timeban) {
3225                if ( !$bansep-- ) { $levsep = q{}; }
3226                $ban_user_link .=
3227qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=ipban_update;ban_memname=$ban_user_name;username=$useraccount{$user};lev=$i" onclick="return confirm('$profile_txt{'906a'}$user');">$profile_txt{$i}</a>$levsep~;
3228            }
3229            $ban_user_link .= q~ ]</span>~;
3230        }
3231        else {
3232            $ban_user_link = q{};
3233        }
3235        # Shows the banning stuff for IP's
3236        @banlink        = ();
3237        $ip_ban_options = q{};
3238        if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'lastips'} ) {
3239            @ip_ban = split /\|/xsm, ${ $uid . $user }{'lastips'};
3240            for my $ip ( 0 .. ( @ip_ban - 1 ) ) {
3241                if ( check_banlist( q{}, "$ip_ban[$ip]", q{} ) ) {
3242                    $banlink[$ip] =
3243qq~<span class="small">[ <a href="$scripturl?action=ipban_update;ban=$ip_ban[$ip];username=$useraccount{$user};unban=1" onclick="return confirm('$profile_txt{'905a'}$ip_ban[$ip]');">$profile_txt{'905'}</a> ]</span>~;
3244                }
3245                elsif ( ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator' ) {
3246                    $banlink[$ip] =
3247                      qq~<span class="small">[ $profile_txt{'908'}: ~;
3248                    my $bansep = $#timeban;
3249                    my $levsep = q~ | ~;
3250                    for my $i (@timeban) {
3251                        if ( !$bansep-- ) { $levsep = q{}; }
3252                        $banlink[$ip] .=
3253qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=ipban_update;ban=$ip_ban[$ip];username=$useraccount{$user};lev=$i" onclick="return confirm('$profile_txt{'908a'}$ip_ban[$ip]');">$profile_txt{$i}</a>$levsep~;
3254                    }
3255                    $banlink[$ip] .= q~ ]</span>~;
3256                }
3257                else {
3258                    $banlink[$ip] .= q{};
3259                }
3260            }
3261            for my $i ( 0 .. ( @ip_ban - 1 ) ) {
3262                if ( $ip_ban[$i] ) {
3263                    my $lookupIP =
3264                      ($ipLookup)
3265                      ? qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=iplookup;ip=$ip_ban[$i]">$ip_ban[$i]</a>~
3266                      : qq~$ip_ban[$i]~;
3267                    $ip_ban_options .= qq~$lookupIP<br />$banlink[$i]<br />~;
3268                }
3269            }
3270        }
3272        $my_banning = $myshow_banning;
3273        $my_banning =~ s/{yabb ban_user}/$user/sm;
3274        $my_banning =~ s/{yabb ban_user_link}/$ban_user_link/sm;
3275        $my_banning =~ s/{yabb ban_email}/${$uid.$user}{'email'}/sm;
3276        $my_banning =~ s/{yabb ban_email_link}/$ban_email_link/sm;
3277        $my_banning =~ s/{yabb ip_ban_options}/$ip_ban_options/sm;
3278    }
3279    if ( ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} eq 'Administrator' && !$iamadmin ) {
3280        $my_banning = q{};
3281    }
3283    if (   $iamadmin
3284        && !$view
3285        && $user ne $username
3286        && ${ $uid . $user }{'position'} ne 'Administrator' )
3287    {
3288        $my_reminder = $myshow_reminder;
3289        $my_reminder =~ s/{yabb my_realname}/${$uid.$user}{'realname'}/sm;
3290    }
3292    if (   ${ $uid . $user }{'postcount'} > 0
3293        && $maxrecentdisplay > 0
3294        && !$view )
3295    {
3296        my ( $x, $y ) = ( int( $maxrecentdisplay / 5 ), 0 );
3297        if ($x) {
3298            for my $i ( 1 .. 5 ) {
3299                $y = $i * $x;
3300                $my_recent_display .= qq~
3301                        <option value="$y">$y</option>~;
3302            }
3303        }
3304        if ( $maxrecentdisplay > $y ) {
3305            $my_recent_display .= qq~
3306                        <option value="$maxrecentdisplay">$maxrecentdisplay</option>~;
3307        }
3309        $my_recent = $myshow_recent;
3310        $my_recent =~ s/{yabb user}/$useraccount{$user}/sm;
3311        $my_recent =~ s/{yabb my_recent_display}/$my_recent_display/sm;
3312        $my_recent =~ s/{yabb my_realname}/${$uid.$user}{'realname'}/sm;
3313    }
3315    $showProfile .= $myshow_profile;
3316    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb pic_row}/$pic_row/sm;
