1 /*$Id: cscf15.h,v 1.2 1995-02-02 23:23:56 d3g681 Exp $*/
2 c
3 c     include file defining common /cscf/
4 c
5 c     natom    = no. of atoms             (constant parameter)
6 c     nbfn     = no. of basis functions   (constant parameter)
7 c     nnbfn    = nbfn*(nbfn+1)/2          (constant parameter)
8 c     nocc     = no. of occupied orbitals (constant parameter)
9 c     mxiter   = maximim no. of iterations(constant parameter)
10 c     tol      = convergence criterion    (constant parameter)
11 c     pi       = a familiar constant      (constant parameter)
12 c     tol2e    = 2-e integral screening   (constant parameter)
13 c
14 c     the remainder is initialized in block data or in the
15 c     routine ininrm (rnorm and iky)
16 c
17 c     enrep        = nuclear repulsion energy
18 c     q(1:natom)   = nuclear charge of atom
19 c     ax(1:natom)  = x co-ordinate of atom
20 c     ay(1:natom)  = y ...
21 c     az(1:natom)  = z ...
22 c     x(1:nbfn)    = x co-ordinate of basis function
23 c     y(1:nbfn)    = y ...
24 c     z(1:nbfn)    = z ...
25 c     expnt(1:nbfn)= exponent of gaussian
26 c     rnorm(1:nbfn)= normalization constant of gaussian
27 c     iky(1:nbfn)  = iky(i) = i*(i-1)/2 to speed up fock build
28 c     icut1        = no. of successful ij   2-e screening tests
29 c     icut2        = no. of successful ijkl 2-e screening tests
30 c     icut3        = no. of 2-e integrals computed
31 c
32       parameter (natom = 1, nbfn = 15, nocc = 2, mxiter = 20)
33       parameter (nnbfn = nbfn*(nbfn+1)/2, pi = 3.141592653589793d0)
34       parameter (tol= 1.0d-4)
35       parameter (tol2e=1.0d-7)
36 c
37       common /cscf/
38      $     enrep, q(natom), ax(natom), ay(natom), az(natom),
39      $     x(nbfn), y(nbfn), z(nbfn), expnt(nbfn), rnorm(nbfn),
40      $     iky(nbfn), icut1, icut2, icut3
41 c