1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
10 #include "base/callback.h"
11 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
12 #include "base/macros.h"
13 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
14 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
15 #include "build/build_config.h"
16 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_family.h"
17 #include "url/gurl.h"
19 namespace base {
20 class CommandLine;
21 }
23 namespace shell_integration {
25 // Sets Chrome as the default browser (only for the current user). Returns false
26 // if this operation fails. This does not work on Windows version 8 or higher.
27 // Prefer to use the DefaultBrowserWorker class below since it works on all OSs.
28 bool SetAsDefaultBrowser();
30 // Sets Chrome as the default client application for the given protocol
31 // (only for the current user). Returns false if this operation fails.
32 // Prefer to use the DefaultProtocolClientWorker class below since it works on
33 // all OSs.
34 bool SetAsDefaultProtocolClient(const std::string& protocol);
36 // The different types of permissions required to set a default web client.
37 enum DefaultWebClientSetPermission {
38   // The browser distribution is not permitted to be made default.
40   // No special permission or interaction is required to set the default
41   // browser. This is used in Linux, Mac and Windows 7 and under.
43   // On Windows 8+, a browser can be made default only in an interactive flow.
45 };
47 // Returns requirements for making the running browser either the default
48 // browser or the default client application for a specific protocols for the
49 // current user.
50 DefaultWebClientSetPermission GetDefaultWebClientSetPermission();
52 // Returns true if the running browser can be set as the default browser,
53 // whether user interaction is needed or not. Use
54 // GetDefaultWebClientSetPermission() if this distinction is important.
55 bool CanSetAsDefaultBrowser();
57 // Returns true if making the running browser the default client for any
58 // protocol requires elevated privileges.
59 bool IsElevationNeededForSettingDefaultProtocolClient();
61 // Returns a string representing the application to be launched given the
62 // protocol of the requested url. This string may be a name or a path, but
63 // neither is guaranteed and it should only be used as a display string.
64 // Returns an empty string on failure.
65 base::string16 GetApplicationNameForProtocol(const GURL& url);
67 // Chrome's default web client state as a browser as a protocol client. If the
68 // current install mode is not default, the brand's other modes are
69 // checked. This allows callers to take specific action in case the current mode
70 // (e.g., Chrome Dev) is not the default handler, but another of the brand's
71 // modes (e.g., stable Chrome) is.
72 enum DefaultWebClientState {
73   // No install mode for the brand is the default client.
75   // The current install mode is the default client.
77   // An error occurred while attempting to check the default client.
79   // The current install mode is not default, although one of the brand's
80   // other install modes is.
83 };
85 // Attempt to determine if this instance of Chrome is the default browser and
86 // return the appropriate state. (Defined as being the handler for HTTP/HTTPS
87 // protocols; we don't want to report "no" here if the user has simply chosen
88 // to open HTML files in a text editor and FTP links with an FTP client.)
89 DefaultWebClientState GetDefaultBrowser();
91 // Returns true if Firefox is likely to be the default browser for the current
92 // user. This method is very fast so it can be invoked in the UI thread.
93 bool IsFirefoxDefaultBrowser();
95 #if defined(OS_WIN)
96 // Returns true if IE is likely to be the default browser for the current
97 // user. This method is very fast so it can be invoked in the UI thread.
98 bool IsIEDefaultBrowser();
100 // Returns the install id of the installation set as default browser. If no
101 // installation of Firefox is set as the default browser, returns an empty
102 // string.
103 // TODO(crbug/1011830): This should return the install id of the stable
104 // version if no version of Firefox is set as default browser.
105 std::string GetFirefoxProgIdSuffix();
106 #endif
108 // Attempt to determine if this instance of Chrome is the default client
109 // application for the given protocol and return the appropriate state.
110 DefaultWebClientState IsDefaultProtocolClient(const std::string& protocol);
112 // Data that needs to be passed between the app launcher stub and Chrome.
113 struct AppModeInfo {};
114 void SetAppModeInfo(const AppModeInfo* info);
115 const AppModeInfo* AppModeInfo();
117 // Is the current instance of Chrome running in App mode.
118 bool IsRunningInAppMode();
120 // Set up command line arguments for launching a URL or an app.
121 // The new command line reuses the current process's user data directory (and
122 // login profile, for ChromeOS).
123 // If |extension_app_id| is non-empty, the arguments use kAppId=<id>.
124 // Otherwise, kApp=<url> is used.
125 base::CommandLine CommandLineArgsForLauncher(
126     const GURL& url,
127     const std::string& extension_app_id,
128     const base::FilePath& profile_path);
130 // Append command line arguments for launching a new chrome.exe process
131 // based on the current process.
132 // The new command line reuses the current process's user data directory and
133 // profile.
134 void AppendProfileArgs(const base::FilePath& profile_path,
135                        base::CommandLine* command_line);
137 #if !defined(OS_WIN)
138 // Gets the name of the Chrome Apps menu folder in which to place app
139 // shortcuts. This is needed for Mac and Linux.
