1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Alessandro Tasora, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
15 #ifndef CHMESH_H
16 #define CHMESH_H
18 #include <cstdlib>
19 #include <cmath>
21 #include "chrono/core/ChTimer.h"
22 #include "chrono/physics/ChIndexedNodes.h"
23 #include "chrono/fea/ChContinuumMaterial.h"
24 #include "chrono/fea/ChContactSurface.h"
25 #include "chrono/fea/ChElementBase.h"
26 #include "chrono/fea/ChMeshSurface.h"
27 #include "chrono/fea/ChNodeFEAbase.h"
29 namespace chrono {
31 class ChAssembly;
33 namespace fea {
35 /// @addtogroup chrono_fea
36 /// @{
38 /// Class which defines a mesh of finite elements of class ChElementBase,
39 /// between nodes of class ChNodeFEAbase.
40 class ChApi ChMesh : public ChIndexedNodes {
42   private:
43     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAbase>> vnodes;     ///<  nodes
44     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChElementBase>> velements;  ///<  elements
46     unsigned int n_dofs;    ///< total degrees of freedom
47     unsigned int n_dofs_w;  ///< total degrees of freedom, derivative (Lie algebra)
49     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChContactSurface>> vcontactsurfaces;  ///<  contact surfaces
50     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChMeshSurface>> vmeshsurfaces;        ///<  mesh surfaces, ex.for loads
52     bool automatic_gravity_load;
53     int num_points_gravity;
55     ChTimer<> timer_internal_forces;
56     ChTimer<> timer_KRMload;
57     int ncalls_internal_forces;
58     int ncalls_KRMload;
60   public:
ChMesh()61     ChMesh()
62         : n_dofs(0),
63           n_dofs_w(0),
64           automatic_gravity_load(true),
65           num_points_gravity(1),
66           ncalls_internal_forces(0),
67           ncalls_KRMload(0) {}
68     ChMesh(const ChMesh& other);
~ChMesh()69     ~ChMesh() {}
71     /// "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
Clone()72     virtual ChMesh* Clone() const override { return new ChMesh(*this); }
74     void AddNode(std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAbase> m_node);
75     void AddElement(std::shared_ptr<ChElementBase> m_elem);
76     void ClearNodes();
77     void ClearElements();
79     /// Get the array of nodes of this mesh.
GetNodes()80     const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAbase>>& GetNodes() const { return vnodes; }
82     /// Get the array of elements of this mesh.
GetElements()83     const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChElementBase>>& GetElements() const { return velements; }
85     /// Access the N-th node
GetNode(unsigned int n)86     virtual std::shared_ptr<ChNodeBase> GetNode(unsigned int n) override { return vnodes[n]; }
88     /// Access the N-th element
GetElement(unsigned int n)89     std::shared_ptr<ChElementBase> GetElement(unsigned int n) { return velements[n]; }
91     /// Get the number of nodes in the mesh.
GetNnodes()92     virtual unsigned int GetNnodes() const override { return (unsigned int)vnodes.size(); }
94     /// Get the number of elements in the mesh.
GetNelements()95     unsigned int GetNelements() { return (unsigned int)velements.size(); }
GetDOF()97     virtual int GetDOF() override { return n_dofs; }
GetDOF_w()98     virtual int GetDOF_w() override { return n_dofs_w; }
100     /// Override default in ChPhysicsItem.
GetCollide()101     virtual bool GetCollide() const override { return true; }
103     /// Reset counters for internal force and Jacobian evaluations.
ResetCounters()104     void ResetCounters() {
105         ncalls_internal_forces = 0;
106         ncalls_KRMload = 0;
107     }
108     /// Get cumulative number of calls to internal forces evaluation.
GetNumCallsInternalForces()109     int GetNumCallsInternalForces() { return ncalls_internal_forces; }
110     /// Get cumulative number of calls to load Jacobian information.
GetNumCallsJacobianLoad()111     int GetNumCallsJacobianLoad() { return ncalls_KRMload; }
113     /// Reset timers for internal force and Jacobian evaluations.