3317    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb realname}/${$uid.$user}{'realname'}/sm;
3318    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb col_title_user}/$col_title{$user}/sm;
3319    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_addgrp}/$row_addgrp/sm;
3320    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb memberstar_user}/$memberstar{$user}/sm;
3321    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_online}/$my_online/sm;
3322    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb showusertext}/$showusertext/sm;
3323    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb buddybutton}/$buddybutton/sm;
3324    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb modify}/$modify/sm;
3325    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_star}/$my_star/sm;
3326    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb post_count}/$post_count/sm;
3327    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb post_per_day}/$post_per_day/sm;
3328    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb dr}/$dr/sm;
3329    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb member_for_days}/$member_for_days/sm;
3330    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_gender}/$my_gender/sm;
3331    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_extprofile}/$my_extprofile/sm;
3332    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_userlevel}/$my_userlevel/sm;
3333    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_email}/$row_email/sm;
3334    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_website}/$row_website/sm;
3335    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_aim}/$row_aim/sm;
3336    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_skype}/$row_skype/sm;
3337    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_yim}/$row_yim/sm;
3338    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_gtalk}/$row_gtalk/sm;
3339    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_myspace}/$row_myspace/sm;
3340    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_facebook}/$row_facebook/sm;
3341    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_twitter}/$row_twitter/sm;
3342    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_youtube}/$row_youtube/sm;
3343    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_icq}/$row_icq/sm;
3344    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb row_signature}/$row_signature/sm;
3345    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb lastonline}/$lastonline/sm;
3346    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb userlastlogin}/$userlastlogin/sm;
3347    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb lastpost}/$lastpost/sm;
3348    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb userlastpost}/$userlastpost/sm;
3349    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_lastPM}/$my_lastPM/sm;
3350    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_banning}/$my_banning/sm;
3351    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_reminder}/$my_reminder/sm;
3352    $showProfile =~ s/{yabb my_recent}/$my_recent/sm;
3353## Mod Hook showProfile2 ##
3355    $yytitle = $profile_txt{'92u'};
3356    $yytitle =~ s/USER/${$uid.$user}{'realname'}/gsm;
3357    if ( !$view ) {
3358        $yymain .= $showProfile;
3359        template();
3360    }
3361    return;
3364sub usersrecentposts {
3365    my @x = @_;
3366    if ($iamguest)                      { fatal_error('members_only'); }
3367    if ( $INFO{'username'} =~ /\//xsm ) { fatal_error('no_user_slash'); }
3368    if ( $INFO{'username'} =~ /\\/xsm ) {
3369        fatal_error('no_user_backslash');
3370    }
3371    if ( !-e ("$memberdir/$INFO{'username'}.vars") ) {
3372        fatal_error('no_profile_exists');
3373    }
3374    if ( $action =~ /^(?:my)?usersrecentposts$/xsm ) { spam_protection(); }
3376    my $curuser = $INFO{'username'};
3377    LoadUser($curuser);
3379    my $display = $FORM{'viewscount'} ? $FORM{'viewscount'} : $x[0];
3380    if ( !$display ) { $display = 5; }
3381    elsif ( $display =~ /\D/xsm ) { fatal_error('only_numbers_allowed'); }
3382    if ( $display > $maxrecentdisplay ) { $display = $maxrecentdisplay; }
3384    my (
3385        %data,              $numfound,    %threadfound, %boardtxt,
3386        %recentthreadfound, $recentfound, $save_recent, $boardperms,
