1This is cvsbook.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.6 from main.texi.
4* CVS Book: (cvsbook).          A CVS tutorial and reference.
7Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Karl Fogel <kfogel@red-bean.com>
9This document is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it
10under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
11Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
12later version.
14This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17General Public License for more details.
19This manual describes how to use and administer CVS (Concurrent Versions
20System).  It is part of a larger work entitled `Open Source Development
21With CVS'; please see the introduction for details.
23This is version 1.21 of this manual.
27cvsbook.info-1: 930
28cvsbook.info-2: 299129
30Tag Table:
32Node: Top930
33Node: Introduction1520
34Node: An Overview of CVS2964
35Node: Basic Concepts3832
36Node: A Day With CVS15739
37Node: Conventions Used In This Tour17926
38Node: Invoking CVS20084
39Node: Accessing A Repository21406
40Node: Starting A New Project28934
41Node: Checking Out A Working Copy34241
42Node: Version Versus Revision39057
43Node: Making A Change40275
44Node: Finding Out What You (And Others) Did -- update And diff41363
45Node: CVS And Implied Arguments51244
46Node: Committing56332
47Node: Revision Numbers58158
48Node: Detecting And Resolving Conflicts66307
49Node: Finding Out Who Did What (Browsing Log Messages)70080
50Node: Examining And Reverting Changes75517
51Node: The Slow Method Of Reverting78520
52Node: The Fast Method Of Reverting82620
53Node: Other Useful CVS Commands85070
54Node: Adding Files85696
55Node: Adding Directories86370
56Node: CVS And Binary Files87123
57Node: Removing Files90057
58Node: Removing Directories91059
59Node: Renaming Files And Directories92704
60Node: Avoiding Option Fatigue94891
61Node: Getting Snapshots (Dates And Tagging)95858
62Node: Acceptable Date Formats104191
63Node: Marking A Moment In Time (Tags)105567
64Node: Branches119336
65Node: Branching Basics120274
66Node: Merging Changes From Branch To Trunk136729
67Node: Multiple Merges140645
68Node: Creating A Tag Or Branch Without A Working Copy146143
69Node: Repository Administration148497
70Node: Getting And Installing CVS150534
71Node: Getting And Building CVS Under Unix151792
72Node: Getting And Installing CVS Under Windows157737
73Node: Getting And Installing CVS On A Macintosh160572
74Node: Limitations Of The Windows And Macintosh Versions161612
75Node: Anatomy Of A CVS Distribution162406
76Node: Informational Files163153
77Node: Subdirectories167009
78Node: The Cederqvist Manual169659
79Node: Other Sources Of Information173583
80Node: Starting A Repository176062
81Node: The Password-Authenticating Server180534
82Node: Anonymous Access188865
83Node: Repository Structure192346
84Node: RCS Format194300
85Node: What Happens When You Remove A File206122
86Node: The CVSROOT/ Administrative Directory209324
87Node: The config File211284
88Node: The modules File213966
89Node: The commitinfo And loginfo And rcsinfo Files217471
90Node: The verifymsg And rcsinfo Files223465
91Node: The taginfo File226266
92Node: The cvswrappers File227383
93Node: The editinfo File228530
94Node: The notify File228802
95Node: The checkoutlist File229282
96Node: Commit Emails233085
97Node: Finding Out More234914
98Node: Advanced CVS236474
99Node: Watches (CVS As Telephone)237811
100Node: How Watches Work238723
101Node: Enabling Watches In The Repository241533
102Node: Using Watches In Development247850
103Node: Ending An Editing Session252517
104Node: Controlling What Actions Are Watched253792
105Node: Finding Out Who Is Watching What256516
106Node: Reminding People To Use Watches261696
107Node: What Watches Look Like In The Repository267730
108Node: Log Messages And Commit Emails271491
109Node: Changing A Log Message After Commit275246
110Node: Getting Rid Of A Working Copy278199
111Node: History -- A Summary Of Repository Activity280434
112Node: Annotations -- A Detailed View Of Project Activity287311
113Node: Annotations And Branches294663
114Node: Using Keyword Expansion299129
115Node: Going Out On A Limb (How To Work With Branches And Survive)303307
116Node: Some Principles For Working With Branches304275
117Node: Merging Repeatedly Into The Trunk306702
118Node: The Dovetail Approach -- Merging In And Out Of The Trunk320779
119Node: The Flying Fish Approach -- A Simpler Way To Do It323815
120Node: Branches And Keyword Expansion -- Natural Enemies327389
121Node: Tracking Third-Party Sources (Vendor Branches)329478
122Node: Exporting For Public Distribution337147
123Node: The Humble Guru340241
124Node: Tips And Troubleshooting341440
125Node: The Usual Suspects343582
126Node: The Working Copy Administrative Area344207
