2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
6A ``lint'' pass to check for Core correctness.
7See Note [Core Lint guarantee].
10{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
13module CoreLint (
14    lintCoreBindings, lintUnfolding,
15    lintPassResult, lintInteractiveExpr, lintExpr,
16    lintAnnots, lintTypes,
18    -- ** Debug output
19    endPass, endPassIO,
20    dumpPassResult,
21    CoreLint.dumpIfSet,
22 ) where
24#include "HsVersions.h"
26import GhcPrelude
28import CoreSyn
29import CoreFVs
30import CoreUtils
31import CoreStats   ( coreBindsStats )
32import CoreMonad
33import Bag
34import Literal
35import DataCon
36import TysWiredIn
37import TysPrim
38import TcType ( isFloatingTy )
39import Var
40import VarEnv
41import VarSet
42import Name
43import Id
44import IdInfo
45import PprCore
46import ErrUtils
47import Coercion
48import SrcLoc
49import Type
50import RepType
51import TyCoRep       -- checks validity of types/coercions
52import TyCoSubst
53import TyCoFVs
54import TyCoPpr ( pprTyVar )
55import TyCon
56import CoAxiom
57import BasicTypes
58import ErrUtils as Err
59import ListSetOps
60import PrelNames
61import Outputable
62import FastString
63import Util
64import InstEnv     ( instanceDFunId )
65import OptCoercion ( checkAxInstCo )
66import CoreArity ( typeArity )
67import Demand ( splitStrictSig, isBotRes )
69import HscTypes
70import DynFlags
71import Control.Monad
72import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
73import MonadUtils
74import Data.Foldable      ( toList )
75import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
76import Data.Maybe
77import Pair
78import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
81Note [Core Lint guarantee]
83Core Lint is the type-checker for Core. Using it, we get the following guarantee:
85If all of:
861. Core Lint passes,
872. there are no unsafe coercions (i.e. UnsafeCoerceProv),
883. all plugin-supplied coercions (i.e. PluginProv) are valid, and
894. all case-matches are complete
90then running the compiled program will not seg-fault, assuming no bugs downstream
91(e.g. in the code generator). This guarantee is quite powerful, in that it allows us
92to decouple the safety of the resulting program from the type inference algorithm.
94However, do note point (4) above. Core Lint does not check for incomplete case-matches;
95see Note [Case expression invariants] in CoreSyn, invariant (4). As explained there,
96an incomplete case-match might slip by Core Lint and cause trouble at runtime.
98Note [GHC Formalism]
100This file implements the type-checking algorithm for System FC, the "official"
101name of the Core language. Type safety of FC is heart of the claim that
102executables produced by GHC do not have segmentation faults. Thus, it is
103useful to be able to reason about System FC independently of reading the code.
104To this purpose, there is a document core-spec.pdf built in docs/core-spec that
105contains a formalism of the types and functions dealt with here. If you change
106just about anything in this file or you change other types/functions throughout
107the Core language (all signposted to this note), you should update that
108formalism. See docs/core-spec/README for more info about how to do so.
110Note [check vs lint]
112This file implements both a type checking algorithm and also general sanity
113checking. For example, the "sanity checking" checks for TyConApp on the left
114of an AppTy, which should never happen. These sanity checks don't really
115affect any notion of type soundness. Yet, it is convenient to do the sanity
116checks at the same time as the type checks. So, we use the following naming
119- Functions that begin with 'lint'... are involved in type checking. These
120  functions might also do some sanity checking.
122- Functions that begin with 'check'... are *not* involved in type checking.
123  They exist only for sanity checking.
125Issues surrounding variable naming, shadowing, and such are considered *not*
126to be part of type checking, as the formalism omits these details.
128Summary of checks
130Checks that a set of core bindings is well-formed.  The PprStyle and String
131just control what we print in the event of an error.  The Bool value
132indicates whether we have done any specialisation yet (in which case we do
133some extra checks).
135We check for
136        (a) type errors
137        (b) Out-of-scope type variables
138        (c) Out-of-scope local variables
139        (d) Ill-kinded types
140        (e) Incorrect unsafe coercions
142If we have done specialisation the we check that there are
143        (a) No top-level bindings of primitive (unboxed type)
145Outstanding issues:
147    -- Things are *not* OK if:
148    --
149    --  * Unsaturated type app before specialisation has been done;
150    --
151    --  * Oversaturated type app after specialisation (eta reduction
152    --   may well be happening...);
155Note [Linting function types]
157As described in Note [Representation of function types], all saturated
158applications of funTyCon are represented with the FunTy constructor. We check
159this invariant in lintType.
161Note [Linting type lets]
163In the desugarer, it's very very convenient to be able to say (in effect)
164        let a = Type Int in <body>
165That is, use a type let.   See Note [Type let] in CoreSyn.
167However, when linting <body> we need to remember that a=Int, else we might
168reject a correct program.  So we carry a type substitution (in this example
169[a -> Int]) and apply this substitution before comparing types.  The functin
170        lintInTy :: Type -> LintM (Type, Kind)
171returns a substituted type.
173When we encounter a binder (like x::a) we must apply the substitution
174to the type of the binding variable.  lintBinders does this.
176For Ids, the type-substituted Id is added to the in_scope set (which
177itself is part of the TCvSubst we are carrying down), and when we
178find an occurrence of an Id, we fetch it from the in-scope set.
180Note [Bad unsafe coercion]
182For discussion see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/bad-unsafe-coercions
183Linter introduces additional rules that checks improper coercion between
184different types, called bad coercions. Following coercions are forbidden:
186  (a) coercions between boxed and unboxed values;
187  (b) coercions between unlifted values of the different sizes, here
188      active size is checked, i.e. size of the actual value but not
189      the space allocated for value;
190  (c) coercions between floating and integral boxed values, this check
191      is not yet supported for unboxed tuples, as no semantics were
192      specified for that;
193  (d) coercions from / to vector type
194  (e) If types are unboxed tuples then tuple (# A_1,..,A_n #) can be
195      coerced to (# B_1,..,B_m #) if n=m and for each pair A_i, B_i rules
196      (a-e) holds.
198Note [Join points]
200We check the rules listed in Note [Invariants on join points] in CoreSyn. The
201only one that causes any difficulty is the first: All occurrences must be tail
202calls. To this end, along with the in-scope set, we remember in le_joins the
203subset of in-scope Ids that are valid join ids. For example:
205  join j x = ... in
206  case e of
207    A -> jump j y -- good
208    B -> case (jump j z) of -- BAD
209           C -> join h = jump j w in ... -- good
210           D -> let x = jump j v in ... -- BAD
212A join point remains valid in case branches, so when checking the A
213branch, j is still valid. When we check the scrutinee of the inner
214case, however, we set le_joins to empty, and catch the
215error. Similarly, join points can occur free in RHSes of other join
216points but not the RHSes of value bindings (thunks and functions).
219*                                                                      *
220                 Beginning and ending passes
221*                                                                      *
224These functions are not CoreM monad stuff, but they probably ought to
225be, and it makes a convenient place for them.  They print out stuff
226before and after core passes, and do Core Lint when necessary.
229endPass :: CoreToDo -> CoreProgram -> [CoreRule] -> CoreM ()
230endPass pass binds rules
231  = do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
232       ; print_unqual <- getPrintUnqualified
233       ; liftIO $ endPassIO hsc_env print_unqual pass binds rules }
235endPassIO :: HscEnv -> PrintUnqualified
236          -> CoreToDo -> CoreProgram -> [CoreRule] -> IO ()
237-- Used by the IO-is CorePrep too
238endPassIO hsc_env print_unqual pass binds rules
239  = do { dumpPassResult dflags print_unqual mb_flag
240                        (ppr pass) (pprPassDetails pass) binds rules
241       ; lintPassResult hsc_env pass binds }
242  where
243    dflags  = hsc_dflags hsc_env
244    mb_flag = case coreDumpFlag pass of
245                Just flag | dopt flag dflags                    -> Just flag
246                          | dopt Opt_D_verbose_core2core dflags -> Just flag
247                _ -> Nothing
249dumpIfSet :: DynFlags -> Bool -> CoreToDo -> SDoc -> SDoc -> IO ()
250dumpIfSet dflags dump_me pass extra_info doc
251  = Err.dumpIfSet dflags dump_me (showSDoc dflags (ppr pass <+> extra_info)) doc
253dumpPassResult :: DynFlags
254               -> PrintUnqualified
255               -> Maybe DumpFlag        -- Just df => show details in a file whose
256                                        --            name is specified by df
257               -> SDoc                  -- Header
258               -> SDoc                  -- Extra info to appear after header
259               -> CoreProgram -> [CoreRule]
260               -> IO ()
261dumpPassResult dflags unqual mb_flag hdr extra_info binds rules
262  = do { forM_ mb_flag $ \flag ->
263           Err.dumpSDoc dflags unqual flag (showSDoc dflags hdr) dump_doc
265         -- Report result size
266         -- This has the side effect of forcing the intermediate to be evaluated
267         -- if it's not already forced by a -ddump flag.
268       ; Err.debugTraceMsg dflags 2 size_doc
269       }
271  where
272    size_doc = sep [text "Result size of" <+> hdr, nest 2 (equals <+> ppr (coreBindsStats binds))]
274    dump_doc  = vcat [ nest 2 extra_info
275                     , size_doc
276                     , blankLine
277                     , pprCoreBindingsWithSize binds
278                     , ppUnless (null rules) pp_rules ]
279    pp_rules = vcat [ blankLine
280                    , text "------ Local rules for imported ids --------"
281                    , pprRules rules ]
283coreDumpFlag :: CoreToDo -> Maybe DumpFlag
284coreDumpFlag (CoreDoSimplify {})      = Just Opt_D_verbose_core2core
285coreDumpFlag (CoreDoPluginPass {})    = Just Opt_D_verbose_core2core
286coreDumpFlag CoreDoFloatInwards       = Just Opt_D_verbose_core2core
287coreDumpFlag (CoreDoFloatOutwards {}) = Just Opt_D_verbose_core2core
288coreDumpFlag CoreLiberateCase         = Just Opt_D_verbose_core2core
289coreDumpFlag CoreDoStaticArgs         = Just Opt_D_verbose_core2core
290coreDumpFlag CoreDoCallArity          = Just Opt_D_dump_call_arity
291coreDumpFlag CoreDoExitify            = Just Opt_D_dump_exitify
292coreDumpFlag CoreDoStrictness         = Just Opt_D_dump_stranal
293coreDumpFlag CoreDoWorkerWrapper      = Just Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper
294coreDumpFlag CoreDoSpecialising       = Just Opt_D_dump_spec
295coreDumpFlag CoreDoSpecConstr         = Just Opt_D_dump_spec
296coreDumpFlag CoreCSE                  = Just Opt_D_dump_cse
297coreDumpFlag CoreDesugar              = Just Opt_D_dump_ds_preopt
298coreDumpFlag CoreDesugarOpt           = Just Opt_D_dump_ds
299coreDumpFlag CoreTidy                 = Just Opt_D_dump_simpl
300coreDumpFlag CorePrep                 = Just Opt_D_dump_prep
301coreDumpFlag CoreOccurAnal            = Just Opt_D_dump_occur_anal
303coreDumpFlag CoreDoPrintCore          = Nothing
304coreDumpFlag (CoreDoRuleCheck {})     = Nothing
305coreDumpFlag CoreDoNothing            = Nothing
306coreDumpFlag (CoreDoPasses {})        = Nothing
310*                                                                      *
311                 Top-level interfaces
312*                                                                      *
316lintPassResult :: HscEnv -> CoreToDo -> CoreProgram -> IO ()
317lintPassResult hsc_env pass binds
318  | not (gopt Opt_DoCoreLinting dflags)
319  = return ()
320  | otherwise
321  = do { let (warns, errs) = lintCoreBindings dflags pass (interactiveInScope hsc_env) binds
322       ; Err.showPass dflags ("Core Linted result of " ++ showPpr dflags pass)
323       ; displayLintResults dflags pass warns errs binds  }
324  where
325    dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
327displayLintResults :: DynFlags -> CoreToDo
328                   -> Bag Err.MsgDoc -> Bag Err.MsgDoc -> CoreProgram
329                   -> IO ()
330displayLintResults dflags pass warns errs binds
331  | not (isEmptyBag errs)
332  = do { putLogMsg dflags NoReason Err.SevDump noSrcSpan
333           (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
334           (vcat [ lint_banner "errors" (ppr pass), Err.pprMessageBag errs
335                 , text "*** Offending Program ***"
336                 , pprCoreBindings binds
337                 , text "*** End of Offense ***" ])
338       ; Err.ghcExit dflags 1 }
340  | not (isEmptyBag warns)
341  , not (hasNoDebugOutput dflags)
342  , showLintWarnings pass
343  -- If the Core linter encounters an error, output to stderr instead of
344  -- stdout (#13342)
345  = putLogMsg dflags NoReason Err.SevInfo noSrcSpan
346        (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
347        (lint_banner "warnings" (ppr pass) $$ Err.pprMessageBag (mapBag ($$ blankLine) warns))
349  | otherwise = return ()
350  where
352lint_banner :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc
353lint_banner string pass = text "*** Core Lint"      <+> text string
354                          <+> text ": in result of" <+> pass
355                          <+> text "***"
357showLintWarnings :: CoreToDo -> Bool
358-- Disable Lint warnings on the first simplifier pass, because
359-- there may be some INLINE knots still tied, which is tiresomely noisy
360showLintWarnings (CoreDoSimplify _ (SimplMode { sm_phase = InitialPhase })) = False
361showLintWarnings _ = True
363lintInteractiveExpr :: String -> HscEnv -> CoreExpr -> IO ()
364lintInteractiveExpr what hsc_env expr
365  | not (gopt Opt_DoCoreLinting dflags)
366  = return ()
367  | Just err <- lintExpr dflags (interactiveInScope hsc_env) expr
368  = do { display_lint_err err
369       ; Err.ghcExit dflags 1 }
370  | otherwise
371  = return ()
372  where
373    dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
375    display_lint_err err
376      = do { putLogMsg dflags NoReason Err.SevDump
377               noSrcSpan (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
378               (vcat [ lint_banner "errors" (text what)
379                     , err
380                     , text "*** Offending Program ***"
381                     , pprCoreExpr expr
382                     , text "*** End of Offense ***" ])
383           ; Err.ghcExit dflags 1 }
385interactiveInScope :: HscEnv -> [Var]
386-- In GHCi we may lint expressions, or bindings arising from 'deriving'
387-- clauses, that mention variables bound in the interactive context.
388-- These are Local things (see Note [Interactively-bound Ids in GHCi] in HscTypes).
389-- So we have to tell Lint about them, lest it reports them as out of scope.
391-- We do this by find local-named things that may appear free in interactive
392-- context.  This function is pretty revolting and quite possibly not quite right.
393-- When we are not in GHCi, the interactive context (hsc_IC hsc_env) is empty
394-- so this is a (cheap) no-op.