140 base::string16 GetAppShortcutsSubdirName();
141 #endif
143 // The type of callback used to communicate processing state to consumers of
144 // DefaultBrowserWorker and DefaultProtocolClientWorker.
145 using DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback =
146     base::OnceCallback<void(DefaultWebClientState)>;
148 //  Helper objects that handle checking if Chrome is the default browser
149 //  or application for a url protocol on Windows and Linux, and also setting
150 //  it as the default. These operations are performed asynchronously on a
151 //  blocking sequence since registry access (on Windows) or the preference
152 //  database (on Linux) are involved and this can be slow.
153 //  By default, the worker will present the user with an interactive flow if
154 //  required by the platform. This can be suppressed via
155 //  set_interactive_permitted(), in which case an attempt to set Chrome as
156 //  the default handler will silently fail on such platforms.
157 class DefaultWebClientWorker
158     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DefaultWebClientWorker> {
159  public:
160   // Controls whether the worker can use user interaction to set the default
161   // web client. If false, the set-as-default operation will fail on OS where
162   // it is required.
set_interactive_permitted(bool interactive_permitted)163   void set_interactive_permitted(bool interactive_permitted) {
164     interactive_permitted_ = interactive_permitted;
165   }
167   // Checks to see if Chrome is the default web client application. The
168   // provided callback will be run to communicate the default state to the
169   // caller.
170   void StartCheckIsDefault(DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback callback);
172   // Sets Chrome as the default web client application. Once done, it will
173   // trigger a check for the default state using StartCheckIsDefault() to return
174   // the default state to the caller.
175   void StartSetAsDefault(DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback callback);
177  protected:
178   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DefaultWebClientWorker>;
180   explicit DefaultWebClientWorker(const char* worker_name);
181   virtual ~DefaultWebClientWorker();
183   // Communicates the result via |callback|. When
184   // |is_following_set_as_default| is true, |state| will be reported to UMA as
185   // the result of the set-as-default operation.
186   void OnCheckIsDefaultComplete(DefaultWebClientState state,
187                                 bool is_following_set_as_default,
188                                 DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback callback);
190   // When false, the operation to set as default will fail for interactive
191   // flows.
192   bool interactive_permitted_ = true;
194  private:
195   // Checks whether Chrome is the default web client. Always called on a
196   // blocking sequence. When |is_following_set_as_default| is true, The default
197   // state will be reported to UMA as the result of the set-as-default
198   // operation.
199   void CheckIsDefault(bool is_following_set_as_default,
200                       DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback callback);
202   // Sets Chrome as the default web client. Always called on a blocking
203   // sequence.
204   void SetAsDefault(DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback callback);
206   // Implementation of CheckIsDefault() and SetAsDefault() for subclasses.
207   virtual DefaultWebClientState CheckIsDefaultImpl() = 0;
209   // The callback may be run synchronously or at an arbitrary time later on this
210   // thread.
211   // Note: Subclasses MUST make sure |on_finished_callback| is executed.
212   virtual void SetAsDefaultImpl(base::OnceClosure on_finished_callback) = 0;
214   // Reports the result for the set-as-default operation.
215   void ReportSetDefaultResult(DefaultWebClientState state);
217   // Used to differentiate UMA metrics for setting the default browser and
218   // setting the default protocol client. The pointer must be valid for the
219   // lifetime of the worker.
220   const char* worker_name_;
222   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DefaultWebClientWorker);
223 };
225 // Worker for checking and setting the default browser.
226 class DefaultBrowserWorker : public DefaultWebClientWorker {
227  public:
228   DefaultBrowserWorker();
230  protected:
231   ~DefaultBrowserWorker() override;
233  private:
234   // Check if Chrome is the default browser.
235   DefaultWebClientState CheckIsDefaultImpl() override;
237   // Set Chrome as the default browser.
238   void SetAsDefaultImpl(base::OnceClosure on_finished_callback) override;
240   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DefaultBrowserWorker);
241 };
243 // Worker for checking and setting the default client application
244 // for a given protocol. A different worker instance is needed for each
245 // protocol you are interested in, so to check or set the default for
246 // multiple protocols you should use multiple worker objects.
247 class DefaultProtocolClientWorker : public DefaultWebClientWorker {
248  public:
249   explicit DefaultProtocolClientWorker(const std::string& protocol);
protocol()251   const std::string& protocol() const { return protocol_; }
253  protected:
254   ~DefaultProtocolClientWorker() override;
256  private:
257   // Check if Chrome is the default handler for this protocol.
258   DefaultWebClientState CheckIsDefaultImpl() override;
260   // Set Chrome as the default handler for this protocol.
261   void SetAsDefaultImpl(base::OnceClosure on_finished_callback) override;
263   std::string protocol_;
265   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DefaultProtocolClientWorker);
266 };
268 }  // namespace shell_integration