1 /*
2  *  curvefit.h
3  *  scorealign
4  *
5  *  Created by Roger B. Dannenberg on 10/20/07.
6  *  Copyright 2007 by Roger B. Dannenberg. All rights reserved.
7  *
8  * Dynamic programming does a good job of getting a rough alignment
9  * that is very good in a global sense, but there are often short-term
10  * "digressions" where the optimal path wanders off the "true" path.
11  * These digressions are hard to correct with simple smoothing. This
12  * module is intended to assert a "steady tempo" constraint to improve
13  * the path. It starts with the dynamic programming path, which is likely
14  * to be close to the correct path. The DP path (in pathx[] and pathy[])
15  * is divided evenly into segments of approximately line_time seconds
16  * along the x axis. For a segment from x1 to x2, linear regression is
17  * performed on the DP path from x1 to x2. This specifies an initial
18  * line segment. Next, the end-points are joined by averaging: if
19  * the segment from x1 to x2 ends at y-end and the segment from x2 to x3
20  * starts at y-start, then the end of line x1--x2 and the beginning of
21  * line x2--x3 are adjusted to (y-end + y-start)/2. Now the fun starts:
22  * the endpoints of all the lines are adjusted up and down in order to
23  * minimize a distance function. The distance function estimates the
24  * integral of the distance matrix value along the line. Since the line
25  * falls between discrete points in the matrix, interpolation is used.
26  * The end result is converted back into a discrete path. (Maybe in the
27  * future, the pathx[]/pathy[] representation should be generalized to
28  * allow for non-integer path coordinates.) The resulting path will
29  * have steady tempo at least within each segment. What I hope will
30  * happen is that when there are chord changes or melody changes, there
31  * will be "narrow" pathways in the distance matrix. Getting the
32  * alignment wrong at these transitions will cost a lot. Other places
33  * are not so critical, which is why I think DP wanders off the true
34  * path. The straight-line path will ensure that for the most part, the
35  * score alignment is determined by the transitions, and where alignment
36  * is not critical, the alignment will avoid any rubato or over-fitting.
37  */
39 void curve_fitting(Scorealign *sa, bool verbose);