396-- See #8215 for an example
397interactiveInScope hsc_env
398  = tyvars ++ ids
399  where
400    -- C.f. TcRnDriver.setInteractiveContext, Desugar.deSugarExpr
401    ictxt                   = hsc_IC hsc_env
402    (cls_insts, _fam_insts) = ic_instances ictxt
403    te1    = mkTypeEnvWithImplicits (ic_tythings ictxt)
404    te     = extendTypeEnvWithIds te1 (map instanceDFunId cls_insts)
405    ids    = typeEnvIds te
406    tyvars = tyCoVarsOfTypesList $ map idType ids
407              -- Why the type variables?  How can the top level envt have free tyvars?
408              -- I think it's because of the GHCi debugger, which can bind variables
409              --   f :: [t] -> [t]
410              -- where t is a RuntimeUnk (see TcType)
412-- | Type-check a 'CoreProgram'. See Note [Core Lint guarantee].
413lintCoreBindings :: DynFlags -> CoreToDo -> [Var] -> CoreProgram -> (Bag MsgDoc, Bag MsgDoc)
414--   Returns (warnings, errors)
415-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
416-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
417lintCoreBindings dflags pass local_in_scope binds
418  = initL dflags flags in_scope_set $
419    addLoc TopLevelBindings         $
420    lintLetBndrs TopLevel binders   $
421        -- Put all the top-level binders in scope at the start
422        -- This is because transformation rules can bring something
423        -- into use 'unexpectedly'
424    do { checkL (null dups) (dupVars dups)
425       ; checkL (null ext_dups) (dupExtVars ext_dups)
426       ; mapM lint_bind binds }
427  where
428    in_scope_set = mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet local_in_scope)
430    flags = defaultLintFlags
431               { lf_check_global_ids = check_globals
432               , lf_check_inline_loop_breakers = check_lbs
433               , lf_check_static_ptrs = check_static_ptrs }
435    -- See Note [Checking for global Ids]
436    check_globals = case pass of
437                      CoreTidy -> False
438                      CorePrep -> False
439                      _        -> True
441    -- See Note [Checking for INLINE loop breakers]
442    check_lbs = case pass of
443                      CoreDesugar    -> False
444                      CoreDesugarOpt -> False
445                      _              -> True
447    -- See Note [Checking StaticPtrs]
448    check_static_ptrs | not (xopt LangExt.StaticPointers dflags) = AllowAnywhere
449                      | otherwise = case pass of
450                          CoreDoFloatOutwards _ -> AllowAtTopLevel
451                          CoreTidy              -> RejectEverywhere
452                          CorePrep              -> AllowAtTopLevel
453                          _                     -> AllowAnywhere
455    binders = bindersOfBinds binds
456    (_, dups) = removeDups compare binders
458    -- dups_ext checks for names with different uniques
459    -- but but the same External name M.n.  We don't
460    -- allow this at top level:
461    --    M.n{r3}  = ...
462    --    M.n{r29} = ...
463    -- because they both get the same linker symbol
464    ext_dups = snd (removeDups ord_ext (map Var.varName binders))
465    ord_ext n1 n2 | Just m1 <- nameModule_maybe n1
466                  , Just m2 <- nameModule_maybe n2
467                  = compare (m1, nameOccName n1) (m2, nameOccName n2)
468                  | otherwise = LT
470    -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
471    -- See Note [GHC Formalism]
472    lint_bind (Rec prs)         = mapM_ (lintSingleBinding TopLevel Recursive) prs
473    lint_bind (NonRec bndr rhs) = lintSingleBinding TopLevel NonRecursive (bndr,rhs)
477*                                                                      *
479*                                                                      *
482Note [Linting Unfoldings from Interfaces]
485We use this to check all top-level unfoldings that come in from interfaces
486(it is very painful to catch errors otherwise).
488We do not need to call lintUnfolding on unfoldings that are nested within
489top-level unfoldings; they are linted when we lint the top-level unfolding;
490hence the `TopLevelFlag` on `tcPragExpr` in TcIface.
494lintUnfolding :: DynFlags
495              -> SrcLoc
496              -> VarSet         -- Treat these as in scope
497              -> CoreExpr
498              -> Maybe MsgDoc   -- Nothing => OK
500lintUnfolding dflags locn vars expr
501  | isEmptyBag errs = Nothing
502  | otherwise       = Just (pprMessageBag errs)
503  where
504    in_scope = mkInScopeSet vars
505    (_warns, errs) = initL dflags defaultLintFlags in_scope linter
506    linter = addLoc (ImportedUnfolding locn) $
507             lintCoreExpr expr
509lintExpr :: DynFlags
510         -> [Var]               -- Treat these as in scope
511         -> CoreExpr
512         -> Maybe MsgDoc        -- Nothing => OK
514lintExpr dflags vars expr
515  | isEmptyBag errs = Nothing
516  | otherwise       = Just (pprMessageBag errs)
517  where
518    in_scope = mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet vars)
519    (_warns, errs) = initL dflags defaultLintFlags in_scope linter
520    linter = addLoc TopLevelBindings $
521             lintCoreExpr expr
525*                                                                      *
527*                                                                      *
530Check a core binding, returning the list of variables bound.
533lintSingleBinding :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> (Id, CoreExpr) -> LintM ()
534-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
535-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
536lintSingleBinding top_lvl_flag rec_flag (binder,rhs)
537  = addLoc (RhsOf binder) $
538         -- Check the rhs
539    do { ty <- lintRhs binder rhs
540       ; binder_ty <- applySubstTy (idType binder)
541       ; ensureEqTys binder_ty ty (mkRhsMsg binder (text "RHS") ty)
543       -- If the binding is for a CoVar, the RHS should be (Coercion co)
544       -- See Note [CoreSyn type and coercion invariant] in CoreSyn
545       ; checkL (not (isCoVar binder) || isCoArg rhs)
546                (mkLetErr binder rhs)
548       -- Check that it's not levity-polymorphic
549       -- Do this first, because otherwise isUnliftedType panics
550       -- Annoyingly, this duplicates the test in lintIdBdr,
551       -- because for non-rec lets we call lintSingleBinding first
552       ; checkL (isJoinId binder || not (isTypeLevPoly binder_ty))
553                (badBndrTyMsg binder (text "levity-polymorphic"))
555        -- Check the let/app invariant
556        -- See Note [CoreSyn let/app invariant] in CoreSyn
557       ; checkL ( isJoinId binder
558               || not (isUnliftedType binder_ty)
559               || (isNonRec rec_flag && exprOkForSpeculation rhs)
560               || exprIsTickedString rhs)
561           (badBndrTyMsg binder (text "unlifted"))
563        -- Check that if the binder is top-level or recursive, it's not
564        -- demanded. Primitive string literals are exempt as there is no
565        -- computation to perform, see Note [CoreSyn top-level string literals].
566       ; checkL (not (isStrictId binder)
567            || (isNonRec rec_flag && not (isTopLevel top_lvl_flag))
568            || exprIsTickedString rhs)
569           (mkStrictMsg binder)
571        -- Check that if the binder is at the top level and has type Addr#,
572        -- that it is a string literal, see
573        -- Note [CoreSyn top-level string literals].
574       ; checkL (not (isTopLevel top_lvl_flag && binder_ty `eqType` addrPrimTy)
575                 || exprIsTickedString rhs)
576           (mkTopNonLitStrMsg binder)
578       ; flags <- getLintFlags
580         -- Check that a join-point binder has a valid type
581         -- NB: lintIdBinder has checked that it is not top-level bound
582       ; case isJoinId_maybe binder of
583            Nothing    -> return ()
584            Just arity ->  checkL (isValidJoinPointType arity binder_ty)
585                                  (mkInvalidJoinPointMsg binder binder_ty)
587       ; when (lf_check_inline_loop_breakers flags
588               && isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding binder)
589               && isStrongLoopBreaker (idOccInfo binder)
590               && isInlinePragma (idInlinePragma binder))
591              (addWarnL (text "INLINE binder is (non-rule) loop breaker:" <+> ppr binder))
592              -- Only non-rule loop breakers inhibit inlining
594       -- We used to check that the dmdTypeDepth of a demand signature never
595       -- exceeds idArity, but that is an unnecessary complication, see
596       -- Note [idArity varies independently of dmdTypeDepth] in DmdAnal
598       -- Check that the binder's arity is within the bounds imposed by
599       -- the type and the strictness signature. See Note [exprArity invariant]
600       -- and Note [Trimming arity]
601       ; checkL (typeArity (idType binder) `lengthAtLeast` idArity binder)
602           (text "idArity" <+> ppr (idArity binder) <+>
603           text "exceeds typeArity" <+>
604           ppr (length (typeArity (idType binder))) <> colon <+>
605           ppr binder)
607       ; case splitStrictSig (idStrictness binder) of
608           (demands, result_info) | isBotRes result_info ->
609             checkL (demands `lengthAtLeast` idArity binder)
610               (text "idArity" <+> ppr (idArity binder) <+>
611               text "exceeds arity imposed by the strictness signature" <+>
612               ppr (idStrictness binder) <> colon <+>
613               ppr binder)
614           _ -> return ()
616       ; mapM_ (lintCoreRule binder binder_ty) (idCoreRules binder)
618       ; addLoc (UnfoldingOf binder) $
619         lintIdUnfolding binder binder_ty (idUnfolding binder) }
621        -- We should check the unfolding, if any, but this is tricky because
622        -- the unfolding is a SimplifiableCoreExpr. Give up for now.
624-- | Checks the RHS of bindings. It only differs from 'lintCoreExpr'
625-- in that it doesn't reject occurrences of the function 'makeStatic' when they
626-- appear at the top level and @lf_check_static_ptrs == AllowAtTopLevel@, and
627-- for join points, it skips the outer lambdas that take arguments to the
628-- join point.
630-- See Note [Checking StaticPtrs].
631lintRhs :: Id -> CoreExpr -> LintM OutType
632lintRhs bndr rhs
633    | Just arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
634    = lint_join_lams arity arity True rhs
635    | AlwaysTailCalled arity <- tailCallInfo (idOccInfo bndr)
636    = lint_join_lams arity arity False rhs
637  where
638    lint_join_lams 0 _ _ rhs
639      = lintCoreExpr rhs
641    lint_join_lams n tot enforce (Lam var expr)
642      = addLoc (LambdaBodyOf var) $
643        lintBinder LambdaBind var $ \ var' ->
644        do { body_ty <- lint_join_lams (n-1) tot enforce expr
645           ; return $ mkLamType var' body_ty }
647    lint_join_lams n tot True _other
648      = failWithL $ mkBadJoinArityMsg bndr tot (tot-n) rhs
649    lint_join_lams _ _ False rhs
650      = markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr rhs
651          -- Future join point, not yet eta-expanded
652          -- Body is not a tail position
654-- Allow applications of the data constructor @StaticPtr@ at the top
655-- but produce errors otherwise.
656lintRhs _bndr rhs = fmap lf_check_static_ptrs getLintFlags >>= go
657  where
658    -- Allow occurrences of 'makeStatic' at the top-level but produce errors
659    -- otherwise.
660    go AllowAtTopLevel
661      | (binders0, rhs') <- collectTyBinders rhs
662      , Just (fun, t, info, e) <- collectMakeStaticArgs rhs'
663      = markAllJoinsBad $
664        foldr
665        -- imitate @lintCoreExpr (Lam ...)@
666        (\var loopBinders ->
667          addLoc (LambdaBodyOf var) $
668            lintBinder LambdaBind var $ \var' ->
669              do { body_ty <- loopBinders
670                 ; return $ mkLamType var' body_ty }
671        )
672        -- imitate @lintCoreExpr (App ...)@
673        (do fun_ty <- lintCoreExpr fun
674            lintCoreArgs fun_ty [Type t, info, e]
675        )
676        binders0
677    go _ = markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr rhs
679lintIdUnfolding :: Id -> Type -> Unfolding -> LintM ()
680lintIdUnfolding bndr bndr_ty uf
681  | isStableUnfolding uf
682  , Just rhs <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate uf
683  = do { ty <- lintRhs bndr rhs
684       ; ensureEqTys bndr_ty ty (mkRhsMsg bndr (text "unfolding") ty) }
685lintIdUnfolding  _ _ _
686  = return ()       -- Do not Lint unstable unfoldings, because that leads
687                    -- to exponential behaviour; c.f. CoreFVs.idUnfoldingVars
690Note [Checking for INLINE loop breakers]
692It's very suspicious if a strong loop breaker is marked INLINE.
694However, the desugarer generates instance methods with INLINE pragmas
695that form a mutually recursive group.  Only after a round of
696simplification are they unravelled.  So we suppress the test for
697the desugarer.
700*                                                                      *
702*                                                                      *
706-- For OutType, OutKind, the substitution has been applied,
707--                       but has not been linted yet
709type LintedType  = Type -- Substitution applied, and type is linted
710type LintedKind  = Kind
712lintCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> LintM OutType
713-- The returned type has the substitution from the monad
714-- already applied to it:
715--      lintCoreExpr e subst = exprType (subst e)
717-- The returned "type" can be a kind, if the expression is (Type ty)
719-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
720-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
721lintCoreExpr (Var var)
722  = lintVarOcc var 0
724lintCoreExpr (Lit lit)
725  = return (literalType lit)
727lintCoreExpr (Cast expr co)
728  = do { expr_ty <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr expr
729       ; co' <- applySubstCo co
730       ; (_, k2, from_ty, to_ty, r) <- lintCoercion co'
731       ; checkValueKind k2 (text "target of cast" <+> quotes (ppr co))
732       ; lintRole co' Representational r
733       ; ensureEqTys from_ty expr_ty (mkCastErr expr co' from_ty expr_ty)
734       ; return to_ty }
736lintCoreExpr (Tick tickish expr)
737  = do case tickish of
738         Breakpoint _ ids -> forM_ ids $ \id -> do
739                               checkDeadIdOcc id
740                               lookupIdInScope id
741         _                -> return ()
742       markAllJoinsBadIf block_joins $ lintCoreExpr expr
743  where
744    block_joins = not (tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope)
745      -- TODO Consider whether this is the correct rule. It is consistent with
746      -- the simplifier's behaviour - cost-centre-scoped ticks become part of
747      -- the continuation, and thus they behave like part of an evaluation
748      -- context, but soft-scoped and non-scoped ticks simply wrap the result
749      -- (see Simplify.simplTick).
751lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec tv (Type ty)) body)
752  | isTyVar tv
753  =     -- See Note [Linting type lets]
754    do  { ty' <- applySubstTy ty
755        ; lintTyBndr tv              $ \ tv' ->
756    do  { addLoc (RhsOf tv) $ lintTyKind tv' ty'
757                -- Now extend the substitution so we
758                -- take advantage of it in the body
759        ; extendSubstL tv ty'        $
760          addLoc (BodyOfLetRec [tv]) $
761          lintCoreExpr body } }
763lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body)
764  | isId bndr
765  = do  { lintSingleBinding NotTopLevel NonRecursive (bndr,rhs)
766        ; addLoc (BodyOfLetRec [bndr])
767                 (lintBinder LetBind bndr $ \_ ->
768                  addGoodJoins [bndr] $
769                  lintCoreExpr body) }
771  | otherwise
772  = failWithL (mkLetErr bndr rhs)       -- Not quite accurate
774lintCoreExpr e@(Let (Rec pairs) body)
775  = lintLetBndrs NotTopLevel bndrs $
776    addGoodJoins bndrs             $
777    do  { -- Check that the list of pairs is non-empty
778          checkL (not (null pairs)) (emptyRec e)
780          -- Check that there are no duplicated binders
781        ; checkL (null dups) (dupVars dups)
783          -- Check that either all the binders are joins, or none
784        ; checkL (all isJoinId bndrs || all (not . isJoinId) bndrs) $
785            mkInconsistentRecMsg bndrs
787        ; mapM_ (lintSingleBinding NotTopLevel Recursive) pairs
788        ; addLoc (BodyOfLetRec bndrs) (lintCoreExpr body) }
789  where
790    bndrs = map fst pairs
791    (_, dups) = removeDups compare bndrs
793lintCoreExpr e@(App _ _)
794  = do { fun_ty <- lintCoreFun fun (length args)
795       ; lintCoreArgs fun_ty args }
796  where
797    (fun, args) = collectArgs e
799lintCoreExpr (Lam var expr)
800  = addLoc (LambdaBodyOf var) $
801    markAllJoinsBad $
802    lintBinder LambdaBind var $ \ var' ->
803    do { body_ty <- lintCoreExpr expr
804       ; return $ mkLamType var' body_ty }
806lintCoreExpr (Case scrut var alt_ty alts)
807  = lintCaseExpr scrut var alt_ty alts
809-- This case can't happen; linting types in expressions gets routed through
810-- lintCoreArgs
811lintCoreExpr (Type ty)
812  = failWithL (text "Type found as expression" <+> ppr ty)
814lintCoreExpr (Coercion co)
815  = do { (k1, k2, ty1, ty2, role) <- lintInCo co
816       ; return (mkHeteroCoercionType role k1 k2 ty1 ty2) }
819lintVarOcc :: Var -> Int -- Number of arguments (type or value) being passed
820            -> LintM Type -- returns type of the *variable*
821lintVarOcc var nargs
822  = do  { checkL (isNonCoVarId var)
823                 (text "Non term variable" <+> ppr var)
824                 -- See CoreSyn Note [Variable occurrences in Core]
826        -- Cneck that the type of the occurrence is the same
827        -- as the type of the binding site
828        ; ty   <- applySubstTy (idType var)
829        ; var' <- lookupIdInScope var
830        ; let ty' = idType var'
831        ; ensureEqTys ty ty' $ mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg var' var ty' ty
833          -- Check for a nested occurrence of the StaticPtr constructor.
834          -- See Note [Checking StaticPtrs].
835        ; lf <- getLintFlags
836        ; when (nargs /= 0 && lf_check_static_ptrs lf /= AllowAnywhere) $
837            checkL (idName var /= makeStaticName) $
838              text "Found makeStatic nested in an expression"
840        ; checkDeadIdOcc var
841        ; checkJoinOcc var nargs
843        ; return (idType var') }
845lintCoreFun :: CoreExpr
846            -> Int        -- Number of arguments (type or val) being passed
847            -> LintM Type -- Returns type of the *function*
848lintCoreFun (Var var) nargs
849  = lintVarOcc var nargs
851lintCoreFun (Lam var body) nargs
852  -- Act like lintCoreExpr of Lam, but *don't* call markAllJoinsBad; see
853  -- Note [Beta redexes]
854  | nargs /= 0
855  = addLoc (LambdaBodyOf var) $
856    lintBinder LambdaBind var $ \ var' ->
857    do { body_ty <- lintCoreFun body (nargs - 1)
858       ; return $ mkLamType var' body_ty }
860lintCoreFun expr nargs
861  = markAllJoinsBadIf (nargs /= 0) $
862      -- See Note [Join points are less general than the paper]
863    lintCoreExpr expr
866checkDeadIdOcc :: Id -> LintM ()
867-- Occurrences of an Id should never be dead....
868-- except when we are checking a case pattern
869checkDeadIdOcc id
870  | isDeadOcc (idOccInfo id)
871  = do { in_case <- inCasePat
872       ; checkL in_case
873                (text "Occurrence of a dead Id" <+> ppr id) }
874  | otherwise
875  = return ()
878checkJoinOcc :: Id -> JoinArity -> LintM ()
879-- Check that if the occurrence is a JoinId, then so is the
880-- binding site, and it's a valid join Id
881checkJoinOcc var n_args
882  | Just join_arity_occ <- isJoinId_maybe var
883  = do { mb_join_arity_bndr <- lookupJoinId var
884       ; case mb_join_arity_bndr of {
885           Nothing -> -- Binder is not a join point
886                      addErrL (invalidJoinOcc var) ;
888           Just join_arity_bndr ->
890    do { checkL (join_arity_bndr == join_arity_occ) $
891           -- Arity differs at binding site and occurrence
892         mkJoinBndrOccMismatchMsg var join_arity_bndr join_arity_occ
894       ; checkL (n_args == join_arity_occ) $
895           -- Arity doesn't match #args
896         mkBadJumpMsg var join_arity_occ n_args } } }
898  | otherwise
899  = return ()
902Note [No alternatives lint check]
904Case expressions with no alternatives are odd beasts, and it would seem
905like they would worth be looking at in the linter (cf #10180). We
906used to check two things:
908* exprIsHNF is false: it would *seem* to be terribly wrong if
909  the scrutinee was already in head normal form.
911* exprIsBottom is true: we should be able to see why GHC believes the
912  scrutinee is diverging for sure.
914It was already known that the second test was not entirely reliable.
915Unfortunately (#13990), the first test turned out not to be reliable
916either. Getting the checks right turns out to be somewhat complicated.
918For example, suppose we have (comment 8)
920  data T a where
921    TInt :: T Int
923  absurdTBool :: T Bool -> a
924  absurdTBool v = case v of
926  data Foo = Foo !(T Bool)
928  absurdFoo :: Foo -> a
929  absurdFoo (Foo x) = absurdTBool x
931GHC initially accepts the empty case because of the GADT conditions. But then
932we inline absurdTBool, getting
934  absurdFoo (Foo x) = case x of
936x is in normal form (because the Foo constructor is strict) but the
937case is empty. To avoid this problem, GHC would have to recognize
938that matching on Foo x is already absurd, which is not so easy.
940More generally, we don't really know all the ways that GHC can
941lose track of why an expression is bottom, so we shouldn't make too
942much fuss when that happens.
945Note [Beta redexes]
949  join j @x y z = ... in
950  (\@x y z -> jump j @x y z) @t e1 e2
952This is clearly ill-typed, since the jump is inside both an application and a
953lambda, either of which is enough to disqualify it as a tail call (see Note
954[Invariants on join points] in CoreSyn). However, strictly from a
955lambda-calculus perspective, the term doesn't go wrong---after the two beta
956reductions, the jump *is* a tail call and everything is fine.
958Why would we want to allow this when we have let? One reason is that a compound
959beta redex (that is, one with more than one argument) has different scoping
960rules: naively reducing the above example using lets will capture any free
961occurrence of y in e2. More fundamentally, type lets are tricky; many passes,
962such as Float Out, tacitly assume that the incoming program's type lets have
963all been dealt with by the simplifier. Thus we don't want to let-bind any types
964in, say, CoreSubst.simpleOptPgm, which in some circumstances can run immediately
965before Float Out.
967All that said, currently CoreSubst.simpleOptPgm is the only thing using this
968loophole, doing so to avoid re-traversing large functions (beta-reducing a type
969lambda without introducing a type let requires a substitution). TODO: Improve
970simpleOptPgm so that we can forget all this ever happened.
973*                                                                      *
975*                                                                      *
978The basic version of these functions checks that the argument is a
979subtype of the required type, as one would expect.
983lintCoreArgs  :: OutType -> [CoreArg] -> LintM OutType
984lintCoreArgs fun_ty args = foldM lintCoreArg fun_ty args
986lintCoreArg  :: OutType -> CoreArg -> LintM OutType
987lintCoreArg fun_ty (Type arg_ty)
988  = do { checkL (not (isCoercionTy arg_ty))
989                (text "Unnecessary coercion-to-type injection:"
990                  <+> ppr arg_ty)
991       ; arg_ty' <- applySubstTy arg_ty
992       ; lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty' }
994lintCoreArg fun_ty arg
995  = do { arg_ty <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr arg
996           -- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in CoreSyn
997       ; lintL (not (isTypeLevPoly arg_ty))
998           (text "Levity-polymorphic argument:" <+>
999             (ppr arg <+> dcolon <+> parens (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))))
1000          -- check for levity polymorphism first, because otherwise isUnliftedType panics
1002       ; checkL (not (isUnliftedType arg_ty) || exprOkForSpeculation arg)
1003                (mkLetAppMsg arg)
1004       ; lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty }
1007lintAltBinders :: OutType     -- Scrutinee type
1008               -> OutType     -- Constructor type
1009               -> [OutVar]    -- Binders
1010               -> LintM ()
1011-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1012-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1013lintAltBinders scrut_ty con_ty []
1014  = ensureEqTys con_ty scrut_ty (mkBadPatMsg con_ty scrut_ty)
1015lintAltBinders scrut_ty con_ty (bndr:bndrs)
1016  | isTyVar bndr
1017  = do { con_ty' <- lintTyApp con_ty (mkTyVarTy bndr)
1018       ; lintAltBinders scrut_ty con_ty' bndrs }
1019  | otherwise
1020  = do { con_ty' <- lintValApp (Var bndr) con_ty (idType bndr)
1021       ; lintAltBinders scrut_ty con_ty' bndrs }
1024lintTyApp :: OutType -> OutType -> LintM OutType
1025lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty
1026  | Just (tv,body_ty) <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
1027  = do  { lintTyKind tv arg_ty
1028        ; in_scope <- getInScope
1029        -- substTy needs the set of tyvars in scope to avoid generating
1030        -- uniques that are already in scope.
1031        -- See Note [The substitution invariant] in TyCoSubst
1032        ; return (substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv] [arg_ty] body_ty) }
1034  | otherwise
1035  = failWithL (mkTyAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty)
1038lintValApp :: CoreExpr -> OutType -> OutType -> LintM OutType
1039lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty
1040  | Just (arg,res) <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
1041  = do { ensureEqTys arg arg_ty err1
1042       ; return res }
1043  | otherwise
1044  = failWithL err2
1045  where
1046    err1 = mkAppMsg       fun_ty arg_ty arg
1047    err2 = mkNonFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty arg
1049lintTyKind :: OutTyVar -> OutType -> LintM ()
1050-- Both args have had substitution applied
1052-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1053-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1054lintTyKind tyvar arg_ty
1055        -- Arg type might be boxed for a function with an uncommitted
1056        -- tyvar; notably this is used so that we can give
1057        --      error :: forall a:*. String -> a
1058        -- and then apply it to both boxed and unboxed types.
1059  = do { arg_kind <- lintType arg_ty
1060       ; unless (arg_kind `eqType` tyvar_kind)
1061                (addErrL (mkKindErrMsg tyvar arg_ty $$ (text "Linted Arg kind:" <+> ppr arg_kind))) }
1062  where
1063    tyvar_kind = tyVarKind tyvar
1067*                                                                      *
1069*                                                                      *
1073lintCaseExpr :: CoreExpr -> Id -> Type -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM OutType
1074lintCaseExpr scrut var alt_ty alts =
1075  do { let e = Case scrut var alt_ty alts   -- Just for error messages
1077     -- Check the scrutinee
1078     ; scrut_ty <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr scrut
1079          -- See Note [Join points are less general than the paper]
1080          -- in CoreSyn
1082     ; (alt_ty, _) <- addLoc (CaseTy scrut) $
1083                      lintInTy alt_ty
1084     ; (var_ty, _) <- addLoc (IdTy var) $
1085                      lintInTy (idType var)
1087     -- We used to try to check whether a case expression with no
1088     -- alternatives was legitimate, but this didn't work.
1089     -- See Note [No alternatives lint check] for details.
1091     -- Check that the scrutinee is not a floating-point type
1092     -- if there are any literal alternatives
1093     -- See CoreSyn Note [Case expression invariants] item (5)
1094     -- See Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons] in PrelRules
1095     ; let isLitPat (LitAlt _, _ , _) = True
1096           isLitPat _                 = False
1097     ; checkL (not $ isFloatingTy scrut_ty && any isLitPat alts)
1098         (ptext (sLit $ "Lint warning: Scrutinising floating-point " ++
1099                        "expression with literal pattern in case " ++
1100                        "analysis (see #9238).")
1101          $$ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut)
1103     ; case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (idType var) of
1104         Just tycon
1105              | debugIsOn
1106              , isAlgTyCon tycon
1107              , not (isAbstractTyCon tycon)
1108              , null (tyConDataCons tycon)
1109              , not (exprIsBottom scrut)
1110              -> pprTrace "Lint warning: case binder's type has no constructors" (ppr var <+> ppr (idType var))
1111                        -- This can legitimately happen for type families
1112                      $ return ()
1113         _otherwise -> return ()
1115        -- Don't use lintIdBndr on var, because unboxed tuple is legitimate
1117     ; subst <- getTCvSubst
1118     ; ensureEqTys var_ty scrut_ty (mkScrutMsg var var_ty scrut_ty subst)
1119       -- See CoreSyn Note [Case expression invariants] item (7)
1121     ; lintBinder CaseBind var $ \_ ->
1122       do { -- Check the alternatives
1123            mapM_ (lintCoreAlt scrut_ty alt_ty) alts
1124          ; checkCaseAlts e scrut_ty alts
1125          ; return alt_ty } }
1127checkCaseAlts :: CoreExpr -> OutType -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM ()
1128-- a) Check that the alts are non-empty
1129-- b1) Check that the DEFAULT comes first, if it exists
1130-- b2) Check that the others are in increasing order
1131-- c) Check that there's a default for infinite types
1132-- NB: Algebraic cases are not necessarily exhaustive, because
1133--     the simplifier correctly eliminates case that can't
1134--     possibly match.
1136checkCaseAlts e ty alts =
1137  do { checkL (all non_deflt con_alts) (mkNonDefltMsg e)
1138         -- See CoreSyn Note [Case expression invariants] item (2)
1140     ; checkL (increasing_tag con_alts) (mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg e)
1141         -- See CoreSyn Note [Case expression invariants] item (3)
1143          -- For types Int#, Word# with an infinite (well, large!) number of
1144          -- possible values, there should usually be a DEFAULT case
1145          -- But (see Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn) it's ok to
1146          -- have *no* case alternatives.
1147          -- In effect, this is a kind of partial test. I suppose it's possible
1148          -- that we might *know* that 'x' was 1 or 2, in which case
1149          --   case x of { 1 -> e1; 2 -> e2 }
1150          -- would be fine.