ResetTimers()114     void ResetTimers() {
115         timer_internal_forces.reset();
116         timer_KRMload.reset();
117     }
118     /// Get cumulative time for internal force evaluation.
GetTimeInternalForces()119     double GetTimeInternalForces() { return timer_internal_forces(); }
120     /// Get cumulative time for Jacobian load calls.
GetTimeJacobianLoad()121     double GetTimeJacobianLoad() { return timer_KRMload(); }
123     /// Add a contact surface.
124     void AddContactSurface(std::shared_ptr<ChContactSurface> m_surf);
126     /// Access the N-th contact surface.
GetContactSurface(unsigned int n)127     std::shared_ptr<ChContactSurface> GetContactSurface(unsigned int n) { return vcontactsurfaces[n]; }
129     /// Get number of added contact surfaces.
GetNcontactSurfaces()130     unsigned int GetNcontactSurfaces() { return (unsigned int)vcontactsurfaces.size(); }
132     /// Remove all contact surfaces.
133     void ClearContactSurfaces();
135     /// Add a mesh surface (set of ChLoadableUV items that support area loads such as pressure).
136     void AddMeshSurface(std::shared_ptr<ChMeshSurface> m_surf);
138     /// Access the N-th mesh surface.
GetMeshSurface(unsigned int n)139     std::shared_ptr<ChMeshSurface> GetMeshSurface(unsigned int n) { return vmeshsurfaces[n]; }
141     /// Get number of added mesh surfaces
GetNmeshSurfaces()142     unsigned int GetNmeshSurfaces() { return (unsigned int)vmeshsurfaces.size(); }
144     /// Remove all mesh surfaces.
ClearMeshSurfaces()145     void ClearMeshSurfaces() { vmeshsurfaces.clear(); }
147     /// Set reference position of nodes as current position, for all nodes.
148     void Relax();
150     /// Set no speed and no accelerations in nodes (but does not change reference positions).
151     void SetNoSpeedNoAcceleration() override;
153     /// This recomputes the number of DOFs, constraints,
154     /// as well as state offsets of contained items.
155     virtual void Setup() override;
157     /// Update time dependent data, for all elements.
158     /// Updates all [A] coord.systems for all (corotational) elements.
159     virtual void Update(double m_time, bool update_assets = true) override;
161     // Functions to interface this with ChPhysicsItem container
162     virtual void SyncCollisionModels() override;
163     virtual void AddCollisionModelsToSystem() override;
164     virtual void RemoveCollisionModelsFromSystem() override;
166     /// If true, as by default, this mesh will add automatically a gravity load
167     /// to all contained elements (that support gravity) using the G value from the ChSystem.
168     /// So this saves you from adding many ChLoad<ChLoaderGravity> to all elements.
169     void SetAutomaticGravity(bool mg, int num_points = 1) {
170         automatic_gravity_load = mg;
171         num_points_gravity = num_points;
172     }
173     /// Tell if this mesh will add automatically a gravity load to all contained elements.
GetAutomaticGravity()174     bool GetAutomaticGravity() { return automatic_gravity_load; }
176     /// Get ChMesh mass properties
177     void ComputeMassProperties(double& mass,          ///< ChMesh object mass
178                                ChVector<>& com,       ///< ChMesh center of gravity
179                                ChMatrix33<>& inertia  ///< ChMesh inertia tensor
180                                );
182     //
184     //
186     // (override/implement interfaces for global state vectors, see ChPhysicsItem for comments.)