3387        %boardcat,          %catinfos,    $curboard,    $c,
3388        @messages,          $tnum,        $tsub,        $tname,
3389        $temail,            $tdate,       $treplies,    $tusername,
3390        $ticon,             $tstate,      $mname,       $memail,
3391        $mdate,             $musername,   $micon,       $mattach,
3392        $mip,               $mns,         $counter,     $board,
3393        $notify,            $catid
3394    );
3396    Recent_Load($curuser);
3397    my @recent =
3398      reverse sort { ${ $recent{$a} }[1] <=> ${ $recent{$b} }[1] }
3399      grep         { ${ $recent{$_} }[1] > 0 } keys %recent;
3400    my $recentcount = keys %recent;
3401    my @data;
3402    $#data = $display - 1;
3403    @data = map { 0 } @data;
3405    get_forum_master();
3406    foreach my $catid (@categoryorder) {
3407        foreach ( split /\,/xsm, $cat{$catid} ) {
3408            $boardcat{$_} = $catid;
3409            @{ $catinfos{$_} } = split /\|/xsm, $catinfo{$catid}, 3;
3410        }
3411    }
3413  RECENTCHECK: foreach my $thread (@recent) {
3414        MessageTotals( 'load', $thread );
3415        if ( ${$thread}{'board'} eq q{} ) {
3416            $save_recent = 1;
3417            delete $recent{$thread};
3418            $recentcount--;
3419            next RECENTCHECK;
3420        }
3421        $curboard = ${$thread}{'board'};
3423        if ( !$boardtxt{$curboard} ) {
3424            ( $boardname{$curboard}, $boardperms, undef ) = split /\|/xsm,
3425              $board{$curboard};
3427            if (
3428                !$iamadmin
3429                && (  !CatAccess( ${ $catinfos{$curboard} }[1] )
3430                    || AccessCheck( $curboard, q{}, $boardperms ) ne 'granted' )
3431              )
3432            {
3433                $recentcount--;
3434                next RECENTCHECK;
3435            }
3437            fopen( FILE, "$boardsdir/$curboard.txt" );
3438            @{ $boardtxt{$curboard} } = <FILE>;
3439            fclose(FILE);
3441            if ( !@{ $boardtxt{$curboard} } ) {
3442                $save_recent = 1;
3443                delete $recent{$thread};
3444                $recentcount--;
3445                next RECENTCHECK;
3446            }
3447        }
3448        elsif ($numfound) {
3449            if ( exists $recentthreadfound{$thread} ) {
3450                $recentfound += $recentthreadfound{$thread};
3451            }
3452            last
3453              if $recentfound >= $display
3454              && $data[-1] > ${ $recent{$thread} }[1];
3455            next;
3456        }
3458        for my $i ( 0 .. ( @{ $boardtxt{$curboard} } - 1 ) ) {
3459            (
3460                $tnum,     $tsub,      $tname, $temail, $tdate,
3461                $treplies, $tusername, $ticon, $tstate
3462            ) = split /\|/xsm, ${ $boardtxt{$curboard} }[$i];
3464            if (   ( $display == 1 && $thread == $tnum )
3465                || ( $display > 1 && exists $recent{$tnum} ) )
3466            {
3467                if ( $tstate =~ /h/sm && !$iamadmin && !$iamgmod ) {
3468                    $recentcount--;
3469                }
3470                else {
3471                    fopen( FILE, "$datadir/$tnum.txt" );
3472                    @messages = <FILE>;
3473                    fclose(FILE);
3475                    my $usercheck = 0;
3477                    for my $c ( reverse 0 .. $#messages ) {
3478                        (
3479                            $msub,      $mname, $memail,  $mdate,
3480                            $musername, $micon, $mattach, $mip,
3481                            $message,   $mns
3482                        ) = split /\|/xsm, $messages[$c];
3484                        if ( $curuser eq $musername ) {
3485                            my @i = ( @data, $mdate );
3486                            @data = reverse sort { $a <=> $b } @i;
3487                            if ( pop(@data) < $mdate ) {
3488                                chomp $mns;
3489                                $data{$mdate} = [
3490                                    $curboard, $tnum,    $c,
3491                                    $tname,    $msub,    $mname,
3492                                    $memail,   $mdate,   $musername,
3493                                    $micon,    $mattach, $mip,