1151     ; checkL (isJust maybe_deflt || not is_infinite_ty || null alts)
1152              (nonExhaustiveAltsMsg e) }
1153  where
1154    (con_alts, maybe_deflt) = findDefault alts
1156        -- Check that successive alternatives have strictly increasing tags
1157    increasing_tag (alt1 : rest@( alt2 : _)) = alt1 `ltAlt` alt2 && increasing_tag rest
1158    increasing_tag _                         = True
1160    non_deflt (DEFAULT, _, _) = False
1161    non_deflt _               = True
1163    is_infinite_ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
1164                        Nothing    -> False
1165                        Just tycon -> isPrimTyCon tycon
1167lintAltExpr :: CoreExpr -> OutType -> LintM ()
1168lintAltExpr expr ann_ty
1169  = do { actual_ty <- lintCoreExpr expr
1170       ; ensureEqTys actual_ty ann_ty (mkCaseAltMsg expr actual_ty ann_ty) }
1171         -- See CoreSyn Note [Case expression invariants] item (6)
1173lintCoreAlt :: OutType          -- Type of scrutinee
1174            -> OutType          -- Type of the alternative
1175            -> CoreAlt
1176            -> LintM ()
1177-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1178-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1179lintCoreAlt _ alt_ty (DEFAULT, args, rhs) =
1180  do { lintL (null args) (mkDefaultArgsMsg args)
1181     ; lintAltExpr rhs alt_ty }
1183lintCoreAlt scrut_ty alt_ty (LitAlt lit, args, rhs)
1184  | litIsLifted lit
1185  = failWithL integerScrutinisedMsg
1186  | otherwise
1187  = do { lintL (null args) (mkDefaultArgsMsg args)
1188       ; ensureEqTys lit_ty scrut_ty (mkBadPatMsg lit_ty scrut_ty)
1189       ; lintAltExpr rhs alt_ty }
1190  where
1191    lit_ty = literalType lit
1193lintCoreAlt scrut_ty alt_ty alt@(DataAlt con, args, rhs)
1194  | isNewTyCon (dataConTyCon con)
1195  = addErrL (mkNewTyDataConAltMsg scrut_ty alt)
1196  | Just (tycon, tycon_arg_tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe scrut_ty
1197  = addLoc (CaseAlt alt) $  do
1198    {   -- First instantiate the universally quantified
1199        -- type variables of the data constructor
1200        -- We've already check
1201      lintL (tycon == dataConTyCon con) (mkBadConMsg tycon con)
1202    ; let con_payload_ty = piResultTys (dataConRepType con) tycon_arg_tys
1204        -- And now bring the new binders into scope
1205    ; lintBinders CasePatBind args $ \ args' -> do
1206    { addLoc (CasePat alt) (lintAltBinders scrut_ty con_payload_ty args')
1207    ; lintAltExpr rhs alt_ty } }
1209  | otherwise   -- Scrut-ty is wrong shape
1210  = addErrL (mkBadAltMsg scrut_ty alt)
1214*                                                                      *
1216*                                                                      *
1220-- When we lint binders, we (one at a time and in order):
1221--  1. Lint var types or kinds (possibly substituting)
1222--  2. Add the binder to the in scope set, and if its a coercion var,
1223--     we may extend the substitution to reflect its (possibly) new kind
1224lintBinders :: BindingSite -> [Var] -> ([Var] -> LintM a) -> LintM a
1225lintBinders _    []         linterF = linterF []
1226lintBinders site (var:vars) linterF = lintBinder site var $ \var' ->
1227                                      lintBinders site vars $ \ vars' ->
1228                                      linterF (var':vars')
1230-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1231-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1232lintBinder :: BindingSite -> Var -> (Var -> LintM a) -> LintM a
1233lintBinder site var linterF
1234  | isTyVar var = lintTyBndr                  var linterF
1235  | isCoVar var = lintCoBndr                  var linterF
1236  | otherwise   = lintIdBndr NotTopLevel site var linterF
1238lintTyBndr :: InTyVar -> (OutTyVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
1239lintTyBndr tv thing_inside
1240  = do { subst <- getTCvSubst
1241       ; let (subst', tv') = substTyVarBndr subst tv
1242       ; lintKind (varType tv')
1243       ; updateTCvSubst subst' (thing_inside tv') }
1245lintCoBndr :: InCoVar -> (OutCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
1246lintCoBndr cv thing_inside
1247  = do { subst <- getTCvSubst
1248       ; let (subst', cv') = substCoVarBndr subst cv
1249       ; lintKind (varType cv')
1250       ; lintL (isCoVarType (varType cv'))
1251               (text "CoVar with non-coercion type:" <+> pprTyVar cv)
1252       ; updateTCvSubst subst' (thing_inside cv') }
1254lintLetBndrs :: TopLevelFlag -> [Var] -> LintM a -> LintM a
1255lintLetBndrs top_lvl ids linterF
1256  = go ids
1257  where
1258    go []       = linterF
1259    go (id:ids) = lintIdBndr top_lvl LetBind id  $ \_ ->
1260                  go ids
1262lintIdBndr :: TopLevelFlag -> BindingSite
1263           -> InVar -> (OutVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
1264-- Do substitution on the type of a binder and add the var with this
1265-- new type to the in-scope set of the second argument
1266-- ToDo: lint its rules
1267lintIdBndr top_lvl bind_site id linterF
1268  = ASSERT2( isId id, ppr id )
1269    do { flags <- getLintFlags
1270       ; checkL (not (lf_check_global_ids flags) || isLocalId id)
1271                (text "Non-local Id binder" <+> ppr id)
1272                -- See Note [Checking for global Ids]
1274       -- Check that if the binder is nested, it is not marked as exported
1275       ; checkL (not (isExportedId id) || is_top_lvl)
1276           (mkNonTopExportedMsg id)
1278       -- Check that if the binder is nested, it does not have an external name
1279       ; checkL (not (isExternalName (Var.varName id)) || is_top_lvl)
1280           (mkNonTopExternalNameMsg id)
1282       ; (ty, k) <- addLoc (IdTy id) $
1283                    lintInTy (idType id)
1285          -- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in CoreSyn
1286       ; lintL (isJoinId id || not (isKindLevPoly k))
1287           (text "Levity-polymorphic binder:" <+>
1288                 (ppr id <+> dcolon <+> parens (ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr k)))
1290       -- Check that a join-id is a not-top-level let-binding
1291       ; when (isJoinId id) $
1292         checkL (not is_top_lvl && is_let_bind) $
1293         mkBadJoinBindMsg id
1295       -- Check that the Id does not have type (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2);
1296       -- if so, it should be a CoVar, and checked by lintCoVarBndr
1297       ; lintL (not (isCoVarType ty))
1298               (text "Non-CoVar has coercion type" <+> ppr id <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
1300       ; let id' = setIdType id ty
1301       ; addInScopeVar id' $ (linterF id') }
1302  where
1303    is_top_lvl = isTopLevel top_lvl
1304    is_let_bind = case bind_site of
1305                    LetBind -> True
1306                    _       -> False
1310%*                                                                      *
1311             Types
1312%*                                                                      *
1316lintTypes :: DynFlags
1317          -> [TyCoVar]   -- Treat these as in scope
1318          -> [Type]
1319          -> Maybe MsgDoc -- Nothing => OK
1320lintTypes dflags vars tys
1321  | isEmptyBag errs = Nothing
1322  | otherwise       = Just (pprMessageBag errs)
1323  where
1324    in_scope = emptyInScopeSet
1325    (_warns, errs) = initL dflags defaultLintFlags in_scope linter
1326    linter = lintBinders LambdaBind vars $ \_ ->
1327             mapM_ lintInTy tys
1329lintInTy :: InType -> LintM (LintedType, LintedKind)
1330-- Types only, not kinds
1331-- Check the type, and apply the substitution to it
1332-- See Note [Linting type lets]
1333lintInTy ty
1334  = addLoc (InType ty) $
1335    do  { ty' <- applySubstTy ty
1336        ; k  <- lintType ty'
1337        ; lintKind k  -- The kind returned by lintType is already
1338                      -- a LintedKind but we also want to check that
1339                      -- k :: *, which lintKind does
1340        ; return (ty', k) }
1342checkTyCon :: TyCon -> LintM ()
1343checkTyCon tc
1344  = checkL (not (isTcTyCon tc)) (text "Found TcTyCon:" <+> ppr tc)
1347lintType :: OutType -> LintM LintedKind
1348-- The returned Kind has itself been linted
1350-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1351-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1352lintType (TyVarTy tv)
1353  = do { checkL (isTyVar tv) (mkBadTyVarMsg tv)
1354       ; lintTyCoVarInScope tv
1355       ; return (tyVarKind tv) }
1356         -- We checked its kind when we added it to the envt
1358lintType ty@(AppTy t1 t2)
1359  | TyConApp {} <- t1
1360  = failWithL $ text "TyConApp to the left of AppTy:" <+> ppr ty
1361  | otherwise
1362  = do { k1 <- lintType t1
1363       ; k2 <- lintType t2
1364       ; lint_ty_app ty k1 [(t2,k2)] }
1366lintType ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
1367  | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc || isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
1368  = do { report_unsat <- lf_report_unsat_syns <$> getLintFlags
1369       ; lintTySynFamApp report_unsat ty tc tys }
1371  | isFunTyCon tc
1372  , tys `lengthIs` 4
1373    -- We should never see a saturated application of funTyCon; such
1374    -- applications should be represented with the FunTy constructor.
1375    -- See Note [Linting function types] and
1376    -- Note [Representation of function types].
1377  = failWithL (hang (text "Saturated application of (->)") 2 (ppr ty))
1379  | otherwise  -- Data types, data families, primitive types
1380  = do { checkTyCon tc
1381       ; ks <- mapM lintType tys
1382       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) (tys `zip` ks) }
1384-- arrows can related *unlifted* kinds, so this has to be separate from
1385-- a dependent forall.
1386lintType ty@(FunTy _ t1 t2)
1387  = do { k1 <- lintType t1
1388       ; k2 <- lintType t2
1389       ; lintArrow (text "type or kind" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) k1 k2 }
1391lintType t@(ForAllTy (Bndr tv _vis) ty)
1392  -- forall over types
1393  | isTyVar tv
1394  = lintTyBndr tv $ \tv' ->
1395    do { k <- lintType ty
1396       ; checkValueKind k (text "the body of forall:" <+> ppr t)
1397       ; case occCheckExpand [tv'] k of  -- See Note [Stupid type synonyms]
1398           Just k' -> return k'
1399           Nothing -> failWithL (hang (text "Variable escape in forall:")
1400                                    2 (vcat [ text "type:" <+> ppr t
1401                                            , text "kind:" <+> ppr k ]))
1402    }
1404lintType t@(ForAllTy (Bndr cv _vis) ty)
1405  -- forall over coercions
1406  = do { lintL (isCoVar cv)
1407               (text "Non-Tyvar or Non-Covar bound in type:" <+> ppr t)
1408       ; lintL (cv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType ty)
1409               (text "Covar does not occur in the body:" <+> ppr t)
1410       ; lintCoBndr cv $ \_ ->
1411    do { k <- lintType ty
1412       ; checkValueKind k (text "the body of forall:" <+> ppr t)
1413       ; return liftedTypeKind
1414           -- We don't check variable escape here. Namely, k could refer to cv'
1415           -- See Note [NthCo and newtypes] in TyCoRep
1416    }}
1418lintType ty@(LitTy l) = lintTyLit l >> return (typeKind ty)
1420lintType (CastTy ty co)
1421  = do { k1 <- lintType ty
1422       ; (k1', k2) <- lintStarCoercion co
1423       ; ensureEqTys k1 k1' (mkCastTyErr ty co k1' k1)
1424       ; return k2 }
1426lintType (CoercionTy co)
1427  = do { (k1, k2, ty1, ty2, r) <- lintCoercion co
1428       ; return $ mkHeteroCoercionType r k1 k2 ty1 ty2 }
1430{- Note [Stupid type synonyms]
1432Consider (#14939)
1433   type Alg cls ob = ob
1434   f :: forall (cls :: * -> Constraint) (b :: Alg cls *). b
1436Here 'cls' appears free in b's kind, which would usually be illegal
1437(because in (forall a. ty), ty's kind should not mention 'a'). But
1438#in this case (Alg cls *) = *, so all is well.  Currently we allow
1439this, and make Lint expand synonyms where necessary to make it so.
1441c.f. TcUnify.occCheckExpand and CoreUtils.coreAltsType which deal
1442with the same problem. A single systematic solution eludes me.
