1 // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/feature_list.h"
10 namespace base {
11 class Time;
12 }  // namespace base
14 namespace ntp_features {
16 // The features should be documented alongside the definition of their values in
17 // the .cc file.
19 extern const base::Feature kConfirmSuggestionRemovals;
20 extern const base::Feature kDismissPromos;
21 extern const base::Feature kIframeOneGoogleBar;
22 extern const base::Feature kNtpRepeatableQueries;
23 extern const base::Feature kOneGoogleBarModalOverlays;
24 extern const base::Feature kRealboxMatchOmniboxTheme;
25 extern const base::Feature kRealboxUseGoogleGIcon;
26 extern const base::Feature kWebUI;
27 extern const base::Feature kWebUIThemeModeDoodles;
28 extern const base::Feature kModules;
29 extern const base::Feature kNtpRecipeTasksModule;
30 extern const base::Feature kNtpShoppingTasksModule;
32 extern const base::Feature kSearchSuggestChips;
33 extern const base::Feature kDisableSearchSuggestChips;
35 extern const base::Feature kNtpHandleMostVisitedNavigationExplicitly;
37 // Parameter name determining the age threshold in days for local history
38 // repeatable queries.
39 // The value of this parameter should be parsable as an unsigned integer.
40 extern const char kNtpRepeatableQueriesAgeThresholdDaysParam[];
41 // Parameter name determining the number of seconds until the recency component
42 // of the frecency score for local history repeatable queries decays to half.
43 // The value of this parameter should be parsable as an unsigned integer.
44 extern const char kNtpRepeatableQueriesRecencyHalfLifeSecondsParam[];
45 // Parameter name determining the factor by which the frequency component of the
46 // frecency score for local history repeatable queries is exponentiated.
47 // The value of this parameter should be parsable as a double.
48 extern const char kNtpRepeatableQueriesFrequencyExponentParam[];
49 // Parameter name determining the position, with respect to the MV tiles, in
50 // which the repeatable queries should be inserted.
51 extern const char kNtpRepeatableQueriesInsertPositionParam[];
52 // The available positions, with respect to the MV tiles, in which the
53 // repeatable queries can be inserted.
54 enum class RepeatableQueriesInsertPosition {
55   kStart = 0,  // At the start of MV tiles.
56   kEnd,        // At the end of MV tiles.
57 };
59 // Parameter determining the type of stateful data to request.
60 extern const char kNtpStatefulTasksModuleDataParam[];
62 // Returns the age threshold for local history repeatable queries.
63 base::Time GetLocalHistoryRepeatableQueriesAgeThreshold();
64 // Returns the number of seconds until the recency component of the frecency
65 // score for local history repeatable queries decays to half.
66 int GetLocalHistoryRepeatableQueriesRecencyHalfLifeSeconds();
67 // Returns the factor by which the frequency component of the frecency score for
68 // local history repeatable queries is exponentiated.
69 double GetLocalHistoryRepeatableQueriesFrequencyExponent();
70 // Returns the position, with respect to the MV tiles, in which the repeatable
71 // queries should be inserted.
72 RepeatableQueriesInsertPosition GetRepeatableQueriesInsertPosition();
74 }  // namespace ntp_features