3494                                    $message,  $mns,     $tstate,
3495                                    $tusername
3496                                ];
3497                                if ( !$usercheck ) {
3498                                    $numfound++;
3499                                    $threadfound{$tnum} = 1;
3500                                }
3501                                if ( exists $recent{$tnum} ) {
3502                                    $recentthreadfound{$tnum}++;
3503                                    if ( $thread == $tnum ) {
3504                                        $recentfound++;
3505                                    }
3506                                }
3507                                if ( ${ $recent{$tnum} }[1] < $mdate ) {
3508                                    $save_recent = 1;
3509                                    ${ $recent{$tnum} }[1] = $mdate;
3510                                }
3511                            }
3512                            $usercheck = 1;
3513                        }
3514                    }
3515                    if ( !$usercheck ) {
3516                        $save_recent = 1;
3517                        delete $recent{$tnum};
3518                        $recentcount--;
3519                    }
3520                }
3521            }
3522        }
3523    }
3525    if ( $recentfound < $display && $numfound < $recentcount ) {
3526      CATEGORYCHECK: foreach my $catid (@categoryorder) {
3527            if ( !CatAccess( ( split /\|/xsm, $catinfo{$catid}, 3 )[1] ) ) {
3528                next CATEGORYCHECK;
3529            }
3531          BOARDCHECK:
3532            foreach my $curboard ( split /\,/xsm, $cat{$catid} ) {
3533                if ( !$boardtxt{$curboard} ) {
3534                    ( $boardname{$curboard}, $boardperms, undef ) =
3535                      split /\|/xsm, $board{$curboard};
3537                    if ( !$iamadmin
3538                        && AccessCheck( $curboard, q{}, $boardperms ) ne
3539                        'granted' )
3540                    {
3541                        next BOARDCHECK;
3542                    }
3544                    my $bdmods = ${ $uid . $curboard }{'mods'};
3545                    $bdmods =~ s/\, /\,/gsm;
3546                    $bdmods =~ s/\ /\,/gsm;
3547                    my %moderators = ();
3548                    my $pswiammod  = 0;
3549                    foreach my $curuser ( split /\,/xsm, $bdmods ) {
3550                        if ( $username eq $curuser ) { $pswiammod = 1; }
3551                    }
3552                    my $bdmodgroups = ${ $uid . $curboard }{'modgroups'};
3553                    $bdmodgroups =~ s/\, /\,/gsm;
3554                    my %moderatorgroups = ();
3555                    foreach my $curgroup ( split /\,/xsm, $bdmodgroups ) {
3556                        if ( ${ $uid . $username }{'position'} eq $curgroup ) {
3557                            $pswiammod = 1;
3558                        }
3559                        foreach my $memberaddgroups ( split /\, /sm,
3560                            ${ $uid . $username }{'addgroups'} )
3561                        {
3562                            chomp $memberaddgroups;
3563                            if ( $memberaddgroups eq $curgroup ) {
3564                                $pswiammod = 1;
3565                                last;
3566                            }
3567                        }
3568                    }
3569                    my $cookiename = "$cookiepassword$curboard$username";
3570                    my $crypass    = ${ $uid . $curboard }{'brdpassw'};
3571                    if (   !$staff
3572                        && !$pswiammod
3573                        && $yyCookies{$cookiename} ne $crypass )
3574                    {
3575                        next;
3576                    }
3577                    fopen( FILE, "$boardsdir/$curboard.txt" )
3578                      || next BOARDCHECK;
3579                    @{ $boardtxt{$curboard} } = <FILE>;
3580                    fclose(FILE);
3581                }
3583                for my $i ( 0 .. ( @{ $boardtxt{$curboard} } - 1 ) ) {
3584                    (
3585                        $tnum,      $tsub,  $tname,
3586                        $temail,    $tdate, $treplies,
3587                        $tusername, $ticon, $tstate