1446lintTySynFamApp :: Bool -> Type -> TyCon -> [Type] -> LintM LintedKind
1447-- The TyCon is a type synonym or a type family (not a data family)
1448-- See Note [Linting type synonym applications]
1449-- c.f. TcValidity.check_syn_tc_app
1450lintTySynFamApp report_unsat ty tc tys
1451  | report_unsat   -- Report unsaturated only if report_unsat is on
1452  , tys `lengthLessThan` tyConArity tc
1453  = failWithL (hang (text "Un-saturated type application") 2 (ppr ty))
1455  -- Deal with type synonyms
1456  | Just (tenv, rhs, tys') <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
1457  , let expanded_ty = mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys'
1458  = do { -- Kind-check the argument types, but without reporting
1459         -- un-saturated type families/synonyms
1460         ks <- setReportUnsat False (mapM lintType tys)
1462       ; when report_unsat $
1463         do { _ <- lintType expanded_ty
1464            ; return () }
1466       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) (tys `zip` ks) }
1468  -- Otherwise this must be a type family
1469  | otherwise
1470  = do { ks <- mapM lintType tys
1471       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) (tys `zip` ks) }
1474lintKind :: OutKind -> LintM ()
1475-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1476-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1477lintKind k = do { sk <- lintType k
1478                ; unless (classifiesTypeWithValues sk)
1479                         (addErrL (hang (text "Ill-kinded kind:" <+> ppr k)
1480                                      2 (text "has kind:" <+> ppr sk))) }
1483-- Confirms that a type is really *, #, Constraint etc
1484checkValueKind :: OutKind -> SDoc -> LintM ()
1485checkValueKind k doc
1486  = lintL (classifiesTypeWithValues k)
1487          (text "Non-*-like kind when *-like expected:" <+> ppr k $$
1488           text "when checking" <+> doc)
1491lintArrow :: SDoc -> LintedKind -> LintedKind -> LintM LintedKind
1492-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1493-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1494lintArrow what k1 k2   -- Eg lintArrow "type or kind `blah'" k1 k2
1495                       -- or lintarrow "coercion `blah'" k1 k2
1496  = do { unless (classifiesTypeWithValues k1) (addErrL (msg (text "argument") k1))
1497       ; unless (classifiesTypeWithValues k2) (addErrL (msg (text "result")   k2))
1498       ; return liftedTypeKind }
1499  where
1500    msg ar k
1501      = vcat [ hang (text "Ill-kinded" <+> ar)
1502                  2 (text "in" <+> what)
1503             , what <+> text "kind:" <+> ppr k ]
1506lint_ty_app :: Type -> LintedKind -> [(LintedType,LintedKind)] -> LintM LintedKind
1507lint_ty_app ty k tys
1508  = lint_app (text "type" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) k tys
1511lint_co_app :: Coercion -> LintedKind -> [(LintedType,LintedKind)] -> LintM LintedKind
1512lint_co_app ty k tys
1513  = lint_app (text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) k tys
1516lintTyLit :: TyLit -> LintM ()
1517lintTyLit (NumTyLit n)
1518  | n >= 0    = return ()
1519  | otherwise = failWithL msg
1520    where msg = text "Negative type literal:" <+> integer n
1521lintTyLit (StrTyLit _) = return ()
1523lint_app :: SDoc -> LintedKind -> [(LintedType,LintedKind)] -> LintM Kind
1524-- (lint_app d fun_kind arg_tys)
1525--    We have an application (f arg_ty1 .. arg_tyn),
1526--    where f :: fun_kind
1527-- Takes care of linting the OutTypes
1529-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1530-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1531lint_app doc kfn kas
1532    = do { in_scope <- getInScope
1533         -- We need the in_scope set to satisfy the invariant in
1534         -- Note [The substitution invariant] in TyCoSubst
1535         ; foldlM (go_app in_scope) kfn kas }
1536  where
1537    fail_msg extra = vcat [ hang (text "Kind application error in") 2 doc
1538                          , nest 2 (text "Function kind =" <+> ppr kfn)
1539                          , nest 2 (text "Arg kinds =" <+> ppr kas)
1540                          , extra ]
1542    go_app in_scope kfn tka
1543      | Just kfn' <- coreView kfn
1544      = go_app in_scope kfn' tka
1546    go_app _ (FunTy _ kfa kfb) tka@(_,ka)
1547      = do { unless (ka `eqType` kfa) $
1548             addErrL (fail_msg (text "Fun:" <+> (ppr kfa $$ ppr tka)))
1549           ; return kfb }
1551    go_app in_scope (ForAllTy (Bndr kv _vis) kfn) tka@(ta,ka)
1552      = do { let kv_kind = varType kv
1553           ; unless (ka `eqType` kv_kind) $
1554             addErrL (fail_msg (text "Forall:" <+> (ppr kv $$ ppr kv_kind $$ ppr tka)))
1555           ; return $ substTy (extendTCvSubst (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) kv ta) kfn }
1557    go_app _ kfn ka
1558       = failWithL (fail_msg (text "Not a fun:" <+> (ppr kfn $$ ppr ka)))
1560{- *********************************************************************
1561*                                                                      *
1562        Linting rules
1563*                                                                      *
1564********************************************************************* -}
1566lintCoreRule :: OutVar -> OutType -> CoreRule -> LintM ()
1567lintCoreRule _ _ (BuiltinRule {})
1568  = return ()  -- Don't bother
1570lintCoreRule fun fun_ty rule@(Rule { ru_name = name, ru_bndrs = bndrs
1571                                   , ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs })
1572  = lintBinders LambdaBind bndrs $ \ _ ->
1573    do { lhs_ty <- lintCoreArgs fun_ty args
1574       ; rhs_ty <- case isJoinId_maybe fun of
1575                     Just join_arity
1576                       -> do { checkL (args `lengthIs` join_arity) $
1577                                mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg fun join_arity rule
1578                               -- See Note [Rules for join points]
1579                             ; lintCoreExpr rhs }
1580                     _ -> markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr rhs
1581       ; ensureEqTys lhs_ty rhs_ty $
1582         (rule_doc <+> vcat [ text "lhs type:" <+> ppr lhs_ty
1583                            , text "rhs type:" <+> ppr rhs_ty
1584                            , text "fun_ty:" <+> ppr fun_ty ])
1585       ; let bad_bndrs = filter is_bad_bndr bndrs
1587       ; checkL (null bad_bndrs)
1588                (rule_doc <+> text "unbound" <+> ppr bad_bndrs)
1589            -- See Note [Linting rules]
1590    }
1591  where
1592    rule_doc = text "Rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name) <> colon
1594    lhs_fvs = exprsFreeVars args
1595    rhs_fvs = exprFreeVars rhs
1597    is_bad_bndr :: Var -> Bool
1598    -- See Note [Unbound RULE binders] in Rules
1599    is_bad_bndr bndr = not (bndr `elemVarSet` lhs_fvs)
1600                    && bndr `elemVarSet` rhs_fvs
1601                    && isNothing (isReflCoVar_maybe bndr)
1604{- Note [Linting rules]
1606It's very bad if simplifying a rule means that one of the template
1607variables (ru_bndrs) that /is/ mentioned on the RHS becomes
1608not-mentioned in the LHS (ru_args).  How can that happen?  Well, in
1609#10602, SpecConstr stupidly constructed a rule like
1611  forall x,c1,c2.
1612     f (x |> c1 |> c2) = ....
1614But simplExpr collapses those coercions into one.  (Indeed in
1615#10602, it collapsed to the identity and was removed altogether.)
1617We don't have a great story for what to do here, but at least
1618this check will nail it.
1620NB (#11643): it's possible that a variable listed in the
1621binders becomes not-mentioned on both LHS and RHS.  Here's a silly
1623   RULE forall x y. f (g x y) = g (x+1) (y-1)
1624And suppose worker/wrapper decides that 'x' is Absent.  Then
1625we'll end up with
1626   RULE forall x y. f ($gw y) = $gw (x+1)
1627This seems sufficiently obscure that there isn't enough payoff to
1628try to trim the forall'd binder list.
1630Note [Rules for join points]
1633A join point cannot be partially applied. However, the left-hand side of a rule
1634for a join point is effectively a *pattern*, not a piece of code, so there's an
1635argument to be made for allowing a situation like this:
1637  join $sj :: Int -> Int -> String
1638       $sj n m = ...
1639       j :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> String
1640       {-# RULES "SPEC j" jump j @ Int $dEq = jump $sj #-}
1641       j @a $dEq x y = ...
1643Applying this rule can't turn a well-typed program into an ill-typed one, so
1644conceivably we could allow it. But we can always eta-expand such an
1645"undersaturated" rule (see 'CoreArity.etaExpandToJoinPointRule'), and in fact
1646the simplifier would have to in order to deal with the RHS. So we take a
1647conservative view and don't allow undersaturated rules for join points. See
1648Note [Rules and join points] in OccurAnal for further discussion.
1653*                                                                      *
1654         Linting coercions
1655*                                                                      *
1659lintInCo :: InCoercion -> LintM (LintedKind, LintedKind, LintedType, LintedType, Role)
1660-- Check the coercion, and apply the substitution to it
1661-- See Note [Linting type lets]
1662lintInCo co
1663  = addLoc (InCo co) $
1664    do  { co' <- applySubstCo co
1665        ; lintCoercion co' }
1667-- lints a coercion, confirming that its lh kind and its rh kind are both *
1668-- also ensures that the role is Nominal
1669lintStarCoercion :: OutCoercion -> LintM (LintedType, LintedType)
1670lintStarCoercion g
1671  = do { (k1, k2, t1, t2, r) <- lintCoercion g
1672       ; checkValueKind k1 (text "the kind of the left type in" <+> ppr g)
1673       ; checkValueKind k2 (text "the kind of the right type in" <+> ppr g)
1674       ; lintRole g Nominal r
1675       ; return (t1, t2) }
1677lintCoercion :: OutCoercion -> LintM (LintedKind, LintedKind, LintedType, LintedType, Role)
1678-- Check the kind of a coercion term, returning the kind
1679-- Post-condition: the returned OutTypes are lint-free
1681-- If   lintCoercion co = (k1, k2, s1, s2, r)
1682-- then co :: s1 ~r s2
1683--      s1 :: k1
1684--      s2 :: k2
1686-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
1687-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
1688lintCoercion (Refl ty)
1689  = do { k <- lintType ty
1690       ; return (k, k, ty, ty, Nominal) }
1692lintCoercion (GRefl r ty MRefl)
1693  = do { k <- lintType ty
1694       ; return (k, k, ty, ty, r) }
1696lintCoercion (GRefl r ty (MCo co))
1697  = do { k <- lintType ty
1698       ; (_, _, k1, k2, r') <- lintCoercion co
1699       ; ensureEqTys k k1
1700               (hang (text "GRefl coercion kind mis-match:" <+> ppr co)
1701                   2 (vcat [ppr ty, ppr k, ppr k1]))
1702       ; lintRole co Nominal r'
1703       ; return (k1, k2, ty, mkCastTy ty co, r) }
1705lintCoercion co@(TyConAppCo r tc cos)
1706  | tc `hasKey` funTyConKey
1707  , [_rep1,_rep2,_co1,_co2] <- cos
1708  = do { failWithL (text "Saturated TyConAppCo (->):" <+> ppr co)
1709       } -- All saturated TyConAppCos should be FunCos
1711  | Just {} <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc
1712  = failWithL (text "Synonym in TyConAppCo:" <+> ppr co)
1714  | otherwise
1715  = do { checkTyCon tc
1716       ; (k's, ks, ss, ts, rs) <- mapAndUnzip5M lintCoercion cos
1717       ; k' <- lint_co_app co (tyConKind tc) (ss `zip` k's)
1718       ; k <- lint_co_app co (tyConKind tc) (ts `zip` ks)
1719       ; _ <- zipWith3M lintRole cos (tyConRolesX r tc) rs
1720       ; return (k', k, mkTyConApp tc ss, mkTyConApp tc ts, r) }
1722lintCoercion co@(AppCo co1 co2)
1723  | TyConAppCo {} <- co1
1724  = failWithL (text "TyConAppCo to the left of AppCo:" <+> ppr co)
1725  | Just (TyConApp {}, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co1
1726  = failWithL (text "Refl (TyConApp ...) to the left of AppCo:" <+> ppr co)
1727  | otherwise
1728  = do { (k1,  k2,  s1, s2, r1) <- lintCoercion co1
1729       ; (k'1, k'2, t1, t2, r2) <- lintCoercion co2
1730       ; k3 <- lint_co_app co k1 [(t1,k'1)]
1731       ; k4 <- lint_co_app co k2 [(t2,k'2)]
1732       ; if r1 == Phantom
1733         then lintL (r2 == Phantom || r2 == Nominal)
1734                     (text "Second argument in AppCo cannot be R:" $$
1735                      ppr co)
1736         else lintRole co Nominal r2
1737       ; return (k3, k4, mkAppTy s1 t1, mkAppTy s2 t2, r1) }
1740lintCoercion (ForAllCo tv1 kind_co co)
1741  -- forall over types
1742  | isTyVar tv1
1743  = do { (_, k2) <- lintStarCoercion kind_co
1744       ; let tv2 = setTyVarKind tv1 k2
1745       ; addInScopeVar tv1 $
1746    do {
1747       ; (k3, k4, t1, t2, r) <- lintCoercion co
1748       ; in_scope <- getInScope
1749       ; let tyl = mkInvForAllTy tv1 t1
1750             subst = mkTvSubst in_scope $
1751                     -- We need both the free vars of the `t2` and the
1752                     -- free vars of the range of the substitution in
1753                     -- scope. All the free vars of `t2` and `kind_co` should
1754                     -- already be in `in_scope`, because they've been
1755                     -- linted and `tv2` has the same unique as `tv1`.
1756                     -- See Note [The substitution invariant] in TyCoSubst.
1757                     unitVarEnv tv1 (TyVarTy tv2 `mkCastTy` mkSymCo kind_co)
1758             tyr = mkInvForAllTy tv2 $
1759                   substTy subst t2
1760       ; return (k3, k4, tyl, tyr, r) } }
1762lintCoercion (ForAllCo cv1 kind_co co)
1763  -- forall over coercions
1764  = ASSERT( isCoVar cv1 )
1765    do { lintL (almostDevoidCoVarOfCo cv1 co)
1766               (text "Covar can only appear in Refl and GRefl: " <+> ppr co)
1767       ; (_, k2) <- lintStarCoercion kind_co
1768       ; let cv2 = setVarType cv1 k2
1769       ; addInScopeVar cv1 $
1770    do {
1771       ; (k3, k4, t1, t2, r) <- lintCoercion co
1772       ; checkValueKind k3 (text "the body of a ForAllCo over covar:" <+> ppr co)
1773       ; checkValueKind k4 (text "the body of a ForAllCo over covar:" <+> ppr co)
1774           -- See Note [Weird typing rule for ForAllTy] in Type
1775       ; in_scope <- getInScope
1776       ; let tyl   = mkTyCoInvForAllTy cv1 t1
1777             r2    = coVarRole cv1
1778             kind_co' = downgradeRole r2 Nominal kind_co
1779             eta1  = mkNthCo r2 2 kind_co'
1780             eta2  = mkNthCo r2 3 kind_co'
1781             subst = mkCvSubst in_scope $
1782                     -- We need both the free vars of the `t2` and the
1783                     -- free vars of the range of the substitution in
1784                     -- scope. All the free vars of `t2` and `kind_co` should
1785                     -- already be in `in_scope`, because they've been
1786                     -- linted and `cv2` has the same unique as `cv1`.
1787                     -- See Note [The substitution invariant] in TyCoSubst.
