2  $validateAsSiteadmin =
3    (    isset($siteadminManageDomains)
4      && $siteadminManageDomains
5      && isset($_SESSION['username'])
6      && 'siteadmin' === $_SESSION['username']
7      && isset($_SESSION['siteadmin_domain_id']) );
8  $domain_id = $validateAsSiteadmin
9    ? $_SESSION['siteadmin_domain_id']
10    : (isset($_SESSION['domain_id']) ? $_SESSION['domain_id'] : null);
11  if (null !== $domain_id) {
12    $headerquery = "SELECT domains.enabled AS domain, users.enabled AS user FROM users,domains
13                    WHERE users.username=:username AND domains.domain_id=:domain_id AND users.domain_id=domains.domain_id;";
14    $headerresult = $dbh->prepare($headerquery);
15    $headersuccess = $headerresult->execute(array(':username'=>$_SESSION['username'], ':domain_id'=>$domain_id));
16    if ($headersuccess && $headerrow = $headerresult->fetch()) {
17      if ($headerrow['domain'] === "0") {
18        invalidate_session();
19        header ("Location: index.php?domaindisabled");
20        die();
21      }
22      if ($headerrow['user'] === "0") {
23        invalidate_session();
24        header ("Location: index.php?userdisabled");
25        die();
26      }
27    } else {
28      invalidate_session();
29      header ("Location: index.php?nodbquery");
30      die();
31    }
32  }
33  print "<div id=\"Header\"><p><a href=\"https://github.com/vexim/vexim2\" target=\"_blank\">" . _("Virtual Exim") . "</a> ";
34  if (isset($_SESSION['domain'])) {
35    print     "-- " . $_SESSION['domain'] . " ";
36  }
37  // First a few status messages about account maintenance
38  if (isset($_GET['added'])) {
39    printf (_("-- %s has been successfully added."), html_escape($_GET['added']));
40  } else if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) {
41    printf (_("-- %s has been successfully deleted."), html_escape($_GET['deleted']));
42  } else if (isset($_GET['lastadmin'])) {
43    printf (_("-- %s is the last admin account. Create another admin account before deleting or demoting this one."), html_escape($_GET['lastadmin']));
44  } else if (isset($_GET['sitepass'])) {
45    print   _("-- Site Admin password has been successfully updated.") . "\n";
46  } else if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
47    printf (_("-- %s has been successfully updated."), html_escape($_GET['updated']));
48  } else if (isset($_GET['userexists'])) {
49    printf (_("-- The account could not be added as the name %s is already in use."), html_escape($_GET['userexists']));
50  } else if (isset($_GET['addresstoolong'])) {
51    printf (_("-- The account could not be added as the mail address is too long."), html_escape($_GET['addresstoolong']));
52  } else if (isset($_GET['userupdated'])) {
53    print   _("-- Your update was sucessful.");
54  } else if (isset($_GET['userfailed'])) {
55    print   _("-- Your account could not be updated. Was your password blank?");
56  } else if (isset($_GET['usersuccess'])) {
57    print   _("-- Your account has been succesfully updated.");
58  } // Now some more general errors on account updates
59  else if (isset($_GET['badaliaspass'])) {
60    printf (_("-- Account %s could not be added. Your passwords do not match."), html_escape($_GET['badaliaspass']));
61  } else if (isset($_GET['badname'])) {
62    printf (_("-- %s contains invalid characters."), html_escape($_GET['badname']));
63  } else if (isset($_GET['badpass'])) {
64    printf (_("-- Account %s could not be added. Your passwords were blank, do not match, or contain illegal characters: ' \" ` or ;"), html_escape($_GET['badpass']));
65  } else if (isset($_GET['weakpass'])) {
66    printf (_("-- The passwords are too weak. Use strong passwords with a a minimum length of 8 and a mix of upper/lower case characters, digits and special characters!"), html_escape($_GET['weakpass']));