3588                    ) = split /\|/xsm, ${ $boardtxt{$curboard} }[$i];
3590                    if ( exists( $recent{$tnum} )
3591                        && !exists $threadfound{$tnum} )
3592                    {
3593                        if ( $tstate !~ /h/sm || $iamadmin || $iamgmod ) {
3594                            fopen( FILE, "$datadir/$tnum.txt" );
3595                            @messages = <FILE>;
3596                            fclose(FILE);
3598                            my $usercheck = 0;
3600                            for my $c ( reverse 0 .. $#messages ) {
3601                                (
3602                                    $msub,      $mname, $memail,  $mdate,
3603                                    $musername, $micon, $mattach, $mip,
3604                                    $message,   $mns
3605                                ) = split /\|/xsm, $messages[$c];
3607                                if ( $curuser eq $musername ) {
3608                                    my @i = @data;
3609                                    push @i, $mdate;
3610                                    @data = reverse sort { $a <=> $b } @i;
3611                                    if ( pop(@data) != $mdate ) {
3612                                        chomp $mns;
3613                                        $data{$mdate} = [
3614                                            $curboard,  $tnum,
3615                                            $c,         $tname,
3616                                            $msub,      $mname,
3617                                            $memail,    $mdate,
3618                                            $musername, $micon,
3619                                            $mattach,   $mip,
3620                                            $message,   $mns,
3621                                            $tstate,    $tusername
3622                                        ];
3623                                        if ( ${ $recent{$tnum} }[1] < $mdate ) {
3624                                            $save_recent = 1;
3625                                            ${ $recent{$tnum} }[1] = $mdate;
3626                                        }
3627                                    }
3628                                    $usercheck = 1;
3629                                }
3630                            }
3632                            if ( !$usercheck ) {
3633                                $save_recent = 1;
3634                                delete $recent{$tnum};
3635                            }
3636                        }
3637                    }
3638                }
3639            }
3640        }
3641    }
3643    undef %boardtxt;
3645    if ($save_recent) { Recent_Save($curuser); }
3647    if ( $display == 1 ) {
3648        return if !$data[0];
3649        (
3650            $board,     $tnum,  $c,       $tname,
3651            $msub,      $mname, $memail,  $mdate,
3652            $musername, $micon, $mattach, $mip,
3653            $message,   $mns,   $tstate,  $tusername
3654        ) = @{ $data{ $data[0] } };
3655        ToChars($msub);
3656        ( $msub, undef ) = Split_Splice_Move( $msub, 0 );
3657        return ( timeformat($mdate)
3658              . qq~<br />$profile_txt{'view'} &rsaquo; <a href="$scripturl?num=$tnum/$c#$c">$msub</a>~
3659        );
3660    }
3662    LoadCensorList();
3664    for my $i ( 0 .. ( @data - 1 ) ) {
3665        next if !$data[$i];
3667        (
3668            $board,     $tnum,  $c,       $tname,
3669            $msub,      $mname, $memail,  $mdate,
3670            $musername, $micon, $mattach, $mip,
3671            $message,   $mns,   $tstate,  $tusername
3672        ) = @{ $data{ $data[$i] } };
3673        ( $msub, undef ) = Split_Splice_Move( $msub, 0 );
3674        wrap();
3675        $displayname = $mname;
3676        ( $message, undef ) = Split_Splice_Move( $message, $tnum );
3677        if ($enable_ubbc) {
3678            $ns = $mns;
3679            enable_yabbc();
3680            DoUBBC();
3681        }
3682        wrap2();
3683        ToChars($msub);
3684        ToChars($message);
3685        $msub    = Censor($msub);
3686        $message = Censor($message);
3687        ToChars( ${ $catinfos{$board} }[0] );
3688        ToChars( $boardname{$board} );
3690        $counter++;