1788                     unitVarEnv cv1 (eta1 `mkTransCo` (mkCoVarCo cv2)
1789                                          `mkTransCo` (mkSymCo eta2))
1790             tyr = mkTyCoInvForAllTy cv2 $
1791                   substTy subst t2
1792       ; return (liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind, tyl, tyr, r) } }
1793                   -- See Note [Weird typing rule for ForAllTy] in Type
1795lintCoercion co@(FunCo r co1 co2)
1796  = do { (k1,k'1,s1,t1,r1) <- lintCoercion co1
1797       ; (k2,k'2,s2,t2,r2) <- lintCoercion co2
1798       ; k <- lintArrow (text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr co)) k1 k2
1799       ; k' <- lintArrow (text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr co)) k'1 k'2
1800       ; lintRole co1 r r1
1801       ; lintRole co2 r r2
1802       ; return (k, k', mkVisFunTy s1 s2, mkVisFunTy t1 t2, r) }
1804lintCoercion (CoVarCo cv)
1805  | not (isCoVar cv)
1806  = failWithL (hang (text "Bad CoVarCo:" <+> ppr cv)
1807                  2 (text "With offending type:" <+> ppr (varType cv)))
1808  | otherwise
1809  = do { lintTyCoVarInScope cv
1810       ; cv' <- lookupIdInScope cv
1811       ; lintUnliftedCoVar cv
1812       ; return $ coVarKindsTypesRole cv' }
1814-- See Note [Bad unsafe coercion]
1815lintCoercion co@(UnivCo prov r ty1 ty2)
1816  = do { k1 <- lintType ty1
1817       ; k2 <- lintType ty2
1818       ; case prov of
1819           UnsafeCoerceProv -> return ()  -- no extra checks
1821           PhantomProv kco    -> do { lintRole co Phantom r
1822                                    ; check_kinds kco k1 k2 }
1824           ProofIrrelProv kco -> do { lintL (isCoercionTy ty1) $
1825                                          mkBadProofIrrelMsg ty1 co
1826                                    ; lintL (isCoercionTy ty2) $
1827                                          mkBadProofIrrelMsg ty2 co
1828                                    ; check_kinds kco k1 k2 }
1830           PluginProv _     -> return ()  -- no extra checks
1832       ; when (r /= Phantom && classifiesTypeWithValues k1
1833                            && classifiesTypeWithValues k2)
1834              (checkTypes ty1 ty2)
1835       ; return (k1, k2, ty1, ty2, r) }
1836   where
1837     report s = hang (text $ "Unsafe coercion: " ++ s)
1838                     2 (vcat [ text "From:" <+> ppr ty1
1839                             , text "  To:" <+> ppr ty2])
1840     isUnBoxed :: PrimRep -> Bool
1841     isUnBoxed = not . isGcPtrRep
1843       -- see #9122 for discussion of these checks
1844     checkTypes t1 t2
1845       = do { checkWarnL (not lev_poly1)
1846                         (report "left-hand type is levity-polymorphic")
1847            ; checkWarnL (not lev_poly2)
1848                         (report "right-hand type is levity-polymorphic")
1849            ; when (not (lev_poly1 || lev_poly2)) $
1850              do { checkWarnL (reps1 `equalLength` reps2)
1851                              (report "between values with different # of reps")
1852                 ; zipWithM_ validateCoercion reps1 reps2 }}
1853       where
1854         lev_poly1 = isTypeLevPoly t1
1855         lev_poly2 = isTypeLevPoly t2
1857         -- don't look at these unless lev_poly1/2 are False
1858         -- Otherwise, we get #13458
1859         reps1 = typePrimRep t1
1860         reps2 = typePrimRep t2
1862     validateCoercion :: PrimRep -> PrimRep -> LintM ()
1863     validateCoercion rep1 rep2
1864       = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
1865            ; checkWarnL (isUnBoxed rep1 == isUnBoxed rep2)
1866                         (report "between unboxed and boxed value")
1867            ; checkWarnL (TyCon.primRepSizeB dflags rep1
1868                           == TyCon.primRepSizeB dflags rep2)
1869                         (report "between unboxed values of different size")
1870            ; let fl = liftM2 (==) (TyCon.primRepIsFloat rep1)
1871                                   (TyCon.primRepIsFloat rep2)
1872            ; case fl of
1873                Nothing    -> addWarnL (report "between vector types")
1874                Just False -> addWarnL (report "between float and integral values")
1875                _          -> return ()
1876            }
1878     check_kinds kco k1 k2 = do { (k1', k2') <- lintStarCoercion kco
1879                                ; ensureEqTys k1 k1' (mkBadUnivCoMsg CLeft  co)
1880                                ; ensureEqTys k2 k2' (mkBadUnivCoMsg CRight co) }
1883lintCoercion (SymCo co)
1884  = do { (k1, k2, ty1, ty2, r) <- lintCoercion co
1885       ; return (k2, k1, ty2, ty1, r) }
1887lintCoercion co@(TransCo co1 co2)
1888  = do { (k1a, _k1b, ty1a, ty1b, r1) <- lintCoercion co1
1889       ; (_k2a, k2b, ty2a, ty2b, r2) <- lintCoercion co2
1890       ; ensureEqTys ty1b ty2a
1891               (hang (text "Trans coercion mis-match:" <+> ppr co)
1892                   2 (vcat [ppr ty1a, ppr ty1b, ppr ty2a, ppr ty2b]))
1893       ; lintRole co r1 r2
1894       ; return (k1a, k2b, ty1a, ty2b, r1) }
1896lintCoercion the_co@(NthCo r0 n co)
1897  = do { (_, _, s, t, r) <- lintCoercion co
1898       ; case (splitForAllTy_maybe s, splitForAllTy_maybe t) of
1899         { (Just (tcv_s, _ty_s), Just (tcv_t, _ty_t))
1900             -- works for both tyvar and covar
1901             | n == 0
1902             ,  (isForAllTy_ty s && isForAllTy_ty t)
1903             || (isForAllTy_co s && isForAllTy_co t)
1904             -> do { lintRole the_co Nominal r0
1905                   ; return (ks, kt, ts, tt, r0) }
1906             where
1907               ts = varType tcv_s
1908               tt = varType tcv_t
1909               ks = typeKind ts
1910               kt = typeKind tt
1912         ; _ -> case (splitTyConApp_maybe s, splitTyConApp_maybe t) of
1913         { (Just (tc_s, tys_s), Just (tc_t, tys_t))
1914             | tc_s == tc_t
1915             , isInjectiveTyCon tc_s r
1916                 -- see Note [NthCo and newtypes] in TyCoRep
1917             , tys_s `equalLength` tys_t
1918             , tys_s `lengthExceeds` n
1919             -> do { lintRole the_co tr r0
1920                   ; return (ks, kt, ts, tt, r0) }
1921             where
1922               ts = getNth tys_s n
1923               tt = getNth tys_t n
1924               tr = nthRole r tc_s n
1925               ks = typeKind ts
1926               kt = typeKind tt
1928         ; _ -> failWithL (hang (text "Bad getNth:")
1929                              2 (ppr the_co $$ ppr s $$ ppr t)) }}}
1931lintCoercion the_co@(LRCo lr co)
1932  = do { (_,_,s,t,r) <- lintCoercion co
1933       ; lintRole co Nominal r
1934       ; case (splitAppTy_maybe s, splitAppTy_maybe t) of
1935           (Just s_pr, Just t_pr)
1936             -> return (ks_pick, kt_pick, s_pick, t_pick, Nominal)
1937             where
1938               s_pick  = pickLR lr s_pr
1939               t_pick  = pickLR lr t_pr
1940               ks_pick = typeKind s_pick
1941               kt_pick = typeKind t_pick
1943           _ -> failWithL (hang (text "Bad LRCo:")
1944                              2 (ppr the_co $$ ppr s $$ ppr t)) }
1946lintCoercion (InstCo co arg)
1947  = do { (k3, k4, t1',t2', r) <- lintCoercion co
1948       ; (k1',k2',s1,s2, r') <- lintCoercion arg
1949       ; lintRole arg Nominal r'
1950       ; in_scope <- getInScope
1951       ; case (splitForAllTy_ty_maybe t1', splitForAllTy_ty_maybe t2') of
1952         -- forall over tvar
1953         { (Just (tv1,t1), Just (tv2,t2))
1954             | k1' `eqType` tyVarKind tv1
1955             , k2' `eqType` tyVarKind tv2
1956             -> return (k3, k4,
1957                        substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv1] [s1] t1,
1958                        substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv2] [s2] t2, r)
1959             | otherwise
1960             -> failWithL (text "Kind mis-match in inst coercion")
1961         ; _ -> case (splitForAllTy_co_maybe t1', splitForAllTy_co_maybe t2') of
1962         -- forall over covar
1963         { (Just (cv1, t1), Just (cv2, t2))
1964             | k1' `eqType` varType cv1
1965             , k2' `eqType` varType cv2
1966             , CoercionTy s1' <- s1
1967             , CoercionTy s2' <- s2
1968             -> do { return $
1969                       (liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind
1970                          -- See Note [Weird typing rule for ForAllTy] in Type
1971                       , substTy (mkCvSubst in_scope $ unitVarEnv cv1 s1') t1
1972                       , substTy (mkCvSubst in_scope $ unitVarEnv cv2 s2') t2
1973                       , r) }
1974             | otherwise
1975             -> failWithL (text "Kind mis-match in inst coercion")
1976         ; _ -> failWithL (text "Bad argument of inst") }}}
1978lintCoercion co@(AxiomInstCo con ind cos)
1979  = do { unless (0 <= ind && ind < numBranches (coAxiomBranches con))
1980                (bad_ax (text "index out of range"))
1981       ; let CoAxBranch { cab_tvs   = ktvs
1982                        , cab_cvs   = cvs
1983                        , cab_roles = roles
1984                        , cab_lhs   = lhs
1985                        , cab_rhs   = rhs } = coAxiomNthBranch con ind
1986       ; unless (cos `equalLength` (ktvs ++ cvs)) $
1987           bad_ax (text "lengths")
1988       ; subst <- getTCvSubst
1989       ; let empty_subst = zapTCvSubst subst
1990       ; (subst_l, subst_r) <- foldlM check_ki
1991                                      (empty_subst, empty_subst)
1992                                      (zip3 (ktvs ++ cvs) roles cos)
1993       ; let lhs' = substTys subst_l lhs
1994             rhs' = substTy  subst_r rhs
1995             fam_tc = coAxiomTyCon con
1996       ; case checkAxInstCo co of
1997           Just bad_branch -> bad_ax $ text "inconsistent with" <+>
1998                                       pprCoAxBranch fam_tc bad_branch
1999           Nothing -> return ()
2000       ; let s2 = mkTyConApp fam_tc lhs'
2001       ; return (typeKind s2, typeKind rhs', s2, rhs', coAxiomRole con) }
2002  where
2003    bad_ax what = addErrL (hang (text  "Bad axiom application" <+> parens what)
2004                        2 (ppr co))
2006    check_ki (subst_l, subst_r) (ktv, role, arg)
2007      = do { (k', k'', s', t', r) <- lintCoercion arg
2008           ; lintRole arg role r
2009           ; let ktv_kind_l = substTy subst_l (tyVarKind ktv)
2010                 ktv_kind_r = substTy subst_r (tyVarKind ktv)
2011           ; unless (k' `eqType` ktv_kind_l)
2012                    (bad_ax (text "check_ki1" <+> vcat [ ppr co, ppr k', ppr ktv, ppr ktv_kind_l ] ))
2013           ; unless (k'' `eqType` ktv_kind_r)
2014                    (bad_ax (text "check_ki2" <+> vcat [ ppr co, ppr k'', ppr ktv, ppr ktv_kind_r ] ))
2015           ; return (extendTCvSubst subst_l ktv s',
2016                     extendTCvSubst subst_r ktv t') }
2018lintCoercion (KindCo co)
2019  = do { (k1, k2, _, _, _) <- lintCoercion co
2020       ; return (liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind, k1, k2, Nominal) }
2022lintCoercion (SubCo co')
2023  = do { (k1,k2,s,t,r) <- lintCoercion co'
2024       ; lintRole co' Nominal r
2025       ; return (k1,k2,s,t,Representational) }
2027lintCoercion this@(AxiomRuleCo co cs)
2028  = do { eqs <- mapM lintCoercion cs
2029       ; lintRoles 0 (coaxrAsmpRoles co) eqs
2030       ; case coaxrProves co [ Pair l r | (_,_,l,r,_) <- eqs ] of
2031           Nothing -> err "Malformed use of AxiomRuleCo" [ ppr this ]
2032           Just (Pair l r) ->
2033             return (typeKind l, typeKind r, l, r, coaxrRole co) }
2034  where
2035  err m xs  = failWithL $
2036                hang (text m) 2 $ vcat (text "Rule:" <+> ppr (coaxrName co) : xs)
2038  lintRoles n (e : es) ((_,_,_,_,r) : rs)
2039    | e == r    = lintRoles (n+1) es rs
2040    | otherwise = err "Argument roles mismatch"
2041                      [ text "In argument:" <+> int (n+1)
2042                      , text "Expected:" <+> ppr e
2043                      , text "Found:" <+> ppr r ]
2044  lintRoles _ [] []  = return ()
2045  lintRoles n [] rs  = err "Too many coercion arguments"
2046                          [ text "Expected:" <+> int n
2047                          , text "Provided:" <+> int (n + length rs) ]
2049  lintRoles n es []  = err "Not enough coercion arguments"
2050                          [ text "Expected:" <+> int (n + length es)
2051                          , text "Provided:" <+> int n ]
2053lintCoercion (HoleCo h)
2054  = do { addErrL $ text "Unfilled coercion hole:" <+> ppr h
2055       ; lintCoercion (CoVarCo (coHoleCoVar h)) }
2059lintUnliftedCoVar :: CoVar -> LintM ()
2060lintUnliftedCoVar cv
2061  = when (not (isUnliftedType (coVarKind cv))) $
2062    failWithL (text "Bad lifted equality:" <+> ppr cv
2063                 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (coVarKind cv))
2067*                                                                      *
2068\subsection[lint-monad]{The Lint monad}
2069*                                                                      *
2073-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
2074-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
2075data LintEnv
2076  = LE { le_flags :: LintFlags       -- Linting the result of this pass
2077       , le_loc   :: [LintLocInfo]   -- Locations
2079       , le_subst :: TCvSubst  -- Current type substitution
2080                               -- We also use le_subst to keep track of
2081                               -- /all variables/ in scope, both Ids and TyVars
2083       , le_joins :: IdSet     -- Join points in scope that are valid
2084                               -- A subset of the InScopeSet in le_subst
2085                               -- See Note [Join points]
2087       , le_dynflags :: DynFlags     -- DynamicFlags
2088       }
2090data LintFlags
2091  = LF { lf_check_global_ids           :: Bool -- See Note [Checking for global Ids]
2092       , lf_check_inline_loop_breakers :: Bool -- See Note [Checking for INLINE loop breakers]
2093       , lf_check_static_ptrs :: StaticPtrCheck -- ^ See Note [Checking StaticPtrs]
2094       , lf_report_unsat_syns :: Bool -- ^ See Note [Linting type synonym applications]
2095    }
2097-- See Note [Checking StaticPtrs]
2098data StaticPtrCheck
2099    = AllowAnywhere
2100        -- ^ Allow 'makeStatic' to occur anywhere.
2101    | AllowAtTopLevel
2102        -- ^ Allow 'makeStatic' calls at the top-level only.
2103    | RejectEverywhere
2104        -- ^ Reject any 'makeStatic' occurrence.
2105  deriving Eq
2107defaultLintFlags :: LintFlags
2108defaultLintFlags = LF { lf_check_global_ids = False
2109                      , lf_check_inline_loop_breakers = True
2110                      , lf_check_static_ptrs = AllowAnywhere
2111                      , lf_report_unsat_syns = True
2112                      }
2114newtype LintM a =
2115   LintM { unLintM ::
2116            LintEnv ->
2117            WarnsAndErrs ->           -- Warning and error messages so far
2118            (Maybe a, WarnsAndErrs) } -- Result and messages (if any)
2119   deriving (Functor)
2121type WarnsAndErrs = (Bag MsgDoc, Bag MsgDoc)
2123{- Note [Checking for global Ids]
2125Before CoreTidy, all locally-bound Ids must be LocalIds, even
2126top-level ones. See Note [Exported LocalIds] and #9857.
2128Note [Checking StaticPtrs]
2130See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable for an overview.
2132Every occurrence of the function 'makeStatic' should be moved to the
2133top level by the FloatOut pass.  It's vital that we don't have nested
2134'makeStatic' occurrences after CorePrep, because we populate the Static
2135Pointer Table from the top-level bindings. See SimplCore Note [Grand
2136plan for static forms].