127Node: Repository Permissions350298
128Node: General Troubleshooting Tips353261
129Node: Some Real Life Problems (With Solutions)355869
130Node: CVS says it is waiting for a lock; what does that mean?358033
131Node: CVS claims a file is failing Up-To-Date check; what do I do?359592
132Node: The pserver access method is not working360427
133Node: The pserver access method is STILL not working361770
134Node: My commits seem to happen in pieces instead of atomically363051
135Node: CVS keeps changing file permissions; why does it do that?366251
136Node: CVS on Windows complains it cannot find my .cvspass file; why?368892
137Node: My working copy is on several different branches; help?369871
138Node: When I do export -d I sometimes miss recent commits371082
139Node: I get an error about val-tags; what should I do?371772
140Node: I am having problems with sticky tags; how do I get rid of them?372973
141Node: Checkouts/updates exit with error saying cannot expand modules374158
142Node: I cannot seem to turn off watches375428
143Node: My binary files are messed up376062
144Node: CVS is not doing line-end conversion correctly376715
145Node: I need to remove a subdirectory in my project; how do I do it?377951
146Node: Can I copy .cvspass files or portions of them?378612
147Node: I just committed some files with the wrong log message379435
148Node: I need to move files around without losing revision history380113
149Node: How can I get a list of all tags in a project?381095
150Node: How can I get a list of all projects in a repository?382449
151Node: Some commands fail remotely but not locally; how should I debug?383359
152Node: I do not see my problem covered in this chapter386426
153Node: I think I have discovered a bug in CVS; what do I do?387135
154Node: I have implemented a new feature for CVS; to whom do I send it?388292
155Node: How can I keep up with changes to CVS?388789
156Node: CVS Reference390325
157Node: Commands And Options391196
158Node: Organization And Conventions393687
159Node: General Patterns In CVS Commands395628
160Node: Date Formats396510
161Node: Global Options397412
162Node: add408194
163Node: admin409439
164Node: annotate420030
165Node: checkout421844
166Node: commit425385
167Node: diff427279
168Node: edit431969
169Node: editors432964
170Node: export433597
171Node: gserver435198
172Node: history435938
173Node: import442636
174Node: init447027
175Node: kserver447821
176Node: log448521
177Node: login454157
178Node: logout455210
179Node: pserver455528
180Node: rdiff456226
181Node: release458950
182Node: remove460459
183Node: rtag461916
184Node: server463708
185Node: status464006
186Node: tag464525
187Node: unedit465859
188Node: update466499
189Node: watch471872
190Node: watchers473242
191Node: Keyword Substitution (RCS Keywords)473598
192Node: Controlling Keyword Expansion474397
193Node: List Of Keywords477061
194Node: Repository Administrative Files479259
195Node: Storage And Editing480915
196Node: Shared Syntax481797
197Node: Shared Variables482830
198Node: User Variables483589
199Node: checkoutlist483955
200Node: commitinfo484720
201Node: config485551
202Node: cvsignore487470
203Node: cvswrappers488622
204Node: editinfo490094
205Node: history file490262
206Node: loginfo490794
207Node: modules492310
208Node: notify495027
209Node: passwd495862
210Node: rcsinfo496184
211Node: taginfo496769
212Node: users497570
213Node: val-tags498209
214Node: verifymsg498546
215Node: Run Control Files499021
216Node: Working Copy Files501471
217Node: Environment Variables505711
218Node: $COMSPEC506270
219Node: $CVS_CLIENT_LOG506485
220Node: $CVS_CLIENT_PORT506864
221Node: $CVSEDITOR507071
222Node: $CVSIGNORE507312
224Node: $CVS_PASSFILE508225
225Node: $CVS_RCMD_PORT508537
226Node: $CVSREAD508812
227Node: $CVSROOT509088
228Node: $CVS_RSH509652
229Node: $CVS_SERVER509934
230Node: $CVS_SERVER_SLEEP510150
231Node: $CVSUMASK510458
232Node: $CVSWRAPPERS510734
233Node: $EDITOR511087
235Node: $PATH511793
236Node: $TEMP $TMP $TMPDIR511945
237Node: $VISUAL512423
238Node: Third-Party Tools512560
239Node: pcl-cvs -- An Emacs Interface To CVS513741
240Node: Installing pcl-cvs516406
241Node: Using pcl-cvs520692
242Node: Error Handling In pcl-cvs523505
243Node: The Future Of pcl-cvs524761
244Node: cvsutils -- General Utilities For Use With CVS526628
245Node: cvsu528171
246Node: cvsdo529225
247Node: cvschroot529850
248Node: cvsrmadm530646
249Node: cvspurge531122
250Node: cvsdiscard531461
251Node: cvsco531922
252Node: cvsdate532266
253Node: cvs2cl -- Generate GNU-Style ChangeLogs532497
254Node: cvsq -- Queue CVS Commands For Later Connection536435
255Node: cvslock -- Lock Repositories For Atomicity537928
256Node: Other Packages542772
257Node: Writing Your Own Tools545144
258Node: Index546707
259Node: GNU General Public License547162
260Node: GNU Free Documentation License566757
262End Tag Table