3692        if ( $tusername !~ m{Guest}sm ) {
3693            if ( -e ("$memberdir/$tusername.vars") ) {
3694                LoadUser($tusername);
3695                $mytname =
3696qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=viewprofile;username=$useraccount{$tusername}" rel="nofollow">$format_unbold{$tusername}</a>~;
3697            }
3698            else { $mytname = qq~$tname - $maintxt{'470a'}~; }
3699        }
3700        else {
3701            $mytname = "$tname ($maintxt{'28'})";
3702        }
3704        $mname =
3705qq~<a href="$scripturl?action=viewprofile;username=$useraccount{$curuser}" rel="nofollow">$format_unbold{$curuser}</a>~;
3707        $mdate = timeformat($mdate);
3709        get_template('MyPosts');
3710        $mypostborder = q{};
3711        if ( $action eq 'myusersrecentposts' ) {
3712            $mypostborder = ' class="mypostborder"';
3713        }
3715        $showProfile .= $myshow_recent_a;
3717        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb counter}/$counter/sm;
3718        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb brdcat}/$boardcat{$board}/sm;
3719        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb brd}/$boardcat{$board}/sm;
3720        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb catinfobrd}/${$catinfos{$board}}[0]/sm;
3721        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb brdbrd}/$boardname{$board}/sm;
3722        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb tnum}/$tnum\/$c#$c/sm;
3723        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb msub}/$msub/sm;
3724        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb mdate}/$mdate/sm;
3725        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb tname}/$mytname/sm;
3726        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb poster}/$mname/sm;
3727        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb mypostborder}/$mypostborder/sm;
3729        if ( $tstate != 1 ) {
3730            if ( ${ $uid . $username }{'thread_notifications'} =~
3731                /\b$tnum\b/xsm )
3732            {
3733                $notify =
3734qq~$menusep<a href="$scripturl?action=notify3;num=$tnum/$c;oldnotify=1">$img{'del_notify'}</a>~;
3735            }
3736            else {
3737                $notify =
3738qq~$menusep<a href="$scripturl?action=notify2;num=$tnum/$c;oldnotify=1">$img{'add_notify'}</a>~;
3739            }
3740            $showProfile .=
3741qq~<a href="$scripturl?board=$board;action=post;num=$tnum/$c#$c;title=PostReply">$img{'reply'}</a>$menusep<a href="$scripturl?board=$board;action=post;num=$tnum;quote=$c;title=PostReply">$img{'recentquote'}</a>$notify &nbsp;~;
3742        }
3744        $showProfile .= $myshow_recent_b;
3745        $showProfile =~ s/{yabb recentmsg}/$message/sm;
3746    }
3748    if ( !$counter ) {
3749        $showProfile .= qq~<b>$profile_txt{'755'}</b>~;
3750    }
3751    elsif ( !$view ) {
3752        $showProfile .=
3753qq~<p><a href="$scripturl?action=viewprofile;username=$useraccount{$curuser}"><b>$profile_txt{'92u'}</b></a></p>~;
3754        $showProfile =~ s/USER/${$uid.$curuser}{'realname'}/gsm;
3755    }
3757    $yytitle = "$profile_txt{'458'} ${$uid.$curuser}{'realname'}";
3758    if ( !$view ) {
3759        $yynavigation = qq~&rsaquo; $maintxt{'213'}~;
3760        $yymain .= $showProfile;
3761        template();
3762    }
3763    return;
3766sub DrawGroups {
3767    my ( $availgroups, $position, $show_additional ) = @_;
3768    my ( %groups, $groupsel );
3769    map { $groups{$_} = 1; } split /,/xsm, $availgroups;
3771    for my $key (@nopostorder) {
3772        my (
3773            $name, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
3774            undef, undef, undef, undef, $additional
3775        ) = split /\|/xsm, $NoPost{$key};
3776        next if ( !$show_additional && !$additional ) || $position eq $key;
3778        $groupsel .=
3779            qq~<option value="$key"~
3780          . ( $groups{$key} ? ' selected="selected"' : q{} )
3781          . qq~>$name</option>~;
3782        $selsize++;
3783    }
3784    return ( $groupsel, ( $selsize > 6 ? 6 : $selsize ) );
3787sub isselected {
3788    my ($inp) = @_;
3790    # Return a ref so we can be used like ${isselected($var)} inside a string
3791    return \' selected="selected"' if $inp;
3792    return \q{};