1describe :argf_eof, shared: true do
2  before :each do
3    @file1 = fixture __FILE__, "file1.txt"
4    @file2 = fixture __FILE__, "file2.txt"
5  end
7  # NOTE: this test assumes that fixtures files have two lines each
8  it "returns true when reaching the end of a file" do
9    argf [@file1, @file2] do
10      result = []
11      while @argf.gets
12        result << @argf.send(@method)
13      end
14      result.should == [false, true, false, true]
15    end
16  end
18  it "raises IOError when called on a closed stream" do
19    argf [@file1] do
20      @argf.read
21      lambda { @argf.send(@method) }.should raise_error(IOError)
22    end
23  end