187     virtual void IntStateGather(const unsigned int off_x,
188                                 ChState& x,
189                                 const unsigned int off_v,
190                                 ChStateDelta& v,
191                                 double& T) override;
192     virtual void IntStateScatter(const unsigned int off_x,
193                                  const ChState& x,
194                                  const unsigned int off_v,
195                                  const ChStateDelta& v,
196                                  const double T,
197                                  bool full_update) override;
198     virtual void IntStateGatherAcceleration(const unsigned int off_a, ChStateDelta& a) override;
199     virtual void IntStateScatterAcceleration(const unsigned int off_a, const ChStateDelta& a) override;
200     virtual void IntStateIncrement(const unsigned int off_x,
201                                    ChState& x_new,
202                                    const ChState& x,
203                                    const unsigned int off_v,
204                                    const ChStateDelta& Dv) override;
205     virtual void IntLoadResidual_F(const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) override;
206     virtual void IntLoadResidual_Mv(const unsigned int off,
207                                     ChVectorDynamic<>& R,
208                                     const ChVectorDynamic<>& w,
209                                     const double c) override;
210     virtual void IntToDescriptor(const unsigned int off_v,
211                                  const ChStateDelta& v,
212                                  const ChVectorDynamic<>& R,
213                                  const unsigned int off_L,
214                                  const ChVectorDynamic<>& L,
215                                  const ChVectorDynamic<>& Qc) override;
216     virtual void IntFromDescriptor(const unsigned int off_v,
217                                    ChStateDelta& v,
218                                    const unsigned int off_L,
219                                    ChVectorDynamic<>& L) override;
221     //
222     // SYSTEM FUNCTIONS        for interfacing all elements with solver
223     //
225     /// Tell to a system descriptor that there are items of type
226     /// ChKblock in this object (for further passing it to a solver)
227     /// Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this.
228     virtual void InjectKRMmatrices(ChSystemDescriptor& mdescriptor) override;
230     /// Adds the current stiffness K and damping R and mass M matrices in encapsulated
231     /// ChKblock item(s), if any. The K, R, M matrices are added with scaling
232     /// values Kfactor, Rfactor, Mfactor.
233     virtual void KRMmatricesLoad(double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) override;
235     /// Sets the 'fb' part (the known term) of the encapsulated ChVariables to zero.
236     virtual void VariablesFbReset() override;
238     /// Adds the current forces (applied to item) into the
239     /// encapsulated ChVariables, in the 'fb' part: qf+=forces*factor.
240     virtual void VariablesFbLoadForces(double factor = 1) override;
242     /// Initialize the 'qb' part of the ChVariables with the
243     /// current value of speeds. Note: since 'qb' is the unknown, this
244     /// function seems unnecessary, unless used before VariablesFbIncrementMq().
245     virtual void VariablesQbLoadSpeed() override;
247     /// Adds M*q (masses multiplied current 'qb') to Fb, ex. if qb is initialized
248     /// with v_old using VariablesQbLoadSpeed, this method can be used in
249     /// timestepping schemes that do: M*v_new = M*v_old + forces*dt.
250     virtual void VariablesFbIncrementMq() override;
252     /// Fetches the item speed (ex. linear and angular vel.in rigid bodies) from the
253     /// 'qb' part of the ChVariables and sets it as the current item speed.
254     /// If 'step' is not 0, also should compute the approximate acceleration of
255     /// the item using backward differences, that is  accel=(new_speed-old_speed)/step.
256     /// Mostly used after the solver provided the solution in ChVariables.
257     virtual void VariablesQbSetSpeed(double step = 0) override;
259     /// Increment item positions by the 'qb' part of the ChVariables,
260     /// multiplied by a 'step' factor.
261     /// <pre>
262     ///     pos += qb * step
263     /// </pre>
264     /// If qb is a speed, this behaves like a single step of 1-st order
265     /// numerical integration (Eulero integration).
266     virtual void VariablesQbIncrementPosition(double step) override;
268     /// Tell to a system descriptor that there are variables of type
269     /// ChVariables in this object (for further passing it to a solver)
270     /// Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this.
271     virtual void InjectVariables(ChSystemDescriptor& mdescriptor) override;
273   private:
274     /// Initial setup (before analysis).
275     /// This function is called from ChSystem::SetupInitial, marking a point where system
276     /// construction is completed.
277     /// <pre>
278     ///   - Computes the total number of degrees of freedom
279     ///   - Precompute auxiliary data, such as (local) stiffness matrices Kl, if any, for each element.
280     /// </pre>
281     virtual void SetupInitial() override;
283     friend class chrono::ChSystem;
284     friend class chrono::ChAssembly;
285 };
287 /// @} chrono_fea
289 }  // end namespace fea
290 }  // end namespace chrono
292 #endif