67  } else if (isset($_GET['failadded'])) {
68    printf (_("-- %s could not be added."), html_escape($_GET['failadded']));
69  } else if (isset($_GET['failaddeddomerr'])) {
70    printf (_("-- Domain %s could not be added."), html_escape($_GET['failaddeddomerr']));
71  } else if (isset($_GET['failaddedpassmismatch'])) {
72    printf (_("-- Domain %s could not be added. The passwords were blank, or did not match."), html_escape($_GET['failaddedpassmismatch']));
73  } else if (isset($_GET['failaddedusrerr'])) {
74    printf (_("-- Domain %s could not be added. There was a problem adding the admin account."), html_escape($_GET['failaddedusrerr']));
75  } else if (isset($_GET['faildeleted'])) {
76    printf (_("-- %s was not deleted."), html_escape($_GET['faildeleted']));
77  } else if (isset($_GET['failupdated'])) {
78    printf (_("-- %s could not be updated."), html_escape($_GET['failupdated']));
79  } // Now some really general status messages
80    else if (isset($_GET['canceldelete'])) {
81    printf (_("-- Deletion of %s was canceled."), html_escape($_GET['canceldelete']));
82  } else if (isset($_GET['domaindisabled'])) {
83    print   _("-- This domain is currently disabled. Please see your administrator.");
84  } else if (isset($_GET['userdisabled'])) {
85    print   _("-- This account is currently disabled. Please see your administrator.");
86  } else if (isset($_GET['maxaccounts'])) {
87    print   _("-- Your Domain Account Limit Has Been Reached. Please contact your administrator.");
88  } else if (isset($_GET['quotahigh'])) {
89    printf (_("-- The quota you specified was too high. The maximum quota you can specify is: %s MB."), html_escape($_GET['quotahigh']));
90  } else if (isset($_GET['group_deleted'])) {
91    printf (_("-- Group %s has been successfully deleted."), html_escape($_GET['group_deleted']));
92  } else if (isset($_GET['group_added'])) {
93    printf (_("-- Group %s has been successfully added."), html_escape($_GET['group_added']));
94  } else if (isset($_GET['group_faildeleted'])) {
95    printf (_("-- Group %s was not deleted."), html_escape($_GET['group_faildeleted']));
96  } else if (isset($_GET['group_failadded'])) {
97    printf (_("-- Group %s failed to be added."), html_escape($_GET['group_failadded']));
98  } else if (isset($_GET['group_updated'])) {
99    printf (_("-- Group %s has been updated."), html_escape($_GET['group_updated']));
100  } else if (isset($_GET['group_failupdated'])) {
101    printf (_("-- Group %s could not be updated."), html_escape($_GET['group_failupdated']));
102  } else if (isset($_GET['failuidguid'])) {
103    printf (_("-- Error getting UID/GID for %s"), html_escape($_GET['failuidguid']));
104  } else if (isset($_GET['failmaildirnonabsolute'])) {
105    printf (_("-- Domain Mail directory must be an absolute path, but “%s” was provided"), html_escape($_GET['failmaildirnonabsolute']));
106  } else if (isset($_GET['failmaildirmissing'])) {
107    printf (_("-- Domain Mail directory “%s” does not exist, is not a directory or is not accessible."), html_escape($_GET['failmaildirmissing']));
108  } else if (isset($_GET['invalidforward'])) {
109    printf (_("-- %s is not a valid e-mail address."), html_escape($_GET['invalidforward']));
110  } else if (isset($_GET['nodbquery'])) {
111    print   _("-- Database query failed, terminating session");
112  } else if (isset($_GET['login']) && ($_GET['login'] === "disabled")) {
113    print   _("-- Login is disabled. Please contact your administrator.");
114  }
115  if (isset($_GET['login']) && ($_GET['login'] == "failed")) { print _("Login failed"); }
117  if ($validateAsSiteadmin) print '<a href="site.php" id="SiteadminHome">siteadmin home</a>';
119  print "</p></div>";