2138The linter checks that no occurrence is left behind, nested within an
2139expression. The check is enabled only after the FloatOut, CorePrep,
2140and CoreTidy passes and only if the module uses the StaticPointers
2141language extension. Checking more often doesn't help since the condition
2142doesn't hold until after the first FloatOut pass.
2144Note [Type substitution]
2146Why do we need a type substitution?  Consider
2147        /\(a:*). \(x:a). /\(a:*). id a x
2148This is ill typed, because (renaming variables) it is really
2149        /\(a:*). \(x:a). /\(b:*). id b x
2150Hence, when checking an application, we can't naively compare x's type
2151(at its binding site) with its expected type (at a use site).  So we
2152rename type binders as we go, maintaining a substitution.
2154The same substitution also supports let-type, current expressed as
2155        (/\(a:*). body) ty
2156Here we substitute 'ty' for 'a' in 'body', on the fly.
2158Note [Linting type synonym applications]
2160When linting a type-synonym, or type-family, application
2161  S ty1 .. tyn
2162we behave as follows (#15057, #T15664):
2164* If lf_report_unsat_syns = True, and S has arity < n,
2165  complain about an unsaturated type synonym or type family
2167* Switch off lf_report_unsat_syns, and lint ty1 .. tyn.
2169  Reason: catch out of scope variables or other ill-kinded gubbins,
2170  even if S discards that argument entirely. E.g. (#15012):
2171     type FakeOut a = Int
2172     type family TF a
2173     type instance TF Int = FakeOut a
2174  Here 'a' is out of scope; but if we expand FakeOut, we conceal
2175  that out-of-scope error.
2177  Reason for switching off lf_report_unsat_syns: with
2178  LiberalTypeSynonyms, GHC allows unsaturated synonyms provided they
2179  are saturated when the type is expanded. Example
2180     type T f = f Int
2181     type S a = a -> a
2182     type Z = T S
2183  In Z's RHS, S appears unsaturated, but it is saturated when T is expanded.
2185* If lf_report_unsat_syns is on, expand the synonym application and
2186  lint the result.  Reason: want to check that synonyms are saturated
2187  when the type is expanded.
2190instance Applicative LintM where
2191      pure x = LintM $ \ _ errs -> (Just x, errs)
2192      (<*>) = ap
2194instance Monad LintM where
2195#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
2196  fail = MonadFail.fail
2198  m >>= k  = LintM (\ env errs ->
2199                       let (res, errs') = unLintM m env errs in
2200                         case res of
2201                           Just r -> unLintM (k r) env errs'
2202                           Nothing -> (Nothing, errs'))
2204instance MonadFail.MonadFail LintM where
2205    fail err = failWithL (text err)
2207instance HasDynFlags LintM where
2208  getDynFlags = LintM (\ e errs -> (Just (le_dynflags e), errs))
2210data LintLocInfo
2211  = RhsOf Id            -- The variable bound
2212  | LambdaBodyOf Id     -- The lambda-binder
2213  | UnfoldingOf Id      -- Unfolding of a binder
2214  | BodyOfLetRec [Id]   -- One of the binders
2215  | CaseAlt CoreAlt     -- Case alternative
2216  | CasePat CoreAlt     -- The *pattern* of the case alternative
2217  | CaseTy CoreExpr     -- The type field of a case expression
2218                        -- with this scrutinee
2219  | IdTy Id             -- The type field of an Id binder
2220  | AnExpr CoreExpr     -- Some expression
2221  | ImportedUnfolding SrcLoc -- Some imported unfolding (ToDo: say which)
2222  | TopLevelBindings
2223  | InType Type         -- Inside a type
2224  | InCo   Coercion     -- Inside a coercion
2226initL :: DynFlags -> LintFlags -> InScopeSet
2227       -> LintM a -> WarnsAndErrs    -- Warnings and errors
2228initL dflags flags in_scope m
2229  = case unLintM m env (emptyBag, emptyBag) of
2230      (Just _, errs) -> errs
2231      (Nothing, errs@(_, e)) | not (isEmptyBag e) -> errs
2232                             | otherwise -> pprPanic ("Bug in Lint: a failure occurred " ++
2233                                                      "without reporting an error message") empty
2234  where
2235    env = LE { le_flags = flags
2236             , le_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope
2237             , le_joins = emptyVarSet
2238             , le_loc = []
2239             , le_dynflags = dflags }
2241setReportUnsat :: Bool -> LintM a -> LintM a
2242-- Switch off lf_report_unsat_syns
2243setReportUnsat ru thing_inside
2244  = LintM $ \ env errs ->
2245    let env' = env { le_flags = (le_flags env) { lf_report_unsat_syns = ru } }
2246    in unLintM thing_inside env' errs
2248getLintFlags :: LintM LintFlags
2249getLintFlags = LintM $ \ env errs -> (Just (le_flags env), errs)
2251checkL :: Bool -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
2252checkL True  _   = return ()
2253checkL False msg = failWithL msg
2255-- like checkL, but relevant to type checking
2256lintL :: Bool -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
2257lintL = checkL
2259checkWarnL :: Bool -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
2260checkWarnL True   _  = return ()
2261checkWarnL False msg = addWarnL msg
2263failWithL :: MsgDoc -> LintM a
2264failWithL msg = LintM $ \ env (warns,errs) ->
2265                (Nothing, (warns, addMsg True env errs msg))
2267addErrL :: MsgDoc -> LintM ()
2268addErrL msg = LintM $ \ env (warns,errs) ->
2269              (Just (), (warns, addMsg True env errs msg))
2271addWarnL :: MsgDoc -> LintM ()
2272addWarnL msg = LintM $ \ env (warns,errs) ->
2273              (Just (), (addMsg False env warns msg, errs))
2275addMsg :: Bool -> LintEnv ->  Bag MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> Bag MsgDoc
2276addMsg is_error env msgs msg
2277  = ASSERT( notNull loc_msgs )
2278    msgs `snocBag` mk_msg msg
2279  where
2280   loc_msgs :: [(SrcLoc, SDoc)]  -- Innermost first
2281   loc_msgs = map dumpLoc (le_loc env)
2283   cxt_doc = vcat [ vcat $ reverse $ map snd loc_msgs
2284                  , text "Substitution:" <+> ppr (le_subst env) ]
2285   context | is_error  = cxt_doc
2286           | otherwise = whenPprDebug cxt_doc
2287     -- Print voluminous info for Lint errors
2288     -- but not for warnings
2290   msg_span = case [ span | (loc,_) <- loc_msgs
2291                          , let span = srcLocSpan loc
2292                          , isGoodSrcSpan span ] of
2293               []    -> noSrcSpan
2294               (s:_) -> s
2295   mk_msg msg = mkLocMessage SevWarning msg_span
2296                             (msg $$ context)
2298addLoc :: LintLocInfo -> LintM a -> LintM a
2299addLoc extra_loc m
2300  = LintM $ \ env errs ->
2301    unLintM m (env { le_loc = extra_loc : le_loc env }) errs
2303inCasePat :: LintM Bool         -- A slight hack; see the unique call site
2304inCasePat = LintM $ \ env errs -> (Just (is_case_pat env), errs)
2305  where
2306    is_case_pat (LE { le_loc = CasePat {} : _ }) = True
2307    is_case_pat _other                           = False
2309addInScopeVar :: Var -> LintM a -> LintM a
2310addInScopeVar var m
2311  = LintM $ \ env errs ->
2312    unLintM m (env { le_subst = extendTCvInScope (le_subst env) var
2313                   , le_joins = delVarSet        (le_joins env) var
2314               }) errs
2316extendSubstL :: TyVar -> Type -> LintM a -> LintM a
2317extendSubstL tv ty m
2318  = LintM $ \ env errs ->
2319    unLintM m (env { le_subst = Type.extendTvSubst (le_subst env) tv ty }) errs
2321updateTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> LintM a -> LintM a
2322updateTCvSubst subst' m
2323  = LintM $ \ env errs -> unLintM m (env { le_subst = subst' }) errs
2325markAllJoinsBad :: LintM a -> LintM a
2326markAllJoinsBad m
2327  = LintM $ \ env errs -> unLintM m (env { le_joins = emptyVarSet }) errs
2329markAllJoinsBadIf :: Bool -> LintM a -> LintM a
2330markAllJoinsBadIf True  m = markAllJoinsBad m
2331markAllJoinsBadIf False m = m
2333addGoodJoins :: [Var] -> LintM a -> LintM a
2334addGoodJoins vars thing_inside
2335  = LintM $ \ env errs -> unLintM thing_inside (add_joins env) errs
2336  where
2337    add_joins env = env { le_joins = le_joins env `extendVarSetList` join_ids }
2338    join_ids = filter isJoinId vars
2340getValidJoins :: LintM IdSet
2341getValidJoins = LintM (\ env errs -> (Just (le_joins env), errs))
2343getTCvSubst :: LintM TCvSubst
2344getTCvSubst = LintM (\ env errs -> (Just (le_subst env), errs))
2346getInScope :: LintM InScopeSet
2347getInScope = LintM (\ env errs -> (Just (getTCvInScope $ le_subst env), errs))
2349applySubstTy :: InType -> LintM OutType
2350applySubstTy ty = do { subst <- getTCvSubst; return (substTy subst ty) }
2352applySubstCo :: InCoercion -> LintM OutCoercion
2353applySubstCo co = do { subst <- getTCvSubst; return (substCo subst co) }
2355lookupIdInScope :: Id -> LintM Id
2356lookupIdInScope id_occ
2357  = do { subst <- getTCvSubst
2358       ; case lookupInScope (getTCvInScope subst) id_occ of
2359           Just id_bnd  -> do { checkL (not (bad_global id_bnd)) global_in_scope
2360                              ; return id_bnd }
2361           Nothing -> do { checkL (not is_local) local_out_of_scope
2362                         ; return id_occ } }
2363  where
2364    is_local = mustHaveLocalBinding id_occ
2365    local_out_of_scope = text "Out of scope:" <+> pprBndr LetBind id_occ
2366    global_in_scope    = hang (text "Occurrence is GlobalId, but binding is LocalId")
2367                            2 (pprBndr LetBind id_occ)
2368    bad_global id_bnd = isGlobalId id_occ
2369                     && isLocalId id_bnd
2370                     && not (isWiredInName (idName id_occ))
2371       -- 'bad_global' checks for the case where an /occurrence/ is
2372       -- a GlobalId, but there is an enclosing binding fora a LocalId.
2373       -- NB: the in-scope variables are mostly LocalIds, checked by lintIdBndr,
2374       --     but GHCi adds GlobalIds from the interactive context.  These
2375       --     are fine; hence the test (isLocalId id == isLocalId v)
2376       -- NB: when compiling Control.Exception.Base, things like absentError
2377       --     are defined locally, but appear in expressions as (global)
2378       --     wired-in Ids after worker/wrapper
2379       --     So we simply disable the test in this case
2381lookupJoinId :: Id -> LintM (Maybe JoinArity)
2382-- Look up an Id which should be a join point, valid here
2383-- If so, return its arity, if not return Nothing
2384lookupJoinId id
2385  = do { join_set <- getValidJoins
2386       ; case lookupVarSet join_set id of
2387            Just id' -> return (isJoinId_maybe id')
2388            Nothing  -> return Nothing }
2390lintTyCoVarInScope :: TyCoVar -> LintM ()
2391lintTyCoVarInScope var
2392  = do { subst <- getTCvSubst
2393       ; lintL (var `isInScope` subst)
2394               (hang (text "The variable" <+> pprBndr LetBind var)
2395                   2 (text "is out of scope")) }
2397ensureEqTys :: OutType -> OutType -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
2398-- check ty2 is subtype of ty1 (ie, has same structure but usage
2399-- annotations need only be consistent, not equal)
2400-- Assumes ty1,ty2 are have already had the substitution applied
2401ensureEqTys ty1 ty2 msg = lintL (ty1 `eqType` ty2) msg
2403lintRole :: Outputable thing
2404          => thing     -- where the role appeared
2405          -> Role      -- expected
2406          -> Role      -- actual
2407          -> LintM ()
2408lintRole co r1 r2
2409  = lintL (r1 == r2)
2410          (text "Role incompatibility: expected" <+> ppr r1 <> comma <+>
2411           text "got" <+> ppr r2 $$
2412           text "in" <+> ppr co)
2416*                                                                      *
2417\subsection{Error messages}
2418*                                                                      *
2422dumpLoc :: LintLocInfo -> (SrcLoc, SDoc)
2424dumpLoc (RhsOf v)
2425  = (getSrcLoc v, text "In the RHS of" <+> pp_binders [v])
2427dumpLoc (LambdaBodyOf b)
2428  = (getSrcLoc b, text "In the body of lambda with binder" <+> pp_binder b)
2430dumpLoc (UnfoldingOf b)
2431  = (getSrcLoc b, text "In the unfolding of" <+> pp_binder b)
2433dumpLoc (BodyOfLetRec [])
2434  = (noSrcLoc, text "In body of a letrec with no binders")
2436dumpLoc (BodyOfLetRec bs@(_:_))
2437  = ( getSrcLoc (head bs), text "In the body of letrec with binders" <+> pp_binders bs)
2439dumpLoc (AnExpr e)
2440  = (noSrcLoc, text "In the expression:" <+> ppr e)
2442dumpLoc (CaseAlt (con, args, _))
2443  = (noSrcLoc, text "In a case alternative:" <+> parens (ppr con <+> pp_binders args))
2445dumpLoc (CasePat (con, args, _))
2446  = (noSrcLoc, text "In the pattern of a case alternative:" <+> parens (ppr con <+> pp_binders args))
2448dumpLoc (CaseTy scrut)
2449  = (noSrcLoc, hang (text "In the result-type of a case with scrutinee:")
2450                  2 (ppr scrut))
2452dumpLoc (IdTy b)
2453  = (getSrcLoc b, text "In the type of a binder:" <+> ppr b)
2455dumpLoc (ImportedUnfolding locn)
2456  = (locn, text "In an imported unfolding")
2457dumpLoc TopLevelBindings
2458  = (noSrcLoc, Outputable.empty)
2459dumpLoc (InType ty)
2460  = (noSrcLoc, text "In the type" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
2461dumpLoc (InCo co)
2462  = (noSrcLoc, text "In the coercion" <+> quotes (ppr co))
2464pp_binders :: [Var] -> SDoc
2465pp_binders bs = sep (punctuate comma (map pp_binder bs))
2467pp_binder :: Var -> SDoc
2468pp_binder b | isId b    = hsep [ppr b, dcolon, ppr (idType b)]
2469            | otherwise = hsep [ppr b, dcolon, ppr (tyVarKind b)]
2472--      Messages for case expressions
2474mkDefaultArgsMsg :: [Var] -> MsgDoc
2475mkDefaultArgsMsg args
2476  = hang (text "DEFAULT case with binders")
2477         4 (ppr args)
2479mkCaseAltMsg :: CoreExpr -> Type -> Type -> MsgDoc
2480mkCaseAltMsg e ty1 ty2
2481  = hang (text "Type of case alternatives not the same as the annotation on case:")
2482         4 (vcat [ text "Actual type:" <+> ppr ty1,
