1;;;; utility functions and macros needed by the back end to generate
2;;;; code
4;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5;;;; more information.
7;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11;;;; files for more information.
13(in-package "SB!VM")
15;;; Make a fixnum out of NUM. (I.e. shift by two bits if it will fit.)
16(defun fixnumize (num)
17  (if (fixnump num)
18      (ash num n-fixnum-tag-bits)
19      (error "~W is too big for a fixnum." num)))
21;;; Determining whether a constant offset fits in an addressing mode.
22#!+(or x86 x86-64)
23(defun foldable-constant-offset-p (element-size lowtag data-offset offset)
24  (if (< element-size n-byte-bits)
25      nil
26      (multiple-value-bind (min max)
27          (sb!impl::displacement-bounds lowtag element-size data-offset)
28        (<= min offset max))))
31;;;; routines for dealing with static symbols
33(defun static-symbol-p (symbol)
34  (or (null symbol)
35      (and (member symbol *static-symbols*) t)))
37;;; the byte offset of the static symbol SYMBOL
38(defun static-symbol-offset (symbol)
39  (if symbol
40      (let ((posn (position symbol *static-symbols*)))
41        (unless posn (error "~S is not a static symbol." symbol))
42        (+ (* posn (pad-data-block symbol-size))
43           (pad-data-block (1- symbol-size))
44           other-pointer-lowtag
45           (- list-pointer-lowtag)))
46      0))
48;;; Given a byte offset, OFFSET, return the appropriate static symbol.
49(defun offset-static-symbol (offset)
50  (if (zerop offset)
51      nil
52      (multiple-value-bind (n rem)
53          (truncate (+ offset list-pointer-lowtag (- other-pointer-lowtag)
54                       (- (pad-data-block (1- symbol-size))))
55                    (pad-data-block symbol-size))
56        (unless (and (zerop rem) (<= 0 n (1- (length *static-symbols*))))
57          (error "The byte offset ~W is not valid." offset))
58        (elt *static-symbols* n))))
60;;; Return the (byte) offset from NIL to the start of the fdefn object
61;;; for the static function NAME.
62(defun static-fdefn-offset (name)
63  (let ((static-syms (length *static-symbols*))
64        (static-fun-index (position name *static-funs*)))
65    (unless static-fun-index
66      (error "~S isn't a static function." name))
67    (+ (* static-syms (pad-data-block symbol-size))
68       (pad-data-block (1- symbol-size))
69       (- list-pointer-lowtag)
70       (* static-fun-index (pad-data-block fdefn-size))
71       other-pointer-lowtag)))
73;;; Return the (byte) offset from NIL to the raw-addr slot of the
74;;; fdefn object for the static function NAME.
75(defun static-fun-offset (name)
76  (+ (static-fdefn-offset name)
77     (- other-pointer-lowtag)
78     (* fdefn-raw-addr-slot n-word-bytes)))
80;;; Various error-code generating helpers
81(defvar *adjustable-vectors* nil)
83(defmacro with-adjustable-vector ((var) &rest body)
84  `(let ((,var (or (pop *adjustable-vectors*)
85                   (make-array 16
86                               :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
87                               :fill-pointer 0
88                               :adjustable t))))
89     ;; Don't declare the length - if it gets adjusted and pushed back
90     ;; onto the freelist, it's anyone's guess whether it was expanded.
91     ;; This code was wrong for >12 years, so nobody must have needed
92     ;; more than 16 elements. Maybe we should make it nonadjustable?
93     (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) ,var))
94     (setf (fill-pointer ,var) 0)
95     (unwind-protect
96         (progn
97           ,@body)
98       (push ,var *adjustable-vectors*))))
100;;;; interfaces to IR2 conversion
102;;; Return a wired TN describing the N'th full call argument passing
103;;; location.
104(defun standard-arg-location (n)
105  (declare (type unsigned-byte n))
106  (if (< n register-arg-count)
107      (make-wired-tn *backend-t-primitive-type* descriptor-reg-sc-number
108                     (nth n *register-arg-offsets*))
109      (make-wired-tn *backend-t-primitive-type* control-stack-sc-number n)))
111(defun standard-arg-location-sc (n)
112  (declare (type unsigned-byte n))
113  (if (< n register-arg-count)
114      (make-sc-offset descriptor-reg-sc-number
115                      (nth n *register-arg-offsets*))
116      (make-sc-offset control-stack-sc-number n)))
118;;; Make a TN to hold the number-stack frame pointer.  This is allocated
119;;; once per component, and is component-live.
120(defun make-nfp-tn ()
121  #!+c-stack-is-control-stack
122  (make-restricted-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* ignore-me-sc-number)
123  #!-c-stack-is-control-stack
124  (component-live-tn
125   (make-wired-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* immediate-arg-scn nfp-offset)))
127;;; Make an environment-live stack TN for saving the SP for NLX entry.
128(defun make-nlx-sp-tn (env)
129  (physenv-live-tn
130   (make-representation-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* any-reg-sc-number)
131   env))
133(defun make-stack-pointer-tn ()
134  (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*))
136(defun make-number-stack-pointer-tn ()
137  #!+c-stack-is-control-stack
138  (make-restricted-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* ignore-me-sc-number)
139  #!-c-stack-is-control-stack
140  (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*))
142;;; Return a list of TNs that can be used to represent an unknown-values
143;;; continuation within a function.
144(defun make-unknown-values-locations ()
145  (list (make-stack-pointer-tn)
146        (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*)))
148;;; This function is called by the ENTRY-ANALYZE phase, allowing
149;;; VM-dependent initialization of the IR2-COMPONENT structure. We
150;;; push placeholder entries in the CONSTANTS to leave room for
151;;; additional noise in the code object header.
152(defun select-component-format (component)
153  (declare (type component component))
154  ;; The 1+ here is because for the x86 the first constant is a
155  ;; pointer to a list of fixups, or NIL if the code object has none.
156  ;; (The fixups are needed at GC copy time because the X86 code isn't
157  ;; relocatable.)
158  ;;
159  ;; KLUDGE: It'd be cleaner to have the fixups entry be a named
160  ;; element of the CODE (aka component) primitive object. However,
161  ;; it's currently a large, tricky, error-prone chore to change
162  ;; the layout of any primitive object, so for the foreseeable future
163  ;; we'll just live with this ugliness. -- WHN 2002-01-02
164  (dotimes (i (+ code-constants-offset #!+x86 1))
165    (vector-push-extend nil
166                        (ir2-component-constants (component-info component))))
167  (values))