2483                   text "Annotation on case:" <+> ppr ty2,
2484                   text "Alt Rhs:" <+> ppr e ])
2486mkScrutMsg :: Id -> Type -> Type -> TCvSubst -> MsgDoc
2487mkScrutMsg var var_ty scrut_ty subst
2488  = vcat [text "Result binder in case doesn't match scrutinee:" <+> ppr var,
2489          text "Result binder type:" <+> ppr var_ty,--(idType var),
2490          text "Scrutinee type:" <+> ppr scrut_ty,
2491     hsep [text "Current TCv subst", ppr subst]]
2493mkNonDefltMsg, mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg :: CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2494mkNonDefltMsg e
2495  = hang (text "Case expression with DEFAULT not at the beginning") 4 (ppr e)
2496mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg e
2497  = hang (text "Case expression with badly-ordered alternatives") 4 (ppr e)
2499nonExhaustiveAltsMsg :: CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2500nonExhaustiveAltsMsg e
2501  = hang (text "Case expression with non-exhaustive alternatives") 4 (ppr e)
2503mkBadConMsg :: TyCon -> DataCon -> MsgDoc
2504mkBadConMsg tycon datacon
2505  = vcat [
2506        text "In a case alternative, data constructor isn't in scrutinee type:",
2507        text "Scrutinee type constructor:" <+> ppr tycon,
2508        text "Data con:" <+> ppr datacon
2509    ]
2511mkBadPatMsg :: Type -> Type -> MsgDoc
2512mkBadPatMsg con_result_ty scrut_ty
2513  = vcat [
2514        text "In a case alternative, pattern result type doesn't match scrutinee type:",
2515        text "Pattern result type:" <+> ppr con_result_ty,
2516        text "Scrutinee type:" <+> ppr scrut_ty
2517    ]
2519integerScrutinisedMsg :: MsgDoc
2521  = text "In a LitAlt, the literal is lifted (probably Integer)"
2523mkBadAltMsg :: Type -> CoreAlt -> MsgDoc
2524mkBadAltMsg scrut_ty alt
2525  = vcat [ text "Data alternative when scrutinee is not a tycon application",
2526           text "Scrutinee type:" <+> ppr scrut_ty,
2527           text "Alternative:" <+> pprCoreAlt alt ]
2529mkNewTyDataConAltMsg :: Type -> CoreAlt -> MsgDoc
2530mkNewTyDataConAltMsg scrut_ty alt
2531  = vcat [ text "Data alternative for newtype datacon",
2532           text "Scrutinee type:" <+> ppr scrut_ty,
2533           text "Alternative:" <+> pprCoreAlt alt ]
2537--      Other error messages
2539mkAppMsg :: Type -> Type -> CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2540mkAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty arg
2541  = vcat [text "Argument value doesn't match argument type:",
2542              hang (text "Fun type:") 4 (ppr fun_ty),
2543              hang (text "Arg type:") 4 (ppr arg_ty),
2544              hang (text "Arg:") 4 (ppr arg)]
2546mkNonFunAppMsg :: Type -> Type -> CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2547mkNonFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty arg
2548  = vcat [text "Non-function type in function position",
2549              hang (text "Fun type:") 4 (ppr fun_ty),
2550              hang (text "Arg type:") 4 (ppr arg_ty),
2551              hang (text "Arg:") 4 (ppr arg)]
2553mkLetErr :: TyVar -> CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2554mkLetErr bndr rhs
2555  = vcat [text "Bad `let' binding:",
2556          hang (text "Variable:")
2557                 4 (ppr bndr <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType bndr)),
2558          hang (text "Rhs:")
2559                 4 (ppr rhs)]
2561mkTyAppMsg :: Type -> Type -> MsgDoc
2562mkTyAppMsg ty arg_ty
2563  = vcat [text "Illegal type application:",
2564              hang (text "Exp type:")
2565                 4 (ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)),
2566              hang (text "Arg type:")
2567                 4 (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))]
2569emptyRec :: CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2570emptyRec e = hang (text "Empty Rec binding:") 2 (ppr e)
2572mkRhsMsg :: Id -> SDoc -> Type -> MsgDoc
2573mkRhsMsg binder what ty
2574  = vcat
2575    [hsep [text "The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its" <+> what <> colon,
2576            ppr binder],
2577     hsep [text "Binder's type:", ppr (idType binder)],
2578     hsep [text "Rhs type:", ppr ty]]
2580mkLetAppMsg :: CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
2581mkLetAppMsg e
2582  = hang (text "This argument does not satisfy the let/app invariant:")
2583       2 (ppr e)
2585badBndrTyMsg :: Id -> SDoc -> MsgDoc
2586badBndrTyMsg binder what
2587  = vcat [ text "The type of this binder is" <+> what <> colon <+> ppr binder
2588         , text "Binder's type:" <+> ppr (idType binder) ]
2590mkStrictMsg :: Id -> MsgDoc
2591mkStrictMsg binder
2592  = vcat [hsep [text "Recursive or top-level binder has strict demand info:",
2593                     ppr binder],
2594              hsep [text "Binder's demand info:", ppr (idDemandInfo binder)]
2595             ]
2597mkNonTopExportedMsg :: Id -> MsgDoc
2598mkNonTopExportedMsg binder
2599  = hsep [text "Non-top-level binder is marked as exported:", ppr binder]
2601mkNonTopExternalNameMsg :: Id -> MsgDoc
2602mkNonTopExternalNameMsg binder
2603  = hsep [text "Non-top-level binder has an external name:", ppr binder]
2605mkTopNonLitStrMsg :: Id -> MsgDoc
2606mkTopNonLitStrMsg binder
2607  = hsep [text "Top-level Addr# binder has a non-literal rhs:", ppr binder]
2609mkKindErrMsg :: TyVar -> Type -> MsgDoc
2610mkKindErrMsg tyvar arg_ty
2611  = vcat [text "Kinds don't match in type application:",
2612          hang (text "Type variable:")
2613                 4 (ppr tyvar <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tyvar)),
2614          hang (text "Arg type:")
2615                 4 (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))]
2617mkCastErr :: CoreExpr -> Coercion -> Type -> Type -> MsgDoc
2618mkCastErr expr = mk_cast_err "expression" "type" (ppr expr)
2620mkCastTyErr :: Type -> Coercion -> Kind -> Kind -> MsgDoc
2621mkCastTyErr ty = mk_cast_err "type" "kind" (ppr ty)
2623mk_cast_err :: String -- ^ What sort of casted thing this is
2624                      --   (\"expression\" or \"type\").
2625            -> String -- ^ What sort of coercion is being used
2626                      --   (\"type\" or \"kind\").
2627            -> SDoc   -- ^ The thing being casted.
2628            -> Coercion -> Type -> Type -> MsgDoc
2629mk_cast_err thing_str co_str pp_thing co from_ty thing_ty
2630  = vcat [from_msg <+> text "of Cast differs from" <+> co_msg
2631            <+> text "of" <+> enclosed_msg,
2632          from_msg <> colon <+> ppr from_ty,
2633          text (capitalise co_str) <+> text "of" <+> enclosed_msg <> colon
2634            <+> ppr thing_ty,
2635          text "Actual" <+> enclosed_msg <> colon <+> pp_thing,
2636          text "Coercion used in cast:" <+> ppr co
2637         ]
2638  where
2639    co_msg, from_msg, enclosed_msg :: SDoc
2640    co_msg       = text co_str
2641    from_msg     = text "From-" <> co_msg
2642    enclosed_msg = text "enclosed" <+> text thing_str
2644mkBadUnivCoMsg :: LeftOrRight -> Coercion -> SDoc
2645mkBadUnivCoMsg lr co
2646  = text "Kind mismatch on the" <+> pprLeftOrRight lr <+>
2647    text "side of a UnivCo:" <+> ppr co
2649mkBadProofIrrelMsg :: Type -> Coercion -> SDoc
2650mkBadProofIrrelMsg ty co
2651  = hang (text "Found a non-coercion in a proof-irrelevance UnivCo:")
2652       2 (vcat [ text "type:" <+> ppr ty
2653               , text "co:" <+> ppr co ])
2655mkBadTyVarMsg :: Var -> SDoc
2656mkBadTyVarMsg tv
2657  = text "Non-tyvar used in TyVarTy:"
2658      <+> ppr tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType tv)
2660mkBadJoinBindMsg :: Var -> SDoc
2661mkBadJoinBindMsg var
2662  = vcat [ text "Bad join point binding:" <+> ppr var
2663         , text "Join points can be bound only by a non-top-level let" ]
2665mkInvalidJoinPointMsg :: Var -> Type -> SDoc
2666mkInvalidJoinPointMsg var ty
2667  = hang (text "Join point has invalid type:")
2668        2 (ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
2670mkBadJoinArityMsg :: Var -> Int -> Int -> CoreExpr -> SDoc
2671mkBadJoinArityMsg var ar nlams rhs
2672  = vcat [ text "Join point has too few lambdas",
2673           text "Join var:" <+> ppr var,
2674           text "Join arity:" <+> ppr ar,
2675           text "Number of lambdas:" <+> ppr nlams,
2676           text "Rhs = " <+> ppr rhs
2677           ]
2679invalidJoinOcc :: Var -> SDoc
2680invalidJoinOcc var
2681  = vcat [ text "Invalid occurrence of a join variable:" <+> ppr var
2682         , text "The binder is either not a join point, or not valid here" ]
2684mkBadJumpMsg :: Var -> Int -> Int -> SDoc
2685mkBadJumpMsg var ar nargs
2686  = vcat [ text "Join point invoked with wrong number of arguments",
2687           text "Join var:" <+> ppr var,
2688           text "Join arity:" <+> ppr ar,
2689           text "Number of arguments:" <+> int nargs ]
2691mkInconsistentRecMsg :: [Var] -> SDoc
2692mkInconsistentRecMsg bndrs
2693  = vcat [ text "Recursive let binders mix values and join points",
2694           text "Binders:" <+> hsep (map ppr_with_details bndrs) ]
2695  where
2696    ppr_with_details bndr = ppr bndr <> ppr (idDetails bndr)
2698mkJoinBndrOccMismatchMsg :: Var -> JoinArity -> JoinArity -> SDoc
2699mkJoinBndrOccMismatchMsg bndr join_arity_bndr join_arity_occ
2700  = vcat [ text "Mismatch in join point arity between binder and occurrence"
2701         , text "Var:" <+> ppr bndr
2702         , text "Arity at binding site:" <+> ppr join_arity_bndr
2703         , text "Arity at occurrence:  " <+> ppr join_arity_occ ]
2705mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg :: Var -> Var -> OutType -> OutType -> SDoc
2706mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg bndr var bndr_ty var_ty
2707  = vcat [ text "Mismatch in type between binder and occurrence"
2708         , text "Var:" <+> ppr bndr
2709         , text "Binder type:" <+> ppr bndr_ty
2710         , text "Occurrence type:" <+> ppr var_ty
2711         , text "  Before subst:" <+> ppr (idType var) ]
2713mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg :: JoinId -> JoinArity -> CoreRule -> SDoc
2714mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg bndr join_arity rule
2715  = vcat [ text "Join point has rule with wrong number of arguments"
2716         , text "Var:" <+> ppr bndr
2717         , text "Join arity:" <+> ppr join_arity
2718         , text "Rule:" <+> ppr rule ]
2720pprLeftOrRight :: LeftOrRight -> MsgDoc
2721pprLeftOrRight CLeft  = text "left"
2722pprLeftOrRight CRight = text "right"
2724dupVars :: [NonEmpty Var] -> MsgDoc
2725dupVars vars
2726  = hang (text "Duplicate variables brought into scope")
2727       2 (ppr (map toList vars))
2729dupExtVars :: [NonEmpty Name] -> MsgDoc
2730dupExtVars vars
2731  = hang (text "Duplicate top-level variables with the same qualified name")
2732       2 (ppr (map toList vars))
2736*                                                                      *
2737\subsection{Annotation Linting}
2738*                                                                      *
2742-- | This checks whether a pass correctly looks through debug
2743-- annotations (@SourceNote@). This works a bit different from other
2744-- consistency checks: We check this by running the given task twice,
2745-- noting all differences between the results.
2746lintAnnots :: SDoc -> (ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
2747lintAnnots pname pass guts = do
2748  -- Run the pass as we normally would
2749  dflags <- getDynFlags
2750  when (gopt Opt_DoAnnotationLinting dflags) $
2751    liftIO $ Err.showPass dflags "Annotation linting - first run"
2752  nguts <- pass guts
2753  -- If appropriate re-run it without debug annotations to make sure
2754  -- that they made no difference.
2755  when (gopt Opt_DoAnnotationLinting dflags) $ do
2756    liftIO $ Err.showPass dflags "Annotation linting - second run"
2757    nguts' <- withoutAnnots pass guts
2758    -- Finally compare the resulting bindings
2759    liftIO $ Err.showPass dflags "Annotation linting - comparison"
2760    let binds = flattenBinds $ mg_binds nguts
2761        binds' = flattenBinds $ mg_binds nguts'
2762        (diffs,_) = diffBinds True (mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet) binds binds'
2763    when (not (null diffs)) $ CoreMonad.putMsg $ vcat
2764      [ lint_banner "warning" pname
2765      , text "Core changes with annotations:"
2766      , withPprStyle (defaultDumpStyle dflags) $ nest 2 $ vcat diffs
2767      ]
2768  -- Return actual new guts
2769  return nguts
2771-- | Run the given pass without annotations. This means that we both
2772-- set the debugLevel setting to 0 in the environment as well as all
2773-- annotations from incoming modules.
2774withoutAnnots :: (ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
2775withoutAnnots pass guts = do
2776  -- Remove debug flag from environment.
2777  dflags <- getDynFlags
2778  let removeFlag env = env{ hsc_dflags = dflags{ debugLevel = 0} }
2779      withoutFlag corem =
2780          -- TODO: supply tag here as well ?
2781        liftIO =<< runCoreM <$> fmap removeFlag getHscEnv <*> getRuleBase <*>
2782                                getUniqMask <*> getModule <*>
2783                                getVisibleOrphanMods <*>
2784                                getPrintUnqualified <*> getSrcSpanM <*>
2785                                pure corem
2786  -- Nuke existing ticks in module.
2787  -- TODO: Ticks in unfoldings. Maybe change unfolding so it removes
2788  -- them in absence of debugLevel > 0.
2789  let nukeTicks = stripTicksE (not . tickishIsCode)
2790      nukeAnnotsBind :: CoreBind -> CoreBind
2791      nukeAnnotsBind bind = case bind of
2792        Rec bs     -> Rec $ map (\(b,e) -> (b, nukeTicks e)) bs
2793        NonRec b e -> NonRec b $ nukeTicks e
2794      nukeAnnotsMod mg@ModGuts{mg_binds=binds}
2795        = mg{mg_binds = map nukeAnnotsBind binds}
2796  -- Perform pass with all changes applied
2797  fmap fst $ withoutFlag $ pass (nukeAnnotsMod guts)